HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-11-26, Page 4014ider vo.ccik.,,Wild Paola at Sunday. School
Soo...lege Ox eeobe -Preps..
YANKRES GET 71?... -LOP. P.LU.11.
Owing t he negleee ot the iron and
etee l lodeetries by the Ottewa govern-
ment 30,000 tons a steel rails. required
,by the Caoadian Peeilie Railway Com -
„Reny, will heve to he purchased outside
a Canada,
The Voited States Steel Trost will
endeavor to eeeme the big tae' $S
Pee too, The price to an Americeo
road would be $2,3 per ton, bet the
are naahang a dead set on the
Cenadion markets and ate willing to
slaughter peaces to any extent movide
oil they an seeure (Arden.
At $13 per ton. en order for ele,001
elms of mile meatus an expenditure of
eoenee.On neatly all a wbfell will and
Rippen, Ora., Nov. 2L-TLisesually
quiet hamlet was totnigbt the
scene of a terribleeccident,dee to an ex-
plosion of acetylene gas. St, Aedrew's
Preebyteriten choral, eohoolroota wats
badly wrecked, and more than one
huodred people who were in at at the
time, mostly childreri. were subleeted
to a mot teyioe experience, Several
ere supposed to'-‘leive• been fatall.,,,y in
jewel. and numbers are very sermuely
heart, Me village has been thrown in -
taxa state of great excitement. end at is
itopoesible at this hour of the oight te
seed a complete list of the casnaltiee,
Niue peons are known to have been
oblityrs.hurte and the are doubtless
What was a festive occasion was seal-
denly couvetted into one 0 confeelon
and sorrow, The occaeiou wits a, sego
epr tee d ered to the ehildren of the So n -
y school, On the previoos evening a
tee meeting 'tees held. &I'd the attend*
nee, ne is generally the rata was very
its way into the tte hets a vole(' huge. The children were not perinitted
to a grea t epar
xteue to tem pate in the
States workmen, ',site of good thingsent that et:melon. it
The entaltliall Pacific. Co. are known-uag- that they shoat have
a tea meeting tipOil their own account
this evening. It was this latter testi-
eel which was in progress when the
aeeident occlowd.
The 41Ipper WAS well under way.,
Mena the heavilY-leden tables sat the
happy -faced children, dressed in hobo
doe,tiLthe and langliing and talking In
perfect babble, The picture was indeed
pleateing one, Parents and teachers
were preeent tontisist 111 attendiug to
the many wants a the -eager young -
eters, and td1 was going merrily.
The etonpanY haul been gathered at
the table tot -gime ;mon ao Items, when
soddenly there "NOS pandemonium.
Where -bad been shouts of laughter
were shrieks 0 terror; light-hearted
chatter geve way in a twinkUu to
_ ries of agony. There was ono teertfle
horst of Statue, one loud rear. and a
to spend motley freely an this co-antry
whenever at as possible to secere sego
ealies from Canadian moonfaeturers.
Then why rex to the United Statee
few wide? The auswer is to be foiled
pe .IV4 Hansard, jutte iltio 1003.
The following resolation. moved b
Mr. R. le Borden, was defeatted by
oUti Liberal vote:
"This itottee is of the opinion that
the toriff of CUSt011iS doties should give
such protection to km and steet in-
dnetriee as will not only sure to one
own producees and IntlineaCtlItetS the
Canadian market in Ortioles now pro.
dined and. Illdoufactured in this
country. hut will also develop and sus -
Witt the Illiknufnetnre in o we1I.1ghted1 weaewtouged dunaKhult.
other iron and steel prednets ohich at fel' th7it"S' being' heeattle "rhlublek
present are Imported in large eptanti. ruupilss5t%lirgualgItle/efarnageolieltAngdlet
ties front other countries. eeud thaa i1 u ell'ort to 4f;eope. Otilkr8 were
the present tariff of eustmus duties pined down enable to Move. it Was
eleneet ',et note eteeejeetee on this pan_ heeetreeeling to hear the frightened.
panful ;tete-elms of the children, who
eipiee" formed the greater part of t vme.
Tiedefeat of thnt propteltion meanie Seine of then), were not greatly hurt.
(emollient lutrorket$ foe the rnited t0...3 it foltallotely afterwaulls proved,
all in their term ;added. to the in.
,114"‘, deect Diable conditions which confront -
Pride Order ;done.•the rvivEr34 those who were OM a hand to yen-
etedeeige, at hetet, whiseit shamid be -der essietance.
*rent at Sydney and the Sen. The evident was eansed he the ploext-
elon acene gas, hut what
ORNERIP442.1110,01113141of etyl
ViillSed the explosion has not been ex-
,z4ENDING MILidiao 4.111104P., olained. The gas plant had been in
operation foe Some time, and on serious
The truth` returns fur the r‘rit trouble had been expetieneed with it.
female; ending Detober east, libeh ore It wee muter th control of the came
hefted with delight by Liberal pepere. taker 0 tate Outwit, Me. VV. Moore,
its who wee supposed to understand its e tee:tits were folliove:
workings thoronghly. 14'. Moore was
letetorra in the leteenterot near the gal maebine
nerethe. 101-. titeitn5=e1 wheu the tellable weltered, tint he Fate
months. 1002. No to iihie itajered it was not possible
to tet trom ban an amnia of what
itel w the eeps losion, 'eloore'injer-
1110rea'4'• • • • ..... . . f.415.1318‘713 lee sate eitivily IstivaSottul he ler; Sutler-
gresti eget**,
I metathe, leati hlev, Mr. ,:tItnnem in, ;to' of the
t menthe, lfet2... . sia:r.v.mo Pheiteb. 'w.",-4 also ne"Yt the
:end wee likewise serumely burned. lie
le oleo elate big ft em short:. :tire. Jus.
Inereitee.„ Ste rehtel5 McLean end Mies Nellie Cooper, who
re the anything in this condition wane eurnag thoee nssizing at the
.,tfah to num, thauttabull.. to ebiltheeth, feast were injured by firing
delaie anti a; th eald te verv
4111 14'uk ut the rv8"lt8 to ei'ld le lan't, The tetines chilayen who
'ahead. We have bought from foi eign- oeee among the victims of the elms-
Qrs, in only fame mouthe, $15,018.713 1er ineletle. Ella :Ogle, eeliee Taylor,
evorth more goods than we did tiering Tolor nd 1.4"" Cenl'er,
ta. enhool, building mei the Ix:tee-
the eorreeponding potted a year ego. toeut beneath it nre thought to be n
llee hove sold to foreigners $2,159,Sla V.111131131rt4. wieck. 'The structure was of
mete this year than we did iu the first laid:, mid well must!. weed, Ina the
'Ante :Manila of the fiscal year 1002. , thqueudt"18 eulver uf the exPl°ding
That means an increase of te1tUO7,80$ gas tme as 't had b"" Or match-
ACC1DENT--..k feW days ago while
tar. arid Mrs, Ilaritou„ ties place,
were retaroing front visiting their
daughter, Mrs, .T. Jacksoen at Salem,
their laorse became frightened at a
box_ which the stroeg wuut had, blown
from the buggy, and plunging tiSide
overterned the rig, throwing tbe occu-
pants out, Mrs. LIAri.ton escaped, with
a few bruises, bot Mr, Hariton fared
less fortonittely, behaving the polut of
hie awe:Oster. twoltett aud berg other-
wise badly bruised. Although suffer,'
ing eonsklerable ie le. getting along as
well as ean be expected. His matey
frieede wish for a speedy recovery.
ogoinst us in the balance of trade.
And this in four short -months.
Is this 8 source of congratulation to
the government? The shop -keeper or
/atelier, who, at the end of the year,
bas spent more than he made, is quite
'as entitled to make merry over his
good fortene, as Canadians are because
of our unhealthy purchases abroad.
The fat that the Laurier fiscal policy
is sending additional millions of Cana-
-41am money away to enrich foreign
workineu, is something that should
telgage the earnest attention of the
electors. The foreigner will thrive at
the expense of the people of this
country as long as the present govern-
erteent is entruste1 with power.
Here is tbe latest prediction regard-
ing Dowie: Tbat Alexander Dowie is
getting reaaiy to skip the country, tak-
ing with hirn ell the money he eel)
teece oat of the citizens of Zion, and
the followers of the prophe.t. The ac-
tion of sending his wife.and son abroad
- was the dist step. They took mones
with therm Dowie's creditors are be-
-coraing too warm, and Dowie laimself
announces that he is going abroad in
January, "for men aed money to build
a number of Zions." When he retares
he says that he will begin the work of
raising Jerusalem. But he will never
come hack; he will raise something be -
ides Jerusalem -when he goes.
lenges McIntoeh and family, tele)
removed to Owen Sound a while ago
have come back to town again and are
living iu John Emmet 's house near elle
Royal Hotel. -Mr. David Sampson, an
' in ma te at the Insane Asylorn, Londou,
diedut that institution Friday. Ije
had reached the age of 04 years. The
rStnains were brought bete for in tar-
reent.---.Tohn McInnes and family have
gone to Stratford wh es' th ei r h o e -
hold effects bad gone and where they
will make their Enterve hoine, Mr, ale -
Innes having secured, employment
there. While helping to move tilL
furniture Mr. Janes Bhebanan heti
the misfortune to meet with an acci-
dent. , The piano had been placed oe
the wagois when it keeled over stnit
e ,Tiat on the leg, badly bruising
i L., and ne,cessitati og his laying
off workefor a few days, --Mr. li: B.
Itsughton has heee engeged as pietee•
pat.:Jr the Publid SOlool here.
um+ .
Owing to the very inadequate means
of lhting up the scene, the work of
the rescuers, some of whom had escap-
ed unhurt from the wrecked school-
room, were uceessarily retarded great-
ly. The men and women who joined
m the task of bringing relief to the in-
jured stumbled over heaps of debris,
with the aid largely- of nothing better
than hinters. The odes of the little
children in distress served as a guide
for a time, but some of them bad be-
come tin con scions, and were lifted from
the ruins looking more dead than alive
with blood flowing tom wounds over
the once -clean frocks now sadly torn
and soiled. What Physicians it wos
possible to summon were brought to
the spot with all speed, but many were
the homely remedies applied by will-
ing, if mot so well-trained, hands.
We are pleased to be able to state
thee gro„ 0eorge itohe1I, who bee
been vete!' IUL saftermg from blood poi-
son, is recovering.: -Mrs. W. Middle-
ton, is visiting her deughters ia
ForeeMe 134S OS her guest at,
present her neice, Miss S. Deckete, of
Cleveland, -Little Mass Vera Dios -
more, who ham been eetteying from an
ettack 0 intlannuation of the lungs, is
slightly intproved. Her many friends
wish, her a speedy recovery.--Illise L.
.leemeeon, who hes spent the past few
and oat) d G to 1 --Mx 1.4* -7g cl
yeere !Pi tuttew7t ft;ilendrusrin,.
brother of Me, John Langford, of this
village, who hate been residing in nes-
ittOraY village and intendS mooing the engine
koke for %axle time, has moved to the
Ams posema Reid, wh hs twev004. of Ur. A, Langford,
MiValtIV-D.,--00, Wednesday or last
a trip to Petrolee, as the guest of her week. Mr. Will Foster, betook himself
sisterhas retuned bottle. Her many to Oeutralia on a very pleasing and
young friends ere pleased to have no
*her interesting ssion mad now safely
home gain, -Ar, erred. Hill, who teal, enrolled in, the tones of the be/teak:to
the misfortune to cot ids foot some The yooug WIy of his choice is Anse
time ago, is able to be about again-- Lottie Ilan:Mord, the estimable(laugh-
A, i_te tiordoh„ronngis L'eceTertne' fru. ter of hr.Jatues Handford, of Central-.
los recent utness.,-te. oonne, teektnee- ia. The interesting ceremony was per -
to, is visaing, reletives in this vicinity. formed hy tee, Ree, Mr„ Kiljtyr,,, of this
UM. hehttosit has returned from -place. They are enjoying a brief bon -
her visit to West Williame.-4,Grieve Oymnpn trip. in different partsof Miche
has lu'Proved the aPPearance of ht8 eon. -after which they wilt return to
house UV Potting 0, lounaution mid" itlrenton to reside, The many friends
John Snowden basleased Mrs. of Mr. Foster join in wishing. himself
BettleS propertyouljoinin" he.Grieves . end popular young bride loeg, happy
farno for short teenCe-Mrs, and prosperoue rnatTied life.
ellbert, is dill confined to bee bed with
an attack ar rhentnatieto.-Mr. Noe. Seitforth
Mao Linghlin has gone to ifl.ef„ eeeo, e‘e,„
where he has secered a position in .; at %et- vm.tr""1,4e, krs"t s"as 7,10-'1'n in
Atessts, 11., Baird .5A7 SODS' foundry. °It* It'Oe't!,._° ,q
Norman will leeInotelx oilseed here br he Is eugageu umotuuel'u,Fe
his aseomatee.
'last week. aud will .spend the winter
cement tile and ortele, returnee', Mane
- there wUh his family: He inteude move
Rensall ing out in the $prItig.--Alr. Walter
Baker. for a moiler or yens teacher'
Timm) Petty Is home againt"-311$$ in the Egmandville school, hut who has
Nellie Welsh has gone, to leondete.- wen teaehitigin Durham frie the past
:dies Sheppard, of Clinton, visited her year or so, has ,given up teaching and
cousin. 1rs, A Mellrien, for ft few. hes accepted a position as \waive
days during the week. -its. Scott, of; Ontario representative of the Home
near Fordench, is the Knot of her ele- corresponeenee school, of oprinsneid,
ter, Mrs. (Rev.) Shaw.--Melvio Stone- We wish WM success. -Mr. John Stop -
man has returued bottle from Stria- es, who has been in the employ of me,
ford, -W. R. Magill*, who has Wilt Allen Close in the barbering business,
the past two months rn Winnigeg hee when an interesthe the iminess.-
otber points in the West, is home to ;Misr. Mettle ICydd, who bas been visit
spend the winter.---Oece Richavdeon tug ramie here Inc the past few days
has returned to town atid restaged his loft this week for bilp Immo in Winni.
pprellticesitte at J. Cooles.-Herleert. peg, Matme-Mles Rathwell bas resigned
sin S. letejtiles, has gone to e.on" the position of oegantet of St. Thonute
ueem, ewh,vere,,he token Pasitiaa lielV to accept a similrapos1-
,0,111'6001* zi 41.11lier estounsuntentee:er. (inn in The preshyomeen church,- We
0▪ . Petty left lost week Air a trip to ere suety to learn that Air. Henry
the Ohl Clanntry. It is to be boed wasonooto has been a resreated.rea.
that be will halve agreeable weather dent isf Seaforth twat good many Yvavs
nuti a pleasant thute-M iss V. White- and a fait:lad VillinitIe of the town.'
elde, who is teaching school, at Slab* ; has deteetnined to leave Se:Mirth and
town, has given sloth excellent eatis- 'remove to Detroit. His son, liarry,
favtion that the trustees have votes- who lulls been in Detroit for two yeare,
gaged her for next year at 8t1 ttL8. bas hem home urn a visit and hag in_
ed salary. --While ;misting in lifting at dived hie invents to return with wen.
piano onto a dray the other tley the Detainee -We detedy regretthis week
end of it fell an Walter Lane'Ner's to he mated on to wetted the death of ,
foot, melting his toe batilere-We are eirs, Kidd, wife Ohm Thontato Kidd,
Pleased to learn that Mrs. J. Whit, final .inglittotor of t his town. It haul
steadily recovering from her reeent been koown that Mee, lebld had been
Wiggins, organizer for enliering from itt healthimmune tittle,
ibi'AVIO„a"rg, Int"team'.n
IMIN lea the end vo- sde
udnly and
nem to-uay econeetay) ante endeavor erneepeeteeny to menzie .
tnAll a union here. -Mr. John Pat- wire 4m mondao evening., she wan
tt‘1:111.'4'':1l'3tklTtltiuPehi41tI%aiTerqs!tgiig4irti.11;th441111.gah'liefdateeegooget. Ift; oith.,r t1elitt1.41.eshe
etotippiel tkiiIMIT Wagon tatrrilt°11, ns veaseci, spatting, awl on her dateghtet
well as the hula s emit'Oemag milk. iweinee at her, she at once saw there
It appears Willie hchartio got. into , was saupthing wrong. 5he1tfdd hiul
the rig mid in attempting tax /eon , been attaelted by paYelysis qua newt.
around upset with the aletve resole • reined, oeat h claiming her about
The lad bed bb head seriously oat and , two boom arti.rwaribt, she w,33
wAs otheywise simiten til+ hreisete yeareoe age, tier maiden namt was
-MIN Thomas F. Pyre, wha reeenaly martearei jeeenen, onal elle was a nal-
eold his entre imeiness at citiselhurell live nf the township of ,Aeleala, Simet3t4
xtrel rented hie premiees thole for n roomy. Ahuet thtety4wo years ago
monher of Years to MN John White- she wee united in mareinge to her now
man, moved into tan' 5 Map laSt wevk t rt ;
4111tiaant., aud bee been a reel-
nntl intemie residing here milli be de- (belt, of 8081'011h ever einee„ :The wes.
cities on future Intsinese utovvinents. an actiYe and consistent menthol of st.
Mit FS're and fitiodY will make good Jinnes' church. Deceased was much
.esithents.-alr. Jobe Oritnger hes por- teeeved by her own family and WAS
chased 31e. II. R. PfaIT's dwelling. on generally eeteminel in this-eounnuttity,
ii oel: street, and intends movieg Into where elle Hem et, long nod u,„, so
our viflage in the course of a few days. knowu. The remtuns were taken
We are always pleased to eye good res- t the native place of the deceneed ini
dents like Mr. Granger coming to re- Thursday an deposited in tee .faneny ,
side in onr s -airs. G. E. Walk- Piot in Se James' cemetery there. She
or, ef Peameeston, is here visiting her leaves behind her lieleaved husbaud
mother, Mrs. A, Smallacombe.-Miss and a grown-up family.
Matte. Kydd, wbo has been visiting
friends here, left hist week for Sea- Ztinielt
forth, prior to leaving for her /some in Mrs. Guts. Fritz has fully recovered
from her recent illness. -Miss Joanna
Elbert is steadily impeoving,-Miss
Betuderfwbohas spends the sit ns -
mer bi Helm% ham returned home. -
The Zueieh cider mill has closed down
for the season. The patronage accord-
ed this season was only fair. -All the
friends of the Lutheran church are in-
vited to attend the 25th anniversary
of the dedication of the edifice on Sun-
day next. -Miss Lavine. Bossenberry,
wbo bas spent the past two years in
Mitnitnba, bas returned home. Her
Many friends are pleased to see her
again. -Mr. John Dumart has gone to
London to place himself under the care
of a specialist for a few weeks. -Miss
Melvina. Koehler hes returned from
her visit with her sister at Sehringville.
-Mr. Noah Straus, of the 14th, re-
cen tly sold a fine two -year -Old colt to
Mr. J. P.. Rau, for the emu of $125. -
After a seven weeks'. visit with friends
in Berlin and other places. the Misses
Ella and Liezie Rennie returnedhome
a few days ago. -Messrs. Weseloh and
Kocherris have tinisbed, the woodwork
Me. Jos. Many and fa mily, of Wing -
ham, twee moved to town. -Miss Atny
Howson, Nebo has been assistant post-
mistress for some tithe, ands her ser-
vices required at hotne, and will give
op her position at the end of this
month. She will be suoceeded by Miss
Porter, Eltndale, wbo was formerly in
this office. -Miss Robb, who has for
seveeal years been an efficient mem-
ber of the Model school staff. has ten-
dered her re.signation owing to her ser -
vines being required at home. -A. A.
Watts. late of England, has taken np
his residence in Mr. Fowler's house. --
Mr. Ponder, of Marroora, has moved
his family to town, and intends resid-
ing here, he havingaccepted a position
le the Organ factory. -Miss Florence
Bt enner, of Balmore, who wits for
nearly two rnonths an innaate of Dr.
Gust n's Hospital here, where she un-
derwent a serious Operation, has al-
inost entirely recovered. --Mr. E. 111 e-
Langhlin has purchased a barber shop
in Aurora, and has moved his house-
hold goods to that place. We leis')
bim every snecess.--Fred Elliott mid
Fred Jervis, who bare been in the
Klondike gold regions, the former for
e year and thelatter since last spsing,
have returned home. They both have
done well. Mr. Elliott, ptesented his M
I's her, r. A. O. Elliott, with $200 in
g,)1r1 coin, They were working in the
vicinity of the city of Nome, a nd. ler t.
there the middle of October, frost har-
ingeerset in and stopped their labors.
ee another son of A 0 Flliott
ho is situated at 'Vancouver, left, on
a 20 -day trip around the born. Upon
bis vetern he will spent the winter
here before refOrming Vauconver.-
TI,e firm1 of R. Coots & Son he ve d is -
epee:" of their business to 1N1,-sE,Ds. To-
zer & own.
4$4zOisbeci .(49,
Whooping Cough, Croup,
Bronchitis Coughs Grip
Asthma Diphtheria.
.Presolene is ttoon Aslhtnotics.
OnasOtEva is long estetaished fad stAndq4, remedy for the disea.ses
indicated. It cures because the air rendered strongly antiseptio c.arrical
over the diseased surfaces of the bronchial tubes with every breath. eleloe
prolonged. 41614 constant treatment, Those of a, ottasuraptive tendency. or
euffersee from Otranto bronelettiand Ainunectiate relief Owe coughs er
flouted canclitioes of the threat. DencriptiviabooLlet freo..
Causotsn'n ArrisErrio TABLATS disSoired tile inOutit, are effeetive end,
safe for coughs and irritation of the throat. itic. a ban, 4.1.X. 11M4;GVISTS.
Lre.1430Ii4•AlaxXa 4VO., *On Notre Pante St.. Vonts,eni, Vnitoclian. AgcoAts
Sucetess an after l'efe 4lepends lareely ween , the . treinieee
received Wheel
Ige hey er ..se-toele treer. iiresiesesliee in these days ef keen
eetopetitaon wt peeeear prepereteee-
The ite7.ed sheuld ert4teed to gresp ged'uederetend tem-
mercia :mettere ad every- you:t:3. men and vi-n7mn shoalReelect e. thereuesh. Front:it:et! traintnee Lefere entering any ittiSiMsS
The Forest City Beskteee aed $herthend Cellege traies ever
two hundred etal fifty young' men and WQrrien everoyear. etol still
the business world is danding mere.
Booklet explainleg Ccilr$05. 17!StS, sent f1-4747, fer o eeetel,
J. W. VELT.r.
N%innipeg, Man. -Rev, Dr. Smith, of
BratIftnel, occupied the pulpit in the
Carmel Presbyterian church on Sath.
bath. Rev. Smith possesses powers
which ate second to tome, and he Car-
ries his auditors with him at will. His
voice is somewhat musical ana he has
:hist magnetic influence enough to cen-
tre the eyes of the whole congregation
upon 'himself and to hold them there
thronghout the whole of the discourse
while he .has suffieient elocutionary
ability to bring out the true meaning
;171d make his reading ngreeable and
easily understood. -The members of
The Canadian Order of Foresters of
this village, marched in a body last
Sunday morning to . the Methodist
church for the purpose of attending
the anniversary services and listening
to a semen on Forestry by Rev. Dr.
Medd. .The service was a very impres-
sive one and the sermon a ennaterly
exposition of the cradinel virtnes of
the order. The speaker also gstv some
kindly words of ndvice to the meritibers
of the church. The sermon. was lts-
tened to with rapt attention. The on Mr. Rummel's new hoase. The job
members at the close of the service fell seems a creditable one to the gentle -
into line and returned to the 'lodge
, man narned.-Rev. Father Tonnes has
roorn. arrived and taken charge of St. Boni -
0.0111•3151•011•6•14 -0/Nee./NNEM.0/0/9•SP•
After January. 1s, 1904.
Timeleier 7za varlet -tette le tee 'Cast, racer 1 0 , sktee staite, 'In
Ile .eerlyeteses it ratittiroFmtgoonsultiat toc,#, euirv.4t umwr OPS rzzr:s:
121Zall.Varlars.Zfrozta.t°^ . AliVo, ia i•Act, 'wit Lave trwo (c t' rza er,airilrmtlii,p, #
varicarige# ptestott In lausivsle, 41 gsfrs vegte tee ir,C,o7,-14141 LI,PA 1; .7 - C,1 bo Uta
It at Calk It; Qua it viill vrinItIV.36Z1,"%riy9t. tittnt; n5P:o1,1X,e;:iret Nof..,.,-.7,;,;zev,
'cm:me:min tho b3e4lt. tia,lete.,7.1irilsi tivaia Pia 4 Nta4:3 i..11 ta,....i:,, r.„ -jail fit *La
laino,trritaqon et theterialeettee 41",cli‘,744, €:tilhil."11 0,111 7•;in rigl11t•..7[711Fibiolly 4 -
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"Lei the 0
19 nil
wins do year vrark.00
will take every particle of dust and dirt from your floors and
woodwork -makes them as clean as a whistle, neat as a pin.
Nothing so good for washing clothes and dishes,
Clime, New York, Boston. St. Louis. ,htontreele
i'nee Parish. lie is of a pleasing ad-
j'idiess and will be sure to make friends
w th his parishioners as well as with
nte rest of our citizens. -Mr. Wesley
1toellig scad hie handsome team of
rcherons to Mr. Thotnas Handford,
rt Exeter, on 'Wednesday, receiving
t he handsome sum of $850 for them.-
\Ir. Casper Weber lost a couple vale-
., tee hogs last week through scene dis-
e tse Or other the Us ture of which is
out understood as they were seeming-
ly well enough a few 130nrs oefore tbey
cl ied.-Mr. John Hey, Jr., of theGr'osh-
ee line, has a, Baldwin apple which
ew in his orchat cl this year, which
:ncasnred no less that lle ineheS in cir-
RICE $1.50 Naelts onerence.-Miss 0 E. Wiggins, of
Toronto, lecturer and organizer of the
• \ 0.T. TJ will speak in the Work -
Net seeesteen est balance of nib yea t free, incl a1i1/ inagnincont algebra.; number. .8.e -n -d *in HaiL, 00 Friday afternoon and
w et .,iiteoription at °nee. Don't a single i§sue. wanicti even where ; libeled torm,s, about, foul, weeks from
8a.uple dopy D.Pe,
• THE WILLIAM .`0/ELI) LoEd.orl, Onc. tis Woe Santo Claes will have made
his annual visit. His will be a wel-
come caller to the littla folks. -Mrs. R.
Hamacher left for her home in Senile c
Centre, Mich., on Wednesday morn-
ing, accompanied by her brother and
nephew, Messrs. Wm. and Harvey
Weber, who will likely spend the
winter there. -Mr. Henry -Rupp is re-
covering from the ettect s of his recent
accident. Be was standing in his wa-
gon, when the horses suddenly etarted
and he was thrown to the ground, re-
ceiving a shaking up. -The following
officers were elected at the last meet-
ing, of the Junior Y.P.A., for the en-
suing yea rt --Pres., Erntinuel 'Pete -
mann; Vice Pres., Iva 'Weber; Rec.
Secty, R,oxie Either; Cor. Sec'y, teenier
W. Well; Trees., Pearl Wurtz; Organ-
ist, Lite, Flattleilu Ass't, Lilly Faust;
Librnrians, Lilly Johnson and Gertie
Maga; Page Boys, Alfred Bender and '
Clarence Niger. II. Well, Coy. See'y.