Exeter Advocate, 1904-1-21, Page 5M 1' Y r r r V V r V r r t e I; :v y 1 h at S Ct i5 if ,a, 11 0 is c n 0 y st io 1"11E (15x4 ' ,ottotate, published every Tharyda?,torrurc at the 0f XrG MATH -STREET, - EXETER, --?l the---,-° ADVOCATE. PUBLISHING COMPANY TEEMSSUESORIPTION, . OI Otte' Dollarper annum if paid in advance, '61.541'` if not so paid. S,d, tar caing Raton owl 83pialicez, t3osa. Ia rrcara arepaid. an 1 a os NO IMper discontinued until 1 Advertisements without specified duectloils will be published until forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal discount made for tr;tnsotent advertisements. inserted for long periods. Dnety desouption of JOE PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at. moderate rates, Cheques, money orders, &c,, for advertising, subscriptions, etc,» to be made payable o i Sanders & Creech/ PROPRIETORS. .+ +dw0,11•.w1211101.y.ra •- Professional Cards. DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S,, i Ilonor graduate of 'reroute Univeristy. DENTIST, Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad efleet8 Office in Fanson s Block, west side Main street,. Exeter. - DR- DALTON ANDERSON (D.D.S. L.D,S DENTIST Honor Graduate of Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of. Ontario. Also Post Graduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Deatietery (with honorable tnontion.) Allutnhrum, Qold and Vulcanite Plates made In the neatest manner possible. A perfectly harmless an- aesthetic used for painless extraction of teeth. Office one door south of Carling Bros. store, Exeter. Medical I -, T. P. 11eLAUGHLIN, MEMBER OP THE iJ College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Office, Dash- wood, Ont. Tr- John -D. Wilson, Office .and Residence, 29tr' !J Queens Ave., London Ont. 'Special attention' paid to diseases of women. Office hours, 12.30 to 4 p. m. Legal, VOCESON e CARLING, BARRISTERS,. SOLIOI- i-, tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners. Solicitors for Molsons Bank, etc. Money to' loan at owest rates of interest. 'Offices, Main street, Exeter, h R. Cnnti.ro, B.A., L. DICKSON Auctioneers ;BROWN, -Winchelsea.• Livened Auctioneer- . ' for' the Counties of Perth and Middlesex. also for,the township of IJsborne. Sales promptly attei?ded.te,;avd';terms reasonable. Sales arranged at Post.Ottcef'iVinohelsea.. The • oisona'. Bank - (Chartered by Parliaplent, 1565.) Head Office, Montreal. Capital Authorized $5,000,000 Paid up Oapital.... $2,850,420. Reserve Fund. .••' .. 2,720,.778 JAS. ELLIOTT, General Manager.' —EXETER BRANCH,— Office hours -30 a.m. to 3 p.m; Saturdays 10 a,m a, a., .. "• to 1 p.m. - A general banking business transacted. general Money advanced good ed to Farmers at lowest rates. Savings'Bank Deposits from $1 and upwards, receiv- ed. interest allowed at highest eurrent rates. Daorsox & CARLING, N. D. iiaaoox, Solicitors. Manager. Bicycles We are still In the Bicycle trade ;alt>_d this year show some fine speci- nerle.; The CUSHION FRAME is the Ideal wheel 'Co ride. Prices mod .era.te 19-ew. piano' Several'New Pianos just put • in stock ; Howest styles and the best Wakes. It will pay you to see Chem. Yon will be surprised at the LOW PRICES at which we sell diem.' Organs of - the Latest makes always in. stock Sewing Machines &c. WO,Sewing .141 ,). �e are leaders ill � chines—the best rnaehines Chart the trade produces are on; our floor for your iltspe tion e also repairs Need les, etc., for all kinds of sewing foal- -chimes, always on hand. Call atld see us if in nerd of. any of tie above: ,C43. RTgN Ayer's] Falling hair means•weak hair. Then strengthen your hair feed ft with the only hair food, Ayer's Hair Vigor, It checks falling hair, makes the hair ilair 1Tigor grow, completely curesdan- druff. And it always restores color to gray'hair, all the rich, dark color of early life. "My hair war. IsUln out badly and I was amnia I iyould toss It alt Then I tried flyer's Hair Vfgor, It qulckty stoppedthe ia111ng and mado m�y l?atr all I could wish ft to bosh RSSE00.& E, ALLIIN, Lrlizabeth, N. J. sue a bottle. J. o. Ayes co., st.lydru elite. mominvoulImwe11, ashes Ior• r Felin. Hair I1ii:f!3�I't 1V. Fa•irservice, 'svbo has been osrt West for the past year, is home again looking hale and hearty.-ltlr, Mark Best and ;wife, of Brandon, Main:, are on a Visit to friends here,—H. Jackson lett a few days ago for, Stratford where lie has accepted a situation on the G. T.R.—kb, James Connors. has sold his. fat•in otr the lath concession, Tucker= smith, to Mr. Wm. Leitch, of Hallett, $5,500.: The farm contains KLIIont 100 acres. Mr. Leitch gets possession next fall. He has got a gond farm'at a t'ei•y reasonable puce.. -In the report of. snecessfta candidates in the recent ex-. eminations at Toronto Dniver•sity, we noth,e that :Fred Fowler hes passed his first esanlination in the theory of inn - sic With first-class humor 'standing. This is creditable to Me. Fowler as he has been teaching -school for many years and so had not Mach time for eti'a, work. • For" the last- eight and. one hall years he has taught in his home soh or No.1, Bullet, but resign- ed at New Years in order to give tnrare attention to his studies,, especially to nineiia. He h;ts proved himself anex- celletrt teacher and is mach esteemed. On the last day of school the pupils and pareelts gave him,as a token of re- spect, warty pretty and nsefnt gifts to getiaer, With a liberal cash present. Mr. l+otyler intends prnsuitig his studies at home fire some time and afterwards at Totem! o • . DE firer.—flats. Thos. Livingstone des parted. this life on Ttaeaday, -Jan. 12, having attained the. good age of .77 years and 3 months. Deceased wars born 1n County Fermanah, Ireland. Had she lived until„April next, ,herself and aged husband, who survives her, Would have celebrated the sixtieth an- niversary of their marriage. Soon af- ter' their marriage they left the old land and emigrated to Canada, set,tliug itt IU.ullett, on the:farm where the de- ceased' lied resided fors 513' yoals E'er- self and huslraud bravely strove with the hardships and privations of pioueet- life and were spared (u see the ftiiits Of their labor's in a comfortable home- stead end a large fuuiily well provided. for Besides her aa.gt•d busband she leaves <a family of four sons and six daughter. Rlrs. Livingstone had nut int eied fr'our any particular diseest', htit glyduatlly gore Wats' before natal eel decay, and until about five weeks be fur'e her: deal h was able to he: around attending to herhonseholdduties. She Was a most elelnpiaay Warmth in -every respeet,. When you cant eat .bre a5- Clsi, - take Scott's Emulsion. When il: n you can't eat ' bread and �YY' take Scott's 4h33�ar3 butter,' �,� � Enuilsion , ' • 3 Whin you u !lave been in a milk diet arid want sos.'.Iseg a little more nouI i,.,-,ing; take Scott's E a ales: -m. To =,t fat: you must eat fit. Scott's EI 1. i§ion is a rat a - rent.. ✓t:'G i' ,giver. a : lost-', who have ve lost flesh 1. - ARE Want to in`�rcase all body. : ' .4 � �” i deists, not only fat. Scott'sQ �.! 9 •..,�I.5 i 1, Erl3t,1.sion increases e e When you insist o� llatvinrr' bone, -. �' �rtflesh,bia�od. and I , Har Bros HouP r.rve. For invalids, Ont' STAR FLOUR is made. from the choicest Outario. and Manitoba. wheat. The quantity of our WiILATLI1'1: 'hats been .improved by sterilizing i1. 10 lbs. rox' 25c. Give it a trial. Itis It A FOOD" not 14 FAD. )t Our fncintios for the handling' of the chopping teach, ape tinseesmeeed, The new Vcsssot grinder is giving gritil satisfaction, IIAR 1/ .C.t.,L BROS. Millers. lv� aaitoh aaids,hoarnetietis, and. other thtoat ailrlieuts ate quickly relieved byVapo-Creso (ene tablets, ten cents Aor box, Alt druggists, for con. vat escents, for consumptives, e for'weak children, for all who Gleed flesh . Scott's Emulsion is • a rich and com. fw and ortabik foot a natural tome. Scott's Emulsion for bone, flesh blood' and nerve, }, .. . �rq win send you a free sample, I [ Ile sure that this ;'leture In rile feria �of a label is on the wra pct of every Goth,; t of Emu hton you"buy. SCO l T & BOWNEI. CliCtrI1STS, a T'orotlto Ontario. i Sot. tend Si L an dfuggists SEWS TOPICS OF WEEK •i71portant EVents in Few Words For busy Readers.,' he 33uasy Wonder xi»pl,eningr, !Carefully Compiled age rut : Trate Randy and Attractive Sltape 'for. tha Readers of Our'['aper'•-A. Solid'leourts I."uloymen in parreg'raplas. '01x.1111 tr,. Montreal, Jan,1.8.-•141;iss Mare? Van l•Iorne, youngest sister of Sir Wil - lam Y an Horne, died here yester- lay. l v' 13e1 111 J 16,—Byron e. a an,- O t 01 t of 'lnson has been nominated by the Liberals of Weet I7astings for .the . J omnlons. Stratford, > Jan. 16.—The 'root' of he Daly Blocs., one of Stratford's.` andmarks, collapsed yesterday morn- ing, owing to the heavy .load of snow. Kingston, Jan, 16,—Queen's Citi' - s el sity Senate has agreed to the elimination of Euclid from the ma- , Lheriaatleal worlc in the matriculation. ,seailljllat.tone. I 'Toronto, Jan. 15.—Benjamin Sane- ' addressed the Empire Club on Cana-'. dian: sentiment boiore and after con- federation yesterday. Mr. Suite is one of the most prominent of French- Canadian writers. Brantford, . Jan. 16g—Tho case' of J . 1i}aston, the insane Dowieite, was heard yesterday before Justice of the Peace Leitch. From the evidence: ad- duced he was judged insane, and will be removed to the Hamilton asylum, Montreal, Jan. 16:—Lord Strath Iona has •placed at the disposal of McGill. University . the Workman. Building, the same to be used as .aa conservatory of music,: Charles A. E. B arns to be the organizing:, director of the new department. Winnipeg,. Jan. 16.—An En `fish- R 1 worilan- residing in New York was in this city yesterday on her. ` way to marry a wealthy bachelor 01 Boisse vain, Man. She answered an adver- tisement for a housekeeper, which appeared in a local paper, with most happy results. Toronto, Jan. 16. -With his throat cut several inches and in a very !veal condition, Edward Weller, Lawton avenue, Deer Park, was brought to St. Michael's Hospital last night at about 8 o'clock. He had attempted. to commit suicide, family ;trouble's; He will likely recover. Toronto Junction, .)'an. 16,- Joseph F. Noyes, a raan who has been doing rough work al;ouncl the Heydon House, Weston road wus yesterday. morning 'found frozen to death in an out of the way spot west of Quebec avenue, and not far- from 131oor street. Noyes had been drink- ing heavily. Vancouver, B.C., ; Jan, 16 'Wn> Loveless, a tobacconist, was killed, last evening by shock from a fallen. telephone wire which had got crossed with an electric light wire. The WLte was lying in the centre of the street and Loveless not 'seeing it in the dark Walked -right into it. ,Death was almost' instantaneous. - D.N ET:: r r Scott -dale, Pa.—Ton people Were hurt, 'none fatally; by a collision of traction care. Johnstown, Pa.—The purchase '01 the Beech Creek Coal and Coke Com- pany by the 1 etmsylvania Colima iy' is consummated. ' Binghamton, ,N.Y.—C. G-, Chaffee, aged• 70, while returning house in a snow storm drove in front of a train and was instantly killed. Rome,. N,Y.-Clarence Alvord,- a well to do resident, aged 58, was found at the bottom of a mill pond, He broke through the ice while at- tempting to cross. Birmingham, Ala.—Fire of incen- diary origin burned the Pratt City jail. Jack • Kelly (white) and four unidentified aogroes were burned to death. Twenty others escaped. Terre Haute, Ind., Jan Elizabeth Wardlec aged 45, and her two young daughters have been burn- ed to cloa'h in their home near here. It is supt.oeed the building caught fire from an overheated stove. New York, Jan. 16 _ .uthentic in- formation from the frontier is an- xiously a o y v v. i 1 tr.d here, as the belief is wide -spread, cables the Herald's Pan- alna correspondent, that the Ooloia- bian's have alr•eacly started to march upon the Isthmus. Watertown; N.Y.—Chinese Inspec- tor Joseph, Wright of Itouse's Point, and James Hodges of Malone, were killed in a freight collision near Rouse's Point.' Inspector Wright was on the train welching for -Chin amen crossing the border. GREAT EZITAIN AND If1ELA1 D. At the annual meeting of the Bdr- , nado's Homes no Saturday, the . state- ment was in r -t that 11,200. boys and. girls were sr `.,1 to Canada, last year, and 15,000 6IUce work began, Conlon .Jan. 16.—(C,A,P,)—The. cheese markets is filen for all grades. Finset is eel() Led at from 58 to 5i1 shillings per cwt, Fine is in small supply and is CiuOted lit from 50 to 52 shillings per •cwt. Lotdon, Jan, 15.-Tlie body of Captain, the Non, .Thomas Lister (Lord. Ilii iblesdale's floe, cl` heir), reported missing• after the- engage: inert recently between the Ili'itish and the forces' of the ,N[ad Mullah has been foiincl pierced by a spear, London, atm, 16,-(C. A.i:y.)—The bye -election in leorwich for a Sttc censor tc? the late Si r.1 Larry Bullard,. resulted in the freo traders gaining the seat, The tote -Was aa follows: 't'illot•, Tethered, 8,756, Wild,, • `Union- ist,.- (1,756; floberts, Labor, 2,240, luci raid Kipling se s South Africa S i fi y s able 1101 only to fcad: the 1\lldthete and With corn, but the 'United States too,'V'ic{oi'la Iia Ile, with 36,000,000 horse -power is:able to famish eine- ',Hefty enough,, to make the dark Kolltfnent a blaze of glory to Mural - late the' earth, London, Jill, 1G. (C. A. t',)—A t1'Ona'',moverilent has been organized :o secure Ilia establishment of aa, Lon. ion Ir Ierial' anti Colonial nI rClub. A nucleus for this already e1ists hi the Colonial, Club, the Atlst'ai.ian t7llb, "ar141 ot*hlo ,: The sltLtli o£ osl00,000 is beim guaranteed. Landes), Jan. 16,—A, statement l :l� psal hie,' by The Evening ngStet' thatat King Edward is sufft'i'ing frown ani pl.. feettoll Of the throat is based en an nneOntrniecj,i'efgrt that His Majesty had eansulted a local physician: ho- cause ecause of a trivial sore throat during his.' recent visit to Chatsworth, London, Jan. 15.T -It is understood that a settlement of the :,Trish • .Uni- versity question is imminent: Tire Cathclio 1lierarcl y ,has abandoned its demand for ecclesiastical centro' and has consented to accept the Scheme pt'oposed by Lord Dunraven, namely, this affiliation of the two . neve Catho- lic colleges with Dublin University. I -I m' ala — a rh Senate Senate has approv- ed a bill authorizing T'resident Palma to increase duties in' his judgment 'not to exceed thirty per cent. Montevideo, Uruguay, Jan. 16,—It le reported that a serious battle has taken place between the Government troops and the insurgents, the latter losing heavily. Berlin, Jan, 18.—The Humburger Nachricliten says that Emperor Wil- liam has invited ,James Cordon 13en- nett to be his guest during the au- tonrobile races at II'arnburg, Home, Jan. 18.—The United States continues to' be the chief direction of Italian emigration, the number of einie'rants going there in 1903 teach- ing a total of nearly 250,500, r;ew York—According ' to advices the Jiminex'party .in Santo Dimirgo ismeeting with great success, While the capital is holding out •against its forces it is believed that the Provis- ional Governnie•it will soon capitu- late. THE RAILWAY COMMISSION. Pt itiurr Has Slaee Offered to Pref. Hills of 1uelp:t 0. A. C. Ottawa, Jan. 16.—Professor' James Mills, Frinciial of the Ontario Agri - cult -era' College, has been offered a position on the Railway Commission created 'under the statute of .:last , year. If he accepts, as he' doubtless *111, the constitution of the Com- mission will be complete. The other nu:'nbers are Mr. Blair, chairman.. and Mr. Bernier. The office of secre- tary is as yet unfilled. Dr. Mills has. I:W.:graphed his consent to Premier; Laurier. • Conamissi.e agd rte coaditi.ns.. The salary of the chairman of the Commission is '$10,000 a year, and that ' of each of - his 000 a year, and that of each of his •colleagues $8,000. They are appoint- . ed for the term of ten years, but may be re -appointed on the expire - tion of that period. They are not eligible for office after reaching the age of 75. ,The Conmeissioners arE, toe reside in Ottawa: and -their office, must be located here. A vice-chair- man may be appointed to act when ;the chairman is net present. Two tilernbers will forma quort:)n. The board roust hold no railway stock: and must not be interested in any Ittd ter that comes'' before them.. If .a Coinmissioner has any interest he inust be replaced by another Cotn niissioner, appointed fir --the purpose. r}I'he salary of the secretary is not to ',exceed $1,000 per annum The re- '.niaining °the 's will be appointed by tithe board, subject to the - approval of the Government. MAJOR J. E. Ciouc:i, :C.nrranded Others Bravery, lint Didn't Mention iiis Own. London, Jan. 18.—Several months ,ago . Victoria Crosses were awarded Capts. Walker and Rolland for - gal- :lantry during action at Daratoleh, :in Somaliland, in carrying a. wound- ed otiicer back under a heavy fire. The announcement Saturday that Major J. E Gough, commander of the column, had got the' Victoria Cross- for gallantly in the same ac- tion caused surprise and wonder why it was so belated. It seems that- Gough, as comman- der, recommended the other two, but made no mention 'of his own con- duct. A private letter front Rolland first brought the news to England, with the 1, stilt that it • was call- ed to the attention of the Bing re- cently. Gough is but 2'i years old. ITo has been lnentioned three times in de- spatches for services:in South Afri- ca, and is now promoted to be bre- vet lieutenant -colonel. LOST IN THE STORM. :1t�3 1ioid of n 3', t,' ',- :tient Lncknow in I5natvstgrnr. Listowel, Jan. 14.—Abo tt 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon,. A,W.Maybury, 0 relieve -do and highly respected ,fc,rtrier;' who lives about five miles southeast of here, started ted 1 x home with a load of chop, The roads were so heavy that he left his horses at 11"acidott , about three miles out, •attrl u 'ra ,jrward on foot in a blind- ing sitr' :ai orl.lt. ITe was found dead in a, fl' d about (i o'clock Sunday' .evening, a mile from hot, e, within fifteen roils of a farm, house, ITe had apparently missed his way end had '. ' been overcome by the cold. He was 32 years old and ict'tves a widow and small:` child. RES' .1AT1O r OPnli?, A its. 7i Nnvr No Longer a lslenrber of Titmice - itemize; Cahtiniselon;' Termite, Jan, 18.—'Tho announce. Spent was rnado ori: Satur'd,ay that Mr, A. 31), .Arles had 1'es `,,ne i from tha position o1 Chairman. Of the coir'- Inission in, charge of the Temiskain- ln6 ,;:t :.$orthea•n t)nttu'io Railway, i The resignation carries With it the seat on the „e0111611 551on as well. 56001,ies eta d Exp go) ut'e, 3a' `ort Frances, Jali, 15,—The coro n er's inquest ort the body Of, the tw,o )nen found dead near Vert 31 rantee returned e, verdict of' salads -in the ,arse of W, Watson, while'ternpurai'y Insane, mid ' deat.lifrom exposure 1 1, ihat o£ John Scott, Drylid ale .„ .DEa x,. --A feeling of gi00iu filled 5601) bratvt WheKI .the deittb of Albert D5 C n)� was beardof the sad event t taking place tt t�3 residence of his parents, 1,41.3... dad Mrs. Regis Denolm•, oxr' .h-iday, Jan, 8th, tit the age of 17 years. Deceased had been ailing ;sonic time with :a disease which iluitll de, veloped into brain fever: and its spite of all that hind friends and medical ttid could do he paused !treaty, Ali ':who ktiew hint gave, evidence of Iris sterling character which made 11ilir 0 general favorite in the nei ht,+rip d, PO: o;i'.y With tin 'o'Ul)„' pooliio bust the tilde': O c and n h cs s 5;'f' they feel a , llU b tx tl xd a, c 1 t 1; they lienee indeed lost s friends. His remains were laid to reet its `3t. Peter's cemetery on Sunday, Jana. 10. at 8 0,03.. whither they were followed by 0 large conc,onrse,ox friends. The hareaaveai family and friends have the deepest sympathy of the entire community in this hour of sorrow. Miss Gannon, Sec'y Detroit Amateur Art Association, tells young women what to do to avoid pain and ,:suffering caused by female troubles. "DEAR Mus. ' PmEnt i : — I can con-. eientionsly recommend Lydia E. I-'inkham's Vegetable Compound to those of my sisters suffering with female weakness andthe troubles which so often befall women. I suf- fered for months with general weak- ness, and felt so weary that I had hard work to keep up. I had shooting pains, and was utterly miserable. In my dis- ' vas 1 was advised to use Lydia, 1 , Pinlzhari's . Vegetable Com- pound, and it was a red letter day to ane when I took the first dose, for at that time my restoration began. In six weeks I was a changed woman, perfectly well in every respect. I felt so. elated and happy that I want ,all women who suffer to get well as I did." —Miss Goma Gazrlrox, 359 Jones St., Detroit, Mich., Secretary Amateur Art Association. —;5000 forfeit If original of abeue letter proving genuineness cannot be produced.• When one considers that. Miss Gannoil's letter is only one`of the countless hundreds which we are continually p ublishing in the news- papers of this country, the great virtue of Mrs., Pinkham's medicine must be admitted' by all. EXETER NARK TS. affANOPID E4UJXI WED rE 1D..`?I Wte lie. Barley. 35 Oaats. . a , ,, 20 tl Y'ea$. 61) ) Pete toes,per barr 1 iY 1. , a t3 x Roy, per ton . 700 t Butter. laggs. Hides,, 0x' 100 Live bogs, per Dreasecl ;[los,.. $hort$fper cwt... , Bran per ow t, � t. Floor, per cwt., A'olter,., :4 410 5 .,1„'1 51 50 dl!BollfcEt,:i . F HEAD OFyIC'b:, MONTREAL Capital Veld Up 6,000,000, Rest - 2,100,000 A general Banking business traiasacted, " Interest at most favorable en treu t. rates allowed txti Sayings hank accounts and Deposit lteceipts: Contuteroiel Letter's of Credit isenod, available a;i China, Japan and other foreign countries. Travelling Letters of Credit issued to travellers i t all parts of the world, THOS FYSHE, GESSRAi, 5Ios4oae. l .F.IIERDLN, $err OF BRANCHES & 0118R Titorzc'ces CREDITONS O T.,. W. S. CHISHOLM, REDITON ROLLER { t 3 We are giving excellent - satisfaction since Re- modelling our mill. GRISTING and CHOPPING DONE PROMPTLY. H. SWEITZER �i0- • le, WE I AVI+l A. COMPLETE 1-.TthOlt OF SUCH THINGS LS Straw CutterZ es p r noot !7 =r :'fes N i ;= j ! .1.0 Sizes of Iron Cook's Cotton Root Compound.; i Ladies, Favorite, t ' Is- the only safe, reliable ) regulator on which woman can depend "in the :hour, and time of need." Prepared in two degrees of strength. No.. 1' and No. 2. No. 1, -Por ordinary cases is by far the -best dollar; medicine known. No. 2 -For special. cases 10 degrees stronger—three dollars per box. Ladies—ask your druggist for Coo5e's Cotton Root Compound. Take no other as all ;pills, mixtures and imitations are dangerous. No. 1 and No. 2 are sold and recommended by all druggists in the Do- minion of Canada. Mailed to any address on receipt of';�r rice and four 2 -cent postage stamps. 3,he Cook Cornparsorry,, ®nt„ - " Vind in^ 1• No: 1 and 1 0. 2 aresold in �,, Drs. Lutz and Browning, Druggists. 1.l'4- DR. SLOCUrvl, Lung Specialist list (PLAIN AND-GAiV..?..;ZED) (PL WE MAKE TO ORDER Castings of Every P El Vita. Foi' Cale -1 bay r ,11'ess -.c13 1 I set 1200 lb. scales, GENERAL REPAIRS YES ;s s a1; "'' ��',� ik. 4 y, I Offer to the Sick ONEa �IwoaiaaFM€oicIR FREE AS A TRIAL Ewe'y Sufferer Lath to sa i photic Catarrh, Br onohltis' La grippe, Pulmonary anBronchial Troubies » If you have any of the following syrnptoms itmeans that the germs of consumption aro in your system, Accept Dr. Slocum's generous offer. Aro your iunogs v7oak? Do you dough ? Do you. have 3aine in the chest? Do you spit up pbleegal? Ts your throat sore andinfiazaed? 1s your appetite bad? Do You have ait;lei eweart8? Are you to i.ig flesh? Aie you pale, thin and weak'? Do you have zinging in the ears? Do you have hot Sashes? Is there dropping its the threat? Is the nose dry and stuffy? TTaive you a coated tengue1 Call your disease is/bayou will, these symptoms indicate that you have in year body the seed of the most ditngciolis of Maladies. In order to let all people know the marvellous power of his system of treatment, Dr. Slocum has decided to give free to: all sufferers as a test hiss iree trial 'treatment, ONE WEEK'S TRTiril. OF OP SLOOTJ'S SYSTEN1 • OF Af ET RtE NOthing Could be more rsxsooable> marc generous than Dr, 5to.lrr. s x4ie". The ',Slocum System of'T re.t,iu nt 1 'it { }• 4 tatsC,..cdt)SOn;„'r:lit:."i,and'tCnS f;f thousands of cases ofconsumption53 r e .a. la a±i S,..: ca of the i ,, f 1 e tli�:ase. 1� ,,3str.x:i' of ta�..a,.zncrt that a;;oornsah.,lles more than any one rezneiiy''ti;;.a, eves a..rotiib1is11. A system of complete: Medicinal and tonic ;pod treatment the!: '!!testes iutd eliminates :It tubers. ctrlosis Colts all )oa.oa from fee system an -1 . .. [. ,i building healthy thy Luna tad body , zosuo, f \ o e5-ar ,liar ;tree ions; fa•; r c n:se •nr•t own. Accept t Dr, SiocarriS c, .' 'i -r' p , cr e i ci5yan i be isle 1..: l.c>a :e al;torl(; f rva:zl:r and Io``ed. enC'. Simply' write to Dr. . 1'.:1,. Slocum) Limiecd) roe Riess Street West Toronto- Y ! rr- , 3 Canada, mcrf:o•r ) ,i rt u„s name, andstate Y.101' pest and express offices, old you will tecolv5.thd troanuolt promptly by express, thestiote titin er.