HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-11-12, Page 5• ..emenanseenaln, THE Mmet.er Abrivccatg published every 'Diersclay Morning at the Office, gnnIDT-STREET, EXgTER, ADVOCATE PUnt. ISH I so compANy TEEMS OF SUBSORInTieN. one Dollar per annum if pain in advance, .$1,5O if not so paid. ntan.nrontSnanng nnnton. van Zaaanonnne.- tncrr. No paper diseentinued until all arrearages timpani. Ad,vertisernents without specified directions will be • publisned until forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal diseount, ad or transalent advertfaemerna inserted for long periods. Eery descriptioa of JOB PAINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates Cheques, money °niers, &?., for Advertising, subaariptione, ete., to be made payable ' $auders & Creecitt Pliorrninnons esstenat Cards. .vo VALUE. Asietb" REMLER BALFOUR'S 17XEI.VS ON ALAsicA poinoz4,. Give nature three helps, and nearly every case Or con- sumption will recover. Fresh air, most -Important of. all. Cherry ,Pectoral NQurishingNoct awes next. Then, a medicine to control the cough and heal the lungs. Ask any good doctor. .1 first eine ayena Cherry Penteraint yeain ono. liave seen terrible eases of lung tita- eases cured by in 1 evin never unbent it." Arninnn 0.Ml Dennualoon, Modena. Onto. 2Seannainne. ar. ea Anna ea, druggists. for rwelm,..q.s.7,71.44 0 nsumptio 4 DENTIST * Teeth extracten withont any "nip, or any ba i elects bHeatth demands dot me.) nansans niacin west slde Main street. rnenneks Ad lInttlr0W Exeter. D.& OENTIST Ironer Graduate of Toronto -University or.d iloya College Of Pelitall SurFeerze of Ontario. Also Post Graduate of Chicago rehoot of Prosthetio Dentistery (with bonerable meution) Alluminnol, Gold and nicotine Plates made in the neetest manner pooling. 4perfectly harmless an- aesthetic used tor cantos extraction of teetb. Office one door mint of Carling Urea. store, gsater. e TN% T. P. MornAUGELIN, MEIlDnlit OF nig n'olle-ci of Physicians at Sonneens Ontario, rhyskiAn. Surgeon and decoucheur. Odle. Dash- wood, Ont. John 11 Wilson. Dave ad nealtience. gso (Vocals Ama, Loadon Ont. Sprnial attention ftl todiseases of women. Gino bourn ltin9 to 4 Sausit awettre ne Er, ,enera. 0 oho exr1. Ex G U. !arm MOM The Beet Blood Porifter and Livet Regulator an eiteth WE GUARANTEE IT TO CURE uliehameem menet Pa -orders. erilillbtritA Cominanica. Sid; mai INU'r;•az,s Neural:A Pispenna. Posen vial Ague. nero.rs, Female Can. pianttn. Enanianns. narrans narnaninn. Catarrh and our ri.„ gnanie unranta. OR WILL REFUND TUE We nive inn Rung -Atha' treatment of Isratoren Dern neon* frr in and nuarantee to cure or refund tne aleafry. ametierneera --1.0411threwr ELM RICHE Tin+ nneat roma& fi.n.pana internal or earcznal, v • ran tnlalni.V Trianon t e' Bah an4,11. Elinari -t;ra arlIennr TEAM% 3 it; 11-.:tst:2$1,11110;Ver CB. CUM M41101111:54n5 Ne:911Iratz,"!,A;CANO Wictr IltMetrEIT,C1:9 SZTO Va.JM1aL Netii.tolertzetemetneetole, artetetie rffiVP, Dr,41,71, Amhernh p-anno; luilnenr,a, th•., sttr:11d Mu 741,. Etzas 14411;q5A. DROWN. Wiunlielsra. Limed Auctioneer himillannaanna batman:in 1,10,,,1;,, 944 tItte, for the Counties of Perth and Middietex. neo the tan:icon eurnn noro re,„0 gann 4ron1in t•nla sin?rtatne.anteln, r tbe township of Inhorne. Fates pnnapily nail to and terms reasonable. Sales arranged 0Si:office Witntelsta. The afloisons Bank (Chartered by Parlimuent. newt Wire, Montreal. Capital Authorized- .... -.$5,000,000 rimit up Capital... • • .• • $2.8511,121) Resttrve Ftind. • • • • 2,720,77S SAS. ELLIOTT, GzSERIOO 1111A.N.A.GER. —ItNE'rER BRANC1T -- o hotue:--O nue to p.m; Saturdays 10 ono to I p.m. era banking business transacted Moony Advanacti to good Fannere at Iowan, rates. navings Dauk Deposits from Eland upwards reedy. ed. Interest allowed at hignest current rates. Diatoms 4 eAliuria, X. D. IrrittiON, Solicitors, Siemer. Bicycles 1 We are still in the Blonde Nettle and this year show seine tine sped - 'wens. The CUSHION FRAME is the Ideal wheel to ride. Prices mod- erate. New Pianos! Several New Pianos just put in stook ; newest styles and the best makes. It will pity you to see them. Yoe will be surprised at tbe LOW PRICES at which we sell them. Organs of the Latest makes always in stock Sewing Machines 80c - We are leaders in Sewing Ma- chines -the best machines that the ' trade produces are on our floor for "your inSpectiOn ; also repairs Need- les, ete., for all kinds of sewing ma- chines, always On hand. Call and see us if In need of * any of the above. The Exeter Grist Mill. The Enoter Grist Mill has been re-. Modelled. and is in full, swing again, • RETTEH THAN EVER preparnd to attend to the needs of their in customers with a good supply of the noted • Star Flour ON Hand We hztve pia te choppels-for-Ilne chop and a roller for rolling oats for horses. Ssoing is Believing, Give Us a Trial. • Iiarvey BrOs. Successors to F Cobbledick & Soo Baby's °aid man be cured in, a flignt 'by using Vapo-Cinsolene, which li'as been eXtensiveln in use for twenty-four years. All druggists. Nme0A4r,idAy American Drug Co, WaohIngton, fl. 0. . nirnittin .1. MARMON. (ft rand A PaVIIMIL 1140.4174 AiiVato mute 31vC41,iityray 4,7vrtuell emmen mot pinomant to iiajourn- meet in Town Than on November 2, l(R13. Present, M, Reeve; D. °raven A. li. lIodginte 3. MeGrogor and W. Mimeo% Conneillore. Min- utes or provtoos mooing rend, approv- ea of mid signed. llotletins -Dorman -that ;woman amomiting to maw be paid; also 1 be gravelling accounts amounting to $3:hkelt, be pent hlaw- eon-Dorman-thnt tho complaint of Jacob Smith, regiusling S. Robinson's fence being on the road. Thec1 k ts hereby authorized to notify the said S. Robinson to vemove his fence off the highway forth wieh.-Carried. McGregor-Dorm/in-that this Conn- cil adjourn to meet in Town on the first Monthly in December at one o'clock, p.m. -Cru. vied. Wm. Fraser, Clerk, mmi./01.1 Salt pork is a famous old- fashioned remedy for con- sumption. "Eat plenty of pork," was the advice to the consumptive so and roo years ago. Salt pork is good if a man can stomach it. The idea behind it is that fat is the tood the consumptive needs most. ScottisEmulsionisthemod- ern method of feeding fat to the consumptive. Pork is too rough for sensitive stomachs. Scott's Emulsion. is the most refined of fats, especially prepared for easy digestion. Feeding him fat in this way, which is often the only \vay, is half the battle, but Scott's Emul-gion does more th,171 that. There is some- thing about the combination of co,1 liver oil and hypophos- phites in Scott's Emulsion that puts new life into the weak parts and has a special action on the diseased lungs. A sample will be sent free upon request. Be sure that this picture in • tbe form of a, label Is on the wrapper of • every bottle oi Emulsion you buy, ' $0.01T & BOWNE, •CHEMISTS, Toronto, Ontarie. es et • • 50c. anci ni; all druggist& rd Alverstone Sein Declines to Enter Upon Any Defence--Sten- clard as Iris Word Should $efe fieem-41'imes Thinks Qu x Sorenesa Will be Assuaged. Loader', oNne we -Premier Balfour, ord Alverstoim and others referred o the decision ot the majority of the elaska Tribunal at the benepeet given he hietorie Guiid Hail by the new Lord hlAyor, Sir James Ritchie, last night. About 1,220 ,TIP.3ts were preseon n bs opening reineets Premier Bal- four, re4erring rne f: -.4r eastern skean. Rion, said there W4S every reeson to feel senguine Gnat it would not have . serious outeoate.Ibhosed this Q5'.• .5741111Ce on the peesionate desire of the Czar to promote general peace, mid the , face that Japan, as the ally of Great Beiteim would he centehadgsplay modeeation. diecretmi iori d judgment 1F1 its demands, as well 45 &Tanen in -ca- ning theta Premier Balfour said I read only - hours ago a telegraphie eininuary Mr. Ayloworth's spevh 1 cans not pretend to judge a speech front a eigaphie 41,1111Mary. bilt I can stieS5 at tt was enproeed in terms is On. t 45 the sentiments dealt with mel to me to be jut. Anibaeeador teate rad he ala,`Itilre,t1 the *hit in nhich M. Balfour referred to the Alaska deeision. That ample justice had been done by the tribunal was due to the. sense of eustice and the amity courage and devotion to duty of Lord Alventone. I reed. too. IF said, Mr. Ayloworelee very nilagnallin10115 and handsome speech nt Toronto. and if I rightly understand the generetneadivan,I peep% Qi Cenair, tho terrninntiOn Di this long-standing ontroversyt has made he* Cam ta d the Vatted Stntes better friends. Lord Alveretone, repleiug for the Buick said he wae not there tC4 jun. tity his judicial conduct in any ii© epeech. If the Judges of &attain thonght it neceeeary to Notify thtir abbe titterancee it would he a deellt w to public contideume "Discuee will arise hettecon nationee pat it you do not want judicial decision don't ask British Judges to be mem, here of the court." The Standard, this morning, referr- ing to the speeeho. says it is absurd to sulk about the Alaska award. There is no doubt whatever that the failure of the Cenadian con- tention was due to the inability of their advent-4es to ?pee their enSe before the eminent jurist presidia; over the tribunal. Lord Alverstone's epees* was the only vindication of lus Judgment that Was needed, Balfour is assure I by dm military Advisers of the Goverment that tim - two small islands given to the United States have lost their real strategic value. Canadians for the moment seem to think thny would fare better in negotiations without the softening influence, eeperience and authority which the Imperial Government can bring to bear upon the republic. Atn•• bassador Clioate's conciliatory words may do something to astuage the Inger- tification of the Dominion, and when they look at tile peak named Mount Herbert they will not think unkindly doifsptubtee. statesmanehip that closed the The Times says that Premier Bal. four referred with excellent tact to the Alaska award, and was able to give Canadian soreness a comforting as- surance regarding the two small is, lands in the Portland Channel. Mr. AyIesworth's speech shows that Canadians can accept n adverse de- cision with the tenmer displayed by the British at home. If any. assur- ance will assist them it will be found in the bold, manly speech of Lord Al- verstone. LORD ROWTON DEAD. Lord Beaconsfield's Secretary Passes • Away. London, Nov. ro.---Montagu William Lowry-COrry, first Baron Rowton, is dead. He was born in 1838. Baron Rowton left no heir. He was educated at Harrow and Cambridge, and was called to the Bar in 1863. From 1864. to 1868, and again from 1874 to Ma, he was prillate secretary to the. Earl of Beaconsfield, and he had a fund of anecdotes and stories to tell of him and the men with whom Beacons. field -surrounded himself or associated with during his terms as Premier. As Chairman of the Rowton Houses., a plan to establish for the workingman public houses which should b,e raore than mere drinking places, in fact club houses with intoxicating liquors the least prominent feature, he did a great deal of useful work. He was also al- ways to be found giving aid to and in- teresting himself in any other object ol a practical nature having for its aim the assistance of the workingman, physically or morally. FREE TRADE JUSTIFIED. Mr. Asquith Deals With Sonne of Mr. 'Chamberlain's Arguments. London, Nov. to. - Mr. Asquith, speaking at Worcester yesterday, said that if free trade was justified in 18.46, it was more so now. "I deny," he said, " that we are living on the mamba that are falling from the foreigners table. As - soon as we shin our ports to free imports frotn abroad, we shall never stand the hazards of an insufficient harvest at home. H th4 foreigner paid a moderate duty ort food why not on raw materials? Mr. Chamberlain could not give an equal preference to our different colonial fel- low -Subjects unless he taxed- the for- eigners food ann raw material. A to pet cent. ''duty on imported manufactures' would be applied just as much .to cols onial as to foreign goods, and would -destroy the illusions which prevahcc some p rt f lic enipne. HE PREFERRED DEATH. THE ITALIAN FINANCE MINIS- TER, CONIVIITTED SUICIDE. LABOR PROBLEMS, I0001pm viSC1,1,04Ps Quegionet Intereat. Boston, Noy. W. -with nearly 509 delegates la attentlatlee the -T4r4 atmual convention of the American. Feder/it- tioa.' ,1-41?Or cOmmenced, Pe - 4e* GOMPera occupying the chair. J{ e spoke of the proposed Canadian Senate bill aimed at foreign orgenizere. Aud defended the Feederatiee from hArges of strife-stirriog made ageinst . Concluding leis remarks thereon, he seid that the report of the Royal Conn iatseion which investigated labor uttee in British Colombia reflected sortie 01-Enni2a4ionS, "bnt w cae proudly deciere that eat one scintilla or shadow eould lee theovat reflectinet upon the WOW, integrity and faithion nese of Any organizanon efinhated to the Amerlears Federation of Lanor or apo tt troy of, hs men. .Reemoty I bad 4niteres 4:nr.-ersatIon, W411 Mr, W, L. L King, ehtei of the Bnrent.1 Of Lehor for. Cada, meet - leer of the conuaiselore and he aebsten- tiallo repeeted thie to me. Ithe twee tbe right.then, to iti5i5t that the tohe fide lehor movement and its :Inert eh not be ostracized 97 outlawed, partie lade, when i i ag, ait•tt mad work o tbe Americas ausl cangiall trade uoiouieti of Cettade aod the eemetinalee of ette ADIenican eQ.Illinellt to goalie for the welltheing, the good eitizeneld the lonalty and the fraternity of re verge uport oar fellow-tzede iets tnn- f Canada to u3c their utreest n- ov he meintenance and phr, petimtion of the thaternet hoodiete tug between Oa and to 5t1Linlit, to a few -minded people of the Dominion. including their Government, that no- t legislationdiscriminating against a guiltless., must reath ct to e disad- vantage of Ws prometers, and do tha whiehdt eraliglatened men COndera when injustice 43 inflicted upon any one." Was Apparently Afraid, of Charges hi I •Corruption Lodged Against Him • by am Socialism NapiestNon zo. Mirester of Flaance Roseno committed suicide by shooting rithn the night, He WAS found dead sterday in his room, a revolver at his side. Signor Rosana was given tbe posh tion of Minister of Finenee in the new Italian Cabinet, the formation of whieh 45 announced Qnly last Wednesday. Since the ferniatinit of the maw Cab- t inet the Ft eialists hal etteeltel Signon t Rosano, canygning si an% eerruption ' daring his petit eel career„ elalenginne birri to disprove the chaittenos and add,' kw that otherwiSe they would bring the metter ret at the opening of tsa,r Centninie of Deputies, fi LAWY1'$ L.IAB/LITY. dime Enpreee Co. Paid Money to V4011,f,f, Party. Torot-to, v. Judge Nor - yesterdayerred judg- in the iaresting action Canadian Eress Company , Frani; W. can, barrister. Janu'ry last a money order on ompany for 4S.9j WAS Mailed 19 John W. Carter of the Sons of Eng- land. The order was presented at the 9ompqny's office by a man rejireaent- g himeell as the payee. The com- pany de ended his identineatieneendhe 6ought the detendant't assietance. Mr. McLean 3;w:tested Niel. if he were the proper party, isa should make a statutory (ileclaretion to tint effect. Mr. McLean telephoned the company's manager, who onserited to accept thee Wood - atilt% The deeteretien wat trim% the eleiment anal the money was paid oeer to Mr. MeLean's stenoge replier, who took the denument to the company's ofilen After deduttio legal charges the teelance was plu the elm:vein, who then disappeared. .Ir. John W. Certer, the person properly *Milled, later traced the pew- ent to aie compaine aual oat Malang apilkzitiras for the money learned that t ad been paid out, The company now sued hir. McLean on the ground that he had guaranteed that the man who received the money was the pasty entitled. Ir$041* AR .. A .... x • t... ugg$-..- . --t .... - - - --- - - ides, per 100Ihs. . .. , ... 5 In -1 Live hogs, per owt, - .. Dressed Hoge,- - ..... Shorts per girt .......... Bran perewt,...,.. ..... EXETER CORFU& OfIANGED EA.0 WEDNESDAY Wheat. t„ 7o 78 Saricy.••. • „. - - 88 44 (Mts•., et 23 P • ..... „ „ - - 00 CO Potetoee. per bag- . - 1 00 1 00 FIllaiti'lePpeel'et8 6 i..*, 7;41We:: 2112 16 17 5 at 80 5, IQ S 95 itching Skin Inetrees by day ond That's the mplaint of "Melte witeli enfertaniato os to he aflteted Bezenta or Sale Rheum -mei oete Applieations do net cure. Thev men't, The nenrn of the trontle is fsb of,1--toair.o tlza pure and tItU bore:nag. italling sl`sitt Cigc:Ase wiU wear. eves toOen wit2 n nehtien nA Imr waieh oroven very (1,aVe. I ea it Wee 434 nen= eel beeedit a t KmaTa Saroparilra• In two risys beAa,114,1142', ik 4kit teeter mut it t name Defere 1 waif cent Have d any linen elleeeee stew," hiss, „ , n'eve POW, Hood's Sarsaparilla lido the bleod of a igipplitio au4 nreu 411 4711091nits KEEP BRITISH CONNECTION. Mr, Ayleswerth at National Club Dinner. Toronto, Nov. to. --The neat King's birthday dinner Qf the National Club lest evening was renentlittetemble eocial affair. Covers were laid for about ninety. The chair was octupied by Mr. Noel Umbel!, the President, and the proceedings were of a purely domestic and informal character. The royal toast was honor- ed by the singing of the national an- them sent °God save our noble Em- peror." The toast of "The Empire" was responded to by Mr. A. B. Ayles- worth, K.C., and Col. Geo. T. Denison, Mr. Ayiesworth spoke strongly of the advantages from the Canadian stand- point of British connection,. and said there should be a Scheme of Imperial unity. Col. Denison again advanced arguments for Canadian contributions toward Imperial defence. He said that while general taxation for that pur- pose could not be undertaken without eepresentation, yet we might undertake the defence of our own shores with- out demanding Imperial representation. The toast of "Our Own Special' Birthday" was happily responded to by Mr. J. F. Ellis and Mr. J. S. Willison, I whose natal anniversaries also fell yes- terday, The toast of "Ouraelves" was responded to by Mr. Frank Amide Mr. J, F. Ellis and Mr. G. T. Irving, while Dr. Paton, a Canadian, now of Colonne, Germany, spoke in reply to an impromptu toast. The songs of Mr. Arthur Blight constituted one of the features of the evening. UPTON WILL DIE. Fanny McGarvey, the Prisoner, May • be Examined at London. London, Ont, Nov. to. -At a late hour yesterday •Patrick . Upton, who was so frightfully injured by his niece, Fanny McGarvey, was still alive, though uncorisciouo and no hopes are entertained for his recovery. The mental condition of the prisoner remains the same. She did not rest much last night. She will come up for preliminary examination on Fri- day, and it is said by the jail officials that if her condition does not im- prove, the examination will be held at the court house here. If her con- dition warrants her removal, she will be taken to Strathroy for examination. - .Anthony S. Rowe's Case. "Toronto, . Nov. so. - The fate .of Anthony Stanley Rowe is in the hands of Mr. Justice Brit- ton, Who will give judgment on application for his release at Os- goode Hall to -day. Yesterday Mr. T. C. Robinette, ICC., made a last effort 'no save his client from being handed over to the English po- lice. Rowe is charged with forgery and theft from the Great. Fingall Consolidated Com- pany • of London. England, was ornmitted for txaraditio by Mag- istrate Denison on October in. Deputy 'Attorney -General Cartwright and Crown Attorney Curry appeared yes- terday for the CrOwn, and Mr. C. W. Kerr for the Great Fitivall Company. Inspector. R Se. ern -of Sconand Yard arrived in the city yesterday to take Rowe back to England. , A Royal 13".etrcitha1• London, Nov. it ealeet that "King Edward has approved . the en- gagemei.t. •ofP ince Alexander of Teck to Princess Alic.e of Albany. INKY MAYOR, Rneelen Official Do or Striking Him. Lotn:on, Nov. to,-Itiassian pondents of The TillleS 547 that eye- temetie agitatieet hat teen organized in the Russian provitaces of Armenie here the contieeatien of the church peoperten has converted the Nnhole of the natere pepteletion itit4 EllOrnlein5 eitaW455 assemble at the churches, and violent speeeliee are made, followed by the singing of [ever lutionnry hymns. At Aehalkalshyt ti the Tiflis Government, niter midnight Mass was celebrated a yeitillie WOlinan delivered a fiery laarangue, and the proceedings were concluded by solentu aledietiens upon the Russian Govern- ment. At a Village near Erivan the villagers were summoned to give nei the church propehty, and the Commie- sioner of Police, in order to terrorize the crowd, street. the Mayor in the face, The Mayor replied ley knocking down the 'Commissioner and tramming upon hint. It was all the police could do to rescue their chief. 1SAC,A17411E 8 8J 01 ORM TiltetP OPPICEt nrusTinenn. KAISER IS PROGRESSING. Bulletins of Physicians Are Reas- suring. Berlin, Nov. n. -The latest news re- garding the condition of Emperor Wil- liam, who was operated upon on Sat- urday for the removal ref a polypus from his larynx, is that it remains sat- isfaetory. lie worked several hours this afternoon on government ruei, nos, and wrote a long telegram to King Edward, congratulating hint on his birthday. A bulletin issued at the new pal- ace, Potsdam, is as follows .1-- "Inflammatton.which naturally ft !lows as a reaction from the operation, al- ready is diminisbing. We can, there- fore. be satisfied with the appearance of the left vocal chord. Nevertheless, the healing of the little wound probably will require another week. °The Emperor's general conditiert is good. His temperature and pulse are normal. (Signed) Von Latithold, Schmidt, Ilberg." Professor Bernhard Fraenckel, the eminent throat specialist of Berlin University, in an interview to -day with the correspondent of the Associated Press, said "The public concern about the Em- peror's condition is unwarranted. The facts are absolutely as stated in this morning's bulletin. The people are on- ly agitated because they remember that the first reports about Emperor Fred- erick did not disclose his true malady., but this time the bulletin is correct" 0.00111,,Q00 2*ItA),C4)0 flr 71747'1. Dr5con, .11ETIDE.V. Frav c;? rrao? e OREDITONI ONT. W. S. 011181:41,11, Malinger. Cook's Cotton Root Compound. Ladle%) ravorite, he *My late. yet:Watt later on winch woman depend "in the nom time of need." triaared In two dtn4ina On streastb. No. 1 ata o. 2,7 rorablary casa 1S by far OP. Inst dallat =calcine amawn. lt,-Per special. easee-10 tIC:pc'a trenzer-three dollars per him. LatIlel-ask your drug.!' tt tor Coon's, CoUnn Boot compound. fintzo no other r. a11 pine, mixtures and InntatIcalsasa dangerous. 7.,7o. 1 and 110. 2 ace. ra..1 mommeratcd by all druP:to In t'n., minion of cann4a, Matted to any addrtz$ on reeelest ot _price and four 2.e,.nt ream= ateenne. WU* Opole comp:aunt, atuet ort Ont., xe.. land No, eare atni in Dont b. 1 L^,t4 ead Drenning, Drugglatc TELEGRAPH BREVITIES. The Grand Trunk station at -Stratford was ransacked by thieves. 111r... W. Albert Lockhart, collector of customs at $t. John, N.B., is dead. The organization a the Canadian Tele. phone ,& Telegraph Co. was completed at Ottawa. Mr, John Redmond denies the report that he is to resign the leadership of the Trish party. Mgr. Merry del Val, Papal Secretary or State, and Archbishop Callegari of Padua were appointed Cardinals. President Roosevelt personally request- ed Senator Hanna to conduct the Preei- (-fennel campaign next year. During a hill -climbing contest for auto- mobiles near Galton, Prance, three peo- ple were killed and four injured. The Dominion ny, C. T. IL meeting at Ottawa elected officers, Mrs. Rtitherford being re-elected President for the ninth Year. The .Durhana county Liberal Associa. tion for the new riding was organized at Orono, Mr. D, B. Simpson, KC., being elected President. A sailor named Ellis fell fifty feet from the mast of the 88. Alexandrian, at Montreal, receiving' very serious injuries. I In his descent he struck a young man named Marquis, who was not seriously i hurt e=w-,,,,==tr.=-.4.e.t.--.=.c,--= • 41,, OBBDiTOi ROLLER MILLS. tli-ZDOD***17001.:1=00C W.ltettIVI We are giving excellent satisfaction since Re- modelling our mill GRISTING and CHOPPING • DONE PROMPTLY. 14. SWEITZER After gambling win two Hebrewat • llerlin, Ont., and losing. all 'their .,money, It is alleged thatI..)an liKaatz . and Samna]. Harris attempted to recover their wealth by highway robi)ory In broad daylight on the streets pi: tierlin. The pair wero arrested. $25.00‘ Diamond Ring Diamond is a fine white color of the first grade. Is perfectly cut and perfectly proportioned. Set i either of the above solid 1-.1. gold settings for $25.00. We guarantee the value of this ring, and will refund the money if it is not entirely satisfactory, Mailed propalci. to any address on receipt of price. SD FOR SIZE CARD. John S. Barnard, JEWELER, LONDON ONT.kRIO,