HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1904-3-10, Page 5THE
x.-et.etA nae.
published every TiluMclay Morning at the Offlt
112 &1N -STREET, "-. Bimini.
One Dollar per annum if parol In advance, $1,50
if not so paid,
aaereetinsinsa nEleets nee nava:410ns
No paper discontinued until all arroaragosare paid.
:Advertisements without speciified directions will be
published until forbid and charged accordingly,
Liberal discount made for transcient advertisements
inserted for long periods. EAery description of JOB
PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at
Cheques, orders,Sm, for
moderate rates, hit money y J ,
^ advertising, aubseriptious,, eto., to be made payable
Sanders it Creech.,
Professional Cards.
DR. A. R, KINS1dAN, L. D S., D. p. S„
Honor graduate of Toronto UniveristV.
Teeth extraoted without any pain, or, any bad effects
Office in Faneon's Block, west side Main street,
lienor and
raduate of Toronto University
College o Dental Surgeons of, Ontario. Also Post
Graduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistery
(with honorable mention.)
Alhnninnm, Gold and Vulcanite Plates made in filo
neatest manner possible. A perfectly harmless an
aesthetic used for painless extraction of teeth.
Office one door south of Carling Bros. store, Exeter.
IL, College of Physicians 'and Surgeons Ontario.
d, `Physician Surgeon and A000ncheur. • Office, Dash-
w o
r, John D. Wilson, Office . and Residence, 2011
Queens Ave., London Ont. Special attention
paid'to diseases of wonteu. Office hems, 13.30 to 4
9,aga1, _
Tc' ,,I 'TEifiSOLIC1•
ICli50\ & C.�itL1I\ .,, I3?.ItP 5 ,
tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Coulmisaioners.
Solicitors for ltolsons Bank, etc. Money to loan at
owes) rates of interest. Offices, Main stiott, Exeter
I, It. C.tAuso, B.A., ' L 11. Dlcrsos
fil BR')WN, wiuc,telsea. .Lreened Auctioneer
A s for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex.
'also tor the township of ITaborne, Sales promptly
attended to and terms reasonable. Sales arranged
at Post Office Winchelsea,
e o ons Bank
(Chartered by Parliament, 1255.)
Head Office, Montreal.
Capital Authorized,— .......$5,000,000
Paid up Capital $2,856,420
Reserve Fund. • 2,720,778
n e ral Mana •
SAS. ELLIOTT, General Manager.
Office hours: -10 a;ur. to 3 p.m; Saturdays 10 a.m
to 1 p.m.
A. general banking, business transacted
Money advanced to good. Farmers at lowest rates.
Savings Bank Deposits from $1 and upwards receiv-
alloed at hl ,hest current rates,
ed. Interest
Diossos .te QART,1Ntt, w; N. D. Uuanos,
Solicitors. Manager.
we are still in the Bicycle trade
and this year show some fine sped=
mens. The CUSHION FRAME is
the ideal wheel to ride. Prices mod-
Several New Pianos just put in
stock ; newest styles and the best
makes. It will pay you to see there.
You will -he surprised at the LOW
PRICES at which we sell them.
Organs of . the Latest
makes always iii stock
Sewing Machines 8cc.
We areleaders in Sewing Ma-
chines—the best machines that the
trade produces are on our floor for
your inspectiou ; also repairs Need-
les, etc., for all kinds of sewing ma-
chines, always on hand.
Call and see us if in need` of
any of the above.
Whew you insist on having
v:Br r
H�� � os.Flou
0111' STAN, FLOUR is made from
the ,choicest Ontario and Manitoba
The quantity of our W:REATLET
has been improved by sterilizing it.
10 lbs. for 25e. Give it a trial.
It is " A FOOD" not A "FAD.',
Olar facilities for the handling of
t11e chopping trade are unsurpassed.
The new Vessot grinder is giving great
boughs, Colds, hoarseness, and other throat
siimeofs are Cluikkly relieved by Va;tro•Creso•
tone tablets. tea cents per box. All clruaifiste.
One dose of Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral at bedtime prevents
night coughs of children.
No croup. No bronchitis. A
doctor's medicine for all
affections of the throat, bron-
chial tubes, and lungs. Sold
for over 60 years.
r have used A,yer's Cherry Pectoral in my
family for eight years, Therese nothing equal
to it for coughs and colds, especially for chit.
dren..—Mas. W. FT, BAY3NEa, Shelby, Alt.
25c., Goa, $1:00. 3, a. Aran co„
All dreggiets. Lowell, Mass.
Night C
1 JAPS SIT( Siial UN
• flllssli's North Port, VladivoStock,
Still a Naval Target,
I:uesir,'e bloc) Not inthena rber--nsttie-
ahips at talo Death of the `tunica River
coveting Movements of 'i'roops-13ns-
sinus fie Occupy and 1roz'P1fy Some
Strong Positrons Thorn—fnereasliry'
Eo'ee North of the Yalu--rklexielb Xte-
Poets No )atuage—Jap cruisers,'Z>
ported Sunk.
Yinkow, 'Mar'ch. 8. -An official de-
slfatch received here Says the Japan-
t, ase are again bouibardithg Vladivo-
jt stock, This news lacks confirmation
from other sotir ccs,
1 Jtt>n auvt•r,ur shout-
{ London, March 8.—A despatch t
The Central News from St, Peters-
burg says telegrams received from
Vledi,vcistock say that seven Japruh-
0So ships ,
a11p1•oarvh.t.il that port at
10 o'clock yesterday morning, enter-
ed. Ussuri Day at about noon and
after some manoeuvring steiemccl out
Keep hett
bowels open with ono of,
Ayer's Pillsat bedtime, ➢lost one.'.
itilz'$. Lnoy AnnEdwards, a. :resident
London- for ilin past six month:,
took a dose.of pniSOO on Wednesday
morning of last week in twistidte for
salts, When her mistake was discov-
ered n doctor was .ts lnita'iecliaately called,
but before be reached the house house
she expired. 'Mrs. Edwards lived only
five urinates from the time she too]:
the fatal dose. She had not been feel-'
ing well for a short time it appears;
and she intended L eking at quantity di'
salts.. She misi:onk the bottle, holy-.
ever,' and instei£a .of salts drank a
quantity of ,lCtt The e l1nTt tL '
woman was 50 years' of age, and came
fr'oin LuC:an six mouths ago in order
that lief' I1•-year-o1d son could take a
course at a business college. -
W. C..1T. U, Not „-
A mass meeting Of all theSuntla'-
schohls will be held in the Maio Street
church on Sunday next uontilencifg
at 3 o'clock, An interesting temper-
ance programurflis beilig prepared in
which many of tl>, young people of
char town .•re taking pail. Everybody
will be welcome'.
:The next regular meeting of the W.
C. T. L%, will be held. 10 the 111:lin sirye*.
pa.rsou011 \STednoula;:, that hath.
The Rev. T. 1'ge1'toIr Shure in curl
, mention on the Toronto Junction vie:
tory foe local option remarks: ks: "The
nlaln secret of our sti e ngtl:l and stic-
cess here was the,llnity of the churches.
That is the great lesson of our co in-
paign and I ant Dersnctded that the
churches of this land, or of any (10)0
gnu 11ty, can accomplish anything in
moral or social reform if they but set
themselves to the task as one man.
In our town of 8,000 people we have
seven Protestant, churches and one
110 man Catholic. The Protestant
Ministers all meettogether es,a 11110111-
terial association, once a month, to
discuss matters relating' to the spiritu-
al and moral welfare of;onr town. It
was in this .association that the Local
Option idea had its birth about a year
ager. -Soon a movement was started
which resulted in the organization of
the Citizens' League, the actnal mem-
bership of which has been shall in
Hurn chs,, but large in iwflnence,.
composed of a number of the strongest
and most professional and business
men of the town and the ministers of
of the churches." ,
Besides Toronto Junction, local op-
tion carried in the townships of Niag-
ara, Cartwright, Raleigh, Llulclsdownr',
Euphr•asia. McLean, Ridout and others.
lois of RsJ
When you can't eat break.
fast, take Scott's Emulsion.
When you can't eat bread
and butter, take Scott's
Emulsion. When you have
been living on a milk diet and
want something a little more
nourishing, take Scott's
To get fat you must eat
fat. Scott's Emulsion is a
great fattener, a great
strength giver.
Those who have lost flesh
want to increase all body
tissues, not, only fat. Scott's
Emulsion increases them all,
bone, • flesh, blood and
For invalids, for con.
valescents, for consumptives,
for weak children, for all
need flesh,. Scott's
o i A
Esion is a rich and com.
fortable food,, ani a natural
Scott's Emulsion for bone,
flesh, blood and nerve.
We will send you
a free sample.
Be sure that this picture
in the form of a Zabel is on
the wrapper of every bottle
of Emulsion you buy.
Tordnto, Ontario.
50c. And $1; all druggists,
1'100. io i'•:e '1'nruen. ;,
Tokio, March S.—It is believed
that the Vladivostock . squadron is
now in the vicinity of the. mouth" of
the 'Emma River, engaged iii cover-
ing the, movci)Ients of .Russian troops
from Possiot Bay to the Valley of
the 'I ulnen.
Russian scouts are reliably report-
ed to have penetrated south as far
as ICiungsung. The earlier Russian
movement into Northeastern Corea
was regarded as a diversion, but it
now appears that a considerable
forcer llarticipatedAthere.
It is thoughtug
that the Russians.
mayoccupy o 4 3 and fortify some strong
position on the Tamen hisser. Re-
ports reearding Russ tan movements
in Northwestern Corea are meagre
.and unreliable.
The force north of the Yalu is be-
ing increased, but it is doubted i
any conslde'ralfle n11011)er of Russians
have crossed the river.
.1 exte..' tt l'a„trr,
St. Petersburg, tmc:h 8. -Vi iron.
Aiexic':i• ha:, tai g.upliecl t1n' tzar
I't'oiu ;lukt]e11, udder yesterday's
date, as follows:
Supplementary to my telegram
o1 March 0, 1 most humbly report
that at 1.35 p.w. live on1: of seven
of the enemy's ships opened fire ori
Ports Suvaroff and Linevitch, on
the town, on the roadstead and
along the valley of the River Obyas-
"The firing lasted until 2.15 pan.,
at which flour the Japanese squad-
ron•began to steam to the south-
ward, disappearing out of sight at
5.30 p.m. There were no losses on
the batteries or . the fortifications.
In the town one seaman was Wound-
ed and one- woman was killed. Ac-
cording to information just received
the enemy's squadron again appear-
ed in sight of the fortress at • 8
o'clock this morning.'.'
A later message from the Viceroy
"The commandant at Vladivostock
reports that yesterday's bombard-
ment resulted in no serious damage
to the port. .,The 'fortress did not
return theenemy's fir•
c y e. .
"To -day at midday the enemy
again entered Tissltri Bay and ap-
proached to point, from which they
bombarded the harbor on March 5.
They left again, making for the open
Jap Cruisers Reported Sunlr.
London, lblarch 8.—A St. Peters-
burg correspondent of The Standard
gives a rumor that ,the Czar has re-
ceived a telegram to the effect that
the Japanese :fleet, bombarded Vladi-
vostock all day Monday. Only trifl-
ing damage was inflicted, according
to this rumor, but one or two Jap-
anese cruisers were sunk. Although
there is nothing to show that there
was not another bombardment . of.
Vladtvostock on Monday, this report
is most likely an exaggerated ver-
sion of Sunday's bombardment.
On the. Banks ..f the Yalu.
ed indirectly by eel can ehippi,nt;
ninon desiring atethoi'ity to fit Out.
priVatehria to prey on, ,Jalitalt se com-
merce, but that they -nein, with 111)
iiel.our Asia; nor t.i;;::t
Lencion,, Marcell $.—Answering a.
questien rn the 110L15e 00 Couuuons
yesterday aftereoen, Premier Bal-
four said the Govornrnoat; considered`
that Russia's declar ttipn that' she
proposed to treat' coat as contra-
band of wtu' was of the l roatc•st 1311-
portance, Mr, Balfour said . the
British Government Was tali:ing
stens to obtain snore precise infor-
mation in regard to 1,he interpreta-
tier) of the 1.•tussian declaration re-
specting contraband of war.
i%r. --
art Says S),uro License
Fluidal$ X10
Not comply With Stntutgs.
Toronto, March S.—Yesterday waif
an off clay in the Legislature. The
House sat for uhie minutes and only
one iters) 0n the bill of fare was tak-
en up. '.Chore were just thirteen Lib-
erals on hand on the opening, and
seven C:olls art t L
c a tt c•s, but four or fire
zn4illbers dropped it 1 •
pp d i just
at tticijour'uinetlt,
The only item o7; business transact-
ed was .1)r. Banes motion for a. re -
tuna of the member of saloon licenses
in the cities and towns of the pro-
vince daring t1e s• care 1900 and
19Q3, also the number of wholesale
licenses i2) rural municipalities,
Dr. Barr said in many parts of
the province there was a feeling that
in our cities there' wore a large 11001-
ber, of hotel licenses granted that
were really nothing more 3111111 sa-
loons. Some of them put in the beds
required, but the public could not
get the accoulrilodatioz'i.
Hon. Mr. 'Stratton, in agreeing to
the motion, said no saloon license's
• e
from 1
ozn 19 , i 1
0 1.
to as
but when the act of 1899 was pass-
ed there was a provision allowing
three saloon licenses in the Toronto,
Ilainilton and London stations , to
exist. If Dr. Barr was aware of any
hotels that diel not comply with, the
{• law and )would inform the depart-
ment the Minister would.see to it
that an in\ O stiti;ation would be
made. The number of • wholesale li-
censes in 1901. was six, in 1.102 five
and in 1002 Fix.
The ortle.r was: ggranted,_
Iron. dr. Stratton brought clown
a return. at the rO iirzrst of Mr. Ei1-
leer of the correspondence in reference
to the appointment of Tt illiam
Corps ns registrar of Heron.
The ei:rlitli annual report of A. W.
Campbell, Commissioner of High-
ways, may laid on the table by the
Provincial Secretary.
London, March 8,—According to
the Cho Foo correspondent of The
Morning Post, it is expected that
the Japanese will reach the left bank
of the .lower Yalu. about March 10.
A. large force of Russians is strongly
entrenched on the hills in the An.-
tung district, adjacent and, parallel
to the river. Their position is Simi:
lar to that which the Boers held on
the Tugela River.
Jap,, Cut 7n.
London, March 8. -It is believed
at the. Japanese Legation' that the
Japanese are now between the Rus-
sian cruiser squadron and Vladi-
vostock, andthere is reason to be-
lieve that the Russian squadron is in.
the vicinity of Possiet Bay. Rus-
sian official despatches do not men-
tion this squadron, and this fact
lends color to the belief that the
Japanese warships have shut it out.
of 'Vladivostok<. It is pointed out.
at the Legation that if thisbe true,
the Russian vessels, are in a critical
Lrrrnting For Japanese.
Vladivostoek, March 8.—The Rossi-
ane are hunting for Japanese in the
town, Any person concealing therm
will he court-martialled.
1tns,$ita, .1111)1lary %'rate,,.
Scowl, March 8. -The Russian. Sol-
diers operating in the vicinity of
Anju are committing all 1115111101, of
excesses, maltreating the native
women and perpetrating robberies
upon every opportunity. Corean Sol-
diers attacked a body of the invad-
ers on Friday last, the d:th instant,
and succeeded in killing thirty of
Varian Trophies,
Tokio, March. 8.—A number of
trophies from the RussiOA cruiser
Verlag, including one gun, lha.ve
reached the Nave Department and
have been forrvar•ded . to. the Ja.pan-
eiie Imperial ootu't.
Itiv,keas F lr Pltatee.
St. Petersburg, .blanch ,,,8,—The As-
sociated Press learns that: the 1tus-
siaaz authorities haw been approach -
Fire at Vaudr'euil, Que., destroyed
three houses, loss of $4,000.
Brockville customs officers discov-
ered $1,006 in smuggled cloth hid-
den in a boathouse.
Edward Slaughter; brought back
to Windsor, admits killing Itisdden,
but says it was ie..a fight.
Capt., the Hon. Reginald Ward,
brother of the Earl of Dudley, is
dead at London . from appendicitis.
Several municipalities in Essex
Coun�Ly have overstepped their bor-
rowing powers and been warned . by
the banks.
It is said that the French, owners
of the Panama Canal Company may
be unable to furnish a clear title for
sale to thea United States. •
Fire which began in the Elmira,
N. Y., Theatre, destroyed that place,
the Auditorium Theatre and several
business places. Loss, $200,000.
Bible Society's' Centenary.
Toronto, March 8.—About 3,000
children assembled at the afternoon
meetilrg' of the centenary of theBri-
tisho Y
anc`1'.,Foreign Bible Society yes-
terday afternoon in Massey Hall.
The principal speakers were Rev.
T. B. Hyde and Mr. J. L. Hughes.
At the evening meeting. His Honor
the Lieut. -Governor, Bishop Sweat-
t -nen and Rev. Robert Johnson, D.
D., of Montreal, gave the addresses,
Bishop Dunoulin of Hamilton, ad-
dressed the meeting on the funds-
mental principle of the society, and
Rev. Dr. Carman delivered an ad-
dress on "The Outlook.
Hustled to 1;ael.ulrnalr.
Victori;t, B. C., 'march 8.—Cipher
despatches by' the naval authorities
at Esquimalt yesterday from the
British Admiralty, order the cruisers
Grafton (flagship) and Bonaventure,
now in Central or South American
waters, to get to Esquimalt with
all speed. The Bonaventure is coming
out from England to . succeed the
Grafton as flagship on this station,
The order is regarded here as omin-
ously significant.
Second. to Britain.. Washington, March 8.—Tie United
States Senate yesterday passed the
Naval. Appropriation Bill. In speak-
ing of the continued growth of the
navy, Mr. Patterson, who presented
several amendments, said the colas
pletion of the naval program would
place the United States ahead of
Germany and Russia in actual ton-
nage and ahead of France and next
to Great Britain in effective fighting
Arrested For I3taanrp.
Woodstock, March 8.—George A.
Thornton of Ingersoll, is under ar-
rest charged with bigamy, to which
he pleaded not •gttilty yestorday
morning and was remanded till Sat-
urday.. It is .claimed he was weal --
sled to Hattie ;Knapp at Ingersoll ori:
Peb. 271, He denies having been
previously married to a Miss Reeves
of tlro'odstock, in 1900.
Harry Si„sonN' i1e gletrr. .
Port Frances, March 8. --Harry
Sissons, barrister, has been appoint-
ed registrar of Rainy River. He is
on his way to Toronto to get his
instruotion,S. Tie 18 a graduate of
Toronto University.
13 MKurderer'ii in Sind Sing.
Ossining, N.Y., March 8, --'T'her'e
are now 1.3 convicted murderer's in
the death Clouse in Sing Sing Prison.,
Mrs. Elizabeth N. Thompso.i,
of Lillydale, IV.Y.,. Grand Worthy
Wise Templar, and Member of
W.C.T.U., tells how she reeov.
ered by the use of Lydia E.
I'ink ha
tos Vegetable le-ta.bl
e Compound.
Mas. � P� I{IIAI : —
1N Z I am one
of the many of your grateful fr'iencls
who have been cured through the 1100
of Lydia E. Finli:ha2n'sVegetable
Compound, and who can to -day
thank you for the fine health I enjoy,
When I was thirty-five years old, I
suffered severe backache and frequent
bearing -down pains ; in Sart, I had
womb trouble. I was very anxious to
get well, and reading of the cures your
Compound had made, E decided to try
it,. I took only six bottles,butit built me
up endeared me entirely of my troubles.
` My - family and relatives were
naturally as gratified as I was, My
niece had heart trouble and nervous
prostration, and was considered incur-
able. She tools your Vegetable Com-
pound and it cured her in a short time
and she
became strong. well and d s r n
n to .a l
lien home to her great joy and her hune-
baud's delight was blessed with a babe.
0. know ofa number of others vrho
have been cured of different kinds of
female trouble. and am satisfied that
your Compound is the best enedicine
for sick wometl."--Mitts. Eansa;lp;'rrl 11.
1'irosersON Box 105, Lillydale, 1C,I',—
JQQ forfeit if original of above fetfcr p coin)
G ,;:uManesa cannot be produced.
Stephens. School Report.
The fulloteing is the reptant fur Feb-
ruary 1t r8. S. No. 2, Stephen. Those
nlari:131 wili1 an esterisic Si:1'.' not
present foe. all exn111111atiune : --- V.,.
Marl. 3b'(1.—Gleetis 11111, 208 Sr. IV.
;\1arks 1310'--R4y dill b/1 "Eva dirtier:
142, 'Laura. Sims 180. Ji'. IV., 'Marks
840. -Stewart 102. Sr. 111.,.
-Marks 830..-Eoy. Sims '250, Herbert
4litchell 248, Clayton 228,. *Everett
Sims 220. Jr: Ill„ Marks 330.—Beryl
Hill 225, *Mary Cbatnbers180, *Wilfred
Hodgins'130. Jr. IT., Marks 315. -Lir
lien Sta.hls 249, "Eli Sims 207, "Jaynes
Oa rroll120.
ill. BoaLRTsos, Teacher.
The Life Guards are two renirnents
of caval try forming part of the British
household troops. They are gallant
soldiers. and every loyal British heart
is proud of there. Not only the king's
household, hot 'yours, ours, every-
body's should have its life guards.
The need of then is especially great
when the greatest foes of life, diseases,
find allies inthevery elements as colds,
influenza, catal't'h, the grip and pneu-
monia clo in the stormy month of
March. The best way we know of to
guard against these diseases is to
strengthen the system with Hood's
Sarsaparilla —the greatest of all life
guards. It removes the conditions in
which these diseases make theirmost
successful attack, gives vigor and tone
to all the vital organs and functions,
and imparts a genial warmth to the
blood. he Remember � t weaker •
ciea e1 the
systern the greater the exposure to
disease. Hood's Sarsaparilla makes
the system strong.
Ci{',I N(1 D I+)ACI.I WWli:I NT`I ;9� , L'
Zftrlreat, , , ..... 90 Iifa
B11r'1ey 40
Dots. , .
r. .., 00
a:Pea'oialioe5, per" bag 0-(-)
8 a
per ton .. 0
.Flour, per cwt.,, roller;..,
Eggs....... .
U1des, per 100 l�ks • 5 00
Live hops, per cwt
.Dressed Hogs .:. , a 7r
Shorts per, cwt.. . , 95
Bran .per cwt..,,,,..;.,, Si S,
OiCga4Cs Oiit( of CORtiO
Capital Paid Up
2,100, 00
A general Banking business transacted.
Interest t.e a4 most favorable o able ouiagnt rates allorvid rtvz
Savings Bank accounts and Deposit Receipts,
ConrmercialLetters of Credit issued, available in
China, Japan and other foreign countries,
Travelling Letter's at Credit issue -11d travellers' In
all parts of the world,
.F.HEI3DEN, Si1FT OF BRANCIi1:a 21 Chilli' 18511,esea
�iritt:q+>. .,, . N r1:• :. C .gn,,7v+..c :%i � - ::4,p • u.
M •�,'s-'u• i•,!':Gee�„vio,�s�su�'u, .��.��'c`rav�''u.,�"'r-te•�at
We are giving excellent
satisfaction since Re-
modelling r' mill,
14. ifiT. .E; R
' Cook's Cotton .Root Copo:
Ladies' Favorite,
- ' Is the only safe, reliabld
regulator on which 'wt mart
can depend "in the •amnia
and time of treed."
Prepared in two degrees.o'P
strength. No. 1 and No.
No. 1.—For ordinary oases
Is by far the 'best dollar
medicine known.
No. 2-b'or special cases -10 degrelle
stronger—three dollars per box.
Ladies—ask your druggist for C000f
Cotton Root Compound. Take no other
as all pills, 'mixtures and imitations .term
dangerous. No. 1 and No. 11 are sold ardt
recommended by an druggists in the 330 -
minion of Canada. Mailed to any a5clr55
on receipt onsprice and four 2 -cent postage
stampg., WLL.e (look eosin any,
'SB'im? sor, emu
No.1 and No, 2 are sold in Pieter bi• Drs. Lutz acid
Browning, Druggists.
Ohopping and Rolling.
Giye 0S'a call when you want clop-
ping or rolling done.
Min at Electric Light Pian .
Snell &�1a ch or• .
I Offer to the Sick
DR. SLOCUM. Lung Specialist
To' Every Sufferer 'With Consumption, Catarrb
Bronchitis, La Grippe, Pulmonary
and Bronchial:, Troubles
If you have any of the following symptoms it means that the germs
of consumption are in your system. Accept Dr, Slocum's generous,offer'
Are your Maga weak?
Do you Cough?
Do you have pains in the chest?
Do you spit up phlegm?
Is your throat sore and inflamed?
Is your appetite bad?
Do you have night sweats?
Are you losing flesh?
Areoupale,thin and weak?
Do you have ringing in the ears?
Do you have hot flashes ?
is there dropping in the throat?
Is the nose dry and stuffy?
Have you a coated tongue?
Call your disease what you will, these symptoms indicate that you have -in
body'the seed; of the most dangerous of maladies. In order to let all people know.;
the marvellous power of his systern of treatment, Dr. Slocum has decided to gree
free to all sufferers as a test his free trial treatment.
Nothing could be more reasonable, more generous than Dr. Slocuni's;offer.
The Slocum System of Treatment has cured thousands and tens of thousands of
cases of consumption in all stages of the disease. A system of treatment that
accomplishes more than any one remedy can ever accomplish, A system of
complete rlledicinaland tonic food treatment that destroys and eliminates all tuber-
culosis germs and poison'from'thc'system and assists nature in buildingup healthy
lung and body tissue, two essential funotions for a permanent cure.
Aceept Dr, Slncuun's offer today and be cured at home among friends and loved
ones. Simply write to Dr, T. A, Slocum, Limited,, 17th ling Street West, 'Toronto,
Canada, mention your druggist's name, and state your post and express offices, and
you will receive the treatment promptly by express. Mention this paper.