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Exeter Advocate, 1904-2-11, Page 5
published every Thursday bforning at the office. 1.14.1N -STREET, -- .FrXErER, .--•---By the- e--- AtVOOATE PVBLISHIMO COMPANY, TERMS OF 8U13SO12.1$TION, One Dollar per annum if paid in :advance,. $1,50 if not so pald, eLsle •Qrtielair Ro,tcea oar eLspealiGa- tions. No paper discontinued until all arrearages are pmol Advertisements withoutspecified directions will be published untilforbid and charged accordingly, Liberal discount matte for transo[eu t advertiseinen e inserted for loos, periods. Leery description of JOl3 PRINTING', tamed out in the finest style, and et ruodereterates.. Cheques; money orders, Sze., for advertising, su'bsorlptiorrs, oto., to beena to payable Sanders & Creech, PROPRIETORS Professional Cards. Dle. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S., Honor graduate of Toronto flnivorists,.. DENTIST, Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects Ounce in hansoit's Block, west side Maid street, .. ..,m.,,...•was...o a•,...A.,......,r....,...,,..«.ou..a.�.� DR. D. ALTQhN ANDERSON (D.D.S, L.D,S DENTIST hotter Graduate of Toronto University and. Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Also Post Graduate of Chicago Sohool of Prosthetic Dentistery. (with heaorable mention.) Alluururum', Gold and Vulcanite Plates made in the neatest manner possible. A. perfectly harmless an. aesthetic used for painless extraction of teeth, Office one door south of (arlittg Bros. store, Exeter. Medical 11 -Alt. T. P. McLAUGIILIN, MEMBER . OP Ti3.1: College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Office, Dash- wood, Oat. land, Jr. II—Willie Petty, Clarence attars. Se. Pt. I --Renta. Thoansc>n,. Maggie Fee,Orville 11:Oltrli nell. Jr.' Pt. IA -Elmore Deters, CaLr•lisle Thou: - son. F. II. Brownlee, Teacher, Take cold easily? Throat tender? Lungs weak? Any relatives have consumption? Then a cough means a great Cherry e - c '. O deal to you. Follow your doctor's advice and take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, It heals, strengthens, prevents. "For 40 years I have depended on Ayer'e Cherry. Pectoral for toughie and colds. I know it reedyY atrongtlrens weak lunge." 22R8, P.. A, Ro$1NSON, $aline, hitch, 25e„6t)c., $1.00, - J. O. A.'Xann CO.. 4.11 rho °i.•ta ®I,ESIMAgetaraiega Lowell, ss, cak tin Ayer's Pills increase the activity of the fiver. and thus aid recovery, SCHOOL REPORTS. The following' is the report of S. S. No. 14.1Iay, fop the month of January, 1904, besed on attendance, (len ennui. and general proficiency. V --Olivet Fee. IV --Emily Fee, Jessie McArthur Letitia Mulholland, Sart, Petty. Sr, III—Grace Anderson. Jr.III—George Petty, Eliza Thomson. Sr. II—Laura Fee, Victoria DaLtars, Sydney Mc_i1'- thur, Gretta Ivison, George llnlhtl- Dr, John D. Wilson, Office and Residence, 200 Queens Ave., London Ont. Spooial attention paid to diseases of women. Office hours, 12,30 to 4 p m. .Legal. DicgisoN& CARLI,NG, BARRISTERS, SOLICI- tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners. Solicitors•for Nelsons Bank, etc. Money to loan at owest rates o: interest. Offices, Main street, Exeter, 'I. R. Ceatexir, 13.A., L, H. Dtoasoer ALtctioneers R�7 BROWN, Winchelsea. Licened Auctioneer e for tine Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township of Usborne. Sales promptly attended to and terns reasonable. Sales arranged at Post Office Winchelsea. The IfIlioisons Bank (Chartered by Parliament, . 1355) ) Head Office, Montreal. Capital Authorized... ...$5,000,000 Paid up 0apital .. $2,856,420 Reserve Fund. • • • •. .... . 2,720,778 S.A.S. ELLIOTT. General Manager. EXRTER BRANCH 0111ce hours: -1O: a.ni. to 3 p.m; Saturdays 10 a.m to 1 p.m. A. general banking business transacted 3,„; M • oney advanced to good Farmers at lowest rates.- Savings Bank Deposits from $1 and upwards receiv- ed. interest allowed at highest current rates. Drorsor ,e CARLI -0, N. D. Remote, Solicitors. . • Manager. Bicycles ! We are still in the Bicycle trade and this year show some fine speci- mens. The CUSHION FRAME is the Ideal wheel to ride. Prices mod- erate. New Pianos I Several New Pianos just putt in The ,following is the eepcn•t of w, S. No. 0, Usborne, for month of 'January. Names aI'e in order of molt. Owing to the fact that so inany of the junior pupils were absent for examinations their classes do not appennr. V.—flay Jones, Maggie Coward, Ilia Delbridge. Sr. IV.—Nelson Corad s, Rob't Coward, Olive Berryhill, Jr. IV. -Willie El- ford, Almena Heywood. Sr. III.—LaLll-! re, Godbolt, Everett Skinner, Jackson Woods. Junior Room. Jr. III—Ella Heywood, NellaHeywood, Hattie Reu- ter: Jr. III. Lille, Heywood, Lulu Godholt, E,n'l Johns. Sr. IL—Flo beet Jones, 2+:11aL Washburn, Ray Fletcher.' D. McDougall Teachers. A E. Martin i i H M A CoxrNe Gs'nh)e Are Week rami il'2Leat I's Only iatondy-.Live i trick SInrh'ots Tyco li,ntest (lctaiati.•ns._ Monday I±:veut)g, Feb. b, Liverpool 11lteat referee f;losee to -day %>yd hleitee then saLturday, incl° corn futures 44,11 l9ta'ex; At GhYeage May wheat olosetl ui'chnnged from , Saturdal, pin, cornu LThc lower arld May oats tyre lower, At Paris wheat futures adyaimed 130 to 85 centlrnc.s and flour futures 50 to 70 oi'n. times, 1 ir. ;l` 12..b ;:a. -tic'' London, dost_ 3:W'heait-0u viesage buy- ers and sellers uPdrt. Sialic 011. passeee,, greet but steady; spot Amerir5u mixed, 20. ilii Flour 41>ot ;>fu.taes0ta, 275 bid. Paris, close—Wleet—Tout them Pelsrti np'y, !1C 5Oc1 11:113 •fuel .1ngu't, 21C 7Oe, t+iouz l?ozic i1vn3 l'cbrunry, `205 70e; .ltny. and August, 2511 00e. Antwerp--Wheat-Spot steady; No. 2 red winter,- no stock. SIJZ Ptee A$ compered with n week ago, the visible supply' of "heat to Canada and the Unified States has drerensue 5110,000 beeleila, cora tneveased 871,000 bushels; oats increased 150,000 bushels. • P ollawiirg is •r cc•supnra- tivo statement for tate week ending today, the Preceding weer: and the carrespottding;, week of last year: Feb,'1,'04. Feb. 1 '04, Feb.7,'03 Wheat, hu d9,,.Oo,o110 31 7010, i0C! 48.420,000 Oats, hu , 8.506,0110 8,440,000 4,720,000 Corn, he 8,001;000 7,121,009 9,5111,000. '1'o rt•tnpittslnlo, the visible, eupply of wheat In Canada' fuel the United Settee, to- gether with that ;atl, 11 to Europe, Is 68.-. i 400.010 1>alelteie agninti% 03,810,0(10 bushels a week ago and 77,001,000 bushels n year •• ago L1] 11"111: '.1ro110wing are; the oloeing quoteti008 a ' Impea•tant wheat centres to -day : t New York , , ... .. 9a> -"sit Chicago a 94 Toledo 06t/a, li64 05% Duluth, No. 1 N.. ... .. , 92 • 92 92 Tti1LONr) 3D. L.AIt_teee:. !; .11,t : (..'1•. Grain— I lyheat, red Irtash 40 8$ to $ 0 1Vheat, white, bush 0 88 Sl}V,, I Wheat; "epilog, Barley-, bush, 0 45 0^48 Means, bush 1 35 , .. . Beans. hand-picked 1 05 ... Rye. bush. 0 57 . 1 Peas, bush. 0 60 { linekwlreat, bush, 0 46 0 4S Oats, bush 0 357h . TAVEL:tPOuL GRAIN AND 2'l1Q5UCE. Liverpool, Feb. $.—Wheat—Spot nominal; futures quiet; 'March, es Syed; linty, es 3yel; July nonnhna1. Corn—Spot steady; American mixed, new,.4s 244d; American refixed, cid, 4s 61Jd; ftures quiet; March, 4s 2%d; Mal, 4s 3�id. Hams—Short out quiet, 43s 6d, Bacon t"umberland cut steady, 35s. Shoulders— Square steady, Wes 61. Hops at Loudon— ractile coast flim; 46 10s to 47 10s.' . NEW Tonle .DAIRY IIAIt'O ET_ The following is a correct report of! the standing of the pupils in S. S. No. 1 8, Stephen, for the month of January. The names are arranged in order c;f imerit : —Entrance.— Mitchell Willis, Thos. Sanders, Eddie Willis, Iierbie Beaver, Lizzie Sanders, Editli Parsons, Sam Hicks. Sr. III.—Thos. Pentode, Harry Triebner. Ralph Willis, Marry Parsons, Cecelia Ford, Fred Beaver, Hilda Preszcator, Earl Box. Jr. III.— Rale Parsons, Levine Cookson, May Sr. r Sanders. .— S Gtadyspeaian}„Ed- die Triebner•, Sherman Willis. Jr. IT. —Johnny Willis, Fred Preszcator, Saul Stanlake, Preston Dearing, Earl Slott: - ton, Geo. Whittaker, lxeo. Hicks. Sr. Part II.-Almex Willis, Chester Poi- sons, Gordon Sanders, Ada Willis, Florence Triebner. Jr. Part I.I.-Olive Preszcator. Sr. Part 2.—WilfridShe p - ton, Garfield Stanlake. Edgar Wuertb, GordonPenhale. No. on roll, 45; aver- age attendance, 80. - x Fred J. Sanders, Teacher. 1 stock ; newest styles and the best makes. It will pay you to see them. The matter of feed is of Yon will be surprised at the LOW PRICES at which we sell them. Organs of the Latest makes always in stock C' Sewing Machines sec. We are leaders in Sewing Ma- chines--the a- chines— he bestmachines t r la�chines that the trade produces are on our floor for your inspection ; also repairs Need- les, etc., for all kinds of sewing ma- chines, always on hand. Call aild see us if in need of any of the above. ■ . M A - it Ii • 7.4.2.V.: ARE ,. QUITE RIGHT When you insiston havinn Harvey Br� ..Os,FIOUr• Our STAR FLOUR is made from the choicest Ontario and •Manitoba wheat: The quantity of our WHEATLET has been improved by sterilizing it. 10 lbs..fot' 25c. Give it a trial. It is "A FOOD" not A "FAD.'' Our facilities for the handling of the chopping trade are unsurpassed. �• The new Vessot grinder is giving great satisfaction. HARVEY BROS. Millers. boughs, doldb, hearsenees, and other throat iilnlents are hulckli+relieved by Vape•Creso- tene tablets, ten teats Iger box All druggistee tremendous importance to the fanner. Wrong feeding is loss. Right feeding is profit. • The up-to-date farmer knows what to feed his cows to get the most iiiilk, his pias to get-. the most pork, his 'hens - to 1 get the ro2t eggs. Science. But hew about the children ? Are they fed, according to. science, a bone food if bones are soft and undeveloped,; a New York, P'eh. 8.—Butter-h'irm and un- changed; receipts, 4835. Cheese -Steady and unchanged; recelpts, 3233. 11ggs—Firm.• receipts, 0111; state, Pennsylvania anti nearby= fancy selected white, 30e to 3$e; do. average best, 3Se; do. seconds to firsts, 81c to 82e; western and Kentucky firsts, 32c: do. seconds 310; do. southern firsts,. 31', e; do. seconds, 30e to 31e; dirties, 29e to 30c; checks, 25c to 26c. CATTLE MARKETS. Cables Staa,d+y-Butcher Cattle and Rowe FiImar at Buffalo. London, Feb. 8. -Live, cattle steady, at 101/2c to 113e2c per lb, ler Amerlesn steers, dressed weight; Canadian steers,. 100 to ile per 11).; refrigerator beef, 7>Ye to 8c 14e to 1er lb. Sheep, '4e a dre seed 11%e +per ib. Lambe, EAST, 41.TTLFI MARKET. East Buffalo, . Feb. 8.-Cattle—Receipts, MOO head; h eav p a nd slow; butchers, 15eto 25e higher; prIns steers, $5 to 35.2e; shipping, 34 to 3.5 t $47; cows 3275to$4 buns i33 to 34.25; stockers and feeders, $2,75 to 34; stock heifers, $2.50 to $3; fresh comes and springers, 32 to $3 higher; good to choice, $50 to $58; medium to good, 335 to 540; common, .$20 to 330. Vea1:a--Re• cedpts, 300 head; $6.50 to $8.75, a few at 59, .logs—Receipts, 12,800 head; active and 10c to 20e hlghe ; $5,50; meth um, 35.50 to 35.5-5; .Yonkers, $5 to e5.55; pigs, 35.50 to $5.60; roughs, $4,40 to 34.65; stags, 33 to 33.50. sheep and lambs—Re- celpts, 15,000 head; active; sheep steady; lambs, 15e to 25e ,higher; lambs, $5 to $7; yearlings, $5.25 to 35.75; wethers, $4.50 to 34.75; ewes, 34.25 to 34.00; sheep, maxed, $2.50. to $4.50. ,(EW Yoxt1C LIVE SOC]. New York, Feb. 8.—Beeves—Receipts, 8445; market opened slow; fair demand later at steady prices; steers,$4.27 to $5.40: tail ends, 33.85: bulls, 33,35 to $4.201 cows, 38,50; exports none. C.'alves—Re- ceipts, 459; veals, 50c to 75e higher; barn- yard calves 25c higher; westerns firm; veals, 35 to 39.50; Tittle calves, 34; . barn- yards stock, 33.50 to $3.87%; westerns 33.25, Sheepand lanais—Receipts, 7635; siaeep steady, lambs 25e higher; sheep, $3.50 to 33; lambs, 36 to $7.25; culls, $4.50; yenr- Ks, 35.000 to 35,70..Hogs—Receipts, 10,- 650; market 5e to 10e higher; s' ate and i'enusylvania hogs, $5.60 to 35.75; choice medium, 35.85, CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. Chicago, Feb. 8.-Cattle-atecetpts, 22,000; choice, strong and 10d higher; good to prime steers(, 44:x5 to 35.70; poor to medium $4,20 to 34.90; stockers and ;feeders, $2.25 to $4.10; cows, $1.50 to $425; ,heifers, $2 to 34.50; canv,ers, 31.50 1.o 32,50; bulls, $2.25 to 34.10; calves, 33.50 to 37. Hogs—Receipts to -day, 33,000; to•alosrew, 30,000; maxed and butchers', 34.00 to 35.20; good to choice heavy, 35.05.to 35.2744: rough heavy,. 44.85 to ;'0; flair, light $4,45 to 35.05; bulk of sales, $4.90 to $5.i0. SIrerep—Receipts• 25,000; sheep and lambs,. steady; good to choice wethers $4 to 34.50; f flesh and muscle food' if they are thin and weak and a blood food if there is anemia? Scott's Emulsion is a nixed food.; the Cod Liver Oil in it makes flesh, blood and muscle, the Lime and Soda make bone and brain. ,It is the standard scientific food for delicate children. Send For free sample. lic sure that'tl>i, picture in, the forof a label is on tll4 wraplibr of every bottle of Emulsion you buy, Scott& B©''i!'Me CHEMISTS,. ” fo Orrfaria, 'i+ot'on ► 50e. And $1; all tdruylgls(t air to ohotee ny ;ed $3.57 toy $4, western sheep, $4.75 to $5:25: native lambs, $4,25 to $6; western lambs, $5,26 to e6.15, lighthouses has been transferred to taf ' Al A y E�" , thetutaattur iti lts u;;c orrtthe sn)e('eh fro fri is ;����sLD 1 olrr Rickard, West Durham, Provokes Him—Tempest Soon Settled, "Blau Feel* lanitoullar" Repudiates tb• O obe's Rpr,.rt of Els Wo0dgt.sk. Speech. And Says It Is False-1'he Dsbats on the Address Continuos Wearigoue5) . Along—Col. 8funro to .13e, seated To -day, Toronto, Feb. 2.—Yesterday's de bate in the , Legislature developed just a slight ripple of exciternerlt. , St soon $Uibsi.ded, and the remaining .por- tion of the speeches was as inoffen- siveas anything that could halts been' said at a 5 o'clock tea, Gamey Aroused. " Mr, Richard of West Durham, was reading a Globe ropot't of a speech of Mr. Gaxney's at . Woodstock, when the latter arose and said; "Mr', Speaker: Let me say for the benefit of the hon. gentleman and the information - of the House that in reading such statements the hen. gentleman is reading what is foie,. I did' not on tho platform in Wood- stork nor any'jvllero else use any black,guardedly language, or words, warranting any such criticism. The Speaker said: Any boli. mem- ber. em-bes•. can read articles of that kind, but ho must not give opinions on those articles, for that would be of- fensive to members of the Rotise. Mr, 'Rickard asked, was he out of order, And IVir. Whitney encouraged him to "Go On," advice which Mr, Rickard did not follow, butadopted another line of argument, incl at three rrlieutes to six' moved the ad- journment of the debate, 11r. eirau•ford's Y>,ir Argument, Mr, Crawford spoke first and put. up. a fair argument, dealing with a variety of subjects, but paying par- ticular attention to agriculture tend live stock, The debate will not conclude till Wednesday or Thursday. Oii the Gov- ernment side Mr, Routledge and 121x', Graham are to speak, while the Con- servatives will put up Dr, Beattie Nesbitt, Mr. Duff and Mr. Gainey. Carscallen of Hamilton will not be in the House for some time, hav- ing gone south for his health. Mr. Barber, who is also unwell, will stay away on account of Mr, Oars- canon's illness. Col. Munro, the victor of North Oxford, will be introduced to the Speaker to -day. CAN'T YOU TRUST ME ? Question of Queen :Alexandra That 8sn- barassed a London llrerrbant. London, Feb. 2. For the first time in years Queen Alexandra went shop- ping at Windsor yesterday, like the humtblekt of her subjects, entering litany, shops, excamining goods and astkin;. prices. Usually merchants are summoned • to tiring goods to the castle and display them. l he Queen was accompanied by the Princess of Wales,. Princess Charles of Denmark and Princess Victoria. Despite the'rain she spent two , hours visiting the .shops afoot. Her Ma- jesty „ bought photographs, bric-a- brac, antique furniture and curios. She died not disdain to. carry the smaller packages herself. Her Majesty didn't pay cash. She said to, one merchant: "'You can trust me, can't you?" The ein'barrasserl merchant replied:. "Oh, yes, ma'am, I know , you're good.". 'rlie Queen did not trouble the mer- chants to wrap some of tho pur- chases in paper, thrusting them in her coat pockets. The royal shoppers were not recognized by the throngs 011 the. sidewalk. (. A. Putnam ,appointed, - -, Toronto, Feb. 2.—George A. Put - nava, :secretary of the City Dairy Company, has been appointed super- intendent of farmers' institutes for the province, to succeec' G. C. Creelman. The salary is $1,500. The appointment was agreed to at a meeting of the Cabinet ,yesterday' af- ternoon. G. C. Creelnlan,the new president of the' Ontario . Agricultural College, leaves to -day for Guelph to take up his new duties. After the quarantine at ;the college . has, been raised ho will return to Toronto to close .up 50300 matters. .. Clare of Lighthouses. Ottawa, Feb. 2.—The work of lo- cation, equipment and management of It Is Not True. Tox•oiito: Junction, Feb, 9.-A dq- sputch from Lon Ont., published last Saturday, a;ated that as a re- sult of a col,;sion in the G.P.R, yards, Engineer . John . Abernethy of this place had become temporarily insane, This despatch misrepresent- ed Mr. Abernethy''s condition. Ho suffered a severe mental shock, as would any engineer under similar cir- cumstances, but ho is rapidly recov- ering, and his physician says he will be all right in a few days, Oldest 7•ravOlet Dead. Toronto, Feb. 9. Yesterday morn- ing William Fischer, : in his 76th year, died here, Ire was tho oldest active member of the ,Commercial Travelers' 'Association of Canada, Ho was bean ire Muhlhausen, Saiz ony, and served under EmperorWil- liana before corning to this country in ,.1846. .,Attempted SLi,clde IntpiIsaned. Toronto, Feb. 0.—Edward T, ,Wel- ler, who slashed his throat after fancily troubles, was given two menthe in jail by Judge Winchester, kio is a Seuith African veteran, Iris Wife is an :1,8-yoar-ol(i Manitoba Lo,iislnture Over. Winnipeg, Feb. 0, ---Tho Local Leg- islature Was prorogued yesterday ,kr 'tea'no00 sit half -pas; three, a constituted board known as the Lighthouse Board, The Minister of Marine will be an ex -officio member, the other members being the Deputy Minister, Lieut.^Col, Anderson, Coin- mapcler' .Spain, Capt. Salmon and a representative of the Montreal ship- ping interests, who has yetto be seTetd c e East Lambton Campaign. Sarnia, Feb, 2.—Both sides: are putting up a lively campaign in East Lambton, and from now till polling day, Feb. 16, there will be meetings every night., R. L. Borders is expect- ed next week for the nomination; anis will address several meetings in various 1ocent/ea. M. IC. Cowan, M. P., and W. S. Calvert, M. P., are now in the riding and are each billed for three meetings. For the vacant .Position, Ottawa, Fob.` 2,--D'Arcy Mac- Mahon, son of Judge Mac1Viahon, is Said to be an aspirant for the post. tion of Usher of the Black Rod, It position made vacant by the death. of Alolyneux St. John, itis brother - in -lo NV, rother-in-law, St. .Donis Lernerne, is also said to be an a,Spirant. Sr>1r11ei' Can Vole. Nellie e, 1.4 1l , Feb, 2,—Three thou- salncl soldiers have been added as voters ie tho Dorninioli and 1'roviri- al lists, The pay earl maintenance of soldiers qualify them on iecOttle., the thron0, iG was iQund that the Lib- eral Government bad a majority of $. The -wrote stood 48.45. Miss Ni. Cartledge gives some e llr� 1pfutl advice to young girls., Her letter is but one of thou sands which prove that nothing is so helpful to young girls who are just arriving at the period of womanhood as Lydia E. Pink. ham's Vegetable Compound. " Dinal Mits. PxNNslaiez : —I cannot ppreiee Lydia E. Piirlrharn's Vege- table Compound too highly,for i is. the only nxedicine I over tried ieF,hich cured me. I suffered much, from m first menstrual period, I felt so weak and dizzy at times 1 could not pursue my studies w•th the usual- interest. 1,1yr thoughts beeame sluggish, I had headaches, backaches and sinking spells, also pains in the back and lower limbs. Infect, I was sick all over. "Finally, after many other remedies had been tried, we were advised to get L3rdin E, Pinli hai'a Vegetable Compound,, and I am pleased to say that after taking it only two weeks, a wonderful change for the better took place, and in a short time I was in. perfect health. I felt buoyant, full of life, and found all work a pasture. I am indeed :glad to tell my experience with Lydia E. Pilrleh oni'8 Vege- table Compound., for it made a dif- ferent girl of me. Yours very truly, Miss M. CARTLEDGE, 533 Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga." --$5000 forfeit if original o above lmtfer prouing genulncrresscannot be produced. Cook's Cotton Root Compound. Ladies, Favorite, TO the. only safe, rellabId regulator on which woman can depend, in the hour, and time of need." Prepared in two degrees of strength. No. 1 and No. 2. No. 1.—For ordinary cases Is by far the best dollar medicine known. No. 2 -For special cases -10 degrees stronger—three dollars per box. Ladies—ask your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Compound. Take no other as all pills, mixtures and imitations are dangerous. No. 1 and No. 2 are sold and recommended by -all ,druggists in the Do- minion of Canada. Mailed to any address on receipt of price and four 2 -cent postage stamps. Was Vogl: Company, Windsor, Ont. No. 1 and No. 2 are sold in Exeter by Drs. Lutz and Browning, Druggists. TO FARMESI Chopping and Rolling. Giye us x call when you want chop- ping or rolling done. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Mill at Electric Light Plant. Snell 84 Blatchford. ;4401 tet opor ()HANGED EACH "WEDNESDAY Barley Peals '...,, .., ,. Potatoes, per bag, , „ 1 Hazy, penton... ,,, • .,,7 Flour, per cwt., Butter. 11ggs. aides, per 100 lbs . , .. 5 00 ,Live hogs, per cwt., Dressed Hogs Shorts per cwt.. , .... 90 Braila per cwt ...,,., , 7s) 82 30 00 00 00 h2 40 313 00 1 00 21100 10 20 a 00 5 50 195 80 --TRE--- roitsats Book of Cortoko DEAD (WI ICE, sroNTliloAL Capital Paid Up 6,000,000 Rest - 2,700,000 A general Banking business transacted. Interest at most favorable current r, nes allowed on Sarings Bank accounts and Deposit Receipts; Commercial Letters of Credit lss e u it available in China; Jgpan and other foreign commies. Travelling Letters of Credit 180.0.4 to travellers in all partsof'the world, THOS PFSIIE, Gileene , )1sesse sa, E.2':IIEBDEN, Sem or Baexcues S; C,xiar fcsre rort • CRED!TON ON T . w. S. CHISHOLM, Ma no ger. OREDITO N ROLLER AMILL,iR We are giving excellent satisfaction since Re- modelling our n2i11. GRISTING and CHOPPING DONE PROMPTLY. a3YYEI 1 Z ��CtEI' Fo W.1I HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK': OF SUCH THINGS AS Straw Cutter Enivee, Root . Pu1ier Enivti , t =u � 'toot 1 Pul.�t_ wyN �9 .t, .11 Sues of Iron, Pipe, (PLAIN AND GALVANIZED) WE MAKE TO ORDEY, Castings of Every Description, For Sale -1 hay press, also 1 set 12001b. scales. GENERAL REPAIRS. JAMES UHilAY Offer to the Sick NE DelliirS ¥IRTII or;,E66C;1E FREE AS A TRIAL DR. SLOCUM, Lung Specialist To Every Sufferer with Consumption, Catarrh, Bronchitis, La Grippe, Pulmonary and Bronchial Troubles If you have any of the following symptoms it means that the germs of consumption are in your system.. Accept Dr. Sloclm's generous offer. Aro your lungs weak ? Are you losing Sesh ? Do you Cough ? Are you pale, thin and weak? Do yon have pains in the chest? De you have ringing in the ears? Do you spit up phlegm ? Do you have hot Sashes ? is your throat sore and inflamed? Is there dropping in the throat? Is your appetite had? Is the nose dry and coif',? Do you have night sweats? Have you a coated tongue? Call your disease what you will, these symptoms indicate that you have in your Wily the seed, of the most dangerous of maladies. In order to let all people know the marvellous power' of his system of treatment, Dr. Slocum has decided to give free to all sufferers as a teat his free trial treatment. ONE WEB'S TRIAL OF DR. SLOCUM' SYSTEM S YSTEM OF TREATMENT FREE Nothing could be more reasonable, more generous than. Dr, Siocum's offer, The Slocum System of Treatment'has cured thousands and tens, of thousands of cases of consumption in all stages of the disease.' A system of treatment that accomplishes more than any one remedy can ser accomplish. A system of complete medicinal and tonic food treatment that destroys and clfmlIaates all tuber• mitosis germs and poison from the system and assists nature its building up Healthy J tang : and body tissue, two essential functions for a permanent cure, Accept 1)x. Slocuni's offer to•cfay and be cured at home among friends and. loved one,. Simply write to Dr. ':f. A. Slocum, Limited, 170 Ping Street 'West, 'Toronto% Canada, mention you( druggist's name, and state your post and express offices, and you will receive the treatment promptly by express. Mention this ane: