HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-11-26, Page 5THE Big 9 XTNDE�
I A Remarkabi V,- I � .
xPerienco of a Galt CHAN
publisW every Thttrsday uor4iagat the oggipe. The Best Blood -Purifleraild Liver STARTLING Rl��pORT GRI) -VA0,11 WEDNESDAY
XAIX-STREBT, - ==F WheAt. 75 70
PR, Regulator on earth ING ACTION 04t, NM ;0,3. - Practiially asphy- Barley.._ .... .... $8 40
--By BY JAPAN. xiat4d from Fri4ay
night until $unday ........ -97, 28
Morning e experielle I c ....... 60 co
We know what all 200d'doC- Ships to Intercept Rugs the remArkabl' I Go, 160
.,qn Wgr Vim- that Mrs. J, D. McKe
TBRUS OF s"SCRIPTIOX I azie, Brook Hay, per ton, , 7 00 800
RIMUTAtk$nl� K441ey Disorders, Liver Couipimiot,; tors think of AY
ers. Cherry sels-News Frpin
Que lmlar per asinum # paid in advance, $1,so Constipation. siek an(I �Nprvous ijmdache, Xeuralgh%, the Far East sti�eet, and her' ters-yearold daughter ]Floilr, per owt.,r.ollei:�._ 49 10
a not so VAK D.Ysix Pect 13titter, � ..........
Psick Fever 'Ind Ague, Scrofula, Female com'! oral. Ask YOUr own do; have Passed through and live 10
plaints, 1�,? Again Alarming,
tor a0cl tv tell E, gAs ...........
OndQUL 1
S)riiwdi to '!w4ses U viM tell the tale. On Friday 4 new c0Al3t*v* Xi 19,
ides. per 100 lbs_ z.00 5,50.
wa5 Put in the McKenzie home, from Live h6.gc.A per I cwt..... 41 . 9;5
OR WILL RE, FUN V, TaE o"N CC h e r r $t� Petersburg, Nov. 23.-Tbe semi- Ivilich the gasescaped, Nlrs. gq.Xon, Dre.9sed JJ ... ..... Soo
No Ta vnesom y Short$ Per cWt .......
41 wegirg4XInoutlys,tre, 111M 'ussian agency has received 4Z and her daughter retired on Friday Blmn
AdvertisetneAts without bpoe!AQ4 directions wirlbe p atment of Xaiure,$ Rob i 745 80
ed until NrWd and CIAMIU40 ACCO eued) for*l and �%,ArAute* to'cure or rejuill from T0kiQ a report �to the effect that night, and froni then I ...........
rdiugly� no, _10 -til $tmday
5111%h discount Made for tnsiselen� advertisements rectorcal official P 7.1 , . I , .._
Japanese warships have 'beert in rnin s a bla4l�
'04 4@�.�pgtgh_ 9 '
An S. r4awdew uon4fjoil That mkid.%
eRINTINO tarn out to the anest%ile, and at you how it quiets the, tickling cd to prevent the Russian war vessels, . fey were not asphyxiated biz-
luoderaterates, elieques, money ord.ers, sm., for throat, heal$ the yond esuscitation is due to the fact An Ane'leat Foe
advertising, subscriplaorts. tto_ to be. si%Adi� ELECTRICURE ingame4l Uarcvitch and Bayan r
payable , , reaching- Fort that
0 lungs, a Arthur to join tile 13. A� Smitb, Mrs. Xcj.enzie.ls To bv4lth an
p. � 4 bapvinei,�fA is
interaq or extern3l. ad controls the Russian squadron I brother-in-law, noticed that the little,
nverr by oue, ihorougli apljl�
Sanders & Creeeb$ hardest of coughs, as ugly as ever since time immeninr. .1,
p1topItIn girl not at Sunday school yester-
,:an$ catI4. Elet-trlolsra�;urpmws all omer rentwics in, -�AYOT'4 Ch�Y PegtcW, is well lmown in f�ndon.Noyg4._Tbe London Daily day morning, and, thinking some It. p4agejs bunches in tdl;e rxo�'-�, 4;1�f
the wonde�-fol power it lw_-Ses�,ei over Illimn.,t4ass, Mall's Tokio corr-.�spondent figures (be gkin,inflame3 Vie &raooli
ver xroars�nes� Sore Thmt. wor Ir POU9110 *nA cold$." the Rus$ian '�Xinistcr at S says 01W, was ill at the AfcXonzie home, pro�
�A tlio
Ono our 417011Y- We tblnl; 1% to &4,0, beat ibedi
a , r4s
stUT Nelk. !Ntarrb, C0u9b9X1)1ds, 16nchilis, Paco. I ON, 110,WUM4� CaL coul has ad -t ceeded there after church. H found inembrane, rmctes the
It! dresscd another note to the Coreall the little girl ivandering ar04111d t.he exifs the bones, redaces the po-wer of
1M. k. a. rVINSMAX, U IX 1.). D. 5 the germi O."AMt4ie, thas curing awarza, an All dru.�gl 0: Government, declaring that if Corea
It. WALSO. '
ltbr�,Qes and forti- for house in a dazed, condition and file
TM shoull ignore a], warnings and persist mother im�onscious, He immediately realstAnce to dismo and the oapg4,ij
I - I
tone nul V�prto wi�ivout rey*. scingampho to foreigalf h ein removed to his h for reocir ",1L , %Ad develops cono
JWTI$T� I trade, Russia will tak4 active sttps to' orne and
a rd hs 'in summoned medical Pssisfanct�. To- GUMPtion.
A 1� deal with the sit" The Corean dav the doctors say the.v will recover 'IT
.,to without any itilip. or a on.
uy bad effects; 4 uat; � wo of m
ky, - t 1� I overnment has replied. strongly ob- 7
I_ %cola F.1.4 -we wwk West 4dZ �Wn street, ti e will lie local medical men state d t suel
'gxeter. Americau Drug Co, 114"41 mavromty- M I 1 0 alt- lqcting to Russia's interference as a 4 -4n- Ila rd ft
two _u _ irelpt growing 4eelor ana kept tul=
ge case has ne
violation of COrea's so-. *reign under their obs"va ver orl� Come
tion. ping tQ F-rwol for v�.-0_0 r;r.,iltug.
TVI 1). 'AT.TON A communication to the s QlAtments And medlejsle5 414 uo qo04 yAntil
am�. effoo.
_0514TIST- according to, thc� correspondent, was I began VIVIng tuem, RQUAIS
4 -Ir Newspaper clubbing Rat I COLOMBIA TAKES ACTION. Thlamp(licifte c4ast(l thesore,3 to la al. aw:
Honer Qnftite oTTOPuto t1dreirsIV and Itap) 0, MCNIROU J. cll.w=ox, sent to the Japanese Wnister at the clillafto have shown no UNwi �kr $ewi*-
cougge of liental $qrgeans of ontvio. AISO VA�t Gewral Agcntt 1140-4401. Lftal.�gesit, LXctVr Seoul,
'heal at praritheoe pentl5tery T.4 Ones." X. W. xcevw. W004st04f. 044
ar.41145to Q1 cl&430 7110 ADVOcxTr4 will ho elix The corres ondent 4,so says. 7t A Decree White-iiita at the Steam, rJr -
(with honamlge uientiou.) bbed witil . P
lbefoll is reported ill,
apers- lit tile prices, Set sign 'Minister to Japan, recel AW 0
it Baron sle Rosen, Ruq, phip Unce. Orr-- Sam- rnC� UCY2
oaldiad vial I nde !it aw
� , pits Plates %P owipi; P,
FQ54ble. A wrtectly bantilm All- opposite, Vim wd yes- COlOnt Nov. 2+-,A decree was is.
terday an urgent telegram from tile, Will rid yQq of it, radically e.W Per -
Foreign Office filed at Cartagena
at St. :Petersburg Ind . , November T6, set,
ADVOMTvand .11all & Ruspire $1.70 that immediately thereafter the iing forth that no steamers walleutly, 43 it has rid., thousaU40.
4k *f Globe ister's sem-tary was d4csfiatelted to the
neffl(ml 1 $hall be
EX I fFi f LO) allowed to q1q4r fpgm Cartagena,
- - . I L " 1"Ittlaily, "Heridd I. -g; Japanese F4reign It is ls_�. Cal- --THE-
mr.31,11filt OF b,40) 4 Free PIT6S 1.74 1141T4 Th3t a conference Nvill be held to- ombla, for Colon, Panama. or enter
TY-Jilege �t
an?,I Sisr�,14eotllS OatQVIO. NV.L!� IIAVE A Advertiser J,w:, day, when Japans reply will be given,"
pt**�,-Iau, 831"eau loJud A-Quchinlr- Oftic�A 1)1,31" COMPLETE STOOK weelov Still 1.75 Cart,390,119 from Colon. All the f reign
11TOW'. Ont. OF SUOR THING$ AS Consul$ and steamship agents at Car- X81048413 Bolof
------ 51ontlial Witness 1.60
No MERCY FOR JENVS. t4gQ114 have protested without effect
rutruiers Advocate _02Z ag,
1). Avil-n. O.Twe and Residenee. 290 STRAW ROOT A inSt the dec
$P2041 attention . re e. )TRAD 0MOR. 51ov"MMAX4
rUll t4 4 CUTTER FULPER C=V*n Of RtQre&siQn- Still Con- Favis, Nov. ?4 -Foreign Miniogr
P. KNIV.E8 ADVOC-M and Toronta News 81.si) C4piftl V41d Vp 610001000
KNIVES tinucs I'll Runla. DvIcasse addr"�scd tile C41;antt-,�r of
Deputies to -day r"PIV to (Ill"j;tioni, P
Ailvertiser 2-4(l T-0114011. NOY. 2+-A Russian cw. '48t .
140--41, 44 44 Still, 1.175 1 regarding foreign agairi He saij� that
ROOT PULPERS 46 41 responeent of The Times says: "It has�` Panama bid plvdaeJ itself to pratczt
46 44 A V, r. vsr.11 lutM r g C k, s t ra n, -t C A
Mail & Empire t recently b.Noine cuqomary to send pti- �rencb interests. and tbqt, France ba I ,
..L,.#, %� ftt��T,"$t at
4�,.rq, N-igmuc% ralmoxmWV4 C!"n L ; " 4- 11 O"n
D""" 'Al"' ALL SIMIS IRON PIPE Glube, 1%- 11 pils but to follow tile example set by t%.�� Q4,,npt� si;L�, � : �i �
t4-11k� f,"l !4Q.-'er ta lip ou At of the secondary schools ill 441c, Tbe r0reign in
China. Jaltau =0 rahtrf.,Tq.�_=
1. 1L V.=Ania� r -A-. it, V;ME^ ilvinces of Russ!2 to St. Pet-, Qppljusj�.
(I`LiMX XND GALVANNIZED) western Pr Vnite:l States
.116ses Chidle-r and Wiseman, 61t, ersburg clul '.Nipscow in order to give I Criiii. 'Z7, ai.-Emperor 111V;3M allikArts of the 1%644�
them in oppartunity of seeilg t.40 has directed the Gerriall glutboriii
3 31ARR TO ORDR.Rw orwhoul bave lleen teachilig is K.S. es to
tMISUT05 there. .11,.party vnas recently officially recorlgitire the Republic -At T110i Fr8lip, l;r.NlM,%1.
XO- A H11110", llXvQ V-signed.-Aftitri sent to 110. Panama An Quilouncoment of 414
Cow from Libzr. 1.
a threft, 111011ths, visitat bor haillo Ill -Air,
6-;(4,,N1 rents Quit . CASTINGS OF Soin -14� F.RIMUMN, srzroy
e,)P;.sr1l40V aab; of rooprat., "Vis rRaittly " ter their nrr VAI tile police ordered the rccoguiillon **I the liew State is ex-
,�11 P - 316.; 31. 13town lists returlwd to 111,41,41.
I EVERY )DESCRIPTION it.- we, 1par*7, who had no
tcuilevol t'l .12,#. excee4lingly sorr�17 to be- Jews in Me Pected daily,
tit thoserio sit right to visit '.%Jos;cq1%t to return. Tile
its illnew'. of Hr. 1-1. War. Ll
who lists beell sufTering, for Son whole party, Christians and Jews, fort,4t.1 GREDITON3 ONIT.
For Stale -1 hay press, also I """ I SCARCITY OF LABOR.
The Molsons Bank thile; there list iparently no lit with left 'Mosenw."
IPQ for W. 8.
reeovel f. -i; liss Aggio, Scah s still 11,111 SICD c
sct 1200 11). kalei. his I S Ol one �j ramout a' "N"nsk the �9 Exodus FrOm Ontario to the North -
yon )I tit* towns. w1lose hon,;ei
coutillues 11. :11el. lually friond., hopo
11(�xj OMn1,.1VatrC3I, f4a. her spet-ily Toronto, West Continu.-S.
were destroyed by Pro. took refug.,q in
GENERAL REPAIRS BrOwl, 41 nelghborioR villages. Oil the strVilgth NOV. 24. - The Oil-
.......... WevillnutIl Paying there- of a law forbidding Jews to live in tarlo Bureau of Industries. hi COOk"S COH011 Root Coippwnd,
Paid tilt Capital ............. $211930. P2111 ror$�400. A.4 it joinds, M-. Brown"N rural districts, tile Governor ord.cred its LoCtOber mport, says yindlest, Varorltes,
llwwrvt-, Fund. . .......... 2.7201,779 f4rill or 109 itere"', it give -4 bho a good the un(natinates to loave tile villag,.,s Cc rre
To 'the only raff" rcllabld
.110 spondents are aareedL 'IS to tit great
31.kxmi large F -will eonvollittittly taitnated, with a month's time. They cannot r -requintor on which voloall
g. and are they are. ean depow MQ hour
and time of
tilt, 01 It lists sold Ills 160. now face to face with the pr much divided as to how to
R R A gt)J)JJ 1lu;llIil)gR.
Z, (if their 110tiqes before tile sprin Qb'll*di Scarcity Of farin labor, Ilitit
X I., WIT ospect *1 a meet tile Is two dogrees 02
Rm BRAN A(TO f4rall tit W. the wice 1wrared I
Ailsa (4pInnig winter of expnsure� difficulty. Tile ex dus to tile n strength. No. I antl N" 2.
-Utu mt., T.w. 0 orth No. I.-ror or;iluary c.1ses
to I V,101. . X -'ss Nfliid Dorninn. who has b1d ing for the West in th;v spring.- 31P.N. and Northwest stpl continue%, whici., Is by f4r th,� llcat dollar
In seignl, of iq till t ho luelid. -31r. Appleby is vt tingaloi)4.1.4 wpilas eall PRINCESS AND COA incans the loss to tile i.) * medlelre itrown.
m ACHMAN. Provimn! * No. 2-por Special wwys-Z) deo=es
Isacted (Wo. .11:1guiro, tit LoniltAll. is w-'shiting N* 4-NI)CAu-ted froul the Areets or his re. nla;y of its Incist siia!wart and str or -three dollara per ra.�j.%
t1w pailiting. departilwilt of Ales.111. 4-14 amident. It appear..; Mr. Apple. Press Story Pro in young inon. anil tileir place;, I II-l"M
hotz. 4,.;lrrj;3Ae _Jobll Wre U- les-aulc 3rour drukiq!q pr rooies
X;,,Avy xl, I ta g:oJ I'lm"Crial w-wa ratvq. der D m Dresden Po t.. to ellecd
11 14V while tilmillill", a few bOurs ill VIM- Senuational Elopement. ire being takell by 444 -country youth,. Cotton Root Con'llon,14. ro %A11M
so all pills, mixturea ana Inatawns ara
of Eng -Lind, who weiii tJ;-,ongll all Iiin tile 4,11 hur day, 'got Into a friondly. I who suffer in contliar-itia, although dsutgordus. No. I and '-No nnsI
I %Vl
.1lit.il, f4ju_ _Iltk Berlin, IsToy. z.,,. -Die Nlorgen Post some of them give
ho4lic,t-irrInt rmlm and ill Miling. sprailled his 11- L 8a%i,:Lc*
ion. �Va "'0., '740 d b.,,- all druFlo
If 01mmoindp � W 31 lIx. Do -
a 'short tiolf, vglo for atillvilk7lellis, prints a rumor from Dresdi�:l t1lat -�,.je show no tendency to lower* and st;,n n (,u 0 CanaJa. Malik! ta n -i
X. Is. Haw'
1'* 1. wilt, inforim-d bim that, lit- q Princess Alice, wife of pri F-l corresponeents in-i,;t that it i__ nreeel�pto rice and four -tit Isestaaa
X,.* 1$ rvel-111-tilmat tl)(- limpe of John vtl ut;, , 4D
soll, lowulihiA vast.-Jito. MeTtilyre, l;.t1I T a- stampg, �Pize COOU
1-ttirml it, but lie Ilrv8iA(,d Ill I'"- T'� sible to Pay current rate and '%WZdUo&*# oat.
P"'llioll U11111119 11,111le 13V tr4lin and walkrtl to 41s- T
tc)JVu li1tt' J-.klt, b;Jsle1-l-1 cric of I 2L I
profit. Improved machinery, how.
with the Detroit Ailreet 11,01AMV ('0111- the slatioti. The leg catmed wll, .41, appeared two Weeks ago, and that ter ever, is coming to the hell) of the 1,1roAvull, ljru�� I-, a
.4 n(, left l;utt,.Veel,
flJr tb� fty- inaeb ));till subseqnt-iifly flult ljt.� w;ts coachman disappeared at tile saille,
BicyCles It ri
Xt far�iar, and ni�re laml is alSOL bt!bl'-
w time. The People f DresdQ;1. Die d N. a '--
o e at d to pasture. The scardtv tit T
In tile nil,vell. trafle IL Gimn re- i-xattlinatioll it Was foctn(l that lie lvid 11lorgcn Post says, belit"Ve that the, rural labor is so --eatly felt in �z'jjne I'll U D 1 "17, " D,
, turned froill C;Ilgary Inst Week. M". fra%-tored one (if the small bones. Thi�-; Princess -and the c
hilf. 1;P(T- (; nachnian bava' quarters that se��Ieral corresponlent-s
F1, ;4
Illell". I'llo CVWITON. 111111 speel ille sittimwi, %vorkilm hir will vollfille hill] to the holise for ,iotl)e eloped. Inquiries at the res-.,-lerco 01, seriously advoclte
I 'Alf" Is thl-Gow-runlent in Ow livo-St-130vi", ivvvk-;. i file bringing, into
the Ideal whekl. to rill . Puices mod- the Princess elicit the answer that ber i tile country of Chinese and Japi to .4
eratQ. Highness is t and th X
Mrs.J. 11. ivexan bore for solue tinlo, ft' her I supply the (leficiencY, Domestic serv- Ut
Iffitonovilo baq beell visiting his aullt. bou"t'!n gis unknown. The hi A '"
lists ret ill -lied to Iiis homp in Ent present wherearar' , ants on the farm are exceedingly bard R L L
_,MLI.S. gland. Princess is tile Youngest daughter - to Procure, A number of corr,-spond-
N. ew Pianos ! flarper, who is 80 years 4 age, Dan Carlos of Bourbon, Pretender to ants assert that it is easier to get a
left, Inst week to visit livr' sons at 13tif-
SeveralNew Plancis just put in falo and Durinville. the Spanish throne. 'We are giving excellent
stock -, newest styles and the best DL -11 Ov NEIL D. GrLwa.-Ail,;i Loss of F I aS h i wife than it is to find a female serv-
..T11 ant for a farm, house. satisfaction Since Re-
Illikkes. It.-NIllIp�'.%'-YOIltoseetilelii. Criliglostanotlit'rof its esteenled I, THE CZARINAS ILLNESS.
1i When you can't eat break. LONDON UNION LOSES.
Yon will be surprised at the LOW titentN ill the deatli of Xr.Neil D.Gilevs I modelling our mi.
PRIC 88 atwbich we sell thein. oil Wedoesday eveniner, A Reassu in Re-
,,, Nov. 12, after ring Bulletin Issued
a 0010paratively short illness. Mr. fast, take SCOWS Emulsion. gard to Her Condition. Defendant Baker Must Present Evi-
Organs of the Latest Oillies had beenailing- for som t'
When you can't eat bread Nov. 23. - The GRISTING and C1J0PP1'_\G
but tvasonly confined to hishomefova, St. Petersburg, dence.
makes always in stock entiple (if weeks previons to his dea th bulletin regarding the condition of the London, ont., 2qov.. 24�At the Police
the iminvilinte clilse of which was on: and butter, take SCOWS Czarina says -�"The Empress slept at Court Xaglstrate Love gave his deal- DONEPROMPTLY.
fistrrb of rho stomach. Deceased `tv;is sion In the case of Leonard fac-
Sewing Machines &C. Emulsion. When you have intervals during the night. Her teln- tary strIkers, Who are chaxgad with be -
in his 60th year -and It-aves.i. fatinily of , Perature was 9i.3, pulse 70. Her 'Ma_
three sons and three daughters, besides bee setting several Places "for the purpOS6 T4. SW__ E IL T Z E lt�
We are leaclers in Sewing 31a- n living on a milk diet and Jesty"s temperature this morning was of restraining woricrnen from woricing and
chines -the best machines that the his widow, to mourn Ills demise. De- 91*7, pulse 68. The process of local
trade pioduces are oil our floor for eensedwas horn in Enst Williams in want something a little more inflammation is exceedingly . for the Purpose of makIng the Leonard
your inspecticill ; -also repairs Need- 184.4. He -,v�ls married ill 1869 to 3.1 iss slow In Company Pak morie wages or abstain from
gevelopment. Her Majesty's subject- employing outside men." The Alagistrateli
lest etc., forall kinds of sewing iiia- lChristina Mvgwen of the sarne town- nourishing, take Scott's ive condition is satisfactory, and her ruling was a surprise to many besides
chines, always oil hand. $14 Ind until abont ten years agn C appetite is improving?, the defendants, lti5 substance being that,
they resided near Xairti, wbere Mr. I-Mulsion. unless evidence is Produced by the defend -
of, Hee owned �t fa rm. Ili 1899 they ant Baker, the court will hold him guilty,
Call and see us if in need and. In any case, will send the other cases
moved to Oraig aud have since residefl TO get fat you must cat ENTIRE CREW DROWNED. to another court for trial,
any of the above. here. Thesynip-athy (if the cQnininni- Jaines Baker Is the only one c.iiar.,ed
ty is emtended to tile lierva ved7 ones. fat. Scott's Emulsion is a Loss of the Norwegian Bark Capella, with besetting thq Fraser House, but
Bound lie and Henry Clark, Chaxles Edwards
Be PAARTI Ill AccT.Du_NTLa%vrvncv,tbP voting son great fattener, - a great For the Cape. and Edward Burns are charged with be -
(if Ur. 111d 111vs-'D. S. JWffunald, no setting the C. P. R. and several other
dol lit thotigbt bi,:; time biid cowe Sat strength giver. Copenhagen, Nov. 24. -The Nor- places with the same Intention. Mr. Me-
Evoy, for defendant Baiter, said they "323.00
ilrdav nior�lng when he fell froan the wegian bark Capella, Captain Johanna- were not remdy to go on with the defence
tL;�vn scale and his head, Thosewho have lost flesh bis mormin
top of t lie son, bound from Arendal, Nprway, for t �� and it was agreed that all
came in contiLCt With the rack that Table Day, Cape Colony, has been the cases S uld be adjourned for a week.
Gimes the scalps proper. Lawrerce, want to increase all body wrecked off Borbjerg, Jutland. The
%i iLb w-allp of Ills young churne, was sCottyi crew of fifteen men were drowned. RUN TO NEW ORLEANS.
li endeavoringtoppoire s
PU I oine pigeons,tissuesy not only fat.
that bad been-fiving about the scale
and Lie bad suce-eided ill feaching the Emu!lsion increases them ail, ARRESTED AT STRATHROY. C. P. R. Steamers Will Call There n d
top in.dde when a bitch in the proaced- This Winter. a
11 that be had not conated bone, flesh, blood - and ford Said to be Wanted Montrea-I, Nov. 24. - The Canadiaa
oil landed David Stack
DrISt Kill bligm on his bettd on the rack below nerve. in, Several Cities.
The Exeter 0 with the restilt tb�,4t be calne nearlv Pacific announces the estatilish-
bei mind reacheii Fbr inx;allds, for' con- Strathroy, Nov.
ng scalped. Tile. w ',14.-Da'vid Stack- ment of a ifewstearn ship 'line to be run
froin the foreh�.id to the Nack of I.be ford, alias,Henry Shayrr., 'who is wd�ht_ by thiin during tho winter betweell
odelled and is in full swing again, sumptive�,, ed by the Pblide at'St. 'Ili 4'ant New Orleansand vario�is wi"
The Exeter Grist Mill bas heen va- be-tdand left theskifflexposed. Med, vaii-L5cenlfs, for con.
cal airl W'Is imilIF-diately stimmoned 6mas, Bi - ftter ports.
-EVER, T1 d LA NVIT I L lop NWis l)11t' under chlor -0- br -vveak children, for all "ird, Woodstodc �aiftcl Ltindon, was,ar Four of the Elder -Dempster stcainars V
BETTER THAN forip , while it requived �norteeri stitches restfd' here� Sundsi� by Ulief of po- will be tised, the Montrose,'the �,Jont_
flesh, SCOit'S lice Wilson for sieahirig,sonie d6thing real, the Montezunia and the Nvati- Diamond is a fine wbite color
prepared to attend to the' nee& of of the do6tors ne(�dle to bring tile torn and jewellery froth, Jolill Sinclair, of kee. It has been decided that'the wiliv-
their, wany customers with a good P11"ts togetl3elk' ' It 's a rniracle tb.,It E---ni4,kion is a r an of the first grade,
supply of the �noted the lad was not kill(d on&igbt, but be icK COMO Lobo,- He Nvas arraigned before. Po- t�r business for the two OPell ChMldian
lice Magistrate Noble' this nio,nirig ports,, St. John and Haliia_�, not Is perfectly cut and perfectly
a natural wi,b, licaf.hig-th" ted oil be ellough to kee
is doing as well os can he expect(d. Ei"tabl' bod, n I
at hd wa� wall p the whole fleet of proportioned.
ot-ner similar chaijes, decided,'io're_ thirteen vessels ill commission, so ?n abovo solid
tar -'lour oN Hand
Sqt in eith'er orthe,
V inaild 1iim until M6riday, 'the �oth, He effort will'be madeLto capture soine or
J�Lt�rmed tbe, Police -Siagistnite 'that the cotton-carryingirade of the,so - 14 I�- golld sottin95 fOr $25-00.
o f U's Emu
0 S 1sion for bohez, St6ckford was his propeY, , rianle, but art, ports. It is expected also that We guarantee the value of this
atei oboppers fov Bile clicip tlhit.he'went�under 5�veral aliases. He �some grain that was tinable Fing, and Nvill refund the money
We have pl,
to -,-t aviay
aud a, raller foi- r6lling oats for horses. Poor rnanl;, He can't lielp it. fl��5h -blood, as -0 nerve.,
adinitted - fiaving s�rved fOLlryears early in the season wil be taken sout!i' if it is not entirely satisfactol-y.
Hegets bilious. He needs 2 in tlfe' felformatoi-Y at Peri.6fwi.g and
Soeing is Believing --g We will send you for shipment by the ocean roat,e. Mailed
thre6.1i611ths iii the Central Prison. repaid to any address
good fiver pill Ayer's Pills. a free saniple.
oii rcccipt of
Give Us a Trial. They act, directly on tb e liver More Furnaces Ci se.
Be sure,fliat 1 0 11) F6zz si= CARD.
this picture' The'Fire Record.
J. C. Ayer Co.. in the form Of a labdls on . .. '11- -Three ore Open
cure biliousness. Lowell, mass Sydney, Nov. 23.
Montr6al, 'No� ox I of fli� lion
Harvey Bros. the wraper of every bottle v. 23. -The paper b hearth furnaces Domh
of Emulsion you. buy. factory of George A. Mace, 304 St. Steel Company closed yesterday. T�Jis
Want your mo6stadie or healrd, VL John S. Barnard,
'Successors to T. Co4bledick S TFW P�!A street, was -badly dainaged by fire leaves the total number ill operatioll
aboitutiful brown or rich black ?, Us
SCOTT & BOWNE, this,moining, the loss being estimated at eleven, twelve having been JEWELER',
bouglag coldk hQnropness, and other thizoat at $io',000 to $i5,oqo. The place burned dowfi within six montlis. TheTe LONDON, ONTARIO.
ailments,are quickly
owCreso- "S HE a
-cely 'afid, beitlg iii a thickly bUilt 110NV bul. two blast furn
relieved by Vap Toro fiei aces in Oper. -
Rio, Ontario.
Lene tablets. ten. cents Der box Alldruzistq. P, the f oid, the w6�ks are rt
locality, ire was diffl�ult to �over-' ti011, ning at
t Ila$
L -0
50c. and $1; all druggists, co e. considerably less than h4f capacay,