HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-11-12, Page 4Sara:lens eoin. Brans, TilMiSDA 0y1 '03 Mk. BORDEN'S POPULARITY. Mr. E, L. Botden, the Comiereative heeler, ha s everywhere experienced a pi °found appreciation a the splenaid ekes be and his strong following antlered the county dating the long and fatigning Fees inu reeeutly in -ought e. t esesen point on ids way litigate tilt. Yeutter of the opposition Was received. With enthnsitisna. Montreal tendered hien 0114.• rIhe greatest re- iseptitens ever trecoi tied a leader in that elf ee, In his native erovince Mr. Bor. dee, was. te.,74tel itorti: to epeale. to et tbes.Scest assentlpiegete and the roUltds of itetpleatee- gteettel hien show Lae teeit.,14- Lea,. veva Ida way into s leettrte of these alto believe in t t toll es' ef "reetiela fel the Cana- dictsts." The Orpeeition lieeder's ser- e hes beett eatirt.-ly due to the intend w he tires tztken in ali important %eta -shine cati. eting the national iife of Not intly the pimple of Nova. Seiale rucv.glai2IP these 'Splendid traits io his eleirat tees, bat from, the west vonies tuesenge conveyed by Hon. t.P.Roblin, Premier of Manitoba, deeleree thnt:lir. Bnubn is looked ulaiu by the elertors f thegrea Wheat gt owing priirinee 4t1wp,nnin. itott1U3U tO valoni Caneditins cap !twit Cur fttture gnidance with every eintlidenee. Ale, Borden is no louger the "nteniberfor lialifax," but a states- iif wholn tile Conservative party nwl the people of Canada feel proud. Tieit tie deserve, etiele reeiegnition is ameiyeitialeti by Zee envie. die ing the 1 seateiee, ete C teaditie Peelle - its, et. APP11:1 ME'S si emcee, g,01,-etntseent hes he (; 3 4.4, irteer dee thee itif the On qnflj tee:AT:in:seait wili It tif'•••:041 neat Orter the snovitwie gPlool'31.tie.111311 ie Ota', Mr. Don - aid Stith elsonlethe Coeservat lee tuella hoc 'Sod:A (Woad Wati offered a brilet stippeet the RUSS government. The isifer was indignantly rejected and th et the Lehere m whine attempted uns-eit Mr. Seth it Lind. The wee 'tieciiiinieted foe the ROSS (invent - meet ler 3 certain lir. Jackeon, lawyer nieseeoiel, who. in order to seethe es ideate. to prove hie Mid mes, engaged exesenviete from the Central Prieon to ewe te away Alr. Settled:ours z'epu- ta'n. f tet se -sleuth -0e after iu.evishniee admitted in 432Urt th It they bed ea:omitted perjory. The e Ahmed that this kht attempted to bribe men to tower Neely. Me. Jnstice Street, eimunenting on Jaekeures conduct Wieeleteek, on Oetither Zee 1002, Neill Jit -n. of Ingersoll, has associ- ate:1 with men of the lowest 'timeline eleareee r. h. evident he must have de-iredu idenee to have been made to proems) the proving of charges in the meth! ni. Veit e lei doubt oe hare seen nothieg like it in court eny. Such wholesale condemnation, in- stead of relegating Jackson to a back seat, has provedieueh a splendid re- commendation for him that be has 'been appointed Canadian agent at Leeds, England. This associate of "men of the lowest possible character" will be commissioned from time to time to transact important business Sin this country. Like Preston, be bas been rewarded for his offences against the sanctity of the ballot. His nominatirm for a position of trust stands as an everlasting disgrace to Sir Wilfrid Leerier and his confreres. GLOBE'S WAIL. The reverend gentleman who edits the Toronto Globe has very decided views regarding the present state of Ontario politles, and in a long editor- ial in Monday's issue he reviews the prevailing condition, condemning the "cooling enthusiasm", "slackening efe fort", "discredited election methods", "political parasites", "electoral cos - ruptien", "party heelers", etc-, be.. - .means of which the liberals remain in :power but with an ever decreasing majority. He proffers advice to the Liberal party with a view tOward re- forming the Reformers. Lack of space prevents further comment this -eveek, however, we will quote the tail- -end of the article in which the advice is given:. 'There is but one thing open to the Liberals of Ontario, and that thing is their first and most pressing duty. The be rn a cies on the ship In USt he treated with an irate hail& The in of the leiheraI party are snpetioe tc thase of any individual, and the in- teeests of tbe Province rue suptente - over all. Half rneasares Nvill not avail Neither the Liherel pat ty nor the Peovirice owes to any men any posi- tion or reword eol, eareed by holiest and cola:lent public seeeiee. ee pre., mice- Ross is prepated to devote the re- tnaining years of hie, pablie life to the treest lItIlall heroiein, if he will riek eveeything intelligently and deliber- ately for what, ought, to he, if, he give - Oil.) et:other teens of Liberal ad- miuistre tion ors 1 n izerd fl klsiness mo) e than on reit ty prince plee, he will not oho, erown his own 0.81'Per tatter:- ly and prove hi Ineelf the statesmen Ira friends believe him to be, but his re- werd vi1I be foetid in the xallying to his support. of the strongest. and best citizens, io the lifting of his Province out of its present lowipolitical estete ud setting his pertei n the nlecee of homy aud powee for another genera- tion. * * To give Ontario a vitalized and truly practical iteal colopreheusive etirteational service, to soave the pah- lie domein fee the politic henefit, to Intel -mud the resources of the Provieee againet wanton, seaste and unjust priv- ate monopoly, to man miblic offices with efficieney and integrity of *ex vice -in is word, to give the Province thoroughly eonmeteut, aggressive, iind honest luisiness administration is the first duty of Ontario Liberals. If it ought to be done it am be clone. It MD be done, Eknd, the Liberals shoull do it." XOTES d D CO3.1.,VENTS eimperor of Cierroany. lees nedersone an epee:aloe tor the reams. - al of a pelypee from bie litrynx. The operatiou was successful. The only inconvenienee to His hieseeety is that, be lies been ealoined not to peak uns ti the wowed has healed. Pretty hind on the oraturidd monarch., e t4iEllORI4T. TO WAD TiOrtSgs, A envious memorial of the Boer war le recorded from Survey. At Bur staw, in that dimity. a drinking trough and fountain has been erected by a leeal personage in memory of four himilrea ehousend horses killed and %rounded during, the South Africen ear 1F90 to 1902, "lo OfIUSO Or which hey knew uothing." * * CAW SURPRISE+ Josepb Aubin, an hotel, keeper, in t te villege of AleGregor.Essex County, r ceived a cheque on Saturday amen- ing for $50,000, with a promiee of more in the near feture, from leis helfsbroth- er. Jacques Cazei, L restdent of Chili. Several years ago while both lived in Montreal Cage was arrested and tried for tnurdete Aubin advanced him eilieei to employ. counsel Nvitb the re- isult that he was admitted, although irdemetiin lel eve:limo WAS streng, a is now a millionaire and when be praspeted be remembered his one time friend. This is a, ease of sowing on geed grotual. Brewster PRESCZTATION AND ADDRESS,- A few evening ego the home of Mr. 1 Mis. IL Turnbull was heseiged by emmuittee appointed by the Grand Deo christion Endeavor Society of the Presbyterlall child+. the occasion being tut one of their number fare- well and in some way to express their gieni will tolvard hed After e few hones of social chat the company was oiled to wider. and Miss Agnes Mc- Dongall was oiled forward and pre- sented witb a purse of mousse lide0/11- palsied by a well -worded address, ex- pressive of the regret they felt at her leaving their midst. Miss McDougall, who has been organist of the church for some tit:uvula& a short but feeling reply and, gine the animate° the full assurance -that their efforts were fully appreciated by bee, Miss MeDougell, . necompazded by her mother left last week for Toronto where theyintend to reeide In faturie The best wishes of tiIaccompany them. Mr. P. 'Melees, of Seaforth, has ta- ken a situation with Joe Cook, hate ne leaked -Miss Blanche Petty has returned home after spending a month visiting iielatives.--After a visit of sev- eral weeks with friends in Detroit, Mrs. N. Shitray returned home Wed- nesday evening. -We are sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. W. MCDougall, who left last week for Toronto, where they in- tend speeding some thee. They will make their home with Miss Papple. -T. Almelo* has purchased the tine trotting stallion "Colonel Hunter" of Brantford. The horse arrived here last Wednesday and caused quite a sensation among our horsemen who greatly admired his graceful propor- tions. -Ree. H. H. Cook: of Smith Falls, occupied the pulpit in the Car- mel chunch on Sunday. He is a,preach- er of considerable ability and the con- gregation were deliebted with his dis- courses. He will preach here again on Sunday next. -Mr. Peck, of the oshen Line, whose mind has been un- balanced for sometime was taken to London Asylum last week. -Mr. Wm. Kyle, of Dixie, township of Hay, who is a progressive farmer, has purchased from Mr. John Granger the 25 acres opposite his farm. We believe Mr. Granger intends moving into Hensall in he near fature.- -Mr. Duncan F. McEwen is home from the famous 'Yu- kon on a visit. Ile has been actively engaged in surveying at very eernun- erative pay. ro., intends attending a, school of science to stillftother perfect himself in that line. -Mr. G. 0. Petty has purchased a nice pony andeouttie for family use. -Mr. .T. E. McDonell, who is on a trip to Scotland, for the benefit of his health, is feeling much better and is enjoying the country life and hospitality of the old land. -Miss Mattie Kydd, of Winnipeg, Man., is on a visit to friends here after several years absence. Her many friends are pleased to see ber again. -Mies E. A. MeTaggart bas secured the patent right for Canada for her invention, an attachment for frying pans in order to en -event tbe contents from spilling on the stove. She has also made applica- tion for a patent for the United States and expects very soon to secure it, which will effotcl a large territory -for the sale of, as it is termed, "a boom to housewives." This is certainly very en terpeising on Miss McTaggart's part. ---Pdr. Bernard Thompson, who is one of the early and respected residents of our village, was on Tuesday afternoon of lest week happily united in mar- riage by the Rev-. Mr. McGillivray, of London, to Mrs. Dunn of that city, who is very highly respected. The happy couple were met a t the Station here the same evenieg and were driv- en to the groom's home, where arm:n- iter of relatives and immediate friends had met to welcome thete ana extend hearty congratulation. After a su tetras ,repest, the evening was very plettseeitly spent in soeial intercourse. We unite with the me ny friends of Me. ?trei Mee. Thom peon in wishing t hem lone end 'continued happiness I ter ()eget nee. Seaforth D• Grummett baspurehesed the I milk delivering °atilt of Mr, J. CT. Sproat, and has gone into the tulle basiliess. Ur, GrOunnett V a g"d mato rota will, eve tire sure. give his petrons the very best of satisfaceion.- We notice that. our old finewil, Ilegh McEwing, oe Pelniereton, Iiits been appeinteat police Inegestrate of that prosperous Viten. We ere sure he V1[ inake a good one end we hope he may loeglive to enjoy his well dirtied poeition, -Aliee Isabella Aitchisou hes resigned her positioe es teacher in Roxbormigh school, end Mies Agnes lh Hays hes been engaged tosucceed her ;Mee Christ:mese-Miss Clera Case, daueibter of Airs. Owe, who hes been atteeding the Nev York hospital as a probationer, has been acceptee and has entered, on the full duties of profession - el nuree,--Ale, and Mrs. 11.11. Nennedy left on Saturday for Toronto, where they will spend the winter with their daughter. IVEDDED.---A very pretty wedding took place on Wednesday. Oct. 23, at 5 sec.ock at, the reeidence of the bride's; Inothene when Miss Lillian AL, Wilt -.ie wits waited in merriage to Mr. A. W. Dennis:nein Leadieniy. The eereolOny was peeforined by the Rev. H. Ler- kin, The bride was handsomele° dress - e4 in white organdie, trimmed with white Lice.. insertion and ribbon, and was given nway by her elder brother. The event WAS witueesed by ahout 60 guests Mies Mary Mcbillhof Seeforth played the weddiust march. After the ceremony the gest s sat down to a boontiful repast, to which everyone did ample justice. The bride was the recipient of litany escifid and costiy presents *bowing the high esteem m Web the young ample tire beld thine fiends. SCHOOL REPORTS The following is a correct report for the month of ()dotter, of the stitudling of the pupils in the Senior Division of the Zurich Politic School. Names in order or merite-V.-Fredit Heise, Pearl Bachanan. Helrea Sipple, Addison Koehler, Entretwei-Fred *ICS% Pearl Wurtz, Lily Fitust,Vietor Appel, Rex - ie Either, Edwin Koehler, j01111113 El- bert, Oleva. Prang, Luella Weeeloh, Eroannel Holtzman, Irene Lippherdt, Gertie 1 Iavtluib, Milne Meanie, Johnston. Jr, IV,-Freila Ha - boo, Herbert Axt, Alvada Weseloil, Chas. Either, Melinda FUSS, Arnold Heidenutn,Altnah Plehete Luella Web- er, Eva Braun. R. Stelek, Teacher, The following is a correct tame of S,S. No. 5. McGillivray, for the months of September and October. Sr. IV. - Pearl Snort, Len Coughlin. ' Jr. 1V. - Eddie jones. Reyeriond Coughlin, Tim- othy O'Leary, Alice Wilsoe, Clara Lewis. Arnold Coughlin, Rewire Scott. III. -James O'Leary. Mable Lightfoot, Adrian Coughlin, Fred Lewis, Eliza. Hudgins, Violet Short, Aaron Seat, Chester Morley. IL -Ella Hodgson, Faulder, Alice Lightfoot, Dime Sholdice, Liodgins, .Phdoineue Coughlin, Willie Maguire. Part It. - Del 10)1 Lewis,johnny Coughline Lizzie Cook and Alex. Hodgkin. lealfelein Lightfoot, Henry IlneiginteAltoti Stini- diee, Mary Hoagies, Cecil Jones,,Mary Datlecey. L. E. Dowetrea, Tarcher. The following is the shuttling of the pupils for the month (i.f October in S. S No. 13, Bay: Sr. IV. Total 100.- ivelyn Ching, 81; Laura, Hooper, 70; Charlie Dunsford, 69; Silas Ford, 55. Sr, III. Total 800.-Dollie Alward, 568; Gordon Hooper, 509; Freddie Smith, 537; Batton Ford, 437. Jr. Ill. -Clay- ton Prouty, 413. Sr. 1L Total 550. - Willie Ferguson, 885; Eliza Smith 380. Sr. Pt. II. Tone lift -Moreno Ching, 233; Eddie Carrick, 290; Norman Ford, 200; Nellie Green 208; Lawrence .A1 - ward 130. Jr. Pt. II. Total 800. -Grant Hooper. 250; Jessie Carrick 225; Hor- ace Pfaff, 180. Sr, Pt. Green. Jr. Pare L-Duncrin Ching, Elena Sta- cey, Willie Hooper. M. R. HOGG, Teacher. The following is the report of S. S. N. 6, 'Osborne, for the month of Oc- tober. Names are in order of merit: - V. -May J(MeS, Maggie. Coward, Hazel Hagan. Sr. IV. -May Delbridge, Flos- sie Francis, Olive Berryhill. Jr. IV. - Willie Mord, Victor Sawyer, Almena Heywood. Sr. III. -Nettie Campbell, Lanra Godbolt, Vera. Creery. jr. III. Alma Johns, Nene: Heywood, Virda Berryhill. The following promotions were made in Junior Room. Sr. II. to Jain. Pass mxtrk 317.--Lilla Heywood 117, Charence Creery 300, Lulu Goelholt 340, Earl johes 344. jr. II. to Sr. II. Pass mark 255.- Ella Veal 887'Annie Wilson 331, Hubert Jones 309, Laura Woods 309, Ella Washburn 306, Ray .Fletcher 255. Part II. to Jr. Il. Pass mark 325.-Juo. Oreery 480, Tom Saw- yer 862. D. McDougall ). A. E. Martin Teachers. The following is the result of recent examinations of S.S. No. 4, ljsborne. held Oct. 22nd and 28rd. Names are in order of meriti--Prom Jr. III. to Sr. III.- (Honor List)-Aliee Davis, Flos- sie E. HUD ter, Eileen Caves, Edna Liise ton, Cora, Davidson, Russell May, Nel- lie Rooke, Frank Rooke. (Pass List) Frank B. Handford, Nene 'McCurdy, Pearl Hunter, May Skinner, Ernie Dorton, Arthur -Kerslake, Richie Flicks, Willie Webber. From Jr. II. to Sr.11. --(Honor List) -Cecil Skinner, Bella Davis, Willie Essery, Tommy Davidson, Vine, Kerslake. ,(Pass List) Beryl Creighton. From Part IT to Jr. Davidson, Joe Davis. Geo. Davis, Lila Creightou, Ton:Icily Coates, Carrie May, Becleie Colhert, Ave, Skin- ner, Will Walker, Hedley May. The followihg shows the standing of the pupils of S.S. No. 10, Hay, for the month of October. The report is based upon general proficiency and the re- sult of the recent promotion exarnin- ation. V -Mabel Doegall, Willie Mc- Ewen. IV.-F.Colemeri,W.Coleuntu,B. Munn, George AFFLISLI Ong. Sr-. Arth In- Colette?) n,J enn e Jackson, tonic- WalpPr, Alpine McEwen Ji 111. - Mary Coleman, Roswell Dougall, Her- man Todd, Bennie Elder, Victoria Jarnes Mut ray. Sr, IL - Archie RoweIiife. Roy Todd. Jr. IT - Robbie Jackson, Alex. Mousso, Mare- Walper. Nellie Roweliffe, Rosie Bart, Aggie Walpole Peet II. -Ina Jack- son, Geo. Jackson, Almond Mcnovett, Alexander 13101, Charlie Davis, Gracia Elder. Pa rt L -Ea ti e Basta, d, :Limes Munn, Oliver I to wcliffe. A. MeGrnsoon, Teachies SMASHEO UNCLE'S SKULL. Strathroy, Nov. 8113, -An which will in all probability reselt in the death of a resident of Adelaide township took piece here last evening. The unfortunate victim is Patrick Up- ton, aged 45, and the would-be slayet his twice, Feeny McGarvey, aged 38. Miss McGarvey, who has been keeping hoose for Upton, a single wan, is sub- ject to spells of meow aberretioni Accordieg to her own statement she attempted:the fife of Upton in order to save him from some horrible torment.. which bad appeared to her in a vision. Upton bad supper at the MeGarvey residence on Saturday. At the con- chtsion of the meal the party sat around the kitchen fire iu eau- versation when the noised' withont Moments tvarnitig or the least provo- cation arose anti produced a short - handled axe boa) beneath her eape, aporoaehed Upton and, taking- the weapon in both hands, brought it &WU WW1 terrifie force upon Lis bead, inflicting a wound from which his beams oozed ont. Upton tell across bis chair and received two more heavy blows before his assailant could he overpowered. lie eauttot possibly live and his death is hourly expected. McGann -es- was arrested at ortee, .„ Jill isgreen 111r.W.E. Jarrott has 'been ag- ed as teacher in 5.5. No. U. odexichl at a good inereao in eatery. "ilia so- vicee must eerteintly be appreciated. Mr. JOIM VOChralie. Sro Will leave shoetly for Si. Marys where he intends reeddieg. We are stew to see him go Lint wish him muele happiness in his oew botoe.--The farmers have nearly all got their roots up. The potatoes have suffered badly from roh-Mre. Stephenson aud family, of the Parr •Line, bine returned from tt, pleasant visit with Mrs. Alton, at Belfast: SAD DExra. --There paesed away t the unseen world (en Monday, Nov. 2, tie, who faxemany eTers has been a resident or this toweship, Mrs. Stelek, beloved wife of Mr. Ferdinand Stelek. Deetle always bringe with it Sadness and gloom and this event is no mop - Lion to the ride. As deceased had not been laid aside from tilo active duties ; of life by long illness. news of her death came startlingly endden and unexpeet- ed. Last sprtng deceased was troubled with melancholy, front whielnhoweeer ehe had seemingly recovered, eptil its return last week. On the cloy above me -aimed ber husband went to the barn as usual to do the chores, he had Lin there some time when his little girl ran to the barn saying Unit some- thing was the roatter with her mother. Lie hastily went to the house and found on arrival that his wife had taken nee le ly two ounces of amitotic acid. The doctor WaSSItiornoned immediately but, nothing amid be done and she passed away shortly after his arrival, without. uttering a word. She was in the 43t1 year of her age. She is highly spoken of as a goal neighbor mid kind went, and many indeed are those who cnn testify to her kindnees of heart. Held in high esteem, her sudden demise beinight stable:is to a very large circle of /mule, 'maned by long Tesulence here and the :kindness of her disposi- tion. The deeeased doubtless had her share of lifies discondigements. To her life met have lost itscharmj when ' ehe eould bid a last farewell to her loved ones and then take the final draught that so quickly caused the spark of life to go (mt. A sorrowing, husband and two daughters survive her. The funeral tnok plaCe on Wed- uesday, the large gathering in attend- ance and it:onerous floral tributes evi- denciug the esteem in whith the de- ceased was held and the sympathy felt, for the bereavederletives. We tender our sympathy to the hearts Unit are troubled and sect. you. is(a¢14hed Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis, Coughs, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria. cresoiene ie a boon to Asthroatles. ClInStmAlie la a long establisiaed and stenslarel rereedY for the dieeasea indieated. It ewes beeause the air rendered etrondly antiseptio is earried erer the diseased sertieee et the bronchial tubes with every breath. givieg prolonged. and conetent treetniente Those ot a ceasumetive teueenes, or sufferers from clareale bronchia% .5pd. lennecliate relief from coughs or In, named cenditione et the threat Peseeiptive booklet Ace, CEESOLENE. APTISPP210 Taalgrailisseivea in Ole mouth, are effective awl tete for Ought( tied irritation et the threet 10e,abox. &LLDININADISTS, 314 IfitIRDIXO,31 IRS 4 CO., me Notre Dante St., Montreal, eanadian Agents ood Pills Ayer's Pills are good live' pills. You know that. The best family laxative you can buy. They keep the bowels regular, cure constipation. totsxsTiz Want your moustache or beard a beautiful browner rich Mack Use BUCKINVIAM'S DYE ElITY eTs. It F. malt co.. 3168113113. N.B. BUYS ONE OF THE ABOVE BEAUTIFUL Diamond Rings The stone is a pure white color, and is set in either of three solid 14 K. gold rings. Makes a beautiful and accept- able present for sister, mother, daughter or lady friend. We guarantee its value, and will refund the money if the ring is not entirely satisfactory. Mailed prepaid to any address on receipt of price. SEND FOR SIZE CAED. John S. Barnard, JEWELER, ' LONDON,' - ONTARIO. 21 pematid or Comp. ene Canalaie maeufacteriog arid commercial enterprises are (level. opiugeo rapidly thia the qtiestion of peoperly trained business hi elp s UCCOnfling a eerious' one, The ileraand foe such help in edgy large city and twat greater thou the eupply, and every student from the Forest City Business mei Short -hazel College ie quickly provided witit remuueretive situation. Why not take advautege of the goal times and taw a MIMI in tide leadloy, College? The time IletesFery. for a complete ammo in either Bueiness or Shorthaud is only six nionths or for both courees, one yair ; the cost is smell evil the results are permanent. Booklet, cold:doing complete information, nee fora J. W. WESTERVELT, PRIN. Y. M. C.A. au am, 1.0N oeie KNIC PECULIAR TO MEN AND WOM It is sad to contemplate the unfortunate coudition of so many our day and generation. At 30 they feel 50; at 40 they feel 60, mil t SO when they should be in the very prime of life, they are almeet ready for the grave. The fire of youth hos gone out, the fountain of 'vitality is exhausted. Premature old. eget No wetter what produited it, whether evil habits in iyouth, later excesseo, or business worriee, the ONO thing for you, to do IS to get back the vim, the vigor and vivacity of inauhood. Don't lose your grip an life. There are yet many happy, golden years for you if yea only get help. We can and will not only help you, but cure you to stay cured. Curing diseases and weaknesses of the nervous and sexual seat= has been our exclusive business for the past 30 years, during which titne we have cured enoughfallen men to make an army. OUR -NEW METHOD TREATMENT will restore to you what you have lost. It puritee and enriches the BI,00D, strengthen* the tiaRvEs. vitalizes the senual organs, checks all unnatural drains and lees= and its a man for the active duties of fire. CUPCS euzwacateeti or 'Ii Pekva We treat and cure Blood Poison, Varleeeele, Stricture,Glee., Urinary Drainn. etenual Wealanese. 1:ftliney end Bladder-di/lenses. CONSULT/MON E.P...DR. If tumble to calls write Om a Queottota Munk for Some Treatment. 113 NEEiY Shaagf DETROIT, lalfs 23 Yeare in Detroit. 230.000 Cured. Dunk Security. gictiew .F14 -O. 1111m -i. ---1 pc. Eirif t- 1. II WE nAvE A COMPLETE STOCIK OF SUCH THINGS AS TRA V7 ROOT CUTTER PITLPER KNIVES KNIVES ROOT PULPERS ALL SIZES IRON PIPE 1 WE MAKE TO ORDER GALVANIZED AND RLAOK CASTINGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION IThe follom i g are the mond= oi the pupils ()SKS. leo. I. StOpbt.17, NOM bare taken the highest et:ceding in the menth or ()au—v.—Laura Sons, Edn MeNanghton, Clatenee Dopler), V. Wilson. Sr. 1V.-.1e1buie Callfes, Enos. 1Vindsor, Leer e MeNatiebton, Elva Windsnr. Jr. e White, Charlie Grafton, Willie Sims, R. Bat II - big. Sr. II r. -J no. Dempsey, Lillien %thin:toe, Goudon Wileote TIT. - N, Heilman, M. Hepburn, Mervin El- ston. Sr. IL -Hazel flicks, Eddie Sims." Auetin Dimlan. 11. -Ek 0. Harding, jno, Hogarth, Edna Dail ye Part IL -F. Esse t y, Elva Brooks 1, Windsor. J. A. McNaughton N. Rut:hors, Tettehers. GENERAL REPAIRS JAMES MURRAY Stephen The following is a correct report of the standing of the phpils in S. S. No. 3, Stephen, for the month of ,Octo- bete The nernee ate arranged in order ,if merit: -Sr. IV. -Herbie Beaver, Eddie Willis, Mitchell WilliS, Lizzie Stu:tiers. Sr. Triebner, Thos. Sanders, Edith Parsone. Jr. IV. -Cecelia Ford, Fred Beaver, Thos. Pen- , hele, Ralph Willis, Hilda Preszca tor, 1 A enie Hicks, Harry Parsons. Jt.. III. i Levin?), Cookson. Garnet Craig, Eal le ' Parsons Sr. II. -Gladys Dearing, Ed- , tile Triehner, Sherreen Willis, Edith Whittaker, Geo. l -licks. Jr, II. -Pres - 00 Dearing, Earl Shepton, Johnny Sam Stonlalee, Fred Peeszcator. Caen. Whittaker. Sr. Part H. -Floe- -nee Triebner, Ada Willis,Gordon San- t tiers, Aln3er Willis, Chester Parsons, j Lam Box. Jr. Part IL -Fern Box, )live Preszca tor. Sr. Part I. -Ger. 1 Seed Stardalee. Jr. Port I.--doidoni Penhele. Joe Creig, Wilfrid S'hapt.on, eldgar IVueeth, MIly Whitiekee., Pere; rect lassoo race, Sr. II. - Gladys 'Dear - g. Jr. IL -P, ston Delerieg, Johnny 'Villis. Sr. Part, IL -Ada \Villis; ,lorenee Teichner. No. on toll 45,', verage ettend nee SO ` - Fred J. Sanders, Teacia€ 7. I• .‘„, "VW 11 VALUF GUARANTEED We fully guarantee the genu- ine quality of our rings and have e special value $23.00 Diamond f?Ing The diamond is pure white in color and perfectly cut and pro portioned. Is set in either the above solid 4 K. gold rings. Money returned if ring is not satisfactory. IVIailed prepaid to any address on receipt of price. SEND FOE SIZE CARD. John S. Barnard, JEWELER, LONDON, • ONTARIO,