HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1904-3-10, Page 1tr EIC"I-ITEENTII YEAR. genragoessomimsmovigeowws,,wamama, (New Reading Matter appears in thin space each week.) EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1904. "'IKY WEARS AWAY EOPLE sometimes dread to enter tl Battle; this is simply beca,u'.e they lure not fl nutlet ‘vitb ctistouisof business. But this feeling of ernbarrassnleul: quickly wears away with those who cleal at this .Bank; at least we try to have it so; we wviint every customer to feel at home. . Branches in Huron County:.-- E1Eri'lalt„ O13EDITON, DASHW OOD, HENSALL, ZURICH °LINPcr THE SOVEREIGN DANK OF CANADA. Gls.ciniriwt . Staltburl', i , E. gar i, Solicitors .Manager, Exeter.. ratr reWi: 1.11111 Free Gifts in Silver- Ware THIS SPECIALLY INTERESTS YOU Given Away to our Customer Gratis BECAUSE WE WILL Present you with ELEGANT and COSTLY SILVER WARE, absolutely GRATIS, and without a cent of expense to you,. if you purchase your:goods forcasb from us. By special and exclusive arrangement with The Crown, Silver Plate Co. of Toronto, who have agreed to furnish us with an extensive variety of their Extra Triple Plated STs" verware, we are en- abled to present these beautiful goods to our patrons FREE of CHARGs o E lately The reliable quality of the goods of The Crown Silver Plate Co is well and favor- ably known from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and as E e C 1i article bears theirstamp, their durability and excel- lence are amply guar- anteed. Our Offer to You. Read It ! Exery customer purchasing goods from us fox' cash will receive Silverware Coupons or Tickets to the value of ZEN PFR CENT. of the amount of each purchase, and. eve .pledge our business honor to quote our very lowest cash prices to all such customers. These Cou- pens or Tickets are redeemable at our store in any of The Crown ,silver. PIate fro' 's Silverware you may choose to select. Our object in offering these eleg- ant articles of Silver FREE is to serve as an inducement to our customers to concentrate all of their cash: purchases with us. Call itud inspect them. POPl ESTO'E r GTh bI$ER. re You IJ FOR AN oking IF S T ? IN THE Far Famed Souris liver Districi Then, You'll be a Winner. W. E. LAWTON, ALA DA, ASSA. Correspondence Solicited. Dr, Ovens, of london, SURGEON, DENTIST, SPECIALIST DISEASES. of EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT GLASSES PROPERLY PITIED. Visits EXETER MONTHLY Office:-Oominereial Hotel. Dates of Visits-_ Wednesdays, March 2, March 30, May 4, June 1, June 29, July 27, September 7, October 4, November 2, November 30. London Office: -225 Queens Ave. LLOYD P. JONES Organist and Choir Master of the Trivitt llremorial Church. Teacher -Piano, Organ, Voice, Harmony, Modern methods. Thoroughness, ONEY TO LOAN. Wa have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village properties at low rates of inter- est, • (MADMAN Ss STANBUILY, Barristers, Solicitors,Main st., Exeter Ont ERNEST ELLIOT, CONVEYANCER,' ETC LJ Private funds to loan on farm and village pro- perty at lowest rates of interest. Accoints colieoted, OFFICE --'-Mair Street, teeter. ON.EY TO LOAN, Wo have unilmited private tirade •for in- vestm exit Upon farm Or village property, at ',o" )t rater; o£ intermit. DICKSON & Waimea, Barristers, etc.,11'xeter. Slack Boar for Service. The undersigned has for Service on T.ot ls, Con. 2, Mephen, a thoroughbred .Black Berkshire Boar, for Service, Robb, Sanders, Take Notice. Notice is hereby given that 1 will not be responsible. for any debts contracted other than -by myself after this date. - SAMUEL BAsIgERvILLE. Exeter, March 7th, 1904. WANTED. -SEVERAL INDUSTRIOUS reaSONS in each state to travel for house established eleven years and with a large capital, to call upon merch- ants and agents for successful and profitable lino. Permanent engagement. Weekly cash salary of $24 and all traveling expenses and hotel bills advanced in cash each week. Experience' not essential, Men- tion reference and enclose self-addressed envelope. THE NATIONAL, 332 Dearborn St., Chicago. • FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned is offering for sale, that desirable farm in the Township of Hay, being Lot 0, North" Boundary, containing 100 acres. There is on the premises a good brick house, new, bank barn, and out- houses, geed yonnn orchard of apples and plums, drained and well fenced. This is a good farm and will be eeld reasonably. For particulars apply on the premises, or to Wm. Ching, Ilay P.O. • NOTICE. TO CREDITORS Of the estate of 'Margaret Gonrley, late of the Township of Perth, Widow, deceased, Pursuant to See. 38, Chapter 120, of the Revised Statutes of. Ontario 1807, notice is hereby that all creditors and others having claims agniriet the es- tate of Margaret Gourley, late of the Township of Ueborne, hi the County Perth, widow, who died on or about tai dth clay of February,A. D. 1004, are, on or before t1.t 18th day of March, A. D. 1004, to cella by post, prepaid,. to W. J. Gourley, girktott, Administr- tor of the estate of the said deceased, or to Messrs, Dickson .k Carling, his solicitors, their christian names and surnames, addreses and desoriptione,'the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts and the maitre of theseouritiee, if any, field by them and that after the last day aforesaid the said William John Gourley will prooeed to die - tribute the assets of the deoeased among the parties entitled thereto • laving regard only to the claim of which they eliall theft have notice and that the said weenie John Gourley will not boilable for the said assets, or anypart thereof, to tiny person' or portent* of whose eland notice shall not have been rteetvedby hint or his solicitors at Lire time of Stith distribution, Dlekson & Carling, eoliai ors for edieinlstrater• Exeter Dated et tatter this 2(3th day of February, j9o4, c s ROUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. The undersigned will odor for sale by public auc- tion, if nob previously sold, on Saturday, April 2nd, 1004, at 2 o'clock m.', the villege.properti' situated on bungee Street, Exeter, being lots 25, 06, 57. There Is on the premises a frame louse, frame stable, a number of fruit trees, good well of water and other conveniences. For particulars apply to Robt,Delve, Thames Road, or to II. Brown, Auctioneer, Exeter, PASTURE FOR SALE 411 TO RENT. Theundersigned has on. lot 20, concession 10, Stephen, 120 acres of pasture land, which lie will sell, or rent for the coining season. T. B. MARTIN, Exeter. i FARM TO' 10 0NT. 50 acres of good hind, being the SouthHIalf Lot 17,' Concession 4, Township of Stephen, and situate three miles from the Village of Exeter. Good frinne house and good bank barn on the premises, also and mrb- ard and geed supply of water. Get possession Mardi lst, Would rent for three year term, For further particulars apply. to Charles Box, Exeter P, 0• TyWANTED. --SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE 'in tiffs county and adjoining territories, to repre- sent and advertise an old established business house of solid financial standing, Salary 921 weekly, with expenses paid each Monday by check direct from headquarters, Expenses advanced ; .Position Parra - anent, We furnish eyerything Address TILL C0- LUMBIA, 830 ihlonon Bldg., Chicago, Ill. • Sate Resister. EWParties getting their sale bills printed at the Aovocxn e office will receive a FREE notloe. under this bending until date of sale. Thii'i'May, Mcli- 10. -Farm: Stock, Implement, etc,,, property of Geo O'Leary, Lot 5 Concession 11, Step. hen. Sale at 1 o'clock. II- Brown. Auct. Friday, March 11 -Farm Stook and Household Furniture, the property of John Willer, on Lot 11, Con. 5, Stephen. Sale, at 1 o'clock. R. Brown, anat. Wednesday, March 28. -Farm stook and imple- ments, ate., the property of James Clark, lot 0, con- cession'i, Stephen. Sale. at 1 o'clock. 13, Brown,. Saturday, March I2. -Farm, 13 colts, one to three years old; 2 mares .eligible for registration, 1 driv- ingmare four years old;1 grey gelding, four years. old; 4 cows hi calf'and 1 mule„ the property of. W. lt. Eeiott, of Stephen. Sale at Commercial Rouse, Exeter, at l o'clock. H. Brown, Auctioneer. Ailsa, Craig Mr. and Mrs. McEenzies of. Mani- toba, Mr. and Mrs. Clark and Mr. and Mrs, Hill of Crediton, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Clark last week. - Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Shipley left this week for the - west where they will spend the 'summer. They will visit around Denver, Salt Lake City and the North West Territories before re- turning." -The grist mill is not'rtin- ning owing to lack of fuel. The pro- prietors have been unable to secure either coal or wood, although they have had a ear of coal ordered for some weeks. Winchelsea, The following is the report of S. 5, No. G, Usbornefor the month ofFebru- ary. Names in order. of: merit: -Class V -May Jones, Maggie Coward, ` Ilii Delhridge. Sr.' IV. -Robert Coward, Olive Berrybill, Flossie Francis. Jr. IV. -Willie Elford, Almena Heywood, Vera Washburn. Sr. III. -La ura God - bolt, Jackson Woods, Nettie Campbell. Jr. III.-Virda Berryhill, Hattie Hun- ter, Alma' 'Johns: Junior Room, Jr. IL -Lila:' Heywood, Lula Goclbolt, Earl Johns. Sr; IL -Ella Washburn, Hulbert Jones,, Ray Fletcher. Jr. I.T. Alneeda 0oultice. A. BerryhilI, Arn- 'o1d Clark. Pb IL -Lillie Godbolt., �. D. MCDOUGALL leachers. ANNA E. MARTIN r Shar011. The 'following is a correct report of the standing of the pupils of S. S. No. 4, Stephen, for the month of February, Names are in order of merit. Class V. Freeman Morlock, Arthur Amy. Sr, IV. -Elgin Airy, Nora Brown, Willie Roesler, Herbert Morlock, Wil- bur Morlock, Della Kestle, Cora Clark, Mildred Eilber, 'Willie Smith. Jr. IV. -Idella Schwarz, Dora Dietrich, Lucil- le Schwarz, Willie Preszcator, Merner Either, Minnie Nestle, Wesley Wein, Jr. III. -Gladys .trestle, Nellie Amy, Sybella Morlock, Ethel Kestle, Alda Wein. Sr. IL -Hairy Scbwar�z,Lorne Morlock, Ilerbie Wein, Aaron Wein, Edwin Wein. Jr. I1, -Emerson' Sch- roeder, Clarence Eilber, Mervyn Brok- enshire. Sr. Pt IL -Beulah Smith, Mildred Slump;; Leonard Schroeder, Willie Schwarz, Herbie Kraft, Clinton Brown, Oscar Cor'nish, Clara, Wein, Elvin Cornish. Jr. Pt. II, -Mabel Ooxsworth, Lula Kestle. Number on roll, 46; average attendance 33. G. W. Lawson, Teacher. N illierray His. friends will be pleased to learn that John Torrance is improving slow- ly.-Wrn, Patterson, of West McGilli- vray, went to Chicago last week. -Jas. McCaffrey, the West McGillivray` ho- tel -keeper has been laid up with grip during the vast three weeks,• -The concert under the auspices of the Mac- cabees at the township hall on Friday night was a success. -Wm. Oooperand. wife, of St. Marys, have been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wickett.-, The McGillivray township council met the West Williams council at Park- hill recently and the suit for damages' instituted by Mrs. Cavanaugh, East Williams, for the death of her husband' was considered. As no statement of claim had been filed nothing was done at the rneeting.--The gang who were cutting wood on the property of Mrs. Mead, 7th concession of Mctxillivray, for II. Baird & Son, struck a couple of goodly sized elm trees. ' Out of one of them they cut nine cords of long wood and out of the other 5 cords of long' find 5 cords of short wood. One of these trees would keep' the average family warm for almost a year. (Intended. for last week) Numerous cases of grippe are report- ed in this vicinity. -Mr. Edward Hall, of the townline, lost a valuable steer lately, in the Mud creek. It Appears that it got under' the ice in drinking and before it could be rescued it was drowned. --Mr. Joseph Flynn, of Clan deboye, was taken seriously ill when visitinghis patients on the4tlr conces- sion. He is ander the doctor's care at present. --Mr. Philip Lane, of the 4th concession, Stephen, intends- going west in the spring. We wish hint sue- es, fasli<wood The fine Weather of the past few (la ys has been appreciated by all, - Messrs. K. Goetz and John Snell are this week attending the assizes at Go erich, the former being summoned the grand jury and the latter to " th petit jury. -Owing to their being. t trains on the L, H. &B last week Re S. it. Hnectel had to come and go b way of Pitrlehill.---;Vir, Will Wagiste of Gorr t, is visiting friends:near. Das wood this week. -;several of our town folk attended the sales et Mr. Sell logg's and twit•. l'eeth Brown's on Mo day, -Mr. Sol Miller of Brantford home fon a few days. (Ir,tendedfor last week) The marry friends of Mr. Geo. Mer. er, who had the misfortune' of havin one of his knee -caps broken a coup of months ago, are pleased to see hit out around agate and although he h the knee in: aplaster-paris cast and h to use crutches it is hoped that in d ticne he will get alright again. -Mr Tobias Guenther' is on the sick lis We hope for her speedy recovery. Misses, Minnie and Catherine Finkbei er are speeding a few days with friend in .Crediton. -Miss EmmaCallfas spent Sunday in Zurich, the guest of Mi Eilber.-Next Sunday Rev. S,R. Kne tel, Berlin, will administer. the Lord Supper to the members of the Eva galical church here. On Sato afternoon the members of the Quarte ly Board will convene to transact bu iness.-Mr. Milton Morlock leftFrida for: Guelph to spend a short time wit .friends`prior to leaving for the Wes On Thursday evening the young peo pie gave him a surprise by gatheri at the personage to spend a few hon in social chat and amusement. -Th Revival meetings being closed o Thursday night a few of the Mimic members gathered to elect a preside to fill the vacancy caused by the re moval from the village of Mr. Russe Bastard. The vote favored Miss Jan Hall, who declined to accept the re sponsibility. However the matter wa 'allowed to stand for i1, week in whic time Miss Hall will fully consider th matter and no doubt act accordingly It would be a source of much gratifi cation to all to see the alliance agai as it once was, in at bealthy, thrivin and prosperous:condition, but befog such can be the case some much need ed changes must take place. AN EXPLANATION. -Irl the last issu of the Advocate there appeared an ar title under the head of Dashwood i. connection with the report of the law suit which.we consider is not onl misleading but unfair and which w think shoe, be set right. In the firs place ive wish to place ourselves righ in the eyes of the public by statin that the regular correspondent is no authority fox• any of the items con tattled in last" week's issue. Regarding the case itself, the boy in question wa to receive a. whipping for talking afte the teacher had forbidden anyone t alk. The boy had merely asked a fel ow pupil how to multiply by one-third The strap had been taken to one of the ether rooms and the boy on being sent o get it gave the. teacher the "'slip' by leaving the school and going home. A note was sent to the teacher by the ether, asking that the boy be not punished, No attention was paid. The oy got his punishment and a good ound one at that, no doubt. As one of the witnesses,who had seen the lad's ands at noon, three hours after the hastisement, testified that the hand was swollen and discolored,and that in is opinion the punishment ,had been 0o severe. These are the plain uu- garnished facts of the case as . the evi- ence which is still in the hands of the agistrate will show. The writer last week states that the time taken by the P. to come to' a decision is criticised y many. 1t may be, but the officer s justified, nevertheless. As some le - al points; were not clear to his mind decided to cornrntlnicate with the rown Attorney, hence the. delay. He also states that the case was first dis- missed, but at the request of theplain- fe's lawyer he reconsidered his decis- on. The facts are that upon being sked to dismiss the case' the magis- rate replied. that, had he not seen the oy's hand a few hours after the pun- hwent and the:. strap with which he was punished he would dismiss the, ase, but under the circumstances ould reserve judgment. We must Iso confess that we have never seen or heard of the boasted petition and urely think it similar to Tommyy and he Crow, that the writer must have eon asleep and dreamed it. As to the magistrate being prejudiced and his ctions illegal, both counsels have stat - d that he acted fairly and honorably the'matter. We had intended not have nnentioned anything of the se but we feel that such misleading tatements should be corrected. (From Another Source) The Misses' M. C. Jennison and D.M. Larlworthy spent Saturday and Sun- day with Misses Jennison's parents at St. Joseph, --Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Seel! spent Sundtl.y in Crediton visiting Mrs. Chris. Beaver-Mr.J. E. Tom, Public School Inspector, visited our school on Friday. -William Geiger spent Satur- day and Sunday with his parents in Hensall.--Mr. E. P. Paulin and'wife drove to Exeter Sunday evening, and while there heard Dr. Medd of Hen - sail. -It is 'reported tbat Messrs. S. Ireland and R. Hamilton have pur chased the Hoffman Planing Mill and the mill Will soon be running again. If the report be correct we believe the mill to be in good hands and that the. work turned out will be satisfactory to all, -Miss Phoebe Rickbeel, of Zur- ich, was the guest of Miss Mabel Hardy over Sunday. --Miss Annie Hey of Slabtown, visited her sister, Mrs. P. Fossn,ld over Sunday. see - The The death took place at theAsylntn for the 'insane, London, on Thursday last, of Mr. Jasper C. Winter, aged 35 years. Decettsed relatives reside at Seaforth, and the remains Were takelt there for interment, to e 10 v, 1' y , e- 0- is I1 le Y1 as t5. IS' ne t. Finkbei 5 SS c- n - 1'y - s- y h t. ng r'S e n e nt 1 ye S h e n g e e n e t t s r 0 t 1 f b s c t d J b g 0 ti a t b is c w a n s t b a e in to Ca S SANDERS & CikEzlcz3 Prop's ,WATCHES 1111.( CIOCKS� :r$ee tea,-vWi...Rr .Pir,�5'-,.lt. .dbr z�4- wf+.�y1Rir.IFLr X01+-yj�, 41 If ou want a real good ime-Piece consult us. We will guarantee the t quality to be exactly we 'represent it to bea 1r 5,./n.,,g' r Srecialtzr. s.�TT, Graduate Optician Practical Jeweller 411.01•6161.1109 •16•112.1.1114. Mooresville Mr. John S. Atkinson . one of our most respected and enterprising farm= ers has sold his farm and intends to retire from farm life for the present. Mr. W. F. Abbott of Centralia was the purchaser•. -We are pleased . to hear that Mr. F. A. Dobbs who has lately been to Victoria hospital for treatment is mctch better. -Mr. John Mountain who has been under Dr. Orme'.s care is an the mend. -Many from this.neighborhood were interest- ed witnesses at the scene of the right- ing of the ditched engine and snow- plow near Centralia. -The present break in the cold weather is very wel- come. Lucan Mr. 0. Sheardown, of Centralia, has rented the blacksmith shop of Chas. Sprowl. Lucan, and has movedhere.-- During Monday night tbe smoke stack on Wray & Hawkshaw's mill toppled over and came down with a crash. However another had been ordered and was put up Wednesday and every- thing is in working order again. --john MoKinnon,of Lncan,who has been con- fined in London jail for drunkenness, was taken'to the Central.. Prison on Thursday, fox' three months by Bailiif English. aged 42, head cooper with the Lawn Milling Company, of this village, com- mitted suicide Friday afternoon at his home by taking a large dose of carbol- ic acid. That the act was contemplat- ed some days ago is assured from tbe fact of his having told a friend that he would be dead in less than six weeks. At the the time the act was commit- ted. the victim 'and another young man were preparing supper for themselves, 'Mrs. Hill being away from home. Domestic trouble is supposed to have been the cause. Eden Mr. John and Miss Etta Essery, Who have been away for a week visiting friends at Glencoe, have arrived home again. -Mr. Thompson, of Farquhar, bas moved in ta-his new don3ains here. He purchased Mr. Switzer's farm. The latter will remove to Alberta as soon as the railway can see itself clear. -No leagae last week cm account of weather. -Mr. J. Elgin Tool, inspector of public schools, gave our school a very pleasant and profitable visit last week. --Mr. Luxton who had an at- tack of la grippe Iasi week, we are glad to hear is convalescent. -Miss Bert Woods was visiting in this ueighbor- hood last week. ---alis 'Will Foster and Miss M. Hendford gave our school a pleasant call last Thursday. -The Eden crowd 'again were spending pleasant evenings. Two weeks ago they all took in a dancing party, part at Sauble line and the rest on the Front lioe, where all report. a good time, those going the Sauble line experienced some difficulties going and. coming. -Last week we all partook of a good thing at Mr. Nelson Baker's. Thenight was the finest of the yeer. The music svas supplied by Messrs. Duucart Neil and England. °tillers were of the best type. Three set tipped ia off till the last hour of the morning. The crowd was large, corning from Farquhar, vray, Centralia. Exeter and Eden. 'All enjoyed themselves. Greenway Intended for hist nieek. About, forty members of the Ep- worth Leagues of the Centenary, Grand Bend; Shipka and Salem churches paid a visit to the League of the Boston, Methodist church and spent a very pleasant time. The Rev. , Thiboudeau, the pastor of the. church extended a welcome' to the visitors and the many kind wor;ds were uttere ect and replied to by different members of the Leagues. Music, recitations and readings made up the program, after which refreshnieuts were served • and a. general social time was spent together. -Mr. W. 3. Baker sold a Val- uable colt for the handsome sum of No. 219, gave an oyster supper in their lodge room last Friday night. After supper Mr. R. Hutchinson,the master, called them to order tind gave a very interesting address and then called on each member for remarks. A. Mor- a number of others gave very interest- ing speeches, the oonnnittee who got up the supper coming in for a goodly lot of praise. -Your scribe visited Mr. C.H. Wilson last week and was shown throug,h his large new barn and stables by his foreman, Mr. R. J. Aitken. The stable is very complete and. Clem- fortable. Hellas abont sixty -head of cattle and horses and room for a few more. They are fattening a number of cattle, among which is an extra large cow, for which, needless to say he expects a fancy price. The stable is well arranged for feediug this large stock. Everything is inside -large ce- ment silo at east end and large, wide feeding alleys, dry- feed over -heed in barn and all can be fed without going out into, the cold; then to clean out the walks are wide enough to allosv a horse and sleigh to be used the whole length of the stable. When he gets the wat- er system placed in, which he intends to do next summer he will have one of the. most complete stables in the county. STRUCK BY LiensmemiG.-During the • seyere electrical and rain storm Satur- day night last the lightning. struck Mr. John Devine's house, shattering the plates and split the stove pipe. No serious harm was done other than to Mrs. Devine, who sustained such a shock to her system that she has since been under the doctor's care. - 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Flannigan, a Mextet-On Thursday, Feb. 25th, at Olaindeboyee to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Barnes, formerly of Exeter, a son. DEATHS March 3rd, Miss Martha Quigley, aged 16 years, '7 months and 3 days. BLOOMFIELD-1n Centralia, on March 1, John Bloon3field, aged 21 years. ALLENS -At Grand Bend, on 24, Ambrose Aliens, aged 50 years. Thomas Muir, of Detvoit, formerly of Hibbert tp., 71 years. 6"fir let-MarsiVir lirliFIVEVIAVAirr3Urnir -Nr"V"Iir- 'V' Ar-Nt The actual cost of' International Stock Food. A Large Shipment Just In 25c, and 60c, Packages, also Pails at $3.50 r HAPPY THilliii'‘LIANGES The lVlanufacturers of these Celebrated flanges have advised us that they can now fill all orders. Call and. Examine., thip Range. Heamait's Hardware,