HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1904-1-7, Page 1'
sae, ea. •?
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iearini: Out of
Where Speulal Inducements are given. lonopo.5Itors•
TJranehes in TIri.ren County at •
ERetep, Crediton, Deehevacia
•Zririch, Herieall and Clintori,.,
eJaeluare .S.tautnitry, F. )3..
Solicitors • ,Nlatager, Exeter
%Pais- oes
Lady's Fin' Goal, German dyed, beautiful curl, Italian lined, Mohair
sleeve lining, tvas $33.00, now •$30 00
Lady'e leer Coate German dyed, extra long skirt, log curl, well emitt-
ed,. Was $10.00, now • *eel 00
Ledye Fue aoat. Gerinan dyed, length 30 inelies, Pretty large env),
• Araler satin lining, was 98.00, now • • • $29 00
e' dy's nil' Goat, GerTnan dyed, le,ngth 30 inches, Italian lined, Mohair
eleeve lining, $23.00 for $22 00
dd- Melia Sesleatchewan Cents, rubber interlining, Italian lined, Moliair
- sleeve Labile -i,egtelar $18.00 for - $15 00
alen's Russien Cross leer Coats, undyed, guaranteed to wear, and a
• good looker, was $.25.00 for • ele 00
e,• Metes BrowD6g, Fier Coat, undyed, none better to wear, well lined,
e Taw:tier $25.00 for • *1S00
e Men's Calf Coate with clogskin collar, undyed and extra well lined
e regular $30.00 for $23 00
P.4 MOD'S' Telepin Dog Fur Coats, be,ttatiful black earl, German dyed, best
of linings, regular $e5.00 for -•320 00
P1r Per:ears Lainb Caps, German dyed, satin lined and quilted, reg. $7.50 for $ 0 00
Nutt la Fur Caps, uudyea, satin lined reed with sweat band, tegular
34.50 for $ 8 '75
.. Nutria Fur Caps, -undyed, satin lined with sweat band, reg. $3.75 ior fe, 3 00
Electric Seal Ceps, beanteful finish, satin lined, regular 34.00 for $ 8 25
Nutria Cries, dark colors, with sweat band an satin lining, $ 2 50
(41;ey Persiae Lamb °ales, to olear at $2-50, $2,00 and $1.50,
,;tperineS, Stoles, Ruffs, etc., to clear at big reductions.
Privakfundil to loan at lOwest rate of interest.
APPlY s\`'.\\I ERNEST ELLIOT, Exeter
st and Molt' Master of the Trivia. Memorial - • .•
frorrpt.‘,0.-4,4trr,.,TsZow.-, Trantos.;i. . Miss 'Seri -lain grinvot.,_virluir.otairspri a
"ern x.iiithoils,
°age TO LOAN, .
Walla:ye a. large mutant of private funds to loan
a farm and viliw,a properties at loW rates of inter.
Barrisb rs, Soliettors,Main st.„ Exeter Ont
Pip for Sale
The undersigwaid has anninber of choice little pigs
or sale.•i John May, London Road South
There cense onto the premises of the undersigned,
" Lot 10, Cion. 12,8tep1ten, on or aboUt Nov. 20th, 1303
, acalf. Onmer cosrhave some by proving property
• and payin,g expetses,
Peter Kraft, Eashs-s oat'
ONE* 1;0 110...sar,
vee baft4tudiraited private funds for in-
v'estion on t upon farm or -village property, at
lowest rates ofiinterest. -
• Barristers, etc.:, Exeter,
• Fitemy, ant stock, hoptereents, etc;,the
property of Jam IL titer. Lot 22, eon. 14 ball mile
1 is heading until da 0 of sale, • -
• t0e-Parties g their solebills printed at the
tvocArk edicts will neeive a FREE totine under
* e Reels -ter ••
thrth of Exeter Si,KeiSale at O'clock. IL Eroirn
I I., ____ ,
A good, frame hint e, one storey high, and eon-
taiiiini• h'ii ronme; to ether with. at acre, of ground.,
op Which twe forty fir t 'class fruit trees and also a
good well of water. 1 Coed location,heing situate on
• Alexander street, Entster North, Apply on promises
or re , , eta. Joice,y horn, Exeter
.. •„•
retail' tneda an- pits for .marinfacturiug house
hat „Avell ses .. fied 'mine* local territor,y;
stns. IntlarY• it'd weekly ond expense 1000e9
si perm ;business:, Vicitsessful. Enclose sot f -add reSs.
ad:rive Cos 6;kperieneo unnecessary; position
ed Pe' Sulierrinenclent Travellers, 503 Xenon
)• /
',' 011ie. 'elhur8t
-.- Ihe era The, • stieeseasen has gone
. ebut, o.):! the this ) we must ezpprienee
as we think of tb seclnees tied sorrow
. ' wieeelet foliewee ' in; Its wake, The
DeO. reqtrdese\late by tbe :death of
,e, ettn Vat. death hs ...Again inVaded our
n. e -Itekl,tehd,' a d the 'home 'of Mr.
hid' , eellteeeeel ee Ileenale Who vase-
ecl - eweee 00 esiesen e aye Dec. 28, tater :e
balOt 411.40015,„ „0 iri I g the ti re e; theliane
eefeefelhation.Was It id ratio-niter:elle was
leti:etitIneeel te ne riatte dateaMeilain of
'Lee, e ,serk....eute- out 1.7, oe,, wasptttitut .and'.
"..v.ea ineele and, tt.ee iete 1 to hater the
e e - 'tee e e (,li a etp higher.” • Th et;
e' eleottegi.'elie '' beinge only' in her'
eese, sleeted. e °elle 4Valk 4‘°e'll:"3
trqt3riglibli4•ntt t.60(101 ',j.tf, ie •a
... leeteled ly 'teethe •b,o,y,itifA
•#,:.,...,.g.t.A ' '..pricta D.S:. Welt, 'the
au e
etadina. ee 6 Still" iniff.4',4
, esereett t ,sseasevlielewhi le
'tholoe -eel true . 'hit etteeefdee in S
*064• eeti.ihtliiii(ineseee ieie 'e
etOio de ely-efegreteelehee
1.14041.' (06] • itx$ane, . iik,,,,,
.t±:14,pipl,,, ,, '
0 ,.,,, , ,
vale. tee
4 glida
treetered men in London itoout two
weeks ape) is at her home here, nursing
same. ?twill be sometime before she
will have use of the injured member.
Mr. James Morrow, of Silver Spring,
Man.. was a pleasant caller at the Ad-
vocate office on Thursday last. Mr.
Morrow was a former resideet of ;Mc-
Gillivray and is now visitieg friends
near Kippen.
Miss T. White was in Wiedsor last
week. She was called to attend her
sister-ire:law on a journey to Tennessee
where a nephew is seriously ill with
pneumonia. Mrs. White, who had
been ill, was able to travel alone with
the result that Mies White got no far-
ther than Windsor. •-
Mit J. A. Gregory, of Yorkton, Assts.,
aerived in town on Tuesday morning,
on a few weeks= Visit with relatives and
friends. Mr. G-regory has been engag-
ed in the real estate hnsiness for some
time, but prior to his leaving for the
east, sold nearly all of his interests.
He is enthusiastic hi praises of the
The wholesale shoehouse ofSterling
Bros., was destroyed -by fire eavly
Wednesday morning. The huge build-
ing four stoteys in height and cover-
ing close upbn a quarter of a square
block in the very centre of the city is
a tease of ruins. Chief Roe of the Fire
Department was instantly killed and
several firemen were badly leaned.
Some of them may not recover.
•:Miss Annie Radcliffe, teacher, whose
relativee reside in Blenshard, near
here, was a victim of.thelroquis Thea-
tet- fire, Oliieago. A. brother, who lives
Toronto, Was telegrapheil foreenci
identifiedebis eister'e remains by -a-
small piece of weaning appiseel ane
eing On her finger. The renutins were,
brotight to St. Marys en ,Satrieday ev.
ening and token to: the undertaking
roome Of Gracey & Mitchell and kept
there till Monday eftertiden. The 1 ina
yeeel took place from there to St, Mary -e
Zurich •
Arnone our halidey visi tore we mi.
tecea Mr. • John Pre ng. ref G ocl eeicle
a 'Chester Steinbach, Iterate/lam Mr,
teat, ItIcAllieter, Michigan; Misses
•Maggie arid &ram, Weselrsh, Lore/lee;
1.11ra Wm. Halts:mesa Medway; Miss
Many Weseloh and 'Mee Dae Sipple,
df Waterloo; Miss Fitepetriek, Bea
ealre De. R, li. Steinbach, of Riehville,
Mielt;; Mr. j....Wagner,
—Schoole rceopeeed on Monday atpetr.
the Clerietmete holidays. --Mr. Edar
-Ata*er, and Mr. Belem ModdeM vlsieede
filencle in Detroltedarritee 1Ne.1104
—Att. MTh Appointees ef Nettle.:
eideefeeepee resideere -ofa
'44 '
PABsuNTATIo..N.—on Tuesday even-
ing, Dee,. 22, the sol house of S.S.
No, 9, was the ecene „of a pleasant
though sperowarl getheriege the occe-
eion beirig a farewell denemstration
by tho pupils upon the departere a
Miss Martin, wet) has for the past yea e
occupied the flosition of teacher in the
eection. Many of the parents as well
stodenta were present. A most en-
joyable chewee given, height and
testefel numbers being ren deed by the
Puiells. Miss Martin was ellen present-
ed with an address, accotrapenied by a
dainty gold chain with agate pendent.
Light refreshments were then served
• and the Assembly dispersed.
Tire trust,ees of Separate eelfjool see -
tion No. 1, Stanley, bave placed a bell
cm their new school which itchle cola
eiderale e to it$ nppeurance—Mr. John
Ai:belch is home to spend tlae winter.
--We are eorry to state that Mr. Al-
bert Denorny is etill oti the siee list.
PRESENTATION.— A very pleasant
and social evening was spent at the
home of Mr. R. J. Drysdale 011 Wed-
-nestle y evening, wb cat his daughter,
Miss le-enile, was presented witk a
bea initial fur eaperine and adaress by
the members of the Drysdale Sabbath
school. Miss Emily has presided as
organist, of the S.S. for some time.
The address was affectionately wenn
and tender and expressed the high es-
teem in wbich she is held ey the mem-
bers of the Sabbath school. Miss
Drysdale made a snitable reply, thank-
ing bei' many friends for their kind
gift and boping, that the interest, a
the S.S. may be strengthenecl and the
week of the elaseer promoted. Mr.
Drysdale also made a short speeeh, af-
ter which all repaired to the dieing
room where ample justice was done to
the good things which were provided
by the ladies present. The remainder
of the evereing was spent, in singing,
games and social °bat.
(Intended for lest week.)
Wenmitea.—One of tleose intereseing
event e which in human life mark the
parting of the ways and opens the por-
tals to domestic felicity and future
happiness °eel -trued at theresidence of
Mr. James Blathers, on Wednesday,
Dec. '23, when • his second daughter,
Miss Wilberta Maud, became the hap-
py bride of Mr. Geo. Keller. The wed. -
ding march, wbich was played lee eliee
;Toole. eietia euetmeersi.-
Ing ofthe bridal party, and at erector:le
the neptial knot was securely tied by
the Rev. Mr. Thibaudean. The bride,
who was gowned in a handsome dress
of pale bine oegandie,looked very pret-
ty. She was assisted by her coasin,
Miss Ida Hardy, who was also attired
in pale bine. The groom was,. assisted
by Mr. Eruest Stillwell. Immediately
after the ceremony congratulotiona
were extended to the happy couple.
When this was over tbe company, to
the ntimber of 40, beaded by the brid-
al party, repaired to the dining room
where all enjoyed a. dainty luncheon.
Mr. and Mrs. Kelly left the next day
for Parkhill where they were tendered
a reception. Manyecostly as well as
beaetifia and useful presents Were giv-
en to the beide by her friends in token
of their esteem and good will and the
best wishes of all will follow tbe }sappy
couple to their new home.
S• eaforth
Wureeteras.—A very pretty wedding
took place ou Tuesday, the 29th, at
high noon, when eliss Stamina S, Sclate
er, eldest daughter of Mr, Wm. Sclatet
was united in Marriage to Mr: John
Finlayson of the Bell Eneine Works,
Rev. F. E. Larkin officiating. The
bride, who was given away by her
father, looked eharrning anexgeisite
cream -colored gown with flatlet of
polext lace, end a dainty girdle of creaan
shade. The ceremony was witnessed
by a large iturnber of the intimate
friends of thecottracting parties.
The dining.- teona WAS most cheery
looking, with decorations of carnations
ane smilax, and ell peesent did fall
justice.' to- the delicacies provided for
the occasion. One of the evidences.
ot the popularity of the bride and
groom was the numerous seed costly
gifts received. The happy couple left
on the afternoon express for Niagara
• and on their return will take op their
residefice on John - street in the hoose
until recently ()coupled by Mr. R. s,
Pays ---On Wednesday, December 30th,
1003, a very pretty bet quiet wedding
was solemnized in tbe laome of Mr. and
Mrs, John McKinley, F.gnmtadvilie,
• when their daughter Mategatet 'wee
united reaeriage ef,r, -Teremeis 3.
Redniotal, of the Redmond & Davis
firm, of Leeds; North Dakota. The
nuptials were perfoernerl by the Rev.
Ged. eledehileye B. D., brother Of the
bride. The bride, who was unattend-
ed during the ceremony., 'WO becom-
ingly attired in a eieh navy blue tray.
eines; suit. The presets were neater-
oes anti eostly. The groom's Kift to
the bride wee e hericleonte gold locket
set in diamonds. Aftete the wedding
dinner -Mr, arid Mrs. Redeemed left Oa
a trip -to thee Meet befeee leaving for
theie honed terDaltete.---A very preety
eclat*. "as, .Solerunitedsat the feeble
40,411:, ;;.:,;Prktafigt troth, ppax?„11xxg
t> 6 0V )'' edeleadaY ,dt high nOint,
,i4S14. rst Vita.Straillittd
ili•tlYo '',0:$4711-14R EYvo-
eed eyet.h.elblaT,
eittelleete aiailefete
tOoti flail qbtx I•tf
`e$tlftl•litx foe 8ogjt,. 4 , 4 .0'
atedteititoted by.
"41' eheet - ea tatte- bee
•6S1VritY. Oialy the iied
',Piesanp at tflo'OW
btde ,40/46.:
.b mica , r ).
'*bW4A 0 la
*by tl's A 6'0
tOttilt41? 'Y It6
The e eeeinnieee itaS.S. No, 10, or
winit, les better Ittrown • -as Baker's
scheme e well attended on Tuesday,
Dec., '20. Tim recitations were carefel-
y selee,ted by Miss P. IL Tufts, teachee'
and iiny oeiltene were very well re-
" The program
wound up es also elaterinan, Mee John
Brown, talthee, Miss Belle Turner, Miss
Zillah Etiglish and 1Viiss Ttxfts to the
preform. The former ymanglady read
a well we eled address to Miss Tufts
which we 3.neciinpanied ley- a handsome
toilet bee end Miss English made the
presence „ o. MISS- Tufts made a feel-
ing reply •efter \Odell all dispersed
seminaly well pleased with ths after-
noon's anz'afsealeilt, .
• Centralia
DO. J. W. 01114.,
Nice lie,.srs5 to 13 e,st„ 1 to 2' and %tea p.m.
Telephone Piniunication s5th Ltionn And Mount
Carmel. ,
Mr. Neleoe Heateble, of Grand Rip -
ids, Miele; is visiting friends and rela-
tives in hnd :trotted.- the village, Re
returns t a Mich on Saturday.
0 Veal,. SUPPER. —An oyster supper
was latebe tbe Duffeein House here
on Nese e ear's eve, given by Mr. E,
Colwill, eeneral merchant,. Some tithe
ago Mr. e wiles house took fire and
the beeket brigade soon extinguished
the flame eo Me. Goitre], to show his
grati tudr gav C them an oyst er etipper.
Oysters e. ere Served hot and &ed by
the Jamie ey crnalaeravorthy assistants
in the speeroue dining teemarid after
snepee ee me the toast list. with John
Barry e elm/eaten, Songs and, speech-
es and seleetions, accompanied
by a piarest, were on the program and
Mi enjoyed themselves immensely en -
til the new year broke,
Ae the entreat meeting of S. S. offi-
cers awl teachers here, Mr. joshua
Johns, the efficient supeteutendent,
was unaearneusly- reelected for another
year mei also the old staff that bas
done' each excellent work ba the pmt.
In addition to the usual routine work
it Was decided to purchase a new libr-
ary, A. large consagennent of S. S.
books was received by the committee
froze leer, Wm. Beiggs, of Toronto,
It -am which a splendid selection was
made to augment those already en the
shelves,. SO that our popular libarien,
Mr: Delbridge, will be kept busy
foe a ee Snedeye bending out new
The , eee gie en by the Ep-
werte gv' al New ,e.'ear's Eve, was
a success. epeeehes were given by
Revs, John Hart, of Woodham, and
Baker, ofTlicaville; choruses by
the League choir and n gesture song by
several eie S. scholars. Miss Gertude
Hata, of Alma College was well receiv-
ea and succeeded in pleasingeveryone.
The clear was occupied byRev. W. A.
Oooper and there was the ',test of order
t It:roughen t. Miss Martha, Here makes
a good paesideet and the Leeigne is do-
ing wele—At the brestee meeting re-
cently held. Robe Wilcox was again
appointed. caretaker of the ehurch. He
has held the position now for over
twenty eonsecratiye years and is most
painstaking in his work. The trustees
Chink- of calibig aspecial meeting to
consider the question of putting flag-
stones in the ehinch shed. This would
be aa improvement as the horses dig
great, holes- with their front feet and
render it awkward getting in and out.
• Thaines Road
HYAIRSAL.—At "SuntiyiRe resi-
dence, south Thardes Road, Usbotne,
On Weduesday, December 23rd, was
celebrated one of those importaet
events which shape the destiny of to
Jives. The day was a bright typical
• wiuter day and indeed, was a welcome
calm after the storm of the previous
week. The event to which -we refer
was the marriage of Miss Lilly Pass-
more, daughter. of Mr, Henry Passmore
of Usborne, to Mr. Wm. 3, Pybus, a
prosperous young 'farmer of Tucker -
smith. •The important ceremony was
performed by the Rev. E. A. Shaw, of
Rensall, and was witnessed by about
eighty invited friends road relatives of
the contracting parties. At the hoer
of 4.30, to thestraies of a beautiful
mart& played by Miss Nellie Pybes,
tha bridal party entered the parlor,
the bride 'leaning on the arm of her
father. They took up their stand be-
neath a magnificently trimmed ever-
green arch and a merriage bell gor-
geously de0Orated with roses and holly.
The bride who was charmingly attired
in e beautiful gown of white silk, trim-
med with ribbon, looked very pretty.
She was -assisted by het' sister, Miss
„Lizzie, who wore a very pretty dress of
white organdie. The toroorn was assis-
ted be hie. brother, G. G. Pybris, • May
Darcb, niece of the bride, a chiiteniene
little maid, clad in white, peaferrned
very nicely the duty of eringbeterer."
The (areaway oyer and most hearty
congeatelatione leaving been extended
LO the happy (ample, all eepaited to the
dieing hall where the tables fairly
groaned beneath the weight, ole most
sumpteons and well prepared feast;
Which cored satisfy the most intense
appetite and the tastes of the most
perticulate Aftetethe'craving of the
inuet• matt had been amply satisfied
peal a toast being given to the health
of the bride and grown, the remainder
of the everrieg Vti AS pnb in music,
speethes and soeira chet in which all
bhotanghly enjoyed themselves, The
positioe which the bride occupies
be Cho eeternation of her roany friends
vvytt crui6ently manifested by the large
4terebett ale -flit and coebly presents
beebtehet leeeteed, She es one of "LTS-
IS;.,, estitaable., holies, and the
Ite 001)6V4tulated oioneear,
' ite pertnete They carry
' .1“.) the; tiast. Wishes of their
,is theis fu Ate 110,P042.
oe6 ,tri take
trigus 1?ogler
• Knives
Just reoeived. If you need anytthin
you v,?1,11.find our stock again Gompl,
Graduate Optician 1?ractica1 Jeweller
Farquhar. •
Miss Kathleen Robeet'e who spent
the holidays with frieadsheee, Luis re -
erten ed to her home in Stratford—Miss
Inc Westlake has retureed to Toeoeto
neter 11,pIeilllaflt visit at her home here.
—Mr. Albert McCurdy, of the, SGrat,-
ford Business College,. was home 00 a
visit during the holidays,--Ainong the
numerous • visitors • here during the
holidays we noticea, Mr. and Mrs,
David Elitekney, of St: Marys; MaBert
Stewart, London; Mr, Norman Madge,
and Mies Isabella Gardiner, St. Marys;
Ramey Borland, Exeter. --Mies Nina
Monteith, who has been learning the
dressmakiug in Easeeere is borne again.
The weight of snow collected be tee
sheds of tbe Thames Road Preebetete
len church has caused them et, col-
lapse.—leliss Myrtle Madge, who has
been attending Aheaelitchell Model
school, ha's been engaged as teacher in
the Lumley school.—Mr. Reels. Down-
ey, of Killarney, Man., after an ab-
senee of twenty-five years, is aeeeed
again looking hele and hearty. --Miss
Laura, Nichoe has returned from her
visit to Wiegbaure—Mr. and Miss
Francis, of Michigan, are the guests of
their grandmother, errs. Wm. Bray.• —
Miss Jessie Hamilton resumed her do -
10 tee etemol beee tlrlMencle e, I-
ter spendieg the bolidae s in Me ther-
Cittlicieb.a• ye,
• Among the number who spent. the
Christmas and New • Year holidays
liere we noticed the following --'-Dr
and Mrs. • Downing, of London; Miss
Hattie Jell, Galt; Mr. • and Mrs. Jell,
Niagara Falls; Mr.lailler, London; Mr.
Neil,'Brantford; Mr, Allen Blackwell,
Miss Minnie Patton, London; Ales.
Frank 0 u ellet te and son, Stoney Point;
Miss Marie MeIlhargey, Hamilton.—
Mr. Cihas. Cunningham, eon of the sec-
tion foreman, who has been very, ill
from an attack of typhoid fever, is, we
are pleased to state recovering.—Mrs.
Hodgins is on a visit to her daughter
iinBufalo.—Mz-, and Mrs. Gilbert left
lasb week for their home in Port Hu-
ron,—Mr. Gilmore is visiting friends
around Jerseyv ilia —Miss Hattie
• Jell is home on the sick list.—Mrs, Legg
of London, is visiting at Mr. D: (Jen-
nie:glean:es. —Miss Etta Carter after
spending the holidays here, returned
to London, Alonday.—After spending
a few days with friends here, Mrs.,'Ya-
er, Miss I. Cunningham, Miss B, j.
anninghaan and Miss Tillie Yager, re,.
turned their home in Exeter.—Mr,
Geo. Seale, of St. Mary's is visiting his
parents here,—The Blisses.Ardell, of
°aerie, are visiting at their uncle's,
Mr, John Teicelgins.—Wm, Wilson, of
Exeter, who has been clerking fox, Mr.
• Harlton, has. accepted a similar poi-.
tion with Mr. IL -Wing at Shiplea,
--Mise Lizzie Patten hasreturned to
London, lifter a visit with her parents
here. --Miss Sutton and Miss E. A.
Ottatingham spent New Year's with
friends in Exeter. Bishop Baldwin of
•London, will hold Confirmation Ser -
1)1055 le St. James' chterch on the 25th
inst.---The Senday School entertain=
went in the eletbodisb charch on 'Wed-
nesclev night of lest 'Week, was vvell
attended, the programme being inter-
esting • and well received.—Mr.
Sheet of Toronto, is visiting at Mr. S.
Hotigsmes.—Miss Blackwell, teacher,
hes been engaged, to teach our school
for another term. She is popular
among hex- pupils as well OS the par -
eats, and the trestees acted wisely in
:3L1le T nii 130.11, nit 0 s taven
engaged 410 LettiAser, a Lb,.Dxvs31rIe.
public; school, coneneeced het- dtities
on Monday. The, trust.ees of this see -
tial) (stet:rally deeeeve praise as to tbeir. '
choice of Mies Thompson, for no doubt •
she will prove a, successful teacher,
being 1.3le who always headed the het
in her ex:eminations.—ss Belinda
'Derand has seesertel a school neme
Greed Bend, ilea conatienced her do -tis Moiidiiy,_-ii', .
and Mite. Villiaar
Blau, who letve been visiting friends
beta dining the past two weeks, „left
this we.elt foe tbeir home in Michigan.
Qinte a 'number' from here attended
_ „
a. party at 1,V1,1'. onoston's near lien
sell, on Wednesday night, '
wroDDINGS.---On Wednesday evene.
ing another of those _happy events .
which alvveys cause a ripple in the
conarounity. took place at the home of
Wen- Thmee, of this township, -
when his second daughter, Miss Sarah
Ann, was united iri the hoods of mat-
rimony to Mt., Wee. Jr. Ellacleevell, sec-
ond eon of the late Thus Blackwell of
thee Vy reship, The eerereeree was. per-
• 'fora. "e by 005etas:. 1','. ,7. .tiohtn. ty, 01 /
St. Jeaers chetah, Hensall, in the pres-
ence of a large number of the rebttives •
turd, intimate friends of the co CI trac ting
Parties. The bride, whr was given •
away by bee fethev, was beautifully
attired and was made the recipient of
a number of useful and valuable pres-
ents. Atter •the happy couplehad
been vvartnly congratuatterl, all sat,
clown to a suniptateus 'sapper, after
which the.evenieg was very pi easau tly
spent by ehe guests in social inter-
course. The happy couple afterwards
repaired to their home followed . by
the good wishee a their many eriencts
for their continued bappiness, :with
whom we heartily unite—On -Wednes-
day evening at 4 o'clook tae residetece
of Mr. John Johnston, of the lth con.,
was the sceae of a pretty 'event, it be-
ing the marriage of hits secimd daugh-
ter, Miss Annie, to Mr, A. T. Douglas,
of Stanley, The ceremony was per-
formed by Rev. Mr. Sewers, of Bruee-
field, under an arch of pine drapings
and carnations. The bride, who eves -
given away by her, fath er, looteet1 hand-
some in steel grey silk, teiretnied with
white applique and chiffon and wore.'
brided veil and orange blossoms, and
cartied a bouquet, ofwhite carnations
Little Naiad McAllister, of the yea/.
Line, acted as ring bearer and locekecl
very pretty, dressed in -cream silk anq
lace, and carried a, basket of pink car-
nations. The bride entered the parlor
to the strains of Mendelsoitteswedding
march which was played by Miss Mag-
gie johnston, sister of the bride, • Af-
ter the cerentany all repaired to the
dining room, which was decorated
eveth bunting, evergreen and flowers,
and a sumptuous repast was enjoyed.
Only near relatives and immediate
friends tif the contracting parties were
present, atimbering aboue fifty. The
evening was spent in tripping the light
fantastic toe. • The presents were num-
erous, handsome and costly. The
groom's gift to the bride was Is heauti-
fee golcl penda.nt and to the x-ing be
er a henclsonee gold ring set with r
and rubies,
Ceaates.—At Zurich, on Dec.
Mr, entailers. lertn. Calfas, deue.
retaining her eervices.
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