HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-11-12, Page 61 his breath in sbarphy, Otte one iu , sif-Sooes: onaosoststansaansnahohnosh„,, aprttoifionicatbivloo gw,mhte4nresth4re el/lever:two antd9. ANINALS ARE BAORTFICED
,i.i., stillieg a groato and at tbe in- ,.
'stout the illusive thought that hod „kti, F. .
T lee.s disagreeable side, While tnere S;4AIN, TO PURNISPE EYTROIS
view, but there is olwoys o mere or
lbefiled bint eo long took .eiear form A ie no line of farming tbat offers FOR TFFIR XASTPR$.
in Ws brain, shaping itself from, . _... . _ -
l various hints oind suemonies to o h larger profits under suitable condi-
.110,eottable min pronto*, 4 tQinsr,oblrenals,gtotroar iseituedryeettibno% gt4.00,,,ps , r 4 Goat Ate Goverament Stampo
4, site 'glis 01Z, 411'' • 444" 111° osliff '4- 1 Ile it his room and went etraigh
"horrible suspoto _
a, llints fel" the Iiinfy Tillers
. -Parrot Stole. a VA/noble
RANSOMED L 1 F E j,,,,,,Ltii,:tugx,stit,,,,,,,,,,,,li,,,„th,ewlour..s ;.,,,,,......01....,...the $94%. ..,,.....„,..,..! doirYing. there Are features or the
joier into, whieb, ho bod flung the
;brolien foil. It was uo longer there., , POISONS. ON Tnilo PARM, :tart ioltiritinibeithisoseiewesNoo wisittliemirteolda tho guilt or ismocence of suspected
work: which, :aro Moro or less dise
ogreeabie to most people aod to 071.':,g,s„?:: 1:.,47e.ei:hex4erell: lvds1;:crilgtehlUvell'''
- .-........e.asseaciada_, atoessitatiellelkitikilk.40,1004429001100.902Pfte , oeis sasoesss deeoeueo, The broken Aceidente ore sommeos in dewing um mdiewtiou of its 4isegreeable order that the ueressary proofs of
XVII. (Cont.) !lenge 1Z014 4 tile PohOde- nis !..fragluent free/ the tell -had it als(1 cir.rf4t:g*s; aocudgettliong soildspooll; pooirm:reiya ars swell os ite profitable poesibili- tirrsogi;:silt isilirligeeezelSeteablissbuestrete4
led with pleasures. but rrigiht Arnnu.d, holodrovppedv:toonthifsorbuftwi. to, ir.,
, ars, e - his '''' scits44);(41 reThe It fiweQolrit4 Zertl.l.si;: t,.11Qe poison no kluges renearod, gee" aoout le4:te. • • 7 - 0 The cows would an first et:I/pose. Only the
. I' 4, UILOre numerous,. perhapo, tbao. one
stumble the hint she shyls' gave- ?esetliei, his whole weight and ;",ci:sseicieSit nabretrelo,ttota Mok_Mg Woe' whose indentity any daohts are en- •suust be 'f7fliked tiViCe every flay. other day a pet goat belonging to
Youog Trevor heiped 3AiVa wit. ilo : stveitglill wiling], the thrust. The -8"Ire l' v-4s;Y'l Ix -AerliAilied4
care should be taken that rain or shine. .worm or cold, : To too in a a large public-
seeswel esujieuslY ea-Wr• .ts heti' Ale- b t caught Ardel on tbe right ivash . •/
41•11,..st on file point otegistig • they are eiteetually destroyed. or few is it o pleesatit task •te milk bouse was obliged to give up his,
del in this sixoffge iove anal*, reast mot the Sexinie eteei bent • "„er2..n_„. Tr It:* Trl „Itle,m aeet, :14 rin.,,, ,11445" 1.0aY V44111. 14P nob: in unexpoto when th,e thermometer is hovering ho to prove his master's innocence"
Asinould to -morrow atilt ,i,rou. Jen. 7 Witu the insistent impetuS behind At. .Sises sers isaik7 ettne So::*gett tseas , tett fashieo, awl become agents fe'r around the zero Mark. or up around mid his own lack of colitis% says
for a sesonel exhibitioti? Ardel wiil 'nen sudeleillY the foil lonoliWod With- --11. al4sustaeren,114411 beenert ire111,4e0ci nblv „illiseschief. h`t.'he writer eemerabers a. the i.)0 degree malt; when the per- London Tit -Bits.
gle:y. me ony revenge. t IStesw. and te Ms 'nth of the point, and the litel4 - . -no ea• la 47 hell a stiek of phosphorus spiration runs in rivulets down eue's 1 The story, which was considered
woetre limning at; though bad is MY nwithin the fastemeg of the Mask. 41.a.tiel.11r. 41'7 oertro'xirm7;usl.eesu to,:,;:iir sfsavrefrilbefeusr 7enr).: bioltmel II:I::: fc7:cef4r' naoned°*thwehell'ae*.*:"Lhotdayil '5.1esernas11411Qirt irrYtehehre;teall't;faltVilti)514Ytinlledrellrer-de -1:-•
I'll cle tan best to make the play hias•ged end wont on. It passed 'St!: pressure „ *41a% °1144)1'..ea.1.t 44;'4u i was thrown out of tbe
• flu rig bir the wall. 'I sever collo i Continually flirted in his face in an livered to tbe publican by. the witole-
best wheii he is concerned.and raised the sine of Arden's*
"Yosifil. come too, Wieialann" said throat a sbode closer had been in- , . and these were boiled l o with theo1'ort t d' 1 * e few mOre or Sale agent, anil which remaipe'd for
Aust. meat whose it stuck. One loot; ,wasis roe tige pip. , 1.,;, -ext, two Ara less troublesome ilies, If 0110 bets some WOO on the pavement Tashi(
Ardel dellightedlo. ' sat death. According to '1tie
'The boodsootte colonel slams& i Trevor recovered his bro/•ien sword Ivas entaugh" 11i8 snsl4fIss llardesed , solve were fourol to be ill. Nothing not suilleient lildn't for dairy cows. Ids establishment,
. eseapa of his frieodi insalanbae tu , almost deem throlegb by a oharpreir Toilet =:
e e'cndd he made sr their sYmOtoms; and iatereot in be; poesibilities. to stanrentk h a 1:t. goat whIch t11c-
.0 0 e sbogh, env, nt ,pueocan ..e. oisseelootg eir bayrre_als,
. • . _ into grim, sortainiv, At the frac-
frost ei ateniso. e. "Oh. I ion, setoctivess-emoesoi be t 1. irrro tiered point tbe, steel had been ca. ,eseoo hole*, z d t 0, or„ ot to put p
afraid not; I. snail he busy."
'Torsos you spara us MA hoar or speech. Wickham rushed' gerw"rd -Tees eve. iv post_morteliic'edzo.ionecoltilii:th,3 die; The:- ;la; tes°1esselned . by w°eria. rsme alesg auk
went Op to each one separately and,
o on ate.. Ikea..
Tioni the Inhole truth broke wax: ion was de- staliles in winter and cool, dark. 1 , , Invites.,
two to ono Soh- play?" " with pate fee*. 'The womela shrieked "'h" '4.` '
ATI rigbt." ha onscrered nodule- • as el few drens loan lean, a gash of ughtoleig. stems 1:tilerrter lotenElo 005 58 tile oneS in mianner, but its ,s -et no rim- an .t e:sstusis dues iti general. sm
. • of Wood trickled*. - • - ,
'TB e041.4i,'-10 Sin` foie plor." :ir4/13411 A"'14's *11'.°21 with wid"IiIII/rdrog and bin:Whig inve. Tile water- te d " c 4 . 11:41g,:gf c11:1," TIC. e,' 4 1, T. I. P . Ole GOversslest 5.44441/PS' pa
, . . e.,, w, n,i :01.wo-, 417,41:-co.,1, 74 Lhntel allsaSa%atilicetstei
r. Azvat‘sm."%t:ectrions 4:011m5t.;0774 5t41151 °4 Ihlia scIM:te ie4"51-W' sioctivisey0411.11intohrfwroosivawmhiCttholr hitt stsi dieltled lite a match yeetery. Titie. Tho often clairYisg is nc't PrQft:'IT"AanilM.ItifielsidlirtrbeTtn/nirticItalonarrevon'
. Only Ardel laimoelf wai cool. llo . • " -
theese two wee, stood lewseg 013,.h: tougkal the broiien soiri ot his neek startling. int seewient three 403,0 e sl* nu exontination of tho con- totoe because it, is done Qii Snell e. ,fiscote-d the wideny.
tents of the washtub. the remains of mall scale tiat it 4003 not p
toetrtehysi.tes=,vi; inhats, itattlfe stihii: 1 fitri.itniit,„ te, ortr eni-zeettitey.. .014 4 op ,,,,,,w. wiewl. w 1 PW
1 r s iv, the poisese4 heus were roh.ed out, base tha couseniesceo to do" .7t ...01:AQ are ta °:tsatr,t15 tilmtsluAttttiZ
!anew what. both wool -11
elt :iiitutizityt irsot.iolgtivv:‘,411111:=4V:ialeal:r ; :Iv ita4:41ati/YhIldt h:e:niect our:: rosiiporw rielit. The. owe are pot properly /3ionidez, but, being a teetotaler, the
wire maolis We ao. Horry Trevor :scratch. Oen yourself another foil. --
of the sanon typ? foir face and oreeeor. I mean to pay eou out for - ... ' a . ,. •. .* „ - e 'was =ound among tho 11 (15 into hous0d. their' ration is sot well °''' Government official_ refused to &wa-
dy eiono„ sestare Amide:v.4 aril ,thet." ,rivolosas bo believed, in the love Ever i - lerted because it is not worth whole osa, so raularoabia 4 mory. As the
lieim,A, good t0000lg but , lint Trevor flung- the broken wee; i• that wila the tient, domisatilw pas.lte he YdllsottiLl.4t,iniosebrollerinalittoiei otoOt toe hilY feed for only MO or three nue would bove been considerable..
ol i • l I tho coWS. the Win imam becalm there and there wos e-, likelihood of hie
001Xtioii7isf .4;lire,lit, 1?• -*41n1 hflifiLIS fr ofvleur'iMr.f.aillite 1;170411;l filtla lel his tire" Is /watt ho was 11.J 1111AP CI tlio drug it containo. and is not vuough to warrant the build- license being cancelled, this publican
.., .. snitreereis--a cunning ond eowertile if poisonovo with the -word 'Tide- ing of 'a seitable milli -room or decided that, if oeveeeary, be woold
liro looked more than ever a. boy 1sost on. .
. n s A .
won i ou." preferably with the regulation houn. The cream is not ripened ,' socrifice the life of Ills goat to prove
murderer. Trevor had a quick, throb ,
cielfeonteit with Arfier 8 fitOivii, (UAW. 118 ntittit.red under his briett11; sd joy to reowoihe how
er`nnion In the soft wave of Ardel's Alen: suddenly he burst cost crying 1 • F = n ii label With red letters cm a blaelt or properly, the churning is harried, lids statement.
of white, *'a sotile, silvered," but ! In au histant Ardel WaS full
ea, anatied bolt, How otronge. 9,e . them. to drop
ground. Labele will 'Immo becauSe• it don t pay to spend time Ile appeared before the local wag -
from the I rsts he die 1 ed t os man ., emits
dash brown bob' there were touches iliho Sni layster1051 girl. mid bow dislike bail grown with bet-" defaced by tile c -
came .
these wero no lines os the brood :sorprise arid esrapatiesa
brow, no dimming of the dor% eyeo. i "Don't woery. old man, it er linowlesigie. The cold cr•uel treacheidiriy hiandliagi 404 dump will same price anyway.
, oz4;610400,0014:11ittow:Re.n 170; when the butte.,r_.all aells for the istrates, who after listening atten-
Owls' to Ids story, ordered the goet
The tail figure that *11 1, Trevor so ,ithe purest thence. It coold not mur -
Wa5 'tijenot.1,2410440tuliitidaol,Slogni. e trilanyirA4taiSfeswaat:yibitahrz 27:1ohd, itia „uoitsisono i to be slaughtered an4 the contents oi
gravel:oily was 5t11a h,-4 tho full IIFINF CATTLE.
ond Strength of noottone manhood. A nIt Wes a mirocie that ciao of the This WAS dOne. ouil as there were
liri1430 : haia,P14 °gain a th"Santi Feat'a. wrongfully charged with murder. nut 1 bel ,, b b ... - m I 114.. rrsiesise Wald srPa that live
ils shereld co like tbat. Well, we ,that charge woo serely felse. None; ig, from whinh tho tom r - _ _ distinct traces of sometitliss widelt
sited: forming in thii nioSt Prifitnhie• miglit boxe been Reventsi aamps, or
.`1A44544 st*'"K ;1g%It!lt I") 114%-"irePti:141.- ' - - ihnew totter than Trevor Ow pos simply of theme, or.. iteueethtIva sso soya:
woteheit the Vial frola the halescoo Salider ilefeot. Only skeet take it cent. lie hail been in dewily Perll of ' piteted or mutinied on the pea; 'IC, "It has Iwo demonstrated
" IrVotik° tt.hat thl 'doubt and his' wiSsliy returned to
hatl'i i hpluttielnagt;IZtsg. oil% tVell-bevirliNt Lill:
his bole youtess, :won't teroo WV; n.Wre it COU don't st !urn. of the moot on to i his, or
31,,tw...,,ni tho two wonzm who e:-.1:fe to. owl_ III Sit down potfautny itm.so-uoi.s , inne•ii.-4,14ro. - t-114.- , /1:t4coht. i ;Iiielviikwaietiempturste:o:;rlionlrovion,a;
the co:WO= treaS not lees otrihiton. ;lilije *hot. Kerry; don't lea% os 12 his iiie: now. trebly goii4e. he wos, is lover than nothing. g 1rd bY ""riellicet allti
favuer TOM fe...8. oos. pore anoolem /Telma saannaix however., oot
Low.,,lic,""3 4,t_oto. aiituited. timrioul ;..yetel. hail w,rtshn. a ghost. er a5 .. x094 watt.. %,14.,‘N Tim proofs ut los 0131.4it. An makines amid be kept Sr; mutton that bet lias pFooluced front "
of gey ononth. Tolley of pure cool :hod gone Clean through. ,yon iiiStead
'i '*o wee the very onaloillinonnt . ""1:c 4 g 4n' .1.011r -I' ' ' - ennehiSi'M to Trevor. were WOrtte, Itlipeutarolopcbrilli fu. darynd platt on the form 13134n 2110111 inomoT per
0444 e414114 "4 gra" rs;wd and fell I not be so fortunate nest time
to keep a. goat 414 future or lie might
gooake 71-0311lOilawfleg. It woo eorions of eingY" =Welling MST 454444. :A
„on less to., the world. mere lutatigilile, i should the itiolinal CiViiaCe a taste for
euspicion. Re could brasen out thei hey ovoid sot
leave the custody or la.lieor,e enolfutiniitathiaonttaninalwpo7Xar of novella) stamps.
to mile Illet the hal." s eyes went up ,helidd loot look. mow ghastly." A short time ago a (*UFO in Which
for eifiesuragetimit to the woolten. !„ "Nothing.
end the niateo to the Sehoolgirl. Ileootinifiel. turning to Lucy; tor „ro. place, for ehame or=fear to take hold '
stilothe owner or nomeliody who under-
stands at least something ahoutsthe Lindy discontinue raising these ; mood stud attrocted COMA iateidlOn.
fal S it, It is not necessary to en- Iiiing her inifitiVili of it valuable die*.
grwds a SeiVtint glri oas accused of role=
at an. miss /10,17... 1,0, ebarge defiantly. There eas no l,00sse responsilile• peroon. preferably? only w lea or
In every' genie of chance or olii11.1giris in their fright hest come da: ot 6nell .a' Flan* Vh'Ical Ardel
;nature or drugs. This is a ;aria cro103*
oven tho easuol spestators havarialio,,teritig down to the Boor of the wits- • hut if we are to nroduce a „The stud was on the dressiug-tahle
stood within his danger: at any noo-
ks Mho Elidi'S. AlliAL Side aid Ley 7.naSinill. 'It might have been olnieignitit rote .r011r1.i4 and fatitt blow ' plan. not only as a Measure of pro. 6 'ITUIS to be sold in foreign mar- 1 while the Maid was dusting the room
',caution against the rtileuee et, ' or
tele.* mai whit% Jeannette? They 'I= accident mid it wasset; that's al2. accidents with, poisons. but because Lets it is beat. to oxport that 501r.. i and when she left the Iowa wets
coaa not tionraives have told, inter(' 49 a Providence in the fall of nearly all medicinal agents deterior- plus in the most contleinied and mar- 'missing. It could not lie Nunn ao4
Witat was to be done? what NVas
togethor before the trial. Lucy tvos ,',811arrow tins time, eftlef cite in Quality by heeping in paper hetti!ble form as mesh and animal „ the girl was acound .of stealing Ito
White the 1011ell and women talli.ed . tbo 841 41 you know. I'm the .to ho done? 'The Inert* thanght
than"" '"""s•rort be could not think clearly. pr ducts rather than in the original lber boxes nail -beds etc. and finally
Wong for Trevor and &anisette for afraid 'I don't (mite look the part. l
, walls of his rem seemed to close
T'lls Iniesets. or iti a danip place. and cruse ant 11u14! S a 0.
Malay are entirely spoiled, anti be- sho was arrested and charged, wig;
i. T.„„ A ' 1 1* 1 th fill 4 Trevor with t
ino melt tither in tile arena. each ,i,ilifollses a lap of brandy - - - ;.iiiin in and stifle hint. lIe cettglit up come practivally inert, by expel -am mole the most money who ileveites
"ln the long rim the farmer will the theft.
and tin7 "his hat alai escaped down. the as"- to a strong light, to the air or in a. Proliabiy at bet- wits' end for somo
Ardai. WO when the Vg0 iiineld fac- Ill loot give those two male Miss
w.11%191 Telt iter sympathy watee' and „will be all right. Kindly get to i, _
. . ;onto into the wood. ' damp place. his Ileitis to the growing for forage walla 01 Proving her issevellee ths
ishift from the ebanopion of her ilret ?Your Porch. lollies. and. we'll be witiii Grailualty ids egitation -workea it- ,..... ' crops to feed Moen, making
ell. the 1' 41(1 products at home. there -
us° of 1 girl etateil thot the. p.rirrooVemodt sti;lalat-
10804 41.. I
choke till I.,nes's interest centred: in you in ten minutes. It only a by soving not only unich of tbe cost thsugh shs had net "tuadY IrttlIQ86.-
stoommos room froos, the first, Estero:small serateh at that. See, ii-baS!'eanase 'IgalYt lav elearlY heture him' , of transportation, but, maintaining ea tit° °xi" rehht'7" The Perret•
really. -Antis Berk*. find rh- coif out in rupid exereise„ and . his YARDING POULTRY.
the lime. mid Jeatinette's in the boy. ',82-oestela,
The limo salute Woo porfOrraed 'on a tumult when the party eeparat- !well, he might claim bee as bis own, in bugs and insects, thus obtoined, ied by high prices to sell their corn
win mattliairn. i flint; ,s4i,„n„..:41* hall been is the molly
ed f .1 7:Intrlety and +Wen fierVOZISTY En:. ' 811,10pfipli bleeding oiready.** Ythat be had resolved on mot still thile It is desirable to keep the fertility of the soil. By
mem the toil he bud *wed oil Om pre- --......- miliating to the bitterest dregs of 'Ow are healthier and grow better their 1 i oral sears, tut(' was allowed to
tile rooms ttt oill. eiften
cited by the femme, banded to each be done. It was hard, it Widi be- y moo, ehlekenS 111 free ratige as long so Corn belt farmers
1 Sono day. and give the signal to CIL\ PT1M. XViir. sbaute. but the hope of winning Lucy as possible, owing to the fact that lines. •11.,;e'eperarilottilleclodigt 1.1041.'ZtinehltlittliTwt , liallArIgu elnnug _th? trinlite,ts on the
.4lay bright bensind the 1**1.111 and from the exercise they take„ as well months ha n shown that the men who illotuTlisntRe:Ittaebinevilunr‘tredIngeteel'its;e 'loll
the somplo :nolo rry Trevor's thoughts W4.1`e stilt s sine' n a 4 a.," sl •14 ' ' • as from the greater variety of food, stuck to feeding and were not temp- i inclined to noise,. t 44 g s
with eoto,? grow. Ardel loved the oll anti he got bail.: to bis own room. and nitimatiellyleYliletta;
h,Viho. sisuilling and bungling over
huaint, rea.marss of Lis favorite The saddenness of the danger, the, world. Then let Wieltham do his growth when. it will be foand Moire thing that will enhance the produe-!ment,
her accurers :moot either permit the
to hold and guard against the yet there Collies a time in their have tootle the most, money. Any -
Frost. and would preteemit *Jo rase narrowneoo of the esciipe, still stun-. worst -he would take the danger of advantageous to place them in • Use capticity of our soils for
'production of' forage conditious will
tilt, tox; „eb‘01,8101,0,1euele.volvditth(.1.A1v,r, prir-le
the blades kissea, and for a might hose been. Wild vague hopes His reverie was broken in upon by '3"1111V.4311.8eit the snating instinet begins help the farmer."
•mawi =1•••• charge, After coil:literal:10 argil -
or wove or flourish of t ho foils. ozed Woo with the thought of what [that guar ditto Sh IP -
long minote the swordsnees, minion- had ife-'11 for tie.* past few days telt- mooting sod:le:11Yface to face, at a to manif
. est itSelf the sexes should nient Inc lady agreed to the latter
lose ao statues, aed oe graceful, Mg form la his hreat, and that lit- sharp curio, of the walk, the man on be separated anti the females placed HELPING TITS LAMB DOG. courseand the girl was diseliarged
, .
Wielcham-l'adiant With. triumphant ,otlier. They will thee be found to / ant glad Your same is ItarSh" tnittlAertt:eablr'f'gl.:A.(11:30:$t!'ntorirt1W31:1)111ilitilifige;x,gtiliralti‘lileicilieltaltIliftil
with foils advanced and est firmly , tie ecrap of Jagged steel came so , W110n1 Ids thoughts wore Waived- in One Yard and the males in an-
planted, and open left lentil raised neer isuling all. At the back of his the said Mr. Slowcoach to his sweet- foreign nature in the bird'n stomach
high oter the el:milder, stood . udiul there was some other thought '. happiness. grow much more rapidly until
s-ard*hos Milt ollees eyes. ; --a tear or a suspicion-whith he i Trel.clr's faea lowered smisolislY at time comes to make a final dieposi* heart, whom be bad been courting which might pessibly be the laud,
But the sun sbone full "Because I 1048 reading toolaO. though be would not venture to
sight of Min. for several yeogs.
Ardel moved first -just a little 4002114 not catch firmly or ece elearlO. i thin of them either for the nuttket,
--but his blade's point slippod under 'for its vao,ueness. Ile still to be kept for the ensuing year. arnArlifteirinstofn0triisa icaette'tra,i11103;*vever, the
paced ., hant•s eyes and for a moment he
in 'Wick- the table, or the selection of stock WhY so?" he asked.
quiver of the right lined and wrist and width troubled hint the more i
4could distinguisotty n. vague out- and came across a, line which said. parrot became DI atid ultiantiely died
Tres so.'s and bero lomin. once. twice.. , the room restlessly, backwards h l
and If they are thus confined in yards
line. In that moment Trevor's self 'Mary is the sweetest name that and on being dissected
three* times. elusive alike to eye ' forwaais. when suddenly, as he pass-, for a, few days until they become
ward with a quick spring and Trcoo the woods aitught his eyes, and 1 they can be given free range alter- 11,e1EnC00:12ElerItliltDue.re.
"Holloal my boy, is it you?" cried accustomed to tbeir surroundings, woman eyer bore.' "
"That is poetically expressed. r Ve ZOTIECOnSETilleilte)e-WsltiSie
and touch. then his hody 'went for -'ed the window, a glint of white in 'control cal" hock.
Wickham jauntily' "out for a walk heard my father say it to mother, upon searched for the accused girl,
vor fell, the button prod him sharp- , staset. Ids footstep .ham nately, one yard one day and the
ly in the side. Love's et-ree are quick and sure. In all alone? Could yciu not coax Miss
• mune :s. Marys It is from and, having found her, made gooier -
"Boydell to come with you? Ilost other the next, and they will then whoSe
"Oue for Ardel," the umpire cried i a second he gutatsed what the glean:
Ardel? none the
.. return to their own.yard and house. solllo Poetoien't it?"
believe so." crus amends for the unjust charge she
and Lucy smiled and Jeannette : from his window, through a long found to avoid the trouble caused "But r 're heard my father say Another case of an animal being
had brought against; her..
as they dropped their swords' points Imeant-in a second more lie knew. (1(1 '.044 lell've Poor If the plan is followed it will,. be
pouted. They had changed sides r arched vista of trees, he could see would ask you to congratulate Die, by the chickens selecting'. roosting there WaS OV011 a sweeter name than cut open. to produce evidence tow
I 4
,worse for his fright, I hope. I
der sheds and . on Wagons. If left
taken," said the lover, as he tender- place in Scotland in 1807. An. es -
places, such as those in trees, un- MorSh"
I think he most have been 31148 -
to themselves they become attached
1y pressed his sweetheart's hand. was given a ten -pound note by his
rand boy ,in a grocery store in Perth
to these places and. Will return to
_,_"No; I don't think he was mis- emP1°Yer to purcnase five shillings'
making themselves liable to disease,
tu"K"VVhen''ft't was the other name?" on his mission accompanied by bis
worth of stamps. The boy started
them iii. all kinds of weather, thus
Otter they. leaye.
and yelled the lovely eyes, and, in 'cin houraoIn'eal Tat e°1.13.firiinsbil?i'reittiture-en.,hxeca:dii:e'et-nclilea:tiltfe 1 Is'iaeayr1i-
through exposuroots well as causing
A beautiful blush suffused the.
inconvenience in eome places by the
maiden's cheek, the silken lashes fell,
After having become attached to
a tone as soft. as the whisperings of ino that tbe animal nail suatebed the :
to stay in a house, and a good deal
these roosts it is hard to get them wifer, ennocourt.le,d,,00lt.egoafinidisc re eraolin btihtire„ tett
an Aeolian hagp, she rauroaured--
n willing for Iiis dog to be killed in
The boy Was. itsked if he woriln be
of trouble to their owner is the re -
The cards are out.
sulflt.' a little care is taken of their order that portions ' of the note
112 -
beginning it 'usually saves a goed
A new 1200 foPrOntheBbAaGgFpn'ipeEsS. has nocence established; .but this be re -
might -be recovered asi'd Ids own in -
management in. this regard 'in the
been foutel-by a Scotsman, too. A. fused, saying the little animal was
deal of trouble in the end, unless
the method is followed of letting the
Flighlandee who owns a sheep forth the folly friend he had and he, wasn't
themselves; in which case they deter- 15
ie ia the habit alraost daily -of declared his readiness . to go . to
"going back op hini." He stoutly
chickens 'shift almost entirely' for
in a mountaipous district of Califor-
playing hie pipes all over the grOund. prison rather than sacrifice Bob. .O.,....
iorate . into veritable juugle fowls,
His master, who was a., kindly.. ..
with more tendeepy to disetse than
The skiiling has had the happy effect Scotchroan, consulten a -veterinary,
ionf ,Zrdiinigtcheeasgelebsirodust 0711,14 lhoacdalictoyr,_ who liecloted Mat he could examine
to the laying of eggs
merly dore considerable damage by Bob's stomach without, making bim '
carrying off hatiebs and even grown
, • suren Bob's owner that the. animal
forfeit his life, and when he had is
would be all right, di,. the course of
a low days the boy gave Sis consent
for the operation. The dog. ' wat
,given an A.D.a.esthetic, his stomach
cut open, .and several. poitions - of
undigested paPer removed. :
On ana•lysis these prove'd .to belong
to "b anti -116th qu ality' ' and, the '
eaSiny 'Scotclunan having kept ' a, re,
cold Of the 'number of the.'note, ,. an
affidavit WaD SWOrri .r.111-4 '1 -,lie.' mooey
subsequently pSin.. . . The bey wee
promoted„ Bob *as soon running
about as well. as ever; 'and what
had Oronaiseel to be a tragedy ended
to tie entire satisfoctioe of 'everyone .
•again. i where two paths crossed deoP la Harry," he added in a graver tone,
"but it is a secret for the present."
The next bout was longer, but it !the woods. Even as he looked,
ended the seine fashion, with a ,Lucy and Colonel Wicklia,tn came dis-
touch on Trevor's sword arm. Then tinct into the sunlight for a mo-
i.ng his cane and cutting the leaves
So saying he 200111 by gaily, whirl -
his chance came. He parriod a, ment, passing from shade to shade from the overhanging branches on
straight thrust of Ardel's so dose's:: along the leafy pathway. They. either hand as he walked. Half a
that the point ripped his jersey at walked slowly, and talked earnestly dozen paces he stopped suddenly' and
the side as it went by. ' ! as they went, Wickham's tall figure called back to Trevor.
Before Ardel could get back to !bending towards his companion. Tre-
guard, 'quick as light Trevor's ' vcir started at the sight, and drew i"I tvish you'd turn back with me,f you dont mind; I want a word
with you." But when:Trevor walk-
ed back by his side, he had nothing
n sPecial to say,. Their talk, as they
walked, turned -Trevor turned it
designedly -on the incident in the
gyrnisasiurn. But his companion
1od ? was not troubled in the least. He
spoke of Ardol with easy contempt,
and that kind of pity one might feel
for a hurt animal. :
"It was a close thing for both of
you, my boy," he said. "There
would have beea an inquest, of
course, and all that kind of thing.
But all's well that mods well, and
this business has ended well -very
well indeed.'? His thoughts were
evidently elsewhere; he was -ahnost
Of you are not well there must be life may be cured by Dr. Chase's incoherentin his exultation.
a reason for it. Most oSethe coal- Kidney -Liver Pills, because they ' set At the top ofthe long stone steps
anon ills of life arise from poison in the liver, kidneys and bowels right Ard01 was waiting for them, and
the Systeln. If you would be well and so cleanse and invigorate the wielosam, still briinreing over with
you must remove this cause of dis-- system. good humor, passed ifto the house
with the man whose life he had three
ease. liaVe you come to realize the im- times
It supplies nourishment to the body lar . and the liver and kidneys ac- (To be continued.)
The work of the blood is two fold.
pertance of keeping the bm,vels regu-
and collects the impure and nelson-
tive?' YOU. Will appreciate Dr.
oes Waste matter: This poisonous Chase's ISidney-Liver ,l'ills, not only LIKE TOMMY ATKIN'S.
material is removed from the blood
. OD.' account of their wonderfully A,' cab -owner bough:It a new horse
by tile action o e liver an 1 .
When these organS fail the promptness, bat also for their last- and intrusted it to one of his best
the !Circulation of thpoison is caxriect back through.
isg .effect on the system. :Obey get drivers for its first de.Y's trial , In
ei in. 'the
at the very 1 ou2]. 154.100 of ill-hea4h,
systb,, , e
and by removing the cause bring the 1)2 201 when the jelui returned,
blood and causes disease_ he lotind his m a stj'ex waiting to
"Where is your weak spot? Just 0u06° hear his opinion of. fne animal. '
tbere you may first expect to feel Dr: Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills; the "Well, :Sohn, 40t. do you think of
the effects of poison in the system, comfort of old age, elm pill a dose, the nc'w 11°"e?'"'Fas a`AkeCL
Si- may be stomach trouble oie lung 25 cents a bOx, at all dealers, or ' `I think it haafe a reserabla.nce to
tro u bl e, kicincor d Ssease or heart, clis- It'clinanson, Bates & Co., Toronto. the British soldier,'' 1
ease, 1.mi. the beginning is With the To protect you against, ilnitatiOris, "What malceS you think that,
- InacAion ' ol the great littering or- the portrait and signature of Dr . A." John?"
g dals--tbe liver anhkidneya tto chose, the fanlo,us seceiPt book ,"Ilecause." said •131 1, "it will die
Nhooteeiths of the ills of everyday author, are 011 (wain too, before it will run,,,,
N There
rhsn the Liver and Kidneys Have Failed to Perform
Their Mission and You Need
Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver PliRs
There 18 no line of work" open to
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• s' iteo
0111 IT,
a To prose to you that Da
1 - and absolute cure for sactl
es Chase's Ointment Is a cortaia
and every forte of itchiagl
bleedingand protruding pilea
the manufacturers have) guaranteed it. Ii3ee teat
timonlals ih tho daily press andask your nolg
bore what they think of it, You oan use it ail
get your money back if not cured. 600 a'130,
all dealers or EDMANDON,BATES SC .00.,Toroat
Dr„ Chase's Oirttrmenf