HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1904-3-3, Page 7DISTRESS AFTER, EATIN.Q.,,
Qan Only Be Cured laY Removi• ng
the Cense Of the 'X'rube,
There is only one way to cure in-
digestion; the mediae() must act
Upon the digestive organs-aOt upon
their contente, Mettiane should not
do the stomach's werls, leut should
make the stomach do the work na-
ture intended it • should •do. Dr,
Williams Pink Pills do this as no
other Medicine can, They tone up
the stonmela restore the weakened
• digestive organs and promote nat-
ural digestion. There is no doubt
• about this -it has been proved in
thousands of cases that Dr. Virilliams
Pink Pills eure indigestion when all
other medicines fail, Mr. Elcear
Robidoux, St. Jeanne, Que., offers
•labs testimony to substantiate this,
He says ;-"lror some years I wes a
• great sufferer from indigestion. My,
appetite became irregular, and every-
thing I ate felt like a weight on my
stomach, suffered much from pains
in the stomach and was frequently
seized with dizziness and severe head-
aches. Nothing I tried did me a par-
ticle of good until 1 began the Use of
Dr. Williams Pink Pills, and those,
after taking Ulm for about two
months, completely cured nae. It is
neatly two years since I discontinu-
ed theuse of the pills, and I have
not since had the slightest return of
the trouble."
Dr. Williams •Pink Pills cure not
only indigestion, but every trouble
'clue to poor blood and shattered
nerves. They •will not fail if the
treatment is given a fair trial. Don't -
take any pink colored substitute -
don't. take anything but Dr. Wil-
liams Thin Pills for Pale People,
You will find the full name printed
on tho wrapper around every box.
Sold by all medicine dealers or sent
by mail al 50 cents a box or six
boxes for $2.50 by writing The Dr.
Williams Medicine Co., Brockville,
Extraordinary Revelations of the
Inner Life of the teernaan
The private lives of William II.
and his Consort, - and secret history
of the court of Berlin, from the pa-
pers and diaries extendine over a
period pf ten years by tit.: Countess
Von Eppinghoven, ladyein-waiting,
give an insight into life as it is in
the German palace.
. In these axuazing volumes, William
II. of Germany is presented to the
world as an epiletic degenerate, quail-
ing before the ghastly phantoms con-
jured up for him by his own horror
of hereditary disease. The Hohen-
zollern is no hero to this Boswell of
a countess. She was a lady of title
and position, it seems, who lost her
fortune, like a heroine in smile nov-
el. Of course, she had to live. So
she "accepting their Majestie's com-
mand to join the ranks of a retinue
already noted for high-sounding
tames" which means, we are vulgar
enough to presume, that she had a
"pull." William II. would never
have tolerated this countess at his
court, surely, had he known of her
passion for cortanitting Ins secrets to
her diary. She made notes of scraps
of conversation, of the tittle-tattle of
the back stairs, of the number of
hours the Emperor spends in bed. But
all this is prosaic foundation for a
superstructure of sensation. • It is
not surprising to be told that Willi-
• am II. tried to stiapress it all.
Who would .care to live in history
on the b,asis of a rdnning ear, a
withered arm, and a dread ofs going
The countess, in her introduction
nays her respects to truth. "There is
• something noble in publishing it,"
she believes. She has in mind, uatur-
ally, the violence done to lier own
feelings when forced to write: "Wil-
liam, you must know, is never quite
sure gf his legs, the left one, as stat-
ed, being liable to give way at any
time when his Majesty's mind is not
concentrated upon posing physically
as well as mentally."
Everything is pitched In this key.
The Emperor is heard referring to
the German people as "the damned
public." • Na servant ever receives a
kind word, a gracious /clot.' from him.
"Here, you!" prefaces his awful or-
der for a glass of beer. We listen to
the well-bred lies, we admire the un-
rufled composure of the Prussian un-
speakables in the conspiracy to hide
from the world the epileptic fits to
Which the "all highest" is subject.
The countees makes us literally
breathe, here, the feculence of an at-
mosphere Byzantine enough to trans-
form epilepsy" into an old habit
which his Majesty has of throwing
himself back in his chair.
William's relations with the Deity,
is expounded by the lady -in -writing,
are , exceptional in spiritual exper-
ience. The attributes of the King of
Heaven, lie conceives, attach them -
"From the time my baby ,was
born,/' says Mrs. Robt. Price, of
• Cortibermere, Ont., "lie was always
sickly and costive until I began
thg him Baby's Own Tablets. He'is
now, well, strong and growieg nice-
ly. and I can hardly say how thank-
ful I ant for Iny baby's cure." /n
every lime where there are yoting
ehilthen this Medicine should always
be kept on hand. The troubles of
little ones come when least eXpetted,
anti a ilota of the Tablets promptly
giVOtk fnay SAN° a precioila little life,
Baby's Own Toblets cure all the
miner ills of little ones, and an oe-
ca,sional dose will prevent •slatese,
They are giteranteed to cohtain hb
*pie° or harinful drug. The Tablets
are will by all trietileine dealers or
eent emst paid at 25 cents a bot by
writing 'The Dr, Williates Median()
Co. Brockeille, Ont. '
selves, in a mode specifloially reli-
gious, to the Vera= Of a Prussian
Monarch. In this theory We have the
firin, foundation of the Monerchinal
principle • as upheld in Pruesia,
"damned repablics,"-as tleey are
called in court -being suppeerted by
eue divine revelation whatever, Prete-
sia is l'eferred to loy William II. ae
"God's ealy,” while his ordinary dee-
fiellation ter himself is "Grid's anoint-
ed," The sentiment he cherishes for
Frederick the G•reat approaches
atry. The immortal friend of Vol-
taire is to William the master auto-
crat of all time. The imperial den
is glorified with busts of Frederick
the Great, images of Frederick the
Groat, paintings of Frederick the
s head
But all this is mere scra,tchingof
the subject on its surface. The count-
ess works every vein remorselessly
into the heart of the mine. Nov and
then she drifts into what she calls
"high politics," notably when she
says William had fully made up his
mind to intervene forcibly it Cuba
on behalf of Spain, whereupon the
Imperia,1 Chancellor used • plainer
speech thazin military autocrat usu-
ally tigers. Ip the inain, the Hohen-
zollern of these volumes is a haunted
man, too fearful to face his fate, too
ignoble to spare his widowed mo-
ther the humiliation of being turned
out of the Palace in which ''the life
of his father had ebbed away. These
things -and much besides -aro extra-
ordinary, if true, we think; and if
untrue, they are more extraordinary
Do not forget that all people are
not constituted alike -that what" is
pleasure for one is "deadly monotony
for another. Do not forget, ' also,
that noblody but the man, himself
can know the reason for his doing
this or that; • and no not forget that
the man may not have chosen to
make public his own business. The
man who seems stingy may be apply-
ing his money in some entirely hon -
()sable way • known only to himself.
The naan who seems cross or gruff
may be a silent pnysical sufferer,
a silent and uncomplaining suffer
from the acts of a relative or filen(
Do net be too ready to judge othe
Perliaps if you knew all the facts yo
would be willing to admit that yo
yourself, under similar circumstanc
would not have done so well. R
member that many persons shrill
from publicity and will bear i
silence all things rather than mak
their troubles known. And remem
ber that these people are entitle
to privacy if they want it. Rome/
her that there . has never been an
better rule for personal conduct i
all the varied slepartments of li
than the one laid down nearly 2,00
years ago, that says somethin
aboat doing :to others as you woul
hike them to do to- you. That is
rule that applies to everyday life
and can be recommended for dell
• to try them. They gave her relief
n afternoon.
e "After taking four boxes, she was
_ entirely cured and she has never had
d the slightest relapse. We can never
n_ say too much for Dodd's Kidney
y Pills, as they certainly 'saved my
n daughter's life."
fe And Mary, the, daughter on whom
O Bright's Disease had pronounced the
g sentence of death, now a picture of
d healthy girlhood, smiled a cheerful
a assent to her mother's statement and
chirre.d in, "If I am ever sick again
Y I will take nothing but Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills."
It is hardly necessary to add that
proof piled on proof has convinced
the public that Bright's Disease is
curable and that Dodd's Kidney Pills
are the cure; that if the disease is
of the Kidneys or from the Kidneys
the one unfailing remedy is Dodds
Kidney Pills.
Nary Naleolm's Life Was lYtettatire
• ed by 'Days and
Dodd's Kidney Pills ilad Eer
.A.ble to be Out in a
Another Remarkable Cure Brought
Out by the Coliingwood and
Eglington Cases.
Toronto, Feb. 15, -(Special), --The
interest in mcdigal circles here over
the cures of Mrs. Adams, of Coiling -
wood, and Mrs. Philip, of Eglington,
ot Bright's Disease, has been given
fresh fuel by another and yet more
startling cure of that same terrible
ailment. This latest case is that of
a. young girl, Mary Malcolm, who
lives with her parents at 199 Mast -
borough Avenue, this city.
This cure is little short of miracul-
ous. Mi dd Malcolm was in the clut-
thes of Bright's Disease from May
entil September, and had sunk so
low that her life was measured by
days if not by hours. Hope had
given place to a certa,nty of death,
and her friends had turned to the
clad task of preparing her grave
elothes. These last ghastly garments
ere now in the house, but Mary Mal-
colm is a strong hearty maiden who
earl look on them without even a
thudder of fear. Dodd's Kidney Pills
effected the change. Here is the
story as told by the girl's mother,
Mrs. W. Malcolm:
"My daughter, Mary, who is now
fourteen years old, was taken sud-
denly ill with Bright's Disease in
May, 1902. We had the doctor and
continued with him till Septet 'Cr,
1902, when he said he could do no-
thing more for her. She was so
swollen with Dropsy as to be al-
most unrecognizable.
"From a book dropped in at the
door, we learned of Dodd's Kidney
Pills and as a last resort determined
from the very beginning, so much
so that in one week we were able to
take her out to Munro Park for an
The Robust Physique Can Stand
More Coffee Than a Weak One.
, A young Virginian says: "Having
a naturally- robust constitution fax
above the average and not having a
nervous tenaperament, my system
was ,alile to resist the inroads upon
it by the use of coffee for some 'years
but finally the strain began to tell.
"For ten years I have been employ-
ed as telegraph operator' and type-
writer by a railroad in this section,
and until two years ago I had used
cone° continually from the time I
was eight years old, nearly 20 years.
"The work of operating the tele-
graph key is a great strain upon the
nerves and after the day's work was
over I would feel nervous, irritable,
run down and toward the last suffer
ed greatly from insomnia and neural:
gm. As I never indulged in intoxi-
cating liquors, drugs or tobacco in
any form I came to the conclusion
that coffee and tea were causing the
gradual break -down of my nervous
system and having read an article in
the Medical Magazine on the composi-
tion of coffee and its toxic effect up-
on the system, I was fully convinced
that coffee, was tho cause of my
"Seeing Posturn spoken of as not
having any of the deteriorating ef-
fects of coffee I decided toe,give up
the stimulant and give Posture a
trial. The reaula was agreeably sur-
prising. After a time my nerves be-
came wonderfully strong, I can do
all my. 'work at the telegraph key
and typewriter with far greater ease
.than ever before. My weight has in-
creased 35 pounds, my general health
keeping pace with it, and I am a new
man and a better one." Name given.
by Posturn Co., Battle Creek, Mich.
There's a reason. •
Look in each package for the fam-
ous little book, "The Road to Well-
It requires at leatst four weeks to
coniplete the toilet of a single ele-
phant. 'The operation is vory ex-
pensive. The assistance of the ele-
phant's valet de chanebre must be
engaged by the day or week, while
an experienced valet -he is known by
another hame-must be engaged to
auperintend the work, unitedly at a.
large enlister. Then, again, the soap
used in tbe process must be pur-
chased by the hendredweight, the
sandpaper by the gross, and the oil,
an important ingeedient, is ased by
'the bitetel, The toilet of a single
elephant, will hot ittfrequently Cost
So much as $400.
• Wealth . haii its penalties. You
never hear at a Poor matt sPenning
his money for dyspepsia tablets.
litagistrat e (sternly) --e' ddi tin t 1 tell
goie the Wit tittle yott wore het'
never Wanted yeti to come befOre rae
agaitil" Prisoner-,,-'eates, sie; Wit
I couldn't make the polieetnan belie:Ws
It is easier to win a wife with flat-
tery than it is maintain her on it.
Many a man who wouldn't sell his
vote has found a $2 hill that was
lost by the wise candidate.
Minard s Liniment Cures liandrult-
Those who spend their good money
to others for get -rich -quick informa-
tion enable the ethers to get rich
I without any information.
There never was, and never will be a
universal panacea, in one remedy, for
ell ills to which flesh is heir -the very
nature of many curatives being such
that "were the gernisof other and dif-
ferently seated diseases rooted in the
system of the patient -what would re.
lieve one ill, in turn would aggravate
the other. we have, however. in Quin-
ine Wine, whe'A obtainable in a sound
unadulterated state, a remedy for many
and grevious ills. 13y its gradual and
Judicious use, ttke frailest systems are
led into convalescence and strength, by
the influence which Quinine exerts on
Nature's own restoratives. It relieves
the drooping spirits of those with
whom a. chronic state of morbid des-
pondency and lack of interest in life is
a disease, and, by tranquilizing the
nerves, disposes to sound and refreshing
sleep --imparts vigor to the action of
the blood, which being. stimulated,
courses throughout the veins, strength-
ening the healthy animal functions of
the system, thereby making activity a
necessary result, strengthening the
frame, and giving life to the digestive
organs, we wit naturally demancl in-
creased substance -result, improved ap-
petite. Northrop & Lyman of Toron-
to, have given to the public their su-
eerier Quinine Wise at the usual rate,
and,: gauged by the opinion of Scien-
tists, this wine approaches nearest per-
fection of any in the market. All drug-
gists sell it.
"The man who has the worry of a
business on his mind really has the
most responsibility."
"Well," said Mrs. Biggins, "I guess
Josiah will be a great raa.n one of
these days. • He don't care much
about actual work, but he'll take
ahnost any business you mention and
sit down and worry about it by the
Whefl you think yOu have cured a
cough or cold, but find a dry,
hacking cough re:Mains, there is
danger. Take
at Once. It will strengthen tho
lungs and stop the bOugh.
Prices: s. C. NvtLto & co. so
Lle See 81. LeRoy, MY.. Toronto, Can,
":Pure soap!" You've heard
the worcirs. In Sunlight
Soap you have the fact
Lau for she Octagon Ilan ses
• Jack Tar Describes His Better Half
in Nautical Terms.
A. bluejacket who has reeently mar-
ried gives the following description
of his bride and her apparel :-
"My wife is just as handsome a
craft as ever left millinery dry dock,
is clipper built, and with a figure-
head not often seen on small craft.
Her length of keel is five feet eight
inches', and displays twenty-seven cu-
bic feet of air, of light drauglit,
arnieh adds to her speed in the ball
room, full in the waist, spars trim.
"At the time we were spliced she
was newly rigged fore and aft with
standing riggings of lace and flowers
mainsail pa t silk, with forestaysail
of Valenciennes. Her frame wasof
the best steel covered with silk,
with whalebone staunchions.
"Teis rigging is intended for fair
weather crunit g. She has also a
set of storm sails for rough weather,
and is rigging out a, small set of
canvas for light squalls, which are
liable to occur in this latitude soon-
er or later.
"I am told in runeing `clown the
street before tbe wind she answers
the helm beautifully, and can turn
round in her own length if a _hand-
sonaer craft passes her,"
Srs takes calisthenics,
Injun clubs, and such,
Reaches for her toes ten times,
And each time makes rem touch;
Raises up her arms and
Sweeps 'ern all around,
Kicks her heels three times without
Ever touching grouud.
Ma takes phys'cal culture
At the washin tub -
Gets the clothes an' soaks dim down,
Then begins to rub;
Makes ten thousand motiore
Up and down that way -
She gets lots of exercise
In a working day,
Sis goes to the gym. arid
Does tricks on the rings,
Theu she takes a big, deep breath,
And then she yells an' sings.
Ma, kilie washes dishes
Then she sweeps the floor,
And then she hearthstones all •the
Bight up to the door.
Both take phys'cal culture,
But I tell you tbis.
There's lots of difference 'tween the
My ma takes and Sis!
Sioo Reward, $100.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to cure in all its stages, and
that 18 Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Oure
is the only positive cure now known to
the medical fraternity. Catarrh being
a constitutional disease, requires a.
constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is taken internally, acting direct-
ly upon the blood and mucous surfac-
es of the system, thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease, and giving
the patient strength by building up the
constitution and assisting nature in do-
ing its work. The proprietors have
so much faith in its curative powers
that they offer One Hundred Dollars for
any case that it fails to cure. Send for
list of testimonials.
Address P. J. CHENEY & 00.,
Toledo, 0.
Sold by all Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for consti-
When a man is addicted to politi-
cal vaporing he is apt to befog the
("Regular Practitioner -No R.
otilt."-Mrs. AnnieC. Claestnut,o1Whithy,
was for months a rheumatic victim, be t South
American Rheumatic. Cure changed the song
from "despair" to "joy." She says: "1
suffered untold misery from rheumatism -
doctors' medicine did me no good -two boa
ties of South American Rheumatic Cure cured
els-relief two hours after the first dose." -so
Reggie -"Nothing 'delights a girl
BO much as the devoted attention of
the man of her choice.' Clara' -
"TJnIess it's the devoted attention of
the man of some Other girl's choice."
I was* Cured of lame back, after
suffering 15 years, by MINARD'S
Two Rivers, N.S. ROBERT ROSS.
I was Cured of Diphtheria, • after
doctors failed, by MINARD'S LINI-
Antigoniser. JOHN A. FOREY.
I was Cured of contraction of mus-
cles by mnrARrys LINIMENT.
t -f
Kuclicash : "What aro you do-
ing out there in the chill night air?
Coin it into the house,
Gladys : was just admiring the
moon, papa,"
Mr. inuchcash : "What businees
lingo you admiring the name, When
there are so mann things in the
house that 1 have bought expreesly
for yott to admire? Abybody can
admire Vie moon."
"What is your idea of a gentle-
man, Smith ?" "A true gentleman
alWays laughs at the ieldi Of a Mond
101(1, never says that he heard it be-
fore "
tilvet iffie;xe.it
ASSESS Astir ;imam.
Canadian Order of Chosen Friends
SXZaXaN'aC131eVOI-X1r0136 Alk.NZ313.4i3.3/3.
Total increase approved applications 3,868
Total increase in Surplus Funds.....................$100,000.00
Total Meraberehip .... • 26,000
Total Surplus Funds .• , . ... $420,000.00
Organizers wanted, Write.
Grand Recorder, Hamilton, Ont., or
He regarded his children as a runs -
He did all his courtiog before mar-
Ile never talked over Ins affairs
with his wife.
Ile never had time to go anywhere
with Isis wife.
He doled out money to his wife a
if to a beggar.
He looked down upon his wife a
an inferior being.
He dreamed that there were tw
sides to marriage.
He lend one set of manners for home
and another for society
He never dreamed that his wife
needed praise or compliments.
He paid no attention to his person-
al appearance after raivriage.
He thought his wife should spend
all her time doing housework,
ITe never made concessions to his
wife's judgment, even in unimportant
He thought. the 'marriage vow had
made Min his wife's master, instead
of her partner
Grand Organizer. Hamilton, Ont.
A dry -goods merchant w,as explain-
ing the situation to the new travel-
ler he had just engaged. "Your pre-
decessor," he aaid, "has got his busi-
ness all tangled up, and if you take
his place you will have a difficult
task getting order out of chaos."
"I don't know who Chaos is," cheer-
fully replied the newly -appointed
I bet you I'll sell him
I have to hang on to
s traveller, "but
some goods, if
s him a week!"
H aatrit was Thumping my
Lifo out," is the way Mrs. It. H. Wright
Brockville, Ont., describes her sufferings
teen smothering, fluttering and palpitation.
titer trying many remedies without benefit,
..ix bottles of Dr Agnew's Cure for the Heart
restored her to perfect health. The first
dose gave almost instant relief, and in a day
:mitering ceased altogether. --at
Father (to young mart who has
begged for the band of his daughter):
"But, my dear sir, are you able to
support a family 2" Young 'Man
(softly) "Y -e -s, I could. But I am
only, asking fax the *daughter."
It may he only a trifling cold, hut neg
teen it and it will Casten its fangs in your
lungs, and you will soon be carried to an
uutitnely grave. In this country we have
sudden changes and must expect to have
cone 's and colds. We can DOG IIVOIC1 them,
hut we can effect a cure by using Bickle's
An ri-Ceusurn ptive Syrup, the medicine
that has never been known to fail in cur -
coughs, colds, bronchitis and all as-
fections of the throat, lungs awl chest.
- — •
Most of our enemies are • too con-
trary to stand still, while we do the
coal -of -fire -hearing act.
To Those of Sedentary Occupation .
Alen who follow sedentary occapatio-is
which deprive 1110111 of fresh air and c•x4r
cise, are more prone to disorders of let
liver and kidneys than those who leml
active, outdoor lives. The former tvtll
find in Parmelee's Vegetable Pills a re-
storative without qUestion the mos't effi-
cacious on the market. They are easily
procurable, 'easily taken, act expeditio us
ly, and they are surpristngly cheap cou
sidering their excellence.
"Do you see that man over there?"
asked the detective, with an air of
"Yes," said the citizen eagerly, "I
see him. What of inm?"
"That man," said the detective,
slowly, "that man is a professional
ger.'d gracious!" exclaimed the
citizen, in surprise. "Who would
ever bave thought it! Why don't
you arrest bim, then ?"
"Can't," said the detective wear-
ily. "It isn't against the law to
make horseshoes, is it ?"
"Is your wife one of those women
who look at their husbands and say,
'I made a man of him'?" asked the
impertinent friend. "No," answered
arr. Meekton. nItenriett FL 15 very
unassuming. She merely says she
has done ter best."
Allard s Liniment Cores Burns etc
I I k
An inquiring man thrust his finger
into a horse's mouth to see how
many teeth it hail, and the liorse
closed its mouth to see how many
angers the man had. The curiosity
of each was fully satisfied.
Skeinicisma-This is nahnennly tt,iag
ef skepticism, but there is one. point upon
w h felt, pereette acq mon ted with the erib
ject agree, namely, that De. Thonms,
baleeirie Oil is a nicaisine which eau be
relied tipon to cure e cough, remove paha
heal sores of various Wilds, and benefit
any lo lir tned portion of the body tewhich
She looked up from her household
drudgersr. "When you used tie call
Inc the of year life," elm Said
litterly, "1 tlimarbt you intended' to
..„„easure it by candle power instead
of by horse -power,"
The Stomach! "Weal or Wool"
--The etornach is the centre from which,
froth the standpoint of health, flows "'weal
or woe." A healthy stomach meanapetfect
digeetion-perfect digestion means etreng
and steady terve centres -strong nerve
centres mean good eirculatioo, rieb blood
awl geed health. South American iderviue
MAVIS and keeps the iikomach right, -Ss
For over Sixty Years
Ides. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING Swan? has been need hI
millions of mothers foe their children while teething,
It soothes the child, eoftena tho glint& al .aya pain. carat
wind celio. regulates the in 0=10 and bowels, add !a bet
twat remedy for Diarrhtea. Tvrenty-five cents a bottioi
bold b, druggists throughoth
ut o world. 130 pure an
"What are we buying so mann
books for ?" said Mrs. Parvenu, itt
answer to a friend. "Why, wben
we get a library we are going to
sell it, and get our names in the
dined s Liniment for sale everywilere
Any man who has been three times
married and three times divorced is
entaled to a front toera in. a daffy
Do Not Delay. -When, through debiln
fated digestive organs, poison finds its
way into the blood, the prime consider-
ation is to get the poison out as rapidly
and as theroagbly as possible. Delay
may 111 ean disaster. Parmelee's Vege-
table Pale will be found a Most valuable
and effective medicine to assail the in-
truder with. They never fail. They go
itt once to the seat of the trouble and
work a permanent cure.
Old Gentleman (to applicant for
his daughter's hand)-``Pfave you,
any expectations?" Young Man
(sadly) -"I have, sir." Old Gent --
"Vi hat are they?" Young Man (still
more sedly)-"I expect that when you
know the state of my financial affairs
you'll refuse ray application and for-
bid me the • house, sir!"
Lever's Y -Z (Wise Head) Disinfect.'
ant Seap Poivcler dusted in the
bath, softens the water and disin-
Minard's Liniment Relieves fieuralgid
This is a funny ship." "How
so ?" "They have no clock in the
cabin." "Oh, no ! 13nt they al-
ways keep a watck on the Deck !"
Angry Father : Another tailot's
bill, I suppose. Well what's to be
'done about it ?" Son (meekly) :
"That's for you to settle."
Blood is Worthies's
Health is assured by the new process
of curing disease.
Sick headache, indigestion, loss of
vigor, failing memory, nervousness are
all infallible signs of weakening nerves
and indicate that your nerves lack rich
blood with which to build up their
broken tissues. Dr. Agnetv's -Heart
Uwe heals and strengthens the heart
and gives it the power to send rich
blood coursing through the veins, whea
most diseases disappear as by magic, It
relieves beart disease in 30 minutes and
is a wonderful cure
. Dr. Agnew's Ointment cures piles te
one 0 three days, asc.
Billiard Tables
The Best at the Lowest Prico
Write for Terme
REID 3ROS1 V3fg Cos'y
ass Kinfig Gt. Ifis
4. 32-31
f3end for °Maio& We give extra value.
Raw Fare sand taanaing, Send for price Hilt
And Farm Pro
duce generally(
cousign it to Ul
we will gel
you good price.,
nawson Commission Co.,
I 48-7
T. N. tl468
Issue NO.