HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-11-12, Page 2filABIISE OF TRE BUM A. Plea For Its Consecration to the 8ervioe of God. Irsitered sqeordi4"`U htt' t't the l'cr" Ripon those whose bodiea ere defiled lieneeo, caeacia. in thn Yoar te• b tb d I de reellog 'vices! Thousand Nine Iicadred ape Tbreee. y e u.gence g by wra. )3Atily. ef TOl'Ot0e. l'n° Oh,the a.wiel doom aweiting the Peparroteut et Aericeiture. (Aeroflot . srpiritual desecration a the tootple of A despatch from, Chicago ewe:— the Holy •Ghosti Bev. Frank De Witt Talmage preoch- ed from the followino text; I. Col° e..„ CQNSI3WiNG .111`E" iathians vie, 10, "Know ye not. that 11 'iGRA ever seen a sanctuary of your body is the XerAnie Pi the Holy ibrick and stone which has been de- an occasion that dedication moot Ohoste** Idicated to God destroyed by earth- 'have been, More than Westminster obbey is to )(Poke or by fire? Wen. 1hate- On LIMO= or Notre Demo to Pr is or taskstornY night I was Awalgen- " the Vatican to Rome or the mosque 'eri in' my Brooklyn home by the „proper that. every temple should be of St. S'ophia to Constantinople. mblieg e re eng more thau Diana's teniple wa$ to ClUlek rap at nay door. AS nlav Sias Irt/I'llelY dedigatesL Rhea are you eves or the shrine of Athene to ter celled: "Wake up! The Taber-. faee*.74;y0tuer PrabilsleileSaillhe.delde34..tatoyotniare %in; Athens, King Solonsen's temple was nocle is in dames!" hurriedly to the Hebrew heart. It was the dreeeed mot aecended to the, cupola 'Iale;rgeieJsess etareC.44:seir? ZvhicT111ilsvebooldot'ula • " .4,4417,4, holy place in which that Seity supposed dwell, Each teinPle supposed to be the personal proPertY. of an individuol titvinity in the same sense. as a mante house belongs to bim. when the title deed le not only put in the family safe, but also re- corded aumeg tne eouutry records. this be true what is the next step ? Why, •eaela temple should lutoe a day when it is publicly Oe- diceted to the J)eitn for oliont it is Wheu tbe Solemoule temple woe to be at Not declicated the king maIe the Service One of national im- port. He assenihded in one place, Ali the afters and men of state, and on that oecaeion he sacrificed Me 090• eileeo end .22.0Q0 oxen. The eivere of blood width dowed from diet altar eiguify to us bow great • Tele: DEDICATION. Now, my brother, it is right and IITIL1ZINU TOM ATKINS $,TRANG occDTATioxs FOR. sOLDIERS, 'Used as Coal' Miners and Wood - tees in Sonth Afrieo. 188‘1, during the first Doer War. Lt would have opened the eyes of hove egos hew our serdiers -were era- PeoPls in this country could they Sewed in South Africa,„ eays Lon- don TitrEits. Fuel WAS diffietilt to ebtain the norder-line which di- videe Natal from the Trausvael, and *woe Incle'y explorer naviug located cord in the oeighherhood. the troops+ lying idle at Tal000lDllidoliog the armistice were utilized as col miners,. and were set to dig end delve for black diamonds on the spot rear which Durielee hog since ePruog ioto existence, attritive bed auother body of Not content with this, the militery troops eocamped a the Dralieneberg Mountaine employed as wood -cutter$. feillog treea owl thop„oing hrueltwood one spot about which oational pride et OUr ,o4sel. C s , offer 1.3111. lfow Preciolea At la hut the sides of these mountairse. The mold, the donee grOnitit eneete and refigionS fervor centred: it WSTner° t4° w. 4°1° 14-111`11f we'"? ,few cau MY appreciate unless -they euerlooment of oegeleegpjona way it Wag Utterly Wiped Out 1?oeittg - i1 never wieh tee.r a men sae Pan. of their 14-13-sieril onatoolY- coal miners and wood-cottere veto the Iumorreetien of Two the orte place above all °there woteK gathered, The tor seemed 'merged, los, efeos0000r„ devotee. says. -Lee met e on tee distance the pubite bleedings htnE restarlt about Ms obYsical their'lleerts in idlenesonod calmed en • nreno of toe hoeer -parts of south tainlv prevented tlie roen eating oat Yeara Age. tree Israelite wanted to see, as the and surcharged with electricitteh. Oh nizptasler will* of course, he re- r THE sun y spectacle may be seen, in a canatiereg rouneratee them, and 50 the eteauge A, so 00L..14 rtetkeicitti9ireoBrfoenra::is:::glee.Pnegt, iNT•m/NAKTQINTONA151., LESSON, tlemaa of meas very much wanted his deugliter's wedding te be eorne- 'Wog of- a, ',unitary pegeont. Deing 7'et.:;:uttiottlibei.2111e1:41 cIA:mr.aantitrigttbit statioe "Sin—I beg meet respectfully to drew yettlr kind attentiom that if you would let me know at yew earliest convorienee the rate ot charge for the following for weddieg purposes ?, Slime dozen. Eoglish cato oleo. one isiilitooy bood; three dozen. labsative(s(LiTt jleerevniL,errve;klitay fantry." i•lheriless to eay„ a request, csaiglied in this spirit met with. a very de- cided refusal. + O UIVILIZATION'S EDO Ngvws, MILT .-(71141ING OF TOOkA KUHN OF DIANANTINO. Text of the Lesten, I's. xxilie Golden Text, P$. =ail., 1. The title of this lesson, 49)-Avo- t4urtbisltetixtmGaettftlo,'; toetlitsiliosn1:10i5ret praamrtutileara portion ot Seriptuce. It .centailely does tell ef Daviere truet, but it tella first ef Him, 01 when', the twenty, second and Twenty-fourth, peohno relelawsoefooltlyzmirlizisw.hwe )7gaswa4torsmodzne sin for us, whom all the lcindreels of the =time dean yet worehip. the King of Glory, •tbe Lord of Hosts haps in s2p7olkze x lov: Chi-ili i0s),: (f IT. it 'atie'st. true that in these psalins and pee. baps in every pselm, the spirit by 2; Acts ii., 00, 31). Christi- ans in 14s "Cbrist of the Psalms"' yaz "The Writ tnrough David spake of the mystery a the inearnae tion of the on of Geol. of ilia Safe ferings. Nis deoth. His resuiTection, Ilia ascension int0 liegiVen. Ilia in- termediate worle from the item ott Iiis resorrection uotil Ms ret.urre in pray Owe. worship once at Mesca of ,t1te °ItY 11°°1-1e41 Ulcu the great ,!mtiOT. Never ray. AS ii0 SO loalkIN immense eating to the Woo Office. ;America are lees -known t otoday than power god great glorY to oet 11111110 before I die." la it was the Shech- itchAto AnonSions of a celestiel cite*. •on; 1 do ;Apt .64,0 what becomes of whieu would otherwiee loeve been oh- soapy portion of Ablets, These re- leingdern which shall Ilever he deo beats, the holy ot holtee. the repo* '144141°g by tantreglt the seeae me" ornY hoq after 1- 010 ileStl 1" Yt)11-4 lined to olliP Coal. Pte., to South dipolle of wide@ "read foreete end -otroyed (Pam II,. 48). He foreeew tory ai the eevesaatat ark., it teas mdrouretie. The church did ant bunt:amulet care, my brother. Yon eittalld Attlee, foe the nee of the trooPs meamps, inhablic only ley wild ln-i and foretold the redemption tot the' f•lad'a footstool. tt was like o ;tem:- as other buildings seemed to burs,' care, in the Ilret Ioaee„ heeause toot them, Wane, are almost, waltnown to the world from the bondage of corral'. Zeent of heaven's Ananiter.ted glories, but its roof in jt a entirety wae a body has Leen a goon Mead to 3,-00. Away bt the. eastern pert of the oistoide world; Oen in southern Wee von. at the glorious mauireetation of ),1easS of liviog CealS. lt. loolit'd We 4144 WOUCIVA heoraioe that body,. if Bey of Bengal lie the looely ond fett, zli latoto districts of the big State the non of 00(na (Rom, ylii,„ 3..9„, A SACRED TEMPLE. 4111 Itit"r• a huge °It" uP°1/ which it b° Chtit's now.s.to bP "few° gotten grouP of the Arulainoll Ist of Matto-Orogeo may well he Baastol Not moue fe owe and preetouo -woe being secrificed the whole We 11011," a glorified* immortal spirituililtleittatefzcztird tam 137; i 24,1: covers c iZ c.:14izo 4f t-; t 01: most remote Bea was. the tetnoe of moo -mom ouloistry of the itobte father who hotly, fit for the companionshipOn this pSalm which i$ our leeson 1 Fs,* ' tio s It ee. g. site had swayed and ehivered, like unto a Speak no 41 ithout your body yetosoio otiegni eon as, these 'geode. Ing ftette eut of the line ot c("Mierce tieeept.t.11114.1-(11: vaeirhimilaullnsh%tiellit„: is17**4eSir Ilaes ..5tabYeP'144.alreilleb Illicere'r 0 fa' etTogon II': it, i the aogels and tlio yetiecreed. • to It was great in its spiritu- Mood liY tuY side. $1AdderaY sanecity of its srtn. It was so dived goo dylog man. •'There it .11quasober •also, mt brother. lou yet all the year round a comPanY a up,m a the deatruction of 1-2/lament 4115 V5tb" fM niti Sheilherd t°' sacred in the eys of mug ami r,,, gem°, solo mother. Yes, there it !dh011id 00t eomPel Your 10Ve'd QM* Britieli infantry to Motioned here time'in that State during the 1 whoee earo end protection Be we eta; that wheet t1 eropile was Nave. 'went• Ilisith one lurch it WAS .. mmitted Ilinfreelf." lie delighted gone. Ito do with Your betlY what theY do Oceplog watch and weril over the surrection et November. Vol. II I measures were 'taken #0 aVoid .e" e t • g h ' not 11111tt to do* "I- siittall be` cret TiOrtiVe. COTIVICtSk for the islands are 'telBearldwili.aenailaueve.;,1grteatrid4041)11atmwa,ais every word of God.' living upon il. teen the otegnoro. sounds of ton. thr darlmess. My father and 1 put ;rooted* 1 rani a mon oud '5"::"1 utilized solely as the sheep on the pasture of the Once a flourishing little place inhab- tender herb. rcfuoing tbe traditions An the hoot; of Nisige we read, "And on our greatcoats awl sterted out -ii‘tttle. ago. turned to him and satd 'she hotwee vehen it Tees building. was itl,_ Ow st°...,rttl: 4....5.W„eoleus4eitarutbarroduignitm d„ es. 44;1:len% ot•outattlir ovurpoltovvianlyornielitomt; no.ftlure?),NuArle4 iSp:rtraiocrOt:07 body siiityriabt:“Atirroansillitritniiihitvrteimmw:TA:iclitwir! ar6en. :asuk, grass , turlwawst:tiere'virve.p.ne hunt of stone ramie ready before it 'tu° "1"ea•t; 11-41st,kOeo toho°,,..o...,-,„,,i,o, t cremate ;your body. If they wish to ,prigon 'warders rather than Peklier nue Inewegia, dation. 50 that tliewo 1'01'6'5 .1v° 1°41.111 t" '''''''''°"" "" do It all ROMA. But if they do not 1 auto there being little fee theta 1 lt riot A cataroct, but love. The district QM had a popolattoo li Wet stream. uo Ile delighted in was oeither batomer nor ate.* nor any .there 11"erinWed• not 107 the (hurch wish to de it then let there nave loe. ohey woo 'boo oro -o proitepery at about moo luestky Ileums and the peaceable bw000ugo of Gatos / ol of i -on 1-- oil in the bonse ble'lLelr'tt 4.1°`° grenmtl's caolltertte the owed vet cad comfort of golug !in fiehiug and etell-handiene Anid the halftime's. Trw peogh who 6tm oplelt, tie fulfilled all righteonoriess wb;le it wes in bodging." As the 01 t11° 111•41111'e t"mre 1"mPtug '""*" ''''''' out to our grave to plant a few oreo:ority et them soon tavola& or. itoa these speak a A_er5:. corrupt ilia. land eoritiell iliti Father.s num. Tim eteel leridee t lev ig, Fent fron tht bin g' '7'z's thmIgh th°11' henrls 1T°414 forgetatenoto whole sleeps the mortal idea eouebotegiote,i lect ot 11ortuglicee. but the town VAS rather was ever Ilis supoort mad Calls !sena, OZ %Lena had hem bap- . feundites with each girder and tres- . , • • , Palt of 0111O 071;010 ttgoY PAce ileaklY Sililiihniy On 'Ole ifilArd 0 -con .lin ileellue oeara before /to final deed etooferi. lo toe eau death. awe ea • • la h I o tee oed legaa nearteal heferenand for a • . 4 4AAC 4 1.1 b0.4 6 Mere mu don, which Is 'under the 110ard Of at/swoon* slavery . I o their positives, so aim' tenaphe'ea:'°/w t4 l'Izt'ut lt°4 t'lallati tiud there' des% tA%ooglA It crumble pito duet, Adndraito ami apreave on the Ad-, wooing were ot no a:wall:I-id tIlaellate‘lejr.. ttilit: bwalftlealsjeloiss temptation,ilnthobeoltit 5' os ord 1,?;,chs were el% and tt., 'Some of Otani bad mourned beeide At toe end of ota earthly irse it awl lea torzetleor mites ow ay front their lt,1411r deod Itithin tlKwo vonih Ab. II he raised, a- AM And heavColef 11.44Y Flora." a detachfuent of Royal Mara rairaltY LiSt AS "TeAder to 11•M•1°111:416:11.401:11daulteei:tV1101:141:04111: that 1 utlirietoarEigieirahre. inkstetraolmeol,,,tofor i.,,,iliz vilt heat o tleatl rust ion. vibes the it is a, ad eight to se a cathedral for the life eternal. Trifle oot with i_ut;:rtillinglocetred for the rtirpos.t. Of regleal was consoetent to teacis land communion., The nooirit lo el, toomeroo =doe were roared they rose ,or a city cburch Or ur Mlle Virk/ge it 1 Abuse it not 1 Despite It Wand ev a cOaling 7:,,,g,, ,.., ttaurb...grteeb,.,tin vitro over tilled omit, ono that, without amid the ini:4,,,,,,,,,,..4, ,,isa(.;,,dner,a3 or aie „mooing house destroyed by lire. But not 1 It is the temple of the Ifoly tgriallon 4 out their vole: duties coo - 1 tv d — t h , i ..., o, lie....O; hernen being. whose bodo might he ----- 4--' NO GOOD ROADS measure. ire was auointed with the fi.eoe. leo eoreeo was the mace that lit will be influitely Gadder to $ee a glioat f St in cepturing tbe turtles which town. tool. on toe flay wolea tee arh of ",a temple of the lloly Ghost, coo- lIGA.ZIDA, VILLAGES. ;no inhere there, and width they litily Ghost and with power. All the tani•nant tees leaved within ut lioly or holies, **the glory or the 'osloos and aPPetites. Beware. o tE°Inesi nntl C at the 112" the •siiiriled by the fires of hideous pas- 1 ia)iiIrvettentoeaoutitireguacttisedweirlima:entntil Iweoellitier: e;iiii:eitetsi:vori 4,,Irtslivualtisite:18 olat)a:11,7elyriiittietni4111;31.1:41:1(llettros. ]Ie e Iliiiv*e. inr tbeil5 eso°111:c4ilorrtiressuF,:slitoef a;Itils1 . ., . Lord filled tile. houee or the Lord.'' ti!srao, diet you never deeterate Rout tives of E s rn A.fxica. um5--ttoems . officiate of' the Admirelty gobotsruebsstaintialtiato4no re6idenco or "The Father tient Me, and I live by i Father's o,00dness and mercy, . saying, it, "tied all the house with a boot itemple of your body or oacrifice on I The villages and huta of the natives d other big -wigs to whom they aro - t - a wiF •te •11reo streets ond the Father; I do always those thing saute masestie symbol us that which e cousecrated to God offerings t Major Austin In "With Macdonald In Until a few yearn ago it WaS trite ed in tilitifF to the oid time Pros- that pleaoe litre" (John vs., 57, cloud; it to(ed the house with the nthe altar of your heart which should of eactern Africa aro described by coneigned. •Abe former diamond led t114. ternelitee through the des- 'th° dewans or Perditimi• 'tigerlike' as being generally well and costomaro during the harvesting .-- ---- wahliet-11-reu.14'1_117 rdiTatli„kahTen„ WalliednsopnoiieenrotthiTillute,, vfn TEMPLE; OF CHRIST. reason in tido country to allow nao, 3:0"5„It 0,trits :(11.4unoee tinati. ' 1 regiment to go tin tariullght toreathileTihbree iiirtosuurlr:htlioejn1 kohtelw90°11,41:leierniveati The temple of the Holy Spirit certain number of znen from fatittlilleirersilgUeri3t°4423eir telriaorns lion. beTt was (11.111.'ngss° a arose against tbe central dissatiaficd element in Matto - !oohed on as an Indulgence 'to well- conducted eoldiera to allow them Ir°1110°erst1...iarrontroroillIttroolitiolltollite)ilineillnaarnOtgehoirl00).1.uractitenler- tido means of adding to their other- wise slender pay. of troops into the State, and In a. tuis.ouraulti, toesepiencliday soireirs,amoi.rimpaunibIllige. Not many years eince it was oleo eiNilsy,tbreolerfri:34nuartilholieru jillialipi:lb the disaffected The men "'rhea "'der *be glireetten little tows heard on Nicitavn.t4s t0biet tit: of the Royal Engineer Department, arid received extra, remuneration for reladeleart4t0A;xebraened°0inniongle,frojlildolnitets. trionierye their labor. tiliere were no hick of beard that the soldiers were mot did 1 r z st rtli soldiers for tea. 05 that wbsch the prophet saw around the tbrone of God and as substantially built• 11'be vilIaster; are surrounded by a high wall and a that which ovotehadowed our Lord deep ditch. Fastrance Is obtained should trove a beautiful boly—beau- ily in two or thrce places by means . when he talked with tfoses and Elias 'tiful in reference to the glance of its of causeways Moss the ditch at m - on the mount of Transfiguration. eye, beautiful in the tone of itsl,entering angles of the wilt, from Tim PHYSICAL BODY. voice; beautiful as lar as possible IniWilleb. theY ere well Donned on both st 'reference to its apparel; beautiful as' sides, Tbe actual doorway is strong - Trio physical bode in the fir • - . • ttarais was beautiful, whoee husband 'ly barricaded by togs. piece should be a strong temple. Its 1° ., . , ....z. i,f•tt 1/ Th t t 1 t ti yin es vow t 0,,st eteyeee be brood end deeroefts ,goele Lo oe ont o tbe ireee es ant e n er or o se , ag . p ,„„„„ „,„„„,,s, „„,, „;„”„,„ ;,„ 'Sakt courtliest of compliments when scrupulously demo but the same can "—"—**A*1— "'"` —..`'." ".' nerves lie turned and in the mint Jan un e I 11 be Naid tor the exterior sur- eteady and like cords of steel, its , 1 • i, . 11 , g g tor( Y. of t le east sa d, "Thou art a fair iroundings of the wall. Within. the heart beating with the regularity f °- :woman to look upon." If Ooll Al- enclosure plantations of bananas and a pumping automation; it ebould be 3iite,bry demanded that the children i tobaeee are frefinentlY grown; 00 made as strong as possible because • of Israel should give of their gold ithat in the event of a elegy the food till temporal and spirituel! bappiness and silver and precious stones to ,supply is assured. The huts and sparing even women or elilldren; and depends to a great extent upon the beautify his Jerusalon sanctuarya constructed of neat admiesion to the ranks of the work - sot with bundles of household We -a -Cs l'ile-r ereerning the 81.1"1), and tha physical body being granaries re In a heoithY surely then we ought to try to beau- wickerwork the granaries raised era, der their AMIS. they burr 11. into t i demo re t I - ' - - - in chief 6hepherd who .will reward the When the Eoul laughs the bonY "But" says some man, 'how con buts dome-shaped erections of twigs rafted Itiugdom are a number of wild .g it - • le fnitbful at His appearing (Jan X..' Condition. My his temple of tbe 'Holy Ghost. from the ground on piles, and the Scallered broadcast all over the lta, a, 1 3.1ide from the ailvjacneing'enielelesss. 043n 11; Xreb• xi% 20, 214 I ret* v1 4). laughs; when the body 'mein the I beautify in y pbysical body'? I and wattle with raised grtiss roofs prisone set *art for the reception • of military offendersbut instead t ie evening et Nov. 5, Copt Jeri._ On the authority of loin. NUL 82," , of ' ' ck ' and Phil. la, 19, the redeemed of the. Lord can never lack auything that, they really need, but Ire is too wise to give us all we want or ask for because we often ask unmet:ay (Jas. iv-, 8). Rest and peace Ire gives to all who are His if they will let Bina "I wilt give you rest" 'lly peace I give. unto you, are His own words (Matt. xi, 28-30; John xiv. 27), and even though outwardly tabulation may be our portion yet in Rini we ca.n always ha.ve peace (John xvio lea). When sheep lie down in green self as "the Son of Man who is in heaven" (John 111.. 111). Having Seen seefeething of the rein" Mee or the psalm to Christ, the be. Dever Call the better apply It to biumelf, for by Otitis in llim we be- en= identified with Met in His. sufferings and His glory. shall feed His flock like a shepherd," and Ile says, "Ye, my Reek, the flock or: My pasture. are men. and I am your God" (Imo xi. 11; Ezek, =nix., 14; 31). Ho is the Good Shepherd who' go.ve His life for the sheep; the Great. ;Shepherd, risen from the dead and in everlasting covenant with the soul is very apt to weep. Thomas grant tbat I awed not he einvenly or They are 'very snug inside and beau - Jefferson. the sage of Monticello unkempt in apparel, JUL I d,s not tifuily clean, although very dark.• the ordinary prison warders the • taught this when he wrote this very grant that I can change ,ote looks. The only light and ventilation is by "duties are tarried out by soldiers, witsberwoinan were the only bunion suggestive letter to his young kins- 1 cannot, en the language of Nico- way of tbe low entrance, which is wbo little thought of being thusbeings left in the town. em- Tbe next inorning the infantry and man, T. m. IlandOlph, Jr."With- ,. demus, for the aenond time be born not more than two and a 'half feet played when they first 'donned valry of Brazil, a wild, ruffian triTE :151ILITABY UNIFORM. • rowil, barefooted, dressed in ragged trouser without coats or hats, Every officer in the Army is grant - poured into the place. They swarm- ed a soldier as servant, and mounted mit health there is no balminess. of the nosh. • oh, yes, my brother, in height. Outwit, this entrance is I to generally a tow veranda, 'under which Our attentiou to health, then, you can. You can start to -day should take precedence of every obtain from God that grace witiehlthe women work and grind their wen make you physically a new bee' flour. other object. The time necessary to 1 secure this by active exercise should big. It is a physiological law that Tim voting men of theft settlements ,officere are allowed a soldier -groom be devoted to it in preference tO eye*" seven Years the bedY goes are smartelooking lellon's, with their in addition. At 'dinner at. night in every other pursuit. eatir done up In a quaint form 01 their mess -room 'they are served by / knew , the through a complete change. Seven is years from now there will not be chignon behind, fitting close to the a 'lumber of expert. waiters, all difficulty with which a busy man any Part of it bone, finger or atom Vera and wellsplastered down with dressed in smart liveries. These tears himself away from his work at of flesh in your physical existence what appears to be gray clay, whieli men are all soldiers and draw pay any given moment of the day, 'but WIWI is part of you to -'day. Like is baked hard by the sun. Into this as such. In. the same way a mar - his happiness and that of his family the old Constitution, more commonly they- generally stick an ostrith-feath- lied officer liVing in town is allowed depend upon it. The most uninform- called Old Ironsides, once the pride er or two, arid also a long curved a soldier as private servant, and it ed mind, with a healthy body, is of the American navy, whose bull piece of thin brass wire with a white often happens that the imposing - Sappier than the wisest valetudinar- was made over so many times that ”blob" of wool at the end, which looking blitler who Opens the door ian." Good advice for Thomas Jef- there have been rnanv Constithtions lesson to give 100 years ago; hist instead Of one so you, yny brotber, bobs backward and forward over to you is nothing more or less than ... , . ,, i their beads as they week. The lower a Tommy dieguished in livery, as good advice to give to the young e j g " nee ia many different physical lip is piereced, and a quill or a long If you walk int° the rneres kitchens people of the present day. bodies. Yon are always putting of! ow fiat piece of brass is inserted. in any barrackS in the kingdom you =rut CLEANLINESS. an old body; you are always putting with perhaps a bead or two attached On a new. Galen Was converted d It 1. Nvill find a number of cooks arrayed The temple of the Holy Spirit, in . . to the eri . '1 e n aole bangs Per- • 'emu atheism by studying the won- pendicularly from the lip. The older leen present a more sob- er aspect, the most striking thing about them being their bead -dress, whie,h consists of a long flat bag, so to speak, of hair wbich is worked al- most into the cOnsisteacy of felt, and is attached to their own hair. This mass is the hair of their fore- fathers, and in some cases hangs from the back of the head almost *clown to the waist. On the inner side there is an opening into 'this bag, which is 'used as a receptacle for carrying tObaccO, snuff and small articles. the next place, should be a clean derful construction of a human skel- body. There are some inen whose atom But the movement of a joint bodies are given over to moral fllthi- in a skeleton is not -nearly so won - mess. They are like some of the ,derful to me as the fact that the ancient heathen temples which were 'skeleton of it man who died when. be avor.-edly dedicated to the .deities of was seventy years of age represents lust, drunkenness and debauchery, at least ten instinct skeletons, which. the existence of which was it nation- et different periods of bis existence al dishonor. The worship performed walked around under the same man's in those temples was so vile that personality. *You could. not describe it. in public A WONDERFUL STRUCTURE. without bringing a blush of shame The physical body is conttnually to every modest cheek and a de- being changed. This fact being then ma.nd for silence from every modest granted, if you win only let the Holy Ghost Owen within the temple which ought to be his, then he will make you physically over anew. Your voice will become Softer in tone, be- cause then it tvill only speak the language of love. Your face will chaage in looks, for then your gen- tler spirit will mord it. Your hand will chang,e its conformation, fdr then, instead of being the knotted nitwit:I of a human brute or the close fist` of a miser, looking in, its vindietiveness like the grinning gar- goyles of llotre Dame, ready to spring upon their prey below, it will be the opeeed palm of succor and have the' warm grasp of a sympath- etic toucit. Yes, my brother, you can artistically and aesthetically as v,m11 •as spiritually beautify your phy- lip. The pictures found on the walls of the exhumed city of PoMpeii show that, those temples were veritable elms/lel houses, where bats aud owls and carrion birds gorged themselves en the decaying corpses of truth, purity arid love. Let the temple of your body be clean, as Christ want -- ed the Jerusalem telly's., to be clean when he drove the traders out of that temple, crying, "Is it not writ- ten iny house shall be called of all nations the house of prayer, but ye have made it a den of thieves?" clean as David wanted his physical altar to be clean when he uttered the agonizing prayer, "Wash me thor- oughly- from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin," or that other pleading beseechment, "Cleanse thou sical body. lou can surrender it, fne from secret faults " or clean as • t) of obrist, to be in 3e a I Van] meant no to be clean when m made over entirely anew. to his serv- ice. A strong temple ! A clean temple A beautiful temple 1 We have been descr113ing them, all. But, after all, what is a teinple ? A temple is a holy • place' in. which that deity is this same letter to the Corinthian church he wrot.e. these warning words: "If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy, for the temple, of Gocl is holy, which terap-Se ye are." Oh, the terrible condemnation which is to 130 visited a 'deity. lts 'four walls inclose a PACTS ABOUT THE DEEP SEA. Great Britain and AilleriCa, do mere deep-sea measuring than all the other nations ptit together. More than one-half of the sea floor lies at a depth of a little less than three miles Some of the deepest places are holes in tbe oecan bed, One of these in the South Atlantic covers 7,000,000 square xrdles, or 7 per cent. of the Surface of the globe. The Indian Ocean is a great place for deep wa- ters, twenty-four out of 'the known forty-tbree "holes" lying at the bot- tom of that body of water. Sea near the coast usually slopes away graOually to a 'depth of 600ft., and then drops rapidly to a depth of 6,000 ft. Variations of temperature do not extend deeper than 6001t. Below that the temperature neNef ed through the abandoned houses, plundering rigbt ond left, and after removing their booty to the neigh- bcaing Bente, began the work of LEVELLING THE TOWN. They knoCked 'down the buildings with axes and timbers, an arduous they set fire to the ruins in a * dozen pastures they have evidently eaten task that'clay. °coupled a ay. Then It enhcomgh; tbey aro satisfied, for He was ten ten days later before the .11ames 697x.:\d.sast).isneth as when He fed places and took their 'departure. i 5,000 and the 4,000 (Ps. Gai it 'died out. There was nolliing • left . ruins to mark the place where Dia- :While Bis sheep tan never perish but rislies aud blackened stories and mantino had stood. away from 1115 ]dud care and need (John x 28, 29), they may wander Last year only a few of the in- xtobesoutglit out dud restored Meek. xxrv, 12) so David prayed "Re- store unto Inc the joy of Thy salva- tion" (Ps. ii, 12). . There can be no fellowship ' with llim except in -the way of righteousness, that whicis right in Ilis sight, but in such ways 13te delights to lead Bis willing ones. Ile is ever with 118 all the days, many years before this region will night and day, cal jag. far .us every. momenta the Father of mercies • and recover from the utter • ruin ahjea the God of all comfort, co3nforting in white canvas suits and caps, mad ha,bitants bad returned to begin the all busily engaged in preparing the difficult work of rebuilding their meals for the tr°°Ps• Tiles° also town. Some of them had been muss are soldiers dressed -up as ebefs and dered by the soldiers, many bad fled performing their duties, although to further south to begin life again see them at -work you wourd never among settlements that bra eseaped think they -were actually military „strustion and others ba..d gone to men. the case of a regiment serving Paraguay and Bolivia. I Capt. Jerrmann believes it will be some years ago in India, the com- manding • officer lost patience with the way the "dhobis" (native wash- ermen) injured the men's clothes. At last he decided to have the work done regimentally, and purchasing a washing -machine he turned a number of the soldiers into "elhobis" for the benefit of their comrades. Need- less to say, the Tommies soon tired of this, and after a four months' trial the experiment was relinquisbe'd and a reversion made to former ln beeOtisilleCtnlisc:Pu many Soll‘d*rirels rcsactinginmay capacity of overseers of gangs of workmen engaged in road -making or bridge building. some CO,SCS these soldiers are quite isolated from civ- ilization many of them never seeing a white face for months and being entirely separated from their regi- • ments FOR SEVERAL YEARS. When tbey eventually rejoin they are soldiers only i11 name, having • lost all knowledge of drill and the in- terior economy of a regiment. In India, also, it is no uncommon occurrence for a native potentate, or Her Father : "What? You say even a "subordina•te chief, when gett- you'i-e engaged to Fred ? I thought leg married, to apply to the 'mill - told you not to give him any en- tary authorities for the services of cou.a....emen is Daughter . some -e so_caeis as e.. as _one, • yet ,,01101,.my wan „ s o 6 an, Jr. t " - the 1 I. 11 ft" hut t bleee Vier. i 0. o • ill dorit. Ire doesn't need any." regimental bandsmen, to grace Itis to keow how to spell pneumonia." 3). has overwhelmed it, In Ulna, how- ever, he thinks that various indus- tries will be established, for 'there are good prospects for gold and UIa- nIorid washing, rubber trees flourish in the neighboriap forests, and the agricultural Jahns are very fertile. It is a curious fact that nearly two years elapsed before any detailed information reached the outer world of the utter ilestructiOn of the little town that had once been famous. It shows how utterly isolated is this part of Brazil from the foreign in- terests that are impelling all 'the Northern white rEtees to send thau- sande of representatives to the newel - parts of the world. ORTHOGRAPHIC RESEARCH. "Gentlemen of the jury," said the judge, as he concluded his charge, "if the evidence shows in your minds that pneunionia, even indirectly, was t,lie cause of tne man's death, • the prisener cannot 13e convicted." An hour later a messenger caine from the jury room. . "The gentlenien of the jury`, my lord," he said, "deSire information," "On what point of evidence ?" us that we may comfort others, and while our .whole sojonrn on earth in the mortal body may truly be said to be in the valley' of etbe shadow of death, all the journey is made light by His presence, and if death itself should touch its and tnke us out of the mortal body ;He wonld riot Sail us, and we should find it but a step into is immediate presence, absent front the body, present with Ilie Lord r sa7. x .xxvixil;„,118'; 11-15;Co3'11.a. tit. x , 3; xv‘61'20; ,81). While the psalin refers primarily to Christ, its secondary'reference is pro- bably to Israel iri millennial days, and yet each believer may that a portion. All the enemies of Chriet shall yet see how His Father will honor 'flim, Ile shell startle the nations, and kings shall be dumb be- fore P.im, and all nations shall see and be glad to share the glory • of Israel which Be will give unto her ' (Von. iii, 15; lx. 1e8, 12). Even now' the believer has only to commit hisi cause to Cod, and i31 due time his enemies shall see that a supernaeura , power has cared for hint and deli • eeed him The Spelt will all 1 -,,ins and reveal Christ in him, and the overflow of blessing will reach and