HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1904-1-21, Page 6*"1•11*QieSeee teeeelieeeleeq,4<ielSige-4•<g-Cee4eleeeti
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CHAPTER ' 'Sea—Continued,
"it is nothing, it is nothing, Ally
. man would hare done the same ia
•eleut no man has, nay frienth• ''!
relleace fell eisen them, Hector's
natnral distaste- foe praise had cause
ee him to avert his eyes from the
Queen while see had been speaking;
but now, atter a little. he ventured
to look at hex, The gaze of love is
comprehensive. It takes in with
ono swift &mice inere than a fasti-
dious anthropometrist might cata-
logue in a, year of labor. The lovers
eye le like the lens of a camera, fo-
cussing On the SelleitiVe patio of the
memory!.n new Malec of the world's
desire each time it looks. It, as a
new iinage of Maddalena. that was
at that moment accorded in Hector's
She was stauding, leer head, -With
It dark waves of hear falling
emoOthly over tlae leen broad brow,
was held high, with a 'pride that
was not selfish, d.pride in the man
she had called lier friend. Her
cheeks were flushed with the same
honest admiration, leer eyes shone
weth that uncoescious light that
makes a man, ethen first he sees it,
herd Ms breath with awe and tear—
awe that so great delight is within
bie graap,, • fear that he may be im-
agiMag ordy that he sees it. He has
but to' speak aid .the light, may
vanish—or ie may grow and be a
lamp unto his feet fox an the days—
the Gleam, of Love's Holy Gran,
Hector saw the light and held his
breath. But his heart sang, and his
blood beat in his temples with
joyous rhythm, and Hope whispered
fn his me.
Beside the red rose in her hair she
wore no adornment, save a little
crucifix on her bosom, a silver cross
with a gold Ohrist. The folds of her
block robe fell in soft lines that
gave tenderness to the grace and
majesty of her yet girlish •Basile,
tall and simple as a hazel weed.
Simplicity should clothe a queen as
with a garmeat, and be the only or-
nament of her majesty. In Marleal-
ena, simplicity teed queenlineas were
rarely met. From her bead's crown
to her foot's sole she was fair; a
king's mate, herself a, very queen.
She took the cross from her breast
togetb.er with its hair -fine cbain of
gold, and bolding it in her hand
looked long at it, her lips moving
in pure heart prayer. Then she kiss-
ed the symbol, and litteng her head
faced Hector with frank eyes.
"Of old" she said, "when knights
went out to war, they took with
them a talisman, a holy relic, or a
iove-tolcen, to come between them
and peril or to be comfort at the
end. This seems strange and out
of pi -lace in our age--"
Hector dissented, for he was a,
devout Roman Catholic, as .were all
the members- of his breach of the
Clan Grant.
"Dist I had tee thought of giving
you thee," she continued, to be a
shield or a comfort. Will you take
it from me ?"
Aied she held out the, cross to him
in her open palm.
'Madam," he Said, as he took it
from her hand, "if it does not shield
me from ,dafiger—'though I do not
see where danger lies—it shall be a.
comfort to me, twice over."
After this there was a little sal-
ens's, awkward yet pleasurable. Mad-
dalena was the first to break it.
"You will not see Don Augustin
before you eleve. There is some
private business of his own which
seeans to occupy all his attention.
He went out ef town to -day, and
,will not be back for three days
"I did want to see him," • said
Hector, "to get fen information
from him. on many points."
"You veil and all you can want
en the papers I have given yoe."
Again there was a little silence.
Hector spoke first this time.
"Then, madam.," lie said, "gime
r have yet meta to do, have I your
permission to 'depart ?"
See heed out her hand silently, and
as he gazed upon her ere he stooped
to Iciss it, he saw that in lier eyes
were tears. Yet when he raised his
heed again she was sMiling.
..Parewelle he said., "Uod keep
your Majesty
"Farewell,' she said. "God go
\Vail you 1"
That eight Hector spent in waking
dreams, but next May he wee the
man of action. Early aftereoon
found him in Liverpool at the ofeces
of the Orange Ring. He sent in bee
"I am armed yqu can't me Mr.
Smith jest now," said the clerk.
"Ho has an aepointmeat with you
for six e'elock on 'board the Jebba,
hasn't he, Mr. Grant e''
( iyes ,P
"Then I think I'd go on board
•and Make eiereen comfortable, if I
were you,. Me, Smith will be • with
you by 'six."
So Hector made bis way to the
docks,, presented himself to teem cap-
tain of the Tebbe, and was received
as if he were a prince.
Six o'clock came, but brought no
Me. Smith ith it. Seven came,
and Hector began to grow anxious.
At last, at a quarter to eight, si
cab drove up to the gangway, and
Thomas Smith came on board.
"leveeing, Grant."
thought you 'were never coming,
"Sorry I'm late, Where's Peach-
"Here, sir," said the captain.
"Ready ?"
"Yes, stir."
"Then you'd better ohne. Ten
minutes gained is tea minutes saved
at the other end."
The captain walked away rapidly.
"Well, Grant, are yen hungry ?"
Hector staxed.
"Let's go and have some 'dinner."
The Orange King led the way to
the slalom', and Hector followed in
hell -amused bewildermeat. He ven-
tured one or two remarks, but they
were met with abstracted silence.
Hector looked up from his soup to
.see through the portholes landing -
Stage and warehouses and funnels
and masts slipping by with evert-
increaehig speed.
"How are you going tei get back,
sir? Drop into a tug ?"
The Orange King laughed.
"No, no; l'm coining with you"
"To Palmetto e"
"lira 1"
As night fell on the seventh day,
the -Isle of Palms rose from the
Three peaks, crowned with • cloud.,
grew -out of the Atlantic and, cast a
triple sbadow on the darkening wet-
ter.. The Jebba, smote her way
straight into the black path, and
two hours later the anchor plunged
into the waters of Paha Bay.
There were now it thousand stars
In the deep blue sky; a thousand
lights gleamed along the low line of
the shore; dim lanterns glimmered
from the sterns of swarming boats;
there was aii intoxicating mingle of
boatmen's calls and splash of oars,
light songs, and thrumming of
guitar and mandolin. Here seemed
the gates of fairyland, opening upon
the foam of perilous seas.
The practical *days of the voyage,
when ways and means and myriad
details were dismissed and settled
with the Orange King, vanished from
'Hector's memory—burned in the
white Wee of romance, as a hand-
ful of worthless straw is consumed.
The magic of the nieht and the dim
land and the water took him. A
love sopg that 'was passionate yet 1
melancholy, ,importunate vet fearful,
half -Impersonal yet wholly haunting,
snared his heart and held it , still.
The subtle smell of the land, en good
to nostrils that for 'days have
known onl.y the salt of th.e sea.—
something of the "eternal scents"—
completed the subjugatioe, begun by
all the glamour of 'the hour and
piece. To crown surrender, came to
his mind remembrance of Maddalena,
bidding him farewell with the brave
smile that hid her tears. Not even
the discomfort of landing could
break the spell that bound him; nay,
not even the terrors of the carra-
t era -
w Has Ks Place
h Every
H me
Because of its Pottra,ordirtary Curative Powers 'There
• AS, soon as thole boat had touclual "Freedom anti Maddalena is all !"
the seeps tile hotel eommiseiontere, was the reply
who had annexed the Orange Ring "Her. Majesty Queen Maddalena,"
and Hector—their bodies. souls, teed eaie Hector.
baggege—sprang an to the MOM and, "Whom. God preserve !" came the
lanced the (lark wite a fiery ery of whigspered anemia-.
"Carruathe I" (Mt of the gloom Electer still Went on writing,
drifted a, dasty vehiele, drann by a "Hew die you know me ?" be ask -
dusty mule, and driven by e dusty ed.
demon, half Pal/mato, hali negro, 'Vorcl was given to ise that my
who wore a Era DieVolo hat, a Fre lorcl was coming,
Diavolo grin, end porteateus Fre . "Well e"
Diavolo iinvaja in his blood -red sash. "We eave seen my lord's picture."
They took their dusty seats be- How could. that be, siatee elector
nesall the awning of the tertena, and had not been photograpged for ten
began epeedily to taste all the We years, ane then in a group of Meg-
pyoved delights of the curratera. istrands in Aberdeen ? But doubt -
lose, Bravo had had hen oat -Mellott -
Two solid miles el it circi they en-
dure, or Palm City lies away from ed, neeter smiled- Ile clia lint
the port, stogie, °ernes among min_ learn •until litter of the portrait op
iature hills. its - lilaze of electric. tile Palmetto Preux chevalier, Bale -
la Luz, whose meanore is
amid the blue dark. Two
light showing, a poised nebula, assare de
sane venerated in the Isle of Palms, as
miles of bum') end thump age is that of Wallace or Bruce in Scot -
dump; of unceaseng switelebace, of land, of Arthur the King in Engleed
Jolt alai jar and jig and jumble; of of Bayard in France. So he Passed
Biondin balancing on •one wheel and by the buest'ien of bis Picture'
elus other; of tartariero's cursing; of "What is your rank ?" said Ilec-
commissamaire's admiration tine tor.
setarP Yelps of encouragement; of • "I am a sergeant in E compaey
detailing leseeneseess ou the pare of the seemed regiment, my lora."
"Your colonel's
of Elector and the Orenge Ring. On •
ore side glimmered the white torts "Don Miall91 Glste'lla Y, Cajal' m'Y
of the brealters, on the other the lord "
Yawn of the ditch made itself felt, "Who resides ---e
ewe males as the crow flies—four as On. his estates near Tolde, my
the tartan% thumps, But all things lord,"
end, even the carratera, and Hector "you meet not call me eey lord.'
laughed when, under the portico of "As my lord pleasee—senor. '
tge egret in the S ar of S au pen Hector finished writing. He turn-
ed and handed the paper to the 'de-
nardino, he saw the Orange Ring
en bones. broke ferentlal waiter, Who received it as
if it had been, a royal decree. *
de -
prod himself affectionetely for
le theta any more of the faith -
The night was sleepless. Dawe "4
Scarcely set her first pink ful in this house ?" --
"We are twenty-five here, senor,
streamer floating in the sky ere
and of these eighteen long for the
Hector puseed aside bis mosquito
day of freedom."
mutains; and, with a last anathema,
"Good ! Your name ?"
on all the bloodsuckers of the night,
"Juan Gastaldi, my—seenor."
passed through the open windows on
"Very well. That will do now.
to the balcony. ,
The square was silent, save for it
few garrulous sparrows that squab-
bled viciously in th,e roadway. CHINESE ON ANATOMY.
To the right rose (Me of the little
hills that eine Palmetto on the laud.
se -lee -rose so close to the ead or the
squareithat Hector almost felt that
he could put out his hand and pluck
off some of the toy villas that dott-
ed it up to the su.nnnit. "A back-
cloth in a comic opera;" murneur-
ed. There were hundreds of tiny
dwellings, washed white and blue
and yellow and green, vivid and
fresh, and all so still; no sign of
movement or curl• Of heartlesmoke
hinted a,t life; and between the
patches of flamboyant color the
dead grey of the hillside ley under
the dust of su,n-scoreleed centuries.
No blade of grass, eo leaf made
Pleasant green. True, trees lined
the squaxe, but .the burnt loaves
were smothered with cobwebs that
sagged beneath their 'bu?clen of grey
(To be COuthieed.)
bear:meltable and PrOritable t
et the Soil.
Shelter is the first necessity in pro-
viding for wintering sheep successful-
ly in northern latitudes, writes Jacob
Ziegler. Fine wool sheep will beer
exposure better than any other kind,
for the open fleece of the large glut-
ton breees parts on elle back when
wet and admits the water, which
completely drenches the animal, so
that its abundant fleece is no longer
a protection from the cold, Econ-
omy in 'feeding also demands shel-
ter, as not only less feeh is required,
but is better preserved from waste.
Sheep will not eat or drink that
which is in any way soiled or from a
dirty trough unless forced to,
cloFsoerd w 1;egre, ilTouPbrleefel:lo o r
on the east or south of the building.
These are left open except in stones
or rattly weather, when shut there
in, as they do not crowd themselves
in shelter like old sheep, and they
do better in a closed shed, howeeer
crowded, thee in a roomy, stormy
Lambs shoeld have grain from the
time they are ten weeks old until
the following spring. A trough can
be sot With oats in it outside of the
'Pasture fence, near the watering
place with opening in the fence for
hints for the Betsy Tillers
great source of conteminatieu ef
It is a poor feneer tho ,does eat
realize that he eaneoe:,,telce,„eraist
*here his lidee year afteo year, re-
tuenitie nothieg to them, without
sometime, sooner or later,. getting to
'the end of les .string elle leading his
land run doWa mei bankrupt. Bet
some poultrymen have not Ma:Veered ,
thee the same principle holds geed
ire regere to If your bees ere
to lay eggs they meet been some-
thing to work with; they must gee
'egg , forming elements from same
eource or other.
In recent years, the peed/eel pone
eryman been able to double his
memo v eg .-ceente. pee up epeetis eee
.stliter egg preamble foods. Prone
Meet amoeg tbese must be placed
grasp: cut bones, a food that is
arid cheaply Obtained and that is
unclociatedly stbe greatest egg pre -
decor eyee fed to hens. The bone
when Miele cut Willie it is still green,
supplies that element of araieed food
80 neeeed, and so relished by fowls,
taking the place of. the bugs and.
Worms which the bees' devour se
greedily upoe ,the range, Illeinever,
the, bone supplies the Mineral maer
ter ,so needed for egg formatioe, the
lime, the phosphate, the eaa,gnosie,
and. is, in Short, an ideel egg food..
When. coesiclet how cheaply th
bones can ee proeurece end how
ibe teauble ,it is to prepare thorn ,fos
fowls, it is. difficult to understand ,
why .ane poteltreimen neglede theit
the lanebs to get it. They will then ----
leaxa to eat by the time they aro Hastens Development and Short
foer. Mouths old, at which time they ens Winter Rost.
should be weaned. In weaning, give By a series of experiments Dr. ..le
them the best green eastere you have Jolsannsen, professor of vegetable
and what pets they want to eat and physiology at the Copenhagen Agri -
plenty of good water and salt.eThey cultural college, has established tie
should be kept in that way until faethet under the in.fluence of ethei
or chloroform plants shorten their
period. of hibernal rest and develop
foliage and bleseoras from two weeks
to as many months before the nor.
real time. The diecoery that plants
taoreanairenztecitsedwabsy made
by Leclerc, at
French physiologist at Tours about
1850, and Prof. Heckel of Jolla,
Germany, in 1870 made a. sPecial
etude of the influences of anae.sthe,
tics upon the reflex movements et
of roughness is a very good feed for certain sensitive plants. Prof. Jo
stockers. Sheep can be fattened on hannsen devoted himself especially ter
various feeds, such as corn, peas, the study, of the influence of anaea
beets, barley, oats, clover and grass; thetics upon the growth and develop -
they do well on either. But for win- ment of plants. He discovered that,
while the anaesthetics seem to par -
from corn arid clover hay, that fat_ assimilate carbonic ecid, they act
alyze the power of the leaves la
ter feeding my best reenits have been
tens fast and makes the best ef mut- powerfully stimulatiug upon 'the re -
ton, and when all things are con- serve material, causing it to develoe .e
eidered, is as cheap as any, except repidly into vegeta,ble tissue and eel
Have Never Dissected a Body, and
tt lhi ee iyi put into winter quarters,
should have from a half
Guess at •Organs.
pint to a pint of equal parte. of shell -
Chinese medical literature is coin- ed corn and oats per clay, depending
ous and its bibliography hes been
drawn -up with the most scrupulous
care; but the whole contents ccnisist
of unreasoning commentaries on the
telon, the size and breed of the sheep,
With all they can eat of good hay.
Stockers will do well fed on good
works of a few old masters, whose
hay alone, but better on a variety
texts, like those Of other sacred
with. e little grain in storiny weathe
volumes of Oriental literature, ,are
en A daily ration of one pound of
far too sacred to suffer the smallest
of grain with straw stover or any kind
innovation. Those "masters"
Chinese medicine were contemporaries
of 'Machaon and Podalirius, who
dressed the wounds of the beseigers
of Troy. Direful would be the al-
most inevitable results of the ex-
ploration of any of the cavities of
the human body by the Chinese prac-
titioner1 No Chinese representative
of the healing art has ever dissected
To the left the square op-ened into any portiori of the human frame. Ac-
Tria,na, the Piccadilly and. Bond
Street of Palmetto, and beyond cerclinlelY,
and physiology- -a.re nia,tters of faith
their " ideas of anatomy
`Deana shone the Atlantic eastward
to Africa, a very perfect , and un -
Little, by little as the eayeleaped
higher, life began to stir e Old wo-
men in black mantillas, young wom-
en in shawls of pale, yellow and bril-
liant rose -pink, passed on their way
to eaxly mass, fingers busy with
rosaxies. ',Et. country cart with stone
from the quarries of Terrine rum-
bled over. 'the cobbles, the driver
—confirmed by images which have
been reproduced during untold Cen-
turies. Their osteology teaches that
the skull is aimed of one bone; so
is the pelvis; the number of ribs
varies with the individual, and at
the junction of the ar.m. with the, fore-
arm is placed a, subital patella. Ac-
cording to Chinese splanchnology,
the small intes tines communicate -
With the cavity of the heart; while
the colon, atter describing 16 cir-
standing precariously on the end of
the long wooden brake. A. goat- eumvolutions, terminates by openeng
keeper walked 'drowsily along, fol-
lowed by his little flock jangling
their bells. Now and again he
stopped by a 'door, and seating him-
self on the ed,go of the pavement
dfreve milk into the cell el it waiting
liousewife. Panniered mules ' and
asse.s paced slowly with their loads
toa-ards tbe municipal dust -heaps.
terta.nero watered his jade at the
public trosegle and a string of horses
clattered by for a, 'dip in the bay.
Softly, mellowed by ,distance, came
the long notes of a bugle blown a,t
the Ilispanielan camp, a mile to the
southward, of the city, Ten thou-
sand Erispaniolan troops lay there—
infantry, cavalry, and artillery. The
long call roused Hector from the
reverie into which he had fallen.. He
sighed and re-entered hie bedroora
far cigarette. He had not struck
the matc'hi when a tap solinded on
the door.
It was a waiter, already shaenn
arid sleek, yet, with something of
that unIcempl, bandit look about
him that all Palmettos possess,
though they be the most pacific of
men, model husbands, "and fathers of
fame les.
the senor have coffee ?"
"No, gee in° some grapes. and a
couple ef bananas, and. will have a
glass of that wine I had last night
—what do you call it ?—sec---"
"Seco generosa?"
"That's it."
"Then will you have the English
breakfast at nine, or the Palmetto
breakfast at eleven ?"
is an Liprecedented ornand for " Rector lau,ghed to himself. Eng-
, SYRUP lish breakfast ? Net surely; bacon
Dr. Chines OF Linseed and Turperitiini „nu eggs the eternal he lied left be-
hind. re
"Palmetto breakfast, pleae.e."
When, the waiter returned with the
fruit and wine he brought also a
yellow police form for Hector to en
up with hi8 full narim, age, proles -
stem etc. Elector wrote lathe par-
tieulars the welter looked attentively hine seemie,g to examine hie
every feature With devouring inter -
At lad the man could contain his
eineoeity no longer. 'He stepped be -
bind Hector and looked over his
shoulder. levidetitly, he sew some-
thing which eatiefied him, foe step-
ping back a pace or two he drew
from faja, cross -bill, elaggek,
havieg the letter le emeoseed at the
jlIneti On Cf blade nee he;t. This he,
slipped under Reiter's arra, and laid
on -the slied.of -yellow paper.
Hector, cal,ching the gleam of etnei
had Lee moreentare impulse o same
up and clutch. the follow be the
throat, but ere he Moved le saw the
eil•rer rt, Ire so: still, arid spoke
Without, 1, it reilig hist 11011 (1.
'Give me 'the e ord,'' he FM .
• "For Menefee), freedom 1" anewen
ed, the mane
"Freedom is but halls" erect Rec-
tos -I
Being^ composed of the simple, yet
potent elements which Nature acmes
• to eave intended as a cure for throat
and lung troubles, Dr. Chase's Syrup
of 1,inseed and Turpentine has won
the confidence of theakieg people.
On account of its simple composi-
tion. and pleasant taste it is pecu-
liarly seited to the needs of child -
Becattee of its extraordinary con-
trol over diseases of the throat,
broticliial tubes and lungs it can be
absolutely relied upon. ,
Nothing short al unusual merit
could place Ilr, Chase's Syrup of
Linseed attd Turpentine in so many
thousands of homee as the one medi-
cine to be relied 'upon in case of
Crete', bronchi tie, whoopieg cOugh,
throat irritation, coughe, colds, as-
thma and prieuirania ere quickly re-
lieved. and eured by this treat,ment.
Coreemiption end ether dreadful lung
troublee are prevented.
Mr. reliant, 15 Cal en de r
Street, PorontO, etatese- "My boy,
aged elle yetl,r0, rale deVelopieg all
' the symptoms of pneumonia when we
conunenced giving him this valuable
remedy.' It very quieley checked the
advance of the disease and in se few
days he was as well as ever and at
school again."
Mrs. A. A. Vanbustkirk. Robinson.
Street, Menden, N. Bs, writes:—
"Ear years X have ased De. Chase's
Syrup of Linseed, an.d Turpentine for
my &Mclean when, they have col& in
the winter. I first used if, with my
daughter who suffered from a severe
form of asthma. The least exposure
to cold would lay her up and she
would nearly suffocate for Want of
breath. I must say 1 found it to be
a, mose sates/eves:ay. treatment and it
has entirely cured her, It seemed 'be
go direct to the diseased Parte and
bring the deeired relief,"
Dr, Chase's Syrup of Lineeed and
Turpentine 25 cente e beetle, falnily
131`1,0 (three times as much) 60 cents,
at all dealers, or Erimanson, Dates
co„ Toronto.
To protect, mon against, imitations,
the pertertit and eignatere of Dr.
A. W, Chase, the farnotie recelat
book tattliar, are oil every bottle.
The heart governs the vital pro-
cesses—in operation with the c,a,vity
of the stomach it 'supplies an ideas
and all the pleasurable sensations.
The liver is the habitat 9! the soul;
and it is from this ,gland that all
noble and generous sentiments
emanate, The gall bladder is the re-
ceptacle of courage; its ascent in the
body is the cause of a fit of anger.
They have an idea of the continuous
motion of the blood; but it seems.to
be the product of an imagination , suit fancy. The corn may be fed
shelled, but I do not like it that way
greea clover, which produces very bring it to maturity long before tilt
normal time.
cheap mutton, but the losses from
in Prof. Johannsen found fond that plant
cloeer bloat and low price of sheep s
proportion. are Most ,eusceptible to the infinenct
at that time of year reduce profits
of anaesthetics towards the and of
day at regular beers to 100 sheep prii°abilsetesaballe;e le'cusbujletestecdalltobetheb
their period of rest, and that- ne
I feed two bushels of corn twice a
(I era speaking of the mutton kind, of ether or chloroform before these
avera.ging about 100 pounds), and have entered upon the period of eeshr
as much clover bay as, they will eat or after they have begun their spring'
up clean, which will be oh an aver- activity,
age about 200 pounds a day. They Lilacs, etherizod at the end of
will, however, need and eat more at July, after they had reached theii
the start, but wile decrease in eaie rest period, but while they wee(
ing hay as the grain ration is in- still in leaves, lost their foliage rap
creased. idly, and at once began to develop
Care must - be taken in starting new leavesIn flee to eight eays
them on grain, so as not to over- they had • new foliage and a • feu
feed them. Feed a bushel twice a days later were in full bloom, while
daily until you get them on full feed. develop -to maturity until twenty oi
lilacs not treated with ether did not
day to start on, then lightly increase
bens in the hothouse.
corn cutter and fed in troughs; 10 '
Larger „sheep need more and smaller mere day, later, elebough otherwist
less in proportion to weight. Tim eni°Sing the same favorable condi,
corn is cut an inch long with n
Chloroform scans to act more en
inches wide, 7 bathes deep in the emetically than ether and its use a
perferable from an economic point of
clear, 12 to --14 feet long is a nice
length. but length may be made to view. Some florists in France and
Germa.ny have already 'Nigel te
more riotously ,Oriental than even
that which created the other items
of their physiologic knowledge.
They do not know the pulmonary
circulation; they,„ naturally, know
nothing of the valves in the 'Veins;
they do not oven appear to have
quite grasped the motor function of
tho heart itself; but they nevertheleas
profess to differentiate 210 less than
74 varies of pulse—simultaneously' re-
cognizable on the person of a single
In its ultimate structure the body
is . composed of five elements; ere
water, earth, wood and metal. leach Jetine aeration does not remove bac-
of those elements is in h,armonious ateria from milk, but on the contrary
rapport with the corresponding memeldisposes it to col -itemization froin
bers of the series of five planets; five 'the :air. This work, therefore,
metals, five solid viscera, five col- should always be done in it clean
ours and five tastes. • All diseases !room, not connected with the stable.
Better results are obtained by clean
milking and immediate bottlieg and
cooling than by aeratiog, provided
the milk is kept clean ad the cool-
ing is thorough.
The washing milk pails and pans
receive on an ordinary farin, in which
one small, lot of boiling water ,serves
for washing several Milk pane, cloes
not clean them. Itt fact, it always
leaves large numbers of bacteria, es-
pecially in the tracks, ready to mix
with tbe next lot of milk drawn into
the pail, If possible, these utensils
should be steamed daily, e
The amount of d'fi
irt and lth which
gets into milk from the cow is Cur -
prating, and is one of the chief cause
es .of the rapid spoiling of milli. Ex-
peritnents have shown that covered
pails Ince 66 per cent, of this dirt
out of the milk. On this acemmt
good deirennen are beginning to use
special pails.
But few dairymen appreciate the
extent to which manure gets ihto the
milk and the injury - it does, It
should be removed from the Stable at
least theee times a day, carrieci some
distanse from the barn, and prefer-
ably spread stt once upon the tickle.
A manure heap near the barn is a
Seuree of trouble, to dairymee,
It is a good practice to carry the
milk from each cow, ae soon as Milk-
ed, outside the milking barn, and
pour it Into a cicala vessel in the
open air. Cows Aimed elever be fed
Just before or during milking, es the
dust spread threugh the bran is It
because they eat it too fast, and
sone) get more than they need. By
using cut corn, the eating process is
slower, tbe food is better masticated
and there is alaetter chance for all
to get their share.
!Devices for increasing the keeping
property of milk are outlined in bul-
letin, No. 26, recently issued b3r
W. Conn of the 'Connecticut experi-
ment station. According tb the bul-
originate from disturbances of the
primary and essential quintic, hae-
nionieg of these co -relations.
The Russian Government has ap-
pointed a heraldic commission to in-
quire into the origin of the titles of
the numerous "princely" families of
the Caucasian provincee. Princes are
More numerous there, it seems, than
anywhere else in tee world, since the
old eilingrelian monarths used to en -
amble their subjects on the einallest
pretext. One peasant, for example,
was exceeded the style of Prince for
picking up a scarf -pin which the
monarch had dropped in the mud,
and another for acting as beater ort
the occasion of a Tloy,a1 "shoot,"
The conseteuence is that Reastia is hill
or Ceueasien princes, who keep smell
' I would gladly week, ma am, ' ra-
plied the tramp, when reproached for
begging, but the fact is 1 can't Mid
any work a,t iny trade"
'Phat' uiifotvnate. What is
your trade?''
"I'm an ambergris hunter. You
enow teeborgris is worth $14 an
melee, but notwithstandieg that, and
that it can be found in the oteme,
im tam will advance me moneetb
purehase a steamship in Order to go
after it,".!,
make practical use of the a,ccelerati-
ing erfect of anaesthetics upon plants
and have obtained gratifying results
with lilacs, snowballs, ae,aletts, clout/
zias, glycinium, and many °elm
flower beating shrubs.
G-od gives peace by sending pain.
Perfection never comee by patching
As long as sin is hidden it is grow,
Many a mares walk snuffs out hit
Ile lights no lives who makes light
of love.
The poorest church is the one thee
has no poor.
• Manhood is the greatest magnet hi
day pulpit..
The serious life expresses itself es
Uncover he cause of sin and you
discoy,er its cure.
The giving of grace depends on thd
grace of giving.
The true leader is ever ready le
receive new light.
When a donkey gots a diploma he
haegs it on bis here.
A man cannot reverence that which
he cannot respect.
We Peed to look forvtrard, for we
must 8oine day look back.
Charac,ter is the one thing without
limit in ite development.
The best religion to have in haud
is the kind we give away.
Sanitation is not ealvatime but
salvation will include sanitation..
False love will fatten a foe as
whole as true lovewill finish lien.
A slanderous tongue 'without lidera
ing ears would be as idle as n Clown
iri the desere.
"A comparisdn of reports for a
series of years," says the superietere
dent of whet inight be called tho
beeeen of businese careleestiesse
p11 . To Ilrov.¢ to $on that
I es Ilert
. . eta ebeelitem cure fee each
cil3fine'd ylitittatint le 6 certain
pied �vory fens' of freeing.
b1o4ditg4litt OtOttlidinkt: Pike
the mentifecterere heed tratitataded it.' see to.
thnoniaht litiet,les thrdeilepteed Mid salt Twirl -
t", tole
be •
go lox b elk i Me del Vo st eon a
Es Wheet
ik Yoe cielieSe
all t) Orr e beteeseieetelee ogletreb
Pre *him" oirtsmon