HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1904-1-7, Page 5TIM Oxtter Ar• wte , pnblielted. every Tharetlay. Morning at the Office. e/C.A IN-BTREE'IT, . T, XETEL ---,By the -. ADVQQATE PUBLi$HINQ OOMPANY TE16111s OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar per annum it paid Ln advance, $1.$O if not so paid, v wxti sirs , M,,e,tgq osa ,25- i,'17,4 -- ti QaS er • r discontinued until all, arrearagea at•e' raid. ell 6 t without specified directions t ed i c tons t 1�1 be nth forbid and charrmaed taco0rdingly. 0,0,41I�� Y, int evade for transoient advertisements lnserted'n,'r ono , -,;,eery description of JOB PRINTING turned cub in tli7 finest style,.. and at moderate rates. Cheques, money orders, &o., for advertising, subscriptions, etc., to be made payable o t $n itelerg & Creech - PROPRIETORS IETORS ProfessiOnt ai eardg» DR. A. R. ICINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S., Honor Graduate of Toronto Univeristy. D NTIST, Te ti ext1a0tec without anypain, ot.0.uY bad e,f eets Office in Fanson's „Block, west side gismo street, Exeter,, T 16. D. AT, TO ANDERSON (D,D,S.' L,D.S A! PENTIST Honor Graduate of Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Sttrgeons�of Ontario. Also Post Graduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentisteey (with honorable mention.) Aluminum, Gold and Vulcanite Plates made fn the neatest manner possible, A perfectly harmless an. aesthetic used for painless extraction of teeth. Office one door south of Carling Bros. store, IT LOCKS LIKE PEACE.. FFORTS OF BRITAIN 4N'D i�'RANc ARE PREVAILING. Don't trycheapcough medi- cines. r C 8». et the best Ayer s CherryPectoral, �ha a record it has, sixty?'earstof Cherry PectorAl cures! Ask'e your doctor if he doesn'tuse it for 'coughs, .colds • bronchitis, ,atldall throat a and lung . t1troubl "i have found that yer's CherryPectoral is the beet Medicine I can prescribe for broil• e ts, influenza,coughs, and herd colds.'" Loma /Lir, M,D., Ithaca, N. Y. 250:, SQe., ffi1.QO.. J. 0..&insa 00., .Ali ggipu its, Lowell Mass, i.+tw+.rro �01' r•�a.,�a-"tt�,ir�,sa.a Bronchftjs.. The Despatches From Paris and.Ber- lin Regarding the Fa Eastern g r Situation' Are ,Optimistic. Londoii, Jan. 5. -The Tittles corres- pondent at Paris nays the siteation.,for the moment meet fn the far east eorreSpOnds` with the aptimisila of diplofnacr rather t1 the pessimism I p .+m ofthe pt•ess; has information, he says, which y , w leads. hip to believe that the true emotive, o the postponement, if not the avoidant: off war, : . 1 smore ,at. to be.the . at itd' Pt u of. Europe tl'ian the iiiiiuence of the Czar, although, no doubt; • the latter. has been exerted ie the direction of peace. The grouping of the powers and the .present aspect of interiatiotial; relations is not. conducive to the desire of either party for armed conflict, Some of the consid- Correct any tendency to',constfpa. erations that lecl Britain. to eontreet Von with small doses of Ayer's Pills, - au. alliance with_ Japan, and France `---------en t , e s see fen do the, same with Rltssia, ea long- to on. ' . •, :ist, or exist to' a • meth . less p i I de i de, What has taken H poet Ilnients of the nelson.--X.inats, �• place mean - , over with its feasts and parties, but while, •asi,d, foremost of all, the Anglo - this week ti"e MU report another'. I„ist1: French and the Preirch-Italian en - year you will remember that Mr.. and ' tentes would alone suffice to' impose Mrs; R. Coates gave a reception to: the I upon England and France nwdihca-. older people. This year the young pec- i tions of their general policy, and pie had the pleasure, last Tuesday he- I make' them disposed to strain every Exeter, tog the anniversary of Mr. Coates' nerve"to avert war, involving the :`t;-' Jsies were invited in for tea. All en - birthday. All the young lads and las- mote possibility of their' being drag. ged into it.' Indeed, all that has been joyed at sumlltnous repast. Lea)p year I I -done in this direction, both by France and England, R. T. "P. MCLAt gIILIN, MEMBER oz THE tactics considered.- _'Atter the signer probably will. Clever be Ph sic ter nnleSir eon aof ndoians and AccoucheurSurgeonseOntroMall had been satisfied, ' games, inosie i known. The world has been told etood, opt. Q c 'Dash'and sin ging were indulged in till mid-' for many years that the maitltenance night, when refreshments were iigitita ' of peace on the contiueet has been due served to the e ed and all went off merrily till the triple alliance. This niay be wee stoat' 'ours, After giving Mr'. 'nue to some extent,. but ' this Coates a roll, etc., and singin ar favor- !' al ch is certain, that if war has not ite piece, we sand farewell. • Ian uar y is ready broken out in the far east, the onof our favorite months, 1 Anglo-French rapprodiement has a. medical Dr. John D. Wilson, Office and ResidenCc, 29U LJ (means Ave., London Ont. Special attention paid to diseetes of women. Office hours, 12.80 to 4 p. m: Legal. DICI SON St CARLING, BARRISTERS, • SOLICI- tors, Rotaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners.. Solicitors for Molsons Bank, etc. Money to loan at owest rates of interest. Offices, Alain street, Exeter, 1. R. CAluund, B.A., L, H. Alamos Aunt ion ears A . for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex.. also for the township of Ushorne: Sales promptly attended to and terms 'reasonable. Sales arranged at Post Office Winchelsea.. Bri nsley. . Miss Florence Edwards, of Lo radon, is visiting .friends in this vicinity.- , Miss Lizzie Darling; left last week to spend a eotipleof weeks with friends in Itutherford. Asleigh load of young people spent New. 'rears 'Day ;it Mr. John Le-wise-Mr,hirer. Amos left on 1Monda3 to take his situation as teach- er in Denfield school, while Miss Marble Gilbert is a teacher in the Thorndele Public school. --Mr. and Mrs.' George Lewis celebrated the twenty-fifth an- niversaly of their wedding day on Newi Years Day. -Miss Bertha Dickson, of London, is home for her holidays.- Mr. and Mrs. .Oscar Gilbert' „and son, have i'eturned.to -their home in' Ypsi- lanti, Mich., after spending theaOht ist- etas and New Yea holidays with relit- tives and friends here. lid r. Lee, of London, spent Sunday with friends in. tbrs vicinity. -=-Mr. ,Wm.' %Vuldsor is still very low with ai broken hip, but we hope he will soon recover. -Miss Mildred Corbett has returned to hersschool,--Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Gilbert and Miss Jennie Neil, afParkhi]1 spe:.t 1 New Years Day with Mrs. Gilheet.- I ' -Mr. A. MbLean reopened Briusley lbiII school on Monday, after the h„]i-,' days with a very . good attend -1 itnce.-Miss Cnrbett has returned'! to Sarnia. again. -Mr. Janies Bi•yan, of Granton, was the guest of his sister, Mrs. Gilbert on Tnesday.-Miss Al in uie Hill. has been in these parts. fately.- Messrs. Stanley tnd Andrew Gilbert returned last week from the North West. -Messrs. `W alter and .Ben Cnn- °Inghatm spent the holidays' at their ' hurtles bete. -Miss Lily_Bradley bits re-. turned to her,school. BROWN, Winchelsea, , Licened Auctioneer The Molson.s Banks (Chartered by Parliament, 1855.) Head Office, Montreal. • Capital Authorized • $5,000,000 Paid up Capital $2,856,420 Reserve Fund., • • • . 2,720,778 JAS. ELLIOTT. General Manager. —EXETER BRANCH Office hours: -10 a.m. to 3 p.m; Saturdays 10 a.,n to 1 p.nr. A general banking business transacted Money advanced to good Farmers at lowest rates. Savings Banir Deposits fronr$1 and upwards receiv- ed. Interest allowed at highest current rates, litoxso.r S; CARLnra, N. D. Hannon, Solicitors. Manager. Bicycles 1 'V7e are still in the Bicycle' trade and this year show scene fine speci- mens. . The CUSHION FRAME is the Ideal wheel to riche. Prices mod- erate, New. Pianos ! : - Several New Pianos just put in. stock.; newest styles and the best xnaikes. It will pay you to see then You will he seeprised a the LOW PRICES at which we sell them.. 'Organs .of the Latest makes always'in stock Sewing Machines &c. 'W'e' are leaders- in :Sewing Ma- chine - s the -best rnael)ines than the trade produces are on Mir floor for your inspection ; also repairs Need- les, etc., for all kinds of sewing nrat- chines, always 0n hand. deal more to do with it than anything else. - The correspondent says the persons who doubt the' stability of this 'rapprochement will be convinced soon, when they see questions sett:ed that have disturbed the relations of countries for years. I . MfJNICIPAL ELECTIONS. 1 Some of the Results` .in Ontario Yesterday, MAYORS ELECTED. Almonte-William Thoburn. Allist on - Dr. J. J. Harper. Arnprior-Dr. Cranston. - Aure,a--F• L. Daville. Aylmer -•W. S, Caron. Barrie -W. A. Boys.- . Berlin -Carl Kranz Bothwell -Joseph •Dillon. BowmanviIle- 1, A. James. Carleton Place J. E. Bennett, Cobaurg-W, J. Maher._ Cornwall -Angus Lalonde, Collingwood--Daniel Wilson, Deseronto-Dr. Newton. Dresden -A, S, Ribble. Dundas -William Lawson. Essex -John McDougall. Forest -C. -McLean. Galt -Mark Mundy. Gananoque-I,V. N. Rogers. Hamilton -Mayor Morden. Harriston James Wilson. Huntsville -Dr. F. L. Howland. Ingersoll -W, J. Berry. Kingston -Mayor Bell. Loudon -Adam Beck. Leamington -Lewis Wigle, Lindsay -J. H. Soo'theran. Meaford-Mayor Hamill. Midland -Dr L. White. Mount Forest -Wm. Gruer, Napanee-M, S. Madole. Niagara -on -the -Lake -Wm. Miller. Orangeville -Marshall Green. Oshawa -F. L. Powke. • Ottawa -J. A. Ellis. Paris -H. Strc-14. Parkhill -A. W. Humphries. Parry Sound -J. A. Johnson. Perth.. -J. A. Stewart.. Penetanguis''i,;no-G. E. Copeland. Picton-F . C. McMullen."., Renfrew -T. M. Devine.. Sarnia -Thos. ]I. Cook. Strathroy-M-yor Geddes. Sault Ste. M- r•' •• W. H. Plummer. St. Catharin:-A. W. Marquis. St. Thomas -.1 .yor Maxwell. horoid-Win. Munro.Tillsonburg-C. H. Denton. Trenton -Jesse Farwell. Wallaceburg-T. B. Dundas. Walkerton -R. H. McKay. Waterloo -Jacob €Tfflemann. Salt pork is a famous Old- fae,hioned rernecdy 'for eon- ssllm tion. '''Eatpli nty. of 1 , Cti• :1,3 till 2'Ci'vlGe• .t0 LitC c•Z 18alal.?;:Ve 50 and 109 yepi"S Salt pork. is good it a man T can`ol '3 a=C'7 it. The idea it is that fat is the Call and see us if in need of, geld the consumptive needs any of the above most. 3. ittlARTIN: YOU ARE T I ,dam s.p I When yoti insist en,having rveY$ro:FEour Opt' STAR FLOTJR is made from the choicest Ontario and Manitoba wheat. The c{nantity of our WHDATI ET has been improved by sterilizing' it. 10 lbs. for 25e. (rive it a trial. It is "A FOOD” not A "FAD." Our facilities for the hn.ildling of the chopping 'trade are un sn rpRssed.I r , ,i .the now vesset grinder is giving great satfltetin •, le 4)4 t3AR TF y BROS. Millers. boughs, °Olds,.boat'aenoax, and other throat til[neets are quickly relieved by �'apo-Creso- Mets, ten cents Per ba„ All druggists. • DEATH OF CHAS. RAYMOND. Scott'aE,nmisionisthei`rlod - er1? Meth Oil Of feeding. fat to Was Desi;ner of --.the Celebrated tel e consumptive.. Pork i5 t00 t• Sewing Machine, Guelph, Jan. a-The•flag on the ro .tl fui sensltzve-siorl�achs. City Hall is at half-mast to -day on ac- SCOtt'$ EI11..ulsion is the most count•'of th,• death of Mr. Charles -Ray refined of .` fats, especially o prepared for 'easydigestion. � P Feeding him fat in this wa which is ,often the* Y�, h� on1 Y way; is half the battle but Scott's Emulsion does more than that. , , There , � O is. spine - thing about the combination of cod liver an oil , d 11YhOP f).OS- phites in Scott's Emulsion.. that puts : tnew life ' into they weak parts and has a specia1 action on tho:.diseased lungs. A. sample will be• sent free upon request. Ile sure that this bicitiro in the foi•in of a label is .on the wraptusipperon of every bottle of Etnyou buy, SCOTT & BOWNIi , CHEMISTS, Toronto, Ontario. soc, and .in all druggists. mond,' the designer and perfector of the worid-wide Raymond sewing ma-' chine,' which took place this morning at z., o'clock, et his' residence, at the' age of 78. ,He was twice married. The. only. sttrvivieg child • by.his first wife is tire, John . Crowe, "There are also two adopted children, .Ivtr. Chas. P. Raymond and lairs; Harry W- hams, .. The late ,Mr. Rlyinontt was a good ;man, an energetic citizen and the mainstay of the First Baptist Church, in which he took a” deep in- terest. Still Demand Horne Rule. Dublin, JarJ .;,r- Ata meet6iig of the nationai , directorate • of the United Trielt League a °,'esoltttion was passed infavor of 1loiid, rule as the only - means of 'ena.bling the pc. Dle to derive the bene'fits of the receet Irish land act t ' o the fete of the refusal of land- lords to sell theirestaitesexcept on extravagant terms. ,Was the Seaman's Friend. New York, Jait. 4. --'The Rev. Dr. Ri C. Stitt Secretary of the AmericanSeamen s Friend Society, is deed at his home in this city. For malty years he was literary editor of The New. York Evatigeltst, RUSSIA'S ANSWER., NQ. iDeIiaite Reply to 'apan' Latus ,Request» S Petersburg„ Jui, 5. The ,A,sso• ress., las the authority of the clot dP l got' lion Office. fcr the 'statement that th JRussian- reply will be transiiiitted t' Japan 'iii a day ot! two. Tho reply 11 not he merely "yesh or "no," but 11 be made up, ui reasoned proposi- ti as, ; The general basis of, this eotit• M lie eteet is already eQZUj)lete, bet the details are being elaborated, 1 Japanese � ' 1 � 4 J P se D); sister here; M. I�uI illi; has ' aethiorized ; the. • A5$Qciated ss to say that he hada cordial con- tl once with oreige Minister Lame• ee r„ on; Friday last, lairs that he was . convinced. by ..`„/.."0Ilt4t k,4 sltt3ar d cliatory attitude that us rt cotl- Oqy= ernmert is disposed to seek. a peaeeiul settlement. An ,official note phb lssllad to -'day ette. nounces that instreeti enr have .:6reesr- seen ..to Viceroy Alexieff a to' the re- ply to be given to the hist Japan- ese note. `SEEKS OHIO CAPITrL, Mr, It. H. n Cher ue: is i Cincinnati ;s" at Now. Spring'fiield, 0., Jail. 5:-,14Ir. F, H,. Clergue'has been in Ohio for several days on an important itlissee . Most of the time was spent in, Cincinnati with Queen City capita:ists The Ca- nadian and the..Cincinnatians were be- hind closed doors for some time. While there is nothing in detail to give out,' yet it is said that Mr. Clergue succeeded in :convincing the capitalists that the reorganization of the Lake Superior Development Co. is a good thing, and as a consequence lie was given assurance that - Ohio capital will gointo the new com- pany. It was told in financial cir cies that Mr. Clerguc stated to his subsidize the business to the amount companions that the Government 'Will of $z,coo,coo, and that the price of the raf.s the concern'proposes to man- ufacture and sell in the ' Dominion will be, the duty being deducted, one sibl whiych touch; the outside world cannot pos- THEATRICAL PEOPLE IDLE.' Orders issued at Chicago Thrown week reed i Chicago, Jan. 5.-Maycr Harrison ' an advertisement in the Paper of your has vetoed the plan ' proposed by 1 gen y, and, so I Comdec sled t such an enrer I to tactu. Greg- . some theatre managers to open their was )ray joy to find that :I actually im- play houses and admit patrons to, the I proved after taking two bottles, so 1 main: floor only. • He declines to i kept taking it for ten weeks and at the lendof that time I was cured. I had allow any of 'them to open until the gained eighteen pounds and was in e” safety ordinance is coriipli.ed with. The I excellent health, and am now. ' closing down of the theatres has caus- ( "You surely deservereat success,li L HA` E A COMPLETE SZp(l ed paralysis of business in. many direc-- I and you have my very best wishes." OF SUUH Trig�TG 115 Restaurants and hotels are 1 Miss Amon Runty, 50 North Boule- tions. 1, y complaining, and street railway traf- t yard, Atlanta, Ga. en genuineness forfeitieeeprral Straw Cutter E nine ofabove letter proving genuineness cannot be pro- i fie has fallen off. Even arc light eed. signs have been cut off. It is esti-All sick women hoot ' meted that1 , would be wins li,'�1E111 lg,000, persons suffer >tftheywouldtakeLydiaE.pnk- r � A - Inn thr Mayors closing order, of ham's Vegetable Cempotiipd and Root . ruiners,m whom 5,2oo are actors, 350 ushers, 50o be well. electricians and stage hands, 400 cab drivers, 200 waiters, too bill posters, t '��� 5��� o� Iron Pipe, and 25 printers, The loss in receipts 00011{ S Cti►tton Root Compound. l AND at the -thirty-five theatres will total Ladies, aSO, Favorite, 1 (PLAIN GALVANIZED) $i$,000 per day. is tate only safe, relieblei regulator on which woman 1 can depend »3n the hour ' WE MAKE TO ORDER time and NEW YORK'S DEBT. r d ro me oP need." t Prepared in two degrees oC . strength. 1 and No. �:I.Castings of Every Beseri it Sixty-seven Millions Added in OneNo. I. -For nthe best cases b Every ! • •" Is by far thebest dollar Year. medicine known. —_�_ -� No. 2 -For special cases -10 degrees New York, Jan, e.—Mayor McClellan stronger—three dollars per box. Ladies—ask your druggist for hes sent to the Board of Aldermen Cotton hoot Comp►onnd. Take c17.7111, L a statement of the city's finances and as ail pills, mf�ttures and imitations are dangerous. No. 1 and No. 2 ar Rthbo "> 1 WZ alnJtD,--The z'tlsideme of Af.r.atfd Aiz e. J. f►.lahriffy Dees the seC�l' e of ai joy. .ons event; On 1 ?'ecinesdesy 1' selling, Dee, ;30th, when eheir third don btnee. Mise Edith A„ wits united in till/Tinge to Mie Joseph . I.intoxi The nuptial knot Wass securely tied toy the Rev. J. Send �y k eisAn, n£ Stziifit, ill the presence ofaliout forty invited guests, ';`1'he.. bride its she entered -the parlor looked vez•ybewitchingin`a neat Ana hoed - dome costume. Ater" the ceremony was.0ver and the young eoaipleheat•tily enngt':ttrtlratecl ali repaired to the din, ing'"1','oom, where ft sulnpttiuus i•epetst Pas >, ' i served, - The bride is o: • n4 of Ilil)�r etS. b r ,fai zest daughters and is a pope - lar -eild eetiiiiablea young lady,, while the groom 1S one of 0nr enterprising and promising young' inen end is hi h- g C. I I. i 'f..e. nectt>d.The nee-- 4r ., a.. r,.` "jn...evil/ye r•eyBaVQ(. rr b the bei i � cls ,tzl• + Made ra�st, rXtrli;nifll<'entCftLi",i" Fl �. y, testifying to ' ;' • *' til t the �. esteem ` g>? , L .i... }i'i1d e intll' via . h elle tis . Man. � llc,.cl by. ;hes' . , 13i'7AA oli' i'Icx .. ^- 7.A AStiC41b ZACII Wheat»„. , ,.,, • 75 Iota toes, per batg. .,, X L'0 BaY, per ton,.,.,.7 00 klottl', per emit, roiloi:�,,,,,; l3uttel Eggs., Bides; per 100 lbs .. Live' hogs, per cwt. Dressed Hogs, .. ShortspereWt.,,,,n Bean .t I I ) e -'r • y i alias, : _ • $ d T41t`IFf* j• •i 1tliss' A' lice B ai leY, o ROLLERAtlanta, Ga., escaped the sur peons knife,by using Lydia E. 1 i i].kham's Vegetable. Compound. d. F 11 Capital l'aict Up Rest TQerieeral Bankingbusiness transacted, • e: statauost.avol favorable lt, cu r r ant r a fes owe e' Iaqh , i . Sas nba Bank accounts and Deposit Receipts. Conuuercial Letters of Credit issued, twansiible China, Japan and other foreign countries. Travelling • Letters of Credit issued to traveUeti ii0 all parts of the world,e. i a TIIOS FISIiE, Onninsn MAi:aaex. E:b'.5LEBDEN, Surra OF Bir.tgcnirs a Citir.P /x, Te bREDIT. DN ON'I', tv. S. OHISIIWLM, , ' Mani , CREDITOR MILL ` )• •,`•9.2**-2•'»9•,00Q0C4 + Claill ” Di;alt Mies. pivganai : -I wg excellent, to We are givinexcell express my gratitude for the restored >; health and ltappinessLydia E. Pink - Li SatlSfaaCtiOIl S1Ylce,i am's Vegetable Compound' has modelling our brought into my life. mill. I' ]tad su fared for three years with t,rri'oleons at the time of menstrua- —�- tion, and slid not know what the trouble was until the doctor pronounced it in- flammation of the ovaries,. and DONE PROMPTLY. proposed an operation. " I felt so weal: and siek that I felt ��p sure that J could not survive the ordeal S >�il" �T► '• 3cci,t'aliLlrnt-li,i ct„i ',It Out of Work: E 2crgo it. The following coo �i� For Sale -1 hay press, also J. set 1200 ib. $oa!e1$, recommended byl sold and his first message. The gross funded all druggists in the Do- minion oP Canada. Mailed to any a.ddreS5 debt is `,485:,063,094, and the' net funded en receipto •price and four 2 -cent postage etamps.. he S7.00lr Uatcapanv, Windsor, one. 9 No. 1 and No. -. are sold in Exeter by Pr 3. Lt,: and Browning, Druggists. 49 debt w334,169,1. The increase in the net bonded debt for 1go2-3 is $67,142,- 747. - Of the police department the Mayor says: "I 'am convinced that it is no unreasonable critical spirit which has for years _been charging that officials high in. the depareneut have connived at the maintenanc e of certain public evils... for their personal gain. A vigor- ous and- persistent effort will be made to sever any such relation between law- breakers . and those sworn to enforce the law." T•ELECirRAPHIC BREVITIES. Local option. was defeated in York county. The Ogilvie Nliiling Company has rlaised the price of flour. The Windsor Avenue methodist Church,: Windsor, was burned down. Dr. R. McIntyre f Hespeler `died sud- denly_ whilevisiting a patient. Mr. Thomas Nixon, .formerly 0. P. R. r.ght-,of-way agent, died at Port Dodge, Iowa. 'rhe by-law t0 establish a free library carried by a majority of about 800 at Woodstock," The Oracle newspaper office at Olds, .Alberta, and several stores were destroy- ed by tire, John Burns, M P;, says Mr. Chamber- lain has no chance . in Scotland, and in Tingland labor is solid for free trade. The 'Canadian. Pacific Hallway's west- bound express was wrecked near neleicelia;; Man.,' two sleepers leaving the trach, No one hurt, • The London Assizes open on AL n p o daY next before Mr Justice Britton, Penny McGarvey's trial for murder is set down tor this court, Qu'Appello Indian Industrial School was destroyed by fire, Less, $40,000, Where were 200 Indian: children in the building, but all escaped. Austnallans are touch concerned Iest their naval equadrote ehould be ordered to Chinese waters in clue of war between Russia, and Japan, Russell ,Allen aged seventeen,' don or Mrs. George W. Alien, a widow, of ,*.,ding-: Eton, died from the etfecte of an over rise of carbolic 'acid. • President Rooseve4't's message at the opening of the regular session of the U. 9, Csngrese was an elaborate defence :ot. the Goverritiont'S action rbgarrling )?ani oma. GENERAL REPAIRS a s �a A. .' I R. SL,OCUI`JI, Lung Spa inlist 1 Offer to the Sick 1 ONE 001111fil 1 WORTH OF NEB18111 FREE le Every S ff ror with , Consumption, ' Catarrh, Bronchials, Le Grippe, Pulmonary and • Bronchial Trouble If you have any of the following syinptosnz it paeans thatthe germs of gonsumption are in your syst,m, ,,. Accept Dr. Slocum'a generous offer. r. Aro your lungs Weak? 'Do you Coughs? ; Do you have pains in the chest? Do pot spit In) phlegm1'" ' Is your throat sore and buiamed? Is: your appetite bad ? bo yonhave night•sweat,e? Are you lasing Leah? Are yon pale, thin and woak? Do yen have ringing in the ears? Do you have hot flashes ? le there dropping in the trivet IA the nose dry and stunt? ave you a coated tongue? , Call your disease what you will, these symptoms indicate that you have in body the seed . of the most don ero s '; , °w i✓ us af,ma(aJie�. Iii order to let all people know the marvellous power of his system of treatment, p free to all sufferer' test . • , Dr. SlocunY'has decided to give s as a ,est his free trial treatment. : ONE WEEK'S 'TRIAL OF .DRi ' SLOCU S SYSTEMBF •TREATMENT FREE Nothing:conk be more reasonable, more ,genetoY. sthazDr, S.Jctt5offer. , . :. The Slocum .System u(`T'rcatntent has oured thousands and tens of thousands,,of co eases of consumption hsumptiol in all:tages of the rirseasc, A system of treatment that 2iedomplishes more than any one .reinedy can 6fernccothpltsh. A s complete nmedicinaland tonic fo&d trit trt, catinent that cle�txeys and eliminates.,ll tuber, culosis gerins and puison from the system 'and a„a•ta nature iii building up healthy Iurti : fid body tissue, two essential functions for :tpernraitent cure. Accept Dr, S1oeum`s Direr to -day and 1•c tined at home atrioii friends ,title„ Simply Write : , 8' � ds and loved' 1' y Write to Dr. T. A. Slocum, thaited,,r70 King Street test Tonsil ` Catiada,'1rtention your druggist ' id druggist's 4 s iltme„ and state your post and,•ezprs,�.s o ffico;, end you will receive the treatmentptolnpt1yr by exptess, Mention this paper* ,:`