Exeter Advocate, 1904-1-7, Page 7•;f r tie 0 ess tm crow vile u , sone me the • pro nediat g tlh from carded nl yea he type several se type' a anent. ill ; these wetted now to the many id with haucla k, the v coin flowers" r`dof done expori- a 1(150. 2211 one i" sL t ad ge 'on lour in by u tea :ante to tlnc; e yea orlon t1i an th urpri expert curre woul es an Nei a alma Pe ivabl serous id te stat `.1 52 82 12 4 07 •s 1 2 85 e2 )3 4 1. 11 35 8 13 L3 50 l8 1,7 61 2 _7 :5 .5 6 1 rOeln, neve evil,, t�wfl eeere s"'1 hr )7110d ,vith Y ;RY OLD S IaOLS j AFTER YEARS O TERRIBLE AGONY ECTIV'pa BRIDES Al GIST HOUSEKEEPING. Would-be. sportsmen Are DODD'S 'KIDNEY PILLS CURED e Proficaant in the Art N. ECKER'S KIDNEY of Sii°otieg. e days schools exist for ry possible kind of training human being height desire. 'efpr instance, that e n wl:e has lived in the city e, and never seen a gun ex- ough a gunmaker's window, ud'den •,dc,a;rae,teh become a lh, All he aced acs is he B'lagrlon 'Woods Shooting says Pearson's Weekly. he is supplied ;'with a gull, lovw to load' it and haadlc it, in the prosier niethocl.s of and following a flying bird, hewn how to get over a gate gun in his hands, IID is how, to kill a running rabbit, ting snipe, or a rocketing nt, He is shown how to clean re for. his weapon, how to' o his dogs, and; el fact, is ley turned out a complete an, fit to take his place on r in the covert -with the best. op- has a school for explorers. -+situated at the Royal Geogra- al Society's headquarters in ile Row. There is much to be ,arnt by the man who desires. to enetrate the jungles of Central Am- erica, the 'forests ,of Africa, or the frozen table -lands of Thibet. The would -be -explorer is taught how to et his bearings in a dense forest, ow to determine : -heights; how to ,lack his instruments, and how to tale good photographs' or even bio greph pictures. Ilints in mountaineering, geology, and the collecting ofinsects and slants are given,' and a very special rt of the instruction is how to Itale impressions -'°squeezes, they 'ue1 called -of ancient inseriptions, anct1he like, ' getion must also be made of the salable lectures on medicine. It ay save the explorer's life to know ):w to deal with sunstroke, frost te, cholera, malaria, or the bite of POISONOUS R.Ep'IT eeS A school for mountain guides has been established. at Chamomile, in .Switzerland, and the examinations are both practical and stiff. Ten' scents recognized as dangerous are primary essential for the ' candi- date. Diploinas are granted to those who pass. In June last six men were successful in obtaining these mas. have agricultural colleges in ad, . notably at Cirencester, pupils graduate in ploughing, 3g, and all the varied duties of Another open-air institution similar description has lately opened at Pinehurst, near Sem- itic, South Carolina. obabiy few .are a'ware.•that this te is now the centre of Americcui 'owing.. The new- :school • edu- ts pupils, who are negro chit- li} the art of picking tea. e at present 'thirty pupils, e will be added when finances A school for nursemaids is lient institution which a San ucisco clergyman recently opened. is in connection with a foundling espital, which was also originated, ,y the sante gentleman. Pupils must c between sixteen and thirty. They ay nothing, but give their services le for a year. After that they ic- rive pay. They are given valuable nssons in the management of den - ten, taught the kindergarten sys- din of education; and given lessons n plain sewing, laundry 'work, and he preparing of FOODS FOR CHILDREN. During eight weeks of the past winner a small school was travelling 11 over the Continent of North Am - 'ice at speeds varying between for- ty and sixty miles an hour. • ` The 'ens of Mr. George Gould; together those of several other ' great y magnates were sent, off with tltbee • in a couple of private n a tour ....of some seven or g t ousaild miles.'•On; the`.' way hey - 'calved instruction in methods of railway management and finance. They learnt the practical side : • of• iilroadi.ng as well, and had -lessons building locomotives, in construc- en of embankments, cutting of nails, and in practical railway en - ria . nee g Speaking of railways,' a college 'as organized some years ago by instr c en a Pullman to u t m as�ra l ay porters, especially as sleeping u• attendants.. This college has tow half a dozen different branches. THE AVERAGE BABY. tele average baby, is a good baby ,cheerful, smiling and bright. When its cross and fretful it is because e . IS unwell and he is taking the sly means he has to let everybody now lie : does not feel right. When abyis cross, restless and sleepless " r fl t dose hint 'with "soothing" ails which always contain poisons. aby's Own 'Tablets Etre what is coded to put the little one right. .,yo a cross baby an occasional blot and see how quickly he will transforaned into a bright, smil- ff,` eooiilg, happy child. He will rep at night, and the mother 'twill t her rest too. You have a guar - tee that Baby's Oten Tablets cora in not one particle of opiate or rlliftel drug. In. all the minor' all - : g cots from birth up to ten' or twelve airs there is nothing to equal tee ones, sirs. W. 13. Anderson, Gou- s iivcr, Ont.;, says: "My little S very cross and fretful and rest With him ti „g �n iron 1 we a't raa ♦usilrg Baby's Own Tablets, erg baby rests Wed and he is tV a ., healthy boy." Toe t'T gettl a ablot l 9 froi pl n c�Ea ,..ori y ,gist, or they will • be se by at 25 cent§ a hoX h writing tr klieg Di'. 1Villzani, ,�j►iedicine Ont. DISEASE. One Doctor 'Treated Bine for Bright's Disease, Another for Gravel, but rte Got no Relief telt he tried Dodd's Kidney Pills They Cured him Completely. St, Catharines, Ont:, Dec: 28. - (Special), -Tile cure of Nickolas Ec- ker, a well known and highly respect- ed farmer living near St, John's, P. 0., about ten miles from this city, has caused somewhat of a son sation 111 Pelham and Thorold town- ships, For twenty-nine years, Mr. Ecker was a.teirible sufferer from Kidney Disease, and so wide -spread leas been the interest in his cue' that he decided to make a statement for the benefit of the public; In con- densed. form her. ticker's statement is .as follows: "I lead been a sufferer from Kidney Trouble for twenty -Mee years. • I. had the most, distressing Backache it would be poesiblo for an to bear, Headaches, irritation ' of 'the spine and at times an excruciating circular Pain about the ` lower part of the body. What I suffered' no pen can describe. "I was treated by three doctors, one of them a specialist. One said. I had gravel, another, Bright's Dis- ease, and the third declared I was in a dangerous condition. ' None` of my friends thought I had much longer to live. "At this stage I gave up other treatment and started taking. Dodd's Kidney Pills. I received. help : after using the second box and continued till. I had taken sixteen boxes when my 'troubles had vanished and I was again enjoying the splendid vigor of earlier manhood." The pupils, who aro mostly "colored men, are shown how to make up berths, how tokeep the temperature of a car even, scow to wait at a table, and many other similar '• du- ties. They have also: to 'become let- ter perfect in the regulations of the company governing the service in which they are to be employed. They have to understand the ticket sys- tem, so that, in emergency, they can act as :conductors. Cooking-: classes are also part of their course of in- struction, so that they may be able to serve on the bullet cars. At Brussels se unique establishment is that for the=training of gravedig- gers. This was organized by the managers of the Great Evere Ceme- tery, and all new candidates for posts as sextons in Belgium must now pass the examination instituted by this NEW AND CURIOUS COLLEGE. Almost equally remarkable is the criminalist institute, for which the Russian Ministers of the Interior for publio instruction have appropriated $250,000. The idea is to give crim- inologists all opportunity of snaking life studies of criminals with a view, of course, to the eventual extinction of crime. Especially isit desired to solve the problem whether crane is the result of social circumstances or of physical. peculiarities. ' The institute will be in St. Petersburg, and the Govern- ment will permit the lecturers to illustrate their classes with living criminals, who will be released for the purpose, and placed under the, control of the professors. An interesting experiment of a very different order has been made by the Metropolitan Asylum Board. This is a school for shopping. The weak- minded, stunted children under the care of the Board are being made in- to practical marketers, under' the care of the matron of. the Lloyd ,Hoene for Inebecile Gfrls: Maxey of. these institution ,girls, even those quite grown up, had absolutely no' idea of the •Name of money, the price. of things,or how to: count change: But now they arc taken out in re- lays, and, thoughnot trusted: with more- than a shilling at a time, are rapidly learning how to buy to the best advantage,, Under the fostering care of Mr. Wanamaker (formerly Postmaster - General al of the: nit States), ed a somewhat similar school has been started in New York: This is a school for cash boys. There are now no fewer ' than 180 students. Arithmetic and• quick handling and counting of money are the principal branches of instruction Miss Alice Boutelle, who is the director; has had MANY GRATEFUL LETTERS from boys' who have got good 'posi- tions owing to the instruction receiv- ed. London now has a school for wiv- es. This is in connection with the National Training School of Cookery. Every branch of household manage- ment is taught. The Course occupies s thirteen, weeks;" and costs ten guineas. Pupils learn to trim lamps, to upholster their furniture, to un- dei•stand laundry work. .They are shown how to trim hate, and . even; how/ to Glut out dresses' on scientific principles.. No brunch of household training is .omitted, even the keeping of accounts, the principles of house- hold sanitation, and ," it certain amount of sick nursing being includ- ed, Of schools of . hair cutting there are several in existence. But there is only one Barbers' University. This is the French Academy of Coiffeurs, Hair cutting y is merely a minor branch of its teaching. Hari dress- ing ofthe most elaborate descrip- tion is its main course. Once a year is hold a great competition of hair dressing, Prizes and di.plohnas are awarded, and the barbering competi- tions tee succeeded by a dance and supper, in t iliich both barbels Chid 1136dels take part. LIKE MAN, LIKE HORSE. Characteristics of the Owner shown in the Animal. "I've always had ,e notion that the horse is like the man -ill other words, that the borse is ofteu what his owner makes l inm, Recently I came across the followihig bit of wisdomi in a farm paper," says a writer, ''and, as the writee.'s ideas are exactly lay own, I cannot refrain from quoting his thoughts to -.okay: "'flee excitable horseman,''ho says, "will have horses just like the is himself. 'rhe man without horse sense will have a horse with the some poor seesfe The ma nw O iS little to 5s" when he gave up theloud when driving will have a bots-- £2 and cleat° as little when he got torous horse, and no one ought to it iaucic. blame the horse. The man who „A Q' cele or ten cis" s later the stops leis team with a drawling young. man came to see him again ev h -o -a" will have a team that will and this time asked Minx for S20, Will stop in the stone lnan'ner-that making all sorts of representations is, they will take two or three stops as to what be would do with it. after they are told to stop.' M'r. - Sage refused to part. The "I might quote mare, but enough young man was euxprist3d, not to is enough. You get the idea. What's say pained• more, you all know living examples. "-Why,' he exclai ped, 'you know of the kind referred to. You, of I'll : pay it all right. Didn't I say course, are not built that way; but I'd have that S2 for you ,on 11Mon- the 'other fellow' often is. Too of day, and wasn't I here to the ,rain- ten. And usually he blames the ute with it ?' 'horse for some fault that in reality Mr. Sage beamed softly on the is his own. It isn't fair. Train or grandson of his old friend. drive or use horse properly, and 'My boy,' he said, with no trace nine tiros out of ten that horse be of unkindness' in his toile, 'yore des haves himself and does all that is appointed mo once, and' I don't expected of an animal, want you to do it again. `"Seems to me there ought to be a 1 beg pardon, I did not,' ar- training school for tele driver as wellgued `the . youth. '1 said I would as for the driven. For instance, I pay you back, and I did.' know. 'of several promising horses "'Yes, yes, my ,boy,,purred Mr:. that have been practically spoiled by Sage, 'you paid back the £2, and I p y never expected you would. Now, if poor driving. I have in 1., in I ]et you have £20, I should expect particular, two -'horses-one is driven 'you topay it back, : and you by a man, the other by a woman. wouldn't. One disappointment at Both drivers have the habit of nag- my time of life is enough, my boy. ging and fussing -of saying 'G -long' Goad-morein 1' " or Git-up' every half -minute regular- ly, accompanying the words with a—T. gentle tap of the whip. The result Tewson -"I , was sorry to hear, is that both horses pay no attention Croker, that you have failed in busi- to either command or whip, and it •riess." Croker-"Yes, I struggled takes a 'reg'lar earthquake,' or a hard, but I lost everything, save my first-class• thrashing to move 'cm out honor, and the property I was wise of a slow jog trot. enough to settle on my wife when "Another spoiled horse has been I found myself getting into trouble." allowed to acquire the habit of 'starting up' the moment he is un- No, , Cordele, a woman doesn't hitched. His owner will get a broken neck or limb some day, if I'm not mistaken, but -why, I don't know -he makes no effort to con- quer the fault. " 'Break him of it,' 1 advised. 'Well,' lie drawled, 'it would be a lot of bother.. I've kind of let lfiln get into the habit, I guess and as long as he's got it -*hat's the odds, anyway? I don't mind it particularly. I'm spry about get- ting in.' "You may not mind," I retorted, "but some day somebody else may try to drive that horse. Then some- thing will happen. 'Or, perhaps, some clay you'll forget to be 'spry' as usual, and -say how much acci- dent insurance do you carry, neigh. 4.4 There ar <: very few cleans- ing operatioi'ds in which Sunlight Soap cannot ,be used to advent. age. It males the home bright and clean. , tii 0.40.300.0,....: y.A. "Ile laughed: 'Not a cent's. worth. Don'tneed any.' "No; but -your heirs May." "Well, I didn't convince him, aiid he shows no sign of reforming, but I hope everybody else will not be so stubborn and sbortsigh ted. I tell 'you, friends, there's a splendid field for an accident insurance agent In my part of the country. STATE OF OHIO, CITY 08' TOLEDO, 1 LUCAS CouSTy. ; 8A, FRANK J. CHENEY makes oath that he Is senior partner of the firm of F. J. CHEN19Y & UO., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid. and that said firm will pay the sunt of ONE HUNDRED LUL CARS for each and every case of CA- TARRH that cannot be cured by the tiso of HALL'S CATARRH CURE. FRANK .1. CH1:N1•EY. Sworn to before me and subscribed is my presence, this 6th clay of December, A.L. 16.10. A. W. GLEA80N. SEAL ` - - hetes jl • Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- nally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. bend for .testimou gala, free. P. J.''CHENEY & 00., Toledo, 0. Sold, by all • Drugggists, 7Sc. Ha11's'Family Pills aro the best. Tom -'`Why` were you so 'determined to kiss that. cousin of yours? You can't call her •'pretty. Dick -''I wanted to establish a precedent. She has two very pretty sisters, you know." A Stead Pill, but Po ,v erft t F -The y that judge of the powers of a pill by its size weed conskler Parmelee's Vegetable Pills to be lacking. It is a little wonder among pills. What it leeks in size it makes up in potency.. 'rhe remedies which it carries are put up in these small. doses, because they are so powerful that enly8mall'doses'are required. The full strength of the extracts is secured in thit form and do their work thoroughly. ly. By gaining round after round of applause the orator climbs the lad- der of fame. fiuby Lips; and a clear complexion, the pride of woman. Have you lost these charms through torpid liver, constipation," necessarily have to he a real-estate owner in order to have grounds, for divorce: Beware of a chance acquaintanee who wants to put you next t::' •sure thing. A man takes a game bag with hint the first time he goes gunning for quail, ° It inay be only a trifling cold, but reg tett it and it will fasten its fangs in your lungs, and -you will soon be carried to an untimely grave. In this country we have sudden changes and must expect to have coughs and colds, • We cannot avoid thein, but we clan effect a cure by using Biokle's Anti-Consunfptive Syrup, the medicine that hits never been known to fail in cur- ing coughs, colds, bronchitis and 'alt af- fections of the throat, lungs and chest. Sleep as •it5ng as you can, but em- ploy your time judiciously when you are awake. Miaard'a tiniClent tures rktolithfrlil There are nearly 120,000 hogs- heads of tobacco in stock in Liver- pool. Lifebuoy Soap -disinfectant - is strongly recommended by the medical profession as a safeguard against in- fectious diseases. 22 The heat of a common coal fire is 1,140; (le ees, but it takes 3,479- de- grees to melt iron. Differences' of Opinion regarding the popular internal and -external remedy, Dlr. Thomas' Eclectric 011 -do not, so far as known, exist. The testimony is • post, tive and concurrent that the article re- lieves physical pain, cures lameness - checks a cough, is an excellent remedy for pains and rheumatic complaints, and it has no nauseating 'or _ other unpleasant effect ;When taken !eternally. "She is very haughty since her family attained wealth," said the sensitive woman "I. doubt if there is anybody she doesn't Snub." ' at t':: foard a Lir�mejj Care: Dltte er "Yes, there is," answered Miss Cayenne. "If she waists good din- ners she's got to be polite . to the cook the same as the rest of us," The Backache USW" may be lust that incipient form of kidney disease which, if neglected, will develop Into stub- born and distressing disorder that will take long tedious treatment to cure. Don't neg- lect the " backache stage " of the molt insidious of diseases, South American Kidney Cure 'stops the eche is six hours and cures. --3o.- PEARY ANI) THE POLE. Colnanlandez• Peary, the intrepid Arctic eitpiorei•, lee -about to start ' Agnew b , upon yet another expedition, with a biliousness, or nervousness? Dr. 'view to reaching the North Pole, Liver Pills willrestore them t 0 You �4o. i Tho method by Which he hopes to. little "Rubies" in a vial, so cents. Acte attain his object contains many ele- ments of . origanality, lie 'says :- 'ihe vessel which will he used will boa wooden ship, specially stren- gthened and potderfully reinforced, botth in structure and engine -power, to force het way through the ice- pack and withstand enormous pies sure, Heretofore thevessels used in Arctic exploration leave been aux- iliary calling -ships. In mine machin: ery, will be the sole Motive -power. The Whale Soiled Eskimos, who have been palled Arctic highlanders, numlber less than 200 in the entire tribe. these aro the 'people I shall' take with one. I know every person im the tribe; I have lived wine thelia ',One day, e young neon of, Mr. tour year's, 1 shall take ' women Sage's iicquaiutance-in fact, the old chi.ldrezl along, and establish rt grandson of an old friend of otleor colony at the northillyi end of 'heat days• -approached hien on the su'b-' Land, the most nortlhorly oolony+ its jest of a, loan of let for two weeks,' existence, from whlth to begin my and -got it. He 'Promised faith- dash for the role. This . stems to fuller ter return the money at a, stat- tee the only prietticable way in edhear, 'end the pros u e was as which the Pelle can be reached and faithfully sept. Mr. Sage bad very; this plan I hope to carry out." A short girl gets around it by making the stripes on 'cher skirt run in the opposite 'direction. MMleard's LIoIreent Cores Colds, etc; ONE DISAPPOINT1VMENT. Quite Enough for Russell Sage, the Great Financier.. The following story is told of Mr, Russell Sago, the millionaire : an -d reie„vai fix% 14,4 -gat itzetut, LOWER PRICES ±3'shtis'e'..,lti'i�.ivF _ ,w +.di.7C?!�`;:,,< a : a",.�t� ir'hcrK�•=aro• USE BETTER QUAL E.rl elire10 CAM BE HAD IN Pair, 9 Wash Basins Milk Pans, &C. Any Flret-Class Grocer Can Supply You. INSIST ON GETTING EDDY'S. ...._..tel , • +s ;:t: ea'3L, erect. _..en -e-• ASSESSMZNT SYSTEM. Canadi i Order ®f ChOsas n Friends FIVE YEARS' PROGRESS: 18,233 _..... .......... .::...1899 .. ....«.. 5204,026. 20,917 , _, »;... «...: �.,.: 1900 .. 208,620 22,574 .. ... _. 1901 238,830.: 23,829 1902 ,..._ _ ».. 864 012. 25,000 1903 •~.e . 400 oo0e SPECIAL, INDUCECIENTS TO JOIN NOW. Apply to the Recorder in your own town, or W. le. MONTAG UE, W. F. CAMPBELL, Grand Recorder, Hamilton, Ont., or Grand Organizer, Hanslton, Ont.. When a roan is getting the worst ofMiss Gingerly -"Why do you, smoke an argument with a female he is sure I so much Mr. Gail ling?" Mr.GuTlan to say: "Weil, that's just like a woe -"Because a good cigar' helps hike man!'' to think," Miss Gingerly -"01! It s too bad that your. dealer keeps -such - a poor stock."• The superiority of Mother Graves' Worm Externhtnator is shown by its good effects on the children. Purchase - it bottle and gime it a trial. "You may talk as you like," said the man who doesn't care for sport, "but there was one good thing about the • gladiatorial fights of olden times: "Whitt was that?" - "The loser 'never had a 'chance to write to the papers and explain why he :lost." I- was' " Cured of Acute Bronchitis by MINARD'S LINIMENT. J. M. CAMPBELL. Bay of Islands. I was Cured_ of Facial Neuralgia by M.INAIW'S LINIMENT. WM. DANIELS. - Springhill, N. S. I was Cured 'of Chronic "Rheums" tism by MINARD'S LINIMENT. GEO. TINGLEY. Albert Co:, N. B. t -f 1.1111M8111 .011168 Corot m Caps, Judge -"You do not seem to rea- lize the enormity of the charge against you Prisoner -"No;' I haven't got ,my solicitor's bill yet, but I'm expectin' the charge'll be enormous!" i° For Over Sixty Years liras.'1i'ntstor'e 8OOT01210 Sysur has been used by millions of mothers for their children while teethins. Itsoothes the child, softens the puns. :el!s7ayain:.Cure, wind colic. regulates the stomaoh.and bowls, and is the britt remedy' for Diarrhea, Twenty -fire cents a bottle - Sold by druggists throughout the world. Ile sure an0 ask for"Nits. Wrxseow•sSooraisa SYRUP.' - "Say," said the irate victim, "you - advertised that the house was five minutes' walk from the station.'' - "Well?" replied the agent. "'Why, it's nearly thirty minutes!" -"Ah„ then, as we said farther . on in - the advertisement, it is more than we. claimed." OLDEST -LIVED FAMILY. Lutterworth, near Leicester, Eng- Agileves land claims the distinction l - e stz action of hav r in beenthe- 1 1 g .home of the eon- est -lav S. Eng - ed large faintly an the kingdom. The last member of this remarkable fam- ily has just died at the age of eighty- eight. .Her name was Ruth Moore, and she was one of a family of thir- teen children, three of whom died at the age of seventy-five, one at seven- ty-six, one at seventy-seven, one at eighty, one at eighty -ono, one at eighty -throe, two at eighty-five, two at eighty-eight, and one at ninety. Each of the parents died at eighty, and the united ages ,of the family of fifteen total 1,218 years. . Holloway's Corn Cure is the mediein to remove all kinds of corns and -warts and only costs the small' suns of twenty five cents. . A' political demonstration by your party is 'synonymous with a street riot when pulled off under the aus- pices of the other party. $amt flif,.talilftli. l`ette'r, Eoaern ,. --These distrteffag skin diseases 21ieied by one application. Dr. Agway"! Olnir ent is a potent cure for all eruptions 01 the skin. jas, Garden, Wilitesbarre; says: "For nine years Y was disfigured" with Tetter on my hands. Dr. Agnew's Oint- ment cured it. ' 35 cents. --es A local schoolmaster was greatly annoyed one day by not getting sat- isfactory answers to the questions he put to one of his schoolboys. At last he called the dunce to the front and, handing him five cents, said: "Away you go and buy some brains" .To tho schoolmaster's surprise the boy quickly turned and said:. "And have I to tell the man they are for you?" Most people think too lightly of a cough. It is a serious matter and needs prompt attention. Take Si Shiloh s Consumption Cure The Lung Tonic When the first sign of a cough er told appettrs, It will cure you easily and quickly then -later it Wil' be harder to cure. Pricers 250,, HOC. and 81.00 S. C. Witate *CP. Temno, Cie. ' LeRoy, N.Y.- to Catarrhal Powder 1s a Catarrh Curs that Calors Colds and Catarrh. Actually, positively, indisputably, refutably, Cures . Oolds and Catarrh! Not always with first applIcatMn, al- though even that invariably, brings re- - liet in 10 minutes, • slut it ' Cures, it Cures - Colds . an Catarrh. 1ct Dr, A nevi's Liver Pills cure Liver Ma.S 40 d0se0 10 Cents. .BASTEDO'S" KITORONTOSS 8y, . I , sPxc. ALE GOF MT NUSLend for catalog, , We give extra Tali.. Waw Furs and Qanaing, Bendier price list Poultry, Butter, Eggs, Honey, Apples, ,. AU. KINDS ' 01 FRUITS And Farm Pre duce generally consign it to tv ani we wilt' ge you good prices: Ti+IE fawson Commission Co. srt$�l�iGt.� umlyn i 48.7 FOR SALE AT ALL BOOKSTORES. The Daintiest Book of the Year. ` "WAIFS," FROM THE HEDGES AHD HIGHWAYS. Beautifully in green leather, stamped in gold. ' PRiCE 81.00 The Anon Publishing Co., of Can- ada arc issuing a series .of Volumes compiled from the Newspapers and Magazines of the day. The First Voltaic ie hove ready, and will be Sent for One ''Dollar with privilege of returning if not satisfactory. In. order to secure articles for the subsequent volumes the 4 jblishers ate offering TEN THOUSAND US kD OQktARO,ASH for Newspaper, periodical and Mega - tine Clippings from which to make their selections. 1 s t Por Copy of Book, Prospectus, and Ptezi'lium list, wtite P. 0.. Drawer 2183, Montreal, Canada. Ieettu 1-04 NU cal