HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-11-26, Page 6,17
AKak**44.;"tit'ir:k4,41-`41;40:**";*4/44:4414.!";,:?4,4 znoos beroe to -night was ina shill-
, ler unexpected sort a wa
TteU y.
nexpected “oid Merrifield was my guide, and
- was ex-pleb/lug to me about lits,call
too as 'he finished making a horn near
tut:et Oyet TIo‘aa:eay, onaneac:..eenrien;gex. pe‘ett'e_
Itriew there was a big yard of moose „
_ _
t mg to begin our tun next day.
I IWollt the
;rank, strong taste that belongs
othose cooked with molases.
for stains a blood on pillows or
'mattress, moisten a little cornstarch
with water and spread thickly- on the
;spot. When dry brush off. and you
11011 find that the stain has entirely
Jt. is well understood that water
for drinking purposes should be boil -
A little baud of hunters and thew i '.'Just as t.rise oId man wos trim- ,
GD Till:Nos To EAT, , ed. 'rile --thit" taste of boiled Wa.-
l ty 0°10141,
r shanty
guide, had re:Ached the deserted lotn-ortullg uP bls luegaPllone with Ills /i.
which was to be their .knife we heard some moanings and -... , .4„, ter can be removed, it 3s said, by The cbanges which ha have taken and by a coincidence
bethe percertaga
f t okoco aousage-Soalt dr brtm,t1 In beatit.g rapid „.• with a Dover egg- piece in the external aspect of the per 1,000 of luailiages corresPondS
headouarters while deer hunting noises down in tile water 111 roil )rwater. Take es much rold meat, beater just before using. This beats metronolis during the last two Or initli tbe number of births which. Loco
VOIltiats county. Supper was over, „e$ us. chopped line, as you have bread, mix air into it, which was expelled in three years and the attempt
and zi-la
in were eitting aro,lna the' '' *Soriteboil.v else tr.ving a call. ntl and $E,sen with s•zit, oepper end 'booing. is befog appareidly made to iivaP.1.1111:11:6331.17.P01"1/(eerilupalabaes"lue ''c'44'' 1.143.11 -
ore sutoi,iitg whiie the lad washed. up. melting a mighty poor hand of at, ,
sage. Mahe into mail rakes awl', Never throw conibings„ bits of boulevards of Pails give lin lidded! ... .
Tie ever restless g..dde was whist- ,2VeritAeld 'sclisVered' 'T" lbciTalt t: L.---. string, threads, burnt matches or letele.'•.1. 10 1b0 1110'511•10 c°011'0111112111 ofrribie,e=diceerstldSeneTIL,1 seeto in"bteov4tbron
ling 00,:tly to himself, is b,y means oi spoil our fun that way: ,T.,
46 ' SPice Loaf -Cut fine a Ih. beef , aoy soell refuse into the slop -pall or Intule 1W 1ts eout14 t'("838d)L, 544s wholly legerded in Londoll* $or tbo
long thorns ile fastened in. position mess Ile is raakir4X of it Z "Ulng "" (second cut hi the neck), add 11
a 'Jorge -kers otd Co1 eg1suare of birch herk he had ail, no locose that ror.s wottiel ever iorocrlee. g, 4 -.--_ erkIstli basin,. llair is particularly Etize London Mail. It is entitled ,
carefitit'y rolled into the similitude , mistake tlaat row for anything but a 1 ''''''' . rkict....,, 1,02-19m. ea..,,d flot,ures isnhourirvietdhatil;ofLiot;eidollni„Oiritso-,T4
q 0.
daugeroos. At oLodwa tatisti
catches in AllY irren11-
.spoons salt, 1 teospoon each iei nlr4t.3- a Ow inside of the pipe and .1nilllite,IS MO pees of twelve lilacs :tsa.i...o..„,e ; iszwheltirs nu:riled. 36,-
uf a falr-slzed inegaphone. "laybe fool crying,'
colt did not take notice of it„ but :, "newerer' we ''lle "I'll f('e ' ' ;and bake one boor.
.., bit r•loves ..Ond PePPer- APA11 into a 16X44 15.rves to wrest the progr.,ss of er.Y.4:71,,....., i. Loiidoii is ..t.,.. 1.68o; spinsters. matried, ii7.463; wido
, other waste until by accretion it '1,
,tug ;light aloogside this shanty," he J..y boort, something splashing in tbe of cracker, crulabs, aloir.isses and arst it,era whi,:h. ,aus for litteatt,04•117!olvet%rieni;orr41„.eil, lli8_117ebti4Vsdloi:iiirus lo•e,.,
Z WaS the trac-k a a big mouse lead- waiting for deNelopments, anti by and
i Nock iklince Meat -Take 1 CUP each 'clogs the whole space.
A portoble screen should be part of 'Tile nletroPolis increases its Porolna- vatere these marriages winli, soleinnix-
ka 1.,,i,:ly to sooie bonter- ° water. lost be' Id the bushes which, :▪ ,,.eiti, vinegcr, 3.3.* mays too-, ti,e faaraishhoss or 0.ery bedroom on, tidos: excIokite of births at the nate eti win he of inteiest to o. glea4
tug re,mark from one of the younger bid it from us_ The old tnan wa' oo
'ter, 1 ts000n spice and butter sire caiiied by ttro persoos„ toot a -fancy of about /.141.,000 Per oaoltall' 1F;'e otriany peop/e. It le Lot Oitti le sur-
soortsmen. "I goess he has re,oa:strion-ing about the chair...so- way smile, or a. pga.
1.....ot it come to A 11g144 af:sair„ but ,,a, stibstaniita fratre ex- total Poll-ithatiotll of .1,0; don tvia$ ba'" pepong to Aud -Imo; few tant lohwe a
usell to come ard lick the salt oil the folks. went aboot their lninti:..g,
Iv:Len boil. 'This will ionize three pies. tR'Lil?'ng to the floor and filled with cre;aett ItY net inlnligration f-InO Ike N: a cooformist iaces of wols4P
Extracts Erona the Massivo Com,
Pelldiont Xatio By its Pout -
when the rate of 29 was reached. The
birth rate 401' 1901, is the lowest on.
is infused into this report in regard
to the summary of marriages which,
have taken placeas the fact that
the number a females married ooro
responds with the males is grave.
ly recorded. The number is 40,010,
book of whore the wood pile oseil to
• heard something behind us.
"ikti•,11 1 tornod rozar,:d, to my. Cre1101, 111seulilf--S.fift tWO C111,'S O! substantial lint pretty material. if collat57 a_rtl akroad 16,4,S*99_ 'Vrest:nrably money Nonconforiadsts.
prise, there was; a magnifiemt 4e.41.°n rd s5a14g^¶uPI a wAsst"/4' IlitaY f.•Q'.35 14s-'::'.1-91'` 4rd 217'°42 ;seek the regio-ti7 otilee. ti;e totel
four level teasvoons of smaat• and a i7,;,,,re hoptis tii,„ furz5i,E, for zowoa. sons in Ili+8,1-11901. Oi i,ese, over imarriw-oR tot 1:3.320Fersors)
• ° g g
"Ifow yin".1 Wark tite aing, poach of salt. Mix with troo-Itolf coo rat f.oioh rxrk,san is usnaiii,i tor trief-it,1- IFfNetit ale forof;;11 horiti ,FetTeut t00% place ot tlte Lntoblisto.
, place Ito travel oonai to the lane.
way?" sald one of the n:en.
roy pia is to get the - v. -as not ten ,yar.lo" from
and I wit."e!'.efl aheut and aliaLeill irigh
th•- g-ina drayself b....ohittd a , for t7,„it eT, e,t
big wi:airall en a iittl'e rise facio:o , rot
solo e -coy e
the sw.nnlw :4:011 liKsir6"62 21,), 1:164 co_114 .Thait, 11,4r;
Zatoese• :1;4 yam eall•N't i.i"4i1 :„.is trato'is. „Ihst niter1 1ia4.1 ereal
witlt the to::: the other man ritsts urtoarer 1124,1--04kk
rit%% on to,„-/ of lila, wintifell tets ton 0.-t of too water. and i.tode
Tuli 0 lit?, is zs4atkilled 'there
; faion,g shore. *la:It '41-4;1,4 lit.e
from the ;noose. h . -4, .4.1 oitte the 1-114 from. an or-
e, ti.t ito e4 ild SO Plat
"S41111743S Pav enough, but isn't it at,- • for its rot -theta.- ouzo efter woolling it. Mix with
stooething of a trael: to cull tk nioese, “jr;st trbat 1 sold, 3,-411'et CP.9 ni
ti•at 'le will coiner* tell what is to la' Px1'1,'-'11.41 51
P" wino 'Of roily the Pion put tiok rse.'' th' guide. "I nototu-
cone to hi.: ;and prokb-p-- iffo,;," prep woo f.aning. roocro
0 or:.es of g,risrits otoi inoaos and lung 0. -ay 4,11f,. 1 wit -i tar,i 0 !int,
-tm1/70S- %,74.4 14 Itifp',/tt WU: bet•11 qiiwi1Ve f4t?,1,12-414.1; litnr, which was, ;,„ !sli Y
4•1 lt;;•ittit'i'allf; of OW 11 14' with Liihrodoo tea oltiot ant: "' '
f a ccw iitoe•t?e, ite:t were ,s-ery talte ppo,eo 7.:th 5"r1" St'c'g
0°F045''4'"g 'ZLE' 144interS pre-eitt tc. now I gaesced it 10 he. .4• .1'''r or isngit4Erf mw:11P,
ut • o witli the Z.--,•Esa, deer, Ilmr- ere ea tor„ ot,„1„ ril"141 tr,,.6. leecn,....t. sot eaeo
g. eR:.ner%., ,
' (if It'4,,'"44' 1.14 11(01,7 ;1:411 arid "11,1 “ t.f..4 leaven
• .3.
wi,„+4,r.it 'eff41Ver '1162Z1 ROV'Orl7C: elre5'5'.fref.f.
rifii us, 4314.gi,1,;,1 %-:$40.,_ for 11,, 1co sve.tor sltotital 1,e el:olio...0o Vcipyr.,
fan' c,v1r1 ''al;fla-' lit,'
41,rW1/1 eco7
s--nt 011• 9 , t'r ,:1013 O'It 341 314131.4'
•tr8.-4v .1" n ° sahi.at bad ea/1*d ottr
er'aro All14 °A's 'Pgig 1701 N'Otr'''.2" ?re t 'Ilse oun 44.4.1"1"PUS now ('‘'nta5rtS i..d Church, lia.ft petoent regisiar
tke dozzat; eq little is pits- roona. hat:n populoolori of over la.: -.000 ogoce,-, and 4.6 pe..-tea.t at Noi:cen.
si r,:nd znaf‘e into small cativs• Alinost erros'1,- ore gos tired of 11114'ec'01 1 c1141.`:' 431 S4'1.11-bilrg) 413". chai,els-
e in a het otPia nalniates. 14 -4t -..-S. lain oy. blat'itt fried. ry 1.13411'`''?'•
3 -Tee tOtal alien intniLwition fa the Of throe $1.020 •Marringes tht
ge Cate-i1.1,cat one-half cur_ eggs prepared in this fpshikla ;Tor , mah,10 oi vt:e 4111wir, li 1040b,,,.„., iiiiteT4,4es rAtig
ter to a civoitti, odd one coo , ' 1.)01 .itooa p.04 to 14i -t oons lig those ittocito, waifs 01 ago tilt
0 00.1e-NiVa clip of Il1r,•.-k‘ ttvo,
arid two vtos ilailor
Ites4.! teaspeons lialtirs
Iloke jelly cake tios.
tl•esi, season 11
r final isoistoi
if Fon:
10111F,tilre., 13'e °F0 14kge°11" ,neoys tiat tit", fl,ugater of aliens Warded 01 Itf:' :ate of JO, 4our1ea4
31U' ;14-013;S:, 11117144 „t whota op.1,10 a-ete ea route tor i'loonitier is 8.072, hat of this minoheol
111* 531t, tEit"" Ametioa ord 11 *111 ot owl, tiimeta:::::F.:s. yeti* feninles
leition Sallee" total no Prrer ti4tia '2,10,72.9 fAie0S or- liallaaalier 318'1'?0 144";‘.11"g tb4
'7411 tiw ".1:7431 riltd ti port et Lorti,m it tip_ loge ot .1,A,113.1"..g T12oxit
11 41 small slice is cut froin log a pernnto ent settlehteltt 10-v , 13 111 1•7* wIlle ten girl'
the nice and add sugar to make 13 tio bOtteillt Will statist &woe.' uniteo loif4ploai n:w? cotimated married at the ago of twent3s-osg
hich f Sorood between th. nes, are aha, for tea, and, wt. .94t,60 iljz ws copIpm.ed with ;at ay ;ago, g.r firti 1.0-1- at re's
al -o -o 414111 cover the top with • 9,- roppoil iu TCONedi Miler, are an od-.14„ittia in 1900, 1 iteetkA in 41'190, ' TLrre Were VAC' Wil.14°W14 .11t
' icing, oition to the piCt.:c botch or the a*tiott in 1t$1*-% ll.(818t1 188 1847, S':t(") I- clii'S,"Thl•nii NT:4.118 0I''' Atlro
totio-The S1' 41O11 417131-1::,) C:4334-IrelfS 310404 bos1:01. in 18iii;„ Wirt'. 14 liStia :alai 'LW< 41 1 ' * '
tios oo3aO. Cools then1 There is molly iolne right %toy to 'More alie"-s sean to Nate kg1 110 i 371:0•4f. 0 rims are illk^t i, IMO 41 Jab
croot ftill fgg, ond t330. is not It lie Catint.3.- ti an 1100 Ipitat; lap hy 111,0Se 001 uay 41;1 oionAp 0,13-84. ialiereq in
t4114 t11.S4,14Z1::,' inn -sued. Vett:Tally the ,. lckkO al'11101. 711e,t• (IS 114"1:i a 444a41:.'1, the ;act, that the peilinalion et 1.44::*
c'eal (.1 f,7041 flgeei4r.
ilott to: tor Wils fi,N3r4Zug n
a.;,iait wog,:
, or. -7 5',C1 1,7414 (0.01'4-
%11;01 hati 4-4,4441 43
e i4;ei.4
r•,•%tfri,i" 4'4°,4
ii?1,V 0. •
,•',3-440, 404 LI1
V".7 , 40t
' .0:‘,1 tort
-3 V, 6.
s 11.11:460..
t 14, 41
9440114'11 11111I41 Vr11011 1.11iewartat add boiled not he turned Into thet!se‘ondo inooto- birth in the los,tgos- weo.re. Me. 'This is o lowor fig.
'''f!'" v-k:rtgarn1 nni2A'41 t"4.4 • ';'n (41vf.4111 371n1 1;."4. ft"l'e11" f'? a (481414 or watPr "111 1113'1° doP03i1.5 11 coat of greaF° tbe Iv' Marlin lite death ar EItalle one "four ovals4 but lIgter than the fig -
the Lit 0:
r 1,i Pi4,
LC1 114
4*4 do -fog poohoi!:Air, li..Poolise I voos 8?""614tr'''.4-1;7••• ^, T:Atio
4/141.,ily 1:1 v 415' l'eort„ or stall:, lay
ocv.• tq:e 104714:'''1? 01'4111E44ft tilo
J'4 04-j4 11'.loi
C14 rvre. y, rvorero as inint raf-;
II 11 • 17:5411; I oll,4 304
, Prui tut lonoltivic,
.3 ,,,,;s:fpl,c,r, 1.,e4Ird tkr,t,,, far y .113 tour Plores. if tleoirefi„ lint • 011
4 Cell 1rt,1* Sa-A7L'rq.:4 sip *hot t114-114TV9 (914 C":1194:mrFfi. Poil oitotoir
pWortatt7.4tIn 17111:1731 f,,34:tre4slolrolti:Igol3ti-4
the pork 19 'not sintl eninigb;
filaivol right 11 laillaci; 04 fialt• A red itg•tori•s•
„T fen you t".rt, tea, who von Pc7411 1,11 improl-er.lent alf0.
yon call :a tat. Moo robed --1\4,-;;(1.:„C'2„ “Le„:"I'llre"
nay 44lier lifnk old! i:alw•: • '""- ""*"`-‘-',11' toble`zroonfie
411444 3**'8'o1 ,41 to.itI and Voy struelt at cooll r with 413eli lalttPr 4171/E1 "1161 0n`
ir elusion:* laig feet. and they ,roorer.
4* Win'? arer'41111 one or:idle-to sirxreiog for
,Tos,, ore tiropnetl into liollion; water ed alert -004p tt4a 1044:3 18044015er 44-141 jp,4.1.„444,$ garoboorood
orol boiled fttir front three tei foot' ,;1314-ta filloPati"--,;11;•';s to the 1 -':Ped I'Lotff-;34401•,:s te445:+-t 777*tilia wt.o era
to2tintes. The white is bawd atirl 41c-111 $`•-ir 14101* il rosin.rf.toka otoi 72.128 widowe
crecticalb" f.r4115g-i3ible in CtslIlFt',- 0'041 114 111101' ;.veP•4 3 a t; . 0-84'; wire nnz';44v.
Vigg Ti1P, TOTAL, 111.11-1.-VI'ltN. • 11-1V411, 0.7 ,4s -s4 :int-CA.17 .1i.'41'r3s-44
,4' ''';i45"kk'l'Agoty tte Control 14-4i.4.40 in 11.01 ottii4;iforcol T.' 4-e vo. re 1547.4517 WZOis-A;,11‘ 11,4?Tea.
'n iNtaL14.. 34711"61. 41` 10;1:1, 113 4.4NC-4143, 44: att'Fie* Vo'141 v-040: loo,, roleo loivosirg of tie oti,oer
pn: the t000, trote0 ;and 1,1;litALif;:gtil as• meti 44 ,0„15
the thug'. tt". rAft 1111441s4',.. 314'3"' VW, 11,4114at..C,. /14 2r! cAliktA 31-4 gale 14411 toi fo-..„got,
l'.43‘6r4, 44 4C44 11.41°(-' (as' eeign 444'14 pis.iiver..,74.51 the inoics 63 ji4 11110445; a;
c}.33 1304;P, Or, drop ttao rem in r,12.273. 6441q4i41,44 • tor,34
4*54304 Wntcr 418:10 set 13:001 wlwre• 10 etetZ" 4,,Ofit; 445 F., 414 or 4„4,44-,..3.,,,T.41 04
:tie troller Leep hut: will not 1.1W tOr 141°03 1448 4334' rPl.r.a4 'Sierr• a 8,11.4 1,444-i 4'11411 43:34224,141,44
8-411, lia enizot or Von ra5notes they of Ittill„
`44411g1 111' iitt414' omit the wii;tv will he a ' • totol, poloilotioon t -^flreotoo .4 In 1V-`444
1-14 frtimfe,17114b..;, 44-l%4. (3 Of 1111013 a 41 3414T31 itatidto the toroo "' 9 14ir 1t111 fr'bolv
Ate (7'ity and 3letrolo-litiata i-**Lioe i141c".;14'" leld1"1‘'i° 911‘."
yew people ore cto rourefaa al Id "ei.ery rag ill Of ialt,ich 17,1•Krio MX' 0 1% 1011.14;44 to I 00 rolOi
01s43to op ahont who they 15 fifteen intles Vlaoritig 4"14 h‘CII*111e " "hEll "gg't 1'4"
5/ rota through woole pio4s toed • 4484 (*4 w""n'''-'*:kti*.
r>if.r.orri rinmoh,,c, grow rich iweite oindiug Cress."' ,-4.441-(4 2444114 1tW(/ W44 204411 11:4
3111 ltditt4;1 itta for overeoinnooe,
54441,8*'. (44438'4* C;f:sri.1:8,eie.41,13* gerrairptf;10;iiis::::til :41:C4147:1121.7r4iTic eCill:tit4rtrunl:8100144ipt(i2;11oVieitill.,;n80!:: Sio4i;',i'euit:noaprxivi,tcatiasceit:ttotiv.(olslitii;14i)ottilmern:
oown Ito, tauten waste -oro. worhs tint tio ati tee 1,tinot tto nioz000. thing noire !halt two in ono
toinittioiLy peootoes mopped and ea,„ 1,:0111diltion. The t:C.1111-fl IiitiValt de itliA111 opt -,p 100.,(414, litot
its,t/24* Or about 17 net' 1,000. It oto"crtivolit g applied to 111.7 L41;13 114
orr:" ''.""10",,`•4171; 4,111:41,1 wilt thus ne (nen by on easy coloto.,11:401- to 141 pin -cent of the 34038'14 514 44444*0 144'.
of salt into 01,44 !,4114 kola, con:toll Iterf. etc.. bon been 344*
in-11441 nittletr;*e ft:11314-V t1:1411"P ttile. from otreet '4eChiel 4
t half a colok 11r ,Ireost disrotted ill one. NMI:. It cools in its ponsage ond ip041is tsold tat felon.- inimito and it uro than for itnY t the pteretitint
to-oht at 'kohl noi!“. onti floor sio, 60 (rark were ‚.344 *4 it that' estpfolo of Cour or PI 01101 ift mote orep 011 `tlit'• pipe. LA".t it CO01 in the same area.
Tie tleath rate "„ures for Itind, lkitio and 181,10. The
1:ziratAl r^.4 1,4117 7 t1 4.31; foe ;i#1. of me I couldn't net in a
itrori batter. Let it rice until l'and remove, the frit before pooring is lower for than for 111UP, mad any-oialtroll by 1110 2114411/r
v*1 ‘44 f4441 4414ir41441 14;!414 '°A1 344,0 4W4' of thin Oillo'd and suoar, ond add stiftleient noor to the fat for soaponoliog, burn it; it great (Rion except Lel-gitell is 41,•S 1‘41' *WS :"--TTOM". .12;
coo. o totooi Fortis onOly ao*1 l'it'w 0 r,v4;i r411°1 188 118.14' 33g1it. 71:4171 r.il fp in ortoloilf :143411 08i8410 the t4riLi lf .71.'4141 dO not 11Se iN 14itatyr tloon 131.4t, 4 r 0153, ot tuir 0 car tire not enumerated. 'lle table
'•:,21:t toviioligto le no.., 11 1410i 444I° hi?' 61'11,14'9 nnIt 411. 41.134" /4 410414 a stiff dough. hniood oritl is cheaper tux3 less trouble in the tester. 4o4rriage, 11; ototttbus, -30; tvaillwitY
'''t brohrl%14:" 11:: ,:."''',,t':::'-ing,,. smooth, ond when light roll 1/ ti.,t „long roil than to totn it throttgls tile , 111.o diagioiros gitert tif the birth 1cor. 17; cob. 27; curt. 22; vain wag-
31,,,,ra S!,, '1'.'i 41,." 8:'4„4a'g,41„,,,' „„,* than 01411 (lit into stilton% 01 noino sink, latirn tea leaves and coffee ;tote of I.otititiii show that tl'e rote 'gots, draY. otr., la4; '"otheis,:e 410.
t* InV '''.4%14.'1' '''.'s. ''. '''''' '''''''''' '. VIM' il1C1111M; (111 thi, LTV; 1 i. of llip qronotio; lt is surpris'ing how mucli 4,i1Wreateil from 1*V:A 10 18(17. 1111ell ,11. Si`ttlfiti be .*.4.1. .1 that, '11 deotho
he tunoll halt rtsund,
w":839 intrus rood ears
slo hisosehl 1.14e hoot -
"ore `11141 141311 W'4t18 4/1 18811 dottolt ley half courted riet.111. well! `4ci' ne can dispose (if by tire with a Z4144X4MOM titi.54 ‘S.218 IstrItt/4ed, fr°181 0110 ateldettlt4 ts likvak"Itttl
ntai le 7 iii`i , . .' , . ' I ;. 1 l' 1 '. 1: 1 , drO illl.a. Or four or fire stowed little trouble.
4.1.,.;!it 1.77.• 48.148;0 }tititt•:pti tie41`14141 141.; 341Tge military rifle r was 11'5.1111°. prones, or tow preferred frig/ whit% .epereeix,00!mil id de -thrall from 1876 1.0 1904* tier the Isentliug of "others."
r, -,r41 thom. soortoti. tossed ids bogo ' "The other one was off Ids 10414PR 111 ,has 184,00 stewed and s,,,,,Irta,tt, - -
lea 1 outi stamped angrily. Then the -a leiunte, jumood right on top of his Bow the corners up to the ,,,,utro,
riVes raug out. awl ull rushed nut 'es'70MY Will 'we/ll WY .1'014/Ve 1 "111141 and press them togetber, lightly,
of the shanty in see the rEstill. stio in 41114411,04* cartridge. 1 f"ttnd be lettoiog splices where the frith slums.
flf 0. 11.11/ 4e041 grin? thrtioult the, loot oteel: h's fore.feet right on 1 Ilt. L.ty oral riosr, tog,„thrt, awl town.
oerit. others through slionlders and j18*Or the wounded 0210. SrAngliing ritoit ovoin until light bake in a
411 74. ilk ion. quarters wen, pros- tnem in. and Potting binl 41411. (11 quick oven.
trot ol of vourse, but tho gallimi buslio.ss. if 1 hall bad a repeater 11 Chorolote Ilessert.-neat three cups
broto still Loot his hinder part erect. "emit' have got the two of them just ;of milk to the scalding point with
end 000eurol, to bo 0,1144Ule.1 at Ilse:as eosilo as 11101."
lielplests inertoess of ins wont legs •
48434-.1 determined to coon -come their.
'a small piece of stick cinnamon. Mx
'one-hulf cup of cornstarch with one
''Up of cold milk and a level half
weekress. Dot at: one of the sports- EASY TO 110L.1. 1711BILEI.I.A.
teaspoon salt. Stir this into the 1
114e0 ;‘,14134ed another cartriege into Ever.' man who owns an umbrella 'bot mixture and cook until it thick-
ploee. he nually rollapse 1, and notils
.t.ithr,ut 41 &Irwin 14114541 o1' dignity , wiv wondered at some time or otter ens and cooks smooth. Melt two
it is that he can never roll it squares of thocolate over hot water,
stretched himself in death, „ up as compactly and neatly as it add half .a, cup of sugar add a little
'"Vrilitt did X tell Your. begun 'ne' was rolled wheu he bought it. In.. 'of the cooked mixture; then add to
goide after the eareaNS had been laid . stead of twistieg with the handle the Orst mixture and look until the
away for the night in tho old stable you should tato, hold of the umbrel- tolor is even. Add one beaten egg,
alongside the shantY• la just above the points of the cover licook two or three minutes and then
"Jake, you're a jewel," was the ribs. These point 0 raiturally, 1,-19. jturn into a serving dish. Serve
answer. v -But, come now, you never- evenly arourol the stick. Keen 1101C with, a fruit sauce. Add a table -
too -cried to call up that moose to -1 of these, pressing theta tightly i
Light?" ,spoon of chopped citron to half a
i against the stick, and then roll up :cup of seedless raisins and a cup of
-You can never tell aboutmoose, lose cover. Holdiog the 7 ibs pre -1
;cold water and it w
set where ill heat
you know,'' be said, as he rubbed . vents them from getting twisted out slowly. Sinnner until the raisins are
tthe tobacco between his palms be- i of place or bending out of shape. '
iplump avol add enough hot water to
fore loading Ids pipe. "1 remember Then the tilk is bound to fold evenly ,
;make one cup. Quarter of an hour
once. W13012 MO and Joe virem on a and roll smooth und tight. When
hunt for a big heat% a New York the umbrella is rolled in- this waybefore serving stir in a rounding tea -
man wanted, when I had ust torn i it will laSt twiCe as long.
„, !spoon of cornstarch and the same of
off my bit of bark and was twisting 01 11 it gets too old, it vfillAndwel;; butter and cook ton minutes; then
op 31134 call, Joe sings out: 'Mavens look just as good as it. dicl on the fttlti one-balf tablespoon of vtodlla
and earth, why he's right here?' day it was bought.
"And sure enough, there 110 WaS ,
coming down the old road looking , ..Do you know anythirg about flirt-
every way to see what all the row lug ?" -No," he said sadly. "I
was about. '11'e got him all right, ,thought I :MI, but, when I tried it,
hut we had a ran 44414,4]. 114414 for olew-ed if Ill° gill didn't marry me!"
,Ioe's ball Went' through his lungs
and a, cup of beaten cream.
A. nice way to prepare Prankforts
or other sausages of commercial
brand is to parboil them, split them,
nd he ran More than two MileS
Gerald "Can you give me no 311 halves and then broil them.
fere he bled to 'death."
hope ?" Geraldine : "None what- Baked betniS 40 whin sugar is ad -
"That was a kind of accident
eve I'm going to marry yon." tied instead of inOlases have not the
though; wasn't it?" .
"Not much. We were volts* at the ,00r-o-r-ooroolot000-op-or..-
Intsiness then, or we ought to have
knoWn enough to have been a Iona of
expecting him. Veal see, very often
in the fall, when a bull MOose is
ing extra Weil, he rips off bark from
trees or pa:WS up Sand banks 00 side
hills with hOraS and hoofs., lust .as
you have sOn a cow do wben she is
"Another bull hears the noise and
think it a challenge fl-oin the one
that is rooting tip things. and conies
along in hopes of getting up a fight.
joe's inclose had heard me tearing
nay hark off the tree, and thought it
was another moose on the rampage.
'Sometimes the best kind of call
is ripping up sonic hark or rubbing
444-0 rongli sticks together to imitate
the rubhing• 04 the 'cleer's horn
afainst i. tree.'2'
4M begin g o think the
moosc is about the most, obliging
thing a man Can hunt," remarked
the quiet nom of the party, "The
Polo time 1 ever get a shot at a
'‘Iiridget, I'm opposed to y011r reettiVing callers in the kitehen."
'I know you' are, mum. I wanted him to go in tit' parlor, but 1113
wautdn't de it, 111.1114-4.' 1,
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