HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1904-1-7, Page 4Foe
crof Mites
neolt, dies
ea, v,eak•-
ocher of
i and tee mg. The
of SG. James Division
itried's own auspices did
end to improve pnblie opinion hi
such erieles. Their carne the
Ili of Jackson to the Ciuta-
y{tt Leeds and there was no
net as to a Lami her -Ross pact.
ould have .supposed ,that the
rtion of rr. Liberal majority of 409
u a Conservative margin of 602, in
' orth Renfrew, would have brought
r, ,I,itisral,leider tea their senses. •
Not so! 'Within a few weeks Canada
was presented with the spectacle of a
crown prosecutor exercising his pre-
rogative to challenge any, number of
persons, in such e. way as to remove
every Conservative from a, jury, who
•was to try poor Qa11ae•ht u, the victim
of the Crossinplot.
Now Canada has the disgusting seri
vilege of seeing the Ontariolegisltutiu'e
called at 10 days notice in ot•dee that
Hort. E. J. Davis, whose election trial.
was to have taken place on January
14th, may be saved, together with four
other worthies, 'whose irate was to be
decided front the 14th to 20th inst.
First there: is' the deliberate tampering
with trial by jury and then the temp-
orary suppression of the courts.
Hon. G. W. Ross employs the tools,
andSir Wilfried Laurier rewards them
Nothing more disgraceful occurred
in the days of the Star Chamber. No
longer can Canadians ,point with pride
to their courts on their -freedom.. Rus-
sia. enjoys just such justice.
It is not for the people of Ontario
:clone to put an end to this prostitutirm
'11 of justice, but every elector, during
the corning Federal campaign, should,
'emember that the Dominion `grtvern-
tnent is in every way prom:otin the
welfere of those who do the dirty
work. - -
We take the following footings from
the Treasurer's finandial statement for
the Township, "just issued, which may
be of interest to readers in this section,
The summary gives the receipts $23,-
.267.91 and the payments at the sante
amount, $913.00 being cash on hand
.and in bank. The statement shows
Township assets to be $4,378.32 and li-
abilities $1,391.09. In this statement
is incinded the Town Hall, grader.
ecsh in bank, non-resident,uncollected
taxes, etc. •The sectionl liabilities
foot . up to $7,830.02. The old Hay
Swamp Dram shows receipts of $1,350.-
.15, and payments of $1,.128.84 with
.221.31 balance on hand. East Branch
-North H. S. D., receipts $439.99 and
;:payments $412.84 and a balance on
hand of $21.15. West Branch. North
-iI. S. D., receipts $1,413,00 and pay-
senetits of $1,804.15 with . a balance of
:$109.53 in bank. Zurich drain North,
'shows receipts of $101.58 find peynaents
.of $81.00and balance $20.58 in bank.'
Zurich' Drain South gives receipts as
.8227.15 and payments $118.59 and. a
'balance of $108.57 in bank. East and
West Branch South H. S. D. receipts
.3�. ' payments of .�75 0
334 andm nts . I with
$59.31 in bank. Logan Drain receipts
. $514.73 and pyents of $494.51 with
a balance $20.22in hank. S t
cht lm
Drain shows reeipts of $1,808.78 and
• payments of $1202.14 with a balirnce in
bank of $510,64. Dashwood•illlai e
• � g
shows receipts of 8226.96and shows
payments toTeeas. of Stephen of a. like
.amount. Zurich village shows reoeipts
of $1021.66 and payments of $1010.80
.and a balance of $10.80 still on hand.
County. Court and Surrogate regular
sitting for motions &e.,-Jannar•y lith
tri 160, inclusive; April 4th to 7th, in-
elusive; July 4th to Oth, inclusive; Oc-
tober 3rd to 8th, inclusive; extra sit-
tings under rule 1214, •`Supretue Cott rt
of Judicature Rules," Mondays. Fri-
days of each week, at 12 o'clock, anon.
'County Court sittings fortiria1s,
and, general _ sessions, -June 14th and
December I3th it 1 o'clock p. tn.
• County Court sittings for .trials with-
out j nry.-April 5th and October 4th.
at noon, and on any other days speei-
ally.ap��p?ointed. Members on Mon-
days, Wednesdays and Fridays all
p. m.• Division Court' sit•tings;-..Grod-
erich, January 4, February 2, March 1,
.April 2, May 2, J tine 1, July 4, Sept an-
• ber1, October 1, Novernberl, December
: 1. Seaforth, January 1, March 11, May
.9, :June 20, .October 17, December 8.
Clinton, January 9, March 12, May lh,
June 21, October 18. December 9.
Brussels, January 6, March 9, May 4,.
June 8, October 12, December' 15. Fix.
eter, March 3. luno 1.4, October 4, De-
>: cenirier 6. Dungannon, March 1.5.
..Jurle 23, October 20, December 16.
• .r. Bayfield March 16, lune 2ly•Octohe•rr 21,
',December 17. Winghii.m,: Jairuttey 7,
March 10, May 5, June 9, October 13,
15. Gorvie tit. cr
December 1 r Jt ut ,
, t 5,
March 8, Ma 3, June 17, October' 11•
December 13. 13.Zurich, March 2, Rine
13, ;!October 3, Deoetuber 5. • Orediton.
'Meech 4, .Stine 15,'October 5. De',;emiu r
Blyth, March 7, June 9, October 10,
December 12. The Courts at Goderich
• Brussels, Exeter, Dungannon, B syfi, td
Zurich andCredition open at 10 steteees
in.; at St;:tforth, Cl fitters, Wing?t.t;n
end" (:loi'rie art' p.a. tin and at Men it in
11 .1. tti,•
iarket ' value,
:a acres producing
18 acres with 00.42,
iging $2,102,902; pota-
arese producing 483,440 bus
rvoi;�th $244,204; Huron has 163,704
acres of orchard; horses, 27;236, veined
at $2,608,157; horses sold 111902, 3,357;
aver:+ge price, $107; milch cows, 32,731;
total cattle, 131,120, valued at $3,451,
710; there were sold or slaughtered in
1902 42,486 cattle, worth 1.756,002;.
sheep in the county; 4175; swine, 67,
947, valued at $488,694; sold or killed in
1902, 93,633, Worth $970,974, or en aver-
age price of $1.0.47. The farms iii Hur-
on county .are valued at $39,085,143.
the farm braidings, $1,001,587; imple-
ments at $2,700,629; the live stock at
$7,076,640; live stock sold during 1907
83,338,486; cheese factories 8; value of
abeese made, $05,469, There were in
force in Huron •county in 1902, 307
chattel mortgages, covering $216,093;
of these 168 were against farmers to
secure $56,272.
The sad news reached here +i few
days ago ofthe death of Mr, Wm. Ivi
son 's eldest daughter in Dakota. -A
few evenings ao ib. large number met
at the home of -Mr. J. 13. Dinsdale, and
presented his daughter, Miss Ida, with
a beautiful set of silverware as a token.
Cf their appreciation of her services as
organist, in . the • Methodist, A very
pleasant time was spent by all. -Mr.
Traquier and family have moved to
the farm, lately owned by Mr. John,
Whiteman. -Mrs. Jones,who has-been
i11 for sometime, is recovering.
Meadereromat..--Avery pretty house
wedding took place at high noon
Christmas day at the residence of R.
McMordie, Esq.. London road,.ICippen,
when his eldest daughter, Annie Camp-
• bell, was united. in the holy, bonds of
matrimony with Mr. Wm. N. Glenn,
of "Glenwood," Lumley, son of Mr.
Thomas Glenn. The charming bride
was handsomely gowned in cream silk
voile. over taffeta, with Ba ttenburg
panel and yoke effects, and: carrying a
baguet of white lilacs entered the
drawing. room on her father's arm to
the strains of Mendelsohn's wedding
march, -followed by her sister Miss
Mary E; McMnrdie, of London, as
bridesmaid. The latter wore cream
voile over taffeta with chiffon yoke
embroidered in cream and carried a
botuenet ce while lilacs and carnations.
The groom was assisted' by his brother
Mr. Robert Glenn, of Toronto. After
the ceremony which was performed by
Rev.. Mr. McLennan. of Kipper, con-
gratulations followed and, the guests
then repaired to the diningroom,
where a very dainty luncheon was
served. I3ere the artistic table decor-
ations, which were entirely the work
of the bride's girl friends, were much
admired by all. The bride who is a
very accomplished young lady, Stud a
general favorite in social circles, was
made the recipent of many handsome
gifts. Guests were present from Lon-
don, Toronto, Niagara Falls. Listowel,
(Minton, Seaforth and vicinity. The
happy couple left on the afternoon
train. mid showers of flowers, for a
trip East. Mrs. Glenn will receive tit
her future home, "Glenwood" Lumley,
this month. •
Mr. Stanley Wallis spent Thursday
and Friday in London. -Mr. John
Belling has returned from his . trip to
Detroit. -Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sanders,
of Lienry. spent the New Year holi-
days with the letter's parents, Mr. au'd.
Mrs. Ed. McPherson. -Mr. David -Mc-
Pherson, of Bay City, after en ao-
sence of twenty years, visited. his
brother, Mr. Ed. McPherson, and other
relatives here. -Mrs. H. Eggert is with
her daughter, Miss Mina, who is ill at
Mr. H. Ellis - rs. oh Brinker
M J n B is
t ' - r.•• r
stillver-y it t. M ani Mrs. ,AMclri-
•tosh and children, after a week's visit
with relatives have returned to their
home in Por Bron t I'I i n. , s. Pollock,
of Grand "Bend, is visiting her da tigh-
ter. Mrs. R. English. -Mr. and -Mrs.
Wilson spent New Years it G
Bend. -The classes of Mrs. John Sher
rite met at her home Saturday af-
ter spending a 'pleasant evening pre-
sented herewith an"address and• chair
as a mark of appreciation. --Miss Car-
rie E. Wilson, after spending the holi-
days with het' :parents, basreturned
to London. -Miss Eva Harvey, of Park-
hill, called on friends hert'iast'week.
t'--.: c. Lir lait week.)
Miss Armstrong isvisiting her cous-
in; Miss• Lily Foster. --Mr.. `Stanley
Wallis returned house Weduesclay,
after spending the summer in Lemon-
vi11e.-Miss Iva Stewardson, of Perk -
hill, is the guest of her aunt, 'Mrs. T.
Steevardson.-Mr. and Mrs. `V. A. Wil-
son and 14Iifts.O.urie E. Wilson, of Lon-
don, are spending the holidays with
their parents, •Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Wilson. -glass No. IV of the Boston
Methodist Sabbath school; presented
their teacher, Mrs. J te. Wallis, with a
beautiful rocking chaur•as a token of
her esteem: for leer';eareful teaching
and kindness. --"A Bieyle Tour through
the Highlands of Scntland," the 'lec-
ture and views given by Rev. Walter
Moi,otte of Lnndon, in the Boston
Nfethodiston 3 'was. night was highly
interesting. Proceeds amc,unted to
Poor man! He can't help its
He gets bilious.
s. H
good liver illAer s Pills. .heY act directlyonthe liver,
cure biliousness.
gagqe.. ruq
Want your Moustache orbeard
a beautiful brown or rich black? Use
It P. II AIX t00. NdBtlUti. 1M. n.
ua scree
gro „ apt there
from going to school for tine, menthe..
Ointments and medicines, did rro tic ed until'
I began giving them Hood's Sr»o arilia,
This medicine mesa the sores h _ ZI, and
the t ,ecrot-
ula ince." J. W Xchave Graw, Woodstwn no sns o k) Ont.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
will rid you of it, radically and,' per
manently, as it has rid thousands:,
USBORNE,=Reeve-Jos. Hawkins.
Councillors-Jno.Moir, Geu. Andrews,
Jas. 13allentyne, and R. Carom. • All
old council elected by aeclanlation.
Bl rte -Co a ticillors-Metcalf. 1V1cEl-
roy, Stothers, Milne, Reeve -Sloan.
• BAYFIELD,---Reeve, Dr. Smith
Ccinncillors-Geo. Lindsay, A. E, Owen,
F. A. Edwards, J. Fraser,
Biddulph-Reeve,.e-F.. G. Ryan.
Councillors -Thos. Armitage, W. J.
Bryan, R. D. Stanley, M. Breen.
MaGILLIVRAY.-Reeve, M. Miller,
Councillors, Dorman, McGregor, Rob-:
inson, Diens,
Parkhill-ivtayor=•-Ar'th'ur Williern
i[uinphries, (`ouncillors--Gibbs, Krum -
ton, Murch islePhee, Schram, Simpson.
•London-Mr..Adarn Beek was re-
elected Mayor of London for a third
term in the. municipal elections on
Monday. His majority over Alder-
man Campbell, M. D. was 4551 votes.
Messrs. Wm. Jones and John W -
Pocock, were elected Water Cornmis-
sioners. Both Commissioners -elect are
Conservatives.. .
The Council -elect comprises nine
Conservatives and three Libez•al. In
the two elections for school trustees,
Conservitvives won both.
..The following is the,• result -of the
election of councillors in Stephen: -
1234,.5.678 T'1.
`Anderson 78 82 78 32 33 76 5147-472
Finkbeiner 19 5267 51 53 66 83 59-400
Wade 6 8 4 2 3 0 1- 8- 32
Webb 47 43 49 29 40 51 69 78--409
Wtaerth 24 90 8685-34 69 19 33-390
Yearly 4268 81 47 48 75 48 49-458
On Wednesday evening,. Dec. 30th,
at:6 o'clock spectra but quiet wedding
was so
Parkinson, when her daughter, Miss
Lizzie Parkinson, was united in marri-
age to Mr. Harry .Powell of WestN• is-
souri, by Rev. W. Cooper of Elimi ills.
The. bride was becomingly attired in. a'
cream colored gown trimmed with silk
and applique. the wedding march being
played by Miss Bede Taylor. ,:;lf ter
congratulations a dainty* repaelk, yeas
served. The bride was therecipient of
many useful and handsome presents,
among which was • a gold watch from
the groom. Gnests were present front
Exeter, Centralia, London and South-
ampton. Mr. -and Mrs.. Powell have
the best wishes of their many. friends.
_ s
SIIOo.riNo Meeeou,-A shooting match
took place at Mr, Rollt. Mawhinney's
farm near Crediton, on Now Year's
Day. Sides wee chosen, the captains
being 'Williaun'Yearly and David Ma,
whinney. • Each shot at 10 blue rocks,
with the following resultt-
dMKerr'' 10 S. WEnney Frerr'tr. 9
BOA Feist • 8 J,. Schroeder 9
T. Mawkinney 8 R.Mitwhinney 7
Thos. Disney' 7 C. Diaoey 4
H, Either 1 • S. Beaver 2
Jas. Lawson 0 G. Mawhinney 8
At the conclusion of the match an
oyster supper was served and :the rest
of the evening very pleasantly spent
Vartl a
A Ps?ctrLrnzi CA$E..--A fev days
ago Mr. John Dandy, of {ioderich tp.,
having occasion to come to the village,
hitched up his team and started. • He
had not gone very far an the trolid
when he inet Mr. John Rathwell, of
whom he inquired if the road was bro-
ken through to Varna. Mr. Rathwell
replied that he did not know, but re-
turned with him. . They got alone all
right :until a few rods south of the big
pulley, when their horses plunged into
a.deep drift and stuck fast. They had
to unhitch the team, take down the
fence and get into Mr. W, Dennison's
field, in which they kept until they
reached the 'village, the road having
not. been broken .after the .previous.
storm. Mr. Dennison bad the two
summoned before Magistrate Beattie,
of Seaforth, for trespassing on his pro
party and they *ere fined, the fine and
costs amounting to $0.85 each. They
have since placed the matter 'before
the council, and we do not know who
may have to pay the nest costs. This
is always a bad piece of road in winter'
and is quite a drawback to the Weis
nese people of the village, as well as a
great inoonvenienceto the farmers
that section of Goderich township,
who get their mail here and also do a
great deal of other• business. We
think it high time the council should
take the matter in hand and have suit-
able wire fences erected on roads such
as this,
• Hensall
Mr. F B..Weifond, of the. Molstins
Bank, spent Christmas and New Years
holidays at his home in Woodstock.-
We noticed among the many who were
here spending the holidays the follow-
ing: Wm. and Geo. Reynolds, of To-
ronto Junction; lMlr. and Mrs. Ramsey,
Lindsay; Mr. W. Kemp and Wilbur
McPhilips, Seaforth; Miss Annie Beck,
St. Marys; Mrs. (Dr.) Campbell and
child, Zurich; Mr. T. Murray and wife,
Owen Sound; Mr. J. 'S Wien,' Luoan;
Chas. Chapman, Brantford; Abe Ches-
ney, Toronto; Ralph Chapman, Bare -
lo; Mrs.,S. White, Detroit; Jinn. D.
demnized. at the home of lYlrs. S. Dick and wife, Clarksburg; Mr. Mitch -
Mr. James Young, of London, spent
the holidays here with Mr. Dan.
Coughlin. -Mr. T. McQuade;. of Lon-
don, spent a few days with ,friends in
vicinity. - Owing tothe bad • con-
dition'of the roads 'many small- asci:
dents happen, but,we have not heard
of any serious results. -Word was re-
ceived here last week of the 'death of
'Mr. Rich. O'Hara, a former resident. of
this township. Deceased had been in
for some time with typhoid fever and
his.death was not unexpected, the sad
event occuring at Milwaukee, Wis..
on Dec. -28. The remains' were brought
here for burial, the inter•inent taking'.
place on Friday to Mt.. Cannel cerne-
tery. His wife and family have the
heartfelt sympathy of. the comintntity
-fd s.John Charlton has
sr., who
been ill for several days, is, we are
pleasecl'to learn, recovering.. -Mr. P.
Br nes,oCrediton, has been engaged
-as teacher of S.S. No. 8, for this year.
Mr. Reld intends resuming. his studies.
On Friday Dec,...,25th', a very pleasant
event took place at the 'mate of Mr.
and Mrs. Jacob R. Smith, Of :the 6th
concession, the occasion being the tif-
tiethanniversal•e of their wedding slay,
Their children andgrandrhildren were
present to the auxin her. about;tift.y,
together with a few' invited guests to
bestow 'upon - them . congratulations.
The venerable couple were also pre-.
son ted with a number ofbeautiful and
costly gifts. At -the close' of :a most
sumptnoes dinner served in the large
dining room which had been tastefully
decorated for the occasion with, 'evur-
ggreen, White and yellow ribbon end
•iiowers by. Miss' Edith Smith, of To-
ronto, the guest adjourned to the par-
lor, where an enjoyable time was spent
in singing and music. After heartily
singing Mr. Stnith's favorite hymn,
"We'll all gather home. in the morn-
ing," the company repairedto their re
spectivehonte, feeling that.they had
indeed spent an enjoyable time togeth-
ell, Wingbam.-Mrs. James Bonthroo,
of Detroit. is on a, few' weeks visit. to'
friends here.=Geo. Sheffer, ,wife and
children, of Marietta, Man., are visit-
ing relatives in`town.-Miss Millie Pet-
ty is home from Commercial College,
London, where she has completed her
commercial course. -Mrs. John Gray,
of Manitoba., is here 'visiting ` her sise
ter, Itirs. W. R. Hodgins. -Wm. John=`
ston, et Hatniota, Man., is home on a
visit.-Elanzo Ortwein is Monte •i'r.•m •
Baltimore: --.Miss Emily Welsh; who
his beetrvisiting relatives in Ma nitre
ba, is home. -At the Xmas. tree enter
tainment in the Methodist church on
Ohristmas night Mi'. James Clark was
presented with a handsome' Morris
chair by the members of his junior Bi-
bleclass.-On New Years Day one
and t
Wallies out in the ntorning a l rf- "
Iternoonserenading the citizens and
helping to brighten the holiday.-Tbe
St. Joseph, 13ensell and Stratford .Elee-
. 'staZrtisled ;879
Whooping Cough,Croup
Bronchitis, Cough, (slip,
Asthma, Diphtheria
0e3S0u,N1i is a long established and standard 'remedy „for the diseases indicated. It
cures bemuse the air rendered strongly antiseptic is carried over the diseased surfaces
of the bronchial tubes with every' breath, giving prolonged' anti constant; treatment.
Those of a consumptive tendency, or enamors from chronio bronchitis, And immediate
relief from Coughs or Inflamed conditions of the throat,.llesoriptive booklet free.
iL+iftl111.G, MILES at CO., JGMl Notre Dame St., Montreal, Canadian .traits
Cresolene dissolved in the mouth are effective and safe for
coughs and irritation of the throat;
Antiseptic Tablets • Igo i► box, .AIG ntia uGGISTS 304
The following is a correct report of
S.S. No. 5, McGillivray, for the term.
ending December 22. :(:lass A ineltldee
those who have obtained to standing of
over 60%; Class B liver 50% and Class
0 over: 33e%. IV., Class A. -Pearl
Short. IV., (Mass- •O. -Eddie Jones,,
Timothy O'Leary, Alice Wilson, Ohti;r,
Lewis, Arnold Coughlin and Raymond
Coughlin, equal. III., Class A. -May
Lightfoot, James O'Leary. 111., Class
13.• -'-Adrian Coughlin, III., Class C.-•--:
red Letvis,Eliza.I•Iodgins, Aaron Scott,,
Violet Short, Chester Morley: I7.,
Class 13. -Ella Hodgson, May Fauldet'.
II., G
lass O -• erne 11 1dtG . Alice.
n '
Lightfoot.' hit rnene-Cott liltsElle
Hdgins, Willie•agttire, Part
Olttss..A.-Johnny Coughlin, Dolton
Lewis. Part 11. Class B. -Lizzie Cook
Alex. l•Iodgins. I., Class A. -Melvin
Lightfoot, Henry Hodgins, Alton Shol;
dice. I., (litiss di, -Mary Jodgins,
Cecil Jet)es, Mary Dauncev. A.vernge
attendance for year 28. Most regular
tta.• ,y,
Itditnt dtn•itlga,hr y'enr,• Alice ft r1-
son. L. E. l) s e,'zrro, Teacher.
It is sad to contemplate the unfortunate condition of so many men of
our day and generation. At 30 they feel 50.; at 40 they feel 60, and at 50
when they should be in the very prime of life, they are almost ready for
the grave, The Erre of youth has gone out, the fountain of vitality is
exhausted. Premature old age! No matter what produced it, whether
evil habits in .youth, later excesses„ or business worries, the one thing
for you to do is to get back the vim, the vigor and vivacity of manhood.
Don't lose your grip on life. There are yet many happy, golden years
for you if yen only get help. We can and will not only help you, .b
cureou to staycured. Curingdiseases and weaknesses of the nervous
and sexual system has been our exclusive business for the past. 30 years,
during which time, we have cured enough fallen men to make an army.
OUR NEW METHOD TREATMENT will restore to you what ,you
have lost.
It purifies and enriches the BLOOD, strengthens the Ns-gRVES,
vitalizes the sexual • organs, checks all unnatural drains and losses and
fits a man for the active duties of life.
Cure Gov Janie I o Pay.
We treat and cure Blood Polson, Varteocale, Stricture, Glesl,
Urinary Drainer, isencsal Weakness. Kidney and Intender diseases.
CONSIUl.TATION FREE:. If unable to call, write for a o,acetion
Blank for Homo Treatment..
}d148 S hf .thy St‘, DETROIT, EMIL
23 Tears in Detroit. 250;000 Cured. Manic Security.'
t -T"
usinessPerr rciples c?:Pari rhz g
A farmer should latae just as careftila business' training as a
merchant, banker, manufaieturer, or any other businessman.
Should understand all the intricacies of financing ; know how
to estimate accurately, work out interest and discounts, keep.
books, etc.
A course in the rcrest Oity Busiuoss and Short Nola College
includei ell"these studies-a-etuught by a t_horough's cuteeeter,t
staff of experienced teachers.
Every student must pass an examination preuared by a stag
of qualified examiners before receiving his or her Diploma.
Booklet fully explains courses, cost,, etc., FRES for a postal.
Y. 1,1. G. A. Breennsn, LONDON.
tric Railway will soon be in running
order, hawing.secnred the franchise !n 14444+444.4.4'+.; t •' ''i'•l"o'4"r4'44+44i+X44+'s'«p+1+r444.sei'd• l^d4++4444
Stratford. • It is hoped that it will be ,l,
started before May 1st. .
Goderich, Jan. lst.-4On Wednesd,iy ,
'.afternoon Davld_Piatton, who returned .�
frutn -South, America, and. had been ; .14
staying in town, attempted suicide by
cutting his throat with a razor. In the '
morning Mr. Patton.. who was evident-
ly 1 * ilea clear of mind, remarked that be
would like. to gets some, orie to Meng.
him, .'hut .as he had been sick sprue
time, it v s
ho i
ht depressed d's'Write
had caused the retnark. After dnincr
he bought a rope at a,.. hardware Atom,
it •l. '02 k
•fn rn had u inrr I
when c d
and v
noose et the end., :Whether he 1had
used the rope is not' known,lint it i
e p.
i •,.
supposed he had tried it and'. fonuc, �
unworkable. ,. Shortly after he bought ,l,
the rope he bought a razor and making
two slight cuts. on the side of hisa.nek'
,he re-entered the store where he had
bought the razor, holding a piece of
paper against his neck saying he had,
cut himself while shaving. Be,'was
directed to Dr. Whitely's and beim
there to the P. hI., who sent hirer t.o the
county jail. The cuts could not have
been caused while shaving,` because
they were made behind the store where
• the .razor culls- bought. Mi`. Patton,
who wets at one time reeve of Goderiieb
township, was expecting to be called
to Setith A.dteriea to snperinteud work
on the Panama canal, and whether it
was frotn depressed spirits cant;r'd by
the 'delay in his appointment, or some
other reason that caused the rash net;
is ndt'1knowo. .
Samples of Choice Grain for the
Improvement'of Seed,
•By'instruction of the Hon. Minister•
'of Agricalbure another elistribarion
will he made this settees of simples of.
the most productive sorts of giaiu to
Canadian farmers forthe improvement
of seed. The stock for distraint -hal is
of the very best and has been scatted
mainly ft om the excellent crops recent-
ly had at the branch t'xperimt'ntal
'Farm at Indian Bread., in the Not'.ih-
west Territories. The distributit,u this
consist circ eso q
spring dill c n,ts fs r 1t„
.ir o,
g ly
spring wheat, • barley, I
n iatl
putatoeS. �TI:� gtie nt,ties
of : wheat,
outs and burley to be sent this year
will be 411)s. of oats and 6 lbs. of wheat
or barley,. sufficient to sow ono -oven
t tieth of an Acre. '.The samples or In-
t disci corn and potatoes' will Weigh 3 lbs.
its heretofore: Every farmer inny up-
ply, but nniy'rrne sample can be sent to
such applicant, hence if lin intlivilttal
.. ttttr r was a ,, 4,
There is seldom a day that we arenot consulted in regard to a condition that, if we
were to have seen it in its early stages, the sufferer would have been relieved cured and .'Il,
saved considerable expense. This we consider is due to lack of knowledge on the part of +
the doctor who has previously treated the case; therefore, we say to you, if . you. are su1- 4.
fering from any disease or condition peculiar to men, or if you have been a victim and
been dissapointed'in not getting a permanent.cure elsewhere, we would ask that you
come to our office for personal examination or write us fof a:Question Blank for Horne 4.
Treatment. we will explain to you OUR SYSTEM OL' TRIS'i;+IENT, which' we have -
originatedanddevelopedafterourwholelife's experience in the treatment of special
diseases Of men. We will giveyoh rorty Olt ClIAACE, an lioness and scientific op'nion
of your case. If we find you are" incurable we Will honestly telt you se. If we End
5Y. Y your
case curable w
we rve you written guarantee t
a w -act nee o cur o
e u or refund u
0 youro
gg Y
m money.
! e cure NERVOUS D,<wD9Li T'Y, �D
AFf't;O:tELE, Sll'R1D'Si3REs,
BLOOD and SKIN diseases, PRCiETATIO troubles,
BLADDER, a' -away .y and URif4AleY diseases.
Question List: Sent Free for Hoiue Treatment. CONSULTATION Fol~
. X9a0rd �Rrve008� 4' +�
Detroit, Mich. +t+
4.44444.44404.144.4014+4044•444444++444.444,4".g..+r ;,.; ,, a,,l .i ,1..;..g 444.4.444,
After January 1st, 1904. PRICE $1, 50
New subscribers get balance of this year Free,.3nchiding magnificent Christmas number: Send 14
your subscription at once. Don't miss a single :sena; ` Agents wanted everywhere;terms given.
Sample copy free,
NUMBi; �.
sampleoats h cannot receives a of e , n lot al- the lists will be closed, so that all Barn -
so receive one of wheat, barley or po- pies asked for may be St... out ill good'
tatoes, and, applications for more than
time `o. sowing. Pa writing
one sample for one household cannot 8
should mention the sort rt.
be entertained. These samples will fv,ttit t) they
sent free 01' rhstrge through the rtt til, would prefer, rind should the available
.4rtplictt0iorts should be nddressec1 to stock oi' Lha kind asked for
be crxhaYlst..
the Director of Experimental Farms, ecl, sums othor •oorl sort w! i'te
r � and rt b t• .
ty ll st nt
t , an r t t. scut to a
�O t,t n t,
tt v time
, � y y rrl itw lt.,tt.e: ` Wrn.'Saunclers, i)irectol*
before the let of March, rafter wthith ofrit
iperuneutalla/ears, Ottawa.
1. ..