Exeter Advocate, 1904-2-25, Page 5e rx, exam tosorate, published $Very T1rurlidtty Morning at the (Mee, MAIN-STREBT, -, BXBTER, - --By race --- ADVOCATE PJBL,iSHING QOMPANV' TEHMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Otte Dellar per annum if paid in advance, $1,50. `r. if not so paid, 2341.2"orti,:lX•C . vetar Prt 44-yeasaioa„ tion, No paper discontinued until all arreara;;es are raid. Advertisements without specified directions will bo published until forbid and charged aceorclingly. Liberal discount made for transoient advertisements insetted for long periods: I cry desoription of JOB i'RINTING turned out in the finest style, and at. moderate rates. Cheques, money orders, ,Seo., for advertising, subsori tion$, etc,, to be made Payable , D Sanders & C1G oeol, PROPRIETORS Professional CardS. DR. A, R, KINSMAN, L. D, S., D. D, S,, Honer graduate of Toronto Univerlsty. DENTIST, Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects Ijk Oft1ee in reason's Block, west side Main street, 7. Exeter, DR, D. ALTON ANDERSON (D.D.S. L,D.S DENTIST Honor Graduate of Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Also Post Graduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistery (with honorable mention.) AUuminum, Gold and Vulcanite Plates trade in the neatest manner possible. A perfectly harmless an- aesthetic used for painless extraction of teeth. Office one door south of Carling Bros. store, Exeter. Medical 1-‘11. T. P. MCLAUGHLIN, MEMBER OF THE LP College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur, Office, Dash. wood, Ont, Dr. John D. Wilson, Office and Residence, 200 Queens Ave., London Ont. Special attention paid to diseases of women. Office hours, 12.30 to 4 p m. 001111.1111111,41. Legal. i:ORSON & CARLING, BARIIISTERS, SOLICIT - tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners. Solicitors for Molsons Bank, etc. Money to loan at owest rates of interest. Offices, Main street, Exeter, 1. R. CARLING, B.A•, L, II. DICKSON Auctioneers in BROWN, Winchelsea. Lieened Auctioneer 1.1. for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex. also for tiro township.. of Osborne. Sales promptly, attended to and terms reasonable. Sales arranged at Post Office Winchelsea. The •BAolsons Bank (Chartered by Parliament, 1856.) Head Office, Montreal. Capital Authorized $5,000,000 Paid up Capital $2,856,420 Reserve Fund • •• ........... 2,720,178 JAS. ELLIOTT, General Manager. -EXETER BRANCH - Office hours: -11.0 a.m. to 3 p.m; Saturdays 10 a.m to 1 p.m. A general banking business transacted Money advanced to good Farmers at lowest rates. Savings Bank Deposits from $1 and upwards receiv- ed. interest allowed at highest current rates. DIOKSON & CARLINe, N. D. HrrlDON, Solicitors. Manager. Bicycles 1 We are still in the Bicycle trade and this year show some fine speci- mens. The CUSHION FRAME is the Ideal wheel to ride. Prices mod- erate. Pianos . W ld► Se,veral New Pianos just put in stock ; newest styles and the best makes. 'It will pay you to see them. You will be surprised at the LOW. PRICES at which we sell theta. Organs. of the Latest makes always in stock Sewing Machines 8cc We are leaders. in Sewing Ma- chines -the best machines that the trade produces are on our floor for yotir inspection ; also repairs Need- les, etc., for all kinds of sewing ma- chines, always on hand. Call and see us if in need of any of the above. MARTIN YOU ARE QUITE RIGHT When .you insist on having Harvey BrosFIour Our STAR FLOUR is made from the choicest Ontario and Manitoba wheat. The quantity of our WEEATLI;:'E lasbeen improved by sterilizing it. 10 lbs. for 25c. Git'e it a trial. It is " A FOOD "snot A " Our facilities for the handling of the chopping trade are unsnr'passed. The new Vessot grinder' is giving great satisfaction.. HARVEY BROS. Millers. l,ougha. delis, boarsene58, and other throat e.iltaerrts are quickly relies Yed by' Vapeeereso• tenetablett,tefioenta Petborr All druggist*.. Ayer's Give nature three helps, and nearly every case of con- sumption will recover. Fresh air,most important of all. wherry Pectoral Nourishing food comes next. Thea, a medicine to control the cough and heal the lungs. Ask any good doctor. -I first used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral 83 years eases It by seen ism never eases 10," ALrrs&r G. HAMILTON, Marietta,Ohio. 250., 600., s1.00. J. O. ATER 00., All for Lowell. Consu.thption Health demands daily action of the bowels. Aid nature with Ayer's Phis, Stamey i4lr. Jatnes Barclay, who hots been et Michipocoten and on the Algoma Oen. ,1 tral, for several months, is visiting rel- { actives in this section. He leaves short ly for the West and may settle upon his. farm near Echo Bay. --:Mr. D. Me - Ewan, of the 2nd concession, willhnve a barn built next summer and has let the contract of the stone work to 1'3r. Hiram Hill, of Clinton, while the fram- er will be i ire. i>•iatt. Mains, of Loncles- koro. -Miss Lottie Elliott, who has been studying music under Prof. Glen ' Campbell, of Clinton, bus returned fronrthe London Conservatory where she successfully passed her piano- ex- amination, taking first class honors. -- Mr. Henry Peck has disposed of his fifty -are farm on the Goshen Line, to 1 Mr. Thos. Stevenson for a good figure. -Mr. and Miss Fee, of Assiniboia, are visiting at Mrs. Fee's. -Mr, Chas. Ross of the 2nd con., has returned from 1 Moosejaw, Assa. DEATH OP MR. AIIOENFIEAD,--Deep , `regret was felt by our citizens gener- ally on learning of the death of Mr. James Aikenbeacl, of the second con- cession of Stanley, which took p bice , on Saturday after a brief illness of about a week. Mr. Aiken.bead had not been enjoying robust health for some time end on Sunday preceding his death be was seized with an attack of pneumonia which proved too much for his enfeebled constitution and de -1 spite tail that medical skill and kind attention could do; proved fatal as above Stated. Mr. Aikenhead was a little over 60 years of age. FIe Was one of the best known and most high- ly respected residents of this district. He was shrewd in business, but etriet- ly honorable and upright .in all his dealings with his fellow men. Being of a kind and genial disposition, be made many friends and was heldiu the highest esteem by 'all who knew him. He was an obliging neighbor, a faithful friend and in every respect a good and useful citizen. He leaves a widow and a family of seven sons and two daughters to mourn the loss and cherish the• memory of a loving and thoughtful husband and kind and indulgent parent. The remains were laid to rest in Baird's cemetery on Tuesday and the respect in which the deceased was held in the commmunity where he spent his life, was well man- ifested by the large number who, des. pite the extremely cold weather, at- tended to pay a host tribute of respect to one whom'in life they bad loved and esteemed. Constimpti Salt pork is a famous old- fashioned remedy for con- sumption. "Eat plenty of pork," was the advice to the consumptive 5o and too years ago. Salt pork is good if .a man can stomach it. • The idea behind it is that fat is the food the consumptive needs most. Scott'sEmulsionis the mod ern method of feeding fat to the consumptive. Pork is too rough for sensitive stomachs. Scott's Emulsion is the most refined : of fats, especially prepared for easydigestion. g Feedinghim fat in this way,e which is often the only - way, is half the battle, but Scott's Emulsion does more than that. .There is'some- thing about the combination of cod liver oil and h o ..hos- Yp p , phitcs in Scotts Emulsion that- puts. new life into the weak parts and has a special action on the diseased lungs. A sample will' be l Sent free upon request. Be sure that this Picture in the form of a label 11 on the wrap per of every bottle of ��;wwpne+atorn you buy.. SCOTT &' BOWNtr QHEMISTS, Torotito, Ontario. ,roe:, and $r; all druggists, JAPAN CAPTUQES 4 TORPEDO BOATS Squadron. Used Russian Signals. in Fresh Bombardment. JAP ADMIRAL TOGO ATTACKS Strong Russian Verne Reported to .1313 Moving Southward of Wijn and Anju- Goneral Jup Advance P'Ianned to 1:e - gin To•day-Oppos:rag Patrols :&lret.dy i Ch n i n Imminent- , T. >a 3 titin r n .eu du a I 1< , &tussiane Tire en British steamer. London, Feb. 23, --The Nagasaki correspondent of The Daily Tele- graph, .under date of Feb. 22, re- ports that the Japanese, squadron has captured four Russian. torpedo boats at Port Arthur by means of using Russian: signals. This despatch appears to confirm reports from various quarters of a fresh attack on Port Arthur liy the Japanese, Tho report. reached Nagasaki fro Che Foo, and it adds that the Xlu sian • crews of the four torpedo boa have been transferred. Kay ;lave 'Peen tarlier Artael . No other news of this attack ha been received in London, but th Che Foo correspondent of The Mor ing Post, in' a despatch dated ye terday, says the statement is cur rent that the Japanese torpedo boat' destroyers, in the attack on Port Arthur of Feb. 14, sunk or damaged two Russian battleships, in addition to the torpedo boat already report- ed: It is possible, therefore, that the report of The Telegraph's Nagasaki correspondent also refers to the earlier attack. • The report that large bodies .of Cossacks and other troops are occn pying Newchwang and fl'sinmingtin are unfounded. straw,' C'onoentr•atinir, A Daily Mail despatch from Hong Kong says a British sgtladro is concentrating there, and that corresponding French concentratiot of warships is occurring at Saigon Indo-China; this is supposedly. a re suit .of the Anglo-French understand- ing. nderstand ing. According to the Nagasaki corres pendent of The,Daily Telegraph, th American squadron, the vessels o which are variously reported at C Foo and Shanghai,' is going to de monstrate at the mouth of the Yalu River. testa M t,C 73)ittslt :+rzaricrtM i�irnll -11 u platy to:,'s II lay in t',oFelalS- '.ite n=est;?uotatlnns, Meader leveeing, Feb, 22. American Pale lemmas war.; cloned, to- da,i' W .uhial ton s b•-rthaey, Ai 7 it, rooi NI -teat futtvits a..vtneed 1.40 to ]i,td from Saturday, and (siva furtfres 110 to 1(1 higher. At 1'arls wiieirt ffirtre,r, are quoted GO fo VG e nttirlrc s higher ntl;l flour .fuInras '10to PO c'c'ni1ntt's Jrlgbcr. L onclon Gloss lfark.ratme ltillot market LeW;llcat 1Ut't'le",n sticn,r, lith. a ao9:1 hni- litoss; English strong at an •ril•aece or is. ra=re, 4nlerire:n st,o;g, i5ith, a good beei-1 ons a 3c higher; 1 I „het i'ht.nibll.0 strong, et an clvfrnee of 1e fill 11 ur, �lnrtri ni strong, ?,rich a good business, 1s ltr.,it"t', i,rrgisl; trong 011 an atIvenc•r of is, Wheat, 011 leies8g0, firer, but not aettve. Arae lai i t ,sego titan, but irft attty a, Spot 'AIu- iriutn nasal, Los 20, bl,:ur, spot Minn„ f,8s (10. Paris--("'lose-ll'he;tt, tone firul; Feb., 231 li.5e; May iuo Aug.231 use. blear, tone sle: Feb, 311 tyre; 'may and Aug. 321 20c; Antwerp-1fi'hrnt ri=ot quiet. 'WHEAT ANi) Nl:oua l'r,(> T. Total quantities of ecrculs afloat to -day, whit comparative figures tori a wear ago; 1 elf, ^-"0$, Fob 13,'04. illheat, bush' 19 s'x,,GOro 31040000 t!mai,- bush .... 8,100,000 ' SO,000 Thus the wheat an:1 flour on .passage in- (r.eased 1,760000 bushels dnriity the past ni ao'ek, and torn nix I t asi:cl 30,000 bushels, Ss- E'ho whrat on p;n,..:r,go a year ago was 20,- ts t24.00O bushels, t.e)i£a:cr.). '1r, 1.,11Yita.y t..: 3:A,..4 r;T, l'r alar-. s 11'hent, teed, bash ... , . , ..$1 ::)070_ to $..., e tSlieilt wlt.te, Irrnsii' .. ., l 0,Wlrent,spri;ttg, hullo ,.t1n'Wil,gose higha2 s- . Barley, bush', .: 0 40 0'471 - Beans, bush ...... 1 33 Beans, hand-picked .,.1 05 Rye, bush 0 58 Peas, bush .. 0 00, Bueltwlieat, bush ... 0 40 0.48 Oats,, buslr 0 301. 0 37 Llvi�:Itto:)r, on tIar AND P1i0DVCE. •L11U.D0 1, 1000, 29. -Wheat spot- nominal; lutui'es nervous; Alarcir nominal; 11Tay, Gs 0%da July, 6s 93!td. Corn -Spero Auoeriaan Ulxed, new, firm, 4s 3%d; Aruerlean mixed, k'lci, .steady 4s (3 0, li`utures irrog1lar; Mairch. 4s %d; ?Jfly, lis SISd, Chem$, Am- erleaa finest' white, quiet, 40s: do; colored, Oelet, 51s. Peas, Cenallian, 5s 61/x0. Lard, Prime western, film, 30s. 3d; ,'uner1,lto re- fined, t fi Emu, m , 30s 4 . c.. The imports. of wheat into Isiverpool last weee6 were 18,000 guar - tors from Aitlantre ports and 51,000 front other ports. The invents of COL% fr01ni At-' an. i Ifetrrtic ports lent week were 42,600 Ilrrar- tors. 1 CATTLE. MARKETS. Cables Unchanged - Tiur,de ]brisk, 11'rxces 'easter at Montreal, T.ondop Deb, 22. -Live cattle, steady at 0 101 4 to 111 e per lb, for Arnerieaii steers,. f dressed vI et.gh�t; Cnnadlzrn steers, 10e to Ch 11c per lb.; refrigerator beef, Se. to S1/2c per 11), Steep, 11c to 11/c per lb. Lambs, 1,4c to 1-11/2c, dressed weight, Indefinite Ilep,orts Printed. Indefinite reports of the movements of troops in the vicinity of the Yalu' River, and statements of attempts. to cut the Siberian Railroad, are also published this morning. • Tho Wei -Hai -Wei correspondent of The Times describes a visit to: Chemulpo, on Feb. 19, and the Jap- anese landing of rations there; which, he says demonstrated that the Japanese military organization is superior to that of any. European power. A general Japanese advance along the Pekin road to 'Pingyang, Corea, the correspondent continues, is expected shortly. Japan's Possible Intent. It is believed ed that whilethe sea power of Russia at Vladivostock is intact, the Japanese will not at- tempt to land on the 'eastern coast of Corea. As an evidence of Japan's intention, it is worthy of mote that her cruisers are busy patrolling to wards the northwest of Corea, and that she is not landing artillery . at Chemulpo. Everything suggests an immediate dash for a strategic position in Northern , Corea, the correspondent concludes,' and it is possible the Russians are considerably farther south than is supposed. A Tokio correspondent of Beiiter''s Telegram Company says he learns from a reliable source that .the Riaz sian minister to China, Paul Les- sor, has successfully bribed Chinese. officials, with the result that the instructions given the gunboat Mand jur to leave Shanghai were canceli ed. The Japanese Government con- siders,this to be a breach of Chinese neutrality, and is taking steps in the natter. Admiral Togo Attacks. Tokio, Feb. 23. -It is reported here . that Vice -Admiral Togo has' again attacked PortArthur, It is impossible to confirm the statement, but the navy department says it has had no news from Togo yesterday. It is considered very probable that the vice -admiral has made another• attack on the Russians, as he is' engaged in blockading Port. Arthur: Jap Advance To -day.. • Seoul, Feb. 23. -Reports have been received that a strong Russian force which concon'.r'atcd south of the Yalu River and occupied successively - TORONTO JUNCTION LIVE STOCK. Receipts of live stock at the tJafon Stock. 'Yards at Toronto Junetliom were 23 car lords, c0uaeting of 442 cattle and 6 sheep. Doo rRs.4.[. L tV,C' STUCK. ;Montreal, Deb, 2". -About; 1100 licittd of cattle, 50 calves, 30 sheep and 35 'Milch COWS and springens were offered for sane at the Dast Dna Abattoir today, The bt tchens were out strong and trade was brisk, with considerably lower prices: being in., -15 than on Inst week's markets. 'Prime he,eeves sold at front 41/2c to 5c Per lb,; gtod mediums, at 4c to 41/4c. ordlnary me- diurns;;. at .about 8%e, and the com=mon stock, at 21/2e to 31/ec per lb. Calves, sold at from $2.50 to $15 each, or .from 30 to 5e per lb. There was' a good demand for neilrh cows, at prices ranging trent f30 to $55 each.Sheep sold at from 31/10 to, 4c,iambi, iabi, at 41/2c to 5c per tb, Good lots ed fat bots sold at 0e to ;a liltla over 51: • per 10. RAST e- lZ b_ .o r U � CATTLE ..I Ax KET: Ethst BuEta:lo, Feb. 22. -Cattle -.Receipts, 3301 Bead; ecttllve, steady to sittong elosl.ng easier; prime steers, $5 to $5.25; shipping, $450 to 84.85; butchers, $4 to $4.75; he11e;n, 75 to $4.30; cows, $2.75 to $4; bulls, $2.75 to X4.25; stockers and feeeclers, $3,25 to 4; stock Leifer, $2.50 to $3; fresh cows, steady; springers, slow; good. to choice, $42 to $30; medium to good, $30 to $40; c- nonon3 $18 to $26. Veals-Reeeipts, 325 head; nue higher, $0.00 to $8.50. IIogs-11ereip•ts, 10,400 hexad; active, 10c to 1sc higher; heavy, $5.50 to $5.00 mixed,. $5.75 to $580; yoekers, $5.70 to $5.75; pigs, $5,40 to $5.50; Troughs, $4.80 to $5; .stags-, $3.23 to $4. Sheep ami Lambs -Receipts, 14,800 head; active; l==abs, 15c, mixed sheep, 20c high- er others, steady; lambs, $5 to $0.85; t ar liugs, $1.25 to $5,75; wethers, $4.75 to $5 eines, $4.50 to $4.80; sheep, nixed, to 84.85. NEW YORK LIVE SToCri. New York. Feb. 22.--Beeves-Receipts, 2035; steers steady to a shade liver; bulls Ind fat cows, 5c to 10c off; medium and 00remon . acswty, steady; all sold, Native steers, $4 to $5.20; bun's, $2.75 to $3.85; cows, $1.70 to $3.80. dbalvos--Receipts 648; i 3•eals, fully 50e higher; barnyard do., foe • higher, :all sold. Voals, $4.50 to $9.25; lit- tle calves $3.50 to $4; barnyard calves, $3.25 to. $3.75; city dressed reale, firm 83e(1. ito 1314e per lb.; c+otmtry dressed, 7c to 12c. Sheep and Lambs-It,ecelpts, 9734; good sheepsheep strong; others, steady; lambs, steady to a , :higher, but slow; sheep, $3.50 to $4,a5; choleo, $5; lambs, $5 to $0.00; culls, $5.50. IIogs-iR;eceepts, 12,782: market 1'50 to 25e higher; Pennsylvania, and state "hogs, emot- ed at $5.50 to 80.50. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. Chicago, Peb. 22,-Cattle--iteceip to, 26,- 000; steady; . good to ir1l:me steers, $6 to $610; poor to medium $3.50 to $4.80 ,iork- ,ers and feeders, $250 to 84.10; cows, .81:60 to ;4; 'heifers, $2 to $4.75canners $1.75 Ito $2.110; bulls, $2 to $4; calves, $3 50 to $7. Hogs-rteceipts to -day, 45000; to -me/= -sea 25000 10e to 150 higher; Mixed and but ii-. ers $3.10, to $b621/2; good to choice heavy, $5.5.5 to $5.75; rough heavy, $5.25 to $5.35; llht, .$1.90 to $5.355; 'bulk of sales; $5.30 to $u,SU. Sheep-Itee'eipta, 30,000; steady to strong; b=irds, steady to 'weak ; goal to choice wetdrers, $4,25 to $4.60; fair too choice mix- ed, 3.u0to 2- 4. e e -ss Wes t,rrt ,.h , 4.1 b$ ec 0 to t P, $ $!s 15; native, lambs $5.50. to $6; western lambs, $5,25 to $6.15. . 1laiju and Anju, is now moving' southward. A general Japanese ad- vance begins to -day, and asthe op- posing patrols are already in touch, a battle is imminent. The Russian force consists largely of Cossacks. Japanese Inelting. t1r(garrds. St. Petersburg, Feb. 23. --Heavy snows and blizzards over the Si- beeian railroad, ` especially east of Baikal, are largely increasing the tliflicultieS of transporting troops, besides better enabling Chinese bri- g rinds' to operate, Japanese agents' are reported at North Vladivostock inciting the brigands to action. (reef and Vegetable tcurc1ry, St Petersburg, Feb. 23. -Port Ar- thur is said to be entirely out of beef' and vegetables and drawing up- on Daley for a slim supply. The 'Pronto was sent from Port Arthur to I)alny for l'oftrgees. While leaving I'ort A.tthnr midi all lights out she \v.'' fired upon by a Russian cr'uiser, itl'<'11 shots striking her upper .$,alms, The entPall CO to l5ainy is :':111'noi rri)e(] with mines, .l i Mir' '1 '111,111, ho lnit`, r(,}). 28 ricore,y Alc'xicfY 1 ids full staff linvo fust arrivoll 111111)111, Where he r,(10lrttu•lol's have , • Laico Michigan in Bad Way. .'London, Feb. 23. -The British steamer Lake Michigan, from St. John, N. it., whish was beached in a sinking condition near Dungeness, af- ter a collision with the barque Mat- terhorn, had two feet of Nater • in her first hold, 23 feet in her second hold, 21 feet in her third hold; 213 feet in her fourth hold and 2555 feet in her engine room, Cattle Are All itlatlrt.. London, Feb. 22. -The cattle on. board the Lake Ilichigen are. all right and have food and water for two clays. Pumps have. been put on board, and it is hoped that with n' continuance of the fine Weather 10 vessel .can be floated wltlr'.n hours, 1 roril 1 O o i:i • Ottawa, reb. 2i,- 11:i+.i, I ,' 11,,• trtitle- has been. givi'u 0,000. so1 1,l: 0f:. WatcrWay$ teem `tl:t' lakes ,to • tit sea. Another club woman, Mrs. Hattie, of 'Edgerton, Vis., tells how she was cured of irregulari- ties rre l rio ties and uterine trouble, terrible pains and backache, by the : use ^^off^ Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Crim nd. "DRAB Mas. PRIKRAiH;--A while ago my health began to fail because of female troubles. The doctor did not help me. I remembered, that my mother had used Lydia E. Pali khan's Vegetable Co aund on many oc- casions for rx rities and'uterine n troubles, and I It stir$ that it could not harm ire at any rate to give it a trial. "I I was certainly glad to find that Within a week I felt much better, the terrible pains in the back and side were beginning to cease, and at the time of menstruation I did not have. nearly as aerial= a time as heretofore, so I continued Its use for two months, and at the end of that time I was like a new woman. I really have never felt better in my life, itavesnot had a sick' headache since, and weigh 20 pounds more than I ever did, so I un- hesitatingly recommend your medi- eine."- MRS, MAY RATTLE' Edgerton, Wis., Pres. Household Economies Club. -$6000 forfeit If original of about, letter proving genuineness cannot be produced. • Lord Strathi tna has given $20,000 to Manitoba University for the exten- sion of the science tlepartrnent: This timely gift will enable the university to begin develollnlent at once: FATALITY AT DENFIELD. Denfield, Feb. 21.-.tl. fatal nceidcnt Hefei Mr. Joseph Kelley, of this phage, yesterday, while engaged lei theSittlr- erland-Innes On. stone and hoop mills. Mr. Kelley was turning one of the large wheels to start 10) en„ ine, When the steam was turned on unknown to. hint, and it threw him around the wheel, breaking his spine and several rills, also cutting and bruising hint about the head. He passed away in an unconscious condition about three hours after the accident. s. TESTIMONIAL OF CHRISTOPHER LUKER, To.the Value of English Stock Food. I find the English Stock Food splen- did for my cows, pigs and chickens. I had a cow that was very thin and gave very poor milk.. I fed English Stock Food during the summer and I found the milk far more rich and the cow gained. in weight and gave more milk. For young pigs it is excellent, It will make the poorest pig in the litter grow equal to the most healthy. • It makes .irly chickens lay far earlier than ever before' and their health is much better. It is so good that•I want no better.' Christopher Luker. For Sale by O. Lutz, Only 50 cents Bag. EXETER , MiETa CH. ANGER EACH S' 7]10DNESDt '' Wheat., „ S0 100 I3arley, 40 40 Oats.. .,,,,, , 30 32 Peas GO 60 Potatoes, per bag........ 1 00 1 00 Hay per ton , .. 8 00 8 OG Flour, r, per cwt.,rollcx . 2 75 Butter,. 16 Eggs, . 23 Rides, per 1001bs . . 5 00 a 00 Live hogs, per cwt........ 4 50 Dressed Aogs.... , , , , . , , 5 75 Shorts per owt 05 95 Branperwilt, ... 1ro!8itth llIll tt Gatfa�la BEAD OFFICE, MONTI'OL'_1L Capital Paid Up 6,000,000 Rest - - 2,700,000 A general Banking' business transacted. ,rnfereeb at most favorable current tato:, allowed on Savings Bank accounts and Deposit Receipts. CormneraialLetters of:Oredit issued, available In China, .iapan and other foreign countries, Travelling Letters of Oredlt issued to travellers in all parts of the world, TILOS 1:''YSIIE, GENERAL MASAaua. 1.0..I1EBDEN, Seri' or, Brarcuas & Sa.' INS PECToS CREDD'ITON 3 ONT. W. S. CHISIHOL14M,' Manager. OR DI TOff' ROLLER MILLS. We are giving excellent satisfactionsince ' R - O modelling our mill. GRISTING and CHOPPING DONE PROMPTLY. 4. SWEITZEtt Cook's Cotton Root Compound; Ladies/' Favorite,, Is the only safe, reliabli regulator on which womala can depend. "In the-3tourl and time of need." Prepared in two degrees oa strength. No, 1 and No '21.. No. 1. -For ordinary eased 1s by far the -best dourer medicine known. No. 2 -?or special eases 10 degrees stronger -three dollars per box. 'Ladies -ask your druggist for Coolt'Ji Cotton Root Compound. Take no other as all pills, mixtures and imitations Arlt dangerous. No. 1 and No. 2 are sold anal recommended by all druggists in the De'• arinion of Canada. Mailed to any e.ddrest on receipt of priee and four 2 -cent posh stamps.. Wbe Cook Company, Windsor, oat No.1 and No, 2•nre sold In Exeter by Drs. Lutz and Browning, Druggists. TO EARE 5 Cropping and Rolling. Giye us a call when you want chop- ping or rolling done, , - SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. ai .. _D. Mill at Electric` Light Plant. Snell & 131atelhforc:. Offer to the Sick ONE EOLLR1 IJ1�VOBi80F{�[fllCfaE FREE as ATRIAL DR. SLOCUM, Lung Specialist` To• Every Sufferer with Consumption, Catarrh, Bronchitis, La Grippe, Pulmonary and Bronchial Troubles If you have any of the following symptoms it means that the germs of consumption are in your system. Accept Dr. Slocum's generous offer. Are your lungs weak? Are you losing flesh? Doou Cough gh ? Are you pale, thin and weak? Do you have pains in the chest?' Do you have ringing in the ears? Do you spit up phlegm? Do you have riot flashes ? Is your throat sore and Inflamed? Is there dropping in the throat? Is your appetite bad ? Is the nose dry and -stuffy? Do you have night sweats? Have you a coated tongue? Call your disease what you will, these symptoms indicate that you have in your i? y y r body the seed; of the most dangerous of maladies. In order Co let all people know the marvellous power of his system of treatment, Dr. Slocum has decided tog ive free, to all sufferers as a test his free trial treatment. ONE WEEK'S TRIAL OF DR. SLOCUM'S SYSTEM OF TREATMENT FREE Nothing could be more reasonable, more generous than Dr, Slocum's offer. The Slocum System of Treatment has cured thousands and tells of thousands of cases of constunption in all stages of the disease. A system of treatment that y� accomplishes more than any cne remedy can ever accomplish. A system of complete Medicinal and tonic food treatment that destroys and elioninatcs all tuber- culosis germs and poison from the system and nssists nature in building IOP healthy lung and body tissue, -two essential functions for a peemanent curt . Accept I7r'. Slocum's offer'to•clay and be cured at home among Mends and loved ones. Simply write to Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, r70 ling Street:West, 'Toronto, Canada, mention your druggist's name, and state your post and express offices, and ouwillro eV P y c r o the treatrttent promptly by express. 1Vlcltitiofl this paper,