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Exeter Advocate, 1903-11-26, Page 8
illIi'SCriticisProttlle Ot a fitio's filottOs There can be 110 jboss •- t find with ��� Utz lt to POUF' ap'arz ncc if the clothes are Measured in an e The Style of garments we_mat to is a sufficient guarantee of first-class work,. All the new up-to-date FALL SUITLNGS OVERCOATINGS AND PANTIES arrived. Prices away down. e TAMAIss Merchant Tailor, OCAL DOINGS. 1leainau's is the place to buy guns, What War<tc t. rifles and revolvers. Wheat •wanted at the Exeter Grist Rev. A.W. Reid of I 'rwood, preach- Mill for which the highest cash price edtwo excellent sermons in the Main will be paid. Street Methodist :aural on Sunday A Snap for $1. Tlie A1:,\ i,CATE will be sent toany- address from. now until the end of 1904 for fl, payable in advance. Now is the time to subscribe for this tip -to - date weekly and get the balance of 1903 thrown in. Tax Notice, Notice is hereby given that W. J. Bissett, tax collector, will be at the Town Hall, Exeter, every Friday from. 0 to 12 o'clock a.m. and 1 to a pane also on Dec, 12th, 13th and 11th, for the purpose of receiving taxes, .All taxes must be paee,l on or before Dee,14. 1903, or a per cent, additional will be charged. Exeter North Notes. Mrs, L Hall spent a few days in I nip- pen during the week,-- .lr. T. Horn is confined to the house through illness.. —Mrs. Adam Case, Who has been on the siek list, is, we are pleased to say. improving. --Mrs, Leender (nee Celia Herbert) of Illinois, is home on a visit for a few day s, ---Mr. John Taylor is laid up with a sprained foot. Ceau, it Proceeiiturs. Aspecial meeting of the Council was held in the Town Hall, Friday evening, Nov. 20, Absent Councillor Gillespie. Time object of the meeting was to make arrangements with Messrs. flaai•vey Bros. .to supply them with water for the winter months. C'obbledicke- Creeeh-.-that said firm be furnished water with the understanding that they supply g;n olive, pay a competent moan tom engine and be responsible for any damage to engine.—Carried,. Cosmos' adjourned till regular meeting, G, 11, BIssaTeeClerk, last. The pastor, Rev; Godwin, took Rev- Reid's place in lerwood. The Rector of the Trivia. Merrtorial. church has started a series of sermons on Sunday evenings on "Proofs for Christianity." The subject next Sun- day* evening is "What is Faith," J. S. 13ortteti, who for many years past has been a brakeman on the fall. B. train of which Conductor Qidrk has had eharge, bas resigned and ac- cepted a position with the Wingless= store works, The L.H. &• B. train front the south on Friday night last and again on Sat- urday-rnorning was delayed several hours in consequence of the derailing of n freight locomotive at the Heyde Park switch, The frame dwelling and lot of hair. Jahn Moore. Ann street, sold by 'subtle auction on Saturday last, was pureiias- E ed by Mr. Joseph Davis for the sura of 8305. We understand Alt 1) t is is of- fering it for sale again. On Friday of last week Handford & Elliott sold "and shipped eighteen ex- cellent horses to the T, Test. They were pnrctiased by a western buyer who ace companied them, These animals will li be used in the lumber woods. The twenty-fifth manual zueetiltg cef the Ontario Agricultural and Experi- ttteattel Union will be held at the On- o Agriculture College oaa Monday and Tuesday, Decenmber'Ith and Stat, tarring ;4 140 p.m. on the 7th. £/wing to last Monday evening being tnrwy Advance Council, No, 207, R. T. of T. postponed their "Rally" :night for nage week and will expect every nenmher of the Order to be present. text 'Monday evening, Nov, 30th. Acigisaei..elkirK.mee.4444agagg-aar.41.411 Tlaij sale c+t Engligh Stock Food A, bigalai ,Ment tSf new cratlery- just'stt'adily increasing, is is especially good. receivd attlBeanman's, for fnrcels during the winter season. I` makes them lay well and keeps them A rw•ouaa tee train of thought is often }me;►ltlay, t se it for young pigs, fatten. on ler dress, ing cattle and horses. Sold by 0, Lutz, For Down-to•date carpet sweeper, Exeter. go to kfeaamn,anWsse Fisher received a had shake Dropping cutting rernarks is no eel- r inn asp on Wednesday. He was about denee of one's sharpness, to enter Mrs, Harness' residence nn International Stock Food is sold only Math street when be slippedand; fell. sue-Wipingeuch injuries i his a nidat Heauamsl'e ll.amtw.za Cupid fonmsh , the capital. nu seldom fatawhetwwal hthers'h.111dly-,nlured that he ease to lieeedohis mum ands ,mows scarcely able to move. Ii ,vnai listen Ln gat: sip Pair hare oaa A subscriber sends us the followin; right to ea,niyal:ain whet' Pent are its question which will give some of our subject, y vniangpeo!�lei a little brain work `" A top, long. What would be the length of cads piece if the board was cat crass ways so that awls piece would contain the sane amount of timber." The date of time Sacred Concert and Orkin Recital to be field in the Trivia: Memorial church .lois been fixed for Tuesday evening, December Sth. Pro. fi•ssun Jones has been hard at work for nue weeks past traiuing nearly Mr vuit'es taken from the choirs of the dif- of suceea:.von ,nnetspend your tmnmc in ?f.""ut churches in town so that oar swimming im.tead of calling for help. It is said to la awe blessed to give than to receive. bat most of ne are wil- ling to h5 others receive tiro blessinfix, ltrl Iutetnetional rot:Food proven"hoard as ,a eet wilt; at the t disease in poimltr•y, alai" only rat ltea- wide at the bottom and twenty feet Men'e Hard svare, There are people who never think, of telling am lie bat lime :m. great tact for evading tart' trnth. Rasors. tweet knives, horse clipper',; and butebt•r knives, at reasonable. m ic- es. Heaanman's ilarclware. nam.cannot correctly judge the amount of brains a woman has by the size of they hat she weals. It you ewer expect to reach the shore citizens may look for an excellent pro- gram on that occasion. A roampls of Chinamen struck town un Monday, no doubt with a view to es - tablishing a laundry here. The chauees There am nlentyof penplr having a for the successful operation of another "fly time" in this life who will not lie laumndr% here are slim, because of the la amble to sport a pair of wings int a; excellent wort: being done hy the Mee - next. Mr. Silas Handfeed was the happy recipient of a flue carcass of venison last week, sent by his son Gus, of Ren- frew. Mrs. John Snell has purchased Mr. Guar. 'tram's. triune dwelling me Car- .. ling street and will prove therein shortly. On Saturday last Miss Tony treated her apprentices to an exgnisite lunch- eon in honor of Miss Dora, Trott who is leaving. As a universal household liniment there is none so useful in the market as Winan's Liniment. Try it. Sold by C. Lutz, Exeter. The snow -plow was brought into recognition Wednesday, owing to the abundance of the "beautiful" that fell during the past few days, Mr. Jerenniah Beaman, of the Lon- don Road South, has leased his fifty- eight acre farm. to Mr. Sam'I Alexan- der for a term of five years. Dix Cold Cure Remedies will relieve and cure Colds, Influenza, and La Grip- pe at all stages. Enquire about them at C. Lutz, Drug store, Exeter. The Presbyterian church choir as- sisted in the program in connection with the an n iyersary tea of the Pres- byterian church, Kippen, on Monday night. Dr. Ovens, of London, surgeon, ocu- list and specialist, diseases eye, ear, nose and throat, will be at the Com- mercial Hotel, Exeter, Wednesday, December 2nd. A couple of advertising wagons own- ed by the Gilmour Travelling Street Display Co'y, passed through town on Tuesday morning last. They attract- ed a good deal of attention because of the novel method of displaying the dif- ferent advertisements upon one of the wagous. =CR CCTe 1 Now is the time to prepare for the cold and inclement weather. Prepare for it by ordering a suit from us—the very best at low prices. AN OVERCOAT will interest you about now and we can give you the latest in a "Chesterfield" or Double- breasted Overcoat in a Tweed, a Beaver or a Cheviot. PerfectPitting Lowest Prices . Isimemmassonsmammearala 1/ JOHNS y TAILOR Oppositfof itc hee Exeter Poet o king Laundry Co. I1fr. iileakins re- ccaitly pnrchased the laundry plant of Egan & Skinner. of St. Marys, and is now busily engaged putting em the machinery in his building here. The open meeting of the Royal Tem - piers, held in the Matin street church on Wednesday evening, Nov. 18th,' was an interesting and enjoyable one. There was quite St nuumber present but owing to the night being stormy* there was not so large as crowd as was ex- pected, The address by Rev. Dr. Han- non was well worth listening to,as were also the short addresses by Rev. Martin and worthy brother Frayne, who was chairman of the meeting. The solos by Miss Lewis and Miss Edna Follick were well rendered. The duet by Mrs. Cobbledick and Mr. Walsh was excellent, while the read- ings by Mrs. Manson and Miss Elsie McCallum were well received. Wheat Wanted. Wheat wanted at the Exeter Mill for which the highest cash will be paid. Lost. A pair of lady's black fur gauntlets, between Mr. F. Gill's and Spackman's store. Finder please leave at ADVO- CATE office. Lost—Carriase Door. On Tuesday night, Nov. 17, the small door of it carriage. Finder will be suit- ably rewarded by leaving same at Crawley's Livery. Lost—Cap. Between the town line Stephen and Exeter, a Persian Lamb cap. Finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving same at Charlton's Fair, Exeter. For 10 Cents. The ADVOCATE will be sent to any address for the balance of the year for 10 cents. Make a present to a friend at a distance with a paid -in -advance subscription to the ADVOCATE. Sale Bills. Get your sale bills printed atthe An- voCATE office. We carry one of the largest and hest stocks of display type in Western Ontario. Our printing al- ways gives satisfaction and prices are right. Notice. Notice is hereby given that accounts' against the late George Davis must be sent by mail or handed to the under- signed on or before Dec. lst,1903. Joseph Davis, or Dickson & Carling. Death of Mrs. iiartoii. The silent messenger death, last week visited the home of Mr. Thomas Hes- ton, London Road North, and removed therefrom his beloved wife, Sarah Ann Oke, at the age of 56 years. Mrs. Bar- ton was the victim of cancer and in spite of the hest medical attendance the dread disease wrought its deadly work until Friday last when she passed away. Deceased was the daughter of the late Wm. Oke, of Usboi•ne, and leaves, besides a sorrowing husband, three brothers and one sister. Mrs. Barton was of a reserved nature but kind and true and a woman in the true sense of the word. Her numerous friends will learn of, her demise with profound regret. Her remains were laid to rest in the Exeter cemetery on Monday lest. A noneroua Gift. ;`lever before has any newspaper in the world offered so mneh for so little money as The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal this season. Their tiwo pietnres--" Heart Broken" and "Hard to Choose"---nre n1o5t de- lightfol subjects, and their asap of Can- ada with special sniper this province, is alone worth the money asked for the year's subscription whir the two pie - tures and .maps thrown in. Their gen erous offer is meeting deserved success* few homes in Caanada will be without The Foutily Herald and Weekly Star waren such value is offered for one dol - Grist price Sneab,Thieves. Those wood pile thieves, who Have been getting in their dirty work on. Huron street, should take more pains in covering up their tracks. The los- ers of the wood were easily successful in tracing to the very hone to wvbiel the wood was carried. One more catch and these thieves will be reckoned with the "hits beens. The clothes line thieves who visited to number of the back yards of the town ono night last creel:, as far as We calx learn, left no traces behind thein. 7iowevee they may try the game mice to often. The articles stolen were mostly ladies dress goods and were taken from the premier es of Messrs. 'David Mills, Jas. Grieve, Dr. Rollins and others. Antes Beckett Coarcert. The concert given in the Janaes•st. church under the auspices of the Ep- worth League on Tamesday evening wes deserving of a rta llarger attendance than was present to hear Miss Anna Beckett, the noted soprano singes.' of Detroit. Those who were present were highly delighted with the youug lady's singing as well as with the other nu.,bers on this program. Miss Beck- ett is possessed of n 'voice of unusual quality and wide range, Sand is one of the sweetest singers; we have ever had the pleasure of hearing. She was ten- dered encores after each rendition to ail of which she responded with grace and gond will. The selection, ,There's a Land'. That is Fairer Than Day," was particularly pleasing and provoked long and continuous applause. Should Miss Beckett return to Exeter we can assure her she would be greeted by a large house. Mr. George Eacrett ren deredseveral choice clarionet solo which were well received, and Miss Pearl Godsvin's two recitations were much appreciated. Miss Edith Brown showed marked ability as an accom panist, and Dr. Hannon acted as chair mean in a pleasing and happy manne We think it a matter of much regre that a sufficient distinction cannot b previously known between good and poor concerts so that the good may re ceive the large, deserved attendance while the poor concert may he treated only as is deserving. PERSON.AT...• Dr. Rollins was in London on pro- fessional duties Friday last, Miss :A.wy Jobus arrived home from Woodstock Tne.c day evening. Miss Cora Fowell is visiting in Fair- field, the guest of Mrs, W, Elliott, Miss J. Cunningham, of Chicago, is the guest of her piece, Mrs, Yager, Mrs, Alfred Sheere visited her son, Aquilla at St. Thomas over Sunday.. Mrs. D. Johns left Tuesday to visit her sister, Mrs. Crocker, in St, Marys, Mrs. George Crawley returned Sat- turday, after a week's, visit at St. John. Mrs. Bynames) returned home on Friday last from as visit with friends in. London, Miss Ethel Vosper, daughter of Mr, and hire. Geo. Vosper, is et present very ill, ate. Me, Thos, Bissett, LTi., wbo has been in the West during the summer, re- turned on Monday. Mr. E, W. Rorue, of the Sovereign Bank, returned Monday from a visit with friends in Stratford. Mr, Reginald Elliott, after spending aafew days in town, returned to his home in Norwich Friday. Mr, James lonthr•on, traveller, was in town over Sunday, the guest of his sister, Mrs. R. H. Collins. Miss Lavinia, E. Burn, of Pigeon, llichn is visiting her grandmother, hits. Paseo Restle, Sharon. Mrs. Chas, Bernie is visiting in Bel - grave at the home of bee mother,, Mrs. Stonehouse, who is very ill. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Heaauau of Lou- don, spent Sunday with the former's brother, Me. W. J, Heilman. Airs, Mee.) Ball, who was visiting' her sister, Mrs, Thomas Prior, return ed to her house in 'Wheatley Monday. Me. Alfred Bowoy.who has been en. gaged at his trade in Winnipeg for several mouths, returned home Fri- day. lir, It, S. Lang, who has been haye ing apples in the neighborhood of Brighton, spent Sunday at his borne herr. Mr. and Alia, Samuel Laarnpert, of Devizes, are tins week visiting at the'. latter s parents, Mr. ;and Mrs, Thos, Rowe. Me. White, wit° has been in the Northwest during the pest six months, arrived here on Friday last and left the same evening for his home in Cromarty, s r, t e Death of P. McPltilips. The London Advertiser of Tuesday has the following which has reference Mr. P. Glavin has had a rock weli to the death of a former resident of sunk on his premises. The work was this place:—Mr. Patrick McPhillips, done by T. E. Slack, of Parkhill.—Mr. the well-known local barrister, died at J. O'Hara, the popular clerk in White his residence, 335 King street, at one &May's establishment, Parkhill, is vis - o'clock this morning. Mr. McPhillips' ing at his home here for a few days.— death was not unexpected, as he had The many friends of Mr, David O'Brien been i11 for a long time, his condition wbo contemplated moving to Parkhill for the past four weeks being very ser- will he pleased to learn that be has ions. Mr. McPhillips was the son of bought alot in Mount Carmel and will the late Patrick McPhillips, well-known erect a dwelling thereon. as a prosperous farmer of the Exeter district for many years, and was born in the township of Markham, York county, 48 years ago. About 1868 the family moved to Exeter, residing near that place and in London ever since, the elder Mr. McPhillips passing away in this city a few years ago. The late Patrick McPhillips began the study of law with the firm of Scatcherd & Mer- edith, in 1876, the present chief justice, Sir William Ralph Meredith, being-on'e of thepartners of the firm. After a course of four or five years in which Mr. McPhillips proved himself able and bright, he went to Toronto, and was admitted to the bar and began the practice of law in the firm of Cameron & Appleby. Later, upon the death of Mr. Appleby, Mr. McPhillips entered into apartnership with the senior part- ner, Mr. Hector Cameron,the firm name being Cameron & McPhillips, In this firm Mr. McPhillips continued for sonie years, and made a name for him- self in all points of law. About five years ago Mr. ?McPhillips married Miss Robinson, daughter of Judge Christo- pher Robinson, of Richmond, Va., and who died a year following their wed- ding. Since that Mr. McPhillips has not taken an active interest in his profession. He is survived by his mother, five brothers and three sisters. Deceased was a member of the Roman Catholic church, and the funeral takes place from his late residence to St. Pe- ters Cathedral and theecr to the Cath- olic cemetery on Thursday morning. long and happy married life. Clalliteboy , Mrs, Joseph Mcllbargey is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Feaurk Onellette, at Stoney Point—Ma Blackwell, of London, visited' his mother here for a few days during the week. -James :lleltann, of West McGillivray, has rented a Drano near Dere and will .rove thereon soon.—Mr, Rids. Canning, who spent the past two months in Maanito. ha, is house agtin.—Hiss ilenbam, of Blyth, called on friends limiest Week. --Mr. Thos. Cason, of Edwouton, is visiting Mends in this 'vicinity. -Mr. Fred Brown speut a few days in Luck - now during the week.—It is reported that Richard Simpson has sold out his shop1 .' blacksmith to l~d. Sana son. 11 . p —The death occurred at London on Friday of Mrs. Catharine Doyle, of this place, et the age of 70 years. The re- mains were brought here on Saturday for interment. as Woodham RE\11i3tnElinD.--Mrs. Edwards, wid- ow of the late Hobert Edwards, ac- companied by her son, Palmer, has moved to Loudon where she intends' residing in the future. Previous to their departure they evero made the. recipients of s gift and au address from the Ladies' Aid and Auxilary of the W.M.S. Mrs. Edwards was greatly taken by surprise and it was with much emotion that she made a reply, bat she. thanked those present for the kind- ness shown toward her, and also ex- pressed deep regret at having to leave such kind friends behind, but even in London the pleasaut memories would ever remain green in ber mind. After a few more hours of social intercourse the guests separated with feelings too deep for words to express of the per- sonal loss each sustains in the removal of one whom to know was to esteem. She enters her new home withthe best wishes of ahost of friends. Mt, Carmel r nein-. STOVE FURNACES! We have in stock the best supply of stores and farnacee, to- gether with all fixings, evara�kmb"ed in Exeter, Wecane?' all the best snakes. Cements. We keep constantly in stock the National and Star Brands of Portland Cements, conceded by all competent judges to, be the best in the market, The S. W. P. Before you begin to paint yone hoarse or anything else be sure to get the best pease possibly for time money and at the same time give the best satisfaetien and longest seem, Hardware We bave the largest stock of hardware in town—Eaxetmough- leg and builders supplies especially. For Forane er lift pumps call on 58, T HAWKINS 4t SON ;ran.. SF.ACRM9,: LIINT7Maxisk, Dress Goods Splendid, nobby, up•to.date Suitings and Skirt )5i<aa goods in different shades, Irish Tweeds, Broad clot', Flaked goods, etc, Jackets If you want as newJacket this winter it's tittle you sense trade in them this season Is evidence that Both are right. 1i11inery Wo pay particular attention to this department aand this week we are showing some very epea•lal valises in Ostrach Plulei . Our Moe Hats bave only to be seen to be appreciated. Clothing Fine goods and fine velecs. Our Clothing Department forges along. The secret is found in the quality of the materid and he egool tailoring combined with ri,tanab1elaie . Fine lot cfOvercoats on ala) is week. The Slater Shoe Our extensive stock includes all the newest shapes and styles n fall 1 , } f tab :and winter FOOT WEAR, for risen, women and rltildlan. Our prseesaar so varied tbat we can satisfy ;any one promptly tied perfeetiy. rials, Iieaantifaal Zibitine cloths, irAd it. One im- styles and prices Ilestdeluarters fo Lia j. S ACKM AN. E. SANDFORD'S Mtn ll3y =1`t WEAR Clothing WEDDING BELLs.—The Church of Our Lady, here, was Wednesday the centre of attraction for a large and in- terested assembly who thronged the edifice to witness the solemnisation of the nuptials of Mr. Michael Madden, of the 12th concession of Stephen, and Miss Ellen' Keongh, daughter of Mr. Michael Keough, of the 16th conces- sion of the same township. The cere- mony was performed by the pastor, Rev. Father Tiernan. The bride was becomingly attired in a gown of grey crepe-de-chene, trimmed with lace and pearls, and wore a, large picture hat and carried a shower bouquet of bridal roses. She was assisted by her sister. Niss Nora Keough, of Detroit, who was beautifully gowned in grey crepe- de-chene, with pink Persian trimmings and pink and pois velvet, which har- monized .beautifully with her; large picture -hat and the dainty bouquet of white carnations. The groom was sup- ported by Mr. 1'. Buckley, of Mt. Car- mel. After the ceremony they all re- paired to the home of the bride where preparations had been made for it sumptuous wedding breakfast of which about seventy-five guests partook. The many and elegant presents which they received go to show the high es- teem in which both are held. After a brief wedding tour thehappy couple will settle clown to the sterner realities of lifeat the groom's hone on lot 6, con. 13, Stephen. We join with their numerous friends in wishing them a aN.afic_ac.arkmts at? staze=r`- ,rs.-rc. lt.,,e.,m4„Qr J4 •ftcang.AikaecAtkiScl, 14 Fr nzt�Z�. a and Undertaking. 4 WE KNOW t y 4 that Style and Workmanship arch what sell goods `M 4 YOU FIND IT 4 in our Cheapand ?Tedium OAR and ELM SIDE- '' . BOARDS anBEDROOM SUITES. We are busy now but expect a greater rush. � Better order early.. 1A1 4. U I S i O N i r O era House Block . ii, Practical Dmf alma e , P ARTISTIC FVRNI'TVRE urniture that is not only useful but a pleasure to the Eye costs no more than the other kind. It is only Y necessary to go to the right place to get it. We can show you the prettiest and daintiest designs imaginable. The house beautiful the home comfortable is made hy the furniture in it. Do you know how easily and cheaply this can be accomplished ? A. walk through our store will show you. Here you will find Parlor Suites, Bedroom Suites Diningroom Suites Chairs, Couches Tables, Springs Matresses In fact everything in the furniture line. ur large stock was bought before the raise in the price of furniture and we are - i i V lar g our fullll v v customers the © g g ad- vantage of these prices. UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING Rowe & Atkinson HARLTON' FAIR "Only One G'rirl In this world for me " says the once pop- ular song. -" Only oue Notion Store in town for me says the person who wishes to have every dollar expended do its duty. Everything in our establishment is marked at prices which -will retain regular patrons and induce occas- ionalcustomers to come again. The rapid increase in the volume of our business is the best evidence that the people of Exeter appreciate this method. Japanese China See our north window' for Japanese .China goods. Every piece a dandy and every piece.a bargain, CHILDREN'S TEA SETS—A...beautiful asap. BREAD and BUTTER PLATES—an excellent variety and very fine. DOLLS! DOLLS!—We have a splendid line of dolls, dressed and otherwise, Sure to suit the youngsters. Ask to see them, they are not on exhibition. WEDDING PRESENTS ---We can surely suit you in this line for variety,, elegance and cheapness. CHARLTON'S FAIR Exeter