HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1904-3-3, Page 5Tim
(Sseter Abivorate
published every Thursday Morning at the. Office,
---By the ----
One Dollar'per annum 0 paid iii advaliCe, :61.S0
0 not so paid.
73-enroxtt.oira.a• Mateo oza
No paper discontinued until all arrearrig es are paid.
Advertisements without) Specified. directions will be
published until forbid and Charged accordingly.
Liberal discount made for transcient advertisements
inserted for long periods. E.tery deseription of JOB
PRINTING turned out In the finest style, and at
moderate rates. Cheques, money orders, ite., for
advertfaing, Rubscripcions, etc„ to be made payable
Sanders & Creech,
.1Fr Oft308 foual Cards.
DR. A. 11, KINSMAN, L. 10, S., D. D. S.,
Honor graduate of Toronto T.InlveristY.
Teeth extracted without euy pain, or any bad effeots
Office in Fanson's Block, west side, Main street,
DENT I ST -77---
• Honor Graduate of Toronto University and Royal
College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Also Post
Graduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Deritistery
(with honorable mention.) •
Aliutninum, Gold and Valcaulte Plates =dein the
neatestananner possible. A, perfectly harmless an-
aesthetic used for painless extraotion of teeth. _
Officeone door south of Carling Bros. store, Exeter.
College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario.
Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. 011ioe, Dash.
*00a, Ont.
Dr. John D. Wilson, Office and Residence, 200
Queens Ave, London Ont. Special attention
paid to diseases of women. °Moe hours, 12.30 to 4
tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners.
Solicitors for Maisons Bank, eto.. Money to loan at
owest rates of interest, Offices, Main street, Exeter,
I. R. CARLING, B,A., L. H. Dimon,
J', BROWN, Winohelsea. Licened Auctioneer
. for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex.
also for the township of Usborne. Sales promptly
attended to and terms reasonable. Sales arranged
at Post Oflice WinchelSea,
The Molsons Bank
(Chartered by Parliament, ISH,)
Head Office, Montreal.
el" Capital Anthorized.... ..... $5.000,000
Paid up Capital $2,856,420
Reserve Fund. • ' " 2,720,778
JAS. ELLIOTT, General Manager.
Oahe hours: -10 a.m. to 3 p.m; Saturdays 10 a.m
to 1 p.m.
A general banking business transacted
Money advanced to good Farmers at lowest rates.
Savings Bank Deposits from 911 and upwards receiv-
, ed. Interest allowed at highest current rates.
Damson & CARLING, N. D. Noma,
Solicitors. Manager.
We are still in the Bicycle trade
and this year show some fine speci-
mens. The CUSHION FRAME is
the Ideal wheel to ride. Prices mod-
New Pianos!
Several New Pianos just put in
stock 3 newest styles and the best
makes. It will pay you to see them.
You will he surprised at the LOW
• PRICES at which we sell them.
Organs of the Latest
makes always in stock
Sewing .Machines ecc•
• We are leaders in Sewing Ma-
chines --the best machines that the
• trade produces are on onr floor for
' your inspection ; also repairs Need-
' les, etc., for`all kinds t•)f sewing ma-
chines, always on hand.
Call aud see us if in necd of
any of the above.
When you insist on having
Harvey Bros Flour
Our STAR riLotm is made from
the choieest Ontario and Manitoba
The quaotity a our WHEATLET
has been improved by sterilizing it
10 lbs. for 250. Give it it. trial.
It is "A FOOD" not A "FAD.',
• Our facilities for the handling of
the chopping trade are unsurpassed,
The new V'eesot grimier is giving gretit
oblas, hoarseness, and other threat
kiltuents are nalekly relieved by Vo.pb-eteso,
teat tablets, telt cerits ter box All druggists.
We know what all good doe -
tors think of kyer's Cherry
Pectoral. Ask your own doc-
tor and find out. He will tell
you how it quiets the tickling
throat, heals the inflamed
lungs, and controls the
hardest of coughs.
P-Ayerts Cherry Pectoral is well known in
iiur family. We think It is the best naedteine
'In the world tar coughs and colds."
• Kano Tantrism), Petaluma, Cal.
250,50e., gam.' e. a. A.YER 00.,
41.43,Grournglesem Lowell. Mass.
Li lenalisameasisamma
liard Coudhs-
One of Ayer's Pins at bedtime will
hasten •recovery. Gently laxatiVes
Clanilebt ye.
my. and Mrs. Milton Sholts, Cali-
fornie, formerly Of this place, are vis-
iting friends in this vicinity.—Mr. Ar-
thur Shrifts, of is on .a visit
to friends .here, ---.Grip and nne.um mita
are raging around here, hardly a fam-
ily inissing and in some families one
member tIaGt19 t Wait on the other.—
Miss Blaekviell, school teacher, is on
the sick list. Miss Ryan. of Liman, is
taking her Place.—Me. Allen Black-
well, of London, visited his mother
here last week.—The entertainments
held by the EngliSh chnrch of this
place on Monday and Tuesday evenings
of last week was largely attended, the
hall being.crowded both nights. —Miss
Minnie Patton is visiting friend's in
London.—\1s. Alvin Chin n ngharin w ho
has been seriously tiae past In 0 n h,
is, ive.are. pleased to state; convales-
eing.—Mrs. John Nevill, of London, is
visiting her sister here.—Miss Maria
Morley, is in London attending her
sister, who is Geo. Andrews,
of Parkhill, spent a few days her- dur-
ing the week.
DCAT'EL—The death of a loving fath-
er, kind husband and valued friend,
whose presence has always helped to
alleviate the many adversities of life,
is indeed a sad blow, but to -day the
battle is o'er and he rests at peace•wtth
all the world. The subject of out.
sketch is Mr. Joseph Witherspoon, •of
Lot 20, Con. 9, who departed this life
on Tuesday, Feb. 23rd, at the age of
59 years, &months and 19 days. • De-
ceased had -been oiling for some time
with a severe attack of inflammation
of the lungs and this soon broke down
his constitution, which. hitherto , had
always been rugged and of the hardi-
est nature, and he gradually sank • an;
the vital cord was snapped: It is1 it
number of .years since Mr. Wether -
spoon came to this township aed set-
tled in the mH
midst of the forest. e was
a man of unusual strength and energy
and contributed much to make the
township what it is to -day. He was
industrious, shrewd and careful, and
possessed in a wonderful .degree the
qualities which almost invariably
bring success in life.• He was, also,
thormighly upright and honorable in
all his dealingssein short he was in
every respect it worthy and useful cit-
iien and te kind and obligiog neighbor.
The funeral took place on Thursday to
St. James' church cemetery and Was
lOrgely attended.
• "When the butter won't
.come put a penny in the
churn," is an •old time dairy
proverb. It often • seems to
work though no one has ever
told why. . '
When mothers are worried
because the children do not
gain strength and flesh we
say give them Scott's Emul-
It is like the penny in the
milk because it works and
because there is something
astonishing about it.
Scott's Emulsion is simply
a milk of pure cod liver oil
with some hypophosphites
e.specially prepared for delicate
s tom achs. •
Children take to it naturally
because they like the • taste
and the remedy takes just as
naturally to the Children be-
cause it is so perfectly adapted
•to their wants.
For all ,weak and pale and
thin children Scott's Emulsion
is the most satisfactory treat -I
• We will send you!
the petitty, 11. e.,
sample free.
Be sure that this picture in
the formol a 1711)cl is on the I
Wrappce of every bottle of
Emulsion you buy.
Chemists, 1
Totonto, Otitario.
sop rind $1,0e1 aft druggistS.
ForscaStS for'Mardi.
41 R. Hicks has isisued the ft:4-
1oWing ,fOreeitste, for the month of
I The moon on or near the equatoeilt
I Mara means that it is at or ewer its
Ile vs, or full,. And When tins DOODY§
with the moon 10 perigeee, or neareSa
I the eartn, the chances of violent
storms and tidal Waves are greatly
I multi plied. •During thepreseut email
Iwo have twe foli metope, eatib of them
near perigree a the co nit tor, and One
neW 111000 On the eeleStral equater,
The first storni period foe Mit rch woll
be central on the ist, 2ncl and 8rd. 'If
the moon Were on'the eelestini equatdi''
forty-eight botire eitieler, we would
pot the first day of the Month down
es a danger clay. As it is, violet -it -fads-.
nth: and-equitmetial peeturliatiOns need
bob sorprise any reader :of these .fore-.
1 ea s ts an y evb ere from -theist to the atle
1Theee stoerns will be or i. tropictil
ebarneter inall southern directionsa
with probable daeger 00 south eciests,,
, while rains W ill. tutto snow
zerds over most parts Of the country
; nort h wit rd. A • sharp cold wave for
the: season With high 'barometer, will
follow the storms It this time..
I The neSt storm peen:id is central on
' the Oth, eitending from the 5t-,11 to the
8th. The baretnetee will begin tailIng
end the tenverature rising in- westeen
parts by the 5th; and during the Ot h. to
the St h elnsive, more active clis torte
aecee, with van, wind and snow will
take Lip their march etistwasti IteroeS
the country.
A pereeptiblesoftening of the .elte
men ts will return on and touching the
Ilth,.12th and 130, and merited storm
conditions, 'followed by more rain,'
turning. to snow: northward; will be
most natural an and ithont these days,
Tbe Mercury peeiod which is central
an the; 20th may precipitate sleet
storine at this period and threatening,
cloudy weathee will most likely be pro-
longed into storm period nest follow -
dug, For more.than 25 yettrs, We have,
annitally-'; called attention to the fact
that our globe passes a crisis ofmag-
netic, electric, seisniicand equinoctial
portebations, within forty-eight hours
of March the iitb. The new and fall'
moons being removed from this period
this year, this animal period may be
modified this month and its disturb-
ances largely deflected into theperieds-
next before and after it.
We will name the 16th to the -21st as
one of the most general, active trod
dangerous periods of disturbance in
March. Mercury, Vulcan and Earth
will all centralize their perturbing in-
fluencee into this period, while :the
•Moon will be new, or in conjunction
with Earth and Sun on the 161h, and
'on the celestial equator on the 17th.
Thnnder storms, equinoctial gales and
tidal waves, seismic phenomena, all
followed by ,March, blizzards north
ward and. a. sweeping high baroeneter
and cold wave, are the things to he
leoked for8t this time. General and
destructive sleet will be most natural
northwitrd during this Mex-eury period.
The 23rd and 24thare central daysof
a reactionary storm period. On and
-touching these dates lookfor return of
marked stet m conditions attended by
heavy rain •southward, • turning to
sleet, snow and very; disagreeable,
stormy weather hi central and north
sections. The ,Vrilean storm period
covering the last five days of March
and reachinginto'April„ will culminate
cin the ;29th, 30th and 31st in violent
storms and dangerous tidal waves.
Moon and equator, in perigee and fa,
as at the first of the month, will in-
tensify seismic shakes, tropical storms
and blizzards. ••
HUMOr of the Iipur.
, .
"Wouldn't you enjoy your dinner
More if yott had earned it?"
"No," aeswered Meandering Mike,
"I wouldn't eink of intradin' any mer-
cenary considerations into dis season
of hospitality an' good cheer."—Wash-
ington Star. . t
Briggs—Do you have the courage to
take a cold bath on these winter morn-
Griggs—Indeed I do. But I missed
it this morning.
Biagga--What was the trouble?
Griggs—There was no hot water. --
Town. Topics. •
• Little 'Henry's Slate.
—Chicago Tribune:
She—I have two very dear friends—
Agnes and Florence.
He—Which is the more popular?
"Oh, Agnes is much more popular
than Florence—among the girls."
"Introduce me to Florence. I am
partial to good-looking girls."—Kan-
sas City Jc•urnal.
Sportsman—Any good hunting in this
part of the country?
• Native—Lot's of it.
Sportsmana-What kind of game• ?
Native—No „,:same at all, Just hunt-
ing.—Illustrated Bits.
In the play, of courte, the villain is
ahvays properly chastised by the hero;
but in real life, unfortunately, it fre-
quently liappen that the villain is six
feet tall and a good boxer.—Puck.
Kalling—You haven't got that
splcndid butler now?
Mrs. Parvenit—No, he was a fraud.
Mrs, Kalling--Indeed?
Mrs. Parvenu—Yes, he forgot him-
self once and neglected to drop his
so we diseovered he wasn't Eng-
lish at all. --Philadelphia Ledger.
A Volcano --"What is a volcano?"
asked the teacher,
"A mount 111) with a fire inside," said
A smile of comprehension spread
over the puzzle.d face of the - smallest
Scholar as she asked, stirpriedly, "Is
that a rnopntain range ?"—Harper's
Reeder—Scott seld a clever thing to.
day; said that luck is a gcnd bit like
lightning, for it seldom strikes twice
in the same place.
Reedef —Yes, arid as a rule neither
of them needs to. Pelmsylvania ranch
Humor of the ROW-
kl?Vouldn't• you enjoy your dinner
more if you had earned it?
"No," answered Meandering Mike,
"I weuldn't dink of intrudin' any mer-
cenary considerations into elis 'seasy's
of hospitality an' good cheee"eeWash-
ington Star,
Briggs—Do you have the courage to
take a cold oath Aciefiese winter morn -
Griggs—Indeed I dc-. But I missed
it this morning,
Briggs—What WEIS the trouble?
Griggs—There was no hot water
Town .*
Ton Topics:
Little TrIenry's Slate.
—Chicago Tribune.
She—I have two very dear friends—
Agnes and Florence,
He—Which is the more popular?
"Oh; Agnes is much more popular
than Florence—ameng the girls."
"Introduce me to Florence.' I am
partial to good-looking girls."--Kan-
Sas City Jc.-urnal,
Wheats.... . . • .
Barley, . „ , 40
Oats.. „ • ,..„ 30
Polls , , , , , 00 le
Potatoes, per bag, ......, 75 te.
Hay, per ton..., „ .. 8 00 '8 00
Float', per esvta roller.— '2 50
per lot) ibs 5 00 5 00
Live hogs, pet, OW t 4,
Dressed Bogs— 5 75 f25
Shoets per cwt
Bran per cwt. ... , .8 8d
Sport:stud-re--Arty good hunting in thia
part Lef the country?
Native—Lot's of it.
Sporternaa—W hat ktrid' of gamer
Native—No game at all, Just hunt,'
iiig—Illuetrated: Bits..
• In the play, of course, the villain is
always properiy chastised by 'the hero-,
but in real life, unfortunately, it fre-
queatly happens that the villain is six
feet tall and a good boxer.—Puck.
Mrs. Kalling--You haven't got that
splendid butler now? •
• Mrs. Parvenu—No, he was a fraud.
Mrs. Kalling—Indeed?
Mrs. Parvenu—Yes, he forgot him-
self once and neglected to drop his
s," so we discovered he wasn't Eng-
lish at all.—Philadelphia Ledger.
A Volcano.—"What is a volcano"
asked the teacher.
"A mountain with a fire inside," said
• A smile of 'comprehension spread
over the puzzled face of the smallest
scholar as she asked, surprisedly, "Is
that a mountain range?"—Harper's
• Reeder—Scott said a clever thing to-
• day; said that luck is a gcod bit like
iigntning, for it seldom strikes twice
in the same place.
• Heeder—Yes, and as a rale neither
of them needs to.—Pennsylvania Punch
• Bowl.
"Do you think you could ever marry
I'm sure I could Soon
learn to love a girl who had a million
or two."—Chicago Record -Herald.
. "I told you she would dismiss you
if I came' in between."
"Yes, she has, all right, but you're
a dead one, too."
"She told me everything between us
was at an end."—Cincinnati Commer-
cial Tribune.
Willie—Mamma, I told Aunt -Helen
she grew homelier every day. .
Mrs. •SlimsonL-You didn't tell her I
:said so, did you?
"I had to, or she would have Whip-
ped me."—Brooklyn Life.
"What are they ' gdingto do when
they' get through tearing up the
streets ?"
"Lay 'em down again, of course!
How else would anybody be able to
tear 'em up later on, silly ?"—l3alti-
mere News. .
"They say that, after seven rehear-
sals, Charlie Swimmington actually
stufnbled through the wedding cere-
"Overtrained, I, suppose."—Cleveland
Plain Dealer.
Playgoer—I suppose the leading lady
is very happy after getting all those
bouquets. "
-13sher—Oh, no. She only got fivc.
Playgoer -- 'Gracious! Isn't that
Usher—No; slit paid for six, I be.
lieve.--Philadelphia Press.
Dude—They say cigarettes will turn
the skin yellow.
Mrs. Prim—That's so. Every time 1
catch iny boy smoking he gets tanned.
—Mail and Express.
"You look like a regular beer guz-
zler. Don't your thoughts ever rise
above beer?"
"Yes, mum; I often tink of de fif-
teen cent drinks. But what's de use
11, hen a gent ain't got de price?"—Kan-
sas City Journal.
"We used to think she was a lazy
"Yes; tint was when she was poor.''
"How about it now?"
"Why, now that she is rich, we mere-
ly note the evidence of lassitude and
ennui."—Chicago Post.
William Nelson Cromwell, represent.
ative of the French Panama canal coin
mission, recently called on President
Roosevelt in Washington. Mr. Croira
well is something of a sportsman, and
during the interview he told the Presi-
dent a sporting anecdote.
"Some years ago," he said, "I spein
a week in Germain:, shooting small
game. To a German acquaintance I
happened to remark that I preferred
Os shoot in Africa, because there was
a spite of danger in the sport there."
"Ach,' said my friend, 'you like a
spice of danger mit your sport, eh ?
Den you go outi shooting mit me.
De last time 1 go I shoot nsine brudea
in-law in the leg.' "--BoSton Post.
A certain hetel proprietor chance('
to glance out of a rear window and
saw his new waiter chasing a chieken
about the yard,
"What have yoti in that bowl ?" cle-
!needed the hotel Irian.
'Mushrooms," responded the nem
waiter. "Der's a gentleman dat wants
chicken smothered Wid mitshrooms,
en Ah'in tryin' to smother him, sah."—
Chicago News
s. Anderson, Jacksonville,
Fla., daughter of Recorder of
Deeds, West, who witnessed her
signature to theifollowing letter,
praises Lydia E Pinkhant's
Vegetable Compound. "
,,DRA,R Mits. PIN15ILI:11; --There are
but few wives and mothers who hairs
not at tones endured a4ronies and such
pain as only women know. I wish
54011, women knew the value of 143dia
Pinkbam's Vegetable Com-
pound. It is a remarkable mecliehne,
different in action from. any I ever
knelv and thoroughly reliable.
• "I have seen many cases where
women doctored for years without per -
1. =anent benefit, who were eurecl in less
than three months after taking your
Vegetable Compound, while otherswho
were chronic and incurable came out
cured, happy, and in perfect health
after a thorough treatment with this
medicine. I have never used. it myself
vvithottt gaining great benefit. A few
doses rest4tres my strength and appe-
tite, and tones up the entire system.
Your medicine has been tried and.
found true hence I fully endorse it."
Airmenson, 225 Washing-
ton St., Teeksurville, Fla. — g5000 forfeit
if original of' above letter preying genuineness can-
not be produced. •
No other medicine for women' has
received such vridespread and un
Bed endorsement. No other medthne
has snoh a record of cures of female
troubles. Refuse -to bu3r any substitute.
FARM SOLD.—Mi. .Ta tries Barry :hes
sold his farm on the 4th concession of
• Ilibbert to slatimond Mattbers. bis
nei ghl)nr,itit z21()). The fit i ro.. von-
• t a his 50 acres suet isone ut the beet in
the township. It adjoins Mrs. Mat-
thews present farm and gives him, e
splemlid fai in oe 250 neves.
Pa-esEsi'alios.--A few evenings ago
the home of Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Met h-
erd was thronged with a large con-
course of people uios&lyuld friends :zncl
neighbors who had e'ssenibled to pnr-
ticiptite in the a Musements of the ev-
ening:and also to hid Me: and ;Mrs.
Metheral a. kindly farewell, prior to
their departure for Mitehell. The fore-
part of the evening WaS spent in genic s
nd social intercourse, after which re-
freshments were served. At, this junc-
ture the co awn ny wn s called to order
and Mr. and elm Metherel •then r -
• sented with a handsome couch. . The
gift .was ileCOnipan led by an Addrese,
expressive Of the most cordial feelings
for the reeipien ts by every one present.
Mr. Metherel replied in a short speech
in which he heartily thanked his
friends for the sentiments expressed
and for the valuable present which he
would .prize most highly on account of
the givers, Be'also expressed great
regret at leaving the neighborhood,
where belied lived the Whole of his
life-, and consequently knew and made
friends with all, Mrs. Metheral alsn
tesponded by saying her greatest re-
gret was the leaving cif old associates
After a few more hours of social inter-
efiurse the vests repaired to their re-
spective homes, after wishing Mr. and
Mrs, Metherel every happiness in their
new home. We heartily recommend
theni to the people of Mitchell and
trust they will receiye it welcome they
justly deserve.
artts Book el cool
Capital Paid Up
Rest -
A genet -It', .Banking business transacted. '
Interest ab mostlavorable current rotes allowedott
Savings Bank accounts and Deposit Reeeipts.
Commercial Letters of Credit assned, available it
Jal'an and Other foreign uountries,
Travelling Letters of Credit issued to travellers In
all parts of the world, '
E.P.KEEDEN, Sun ot)Baartoitrs & Camp Issramols
Me ringer.
•*000t,o-ao occothcoc-Qou
We are giving excellent
satisfaction since Re-
modelling our mill.
Wood's Phosphodlue,
The Great Engilabitemstis,
is an old, well estab-
lished and nalabls
preparation. Masbasu
prescribed and mast
over40 years. ?1,141rnp,s-
gists in the Doman=
of Canada sell •asia
recommend as being
the GE1Y raeaieine*e
its kind that caresemli
gives universal satisfaction. It promptlyto:all
permanenth, cures all forms of Nervous 'Break,
ness, Emissions, Sperma'
torrltaa Impolenso,
and all effects of abuse or excesses ; the excessive
UN of Tobacco, Opium or Stimulants, .1ffee/tel
and Brain Worry, all of which lead to Inlirmity.
Insanity, Consumption and an Early Grave.
Price $1 per package or six. for $5. One vnii
please, sixwill cure. Mailed prompty on 1.411.
cexpt of price. Send for free pamphlet. Iiddresg
The Wood Cow:pony,
Windsor, One', Canada,
Woods Phospl.odine is sold in Exeter 1),•1 sErowet-
ing. andLutz, Druggists.
Before and After,
TO Ffillkin
Chopping and Roiling.
Give 13S it cell when you W7-1111; chop-
ping or rolling done. -
Mill at Electric Light Plant.
Snell & Blatohford.
1 Offer to the Sick
ij DR. SLOCIA/1. Lung Specialist
o Every Sufferer with Consumption,'Catarrh,
Bronchitis, La Grippe, Pulmonary
and Bronchial Troubles
If you have any of the following symptoms it means that the germs
of consumption are in your system. Accept Dr. Slocura's generous 'offer%
• Are your lungs weak?
Do yoh Cough 7
Do you have pains iuthe chest 7
Do you spit up phlegm?
Is your throat sore and Inflamed?
Is your appetite bad?
Db you have night sweats?
Are you losing flesh?
Are you pale, thin and weak?
Do yott have ringing in the ears?
Do you haVe hot flashes?
Is there dropping in tne throat?
Is the nose dry and Stuffy?
nave you a coated tongue?
Call your dis'ease what you i1l these symptoms indicate that you have in your
body the sod; of the most dangerous of maladies. In order to let all people know
the marvellous power of his system of treatment, Dr. Slocum has decided to give
free to all sufferers as it test his free trial treatment.
Nothing could be more reasonable, more generous than Dr. Sloomn'sroffer. ,
The Slocum System of Treatment has cured thouso,tels and tens of thousands of
cases of consumptioli in all stages of the disease. A system of treatment that
accomplishes more than any one remedy Can ever accomplish. A system of
Complete medicinal rind tonic food treatment theedotroys And Camino:to ell tuber,
eulosis germs and poison from the system and assiitts nature ni building up healthy
;wig and body tissue, Inc esseatiat functions foe a permanent. cure.
Accept 1)r, Slocum's offer to day and to Cured at hoine among friends and loved
one6;. Simply write to /3r. T. A, Slocum, Limited, I79 Xing Street West, Do 01110,
Canada, mention yOtir druggist's. name, and state your post arid express offices, and
you will teceiVe the treatment proraptly by express, Mentioa this paper.