HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1904-1-21, Page 311i1P UNE
YEAR OP „apititpISS.
1eaictQnsor 1904 Are of the
Re Aseerts People Should Speak
Plainly When Their Words Will
IlenefIt Othere.
Feene. the Pe:Porde:a Brod:vette, Ont.':
• Rey, R. aleakett, general agnat ot
the African Methodist Chataa in
Canada, 'spent several days in I3roek-
vi1L in the interest' of. the
chairch work. Talking witha report,
er he Said he alWaye liked •to visit
Brockville, because, lie •teund 60
many of its citizens M hearty Om-
ptethy with the church work lie lea
plasents. "Ariti besides, said alle
Hatchett, I have what may be pall-
ed a seetarnental reason Ler liking
Brockville, It is the hoine of a
ineuiciee that lips `thine me neuen
good, and has done much good • to
Other members of my, family. I re-
fer to Dr, Williams' Pink Pine,"
Would you Muni," eaked• the re-
porter; 'giving your experieace with
• Da. Williams' Palk Pills ?" "Not ait
ail," said Ma. Hatehott. elsgage
say a good word for this reeditane
waenever .the eppertaiiity offers. I
anew some people object to speak/4g
in public about medicines they. use,
but I thiak this is a narrow View to
take. When :one finds Something
really good and really helpful in re-
lieving hutnan ills; it 'seems to me
it is a duty we owe other sufferers
• to put them ,in way of obtaining,
new 'health, You can say from' me
thereloe'lhat I "think 'Dr, Neillitims'
Pink Pills a very superior Medicine
know of no other se gpade My
work, as you may judge, ie by no
means light, I have to travel a.
great deal in the. interest of our
• church work, . and it isno wonder
that often I find • myself ,,much run
down, ana afflicted tamest with a
general prostration. It is on occa-.
eions of this kind that 'I resort . to
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and 1 can
say in all sincerity that they have
never failed the. The pills have
also been used in my family, and
among exly friends, and the roseate
have always been satisfactory. You
may justsay from ine that I think
those who are afflicted With any of
the Ilis for which thie medicine is
recommended: will make no mistake
in giving Dr, Williams' Pink Pills
a .
The Rev. Mr. Hatchett's home is
Ln Hamilton, Oat:, Where he is
known to most of the Citizens and
greatly - esteemed by those who
know hini..
Most of, is • aro able to supply .• a
repartee if WO are given time to
„think it over, bat a, repartee half
an hour after the occasion for it
has passed is like a 'blank cartridge.
• It Is the readiees? of the retort that
makes it effective.
The great Russian soldier, Marshal
Suvoroff, was in the habit of asking
his men difficult questions, eome-
times foolish ones, and bestowing
favors .on. those who showed presence
of inired in answering him.
• On one occasion a general of divi-
sion sent him a- sergeant with des-
• patches, at tbe same time recora-
awarding the bearer to Suyoroff's
notice. The. marshal, as usual,• pro-
ceeded to test- him bee a series of
whimsical questtions.
"How -far is it to the moon ?" was
the first query.
• "Two of your Excellency's . forced
marches," the soldier promptly
' •
"if your men began to give way
in a battle, what would you, do ?"
"I'd tell them that iust behind the
enemy's line tbere was a waggon-
load of good things to eat."
"How many fish are there in the
"Just as many as have not been
And so the examination went on,
till Sitvoroff, findinghis new ac-
quaintance armed at all points, at
length put n ,final poser'—
"What is the differee.ce between.
your colonel and niyeelf.?"
"The diffeeence is this," replied
• tb.e soldier, 'coolly, '"any -tolorfel can-
not make me a •captain, 'but your
Excellency can."
Stiveroil, struck by his shrewdness,
kept his .eye upon the man, and
soon afterwards gave him the pro-
• motion, for Which he had hinted.
Food That Carries One Along.
It's nice to know of food that not
only tastes delicious but that puts
the snap and go into 0710 and sup-
plies staying poefee. for the day.
A woman says: -I have ta,keii
enough medicine in my time to fur-
nish a drug store, but in later and
wiser years I •have taken none, but
have depended, for the health I now
enjoy, 'on suitable and sustaining
food of which I keep on hand a test-
ed variety, plain but nourishing.
"Of these my main dependence is
Grape -Nuts, especially if I have be-
fore me a 'day of •unusual effort ea.
tiler mental or physical. In. . this
caae I fortify myeelf the firet thing
In the • morning with about 4 tea-
spoonftde of Grape-Nute moistened
with cream and not lim01'. else fer
brealtfast and the amount of work
can then carry , through euecessful-
bt without fatigue or exha,ustion is
a wonder to theee about me and ev-
eli to myself.
"Grape-Ntit food.' is certainly .a,
Wonderful •strengthener, and is riot
a stimulant tot there is no reaction
afterwards but it ie susteiniag and
strengthening as 1 have preyed by
long experience." Name given by
• Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich,
'Pleere's a reason ibex teaepoolifttls
• of Graf:le-Nuts and cream will add
Mere strength and eerie/ one Ittrther
than a plateful Of coarse, heavy food
that • is nearly all watite. Grape -
Mite food is condelieed, peealigested
end delitious. It contathe the parte
of the Wheat and Barley grains that
supply the labuilaiag parts fOr Brain
arid Nerve Centres. ,
Look in each peeltrtge fel' a copy
of the tairious llttlo boolt, -"The
• Darlteat.,
The papers ef Paris are coinment-
ing gravely on the Unanimity of the
aetrelogers, Magicians, clairvoyaats.,
and trance mediunie ni predict/jug a
yene of horrors for 1904,
A leading astrologer named Jacob
sizes up the aituaaion ae follows,
and the other e agree inert) or lees as
to \detail
"Here is the' horoecope for 1,904,
made at the moment the atm entered
the sign of CaPricora. It inelieates
a, 'year of great immortality in Lon-
don. The• Viceroy of India abdi-
cates. Tile Crated States have grave
quarrels With Russia and Germany.
rtoosevelt falls sick tancl a conspir-
acy is hatched against thine Serious
ii,ncinciaa disasters' Fa America.
"The Emperor of Japan has a grave
"Ail attempt on the life of the
Emperor of China.
"volcanic shocks in Constantino-
ple, Chili, and Philippines.
`& fear of unhealthy literature and
unlimited materialist.
"The French Cabinet falls between
April 7 and 19.
"A panic in a music hap, grave
accidents and popular 'disturbances,
ie Russia. A. attempt to poison
the Czar. •Serious disseneions be-
tween Russia Eilad Austgia.
"England loses prestige. The cam-
paign in Thibet falls through.
"• Tremend o us failures in Calcutta
and the Transvaal. . •
"Anarchist troubles in Spain; the
Government threatened.
• "In China women massacred..
"IlvarYwhere crimes' of passion,
mysterious -deaths, and strange
poen omen a. •
'Nineteen hundred and four is an
anagram. of 1409, the date of the
birth of Joan of Arc. This year a
wonderful child will be born with a
high destiny, showing its power in
1924, an anagram ef 1429, the date
of the apogee of Joan of Arc.,'"
There is a clever lad who will get
his living in this world. For playing
truant, maternal authority cut op
his sapper. Casting one fond look at
the atithoress of his existence, le
paused at the door to say:
".Mothee, I am going to die; and
When I am no more, I wish the doc-
tor to cut me open and look at my
The maternal heart was filled with
awful forebodings, and the rea,ternal
Vaiee asked what he meant. -
"I wish it to be known," he an-
swered, "that I died of starvation."
This was enough. The small boy
was triumphant, and' retired to his
little bed gorged to repletion.
In addition to being an ardent cya
dist, Queen Elena is a good ehot and
has some knowledge of lawn tennis,
in which game the King is . often her
opponent. -King Victor Emmanuel,
however, edingehis coesort some -
What below his standard, sometimes
allows her to win, but on one occas-
ion be did it so awkwardly that the
Queen is reported to have thrown
down her racket in disgust. • "You
may beat inc with a racket," she ex-
claimed, "bet I can alWaes give you
points with a gun." At which sally
His Majesty laughed heartily and
peace was restoredn
"1 cannot praise Baby's Own Tab-
lets too highly," writes Mrs. James
. Beach; 0 anipbell ' Bay, Qtte.
'•'From the time my baby was born
he ivas troubled With pains in the
stomach and bowels and a rash oe
his skin which made, aim restless
day and night. I got nothing . to
help hiei .until I gave him Baby's
Own Tehlets, andatuider their use
the trouble soon disappeared, and all
iny, friends are now praising my
baby he, leeks .ed healthy and well.
I give him an occasional Tablet, and
they .keep him well. 'I can heartily
recommend the Tablets to any moth-
er who has it young baby."
Thousands of other Mothers prate°
this medicine just as warmly, and
keep - it, on hand in eithe of emer-
gencya Th.e Tablets cuae all the
minor ills of little ones, they 'act
gently ana • speedily, and are abso-
lutely safe. - Sold by all druggists
or seat post paid at 25 cents a box
by waiting The Dr. Williams' Medi-
eiae Co., Brocaville, Ont.
Perhaps no monarch has a more
curious hobby than, the Shah of
Persia, who iS a ;veritable enthusiast
at cat collecting. Re leas a speci-
men Of every kid of cat of every
country—cats of all sizes, all colors
and ail shapes. There are many
sores of them, and some of the best
sPeelffiene are always taken with the
Persian ruler 011 ais travels. 1.1 ever
His Maiesty sees a, kind of tat which
he does not possess—a very rare
'occurrence—he glens orders for it to.
be bought for him at' once, even if
the price he ,a5,900. There are speei-
al and highly -remunerated attend-
ee -its td look after these favored. fel-
Pius X. is an, lams° lover of
nuke, and, as Ise really malerstands
t, is eontented with nothing but the
best. When Patriarch of Venice . he
lad Abbe Perosi always aet his • el -
boa', becoreing as fond ea a father of
Whet). Peroei, was Made di-
rector of the Eistale Choir the Pat -
larch was half pleased, because it
was an honer for his favorite, and
sorry, as • it took. the young
husieian-prieet away from his• side.
A few days after his election he was
eard. to say, "Now, how I obeli re-
vel in-Lorenzo's music!" To thia
ad the Pontiff has ordered two inag
ll -
ieent Van
ios and an organ, which
tand fa his private apartments, for
he express purpose that those Of
he Sttetetl College who "really tinder.,
tand harmony?' and thoao especial -
y invited, May eomb together and
nJoy an hour now nd ow atherk 01
`Ontacirtino tteel eleVealeg
Those whom negleeted coughS
have killed were once as healthy
• and robust as you.
•Don't follow in their paths of
neglect. Take
Cure T-theicLung
right no.
• It is guaranteea to cure.
It has cured many thousand.
'Prices 256., 50c. and 01.00
8. C. WELLS & CO.
Toronto, Can. LeRoy, N.Y.
Jones—"So you have discharged
yeur cook?"
Smith ---"Yes."
"I'm surprised to hear it, as I
heard you say she was such an ex-
cellent cook."
"That's aist the reason I discharg-
ed her. She cooked such excellent,
dinners that we ate so mach there
was nothing lefi, over for supper. Her
good cooking wa6 her only fault."
Hers Was a Terrible Case—It
Proves that the Great Kidney
• Remedy is Good for Old and
Young Alike and Cures all
Forms of Kidney Disease. '
Weyburn, Awe., N.W.T., Jan. 11—
(Special)—No more remarkable euro
of Dropsy 'has ee-er been put on re-
cord than that of little Edith 'Terris,
the two-year old daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. R. J. Harris, of this place.
The little girl had, dropsy in its
worst form. She was swollen, from
her feet to her shoulders so badly
that the doctor was afraid one of
ber feet would burst. Her natural
waist measure was eighteen inches,
but when the disease was at its worst
she measured thirty-four inches. Two
doctors attended her, but after three
months' struggle with the disease the
child was gradually growing worse
and the parents had about given up
all hope' of saving the life of their
At this time they determined, • to
try Dodd's. :Kidney Pills, Imagine
their surprise ,and delight when
under this treatment the child began
to raPidly improve. By -the :time
she had taken •threaaioxes, half a pill
at a, dose, tbe swelling was gone
and.' the helpless little invalid was
transformed into a merry laughing
healthy child again.
liodd's Kidney 'Pills cure old and
young alike. They cure Kidney Dis-
ease without regard to where or in
what form it is found. ,
"Gladys," -said Chumley to his
mannish sister, "I've "'done so naach
for you, you should write me a tes-
timonial." A testimonial?" "Yes.
You might say, `Deal: Brother,—Once
I was a timid, delicate girl, but
mace using your collars and ties I
have become a new woman.'
How's This
We offer one Hundred Dollars Reward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. ukir,Nitly & Co.. Toledo, 0.
We, the undersigned, have known F.
J . Cheney for the last 15 years, an d
believe him perfectly honorable In all
business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligations made
by their firm.
Ms.1, & A X, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, 0. wALDINCI, A N &
euenviN, 'Wholesale Druggis ts, Toledo,
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken inter-
nally, acting di metly upon the blood
said mucous surfaces of the system
Testimonials sent free. Price 75c. per
bo.ttle. Sold by all d ruggists.
Hall's FaMily Pills are the best.
"IS it true that you beats been
saying that Croce bas stolen your'
purse?" "Oh, no; .1 did not go so
far as to say that An 1 said was
that if Green had not assisted inc in
looking for the purse, I should have
found it again."
Jealous Rivals cannot turn back
the tide. The demand for Dr. Ageew's
little Pills is a marvel. 'Cheap to buy, but
diamends in quality—banish nausea, coated'
tongue, water brash, pain after eating, sick
headache never gripe operate pleasantly,
xo cents. -37 '
The vieiAsitudes of an actor'e life
are often the subjeci, of al/lazing fic-
tion, but the facts seem much more
startling. The great German actOr
LticlWig Barna,er tells hi his memoirs
that he has died no Jewel' than 1,120
timee and married 1,721 thnes. •The
varied n,ature of his 1,120 deaths is
best expreesed in Siinply dignity of
figures. He was stabbed 61 titries,
shot 51, beheaded 81, died of, drielt
22, was poisoned 166, knocked on th
head 86; died of heart disease, 192;
murdered 109, executed 33 (tills, pre-
sumably means exclusive of behead-
ing), cammitted suicide 814, and died
. natural death 55 times. These
deathe Were spread. over 8,868 nights
hi 98 different ditieS, 871 pheye, atel
455 characters,
A little Sunlight Soap will clean
cut glass and other articles until
they shine and sparkle, .Sunlight
Soap will wash other things than
clothes. • -
Charm of the Canadian Girl Be-
• yond- All Question.
The women of Canada are up in
arms against certam strictures pass-
ed by an English lady visitor on
the beauty of Canadian girls,says
the London Daily Mail. Tho • press
of Toronto, Montreal and Ottawa is
filled with indignant letters protest-
ing against the statement that -the
typical face is hard -featured and
sallow, and too often muddy -com-
These charges haveraised a storm
among the fair women of tastern
Canada. So • far from being substan-
tiated by fact, the statements macle
by the uncharitable visitor are the
reverse of the truth, The Clanadiaii
girl is remarkably pretty, and only
those who have visited the Queen
City of the Dominion can appreciate
exactly how pretty she 1.6.
Writing from Toronto, our special
correspondent, Mr. Edgar Wallace,
"There is a charm about the Can-
adian girl which is anther difficeit to
deseribe in cold print: Tbat . she
possesses above the ,average ainount
of good looks is beyond cliseaute; that
she is more athletic than her 'English
sister and more womanly than her
American cousin is also true. If
American in anything it is in het
dress, for she is really smart. If
there is sonaething that suggests
more than anything her British de-
cent it is the grace of her move-
ments. If there is a characteristic
peculiarly Canadian it is her fine
freedom, the absence of artificiality
and, super -conventionalism.• •
"She is a Gibson, girl with a
heart, an English girl with a mus-
cle; a Canadian. of Canadians, patri-
otic, large -minded, and, .above all
things, very pretty. In French it is
a prettiness which an almost Paris-
ian pirethece renders truly delightful.
In Ontario it is a prettiness which
seems to embrace all that is best in
the American type; and in the west—
well, it is a western loveliness, red
and white, that most perfect beauty
which advertises so well the splendid
health of the woman it adorns."
Never waste your time arguing 10 -
legion with a than whose wife takes
in washing.
Society women aro like sala,cle—a
great deal depends upon the ,dressing.
A man may be able to trade his
reputation for money, but he can't
trade back.
11111aard1s Velment Cores Colds, etc,
Laziness is a disease that is re-
sponsible for a lot of chronic in-
•The great demaed for a pleasant, safe
and.rebable.anadote for all affections of
the throat and lungs is fully met NVitil. in
Bickle's An teCon m ptive Syrup. It is
a Purely Vegetable Compound; mid 0015
promptly and magically in 'subduing all
coughs, colds, bronchitis, inflammation of
the limes, etc. It is so palatablethat a
child will ma refese it, and 15 13 pat at A
price that will not exclude the poor from
ts benefes. •
Use Lever's Dry Soap 'ta powder)
to wash woolens and flannels, --you'll
'like it. •
Sore Feet. -1r. E. J. Neill, New Arra
agh, P. Q, writes: "For nearly Mx
mouths I was troubled with herniae
aehes and pains i 21 my feet to such an ex
tent that I could not sleep at nig h t, and
as my feet were badly swollen I conal
aot wear my boots for weeks. At last I
gate bottle of Dr. Thomas' Balearic 011
and resolved to tryLt and' to me astonish
rent got almost instant relief, and the
no bottle acconiplished perfea cure.
Faint heart never won fair lady
with out a lot of strenuous assist-
ance on her part.
Ortqa Foot in the Gram," -11
:the thousands of people who rush to so
,worthy a remedy ae, touth American Nee
vine as a last resort would get it as a Zrs1
resort, how mech misery and suffering
would be spared. If you have any nerve
disorder you needn't suffer a mineto longer
.A thousand testimonies to prove 111.-36
When a man pays the price of fame
hp never gets as meal change back
as he expected.
Eland's (limed Ems ribilthilb
The spirit of Modern life is to
plunge into experieeces vigorouely
and get the most from them, 'nisi
was the spirit that animated the
men 'who preferred totigh beefsteak
because there was more "chew to it.
Similarly virile was the attitude of
Mr. Skillings, who bad conth to or-
der a new family carriage.
"htow 1 suppose you want rubber
tires ?" said the agent,
sir,'' replied Mr. Skillinge.
"My, folks aint that kind, When
we're riding we want to know 11,"'
46-74,•eacmylfr ,
46, 4(7i'
aff 41,
4171OANNeszary earaelsnrataswIgnoiyai
fi,SSESS7.1Ell 5 SYSTEM.
CanAgan Gruer of Chosen. Friends
,18,288 . 1.899 P. R•IP.• •••t**0.,
20,917 , a. _. 1900
22,574 ... 1.901 . ,,,,, .---e
28,829 ,, , 1902
25,000 , 1903 ..... .. -nee,
Apply to the Recorder in your own town, or
W. P. MONTAGUE, W, F. 0A1.1.P13EILL,
Grand Recorder, Hamilton., Ont„ or Grand Organizer, Mamilton, Ont.:
'• • 400,00.0.1
Palls, Wash Basins, aulit Pans, &
Any First-oisoo Grocer Can &uppity You.
.ptt.mteame - `42"X"2:
Student .(to tailor, who has called
to collect a bill of long , standing) :
"You need not be worried about
this small matter. Members of nay
family always pay- their debts
sooner or later. My grandfather,
wil o is eighty-seven years old, has
just settled cnie of his University
deb Ls."
It is only necessary to read the testi-
monials to be convinced that Ilolloway's
Corn Cure is unequalled for the removal
Of corns'warts, etc. It is a complete ea-
Teacher—"In parsing the sentence,
`Time will tell,' why do you make
Time the feminine gender?" aim-
inie--" 'Cause 11 11 tell."
For Over Sixty Years
Mts. Virmer.ort S SOOTECTtiG SYRUP has been used by
111(21023 05 mothers for their children while teething
Itsoothes the child, roftems the gems, aliays pain, mues
wind colic, regniates the St omarth and bowels, and is t,ho
best remedy for Diarrhcea.. • Twenty-fire-eants a bottle
Sold by druggists thronyhout the world. De 'Fire 1,0
ask for '1515. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SY.11111'.'
"Love levels all things," sighed the
sad -eyed swain, with a'Pang of pain
as his sweetheart sat on his new
high silk hat and smashed it fiat.
'Aloard's Liniment Cores Distemper,
Some men who imagine they were
cut out •for politicians are mighty
poor ats.
Sleeplessness.--Wben the uervesare au
strung and, the wholebody given up to
wretcheduesa . when the mind ie flITed
with gloom and dismal forebodings, the
result' of derangement of the digestive
organs, sleeplessness comes to add vo the
distress. If only the sUbject could 21(23122
there would be oblivion for a while and
temporary relief. Parmelee's Vegetable
Pills will not only induce sleep, but wilt
act so beneficially that the subject Will
wakerefreshed and restored to happinesA.
Although to -morrow may never
come, the Morning after the night
before in-Vmlably arrives.
Strong* v.rorda by a New York
Special st. — " After years of testing and
comparison I have no hesitation in saying
that Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart is the
quickest, safest, and surest known to medi.
cal science. I u5e it in my own practice.
It relieves the most acute forms of hcari
ailment inside of thirty athletes and ;levee
fails." -35
Fortunately for stupid people the
weather changes often enough to sup-
ply, them with something to talk
There is nothing egual to Mother
Graves' 'Worm Extensile:leer for aeetroy
ing worms. No article et its kied ho
given such satisfaction.
'A young farm servant at -Porthle-
thin, a small Kincaectineshire vil-
lage, in Scotland, has died from
the effects of biting 1110 own.' tongue
while eating his, supper. The ton-
gue began to bleed profusely, A
doctor was called in, but he found
it impolOble to stop the bleeding,
and the natin died.
Illusion of courtship are , more
pleasant than realities of matrimony.
. emr.etv., memsp..nan. ate..4,,Nut
You ttiOlO peopis slolt — you heat)
woursaif 810k. 800,r0 violet in 10
, minutos from colds, Cs.tarrh,
Headache or llifluenza.
nitre that cold; you cat do it, it yeti
exercise common sense and use only 'Dr
A.gnew.'s Catarrhal Powder, It rellovez
colds, and catarrh and cures headache 11
a few moments, Rev. L McPherson,
Buffalo, 14.V., says; "Dr. Agnew's Ca
tarthal Powder relieved me in 10
utes and•istdaohbolcasoselrn,icogt: Inter than
ar, aticirs Liver Pill3 .4re bettoan meal
• 11411 Mal
flo tm, Jimeastatide heetlesbettid
. ennoVee
. tarengh OUr yittki antaitee diktat f rine is
Ingo, Watiker*Oliaerd. Rin1rte1is4nei SC $00. A', e triettizen. new
• A. certain regiment had a very
small band, but the connnanding
officer's feet were—well, very large.
One day the regiment was to mareh
out, but the mueic was not forth-
coming,. "Where the deuce is the
band ?" queried tbe adjutant. • For
some time there was no reply; but
when the question was repeated a.
gru5 voice was heard from the rear
rank : "I believe, sorr, the colonel
trod on it be accident."
Dear Sirs,—Your MINARD'S LINI
IVIENT is our remedy for sore throat,
colds and ail ordinary ailments.
It never fails to relieve and cure
Port Mulgrave.
No man who does you an injury
will ever forgive you for it.
A hair tonic manufacturer • says'
that bald men ha,ye good hea.ds fer
An Bad to Bilious Heaclachee—Bilione-
ness, which is caused byexces-eve bile
the stomach, has a marked effect upon
he nerves, aud often manifests itself lsy
severe lleadttebe. This is the most dis-
tressing headache one cap have. There
are lie:fetiches from cold, nom fever, and
from othercauses, but the most exereel-
ating of all is the bilious headache. Par-
meleea Vegetable Pills will cure it—cure
it almost immediately. It will disappear
as 10011 415 the Pills operate. There is
nothing silver in the treatment of bilious
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