HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-11-26, Page 7M,
When Physicians of High, Order -It 15 not well to, t"7 e chancip-.% when
womalvo foTco of character como$ !a.
Tell A man be is looking bad And
rircommend its use to nervous and dyspoptk ho 4t once imagines be 1 is ill. 1
people. you may safely assunie it's all right." A womun�a nerve staA44
by her
4 the x,sociat bIWI
to a;riotl!er woman.
a Man Is in love be wants to
'9 thQ, fact kno-"� but ia afr4id
-.4-01 P-004-10 P"M ARL
Mora than h4f tho DAUUTO, fr) Of 4"'aring
Whe gtll who. Is, in love lih-es lkii�r
th be
clealling gr4gs'y 4141eq fs girl friends; to --a-we a,�yaro Of til
soap 'VOIA ust, It it's $404kIltsoAp Some, m on tile principle that
I go
tbe2r do is sure to be riglit.
it"R 'the tresu 40 WOXIMA often. are deteived by the
is 401clous and ecenomical" I'Djack, V-9 w%a- luau bows to tileir 0',9114009,
are upon life
n Inwired to loo4 4�
Mixed or Natural Groon,
0, fl-ruzgle W#bQuxt much ta the.
1l01dQRtFla4WFAl444 "owe, 0-44croMal Way" Of COMPDASall0n. The, Eiialishman's Wea of bre3J44st is a healtlav Me.
I P'l Ainoog Om interostipg stories told Tit voWan who sounil. her , o
0 $ O'W
MGM WAY TO SUQX�l r9RSQ11TAL :FOLNITI__R$� by I'ad. Roberts is the follovving, WrOscl-S Qverlool's tbo good quAlitles Toast, ja-m �ud wa a C�hop alebb--hast azwu�ih' foed ftr ex
" Cemulandaut Wn. Botha, told me, tho 1pa to 4 Aw
to assi milato propuly --*it� warmth of
Smoldng. according to Dr, Ca"-. A - 'r
XQ'pegs Of the blood to tlx� Stomach .0 mist digt�stiqa.
Interest About- Somo, whcr. 14 London A few 10031thS AV $100 Wmard, $190
'Weli known is rot 3 "t
An 14urious buta, heathful h4bir ft9i),iinont ReOplo, tlip on Ono occasion during the war Blue Ribbon Tea is thc daintiest Pnd crisplest, loaves ior 04
'ke eld not retreat %-I actlo
th ti -.6 rest of 77-0 is moro Catarrh in this ;s. -A
Umviever, you must, smolm in the The British Prime Jklinister thinksD 441 tho caAntry mga all other 0 eaeei t= plant
t e Beers but Islept tile right of 0�t usi
proper way And p4cordlux to ruler.. our soma of tis most Offeetivo oreech- t0get6er. and UzOil, the list 10* It is pure tca—flr= of tawlip.—appWi4ing and
4 feW to b4Jnc
TUOre are ei atter eauut- es wlift enj seif at. golf.
glat of tho t _oylug him. W4-�.drw ;Vard!j of where I wA,% �,Jeop- X XM4 4nY Ye;xra dectors pronouaced Try the 1tr4d Labd Dr�nd for youz brcaUfast
b, v 4141ft kt ji� 10041 41SLaFt And Prescribed IQ,, -k
v the , I
. 4octor. The fitst tkvO Tbo Ameer of At, uistga pres;euts tug', end that 40 was Oak to vmzdtax. zppd co
4ppw, to (Jap�rg. The fatter 140st Ids allestc. With dainty PE-4ekots 01 'astantly faHinx
Z110wano tba xzext
Z0, of �ur mounted Patrols And haoprovoa gntawrb
0407" good, IrIze 04vil rule ;iu Al" his own go O&Semsm,
Passilm Mozolt OR as a cqloldst in f, be, X cot,
for* reqUA7021
vra�ya to throw away �rour c1gar
A royal grown of gulp metal Ji3 our eppqvloy That is P- dIMC44tY 11411's Vmtirrh Cure. InnntAfactwed by
irga * bboll,
L'a IV. tbo Arst Place =514, And ZROC, wonderful Awoetg =Anufactl
wlaen rearbig the end. Tto fouitU curloj5lty. 7210 Roumanian Crown We Alwayg lmd. Tiq Doerg Could O'� J' 4Vf'0'%ey' 4& C.Tplefti. 'able, ts Biue Ri
04tes Wat. Por 0, tho onhy commoAtaQual cura 01
I;;; M440 frow tbe canoon cgpturr�j co -w -q4 ar.4 ;.go Ju our oa)pp witTaout -4 themar�
�et_ In de -ml
"I .1rette. If it 1�4,5 goq(;� Out, VA1111t (VORI, the 'I'llr44 Ir. the 1K"gFQTuA_bh Our lmoivbg wbo tlwy werp, aa we irqut 10 klr,,�R WpAeaspaual4k. ltwna
6:11allted 4 -eroud ilwmp. Tko other ,
,WQr of I$
in b4d raour veaplc of the collatry In di-igth, on h* blood Qnd mq�ou!$ r,"p.
r3tha 0"14UM4. joined fo",�f% Qr the sy*UM. Thoy a9ker ono lanr.�
for 4,ny 9.4 _ts to
ot m9ke. rover a-eiv tLe qrd of a Loit Roberts was '140marrell Our Kawtv. dotltV4, _40 ft re; Ceylon Tea
Oaor or via, b,014.,er igred lljv�lu'* Ju bis younger ftyr,, an ag- orze of our pptrols�, w�4 rode 'Witlt Mr#, Send for c�rvalqm 4nd testimplil.
alvtte. Use a, 4 ncp sho"14 bo AFU Cot, Me
'With CQUO11 Wool. to *bAcrb tt-0 V41$lut of Ill$ fateoug ddluix. Ue la Mm to tlze top of tite bill, en he 0s, "14*4
,galloped off gvd jolazed 415.� pum p4q. n04 144'4*1
ri,-Otlren at Jzomp M94 V.6 pipe With still are of the best and 144rde,5t rlil-,, tiold J.� VrU�J,-JStS. '740, 4%*
4 long, �5tem. pl, jpjpLf,441�abj�r ;t* P 9b Army. t -f
ers in the, ilti,
bilch. All tlieso rul,,.s Wlvg duly lArd wolFclt�v sufivrga smpwr
*bsorved. you utay sutoto absolutelyl 0%auji 7,1`4=414 * 4"'."fow, 4r, for y, our dism Yes, CordeIla. IVA thosi� who Come
his Urst vqyac to MA10L, Tile - NOT TUNIUM11 wunt to vkky 'Nog.
_;0 �'Olwoleuve I'm a0iig to wbip you to A�'014 tho
sou Me, apd -is convf Crowd that =Rc tit
an 4=04 go Dr. ca� 5mp5port wilivii w. �Ug 14"Il lir�omethjng; an a—mou Taller (rub
V�A, lot's co Wa.- said tile s
M1116. 41say tar boavdcw, "I've 11
ow"a tbAt it �641 not only 49 XQkt UQ and ot1wr fioldfurs foundr�Qd, aP4 Ite �, i. * =Pmmi-Rc� tba orowd. Iblag Ws handq)-"Ahl I*= gl,%d to
'karm, but miv do You good. 19st evelwilling 140 pQs:5qs,,-04. 01S thick. Uaraina, "What ?11 ff'ot an Attack of dvovopsia." illieo vou.*,
11MIlto , "Call It qults. and 1*11 Uso Why go limplug And rbining Abou 111*xu auro you didn't get it hero." y
'Ion Winters influe to i"y you compliment on yvur
Mr. F. 0. Selauu. the 4 f, My rv,* with Pa to Pt you, that your raras"wheap, 2.1 gent bottlo drIfol)(1 r4,napw.4 Mrs. .14tlatem. promptiX.
artlatm way, of dunnzna. 1RO—Tkot
describes, W4 as the 1pcst drild; e"Ortbannet you waut.- WAV,%VQ1rA CAI" wilt removo tbain? Qlv* "Vertainly aot� Th% doctor said"
UNT F1104 WORKO given to mila. J11 An big trow0i a word-�Iou desvi-ve, it. Good morn-
1got it from cating
#,lid ba lie L ............ 1-
rdubipr ,as never provided . . ...... .
THM ASS"T O,F SEVERE X=_ 11111IFelf with axw atbor stinvulatlT, ov, srr-cs SLEEP UM
Nr4'V A" '943111T WORK IN
The Uing of Portugal Ard our own 000.1 A auvo and GIQ4r Zead It's a w1w worm that st4ys ur4der Tako OM of Dr, 4,04ves Zjvcv Pillx
TROUBLE. cover and doprivea tho culy bird of #&c4lonim,
From, 09mblu%tiou. eat,
Nou'Arch am the bears, wel ft, of; NEW R_ DISMIUK his breRv avaomo guy, evil efroall at to* UM47
f.luropean r"ItkTa, 1114,11we ]Verd4nand of'� CAU01. 111414', r-rompt, Z'Aille# p4laus
1104ada Is next, ovil Ulna ogvar af� "If I - bed My life to Uve, over -�,h area,'
Utor TOAM Of XUgh DIIAM45 ZU. I , I _- ona IV# 4, utld the 8UCCQ�V*11 ma". 141 wo y distes" puts or Imis
W. F� XInnedy, Jim* Rgj�_% pq. Sweden foltowe. Ifiv Kolzm it; a vows 19TMN-7-i V,7,ZS .VzADFW would bear continually In mind, two v,,Ith JAi�er*a" Dry Swip a pow4ar. It VU"X!At- Tat'stawave riala veil U &IV,
r,tortd to a Ufa of, ftbt weight, cayrylvg, tban (4.10 V. W. VARRIS A Xvz= tu* ariLnVie A . Nith Uha plattlug 41 tile old **W r-alift-299 PUZ940
hundred aud twenty-tsin pound,�'.
Activity* I wout'A allyava got pleitty, will remove
There Is Probs"147 3MG IMOU 1111 00 Wi4e'll 3�tr. t of tlwp, and I r.oulit alvva�.s wear greatcst oftee. flv##� 40 4=ts- 40 4=%-43
Tr, %Ven�f, tho fimest Q3,eqlaeFVs I rould bux."
bwm4zip of rVIRICkim. 'Weltiand tlalwtsll. AYB401 Wns ;at qto� Why Me b1tvp,14 aewd tiX, men in, (to applicant for 1)0411�11
vVIter $gnown tL;#A Mr, P. 10 Ito carried a HO *"'1uM:rqd Front Uldnoy 013e, - t " mll�s Re Moor; "Vant, Djbt�y Is WPM= 7QU dis-
Udbur . 10910 Of Q194"ZI-I'V1111 letter of; fQr TWO and a ITalf To 0 whom UMS talk- er -van Nowleat . lqgot, much IV-,�,y, of nrgeinuid';, "Wby were
Rewoelly. 1,10 is a p4agwous famier Introduction to a geutleman, whol Ing, "ond parliculagly why, the 0`01 er van XaKU�vdl; "Not ralleb Avily. charmd frout %,our li�5t placo?" Ap-
and 'the owner of a ku,g;.k coppea'a&p. woo tbovela, rvqtwited to be Und 101 Only one of the Z'Tany Curad by, xlus�14,i 7" when lie louds a follow nzoncy lie PUMA 1 Gonl0t1wes IQ -&-
,t Q,�iteem by tLe, bearer at 00 Ietter, as lie hawwJ tTCiS rreat CaniAlctu la of Z!our nfltonl,�*
Nut e,
Agnd to Deld ill ti4e, JJgbe,, I 'creuts to 'got it bGcJJ 1,* got to wcw% t!N, tbihlum.
all Who kmv Lbi acquaintawa. Mr. ilot a foul in CeMea fronj t�lo raid the Chorus of Children; "011, mwum%
Houn4y ie now years Xing Udward QUAY tried 0YOU'r. item, edy. succesoani 1081A pit llently, 111, will toil A Cum for PleWvO QngQ�RD her I"
411d 1.4 as ;%VtIva. Dind, rils-god OWN and that Nvas at C-Ciltjral riatervillo. York Co.. X. you O'bout thplift first. ottirtcaeld Into zbB Maul ve-Ili Pi a
as =ally a man yeam %opgager. Par with *I alachil"..14 belonglair, to his &a%-- siloull walt Q,X &opt
Jr,._q,.qp" a U4.
q,%eo 411 havo fourd. that a. Vale of $10 fruldul van�a at rheal.. atic poki
yearg. however, lie was (L gilml; sur. llplay,�. prince Charlos Of Wor botter dividendstball to a deranged and te. roh.
"'i , _ ,vo to haT4
forer froux 10411 e�- ;,rouble, and Ito I of 1%. W. Harris Q( this plave Is Quo (I ti tile stourach well �L
fe J�ad tf'o ufJuQI (-',f & ". a. 164 of luteuve but milsplaged energy unbealthy condition, of the livtr� Alt
d (,i Moro Qvld�nve of tile wondorhal woric lug, �J tilonerwmi -ocraeln wtll. N�ery dvlwatt
luv '0 "a, - 'S Painful qGectioa WU 4voorgms.
c nlu)4-� gives vsv.41t for kl* present, uovhxh* and fiald timt he pivrelve nq4jt.V. ultd any amount at suhJ(.rttQthL are tile MO. -
9004 b,"Ath to tho uAv of Dr. Uit. the trIv3vI--.*o as lie vas too heavx to IlDoild'o 10;nf�v Pills art, doina In rollitily In parmekp�s vegatalilo 5MV0 are tilt'$ tilat. atruo"Putrie Q11ang0A
',JNow Bronsviel.. Mr. liar -via mattes vills. I'lleiraction uppa tile l.14lJfky4 Is aflec'. tholu. wholl, thz locume dl,,�at*
flows Flu% ViVa. 31r, Xennv4� uays tumble about, nian wbo wears eyeglarrvs fil. it '(I mf�i& alitl by mu&d no better reiiW 3 I'vocurath
'itho 101101ving StMement for publlc4r In.-Jiltos a, viallain 041"ant of
Xeikrs 090. as tile ra8ult of ex- Tte Xal�er had to go t* pulilte tion: reimring beft1thy amion, they corwoo. Ila. tGOR plep,n yigQta 1� 7. 1U. Tbi3y
otrietieft With f
'ehool to r rr-;o;--Pt. It If, ew;v, for 111m 'to got nix puritics In the LWad.
Mully a's a boy, IM his will 1,&Jqz 04e (11gost Wit so 1 1140 tile heav,
Wiley and Madder troulwle In a tutor would u�4.(4r Fernilt. 11114, Io ufj�'i *11 zvlffewd for two, yeora and & audiewe. and It b eavier for him to cutfir %vilt silifer no 111convot 'Ice aill
W"Vero Alrin. The va"1144"t w, soviate faml;laily viih lokrlor,.q. It half from Kidney Troublim, being n Lmnliog- to 1,vople wlko would Tho Doetor Mr. 'WeeLloigh. will derivo all dw belleatl9k Of Lit (004,
times callsed rile most flowage fillfler. 110 Avalit so far As� to shata Im,,ls lwmble to attend. to ray Nvorlt the cut up lils
Ing and great, leei,sonal �ij�eomfol-t as with a, 110�. I fllmve you decided to tal-o that ebango
lot latlulolkN origin. 11.01�gvc2d(x* pailt of tbo t4o, I tried 4.1ro Ina", Wbolarlv, JVVrrpt.1_,tllA*_ of rvezzo and inild vxclumort I Pr0- Her Motber - "YOU Will OF3=0 At
wwUld OftNt LaVe to avlFt x dwren tutor awd; t1q, ;Itjl,. pillsl:ilati med0itift withaut getting auy t1ki -ybody who scribea I" The 'Virtizu *. "Yes-, %veto -em 'all MAM
;)q you Nvill-and evei ponsibility %01011
9imQ3 in tho W-Ut. X triod mawy wash 1,*4 hands lovanedintoky. ke;,Ait. hilt actually grew worw%. W4'6 at blut Uilows lw is Ili oarnesL r0il)g to =Ova dirccW." it�m'Qmiier, site wat
0 ;my daughter.
kincls of troatment and Same or tile The, Kin'T ef ItAy I -es much good 441 tooli throve bow -3 of Poild's Xid- 9.1141 that is half tkk battlkl, lip the lap cd luxury -'4
bmt 141.01(faLs. bilt their eMiled Lit. tastp lit the lin tter of fewhilre dreaia4rey Pille and they cured me. I "And tile Otber LX'f—*, Adorer- 01�, shi's pretty well
forts Nsere unavalling. a#A as a ro. thitt, Queen TIvIvna leav*s to blill, tl,,e I tb!Wx Padd*s Xidtxy rills are a --Ig slp�ep,,, tal4l ilw, sllrees�ful 111"M act$ directly und tjulalV, stimUlatts tht used to MF IUD li4N4�'
liult I lost 14% fle!41, vrrew weak, selet,tion of waterial, and the ztvle 4onderful remedy for Xidne-y trou- proulpt'ly, 4'Tle man, tbat called hopit,s actlaa, st*pa wast acute pala. dh 1.
aud was troubled also vAth im-onviiiii. of Ilie dres�es N010% areto bn tileep lbaluny naturi%*.; oweet rentorerl of WeAknazz, flatteringt &
grew d0sItO110102-t and felt that I for her. Oil the othor hand. the I 1,10'r lu the most atl- told ovlv lullf the slorv, Plenty OIL ;1,orpalphadon. This , art it AA tot M, Oti's a0d tathe P.0 Other,
.ht's ;, IN= 04.
was doonled to 0, life, (4 millpillig, it Queen does a goad deal of Alto rull0r. � valleod stage of M(bley Disz-wo. Is toid a (Imir Lead, lit 040 ratjrll- cum is ilia Uturdy rh-',p wbich ca: *1 t
'not 411 early death. At Oils stagra of both hooFeliold itud lingdoill, gDozid's Xldwky rills ara the- onlyiIng is a piivelpss 1141- boarf-tick patient into the lizvock of radiAnt
was prevailed urou to give Dr. One of tiv% vostilest as ivoll as *no 1011, U1. Sp-rch
remetLy that will wire It. But It Is Dilsil4wis niell always can tell ITIS8 Illi,
Williams' 11110i 11111s a trial. Art -or ct ilia rmwt historicAft Interpstirig,4 al; es thei v,z a I oting lad".. 1101.10 t�_. tgiilt
,,wiser aud wder to guard agalnqt 141N, to tol"eagUe or all opperout has f0rniz*fh64ctdi&*410IA3Oi aut `11
o6laves Is 1hat Ill ilie pos- Aright's Illsoasi Iky wilng Dmia,l; �Iolpt too Mile, and their Unowledg,'o Icnow you will IMe. Mr, Searcli I
uWas, four boxes I could seo a, di"'. Of pearl 14( -ed to find
a % in I sband * "Drat the Inek i TI:cre- 4,1 f0pi extiihintly 11afto-,
tiliet U1111roveluOut In my con,lition. session of tbe dueliet;6 of Wal. I'Clil ev Pills when your Rldneys give, AAWS 0010, all wtvanlag, 0 Tr M - 1 u do
Und I glailly voutinued tbe, use of tile bol ougb� it beloilged toi ptanis of dIArI%,9-iiAiu "I'lime is mom Ili this unconscious 18111t ally gum *11 this stamp", Ul"e. that you, have Ilia
Pills until all tile VVMJft01U6 of the J1.0 faillous 1-411prol-9 the first, sylill .1gretion bualucitzis 0im most people "Never Mind, dear. 11ore's V. attz(lsr of zzu.'y tastoe. 1114-IFO desclibg
�' 'ath`* i In tile baek or slight urinary dia- fx� bar.,, Mills, Ilrightlie : .41�4t'a worth
trouble had passed &iwuy. and I wils orlup cl ltusOai, at liurvwl and 4100r�order. thint, Anti the 111alt who has Flept I
agalit Uvong alid llealti�y. it I,; no wouialw, N010 rVied 0at rlrettt COU11try well always has 10tality alid alillll-� u atid dollars."
.1 � z bundled tho s
tZm9geration to toy that at tho t line whell, tile nvrc�-.sion of a member of tion. Ik, Is all tkire. ord MInard's Liniment Is use -d bl jJ1 0
X begam the use (it Dr. Willfains 14111c the weater ,&x. was not forbidden. If tiv� Profession of monarch werogwbo Ig sumesEfol. II& uext morning.T.] Keep Minad's UnImapt In De [louse,
Pills I Was so uealr that I colild 111be Vvernian Eauperor is always ae- Ito fail him, the Czar could earn 0, GAS NOT NERMFID,
mot lift iwenly-flvo pound,4. uhile conipallied by cut offivial abohliniA. good incoule as a professional whist -.1 Pot 0vtr Sixty Vcars
row I ;aM quite lure I can lift sw writer vivil. lie hatends to mW,;eAer. ITe Occasionally entertains IIN Denlist-Whati Yon don't Bacon: 111)0 you know who Is one
mxr. gas I Tou. inshoted upon havitig ol
much as ani, man of my ap�. X be- a speeeb. tids ollivial senya that intimute filends with examples of I& k1jollonx at tLlolbon let onev cb5dren vUe tosutles. tile =art sueee!�., ful intm in the
Have the Pills not *nIV relewed me tte Kaiser otten speaks at the rate aill in this diraction. gas tile last time. couutr� ?*' E gbei t : **Who?*' "Why
vidd O."Ib-TeV190. elsvt=464 %ad bawet4 rAt 1z %hik 49
al tile miserr I sufrer;d, but bave tit 3W syllables a minvite. It Inust bist"=67 ftr Diarr-Ics. TknntPflT0 c"Ots A Vietim—You liaven*t been cating I tile &r�ner. 11ow 40 you makw
adfled vears to in-, be mentiolied th-at Cerruen stellog- NMrvouanagg, Dyapep, tt. st% ibr:5itrbeat Me UwM r.Q rom K44' wrz can li�
�kla, in :Vol Th ladi&raiice of opin-lazi, On that out V "llecause lie is not
nost.siubjec-, but there i_,i only one oldn- succesiful. anywhere else."
laftey trou- graphors do not count bN Nvords; Scation, and. Itindred ailments, t"*o ,oil its totho reHillillry of Mother Grdves'
ble, boart ailments, partlol narakv- some Gernian words aresoloii. qualities of When & wOznmft catet thin],* Of any- NVorm R litcrininator. It Is satie, sure skud
sts, St. Vitus dance, and the many They count by "y3able.,4. South American Nervine. Mlan-ias Udng else to do she washes her hair. effeetual.
allmients peculiar to wnmen ape The I)ub(, tit Leed,; is the linenI de- 4
gpeedily cured by Dr. lVilliams' Plilk scendant of one ol the eld London I-Xoskhis. of Durham, Ont., took bis PURELY CANADIA1.4. 4
1 preacher's advice, followed directions, There Is danger in naglectint; n, co Grace : "I must refuse biln, poor 4
.Vills, &Imply becau.,c, thoFe pills make apprentic-cs. Ills ancc&toro R.dward
and was cured permanently of the Many wbo have died of con.gumption. dated fella�v, but I �%,ish I could do some- .4
Vow, rich red blood, and thus reach Osborne, -as appreticed to a Cloth- worst form of Nervous 1rostration. their troubles from exposure. followed by t) I g to lesson the pain of it." Mttud The Gaiiadian Order of 4
ione very root of the trouble. There worker an London Bridge. lie saved a cold which, setulail oil their lungs, and ia
sire pinic colored 4mitatior.s ()f this Oils inaster's daughter from drowidlig, and ]Xyspepsla. Ilo has recommend- a short time they AN -ere beyond the skill of "Oct SOmc011d tO t011 hil th t 0 P.
great wedhiiie but the tile result tilat the two "vere ed it to others with gratifying rL- th6bestphysicl;ui. Had they ustdBickles' haven't so much money as he tbduks Ubosen Friends
Ct himself against the�e Impovi-'lula."I'led and OsbOvne Inherited ber suits. IL'o a groat nerve builder. -12 Anti-Consuaiptive Syrup, before it wa.-; you have." IT'S A GOOD TIUNG�
1"'*te too late, their lives woald have been
ti,ns by seeing tbixt the full )11�;alfathcr*s' Nvcaltb. The ducal house spart!d. This nie(Uclao ha- no equal ior BETTER TAKE IT.
O'Dr. Williams' rink Pills for llale'Hs built on that fortune, Ataliv m6A 'want to be great and a cut coughs, colds &lid all affections of 0. 0. 'RICHARDS & Co. Present membership 26,000
Ceneral. Pole-Oaxew had & tbel"g
Poo1)IW' Is printed on the mrapper t least few try to bo good. tbmatlindluuza. Dear Sirs,—A few days ago I was present 1,TO. of Coun-
iwound every box. soid. by all (1cal- one de%il-may-wre ancestor, if one taicen with a severe pain &Dd con, ails � ........ ..... 470
ors In medicine or direct by mail may rely an � tradition, About five lie 14, .Fri
,is ed John Anderson Wall: "I'm in a dilemma., Of course traction of the cords of my leg, and Present surplus funds �1100,000-00 4
ago this daring personage K111loss, wrile.,;: ,I valltul,e to siry fer, I, bad to be taken. home in a rig.
from The Dr. Williams I'lodidne Co., ceilturics f I c&n't think of marrying Jaek Low- I Amount of claims .14
Brockville, Ont., at 50 cents a box. Wagered that lie would swim his vtly, ha,ve received greater benaft from fer, but lie says it I don't he'll go could not sicep for pain, and was p id ...... . .... .... �1.,432,000-00
* out to sea at Torbay, the use of Dr. Tbornas' Eclectrie Oil, tlian to the dogs." Bello : "Well, you unable to put my foot to the floor
horse a mIlL Sicz
qr sIx boxes for $2.50. benefits if you want them.
1,c (Jid, so, wid -,vov, Afterwards the 113 ave. I have used lb reqUIXTly fGr over can't help that." lNell, :"That's A friend told =e of vour AITYARD'S Write either W. P. ITONTAGUE,
'etirs, and have rceiirineudetlitto
alcn off ard nall tOR � INIT, and Ono hour from the Graud Recorder, Hamiltau, Ont.,O
Wife— Oh, I've found out the ELW- horse's slices wern t. alisnaerers I kliew of, and tber Rl,, just it. I '.know I can't, and I'm L SSNT, r
lest -thing! Aking's ed to the door of Babb,combe Churc found it. of great virrue in very fond of dogs." first application, I was able to -all-, W. .:F. CAMPBELL,
Mrs. San where they may still be seen. bronchitis and Iticivitat cowsumobion." end the pain entirely disappeared. C -rand. Organizer, 33arnilton, Ont..
Clughter is quietly preparing to Sir 1,. Alma,-Tidema, is a Dutch- as freely as
Oope with her fiance, instead Of man, Ills parents intended blin for Minad's Liniment Lumbgfman's F1111end . You can use my name
ting ' for another year, as she a legal carcor, but illness led him RAD THOUGUT IT OUT, you Him, as I consider it the - b4st 3S AL OW223DC3) -ft C;C�
remedy I haVe ever used. 77 King Fit, EATt, Tarente,
'promised. I must run right over into art. it was wbile he Nvas EL First TraMp-1 Wonder why It is D011m, STIC ST11A.TZ GY. CUTITSTOPIM, R CLIMRY.
)md warn her mother!" Husband— boy and before he had embarked On that poor follcg is always more wil-
"r, or marcy's sake don't say a word! ally -career, he relieved tha tedium of lilig to help us than rich folks? The younger man had been. com- Ingersoll, Ozit. j.&CKNUs, oxPERINW. STOLM, RUFr, 6.
7-A 3�61o%pprleev Sandfactalmlor.
'If they elope, we sha'n't have to confinement to hi.% bnd-by rnaking S coud Tramp—People that dont plaining that he could not got his JtAW FURS AND OamSIN4 wauted. Sona f
e -M�
give them azy'-weddiiij �resentsi pencil 91catelles, and this induced him wife to mend his clothes. "I. "ked pric* list'.
I mind givin' things away is the ones ITZ LOST OUT.
to favor art and giin. bis mother s her to sow a button on this cst last
consent to an alteration of the par- that stays. poor. night, mild she hasn't touched it," lie "On our wedding day," said the
T�IE SENSIBLE XOTHER. 6 . W 11 the ingroy Did 065alrY
ental project. said. At this the older man asstuned sad -eyed ra n . dt ving
hair, "I said to my wife: 'The first
ill the sonsf- the air 6L tv-patriarch.
When little mics are i
thing on the progrwmnie is to settle and TtIAGAzINEs, PERIOD10kill, 1;6orkz.,etc.
"Nover ask a, woman. to mend any� a
ble mother no 1033ger doses them E[riRUIS AN OPPORTUNITY TO Vlorry won't cure a cough. t1lilli he snjd '?st wails by.
With nauscous griping purgatives, VIS -LT Tl -JE WEST VIA GRZIULT. who is, going to.. bo boas.' dispatched to- subscribers by 11 -a'
Men you find a cough holding on Ajid did'you s WX DAWSON 80 80M, Li=ited, 6 tl'nCin
JWT Puts them.to Sleep With the so- "What would you have me do?" ettle it?" asked the
NORTRERN AAILWAY. inquisitive person� I -louse, Breani's Buildings. London England.,
called -soothing" preparations which --when everything else has asked the other. The largest Subscription Agency i�'tbe Nvarld.
oplates. "Simply do as I do," was the as- "No, I didn't," admitted the, Tie- pplication, Est.
iahvays contain harniful ElTeqtive daily; until November failed—try &nd for: our list. Frec on 2L
133aby's Own Tablets have been ussed 36th inclusive, colonist one way see- sured reply. I cark gi-,,e, yot, some tim of his own sudgestiom 'Sho lgqg,. :pror�pt and reliable -
'When I settled it.
zltets Nvill be is serviceable suggestions,
by thousands of mothers who cheer- ond-class ti sued as
y �y follows, viz: Roh",% poultry, ALL KINDS 01'
full testify that the are gentlo bi. hmt . . want a sbirt mondvtd I take it to my
their action, absolutely safe, and Froija Toronto to Anaconda, 'Butte, C,Onq 11,, flourish It round a ]Lttle and rp
UMPta on
zlialte little ones sleep soundly , and Chinook and -Helena, Uant., $37.25. say, 'Where's that rag-btg? ff
n aturCly, because they remove the From Toronto to Spolcane, Wasll 'Viliat do you want of the rag� he S u el ers
trouble that made baby Irritable and Gran'd %�,Ulre The Lung Tonic bag?' asks iny, wife. Her suspicions And Farm Pro
Ndlson_ Rossland, rail,
vrakeful. Oil this point -Mrs. T. bson, B.C., $39,75, roused at oncq. rA 0% duce generallA
Watson, Smrsfield,' On:t.;`says,:_"I Forks ' and Ro "I wan t to throw this shirt
have us, -d Baby's Own Tablets and Frolyl Toronto to Seattle, Tacoma, frum Colb. orksign it to ul
Wash., Portland, Or6., also Victoria, It Is guamnteedto cum. away: it's worti out,' I say, with a C
CID" We lVill go
nd them a ve"Y valuable med1eine few )-nore 001�,rjsbes.
for oung 6hildren.' When baby is Vancouver, aad Now Westminster, Try a bottle— arm numbered bv AM.1.on8, lit
�ou good pticef
'Let 1xie soo that shtrt,' my Wife thosb ivlioso �11110rpince by assocle.60
B. C., 842,25, If it iloesn't cure yo%z
cross or fratful I give her a Tablet propovtionate rates from.all rointa : says tbon. 'Now, John, hand it to m,mol"Lii1t.salmost to suffering. pptes,
Amd it soon.pvt!s her rlght." we'll refund your mont-f. rj,�e at once..' Mid yet it js . n ract, as c I apablo c! THE
These Tablets curo aIT the whiar ill. Ontario. Fuli Partioula"s as to ooinons�ration as any problem in Get)
"Of coursa I ppss it over, and she hal
1allments of little ones. They ar(3 time of trains, sleeping car rates, Prllc�!s 25c., 60C. and 2-1.00 Ilotry, 01mt Z)r. Now's Catarr Dawfsoti
�Zood for all' childran fr6m birth on- etc-, On appl�catlon r tG Cl�as,, IA'� ex;unhios it. 'V'by, Joha Ta.,VIOV,' fl,,s, 1�lvlllle.s, I ill Cure Catarrb
Graves, Di5trict Pu8sernger slic is �,,111,0 to sny, 'I 110VOW 1-.11eiv 0,116 001(is. are the Catarrhal
ward. Sold by medicine dezaeria or xin� St. West, Room 1.), R, C, WED -LE CO. Tlfls i s a t)ix- 'Taillions gob;.g to d6 about it? 4
zent b�7 mail af, 2-5 cents a box by LaV,7, N,V. locthr r."'-wo All it ncod,3 is—' tteart Cur-, rekieves hcar� N 'U
Writing The '6r. Williams Medicine Or, F , 1. Whitney. General Fasse-n- d0easz in 5o niautes. 47-03
g rata, Aurl tbe.n -he 1110,11ris it,"
Co" �3rvk47X.V1UV, O.Utk 'er Agent, St
T All A