HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-11-12, Page 8. , • For 10 Ocuts. . Tho chickou Pio $;hcial. is li, Snap for Some One - It Two eamples Beim Persian Lamb Tile ADvocl= be sent to any The Claicken Pie Soeial 'under ties Coats. Perfectteauiles- Stewart's.. . atlarees for the balm:ice of the yeer for auspieee of the Ladies' Aia a the Ciiv- t 10 cents. drake a present to a friend en preeedterien eiati.oa on Friday de, Dr. Oveuq. a Loudon, surgeon, pen- at a distance with Paid -in -advance" eniog festavits an eminent. eaccess, not - list and specialist. diseases eye, ear, sueseription to the ArfVOCATR. WIthStantime. the other attractions that would i'ena to lessen the attend - nose end throat,. will. be at the •Com- A seep or et, mereial Hotel, pzeter,, Wednestleyi The ADVOCATE will be: set to any ance. The good thiegs provided for hr !boa ato. November 4th; Wed, December 2nd. addrese from now gnat Gee end of leae the occasion were ample aavi 0;04, S„ Howard's side of stocks imple- for at payable Pe Advenee. hiow lene quality, particularly the ctickert naentsi eta. ou Monday last Waa tiv$110', the time to subseribe for this up to pie. reflecting giyat credit ori the la- ces& Each thing offered was sold at date weekly and get the balance a diesfor their culinary proelivitiea Af, fairly good price. Mr. flOward awl, 1803 thrown in, ter liberal justice had been done to the family left for their borne in London pled elerne. good thinge provided for the oecasioa yesterday (Wednesday,) Advence Council, ledo, 247, Royal last- of therleath of John Zioger, etheliehnet nY,,,°hetlhnen'ttus"rebiletreeare. Moxe: Tempters of Temperance,. intepil hold- Oren -Anent Yosing drofegist of Detroit, G. Stanbitry taking the elmir and lies it la Ids usual happy manners nis There can be no ossi,. bk fault to find Fah your afifiearance the wora was, received am Toe,eday the larr croWti $eated thmuselvea in tog art open teleettrig me Wednesday evening , -Nov. 181th,n nalla Street Metbooist ehureb, eopentencing ae o'clock. An excellent pregrana is be, ing provided. EverYbodY welcoMe. and a former reocleoe Eeeter. beteg a Son Of igr, WM. Zinger, who for a number et years cooducted the Met, ropolitart Hotel here. Deceasea wee a vety excellent young man aud gave priaogrirtitItme usnocuenrIteitilt:yelset7y elnalinygeaarrn)n.,e6adz4.1.':01 fintkoh 1:4:1A1 Lc: e have lea teas ae yet as to the cause deatb. The ameral took plaee at Bernie yes. terday (Wednesday.) were given. The Glee Club tont Graph. nate selethered its cr4410. in&lest regeest that twit% to the clothes are measure length of the list no eueboree be asked in an expert way. ne-eeenneeneenaana_ The Style of garreente we melte is a sufficient guarantee of Oreaclass work, ekiti flee laeren etp-to-clate FALL SITITINGS OYETI.COA.TINGS ZD PANTINGS arrived. Prices away dowa. W. W. TAMA. , Merchant Tailor. 4.194 P Mg.rfeR.S. r!/. g SCIENTIFIC • EYE SPECIALIST the Fleeter elude Scbool department Literary and Setentifie Society woe a decided setae's% Some very appropri- ate readings, recitations and remarks • li; 1 f ^ d aphoneereutlered souse excellent eelea, t rnee-ee f1 eon o an tions whicb were much appreciated by airs. F. . Eacrett, Seattle, former, all. ey of tbiRa s plare, was smothered to WEA leave weaved from The Family death in his cradle some time after a Neraid and Weekly Startwo excellent a.m. one day of last week. The little eiettwes. "Heart Broken" and "nit"t to ebegie"t wbich that paper is giving ne premiums this year. Also a beauti- ful picture, "Victoria Owes," front the Mail and RinPiliv, to be given as a pieniiinn. Thew pictures drty be even at the Advocate office. 3,ar. 131.5.sott1 who some years eieo Mt here for WiRliitetPg", Man., lies re, cently aceepted a position as 111000ger of a Urge butcher shopowned by Mr. Set. Va b;dro oIlinnetiOSS, Man., a former reeident of Hewett. May Sae= eess attend his eiforte in the under- telsiug wilt be the wish of the 4crwo- C4.7-1; and his many frienfle bere. Mr. John Gilleepic. returned from T. P. S:311.T11 London on Mouday afternoon with his new 'bus, which he recently pine ,ran cluteca from a London arm, $7.70 was the priee paid for tbe vehicle which is a good, easy -riding and comfortable conveyance. Hie malty castoraers will find this a,tuach more enjoyable omit - bus to ride in than the old one was, time figures. All Citnada is indebted to the Fatuity Herald and Weeldy Star of Moutreal T'saltu-son-R43414, 1.04- F4t4I4P:WA a- ISM mit of the Da- A vere" Pretty wedding took Owe • ..1711.E. TM AT TEM COMMERCIAL HOUSE, EXETER Two eleye may— FRIDAY ana SaTURDIY, NOY. 20, 21 Call earle and avail youreete en his Vaklabh° sarviee„ os this le a rare op. portunite to have your eyes primed, ttdt.C4'0 OF eltarge. goeSe +sot 1‘,. tut a es -Leanne certeinty. Dluk ceees 4W4nlvae4y ttted.Ate. WORN GrAliiiANTUEIX A fall line of artificial Eyes added to our swot. nrmirwirm-iir-u-sariv 4 rrfr, 00 A.Lf DOINGS. grKACIIIISCACAOKALACJakat140431 - Just opened at Stewards a. well lo of Lefties' latest and most up.to. date coat. Speciel values. s . 00 Monatty. Nov. htb, g Edward entered upon bis sixty-third year. He was born on him ilth, 1811. Thursday, Noe. iith, 100.3. was the aradvereary of Guy Fawkes Day. Sate eral Orange Lodges celebrated. Mrs, Mete; Perkius sang n. solo with excellent eireetin the Trivitt Mentor - lel church on Sunday evening lash For Influenza, and La Grippe try Dix Cold Cure tablets. "They give relief every time. Sold. by 0. Lutz, Exeter. Mr. Alfred Allen has purchased, Mrs, Slavin% residenee emposite the cream- ery on William street and has taken up bis residence therein. Miss EV44 N. Boleyn, of London, well and. fevorably known here, was , married on Nov. 40, to Mr. James1 Blaele Mcleillop, of London. For Pains and aches, sore throat, cramps, catarrh, colic in infants. colds ' Winan's Linament should be kept in every bailee. Sold by C. Lutz, Exeter, Melville Htwoess, who for some time bas been conducting the third barber shop here, "threw up the sponge" on , Satnt day and the business is now tick- eted "To Let." The Ledies" Aid of the James street church bare decided to hold a prayer eneeting in the. lecture room every Tuesday itfternoon from three to four o'clock. Free to all. Use English Stock Food for young pigs, calves milch tows, fatting cattle and chickens. It is the beet, cheapest and safest stock food on the market. Sold by 0. Lutz, Exeter. The Clinton Collegiate football team successfully defended their title to the 'Hough Cup on Saturday last, when they defeated tbe London Collegiate teatu by a score of 3 goals to 1. The prices at H. atcLeod's sale of Western horses on Sa,turda.ylast rang- ed from $30 to 510. All of the horses were sold. One horse purchased by Chas. Dayinitn, of Usborne, was chok- ed to death while being thrown, pre- paratory to being haltered. No other mishaps took place. =101=B COT -a= I mosmiorm, ,ocalavan.......s........a....or magammesel • Now is the time to prepare • for the cold. and inclement weather. Prepare for it by ordering a suit frorn us -the ; very best at low prices. A_N OVERCOAT • will interest you aboutnow and we can give you the latest in a "Chesterfield' or Double - breasted Overcoat in a Tweed, a Beaver or a Cheviot. - Fitting Lowest Prices Perfect encomminaareassmormaissum • W JOHNS TAILOR Oppo,3.ite the Exeter POS6 Office one had sawined about in ite =die for was not strictly adhered to, the audience insistinj. on recalling the fax. oritee. The eeleeeions by the choir, likewise theee of the cenartett,e, eom- posed a Messrs. Senior, Fleming, Pop, plestorte and Kinsinanwere highly appreciated. Mrs. (Bele) Perkins sang with gJeat sweetness and artistic ex- ereeeton aod was Really enehored. The elocutionary eelectioos by Miss Godwin were admirable renditions .4, she was rapturouely applauded on every eppearance. The Instrumental diaet by ,teiss N. Markle. and Mise N, toe eoveriee saes dame oye It. its Mumma was Well Vecerreti, as was al - Wt and, unaiddto raise it, °admit its so the solos ley hlies Aimee. Martin and ce, weed stow!. the chile lids swath* Miss Eitisoiten. The singing by Me, dd.:An wden ddtereti, Flerolitn-vi was ee-elt re:sera-fed awl merited at 0 Welcrif-;, k44,E. aro:A, to s,?e, if tde dm , epplatte.e. Tbe peeceeds of the evete, was ;alright. (tetchily removing the lug fi'lanwIted t° 414"Int 69. coverluie she was healined to find life Tee Ateteney. extinct. The Mother was. proetrated The Aeeenitily on Monday iligl t l• 't 1 ab, with grief. giveu by the Baeltelors arid Bendiete notice. of Eseter was anotber event to be ad. eaeresiftee nu readjeguoticeaaverdsi ded to the list a the most pleasurable lug any entertalument or anything by'functions in the history et the town. which money is to he wedeln, any per. It was a beauty bell and more particle. son or persons, will inserted in Tun tarty ayonnipeoee bell-beetity stud F ur .... F u0aS a ennes ..teee...enteleeeeee NACES ' We have in stock the best simply a steves mid furnaces, to, goer with all deings, ever exbibited. io Exeter. 'We earry all the WA *Pekes, Cements. We keep constantly in stocle the National and Star Brands of Portland Clemente, eoneeded by all competent judges to be the hest in the raarkete The S. W. P. Before you begin to paint your house or anything else be sure to get the best patutpossible for the money and at the same 'rime give tbe best satiefaction and longest wear. Hardware We have the laegest stoelrof bardware town-EaYetroug - ing and buletier,e* enmities especially. For Force or lift pumps eal on lie. T. HAWKINS & SON PACKMAN'S leneatebeees witbout Charge, except. radiant vont side by side. Shortly that Whieh the job work far eaute is before ohm tae gnests %igen to areiviT done at the AAIVOVATI: Printing office the ladies wrapped in cloaks and hood's 4 FigengreragnraCES then naive will be given gratie a a awl bitoziug vitth the excitemeut of, size in proportion to the itunortance uf antetion. Casting eside tbeir eta'. SO4TlhS F tee event. ee, future the driee for an eringe they emerged in briglit-lined, insertion ef soh aueouneements win radiant groove . awl, with their more layariably be 5 cente per lino foe lirst matronly Oa .erone made readyforthe insertion and 4 per line for eiteh ruuaw- ing. Positively no deviation from. minion of eatia(14 right up-to-date hi on Weibeesileee 'November dthe at, 1.fiti eVety relit. It certainwsregiarred, Although a ea511 pilteOf $:.3,50per copy Is tabiced on their new map. still the poldishere of that greet fetidly wean , - in the eftevuoan, at the reeidence Mr. Robert FraynaJamee etreetdelten his daughter. Mies Emily, was united In rearview to Mr. II. E. Tontlineen.of wah their itrioneriee CAITIRIAt Ion are ets London- The VAITAJODY was perform - feting a copy of the map absolutely ed by Rev. Da Hannon, of the James free aloug witb two other beautiful col. street elmeshh in the presence of the mired pietares to ell who eubserno to immediate relatives of the contraeting Menai-MY Herald for 1901. It is the parties. The beide was handerninely gowned in white organdie. After tbe bi est doll lea worth ever offered dined and sincere sympali. Tilt cereinouy anal reception a tasty wed - for eir. aud ales. prena evo io the ding stepper was served'. The haptpy Itiverantbe.owfbliiseeitilyfoothmagseber seatin4Fra^rwl; eLeuft ett'ellick'fittltrgnhonte in London, amid tile the evening twiln or well wishes of their numerous friends. for 54,VVI'id dente Toe little fellow was The Advocate extends congratulations taken down ;thane two weeks ago with a severe attest of searlet fever which to Mr. and Mrs. Tornlinsen, developed into purulent peritoultis. Plod In Sarnia, On Mcmclay an operation was perform- Thema intelligence was received here hy Dr. Gunn. of Clinton. assisted lest week of the death of Mr, Welder by Dr. Rollin% but it afforded norelief hleCaun, who passed away at his home mazy -whirl. ithtberbythmic stun= of the :enelodione waltz Toney Vita's orchestra :hegart to peal -forth shortly after nine o'elock' the floor blossomed: et into a evinyiag ma se of brilliant col. Ors and the Tame Weenie: vibrant with hum of convereation, the sparkle af „silvery lauglaers tbe pulsing of. soft sweet Muide aud :lbe . tapping of the dainty toes in their thrthinie Hight It ' ee-acie. ere. ei eteetnre VERY Y IN To really newly about our Drese.Goods you must aee and bandle them. , Black Dress Gocile, Bleck Dress Tweed Suitings and elegant Deese Trimmings. Latest, Style ixt Jaekets ..Ladies,. Misses .aud Children items from the Staple DepartMent NEW FLANsw.rxrrEs in Mining of piniot bine and grey sttipe was indeed a pretty mote Beautiftd -NEW WRAPPERETTEale-aA geed aSSOrtineut of splendid quality wrapper' women and gallant Men, Omitting ettes floral, stripe and vat patterns met geed .coleringszageoeptioite1.. metro= and gay nuudene, bright-eyed girls with the glow of youth and bap- piness in every feature and handsome young men all gmeefully gliding and turning in the fairy MM. Who was the belle? Among so many beautiful costumes and avtistic dancers. the task of selecting a belle is too difficult to attempt. It was nearly four o'clock when the last. waltz was played and the pleasant Wow broke up. Among those present Were the fon lowing; Mi58 Vera Ilawkshaw. Mies Stephenson. Mies Beers. Miss Griffin Miss Mary Ihiend, Loudon; Miss TA: and after a brave fight be-01011We pa- in Sarnia on Saturday last at tbe age Steissniffor!igs3Sgittiorlrigigs Glittga; tient the dread disease did its deadly *130 years. Tbe deceased was stria:- sielse Janson, Seaforth; Miss Doan, work and the pride of the household PR (Iowa about nine weeks with zoriciii miss geen Diceogiss riuluniee, at the age of 5 e -ears and a montbs. a severe type that di'eadc.4 disease Miss Coughlin, Crediton; Miss Moran, passed 44W11.Y on Monde), evening last, an attack of tyfhold levee am being Mrs. Fermium 3,irc. Diviuge, The Amend took, giace to the Exeter his ease soon assumed a serious nature etooni cermet; miss Blank, st.Thom48; cetuetery on Tiles ay afternoon. ana gradually weakening the vital cord The MiSseS Hodgins, Liman; Dr, Fere A radical change front oise metbees was snapped. The deceased, who WAS §0800, Mr. Cook, /Jensen; Ma Gordon, and prices was announced by the To, born in Dashwood, was a former resi, twafinel; Mr. Morgan, Ailsa Craig; ronto Newsiest week. The eyes of the dent of Exeter, flambee resided with ene cough -lad ermine oermoi mr, uewepaper world be,vo been upon ma re, porticoes ewe, for several Mahe St. 'Thounite Ma, Porte, Mr. Pres - the News for the Past few months, years. For the past three yeare he ton, de Sarnia his home, where he Mr. J. Curtin, Centratine Lucen; Dr. Orme, Mr. D. O'Brien, have 'been made which. have given that was hitilllY reiPeett'd hV all, lie Was paper a. wide -spread reputation for co- a member of the Masonic fraternity. terprise and originality. This latest under whose auspices the funeral took move is to place the News at the svice race Mouday, lie leaves to mourn f I b is demise 44 widow and five small a 5 a year y ma • 00137 a eep- founded belief in the future success or children. the News amid lead the pleblisbers to ,o, c. T. ii Notes. make such a reduction in price. But At tbe annual election the following just as the dollar magazine bas taken officers were elected for the ensuing hold of the people, so, we venture to year: Pres., Mrs E. J. Spackman; predict., the News will secore a vast lee Vice Fres, Airs, vene Bissett i 2nd and ever-increasing circulation, based vice, aerie Godwin um see., Aids. E. not only on the popular price at which Elliott; Core Seciy,,Mrs. Geo. Manson. it is soli, but mainly upon the intrin- At a meetiog of Cartwright township sio merits of the paper itself. We have council held a few clays since, a pett- made arrangements whith will enable tion sheeted by more than half the rate - us to club the News with our own pa- payers in the township, was presented per croltinbination80 a Yparesients mann; unique by-liew prohibiting the sale of intoxi- c to the counca, asking them to pus a. features, -our weekly giving you all eating liquors in that township. The the home and district news, and the council granted the request, and the big 12 -page daily keeping you in touch by-law was given its first reading. It with events ail over the world. Send is the intention to vote on it at the us your subscription to the News, or if coming election. There is only one you would like to see the paper first, hotel at resent in the township and it copy. leg township of Darlington passed a • The Ganthier-Morton-Anddison Con- similar by-law some years ago, and it cert and Vaudeville Combination put has given entire satisfaction. Tbe in - on an entertainment in Gidley's Opera dications are that the by law will carry House on Friday evening last Speak- by a large raajority. write us and we will secure a sample is locate at Blackstock. The adjoin- ing in a general way of the whole af- fair it could not be said tbat it was an The Rouse of Refuge committee of eminent success. At the same time the county council met an Tuesday of certain numbers were good and were last week. All agreed that an addition well received. The posing by Miss to the present bnildieg is necessary. Mae Pauline Anddison as an accotn- Mr. McBride, architect, of London, paniment to tbe song "Nearer my prepared plans -for the new addition. God to Thee" was artistically done and These were before the committee And deserving of praise. Kathryn Chat - carefully considered. The proposed toe Morton possesses a good voice and she received a liberal amount of np. building 1s48 by 60 feet and the same tne present e plause after each selection. The -violin eig as playing of Emerson Morton was beard asemen oe new poet will eoiatain . to best advantage in the violin obligato drymg room, coal. and fruit depart - in connection with Kathryn Morton's ments, etc., while on the first flat there song, "Happy Days." Milliard And_ will be two sitting rooms, nine bed rooms, pantry and water closet. On dison's musical monologne "Courting m the second at there will .be 16 bed under Difaculties" was • appreciated. rooms, operating room, closets etc. The whole combination lacks in stage should be cut out altogether, they side of the new building, the full height. e a v la a on the east appearance while several. numbers There will being ridieulous in the extreme. The The proposed addition will not only add materially to the present adcoro- Several meta hers are possessed of talent modation of the institution, but will but until a more graceful stage appear - greatly improve its external appear- ance and manner be cultivated they ance, which is much needed, The plans cannot hope 'to obtain anything like and specifications, except in scene min - large measure of success. The attend. and details, were -approved of by the ance was fair and would have been conmaittee,-aml they will so report to larger had there not been another C011- council . C m or meeting cert on that evening. Notice of Removal. If the council decide to proceed with • • the work, tenders will likely be asked Miss Tom hereby informs her Pat- for at once. With these improvements rons that she now occupies the Dress- th b 'ld' b t t making Rooms over Mr,Bobier's office. particular. That the council should T. P. Smith coatue. proceed with the work goes without If you have defective eyesight don't saying. The additional acconamoda- fail to consult with T. P. Smith, the tion is urgently needed, and the coun. Noted Eye Specialist, of Elora, who ty is well able to bear -the cost. will be at the Commercial House, Exe- Sale Bills. ter, on Nov. 20, 21. See "ad'in anoth- Get yoursale bills printed at the AD- er column. • VocaTE °Dice. We carry one of the est sto blr I Money Biscuits are the best. Ste- largest ancl in VVestern Ontario.e--s0-filinr-PsrPinitriatgYaPe 1- " /Urn! Yuml I but they're good, vi:aiy3t gives satisfaction and prices are wart sells them. Try a sample lot. • • • PERSONAL. Frank Case is visiting friends in De- troit. Mrs. Bobier visited friends in /Myth last week. Miss Hattie Follick is visiting friends in Ste Marys. Miss .Amey Johns returned to Wood- stock on Friday. Mrs. Win. Mitchell is visiting rela- tives in East Niseotni. Mr. P. /3. Dignan of London, spent Saturday and Sunday here. Miss E. Neelin, of Seaforth, spent a few days this week with friends bere. ltir. and Mrs. Wm. Down of London are visiting friends in and around Ex- eter this week. Miss E. Dow and Mrs. jaines Miller returned home Friday from an extend- ed visa with friends in Douglae, Man. Mr. Lionel :Howard, of Efarristore spent Monday last in town with his parents, prior to their leaving for Lon- don. Mr. and Mrs, Wes. Culbert and Miss Maggie Brown of Lucan, spent Sunday in town, the pests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo: Crawley. Miss Edith Neelin, of Seaforth, sang "Open the Gates" with excellent effect on Sunday morning last at the Presby - Mrs. Wm. Dean, after a week's visit with her brother, Mr. John Cookson, Stephen, returned to her home in Lon- don Wednesday. Dr. j. Bothwell, wife and child, of Stratford, spent two or three days of the past week as guests at the` home of Mr. Richard Gidley. Mrs. Crocker, • who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs, Johns, for the past two months, returned to $t. Mars Friday, owieg the illness of her father. • Mr. Geo, Halton has returned from a visit to the North-West. We under- stand he has purchased land in the prairie province and intends returning in the spring. Mrs. C. Birney, who was called to Belgrave last week owing to the ser- ious illness of her mother, has return- ed home, her mother having somewhat improved but is still quite ill. Mrs. Alex. -Box did not leave for Barwick, Rainy River District, as she intended on Wednesday of last week. She, with her brother-in-law, Marshall Box, left on Monday of this week for the above place. " Mr. Robert Sanders left Friday for Windsor, where he will indulge in a quail hunt. It is needless to say that., we are whetting oureippetite'ie antici- pation of the result of the hunt and we hope not to be disappointed. , • „ „, • . • • ""' • • .„ • "", Value% HOSIERY FOR l'unER-A complete stock of Heavy Hosiery, pure wool, wide and lifil.TOW rite, Heavy Cashmere etc. GLOVES and MITS----Men's Astraeban Gauntlets, itien's and Bore Kid Gloves, 110.1`0 Mid Bay's heavy leather mitts. Values always Fur Ruffs at Fur 11 ;nig tirtei for W. E. " SPACEMAN'S. 'DFORD'S READY-TO-WEAR Clothi Caps 4 4 4 4 4 aaczEkatc..164 Jelf.'MLAIGIEJaelcatIc.ifIc.aelc,olvAkAr.S-.JacagkaticsOcailic/ Furniture and Undertaking. WE KNOW Oa Style ale Workmanship are what sell goods YOU FIND IT in our Cheap and Medium OAR' and ELM SIDE- BOARDS and BEDROOM SUITES. We aro busy uow but expect a greater rush. Better order early, W. C. HUSTON Practical Enalialmeri nt,rmiagrar House Blogrulk ARTISTIC rurtzTrrunz urniture that is not only useful but a pleasure to the Eye Costs no more than the other kind. It is only necessary to go to the right place to get it. We can slioev you the prettiest and daintiest designs imaginable. The house beautiful the home comfortable is made by the furniture in it. Do you know how easily And cheaply this can be accomplished ? A walk through our store will show you. Here you will find Parlor Suites, Bedroom Suites Diningroom Suites Chairs, Couches Tables, Springs • Ma,tresses In fact everything in the furniture line. ur large stock was' bought before the raise in the price of. . furniture and we are giviving our customers the ad- vantage of these prices. UNDEPiTAKING AND EMBALMING Rowe & Atkinson CHARLTON'S FAIR "Only One Girl • In this world for me" says the once pop- ular song. Only one Notion Store in town for me says the person who wishes to have every dollar expended do its duty. Everythingin our establishment is naarked. nt prices which will retain regular patrons and induce occas. ional customers to come again. The rapid increase in the volurne of our business is the best evidence that the people /01 of Exeter appreciate this method. 10Ji Japanese China • See our north window for Japanese China goods. , Every piece a dandy a.nd every piece a bargain. • `244 CHILDREN'S TEA SETS -A beautiful aray. BREAD and BUTTER PLATES -an excellent variety and very fine. DOLLel DOLLS! -We have a splendid line of dolls, dressed and otherwise, • Sum to suit the youngsters. Ask to see them, they ai e not on exhibition. WEDDING PRESENTS -We can surely suit you in this line for variety, elegance and cheapness. - CHARLTON'S FAIR,Exeter "t- 'rr '44