HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-11-26, Page 1. ,
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Head °Mee -TORONTO, F,Nerutiv.* OeeOAL
We can sell you admit payable at any ef the leading*
Tomes end cities as the wend.
Weil:nate your patronage.
Special attention given to Savings Bank Depositors
and Fa *es'
enentiten 4.Stennerst F- Kern.
Solicitors Manager, Mate
Men's Black SastietcheYnot Storni) Coats, high etortn coital, farmer
satin coilted lining, robber interlining at .. .... . moo
Fur Caperine, Black Astraciton Dog, black satut lined, high eeller
full cape, trimtned with 3 tails at - ...... ...... . ......
Black Coney Cigerine, high roll collars, long front, with 6 tat:,
black eatial filled, 4114•••••• ........ •••• 11.••••••• ........ ••••••••••• 83.00
Electric. Seal CaPerine, long front, roll collar, trinuned with 6 tails,
lirown satin lined, at- ........ ....... •86.511
Inuit Astraeban ettpopine, largest eape made, high collar, black
sttin lined, a beauty for stormy days, at.....
Blaek Astrachan Caperine. lovely curl. fancy satin lining, long front
eeptierel Wile at 441•••1•0 ••••••••••••••01•14•••• •••• •• ..... • .. ••••••••.88.00
Combinetion Persian Lamb and Eleetrie Seal Caperine, long Bout,
roil colder. 4 long tails, brown satin lining, at < -
Combination Americana Sable and Eleetrie »kat Caperiue„ unelimn
long front, new pleat cepa, very high, collar, beasittful glossy
fine with 0 taile. at- ••. .... ••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••Ven•O
Conliblerition Electric Seal Caper:line with Persian Lamb. creaatel iiL
Eleetrte Seal Ceperine. longest front inutile, with 6 long tat, blinek
attic: ihwd, full toll colter. at •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
- 810,99
collet-, !indented roll cape, veey long front, quarrel Mile, at -
- 8,13,00
Coney That at 81.73 to 82.00 japnn Brown Fox Boa, 32 in. long at 80
Opossimi Raft with 4 tails at 83 31ountain Goat Buie 87 in. long at 83
Bled Coney 1/03, *I in. long, at 83 ttinuelt Settle Rum wiil . collar, at Se
Cab Bear Bee, 83 in. longat $10 Coneek :liable Boa, tie In. long, at 812
(4rjanm cm] 1cwof the Trltitt 3freiterloil
Chun b. Tel -Piano, 4/rgan. Vollv„
Modem stir MAN
Wo Shave n lar‘e ratrinnut of private foralpi to loan
en faun awl tulLug prAtlfraes at itav rates of inter.
Barrl-lcro,t,silivitontalain et., Euter Ont.
Mato lands to 19;a1 at lOweSt rate ebinterest.
41.pply to
ret4111 trade and axons for mantifanuring 1101110
having well established busineSSI bleal territory;
straight salary E,21111.11d weekly ;tint eXpenSe money
advanced; previous experience unnecessary; position
permanent; linfiluess suerritsful. lineloie self-address-
ed envelope. Superintendent Travellers, atij Sinnott
111'1; Chicaga
1,Ve beve unlimited private funds for le -
vestment upon feria or yinage property, It
lowest rates of interest.
BarristerS, etc., Exeter.
Some choice lots on the corner of Alain and Victor -
in streets, Exeter, nearly opposite Main street Metho-
dist church. The above lots will be offered cheap to
wind up the (state of the late Thomas Gidley. Ap-
ply to It, Gidley, Exeter, one of the Executors.
Salesmen wanted to look after our interest in
Xiddlesexand adjacent eounties. Salary or tom.
mission. Address,
The Victor Oil Company, Cleveland, Ohio.
yleeting County Council.
The County Council will meet in the court house
in the town of Goderieh, on the first day of Decem-
ber next, at the hour of 3 o'clock in the afternoon.
Dated at Goderich this Ifith day of Nov. 1903.
W., LANE, Clerk.
Sale Register.
ilir-Parties getting their sale bills printed at the
ADVOCATE dike will receive a FREE notice under
this heading until date of sale.
Thursday, Nov. 20 -Farm Stock, Implements,
Household Furniture, etc., the property of Jeremiah
Heitman, lot 9, con. 3, London Road, south of Devon.
Sale 811 o'clock. II. Brown, Auctioneer.
Take notice that I have made application to the
License District of South Huron for permission to
transfer my Hotel License in the Village of Centralia
to Thomas Annett, of Centralia.
Any objections to said transfer must be made to
the License Inspector, Seaforth, on or before the 1st
day of December next.
MRS. THOS. ARNETT, (formerly Mrs. Grafton)
November lith, 1903.
Yorkshire Hogs for Sale.
The undersigned has for sale a choicelot of
tboroughbrecLBoars-and Sows in farrow; also a num-
ber of Grade pigs. These hogs are bred from the
best imported stock, coming from the pens of Messrs.
' Platt b Son, Millgrove, and other noted breeders.
Any person desirous of procuring a good pig -either
sex -for breeding purposes should examine this
stook. Prices reasonable.
Ones. 'Timm, Lot 20, Con. 1, Usborne,
Hurondale, P.O.
The undersigned is offering for sale that splendid
hundred-aore farm in the township of Stephen, being
East half of Lot 21 and South hall of Lot 22, situated
114, miles South of Dashwood. There 18 09 the prem-
ises a new brick house, 22x32, with good frame hitch -
en and woodshed; bank -barn, 40x54, driving house
and other convenient buildings; good orchard and
Iwo never -failing wells, about ten acres bush -mix-
ed timber, among which is a large quantity of black
ash. The farm 14 well fenced and underdrained.
Will be sold cheap and on reasonable terms, For
pl,,rticulars apply to
Wendel Brunner, Dashwood, On`
Mr. Daniel Sanders -returned to Lon-
don on Friday last. Dan has been in
and around town for the past tWo
Months, during which time be success-
fully completed, with credit to himself,
the woodwork of the new barn erected
for his brother, W. D. Sanders, 3rd
Concession Stephen.
Mr. Wm. Davis is welding a few
weeks with friends in tetrathroy•--31r.
'Norman MeDonald. of Beeler. silent
few days during the AVVV1t.Mr.Priest-
ly, of Thorndale. Is the guest a his
dauebtete Mrs. Albert StVt.117.01,---.11r.
Wm. Miller, who has spent the past
two years ins N.W.T.,, bas
tiwned home. Ile is jinn, recovering
front an attack of typhoid fever. His
many friends bope to soon see him re-
stored to good health again. -Miss Le-
nora Jameson,who has been spending
the past yeate . WiSC011Sil), returned
home on a two months' visit. -A num-
ber from here at tended the wedding of
Mr. W. Foster, of Granton, to Miss
Lottie Handford, at Centralia, on
Wednesday, Nov. 18.
Dneget.-"For inc to live is Christ,
to die is gain." The truth of which
was realized in the death of Mr. Thos.
Gilbert, who breathed his last on Tues-
day evening, Nov. 17, at ri o'clock, at
the age of 59 years, 7 months and 1
day. He was compelled to take bis bed
SIE months ego with Briglit's disease
and recovering a little was able to be
out, but was taken down again four
weeks previous to his death, during
which time he bore his affliction pa-
tiently, but gradually weakening pass-
ed. peacefully away to that land of rest.
His last words were for his wife and
family to meet him across the river.
Deceased was born in Ireland and came
to Canada, when six weeks old, with
his parents, settling first on the llth
concession of McGillivray. Growing
to manhood he was married in the
year 1870 to Miss Martha Brien, of
London township. He was educated
for a teacher and taught for twenty-
nine years, most all the time in the
township of McGillivray. He was con-
verted in the year 1861 under the Rev.
G. Sexsmith, in Mars' Hill church and
has been a member of the Methodist
church for the last thirty-nine years,
being a Sunday school teacher and
class leader ever since. We mourn our
loss from the church but God doeth all
things well. He was a strong temper-
ance worker and in politics a staunch
Conservative, ever ready to stand by
his party. Two of his daughters pre-
deceased him eight years, Ada M., on
August 20113, 1895, and Bertha L., on
Nov. 22nd, 1895. He was a kind. neigh-
bor.? a good husband and a patient,
loving father, whose death is mourned
by his devoted wife and • six children:
Mrs. George Kerr, of London; Mrs. W.
W. Kerr, Ailsa Craig; Misses Lily M.,
Mable Ma Jean Isabella and Mr. J. W.
at home, The funeral took place on
Thursday, Nov. lgth, the body being
conveyed to the Mars' Hill church,
where the Rev. 1VIr. McKibben, of Ailsa
Craig, assisted by the Rev. Mr. An-
drews, of Parkhill, conducted the fun -
al service, after which the remain were
laid to rest in the cemetery, under the
anspices of the Order of Canadian
Home Circle, No. 110, West McGilliv-
ray, of which lodge he was a niember
for fifteen years, mild the Grand Orange
Lodge, No. 219. Greenway, of which
he was a rneinber for over forty -years.
The funeral was largely attended,
showing the high esteem in which Mr.
Gilbert was held. Wreathes were giv-
en by his family., the Home Circle and
his sister-in-law, Mrs. Wilson, of Lon-
don. The pall bearers were Messrs.
Joseph Amos, George Lewis, Samuel
Scot t, John Amos, John Robinson and
Wm. Maayson. Much sympathy is ex-
tended to the bereaved ones in this
their hour of trial. a
Dino no Limo. -The death took
pence ae Ste Joeeph's Hospital, London,
on Thursday of Mr.Thoune Robinson,
t well-known resident of this place.
Deceatied had been fit for abont two
Years and his death was not M the
least unexpected. During all his ill-
ness he was very patient and awaited
death with sincere trust in a height
Pinta-. He had attained the age of 67
years,. As a friend arta neighbor he
was nineh respected end highly es-
teemed and his death willbe deeply re-
gretted. His we ptedeeresed him
some years. He leaves to mourn his
demise* family of three boys and two
On ThiersdaY, Friday and Satorday
of last week the firm of la George .%
'Sons. ternary dealees, were bore to
handletlitepoultry they pnreleteed front
J. Kellerman of this place. All told
they shipped tietween seven and eight
i tons of the feathered triba-Mr, and
1 Mrs, John Reid, of Lieury, spent Fri-
dav night at the home of :tIrt at, Fenn.
--Several new names wee added to
the temperance pledge at the elose of
the Evangelicid Smutty school Ian
' SmidnY. -Tide Thmaday night will he
held the serniemonal meeting of the
V.R.A. at which the (*orlon of odium
toc the coming year will take piece. -
Mr. Sila.s Adams has accepted a
tion with with the R. Pickard Co.-Mestrs.
Wm. Tientart ited George Brown, who
base been working in Parry Sound
district during the Sampiner, potappoli
' home lee& week. -31r. and Mrs. Jacobs
of Notation, are visiting Mr. and Mts.
Phillip Beaver and other trim&
around heret-ttle. Jobe England re
Motel home from the Weet Seta:Any
Mina etiater femme
The D teb Weed P41111IDSPhoa1eougert
WaS held last Faiday evening in
Moser's hall. Drille, comae and humor.
' one recitatione. WOW, tiVadogne$ and a
grand cake Milk were given. ineeli to
the ensoyment of the audience who
heartily apploaded. The convert was
a great eueeeee, the hall was erowded
and everyintily enjoyed themselves hu-
mensely. The stair or the vehool Is to
be complimented on the excellency of
the drills, reeitations and dialognes
and also upon the order kept by the
seholare In attendance. t Sunday was
Temperance Sunday all the world over
and the Rev. .1. C. ttforloek spoke both
morning and evening on this subject
besides giving a short tidal ess to the
Sabbath fichoid.-Mit P. Ilse bas mom -
ed this week into j. MORON Witte,
---31r, Brimnee luts moved into the
house lately °meted by .Mr. Ishe Mr.
Brunner has built a barn upon thepro.
petty and soon will have everything
comfortable. --The Gladstonian Read-
ing Circle met Monday evening at the
howe of Mr. and Its. E. P. Paulin.
The topic taken by Me. Teign was,
"Lord Beaconfield." The topic for the
next Monday evening is: "Faweet, the
blind Postmaeter Geueral."
Messrs. Ezra, Krein and Suo.T, Fink -
1)01001' have rammed home after visit-
ing telatives in Manitoba and Dakota
the past sunnuer.-Mr. David Rau, of
Winnipeg, Mane_ is visiting his moth-
er, Mrs, tlobias Fahner.-Ditrue Rion-
onr says there will be several weddings
in this neighborbood before long. This
is as it should be. We all take an in-
terest in such important events. -Mr.
Wm. Brown has returned from Detro-
it, after working there the past sum-
mer. He was accompanied by his neice,
Miss Emma Brown, who has been vis-
iting her sister io that city for $01110
time. -Rev. S. R. Xnetchel, of Berlin,
conducted the quarterly services in the
Evangelical church on Saturday and
Sunday. -Rev. Tibbedelni. of Green-
way, occupied the pulpit in the itletho-
dist church here on Sunday evening
and preached a very powerful sermon
to a large audience. --Mr. Ohas. Pah-
ner has returned home from New On-
tario, after working there the past
summer. -Winter appears to have
come to stay. A few sleighs and cut-
ters have made their appearance but,
they cannot be put into general use
unless we get a few more inches of
snow.- Judge 13. L. Boyle, of Goderich,
held Court in the Town Hall on Tues-
day to hear the appeal of Mr. John
Wade against the Engineer's drainage
award. Judgment was reserved. -Mr.
W. T. England, the popular merchant
of Orediton East, was in London Sat-
urday on business. -The shrill squeal
of the dying hog is heard in all direc-
tions in the neighborhood. Idetzker-
sups are now the order of the day.
-Don't forget the Popular Entertain-
ment to he given by the ladies and
gentlemen of the Methodist church on
Wednesday, Dec. 2nd, at 8 p.m., in the
Town Hall, Orediton. Those who have
seen it say it is superior to the "Tem-
ple of Fame." and all the counery
knows bow well that took. The con-
cert is a life production of the famous
temperance story en titled "Dat, the
Miner's Daughter"; together with wit
and humor interspersed. This pro-
mises to be the event of the season in
Crediton and vicinity. Don't fail to
enjoy a couple of horns profit and
laughter. Admission only 25c. to any
part of the hall. Cotne early to avoid
the rush and get your sitting. Ushers
and grand orchestra in attendance.
Pr grams will be distributed.
henav A. FIRE. --Mr. Robert E.
W iker's dwelling had a narrow es -
cap from being destroyed by fire Fri -
da night. It is supposed that the fire
sta ted from a pipe in the pocket of
on cd the workmen' who had hung
his coat on the wallbefore retiring.
Bu for the prompt action of Mr. Wal-
kei in extinguishing the Raines, the
fir would have been beyond control in
f w minutes. it is indeed very for-
tukiate that the Bre was checked, as
tbfere was a strong west wind that
rifght which would have carried the
sparks unto theadjoining buildings.
1 • Grand liend
..t.r.,Frant: Allen. who has been in
Michigan the last fetv montltstret tuned "
110ftle last weele-Mr. J. Disjardine '
spent a few days in Londonhist week,
a-ltir. Meltnale of Thedford, spent San.
day and Moudey beete-itera Disjar- l
dine, who has been at the Soo fee the ;
last fees months, returned to his home
here- Friday. .
Duto.-A Caber old, and well-krlown
resident of this townsbip bee paid isa-$q
tore cleat. in the person of Mr. John ;
Wilda toweligie west, wha passedi
away on N't ednesday. at the age of 62
years, 0 menthe and 21 &vs. Despite
all that conlal ha done be had been in
fniUig health for stow eitire. and after
several weeks of intense eutirering tine ,
vital cord was slapped. Mr. Witch
came to this cosiintrg twiny were ago
, and during his residence here matte
many warm friends who wtlltregtet 19;I
hear of hie deetin He MIS 01=41:KW*
shrewd and eareful, and possessed in ai
wonderful degree the quidities whlh
almoet invanebly Wogs SUCCC$S111 this
lire. He was thorooghly uptight and
honorable !a ail his deirlinge and des-
pised anything in the shape of sham
and hypocrisy. In short, be was in
evety vesper awortity tied iteeftil eitit
zen and a kind and obliging neighbor.
The funeral took pave on Friday at
ternoon to Lite Nairn cemetery and the
large efOlva in attenthiete testified to
the high esteem in which this deemed
h A large ninither from here attended
the fnueret of the tete John Brock on
Sundly -Act dding lielIs tense emu,
gneneed to ; tog out their merry Mime.
The next on ane Weide will he tate of
our foie young tulles, who will kiln
band and been with a yoang 10:10
wale has iccentiy moved to a fetin scn
tht. Thames R ^311i1,--Mrs.Freil
who left bare seine eighteen yeate ego
with her lonsland for atilifornie, Is,n
ore Memel, vititiug at OMANI/, the
gotta of Rev. tholimene Gailholt.
about four pare ago, left California
and went tin Daween to beek hia for-
tune but Ind only heel: there about a
year when he to 4k id and died.
FARn 80109.-4ar. Ralf, Maley liast
week wild hie one-hundi ett.mmere firm
ithe Rootletl property) to Mr. John
Thompson. of the Thames Ittettlireeelv.
Ing therefin $7,041.
Duseett JOILI1 Bemiteentalothee
of taw 1,1.100/ 411141 most highly respect.
ed residents has answered to the call
or toe (tee ee and Is DOW
itttoongtt 111051* who sleep the ensrual
sleep. We refer to the death of John
Bente:, who passed away on Thursday
laet tit the age a 74 yenta, t?. months.
Diem-is:el had been a long sniffle er from
thiglit's disease lint was arounl as us-
ual mitt' about two weeks previous to
his demise when he took a turn for Lite
winte and daily einking the vital toed
was :mapped. .:11r. Brack was burn in
Dt'VO13811iPP, Eugland, and was among
Ike early settlers of this section. By
dint of energy the deceased succeed-
ed in riecmnitlating enongh of this
world's goods to live comfortably and
by his sterling qualities4 strict integri-
ty and honest dealings he made many
wenn friends who will leaen with deep
regret of his demise. In religion he
W318 it consistent Methodist and in pol-
itics was a Conservative. He leaves
to mourn his demise a sorrowing wife
and family of five sons and two daugh-
ters, Thomas, of Sundridge; John, of
Granton; Wdharie George and Frank,
"Usborne; Mrs. Robb. Trothan, Central-
ia; and Mrs. John johns, Usborne, *11
of whom bare the sympathy of the en-
tire community.
Winter is here. -Miss A. Dinsdale of
Kippen, is visiting at Eden, the guest
of .Mrs. R. Coates -Miss Jessie Luxton
is seen in our midst again. -Miss Bette.
Essery, who spent two terms at De
college, as tinder the parental
roof again. -.A. business meeting took
place at our church Monday evening -
The following from our burg were vis-
iting friends on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs.
Frank and Paul Coates, Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Rook, Mr. and Mrs. Rich. Coates,
Mr. and Mrs. Cave, and Mr. J. Fink-
biner.-Mr. Norman Switzer has sold
his farm to Mr. Thompson of Farquhar
for a handsome figure. In this enlight-
ened age when the men of the different
professions are making great strides
in scientific work, we must not forget
the farmer. We find farmers to -day
bringing science hand. in hand with all
their agricultuval pursuits. Even in
the erection of buildhigs they will em-
ploy no unskilled workmen. Such
farmers we have in our midst in the
personages of Messrs. Fred Luxton and
Wm. Coates. Each has a barn which
fully repays them for the time and
labor expended thereon. Both consist
of two barns enlarged and drawn in an
L shape, raised, re -roofed and re -sided.
The enormity of Mr. Luxton's been
will be realized when we consider the
fact that the wall under the building
is 22a rods long. Mr. Coates' is a shade
smaller. The mason work of both was
done by expert mechanics, while Mr.
Brintnell & Co. did all the carpenter
work to fulfil the ideal of the farmer.
The room being spacious the animals
are not crowded. All the necessary
rooms, such as the harness room, root
house and an up-to-date separator
room, are not forgotten. The hog -pen
and poultry house of Mr. Luxton's barn
are separated entirely from the rest of
the animals. Mr. Wm. Coates has all
preparations made to have a power
mill erected to thaw water into the
barn while Mr. Luxton anticipates
aiming water tram the house to the
stables. No doubt before the long
nights of winter are over their invent-
ive powers will have an easier wily of
turning the cream separator than el-
bow power. The efficiency of these
bnildings are such that they will re-
main unimpaired for many years.
.." s ..,:testeteStata
1903. SANDERS dt CREECH, Prop's
He who has
lost his sight
best knows its value.
Hundreds suffer loss of sight
Timely attention might have
prevented it.
Examination free.
Satisfaction guaranteed,
-1r ‘sk.4a..414.-sly
We have the BefA
tie to on'er in a Watch
that has ever been offered.
4 either in Ladies or Gents.
Cali and examine them
and we win quote you
prtees whieh cannot be
tliettartteette otatateittetr4F
Graduate Optician
Mr. Nirillient Mann hes p trehased
from Mrs. ;Abner. 54 feeaforth.
the site on which the binned hotel
stoma, the mire talial being $100.. it is
one ot nee teat tipsiness si tee in the ail -
lege. Mr. DIN41/1 ie the tiweee of tine
mem; hetet pa aperty and at one time
owned dale, soiling it te awhile J411144'S
TAR MT. nal, prevent- At 181 Bttiely hr.
leant 410 next eationatbr, aa WO 1111411•1",
013111141 1110 Meeentney Viree.
ereethig inn it en ingilemeut wartionnee
and no alreadd other bielhaitags srifl 14,11.
low in due tame.
Practical jeweller
We :Radice that Ma J. B. MeKer,
who hoe lieen eethig in the eapeeity
54' P71111541 1113451.. In tIlie Toronto pies.
lie eehoolet has hem p oureated to the
peeitnin eimervieor of the 441all1111011%,
teal come in those schisels. Mr. Me-
gitv 1031 Snii Ulf Mr. ft. MeKey, neer
heraand is feet pilehorat tee way to the
front in comneettiel roal ediwationel
eireles in the 1441Vell city.
DUN) re: laaalsosa-lt le iser tad diny
Ib is week to reei the death of:newer
estimelde Young lady of our town, in
ethe person of Miss Ellie Smith, who
; misted away 91 1135' Vietoria fletpital.
London, en Tote day. 1b'P4.3%141 bail
not Leen in the hest of health !ormolu,
time. having heen a great eutferer from
goitre and it wae deemed advieetile
abet au toleration be performed and
a few days previous tit her dtath elm
went to Loudon with *het inteution.
The operation was perfumed but la
shock proved too meta for her en
frebled constitution mid ehe psssed
peacefully and almost imperceptibly to
the great beyond. Deceated was
possessed of it cheerful, happy disposi-
tion and was a greet favorite with all,
and her sudden taking off has east a
gloom over this village. She was only
20 years of age. Hee mother took
charge of the renudne, taking them to
Bowmanville for interment.
Office hours 9 to 10 a.m.. 1 to itand ItoS p.m.
Telephone communication mith Luc= amdblount
day the home of Mr. and Mrs James
Handfeed was all astir and as the
carriages, bringing lumpy and leaflet-
ing groups. deposited them at this
home, it became quite evident that
something unusual was about to trans-
pire. The house was beautifully de-
corated with flowers, palms and ever-
greens. Everybody seemed radiant and
ppy, and well they might he for their
host and hostess's estimable daughter,
Miss Lottie, was being united in the
holy bands of matrimony to Mr. W.
Foster, of Granton. Gowned in a beau-
tiful costume of white organdie and
carrying a bouquet of white roses the
winsome bride looked her best. At
high noon as the soft and dulcet strains
of the wedding march, played by Miss
Sarah Neil, of Centralia, floated
tbrough the parlor, the bridal party
entered and stood heneath is. beautiful
arch of flowers and. evergreens and
"Before the alter now they stand -
The bridegroom and the bride,
And who can tell what lovers feel
Iu this their hour of pride."
The iteetial knot was securely tied by
Rev. 1%,.. Killty,of Granton, and as the
bride was aware of the fact that she
was the cynosure of all eyes of those
presen t, evinced remarkable composure
throughout the trying ordeal. Miss
Maggie Handford, sister of the bride,
was attired in white organdie and car-
ried a bouquet of pink carnations. She
acted her part as bridesmaid exceed-
ingly well. The groom was supported
by his brother, Mr. Russell Foster, of
Forest. Inameliately after the cere-
mony congratulations to the young
couple were extended, after which all
repaired to the dining room where
they enjoyed a daintily served ban-
quet. After all had done justice to
the good things provided, a move was
made to where the presents were
spread, and we may bere state that no
bride ever received a more beautiful
display than the,present one did, they
comprising articles of use and value.
Guests were present from Toronto, Ex-
eter, Mitchell, Clinton, Seaforth, Galt,
Strathroy, Maple Grove, Ridgetown,
aud Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Foster left
an the evening train for Sarnia anti
also points in Michigan, amid the
well wishes of a host of friends. Upon
their return they will take 1133 their
residence in Granton.
Mr. te, M. ittawerds hes seta his hand
, sante tittle peer fop a Dent 0I401.--1411
' tt 1,t. &eta. MeCinehey spent Motelay
3141-Iniiii4t4T14;i4114,1':11illits.14:1:1117, !Iart;e1:ijta. 344:4111416;14:‘,5‘51111;t1
eervese lava
Willienea-Rev. 8.W. Know -tee, of
Crtelleonn. eneelet zed the M
313 Ilia favaan Methodiatiesionery
lC11lin14-114 illf-T Fableallt, fle is a v0.t7 id+,
19141"414401" and ne ate 54150 111311. 1113111y
1 'wilt le. tittetted !di) hear hint again.a-
I aiias t", a rie AV ii, go, aft er ;1 shore vteit
at her home beret venad to Lendon
Tient , .41, to 34-,41040 her 51111 1115 et t ho
Coneertatoey of Maio,. On her 'DAV
elle vieited her allele. Rey. IL L Wit -
sen and tuililly at Ilihitot (...- Mr. Bert
11, Edit" is eke Lang ni Mit W. J. \11'
500'S &tine, wine; it yen will find a Inerge
nipple- of wool thine; t leer Xsuip,„
Wiansmis- Wellilliig le4ls were
1 inning in mar neigigneeneee pest elate
On WeilitesJoes Me. J3105 la ;ince and
Miss M. Arm ilielvelt, et' tide villtgia
4114iV4. to Itillsbill. n here they ti ere
II Deneet. After the cm/nanny, whIch
quietly neirried at the Rec(ory. Tee
13)1511' woe:Metaled itts her eontin MO
the tu 4E MI WID eepported hy Mr. John
was performed by the Rev. Mr. Berry,
Ides happy etittple left 404 it lioneymeou
te-in to Sarnia alai otbi r Western
i&wet ing parties tieing Mr. Geo. Salm-
pestle. We wish thsm a long and iota
is life. -.Again on Thursday the Rev.
Mr. Benne of Parkhill. saki the winds
that made two mole happy, the eon -
dies, et Weet McGillivray. and Miss
Belle, funrth daughter of 31r. Ed. Mc-
Phereon. The interesting event wins
eidebrated at the home of the bride.
The couple were unattended. Tbe
bride looked exceedingly pretty. being
gowned in I-olds:nue costume of white
mull and carrying a beautiful bouquet
virile chrysanthemums and foliage.
After the:ceremony the company, eon-
sisting of near relatives, repaired to
the dining room where a dainty dinner
Was served. Mr. and Mrs. Saunders
left on it trip to Loudon and Buffalo,
the bride's going away gown being of
black and white mixed goods with lett
to match. They have the best wishes
of all for their future happiness.
Hornattett-In McGillivray, on Nov.
18, to 3Ir. and Mrs. John Houlaban,
a daughter.
BOSSENHERRV-At Zurich, on Nev. 1.6e
to Mr. and Mr. Frank Bossenbe rr.v
31 SOn.
P1Iaaca4-Btraa001C-At the rectory,
Parkhill, on Nov.18, by the ReV.Mr.
Berry, Mr. John Prance, to Miss AL
Ann Bullock, both of Greenway.
MADDRN-KEOTIOR -At the Church of
Our Lady, Mt Carmel, on Nov. 18„
by the Rev.Father Tiernan, Michael
/deaden, to Miss Ellen daughter of
Mr. Michael Keough, till of Stephen-
FOSTER.--HANDFORD.-A1 the resi-
dence nf the bride's parents, on Nov.
18, bythe Rev. Mr. 1i1lty, of Gran-
ton, Mr. W. Foster, of Granton, to.
Miss Lottie, eldest aaughter of Mr.
James Handford, of Centralia.
HORD-VIVIAN-At the residence of
the bride's parents, on Nov. 18, by
the Rev. 0. W. Brown, B.A., Mr.
William Hord, to Miss Avis Pearl,
second danghter of Mr. and Mrs.
Thos. Vivian, all of Mitchell.
dence of the bride's parents, on Nov.
19, by the Rev. Mr. Berry, of Park-
hill, Mr. Geo. Saunders, of West Mc-
Gillivray, to Miss Bella, fourth
daughter of Mr. Ed. McPherson, or
Beacic-In Usborne, on Nov. 19, John,
Brock, aged 78 years, 2 months.
GILBERT-In McGillivray, on Nov. 17,
Mr. Thos. Gilbert, aged 59 years,
Velem-In McGillivray, on Nov. 18,
John Veitcb, aged 62 years, 9 months.
and 21 days.
Romersoaa-01.1 Nov. 19, at St. Joseph
Hospital, Louden, Mr, Thos. Robin-
son, of Lucan, aged 67 yea -is.
I-IARTON.-On London Road, north, on
Nov. 2003, Sarah Ann Oke, beloved
wife of Mr. Thoines Heaton, aged 56 -
Dovna.-In London, on Nov. 20, Mrs.
Catharine Doyle, of Clandaboye,
aged 76 years,