HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-11-26, Page 2*=••' CHAPTER XIX. Next meaning Artie: broke indeate, Y‘. auesly hate 1eievor"e town, dilieee you i ear 11 tea.. zetwee Barra - Wicelient nseerier tea 1iea shot; lett by the atoradies ttnin. I 'levee %tete mode. se:earl-led ia lily life a:ton any-ioa. brought ate this note with my cork° : "Called away In urgent beetree-ta. alltdireend Not unicit ti: tSehot-ter titan a aire. l'areteet the tr,a-i. notion where he's Oa' toe leought oteliapa you unperit hezz d heleech.," :^" ''e.r I l'hen la; the tieeit's name whot tale baeuette or lideet 17,e's gone Atuariee for good.. Ideleves rito-tht not ettv that -he a,are gore for JECe. 1Po.i look so et re eied„ Viefun. Via tr.4l you aIl aboat ie at datte time, but do* the Icv-Anat Wo. -.11. yo'l to tale ltity word IShe looked at hina in quick. sur- prise. She had never heard that toue in lis voitte before. It was Harry 'I'levor undoabtedi.Y- The boyish dgtoe, the handsome young face, blue-eyed, and flaxen, belied. But there wrIs a youthful eagernees and exbilaration iu the faee that won quite new to it. The height Week eyes of the gill °pored wide as sae galas' et Lira. and the tel live parted sliglttJy showed a gletuning thread of white bet ween. Then Trevor looked lu his taw for "I thought it was Dr, :Ardel; "then the first time since he began ids with a mocking tondo that made hoe story. eS es dame and her cheeks dimple. is it possible fer you to foagiae g•Sile is not here. ifarry, See has zne?""jest gone out fel' a wale. in the du - 1 -Begin away. I don't Fee inys.elf decade," enere is year much to forgiNe after .•Who ht ale Itt Vdedi :on 1'$S.74. thoroughly Null! lot. rind we ;eta cell risl of hien." "1.11 t owe** ill thato your ateitt f• o editing, chi ma% er tar' 'nglitedarig fer ledefthetil Wren. But Lir WaS :Ai :et ;iron igiey that 1 taterght it only leer to give bine hie cb;411.,4.1, dote 1 thotesii, i•at latteeed ite could praae up d min lea:e her like thee."' corald not ledls Itinieelf, Lucy lete tee sow ergape of Ow moo. :,he hes eerai Meet:, (40 a Deal let us tell; tt.:3% tOly utcrze. h.t.s wvsed 041 Of triir lit -r!.$ for ever.- Then efter theseeete "There is some - en ease waia to say to you, if ; yoo tell hear me out patiently, bat latateibly hard to stay.- •"Theit doidt. Vil tem it gr ted " omit." Trov evor cisl hardly deem ;he words out, "A horrible. genies sreret mod cold, tlimara peaty teerreet111 seargoot hoar e tot IN;in fOrgt‘O "Ariel Salk date" Laid brue- allele'. "Non meet be drunk rrr Mad 13 It11-.LO eat, Yon have Kea bitch o triend 10 ale. Beery. as No luau ever Iliad hedge, If' 1 fi;twt INWIZ E014-44:4:14"; tof ura.houa ai4or that net fr.1 Pr.koll4e, .1 a we it to you - waking to you, Ttait thee I took the oideore „eon putted Mar old. of the jttts Of death. Bet, OM'S Waring V•oil'eit Wens plttieht With an' 40 a 1100ther with her baby. You've help- ed me in a thoueand wee S. YOU'IV kit.‘cr chap, d Vas a dull one. Wt. I'm not deli elirrilf571 10 foneet all E owe yott while 1i• life 20 itruicen- ser it, So don't go on raving any more like a. dereet fellow, tn. Ill tend for the do: ter." "Ida mit lush lee 1'2Uspeatieg the Wain, eoher truth. Yee wrongee ernt as uo Man ever :Mother H 21 *s Wieuld beitiro." Attlee tried to laugh one of bie eivet pyod-Lsolooled Lieglid but he "gel e down in the needle of it. rieloeuvil ep 1;e of bit e -elf by thr ,oineot leh as of the other's fate nd :of' v. "By Jove eon look as it ;1.ft/a bd a ghort etory to tell." "I have 0. ghost. attar to tell, a dee" ghost glom a rtrarge ghost ;lora': too elaange ria afraid to ler nelleviel in re he of its truth. Will tint 11, ton to b e** "Ilse awae only if it is neer- thing bad. about ;tett/web, dant ex- t me to be'iMe Again there WaS Ing ;larva,. Toe wczfuton t,.at cloee ttedellae• at th Le ...ow with the wev (hoary On their faces. Ardel listemrd, flushed, rtnicius, extited , while Trevor, with low, leveed utterance at first, told the rorauge story or-t f a ol,nt life. ills voice grew firmer as lie proleed- ed. Throughout there was that in !la tone that tozopelled Ardel liatened to the end, patiently, without word or sign, except the wad -ening of his face, held silent by =easement. The morning wore on; the grey dawn. blushed into eivid rose color in the east. But those two men, speaking and hearing ampere thirgs. look no account cf time. The whole world was ablaze with sunshine which flooded the rocM wben the narrative closed at laat„ iardel broke the silence. "Well," he said quietly, "is that all ?" len bewildered aboia the bes- .j "Who is stare" laocitivelv atee ineEs yet- The whole' flood '•eetsits . or tOuse. Do you think int quite like a fairy tale, and Ian not S'We blind?" WIrether Ineself or FolueboaY Oee• For alerser he seated Larestlf quid - i par ueed rot eat a word moingly bei d her in the creep ceueleactish- eelieve it iidat tionagh. I connot 'lewd eolith of the gitrat drawled - lode believihed it. You maLe Your" room, which looked out through a sen; out as bad os you eau itt ihe1 wide. arched window on the green stegy. But even on your own show- world., 'de the life you borrowed was it itre But the surprise in her (ryes made ea Fad 'nee see al 1 dor't kw: etu1kt up om I've had altogether the worst of the "leer led the book .111.aca harealin. l'ee laed a. goott time. Ara, ige has been very pleasant to nee. '•; "deh 1 I'm glad yon took my ad - vied you're woreed bard to urehe it ele,e. Isn't it utpaing poetry ! It ale:teapot. Ix's a comfort, 1 nutSl :earria you aloeg like a, hode gale fasio to fellow thoss Milal neve dole," ,er !rattly brae dowita aud 'Met 1 "Your atIVIVe. Harry WhY You don't reaureaber thiug,s bewautte they !teeter seohe to me about it Po long, bat neVer &Lied to Speak till now beeause--- Will you try to lov-e me a, we bit in retain?" “r don't known" the eaid, very softly anel eloettly, "I'm afraid net, botae" the Week eyes thrilled him with a sudden glance -'ren dying to Imam that ieseret-" Ae, that he would 110,Ve caught hex to 1 im, but the liaeone figuro slipped illardee Prom his clasp, and his arms held the empty air,. Yet there tees tope and love in. the bright look. she threw at Itine as she Her book lay or= on the sofa, and deliborately crossed out the name YIN len. Ardel." mei wrote "Harry Trevor" on the title -page. (To be Cortinued.) ITOW GORILLAS FIGHT. They Depend Entirely 'Upon Their Teeth.. ""The prevailing belief that gorillas. chimpenzees oramg-outangs, as they- are various/3i called, use clubs When they attack each other or then' enemies is an entirely erroneoue one.'" says a. -naturalist. "They do nothing of the sort. and how such. 0.n immvssion ever cerme to exist. or how oldtime African explorers ever came to formulate sech a, theory, ia beyond eay comprehension. Puring se long SOJOUrll that ceuntey 1 had ample oppertunitiee 10 learn the • eter leappeurei to zoo. Even yet I Fi yen weltionrt l000 tee same j'�44,1,4 t truth about them, and what 1 tits- ceel, hardly get nty head I0.0.1'. Ihnet the library as Scott." covered there was subsequently con ar- , ha gersetly at. it Harry; lan awninen-t, /, by Jove 1 think firmed tiering a protracted hunting ,aL1 dared, -filet's alt. get toed, ie eo °ea to model wee tenet trip in Borneo, The fact is Chet in e..ed to tbe notien after a littie.;yan tean,mber yestertwy 1 sette fighting ettell other, otin attacking ae t 4 4ug to — Or defending themselves frota other syou. "Von are not angre'?" . He dtorned and whietled, a lougd enemies. they depend entirely upon "Not it Untie bit, You gave nee low whistle Of perplexity their teeth, which are abilorMally fgrful illa by a; ale torteal ftt LitAl Liar In and ollorPr anti "t Itke 0. oat deal.' I utter bewilder uleut. L4t501. making a wound 08 SMOOth -Wm eilly boy, you rover evoke and clean as the scalpel al a surgeou. to me, once ewteeilee; you mere bet- They are eluomy on their feet, but ter engaged." the enormous strength a their voila Though they bad. grOwn 'up as ehil- orbit arum more than wawa up for ! yen together it 'was the first tune , this deficiency. In lighting they €13-. hshe (Ater apoko to him or thought Of 'Meg, invariably attack the faces or Iiiiii as at "boy.," ; the limbs of their edverseries. eyasp- "You know You had ("des OVIY ing their opponents with their bands* "You are. c iae e•on 5e?" "faulted', Tievor's fete fel. -Yet•--" Aidel added slowly. "Yes I" brolse in Trevor very Nig- ! there is no use of Ialkieg or i twee:leg of that; I'm UP:1%-`ettr COV" i;te.t:t., Don't WO:My. y011il,54.1e More airot Let bo onr aderet. To the refit of the %voila Ytlibigs can go on as beanie" ti But he Sighed rogratiedly du spite. hhoserif. The other was quick to notise it - ardente out franitly to Ille what is fai our nairii," he riled tete:wetly- Medd ou hams eerier youth bank I *gain?" ' Aide' htartirrd to hitfee*, eager, ex- PHs at tlie viey theught el it. "Bat *veld eon do ties aired flame?" "I belime I can. Ihn almost srere le can. 1 tried bet night with Wick - liana and found the old power Is as ss mug as twee' in me. There may !he a tour:al-are you 'eating to due it '1" siert death a thoasand tline$ CV the were ehanee, iimmot von Fee, ;Nollth 11100115 and love to It Weill -S the eiglit to woo Jeannette and win her if 1van. with Etteden ismtoree. "it will be t•ey rongh On yell. pill .14 yonr "I'm mar eager for the change then you ean be." -Bat wbut tempts :vole 9" Inkitler Lope. a greater love t han eieire. Firittive Me; every Malt 1 Ida "LS las ''*1 '1 wire born, awl mere1 MO:0 than tha lo Me." ; "But whenenuet 1 9" -Now, if von roe ready," '11,e stilswer was; mre and a pod. "Then draW your their el0r, led them heppy P?X To morn to y011, th%b Dr, i f,Z3471(01:11:' ?cll.': Krer4111 ,...9 , bleoalegaed rroirudire race the eneetteeetnrerrehavie guaranteed lte Sea tee timouiale in the daer /gest etre ask your nelele bore wheti best thiak ofit Yon can amine nal get gear trionee bad: It not cured. cae Mem at ell eealese or EDICVNEON.BATESSCecieTarenta ©haze's OInturarett vidap.. it's the last thrie, I bope. 1 rim 1 call you by that name; clos- er etill:Ithere in the full light, Now look "De full in tl,e fate, and give your aid, over to miee." Again there was :Bencg in the sun- lit room, -elide thought aud sensa- tion ebbed slowly away from them, and sleep profound and unconecious as death. tame upon both. CUArTER "oh'i how you startled me," cried Jeannette, looking up beaunngly from the book in which she had been abeented. "So it's yon-als it ?" "Yes, it's me. Am 1 in the way? p••••••••••M011.101100.1.1••01.., ••••••••••wromoommavr Bring Hosts of OcmIghs`and Coids-Serioue FiestaitS are Prevented by the Use of' I3R. ORME% NR" LINSEED AND TURPENTINE. Coughs and colds usually arise from sudden changes of temperature. It may be change of weather, pass - Ing from a warmer to a colder room or exposure terse draught. It is not always possible to prevent exposure in these ways, but it is possible to prevent serious results by using Dr. Chase's Syrup of Lin- seed and Turpentine. Tbis great medicine has saved up all hopes ma his recovery when I hope you will not like me lets, but thousands of livee by preventing heard of Dr. Chase's Syrup of Lin- more, for the change ?" pneumonia, consunaption and other seed and Turpentine- After using "I don't k clow. You give me a forras of lung trouble. one bottle there was a great change shiver when you talk in that mystel "Teat's none -ewe. Jen." Ire trotted to the title pitee of tite 1 "Why, it's my ropy of 10 1.4,04- ,oti the Lake; the copy 1 gate you 1" "You gave ine I De. Ardell gave it to nue Tierre is hie name." "IVeil 1 -am not 1—?" "Are not :you Pr- ,A.1`410 9 -It'' th t and in the twinkling of an eye off what you were going to Fay 1" ontes one or more fingers. This [ "Would you like me better If 1 ode of warfaro is a very effective t were 2" i .,.., , , chn.. 120 among the orang-outangs them- ".. '0.011.1. IMOWIL M.'S liVel kr ..,,.. i for with d ....... _•tt t.......s gOno $0 ves. or w Inane all we ;you are -generally." 'attd 1ra1iniI t ' inn their teeth in tbeir Reels. In tbe - of bureau beings or other mem, ^era of the moakey tribe, the goril-i la's favorite point of attack is the' hand anti especially tho finger. Catch- ing them by tite wrist, tbe creature, with almost irresistible power, draws ithe hand within reach of his fangs, "Ill be livelier too ftw the future. the animal is itot only out of the Of that pleases you," he Faith edgitre fight* but is powerless to climb a little nearer in Ler on the mt.:, tvtiedeosiiitniosepurowleacitt. ftionmd.elaindorsotaonpsuroe.- 1! "You are a little too livele leir. Let that otehion stay just, combs to starvation or falls an easy wed d it beebetwen hill there victim to same other animater , was serinthe. rather than elepleesure 4- 111 her %elite, and he WOR encouraged bile Lis time. THE BES.LIILARICET. to 1 rf("seutia• thee' fell ioto n pleaFaut Fraise For the Canadian Tiranufac- talk, easy, Ilt ehe uneonetrained. turers' Association. ;melt telk as she had often had with ? Dr. Arm, hut with ihury Troy". on Oa occasion of 'tile recent visit before. of members of the Canadian Menu- , rever ' See was min rieleeeee by tae eag.. facturers' Association to the North - 1 rip! eaange in eau, tied mei- and edelo ,Welit, the Witinipeg Commercial said: look...emir /mewled, tem mitniring,_,at; reorganization. of the Co.nadleat Man - meter long see stole od "Since the organiration, or rather the deo oearg seee dee for tea era -ufacturerie Aseeciation, a well or- , time iltamed urom 10.1. e do eeergeea ganieed and. successful effort has been iniude to extend Canadian trade both g toe e, Tier Mae (gee eeeelit the black. in ;at home and abroad. Tho Aseoclee no or tame bt Nat by ;dames, she ' tion is undoubtedly the most pro - blushed and her voior ?altered. Ills gresSive, aggressive and enterprising young, blood look lire With love's . business organization that Canada longing. But he ;veld tind 110 words 3 haS ever had. It is working skillful - to say what he evnuted to 6tly, ily and energetically to extend Can - "I 'with I totild tell you what I , atlitm trade, improve the quality of think about you, Jen." Canadian wares, and cultivate in °day it, if it tomes you," Canada a patriotic and independent "I'll get Scott to help inc." nalional spirit. Though yet a very Again he Acted up the rtrettily iyoung organization. the Association bound volume of the "Lady ef the ibas already accomplished wonderful Lake," and turned the pages and insults, It is worthy of the support read.- 1,..tha sodom was a swat), amid of every individual and firm 'who Such wi:d luxuriant rieglets hid, claims to be a manufacturer, for the Mose gloaset black to owns might wort: it is doing in building up Can- adian industry. Intrililluinade 01 the raven's Wing; Canadian industry mean? It means And eeldom. o'er a breaet so fair "And what does the expansion of Mantled a plaid with modest tare; the creation or enlargement of the And. never brooch the folds combined home market for the . Canadian pro - :above a heart mare good and Idnd; dueer. It racens the providing or Her Mildness and her worth to Eery remunerative work at homo for the You need but gaze in Ellen's eyed' young people of Canada. After all "That's why I like the 'Lady of is said and done, the home market the Lake,'" he said, "Ellen always is by all odds the best market for reminded me of--.." tho Ca.nadian product -the Canadian "Of whom ?" with a mocking ehal- farmer. It is worth all other 'Par- kas combined. It is the only mar - lenge in her eyes. “Of Foine ODO," he =Revered timid- kelt which the Canadian producer can ly. "Did you read it ? Do you call his own' Unfortunately politi- cal motives have led to tho potence - like it, Jen?" "No, I don't. 3: hay° no patituce tion at times of articles referring • 1 • 1 1 t tl C di never sb large as it is to -day, is suf- ficient proof of its merit. In. the great majority of homes it is kept on hand tor cases of emergency. Mrs. J. Provost, Renfrew, Ont., states:- "My fourteen -year-old boy had a very severe cold in the chest last winter and I really thought he was going to die. 1de coughed near- ly all the thee and emeetimes would spit up blood. IVe had about given of the manufacturers N0111 enable "Oh ! you foolish boy," she event 11 10122 to greatlyincrease their trade piing her rosy cheeks, but tvith kind- here, to tne exclusion of imported. on, the rebellious laughter still dim- , eoods Every doll= sent abroad for ness kindling in bar eyes.. "I don't — • th 1 an a an - with your Falai), to fall in love with ia. er leis y o e a it m a walking gentleman when there was ufacturer. It is unfortunate that the a real man like Roderick Dhu to be primary producing class should be led to consider the maaufaeturer as 4"evish I was like Roderick- Dim!" aa enemy in eery sense whatever. a, peed. of laughter, voice and This is not the way to build up our She looked at him. aud broke into hernial -mg over with merriment. dyes common couutry.. f . • "Large quantities of oreign goods . . "You'd look too killing, Harry, in are imported into Western Canada. kilt and claymore," ehe began. in proportion to population, our 1122- kilt the sheepish appeal for pity ports here are probably greater than in his face checked her. in old Canada. Ilre hope. the visit • Want to tease you, but you provoke me to it. You are not yourself itt all this morning." „Vk. sudden seriousness him. "No. Jen;" he Said, "I'm not • 11.16r.- Sdr:, not .the Self you knew all. your lire as Harr.Y 'Prover. A change has come to me; more strange than any- thing you could dream of. Xi= I It, is mother's favorite remedy for in his condition, and I can positively ious waY." .an.c1 the coughs and colds to which two bottles and he has not been t ery to you, jen. i)ot given croup, bronchitis, whooping cough' say that he was ,completely cured by "It's the last time 1'11 talk in -s -- are sahieet• Being Pleasant troubled since. I' never sa,w medi- that way ss a rt,le. shouid dearly to take it. rsincerely recommend it.'' od.'' ' It is prized by the old people be- Dr Chase's Syrup of Linseed and "But what is the wonderful Secret cause of the prompt and thorough Turpentine, 25 cent's a bottle,. family cf yotIrs, Harry ?" sbe relief it brings for asthma and other size (three, times as much) 60, cents, coining little dotal' to him. chronic ailments of the bronchial at all dealers, or Echnanson, Dates "T. have FAVOtrIl 10 10 1 it 10 ol;ly tubes. & Co., Toronto. one pe -son in the wo:1.1.” ' to the taste, the little ones delight dee take euch quick effect and can like to talk kenetairg: elre if a.dare ,i'he very rad, that the Sale of Dr. To protect you ,against imitations '‘And 'ho Chase'e Syrup of Linseed and Tui- the portrait and signature of Dr., She IS 10 be my Wife. 01', pentine is more than three times A. W. Chase the famous receipt, that of an3t see:tiler remedy, and was book author, 7110 011 every boti;143 goods which wo could profitably pro- duce at home, means the curtailment of work for the brawn and muscle of Canada. It means the contraction of the market for the Canadian farm- er. Western. Canadians, who are mainly producers of food stuffs, are enormously interested in the expe,a- sion of the home market, and they should be the first to weleorne every legitimate aloft to increase that market.' - BEFORE AND AFTER. Friend -Why 'do'you call yOur work a trade instead of an art? • Artist -Oh, I did call it an at bo- lero I ,began to Make a -itt it. • An example is the best =Omelet. Forgiveness is the sweetest revenge.. Constionce is condensed character. Sin,: is not cured by ca'lieg -earn don't you Icnotv, can't you fee, how The man of peat sighs is ustuully 1774.,07.r1 r'r4'-suill man. F .4( RiliER 1 A s stlastsoni:britehaeneduPsyrollitirrIse 4.z of the Soil. 1 eifkei*04-1E00**esatf.4****eelKnoileeilt;8414 BuTTial If cream or milk is apparently all right to taste and smell when freeh, but becomes bitter and otherwise tainte(1 upon standing for some thne, it is pretty eere to conclude that the undesirable change is due to baeter- la that have 10 some way gailied ac- mes to the milk after it is drawa from the udder. This contamination not infrequently eomes froni millte pails or cans that ere not thorough, ly cleaned, and emitted or steamed. A. good deal of the tarivare used for milk has open seams and joints from. which it is practically impos2db1e to remove all the milk and fat, and the little that mutates be, it may be, one pail, affords pleety oi soil for the growth of breeteria enough, to iodeet a. large quentity of milk. Another had pease frequent cause of bacterial contamination are the loose hairs and Rue particles of dirt, arid ecurf that fall into the pail , while milking. Ttese may bo hatitim` lesS Of themselves, but they aro veh- icles for cerreing a few bacteria in- to the milk, where they grow and. riltiallidiplyttiy,with almost incomprebenri- lifiiThe remedy is VI: brush tile ticklers and diva's of tae cows before milking, and if necessary dompon these parts. 11 is a com- mon experience that bitter milk is more COMI11011 in cold than in warm weather, and hacteriologiets have found that the cause of this lies in the fact thee the bacteria producing this bitter condition can resist a. greater degree Of cold than othor species. In case of an outbreek, IVO would seggeet that samples of and cream bo taken front different Sown, and la them stand, each by itself, 11 will then be possible to locate source. If not tbo cause of the. trouble, end teas will be a long etop towards Its final eradication. it happened that ill 501110 rows, as ger- ration proceeds, abnormal contlitious appear in the milk that develop pe- culiarly offensive, but not character- istically bitter. tastes. One such; cow in a herd is sufticient to taint the whole product. Farrow cows are not affected in tide way, avid this leads to the CO141151011 that It Is not prolonged lactation, but some- thing connected With gestation, tbitt, takes from or adds to the milk some property that produces this taint. „A, test of the milk of eaele cow may servo to diseover the otes or more animals that may bo calming trouble. .••••mrion. SITEEP NOTES. Keep the dog at home. The well- fed dog will remain at home unless coaxed away. Ile should bo kept in the bouse or barn at night unless chained in the YT111. 0wolf is Ids ancestor and he is liable to roam at night, the tad in- stinct harking back. The young dog should be taught to respect sheep and other animals. Such dogs will never chase worry sheep unless they get ut bad company. It will not pay to build a, fence around a stubble field for the sake of eradicating the field of weeds by means of the flock. Much leas prate ilea would it be to turn M. tbe flack if the field abounds in cockle and other weeds that will get in food for pigs, sorne even goingfar sal sreii1ts Q oknan"Iflexttolulesi r merinitios show, thad as a rule, steaming or cooking feed, especially coaree food for cattle, adds nothing to its value. Potatoes, however, cannot be fed to seviee iu auy quantity without cook- ing, and other grains widell are jured oe dareitged in some way should first 1,O coolted before eetteleete Warming feed must uot he eoletssed, with cookireg it, An occatineee feed of cooked food wi1 be retailed by way of vaxiety. Warenirg or small:erg the food may make it nore comfortable or agreeable to U. e palate. and, peritops, make UAllow easily digestible. In Cis way, wan -Meg the reed may beadtanteg- cinofort vo, I aid in economizing tl,e food, or iecreae- If there is a good fence and no 'Inns tUrn the flock in and let them destroy the weeds. Arrange the feed troughs and racks so that the food does not become fouled. Give each ewe eighteen inch- es of rack room. Put a board over the feed -trough SO that the sheep can get in it with their feet. The man who does not love sbeep might better sell Lis flock and go into something be does like. Sheep know who loves them and who does not, and they will do better for the man whose heart, is with them than for ore who merely tolerates them. Are there as really saleep in your locality as there were a few years ago? If not, it is a good time for you to buy a few and work iuto the business. FARM TOPICS. When you stop the team at the margin of the field, and refresh your- self with a drink of water, does it never occur to you that the horses also need a drink? Just try it. Catri7 a, keg of water with you to the field and give them a few quarts at a time. It will not pay the dairyman any better to swear • at the cow and abuse her, than it would to treat bis wife and family the same way. at does not improve the quantiyy and quality of the milk in the one, nor the temper and happiness of the other. In mealy all cases the best time to sell stock is wben it is ready for market. By holding for better prices, there are three chalices for loss. One is tho extra feed; another is the interests on the Money, and the third possibility of lower prices; while there is only one chance for gain. Good tillage does not consist in stirring the soil only often enough to 'keep mellow and in a fine tilth, whether there be any weeds to kill Or not. Tho better rule when it cae be done; is never to allow the weeds to make their appearance above the ground. The conformation, of the dairy COW is, of litca importance, The type of the pow is more essential than tre breeddas indicating the abil- ity to Produce milk and butter coon- ilelost records Si; OW tIiat ar rn al s cf spare and a 11 gula typo remain in good service for a much longer period' than cow% that have the tendency to lay on flesh. BRAINS AT T.'INGER-TIF.e1. Blind People Are Almost Able te See and Thialt WItb Them, The wonderful sensibility eoseesetel by the fingee tips of blind peaple has long been a matter of remark, many persons thus afflicted being, as it were, able to see and almost to think with their frigers. The reasoe it this is thus' explained by a deteder. If you exandoe the inside of your finger-tips with a Inagilliyilsg-TeitSS Of even moderate pewer you will find the shin to be 111 narrow rietten Stendini.; point Up beneath all theSt rid:;es are the so-called "coepuseles Qi Prteini." Rat% I',:ieintan cor- puscle" contains a aerve-trenk. ae artery, ana a vein. It is chiefly in theee localities ti4at it performs ite function of touch. or, railer. of re. ceivind Wee latpref:siOns of exterior objects width., tehen earrlea try the different metres:, prodace the pereep. Lion of touell. Not long since I lied the opportunity of examining ;miter 11. microseope partiens taken from the inner surfece of the Index and middle fingers of the right 12111141 of r; blind man whose senee of tench had been abnormally deveioped. On be- holding the highly manneied "'Bach' ian corpuscle" I was astonished to observe, instead of a 'Ingle Peeve. tem*, artery. and vein. on iminito nundrer of dainty and misrule nerve - twigs branching off from the nein stem. Extreme and constant ten- ployment of this NVIIS, of touch in the blind men. and greater lien of his finger-tips, cense Wood to tend to- wards the latter in unusual quanti- ties. Blood means growth. Hence in the blind there ie an extraordinary development of tle• "corm:silo of Pa - eine" -its nerve-triink. artery, and vein -and this moro perfect, growth moans more perfect performance ol function. This eormisele is the bill_ man's linger -tip brain. TOYS nrA.DE AT 1IODIES. 1IanySamilies ir. Germany Pro' paring for Chriatmas. In 80.000 German homes the linish ing touches are being 'Mt On toys which will go to glealen the hearts of children on thristmas morning. Great Britain will pay for Sii.000.- 001f worth of this output, bearing the "made in Gezinauy" stomp, which she caused to he placed on articles of German moutrfaeture, while the 'Milted States will ,pay but et. less as a tribute to the skill and patience of our Teutonic cousins, '1110 tvomen and girls of elonneherg have ?lade that. eity famous by theft skill in the making of dolls' cloth- ing, while from the smell 'villages in the country about come wooden toys of all descriptions. Fondles woo have never seen n. sea or-nesigable turning out toy ships, large and Brinivaeli•tare busily engeged at tranumern Hobby horses come from Eisfelgo wooden guns of every size and varlet. ty from Schalkau and lehues, while rattles, wagons, trumpets, whistles'', and toy animals are manufactured in large quantities in other nearby vil- lages. Fur and feather$ fly in the little town of alattfang, where the animals and fowls receive their life- like covering. Sonneberg itself is the birthplace of the doll. This year its chief pro- duct is made largely froni papier macho, which is gradually push -111g_ the wax doll from the market tke- ca.use of the fragility and sensitive- ness to touch and. climate of the lat- ter. Every imaginable variety of doll, ranging in price from 10 cents' to ad, is here turned out to find its, way to the hearts of little mothers the world over. And while this city and its envir- oes have been so busily engaged in preparing to add to the joys of the girls at Christmas time another Ger- man city has been equally interest- ed in the happiness of the boys. Nuremberg differs in other ways from Sonnenberg, for its contributions to toyland are the products of factories employing technique, mechanical skill, and trained intelligence with material. Thence come the tin sol- diers, swords, railway trains, fleets, models of machinery, and other toys intended to amuse aied develop • the military and mechanical instincts 'of future voters. ' In the manufacture of tin toys Nen eineerg distinctly holds its. own. It is probable that 'this industry has developed out of 'the old handicraft of the tinsmith, which in former yours flourished in Nuremberg. A. POLITE PRErioNEll. Tao lady who was visiting. the jail had been much impressed with the appearance and behavior of the prisoners, and she took occasion to express her approval to the warden,, "They seem as courteous as any-. , body," she .said,. enthusiastically; "even if they don't say anything." ; "Yes, they're polite enough," as• sented the ;jailer. -13ut I'm a suspicious of too fine manners." - itIecicolf,t'Jnoseicadhyow you can bel" cil ,,IVe.11, I Al," declared the warden, 1‘11c.1(1111:t;1:j°i1C;'10e010:1'°211In11tl:rt1I111:)Ie(1t0 EEDINGTHE S 1111c1e1ftii0131Lll:14 11vrote, .Iy9i111):rd011 , Y farmers believe in exioleing 1or 1110 liberty I'm taking,' 'e,