HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1904-2-25, Page 3TOO LITTLE BLOOD..
Ts the Cause of Most of .the' 11"rise
in Everyday Life---ImmrQ re
'the Blood and Disease
Will Not Exist.
Among the many thousands Who
•testify to the value of Dr, Williams'
Pink Pills as fa! blood and nerve
tome is Miss Mary Jackson, Nor-
mandale, Ont., who says —"I luso
fraud Dr. Williams Pink Pills and
have derived such great 'benofrt from
then that 1 consider it my duty to
let otters know their worth, For
upwards of three years I suffered
from anaemia, and glow so weak
that I could scarcely walk about the
b o'use. :f had no color in my .face,
urs- lips and guars • were bloodless, I
lost all ambition, suffered, from.
headaches, and fell away in weight
until I weighed only niucty-four
pounds. I doctored a groat deal,.
• but it did not seem to do nie any
good. I was then advised to try.
Di. Williamb Pink Pills and befoi`s
bad taken them ten days I felt
better• and my people :could see a
vlianne in me. I: continued using the
pills for some weeks and am nocv
the very best of health, Every 'de-
-lrresfiiug symptom has passed away
:and .T. lt-,ave-gained fourteen pounds in
'weight. I think there is no rnodi-
..ine can equal Di. Williams' •Pink
Tills and ;I strongly roconmenv
them to all weak and ailing girls."
Inns, Jackson's experience should
bring hope to all the weak, ailing
girls and .worsen. What those pills
have done :for her they will do for
-others. Every dose adds non and
vigor to the blood and nerves, brings
a glow of health to sallow cheeks
a seaside to the eyes and e, ruby
redness to pallid lips. No other
medicine has done so mucks to bring
'comfort anad health to weal: girls
end women. If you aro ailing give
,thio nibs a. fair trial and now health
and strength will be yours. Do not
:accept any pink colored substitute;
the genuine pills always have the
• full name "Dr. 'Williams Pink Pills
for Pale People" printed on the
"lvraPPer :around every box. Sold by
medicine dealers everywhere, or by
snail at 50 cents a box or six boxes
'for $2.50 by wt•iting The Dr: Wil -
limns Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont,
It :Is a Vast, Silent City, With
Clean, Well -paved,' Well -lit
"If a, Mail were to live to .be a
hundred," .the late Sir Walter Bee -
ant dot:he 'ed, "and were to spend
every day of his life in exploring this
vast London of 'ours, I am sure it
would be possible to put him down
in a different part of it every day,
for a year, and mire days out of ten
he wouldn't have the ghost or an
idea where he was. And the same
man might easily die without know
beg anything really of that other
London which lies beneath our feet, report from C)ollinnevood of the vvon-Southern. 1 a +.
eifie R.aiiroad—the `build
and which, in a way, is more won- derful cure of Mrs. Thomas Adams of Mg of a bridge across the Great Salt
derful than the one we see." Bright's Disease . by Dodd's Kidney Lake ` between Ogden, Utah, and Lu -
There are probably d et
thousands of peep lo w to n y and the discussion of it has brought
know pretty well: all that:is worth.
knowing .,.bout London who would out the'fact that Mrs.. Adams case
"open their eyes with surprise" if is not an isolated one, that right in
they were told that when'taking 'Toronto there. are people who, suffer -
their wanes abroad they esti walkittig Ing from, the most dreaded and fatal
over a buried city with its network of Kidney Diseases, have found a
of hundreds of. miles of streets fol- positive and permanent cure in
lowing exactly the lines of the Dodd's Kidney Pills.
streets aboveground and. bearing the
same names, with an historic' river
fed by many a tributary, with writer
falls and baths; bookstalls, bakeries,
and restaurants—a vast, silent city,
to which the roar of the traffic above That Mrs. Philip was sufhering from
cannot penetrate, but without which Bright's Disease and was in a most
the London we know could - scarcely dangerous . state, there is not the
exist. shadow of a doubt. She was in two
If anyone doubts this let him get city hospitals,, Grace and the Gener-
permission to explore this buried al, and left both places without a
Metropolis, and within a minute he hope for the future.
will Snd himself transported from a IN THE 'HOSPITALS.
crowded, noisy, City street into
clean, vvell-paved, well -lit passages,
along which he may wander at will
Simon Oppashic, who has just died
in Austria at the age of seventy-one
years, was a beggar. People did not
wonder to see- him in that position,,
for Simon. had neither arms nor
legs, and it was perfectly plain that
.he could not work like au ordinary
mortal. So he went through' the
towns .and villages of the 'dual em-
pire in his specially -prepared chair,
wheeled along in the places of public.
resort, aild holding out his hat to
,get the anus of the charitable.
Everybody knew that he got enough
to live an, but few were prepared for
the revelation which was made when
be died. No less than n150,000 was
found in money and scrip in his hum-
ble home, and books 'were found in
which a daily account was kept of
all money which he received in the
forth of alms.
Collingwood Bright's Disease Cure
Brings to Light Others Equ-
ally Wonderful,
Mrs. Fred. Philip of Eglington
Tolls of Her Renarlcable
Discharged From Two Toronto
Hospitals—Docdd's :kidney Pills
Brought Back tier Health.
Toronto, Feb. 8.—(Special).— The
More than half the battle in
cleaning greasy dishes is iri the
soap you use, if it's Sunlight Soap
it's the.best; GB
:as t'wx w' '�t 3
Ono of the most interesting and
difficult feats of railroad engineering
ever undertaken has just been nom
plated by the owners of "The Over-
land Route," Union Pacific and
b y ltuUtin s Pills' has aroused great interest here
1 Ilii 1 the cin, .Nevada.
The cut off runs from Ogdea west
15 miles over level country - befor'e
reaching the lake proper, then across.
the east arm of the Lake 9 miles to
Promontory, Then flee miles of solid
road bed and then 19 miles west over
the west arm of the• Lake toward Lu-
cio and thence across the Great Salt
Lake Desert to Lucio, Nevada.
One of the most striking cases that
has been brought to light is that of Across the east aria, of the Lake, it
Mrs. Fred. Philip, now residing on will be almost a continuous fillin Sup-
Broadway ave., 'Lgiington ,one of ported by trestle. Near the middle
the northern suburbs of the city, of this will be a gap of 600 feet of
open trestle work left for the waters
of the Bar river which flow into the
arm of the Lake.
Across Promontory Point runs five
miles of solid road bed and here dif-
ficult work was encountered..
Across the west arm of the Lake is
11 miles of trestle work with afillin
In Grace Hospital the doctors approach at each end of four miles.
wished to operate on, her, but she In completing the work of spanning
objected, end leaving the hospital the Lake, one great difficulty was en -
called in another doctor. Ile told countered across the oast arm by the
her at once that she bad Bright's settling of feline and trestle work.
Disease and had her removed to the
General Hospital, The doctors here
demurred' to an operation, on ac-
count of the danger.
On being discharged a, second time wall of 100 feet. It took 1,000 tons
without benefit Mrs. Philip stopped'of rock in piles which appear to have
the doctors and started to take reached the bottc m of the take pro-
Dodd's Kidney Pills. The result is 'per aucl which has resulted in a firm
and splendid road bed.
"It is iutended to reduce the run-
ning time from Salt Lake to Chicago
to 66 hours, and put passengers into
New York in 56 hours from Salt
Little children always need careful.
attention—but they do not need
strong drugs. When any ailment
comes they should not be drugged be-
te insensibility; with the so-called
"soothing" medicines, nor should
they be given strong nauseous, grip-
ing purgatives. The Very, Test medi
•cine in the world for such troubles
as colic, sour stomach, indigestion,
constipation,-dial•rhoea, worms,
'colds, -simple lovers and teething
troubles is Baby's Own 'Tablets. 7.f
your little ones suffer from any of
these troubles give them the 'Tablets
snit see how quickly they will bring
back the bloom of health. Give the
little ones an occasional dose of the
Tablets and you will keen them veli:
Mrs. Robt. Hanna, Elgin, Ont., has
proven thetruth of these statements
and says :—' `I find Baby's Own Tab-
lets the best remedy for indigestion
and teething troubles. The Tablets
cost 25 cents a box, and may be
lead from druggists or by mail from
The Dr. Williams Medicine Co.,
leroekville, 'Ont.
13y his side run huge.pipes carrying
water, gas, electric wires, pneumatic
tubes—all for the use of the millions
of people above his head.
Ho will find that these vaulted
streets branch oft in . all directions,
just as do the streets above -ground,
and he need never be at a loss to
know precisely where he is, for each
street bears its name in plain let— that to -day all the terrible swelling
tors. And not only this, but on the is gone, she is able to do all her
walls aro numbers corresponding to
those borne by the houses immed-
iately overhead.
If. for instance; lie is walking east-
ward along Gresham Street he will
find old Jewry branching off to the
right and Coleman Street to his left,
while a few yards farther on he can
continue his walk along- Princes
Street' or Moorgate. Street at will.
Thus lie may waudor for scores of
miles along . these white-bi•icl ed,
clean., well -ventilated subways, now
startled to find himself peering down
on a railway -station far beneath his
feet, and a moment later by the
thunder of an underground train just
over bis head. -
Dee -p below these subways are
others tbrougli which .run 'enormous
gas and water mains; and in between
at different levels, is - the. most won-
derful network of underground rail-
ways in the world. If curiosity car-
ries him farther there are Hundreds
of miles of sewers to explore, but
the task is not a savory one, and he.
will encounter • -
This was caused by the salt of the
flow of the Bea: river having collec-
ted for centuries over the bottom of
the - Lane and having formed a salt
on his way. In his wanderings he
will rediscover the old- Fleet River,
so familiar to Ions gone generations, -
which now finds its way to the
Thames through a channel more than
twice one's own height, and which
"To -morrow, bfarfa, Ne -ill be your
1♦irthday, and X lvarht -to give you'
Kane appropriate present. What
/Ball it be ?" "
"Whatever your kind heart may
suggest, John.".
(Next Day) -"Maria, you know
itow your poor back has suffered
from pulling orf my boots in the
)venins,? It will not suffer any
Imre, my love, See 1 I have brought
youa fuse new bootjack, which I
tact :;se hereafter instead."
Uncle George' : "Instead of wearing
iliarnoeds, don't you think it would
be urore becoming to pay your tail-
or's bills ?
Harry "But if 1 pain my tailor's
bills, how could I atiord to wear,
'diamonds ? And if people 'didn't
buy dianioncls - what -would keep the
'diamond mcrChants from starving tC.
Uncle George : "But you don't
pay for your cliaiunnds, either."
ITar•ry,:: "Ali l now you are wander-
fog from t1he point."
Worry wont cure a cough. When
yeti find a cough holding ott
g i l e
e er thin else has failed--
a d
when Y Y g
c1 .',:
t n$t ptio
CureTile id Lung
It is guaranteed to cure. It it
doesn't, we'll reftind your money.
Prices: S. C.'WELLS &CO. Sall
25e, t0c. yl. Lenoy, N.V.,-Toroata,Call
A. California • Doctor With 40
Years Experience.
own:. work as well as look after her
bright little four-year-old child.
In an interview ]stirs. Philip spoke
freely of her terrible trouble .and gave
unstinted praise to Dodd's Kidney
"I, was sick for six months," she
said, "before taking Dodd's Kidney
Pills, During that time I was six
weeks in Grace Hospital . and. two
months ; in the General Hospital. I
was told in. both places that nothing
more could be done for . ie. I'
started taking Dodd's Kidney Pills in
April and • am . still rising them. They
have done me a world of good. The
Dropsy has all left me and I 'am now
doing all my own work just the same
as I was before I was sick."
The talk these cases has caused has
also served to show how general the
use of Dodd's ICidney Pills has be-
come and how numerous aro the cures
effected of Pain in the Back, Rheuma-
tism, Dropsy, and all the, other -re-
sults of diseased Kidneys. In fact,
cures by Dodd's Kidney Pills can be
found by the hundred, but a case in
winch -- they bave- failed to ernehas
yet to be reported. -
"In my 40 years' experience as a -
teach'er and practitioner along hy-
gienic lines," says a Los Angeles
physician, "I have never found a
food to compare with Grape -Nuts for
the benefit of the general health of
all classes of people. I have recom-
mended Grape -Nuts for a number - of
years to patients with the greatest
success and every_ year's e:iperience
makes - me more enthusiastic regard-
egarding its use.
"I make it a rule to always recom-
mend Grape, Nuts and Postum Food
Coffee in place of coffee when giving
my patients instructions as to diet
for I know- both Grape -Nuts and
Postum can be digested by anyone.
"As for myself, when engaged in
much mental work my diet twice a
day consists of Grape -Nuts and rich
cream. I find it just the thing to
build up gray matter and keep , the
brain -in good working order. :
"In - addition to its wonderful ef-
fects as a brain and nerve food
Grape -Nuts always keeps the diges-
tive organs in perfect, healthy tone.
7 carry it with me when I travel;
otherwise I am ahnost certain to
have trouble • with my stomach,"
Narne given by Poston Co.', Battle
Creek; Mich, • •
Soong endorsements Ulm the above
from physicians all over the country'
lrav'o stttinpcd Grape -Nuts the most
scientific food in the world. -
There's a reason.
Look in each package for the fam-
ous little book; "'.Che toad to Well--
villa." •
are scores of bakeries which flay
light - never enters. •
Underneath- Bucklersbury you may
look on avenerable ,arch and door-
wai' which wore built about the time
Pompeii was destroyed, and near the
Strand you may have a dip in an
underground bath into which Sever-
us 'may have plunged seventeen cen-
turies ago.—London Tit -Bits.
in time of flood thunders down in
great volume, ;Beneath Ledgate_
Circus it is recruited by as stream
which falls foto it like a miniature
But Whereever• you wander'm sub-
terranean London, there is something
startling or it et•esting to greet
you. .There" ,are cavernous-- wine-
vaults which., - if they ran continous-
ly, would reach half -way from the
City to Brighton, and which contain
thousands of caslts of wine. Beneath
St. Paul's Chtuchyard--your 'bus or
cab passes over it -is a Spaciot:s,
well-equiplred :restaurant where hun-
dreds tttke their meals every day
deep below the City traffic, Mud to
gain access to which you burst walk
under. a large block of wtlxehousee;
and this is but ono of many under
ground eating -houses, while there
Whieli of the 'species' of woods is
the most durable ? To answer this
question some interesting exper
ments have been made, and the fol-
lowing results were obtained : ]siren
and aspen decayed in three years,
willow and horse -chestnut in four
years, maple anti red beech in five
years, elm 'and ash in seven years;
oak, Scottish fir'-, and. Weymouth ping
decayed to the depth of half an tncli
iii. - seven years; larch anil juniper.
were uninjured at the expiration of daughterr'Mary going to be when she
the seven years. In situations so finished at college'?" "Wall, I kinder
free from moisture that they rl? e reckon she'll teach school. She thinks
be- called practically dry, the dura -
she'd like clic vacations."'
hints of timber is almost unlimited•
more than 450 years old. Better without e' Stoma..ia
-ewe, e
1fA.wx let�a,s�
..,...�..--..-- •-"~--rte^
Cart.. Chosen riench
Total increase approved applications .,..... 3,368
Total increase in Surplus Funds ... ... $100,000,00
Total Membership .. 26,000
Total Surplus Funds ., $420;000.00
Organizers wanted. Write.
Grand Recorder,. Hamilton, Ont., or Grand: Organizer. Hamilton, Ont.
Sr^ $*hr ° . �•., ..x:;a r V r , r^r,t*•,: ..0 ..x..
BEI 7 Ef
rstasum•eo _-
Pairs, Wash Basins, Milk Pans, Ike
Any First -Class Grocer Can Supply You. "
_tit:•: •:�°'.t�^,"c,r%.. .-s %iia^• _.aiJ,'•tP-'d%i?3'`..�.r"+,.k9h.° `•_�c:st c-4`;1;^'t� t x.i.i".�,; "1:-',�
There is one class of persons upon I Mrs. Cobwigger—"'What a beautiful
whom whiskey serine to have .little t eoliection of antiquities you have,
on no effect—those who let it alone. a y dear." Mrs. Parvenue -"it
How to get out of a scrape—Let should be. My husband knows ,all
your beard grow. about such things and had thein roads
to order," -
Suffer No More.—There are atbousancl —'--
who live miserable lives because dyspepsia The . Prresldent: a Siave ito.
dulls the faculties and shadows existence Cfatrartit.-77. T. Sample, president of
dispel the cloud of depression. One way to Sample's InstalmentCoulpany,"Washington,
dispel the vapors that besot the richt e, of Pa, writes ; "For years I was afflicted with
this glee' disorder is order them a course, re
Pru melee's Vegetable Pills, which ire Chronic Catarrh., Remedies and treatment
aurone the best Vegetable Pills known by specialists only me temporary relief
until I was influent to use Dr. Agaevt's
Catarrhal. Powder. It gave almost instant
celZef, 50 Gants. -4o
"Remember," said .the friend, "that
riches have wings." "Yes," an-
swered Mr. Cumtox; "I am reminded
of that fact when I am called upon
to pay for the pleunago on my daugh-
ter's hats."
being easy to take and are mosteffficneious
in their action. A. trial of them will prove
A good many things are bad
enough, but the worst never really
happens. -
l nardfs Lififaflt Cures I'andrutt,
I"ariner Sawyer, what is your
The roof of Westminster Hall is itCa t
$loo Reward, $too.
The • readers of this . paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to cure in all its stages, and
that 'is Catarrh. nail's Catarrh Cure
is the only positive cure now known to
the .medical fraternity. Catarrh being
a constitutional disease, requires a
constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is taken internally, acting direct-
ly upon the blood and mucous surfac-
urfacees o:f the system, thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease. and giving
the patient strength by building up the
constitution: and assisting' nature in do-
ing :its work. The proprietors have
so much faith in its curative powers
that they offer One Hundred Dollars for
nay case that it. fails to cure. Send for
list of testimonials.
Address F. J. C'1Xu,NE r n CO
Toledo, O-
Sold by all Druggists, 75c.
`fake Hairs '.[lamely Pills for consti-
Iminenso fortunes have been made patron.'
out of tbo banana business. Rev-
enues de' not accrue alone from the In kissing a baby during a canvass
sale of the fruit, for the leaves are always remark that the dear little
used for nicking, the wax found ien thing has the beautiful mouth of its
the under side of the leaves is a mother,
valuable article of commerce, manila • hemp is made from the stems, and of Hollins', 6Bi sl^ra•ieyg, Skin Wa-
llis- are made rnnatn, plaited ,sasses Geared for, Thirty-five
work, and lace haldkerclilefs of the Cet1'te.--Dr. Agnew's Ointment relieves
finest texture: Moreover, the ban- in one day, and.cures Tetter, Salt Rheum,
rangy is ground into banana flour. Scald Head,Eczema Barber's Itch, Ulcers,
'rhe island of Jamaica and the West Blotches and all eruptions of the skin, Itis
soothing a.ndquieting and acts like magic
in the cure of all baby humors. - eec.-47
Indies generally yield great crops
of this useful fr nit
i d s Liniment far sale MMer Where Truth is constantly getting in -the
glom' >t
II1i o if it ly why it is crushed to earth so of -
was very hard to . write poetry. He
replied.: "It is either very easy, or Messrs, Northrop& Lsnrin Co• are the
it is impossible." : proprietors of 'rir. jhotr.,t5 Relearn Oil,
t _ way of some people. That is probab-
Some one asked Victor g ton.
whioh is now being sold in immense
Por Over Sixty Veers gn•antities thrcu,hotit the Dominion. It
w - L iv's sooxrrr'xa sewer has boon
el seat% the
1 e fleas the tuns, slam pain. onrcr beCaUSe ht l a. ,
ohms, o s rend: .This valuable specific for almost
wind entto, regitlates thD brotnnch and hn+.�d)s, and ,s hha . h
for Dlurrlhaes. Twenty 3hve cents n nada "eve,' ill thee flesh IS heir t)," 7s°:61 t1ed
Seat. es ddY
ask f sdruggistsMsthroughout the world, lie sero soil ous
nsktor' Mos.wrssLoir6l�OATnrKRt3liLrrN." 12- by the sufferer uselixir tof life It manyta
• gold It: is the ell
used hi
is welcotited by the sufferi n ; invalid
MRA. rr ° re while teething, _everywhere whtlr emotions o1 delight,
millions of mothers for their children r baili. h4y. MaittrtnCI gtvos instant
wasted frame. '1'o the farmer it is rnclii
Singleton : "Birt don't you think densable, autl it should be la every
there should be music in every horse.
house ?" Wederiy "Certainly; but
what 1 object to is the alleged music
next door."
Sir harry Rawson, the popular ad-
mirel, was welcomed as Governor of
BtlIs ever a dens Life. --The batons New ,South Wales with the greatest
caus is never a companionable man . be entliusiasm. One port gi'ectoa, I>iin •
sauce his ailment renders him morose and
Thecos plaint is not so danger a novel and interesting way, '1'11ere
oUs i1 ip Yet no one freed were no guns big though to salute
ons as it is disagreeable,
suffer from it w110 can nrocaro l"ar•melee's 'Iain with, so an enterprising loyalists
and ohs, pills. I3y regulattin ,tire liver bit on the haply idoa of utilizing,
ato och Ithiey the ei nen at brio it, the kel•osCZie tins. With the assistance
sterpacli.thea restore "len to cheerfnitress
and full vigor of action of plugs of dynamite and a fuse the
Dear Sirs,—I was for seven years
a sufferer from Bronchial trouble,
and would be so hoarse at times that
I could scarcely speak above a-whiis-
ljer. :I got no relief from anything.
till I tried your MINARD'S HONEY
13ALSAM. Two - Mottles gave relief
than -with one that's got a constant " hurt" and six bottles made a complete
to it. Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets cure- I would heartily recommend it
stimulate the digestive organs. Let one to anyone suffering from throat or
enjoy the good things of life and leave no' lung trouble? F. VA 1i31TS ti7ltTi'.
bad effects—carry them with you fn your m redericton.
vest pocket -6o in box, 35 cents. -48
After marrying the mini who'colut-
ed her a girl is apt to find that he's
another man. -
Lever's Y -Z (Wise head) Disinfect•
ant Soap Powder dusted in tlw
bath, softens the water and disiu-
"It was only five years ago that I
started in with our Linn at 5.5 n
week," said Bragg, "and now I earn
$50 a week without any trouble-."
"That's so; it's easy to earn that,"
replied Nowitt, "but bow inuch do
you get?"
salute was duly given, resulting in
First Man—"Yes, I'll no any work a rbund dozen of loud bangs, the
at, all that's honorable.", Seaond the saunc itnmber of lining keros.nt:
Man—"Gracious 1 Have,you got so title ; alrzt distratttsd natives' fleeing for
roti as that ?" their lien; ie. ail dr,`�l i coir r
The great lung healer is found in that
escelleutineilieine sold as Bicklo's Anti
Consumptive Syrup. • It soothes and di-
minishes the sensibility- of the inemien ue
of.thethroatand air passages,,;roil is a
sovereign remedy for all coughs, colds,•
hoarseness, pain or soreness in the chest,
bronchitis, etc. It has cored many when
euppoa^el to bo far advanced in consutnp-
"Mabel, I have something to say
that T think will astonish you."
"What is it, Harry'" "I tun going
away." "Orf, Barry! you are ,al-
ways getting up some nice surprise
for me."
`;canard's Liniment Relieves tieura(rt5in
"Mrs. Rafferty, it's a foine hus-
band Dinnis is ' to ye now, stayin
home all the toime taluii care of
little - Jerry." "Sure, Stirs. O'Brian,
can' it's me own feline brain that's
responsible for it. Yisterday Oi-
chopped up .liis wooden leg so as he
couldn't go. otit."
The Clergy
Dr, Agnew's Catarrhal Powder Cures
Aft Creeds. it rteiieves In 10 Minutes.
-dins got my eye on a girl who
has a iuMlion dollars in her own
na ell?"
"Well, I was wandering 0 I should
get her to change her name if any
of her change would be in my
Mother Graves' "Worm Exterminator
has the largest sale of any similar prepar-
ntion sold in Osnttda. It always gives
e,tisfacticn by- restoring health to the
little folks.
• Most of the things a Man says
would benefit the world just as mach
if he 'neglected to say them.
.A_ lady writes : "I was enabled to remove
the corns, roetaud branch, by the use of
Hollowtry's Corn Cure." Other:; who have
tried it have the same experience.
WiUiaru--"I merely told her per-
haps it would be just as well, then,
to let some fool; asle my question"
t incrd1 s L.inleient Cures luras! at
The value of hair -springs alien
finished and placed in watches is
enormous in proportion to the ma-
terial from which they are made. A.
tonof gold is worth about $627,9.15.
A ton of steel made up into hair-
s rrin s when in watches is worth
about e7,1381,290 --more than twelve
and half times the value of puro
BASTEDO'S " iCt 4no>TOEIt$9',
SALEIAL OF eise vitF
rend for catalog. WVegiveextravalue.
• Raw rues anal Aaneing, Send for price list
h of.
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row and Bev. �lr. Clhainbers ('hfothacl- genet
and .Ur. Newman, all, of Toronto; ziuGle „eneraily;
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t athatlu;. Gtr)h!es of their person.tai let- q� coni si n it.to is
cert, for thD nslcit !f. Y,(1 n
. ! i we will e
t cont r..tieVos rias ih a day att9 �'
tri A ante a Oln n p
you gobti prices
awson Oornm ssi n 00,,
'"SIO't7 W,C2...# thrl3 ITs11
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Tilt PAGE wing oattoullo. \Y,ltkeiet iriOxlti ltlu,nti ►i.gtee, st. J•r)ln, wltr>L,tl:ec. s*,
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