HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-11-5, Page 5THE exetvr Abvignixte pebefeaea every Thersday Morntaa 4t the Mee, eti4INe$TREET, EZETER. ,..-edBy the-- AterQOATE fataleiSHIN0 9QMPANY TP447.$ OR SURSCRIMON, e Polleraer anomie it pale in Panama $1,6o if not ea Wel. AcIevreataelaeg .W4e,teg caea ,Reepee3ace.. etaexe Nee per ctieeontlimed VAtIl erreereees arepaid. Adreeet/ereents withoutspeeleed direct/ens wW be- pablieliedwti teebid end charged ameolbeely. Liberel efiseountritede ter traneelent "ariveetleereofite law reed foriena,perieds. .teery deetalptien. JQD PRINDN0 tatenedeat la the naest and at EaCideratta tatga, Caw/pee. money ordere, Re., teen adverashl2i,•441iseripeiceis, em., to he wade payelde , Sanders Oreeeb. morum-T03s P.e.oressionel Caette.. Pia. A. R. itgaSUAN,L. Wrier gra/Latta Toreete Univerlene DENTIST. 4, %Willi extra:toil waleaet aae- pain ee eras sed ermade Mee fut Fa:eel/as Pieces. weet, .eDde .14 -*S% EitreT.t, Exeter. 4tivirteitifflepistt Al4TAN ANTASSODI (IMP.% le.P.S OCKIST-- ---- nencrOtedeeteetTeraelelladveaslte toed Iteael Calleipo et Ransil Surgeons id (Mari% 41,50. Wet Oredeoteet tttie utednoty (whbeaereale inclitiand leastaram. Geld awl Voleanlae Plates /Tiede le AlMe neateetnielinerposeltile. A perte.elly harealee en- atiithetie %tea ter painteesextractien el teeth. Ofileeene deer Oliiiietanelleellres,etere Euler 31e4leal T. P 31rt.a.VOTILIN t.tnteEltOF TUN ot Plweviaas ar4 &name thitade. 'imam end Amoebae. OMee, Deeln ep Wileau. O.Tee end Wsilteure, as Mee Wades/Ont. apetial gientieo 5,7.4515 of women. U.Taetioeus, tilla to 4 Legal. t.., D. Vera Neleelea, Maseeau (Dee SedDellereter )tellserA Realla cm Nteeea ta lean eraaat Mate! Dreamt, elleee,61alit Overt Lee 'I. IL en -gee, 11,A, le fl.Rama dyer's What aro your friends saying about you That your gray hair makes you loot otd? And yet, you are not forty Postpone this looking old. flair Vi or Use Ayer $ flair Vigor and restore to your gray hair all *be rico!), dark, rich color of early life. The. be satiseed, nagr nor restsaed tee etteref Cow to tor. era, lad; eeti 1 afes gre4iir eeed. It Pils. lee dime f9x• A. Yea-nacan. Nociaeuleoldo,, N. P.C9 A t-1,97.p„C7-11`91.,e- f or Dark Hair Regubtor On earth GVARANTEE rr TO CURE neotim.Ukieyhaerdera Liver Car -Valet, eaneiholiee. see; east N, /lc us litaea be, teem/ale loe-epseela„ Fetar mei &zees eleirefete, Peedle eFea- D failete. grediplae. Nerweies Attezectie, eater/el eid afiracetatiee everve OR WILL REFUND. THE MONEY Wee biz teenittatireetereet. et Netterea, Boa. Reettely edart aulaceareetee to care or eetead eke =eery. anettetueer$ -1, Lna'va faterxalu.glf‘e ,,;xt-st4Z,Fszt. 4311., r 4-14.$2 tttartr.r eceeneee ewe- Ifitrearealnee enae.e mare -axes, eFia,se Velda Leen' safele, Pirtee- th:ree et:let-zee, ft naleare oz"rr.r iid-Oura1 t .; iiiritoliRlr.qtli:.;;), IIROWDL la.Parkeletee, Llsvenl. Anelleeter teethe (Pearales aS Perth atel dllaaheee, teethe toturehip et rebeece. Salts pronatala eical to atel tenni reeeezaD4e. Seice artana,ed aee (Mee WinelarDete. The Maisons Bank Cgliattcred by Parliament, 1151) Med Oftlet. Men% mat, Capital Authorized 85.1100,1)09 Paid up Capltal$2,01.421 Reserve Fatted. • • • 2,72% 3A.S. ELLIOTT, GENERAL MANMILDID. -EXETER BRANCII----- Oato hi: -U) an. t 3 para SateztiMil 10Net to I pen. A general leinking buil n ess t ransacted Money cavanni to gaud Pareent ;it lomat ratee. Swine -afield; ihreate Tram al and temente natty - rd. antercet allot/0 at highoteurwat nate. DitilSOli eantese, N. P. Beneee, Selieitera fltT. Bicycles! We Inv still in the Bicycle trade and this veer showsome line sped - mens. the GUSHION FRAM hi the Ideal wheel to rid Prices mod- erate. New Pianos Several New Pianos just put it stock; newest styles and the bes makes. It will pay you to see them. You will be surprised at the LOW PRICES at whtch we sell them. Organs of the Latest makes always in stock Sewing Machines ece. We are leaders in Sewing Ma- chines -the best machines that the trade produces are on our floor for your inspection ; also repairs Need- les, etc., for all kinds of sewing ma- chines, always on hand. Call and see us if in need of • any of the above. S A R D.h NOM! The Exeter Grist Mill, . The Exeter Grist Mill has been re- modelled and is in full swing again, BETTER THAN EVER prepared to attend to the needs of their iriany customers NVith A good supply of the noted Star Flour ON Hand We have plate choppers for fine chop and a roller for rolling oats for 'horses. Seeing. is Beliovitg Give Us a Trial. Harvey Bros. Successors to .T., Cobblediek & Sox emuelas, colds, hoarseness, and other tltroat ailments are quickly relieved by VapteCreso. tene tablets, ten cents per box All druggists. eleeene melee American Drug Co. Washington. D. VflATILVER,, -" DP. La al Agent. Plater triage .A,ene, Mee Ade Not tie. who had thp fornme to blip and ion ain her tinkle a for dayi ago, get( mg along as well ilS can he expprted.=,,M114 Whits hes been on t vu menthe* visit. to bee thoighte r. Mrs. Mimeo d. inToronto, hag returned home.- Mies D. Got hb, who has wen ills a fike,_ namable' visit to friends in England, returned home on Wednesday. 1141.01y had a nmet pie:letup; oat ing and her 'fumy Mende will he lAttaw d to leern that li le health has Wen motif hop; oved.-eltte. Jul'. Bryan, nho Ins been ensultieting a her ehop lit env village foe eorne time. mower with his family to Stratford het, week. We are bar** tO see Joe leave us, but wish him all kinds tif aneeesR.-.1 motabeieeif onr boys who went Weet in the spring.have (Unita! again. At WINIF1.•11110W1111111111111.10181., efeee aefetelid- -e aidaefee, 1.0,4,1i4,- 4 Don't forget the old man with the fish on his back. For nearly thirty years he has been traveling around the world, and is still traveling, bringing health and comfort wherever he goes. To the consumptive be brings the strength and flesh he so much needs. To all weak and sickly children he givcs rich and strengthening food. To thin and pale persons he gives new firm flesh and rich red blood. Children who first saw the old man with the fish are now grown up and have children of their own. He stands for Scott's Emul- sion ot pure cod liver oil -a delightful food and a natural tonic for children, for old folks and for all who need flesh and strength. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemlsts. Toronto, Ontario. SO°. and $1.00; all druggists. Wel,c0IKM, KOMP. A. V.Ayiesworth Rev'iewo the MAU, Iran CPA -se. Toronto, Nov. 3. - Mr. A. B. Aylesworth, K. C... on the (Kee- sPark 01 Iva Welatenie bad; to TQ - by the Canadian Club Is night may be said to have d5stinctly eurprised. hs hosts. Alfiteat every Qile o Ifft tree handfed aild fifty diner* whcI exowded the greet banquet hall oi the,' tg Edward Hotel expected some t word of protest. if not eotne criticisne!, ki the Alesken tribe:fel feeent the Man:, iev:2413:tael:Ps an; lelibelfeftrritv.47N-).A"sey"let4a-4;: abefla, however, did not earey one peCtatfOns. His references to *:he eon], ,mission which fleeided against hint : 77vref the, kindliest, and his comment*" the finding the retest pacific in tone. id ot. Wassrpar, refreat front his neie!en that the deeisien of the trik? great 'aietres was R painy old hie hear- • s thet. having fonapt weR and beh'igj: eaten, it eine ;Leek duty ta; acqUie3c'T. uriklacantt htleilogaerta-elettobirem The 0Aoolees. . oa Senday„ 51r. Aytese,Torth tIeresea• tO rieee'llg% upon the facts coeeezaieeee tthe conduct of the ease an hee- dd.havieveT. he a ded and a','Iat" reaarde Of the iaelDee Mad,' • ered Ids mime -anon C‘ar IliV ueo et3rZty anll ability of ell thoee with' °I;ora. he hal been aSSPeiated upon thqi numssion. In contraet somewhat was the el quern but aggreseively Canadien _ alrees of the President of the club, M D. Brine Zlaedonald. The audienv” ma Appreciative of Mae and Mr. AyieswrtWs reception was most de- netlatfatiee. The dreoratione were triple but signineant, a huge Union eck and a Canadian dog hew..wing be-Ff nd the elnest table. The tables were ell,* arranged with Bowes, and be banquet itself was most successfully -Tried ont Mr, "Ayle5warth and Judge Thome*, Jghas weee the peels of the elute! nd t FC`4P4,Ctiie:y oq, the riot end heTt of the Peesident. Brave lilac - ;tall MURDER AT SA.Rtilk... MU AT .NIAC4RA MAN FOUND DYING IN RACP- MEN DRIVEN VROM WORE VOITRE STAELR. WIWI SHOWERS OF OrONES. TWO 131411.erS. IBS Head and Beveret1 Shots. in the Vroodwo4,-.1-10 Meet Fifty- Years 014 and the. known. Sarnia, Nov. 3.7 -At 7 o'clock feet evening Jr.ihn Christi; caretaker a Bayview Athletic Park, jus t north Og: tgwrIA rriscerercal a Matt inr dyina condmon to the etelde adjoinibn the nee eQUree. Woz-cl wee eent to Chid of Police Servie, and an investigation, feiled to relent Pray gine to bis idea- tity. The man is aleeut 5o years e.; agee hadeP, 'and! eeore a heave' Week moustache. fie Was dressed in gogd *eh of derk tweed and a new oyeecoat. Two bullet wealnere Were , hte forelteatk„ and three other eleotee from a 3e.ceettre revoleer heel been tee ' ed into the woodwork of the stable.' There is pu Mark 0if ideralifiegidu, and I nteitey oo hie person lie %AU be taken to the hospital, CASU. fiat raper ti Di5gatiant4 With Ui Releasee. O n, Nov. .3,1'he refeaee fvom y of Ranee L. Lyrecliehetin, an Irish fuii gtve' from eeettec, WIIRae tfadltio4 had been asked by the Brittela OUrexuaDent. by Federal Cemmiseioner Moores at Indieeapolis on Seturday, ael the ground that while Lynetteltatin"e crime (en atteck upon a woman during genre noting) was tontal, it was nev- erthelees, et a political netttrei was a4' seteitly commented upon by some of the efternoon newspapere here. The Volt§ cleitee that pelitice iniluencee Ike deeielon. The aper kr4S gight Hoodred, 1444,1dilitia cane• d, Ottt Last Night -The. liee3Upe... Ike POrys 7,/rAble to do *ore Lee* etv---Otte Mott Btabe bed. A )iagara, Fails. Oat, Nov, 4,-,--Qrte of the moet etrioila events history of this place is the snike nhieth began on the Electric over D velopment Works. Abe?* eight he -.4t:taymocnnt sum° co4tIng' e4,,Pd Selecrellil:me71 lisioue between striker** owl work ing Men, einoaintiog ahraost to riot have Qr„eurfed. The police aze bad, leea fale Taa.ei uf suet itiallaihP.Ira. Ta.Le etnike is the reeett of a wQ- ktnniou irs %rages by the cientrectore of from twenty-five MO 4ity eeigs a day. nv deerea.9e affeasthe iabv,mrs 'The fit-zna aPtereSte4 1/14Wie thie tazio ?Meer {C0. wane-. P- Davis Braaa 4ia Woe., Gordon cQllatralatiOn, DONagit &Itt eaa Niagara CUDISkrild- tiega Compaw, items & Jenks Machette „Compaity, end other ceneeerte. Nottce of reductfon of pay wat posted by several oi the tonipan es UR sntutcaT. The Davis men refused to work but remained neer the works, And were jollied by others from the Niagara Conetrection and the On - tem Power Compenee and the whole tneb marched down upon the works, forcing all thelaborers to Join them Pawsent & Rileee Melt bad worked rn the morning tentiout trouble. end the objeet of the Straltere wa6 TiQW dnve them out. Foremen and eglaere who tried to to the glob were bruele- ed nide. end the strikers began to shower stories dowu into the we pit, The Inen takew $0020t s:44ser nterever pnssibk,, and ntany had to ebntb out tie the :ace of a antele6a t4at2 mieedes.Dr aborere. Iraa Mae and ail had to quite Many were Wised by, the Melte*, biat none were seriouely tint:eel The mob then returned to the work of the Orgariel and Toronto compete. ice at Dufferin Young. on of the late Cbief of On - tufo Police, forenteo of the Ontario Power Company, trod to turn them back, but was beaten anql forced to run for lae life. Sy litalt strikers were joined b37 labor2eT4 sfrom Braes Bros, contraetors at the Can- adian Niagara Treneformer House, who had been =Tattooed by messeng- . The mob remained at Dufferin Islands till noon. At that time it marched down again. gond the 5teltlal shovel and forced the men to aban- on it, and drove more men trout Dawson & Riley% and the Douglass works, Prom early morning the park and frontier police followed the mob every- where, ready to aid anyone in danger of life, but utterly powerless to 5 top the movements of the etrikers. Many of the strikers carried revolvers, and nearly all had knives and club% The main body were Italians, Poles and Hungarians. Very few know any Eng- lish. Any attempt to arrest the ring- leaders or themen who assaulted Young would have resulted in the an- tilalation of the little police foree. The men were very good-natured, but stern in forcing all men to quit work. No resistance was made at any point, and to this is due the lack of more serious trouble. At 9 o'clock a requisition. signed by Detective Depew of Stamford town- ship, and John Robinson and Alex. Gray, Justices of the Peace, was pre- sented to Colonel Cruikshank, com- manding the 44th Regiment, to fur- nish troops to prevent disorder. Captain Coulson of No. r Company s collecting men, and wilt march a orce to the works in a few hours. Some companies will pay off their men o -morrow, and trouble is expected then if not before. Manag-er Symms EXETER MARKETS. ANGED EACH WEDNES Wheat. Peas 00 ... 00 Potatoes, per bag. 1 00 Hay, per ton, . 7 00 Floor„ per tter.„ Eggs. -- Hides. per 100 1bs. Live buga,, per mt..-- •Dressed. Hoes - Shorts per 00 Bran per cwt. . ... -• 73 100 CO 3 10 10 5 50 10 8 00 e- clang ra Ide the fingers, toes, s, .and ether Y 1 parte of tbe body, ere j,11143 tba ere 4- I inflamed and 6WON?ll by rhemottelem- - (het ;mid oonditiou of tbe Wool 74,-,:414,. S. ' effeets the XICOU5VU'S also. - kqefferere dread to reeve, ereeenielly ofter eittimg or lyin eel. tlelc cotadtteen is C9444a0 v."14V.' weather. "Xi:elf/end dreadf4lly teem r7.i.enlef.T.ren, hot hew been oeninDeteDy earea 1,-; Nee eaa . f areaparilla, far wleteh JI. era d:....a .., atete.- - WI." Mits4 FPcIsacte Sate.n. ;eget:, eta fee:te , 6,144 au attaf% of the Pr:il 17.1.7,ZF1. litriitfreari:IttittlErt!ilig t' -" i Z sib 0.04 nati C40 .,'''... E.Gty.tt,y CP.J. ga I he nie heeltat Ion in rii.F:12,,..? it ny.sgt zey nee:1.4 M. J. LIataX41.5, 7,eteeinee oat If:oces prarsair;;arilla vo vet) the cauee of elie reatieme-ne tetweed epplicatien can. Telie it. next assZfSiti et reeident will Weed 11011. MR, FOST4RIS VIEW' irreeistible force if he escapes acres* •:.,nada Ileiertay ragPra the Cilattam Uwe carn5Q. fax cvangaint the Vs 4 ,tooloon, Novo 3,,,„eueoo, r.Foster, clattery of extradition between the who iitait5 sexedies iii favor or u lisarmard02Giervet arriar.in,k."s , Chamberlain propesale on I.Velintoday ony the easel rev e CQ night, oven The Expresa a lone miesietter tioeres it would alwaye be interview of000 cor,-,4a.3 Quilde aa potsible to refuse the extradition ot tariff refonn. He says that the Cob, A?arebtsts guilty of the most dastardle I .enite belief costs an awful blur Up0111 eilkItieert;541414/0' ni:3\Co6liatretrieVf1511h3„: t33114.5,141 BATTLE WITH INDIANS. Conetnieeiener 114 -=ea' jildgazent viitA the Ceeetlian nue. 'the• Americone 11 berlain Policy, mat throws out of earthe -hol ta s as •to can armies into the field in4 e of war. That was the Canadiaa Ttull of the Red Men Killed and where they were cdonpide a Number Wounded. poweeful and well -protected ;;:ib .r. Norevxtle. Wye.. elvv. 3.--Shorlit W. ft. , Canada had struggled as best she or Wotan onunty and OM of Ms uld, absolutely unassisted from d , peaao are dead os ralult of e fight wItle ommereiel point of view by the motto *aux thros miles below Beaver! countri. Canada heartay favored Dam, on LightnIca Creek. ealreenia Mr. Chamberlain's scheme. p tr. Tho Indlans were from the Pinta; To a Canadian Associated PreSi' repo" Tlidgo and Itolehnj agenetee, &nab " resentatives l‘fr. Foster said :--"Sitw' ,,valcotaz And 0,wern vlotatIng thp game " coraiRig to England I and the need of , trsailltutaf. proteetion stronger than imagined. , Tie Sloe orened .ro and 0. aliarp %/lit 0 nglo td, banoluutded, is lighting the ensued. le eh reeeenburf was In. with Seebre and ride. For the first time body MIS brat, tilt% rem -Tato triitelft whol world, entrenched and artned 1114' ltfigta shorit 141Irr 001141'1 in the history of Great Britain she ie maintienoof the else thlo thinking', end her novration ot Colelee tit,Iyag tll!Zifilitz [serer thAt 'It hetet tee 1 setggers. Judging frOM the Liverpool amens tile latter 33111.42.regbru;,314:41114 I Meeting r belieVe the working, elass oi il;elanotinwerr: wAhonclaw litOnittliglhArrsottl,g11,70110C.Lehaso, I, England is with Chamberlain. ' . ' inartee after llie Inillante The Express says :dr. Poster is , Dew", cot.. Nov. s.--.1 *pedal to The 1'1 111,:sielca,iiettehaer (launadlitilieirsecotioni smoweelcho,i eau?. , uTeleninenaci frbaetnux 0 Lvusitkit,. tilVoyor6.disaan39's s.•-11:Inti J ' fairs. afternoon vear the ceetie of ilie Ong. ten I •Indiana were killed and eleven Matured. None of the me was killed tl SEPARATE PROM BRITAIN. Reasons For This Course Will be Toronto, Nov. 3. - At last! Given by Mr. Louis F. Heyd. night's meeting of the Young :elen's Liberal Club, Messrs. DIelteraq eon and J. Montgomery were elected '01 the offices a President and Vice-Preel-; dent retmeetively. Dlekenson's op- I ponent was Mr. B. N. Davis. The former I received 4-3 votes end the latter 12 votes. i Messrs. W. B. Rogers and Louts lieyd were the scrutineers. Ur. eyd, in a I brier address, told the members that he proposed telling them on a future date a few reasons why Cnnada aet.ould sever her connection with the British Empire end become an independent nation. Dr. .T. E. Elliott's notice of motion. "Resolv- ed, That in the opinion of this club Can- nda should have greater power in deal- ing with foreign nountries," will be dis- cussed at tbe next meeting of the club. when the nornination.s will be received for the Executive Committee. Mr. James McLaughlin, the retiring President. was tendered a. vote of thanks. • VIEWED :BY THOUSANDS. Remains of Emma Booth -Tucker Lying in State. New York, Nov. 3. -Thousands of persons from th:3 city and vicinity, • mainly from the poorer and • middle classes to whom Mrs. Emma Booth - Tucker had devoted her life, viewed the btedy of the dead Salvation Army lead- er as it lay in state all day at the Salvation Army headquarters here. About the casket were massed many floral tributes. The body will lie in state until 1o.30 o'clock to -night, when the hall will be closed, To -morrow morning there will be a farewell ser- vice, after which the body will be taken to Woodla.wn Cemetery for in- terment. EIGHT SOLDIERS KILLED. S .mall •British Force Surrounded in • )the Hinterland. • Aden, Arabia, Nov. :I. -The report that an officer and several men Of tilt Bombay Rifles have been wounded ii a skirmish in the Hinterland has been confirmed. The fighting is now quit& serious. A small British force was surrounded by tribesmen at Sulaik anc soon ran short of ammunition. StrOns reinforcements were sent out Iron Dthala, and effected the release their comrades after a sharp fight Eight British ,soldiers were kille and an officer and a number of pri vates were wounded ond fight, Tinere were about 7S Sioux in n ao sec -1 tb hand of India/us. It la estimated (hat, SOO men are seouring the country in search of the rernainint Indian& EARTHQUAKES 1/%1 PERSIA- Tenible Loss of Life at Town of f • Turshiz. I London, Nov. 3,-A despatch to The Daily Mail from. Simla, India, says ter- p rible earthquakes have occurred at t Turshiz, near Turbat-i-Haidart in Per- sia, in which 35o persons were killed and numbers were injured. One hun- dred and eighty-four carpet factories t were destroyed, and only 32 stalls were left standing in the great bazaar. The a entire town was practically demolished. a of the Niagara Construction Com - any and Colonel Cruikshank drove hrough the park after dark. Three Men sprang from the bushes and hook their fists, but on being spolcsm o hid in the bushes again. The whole district is picketed by strikers o prevent men getting .to the works. Foreigners are displaying shotguns nd other arms, and downtown stores re sold out of revolver ammunition. Last evening at the village of Niaga- ra Falls South, a drunken Italian striker stabbed a young man named Jas. Hamilton in the face, inflicting an ugly cut. A grave feature of the strike is the fact that every revolver and all small ammunition and knives have been purchased in every store in town to -- day by apparent strangers. No. r Company, 44th Regiment, 40 officers and men, under the command of Captain Coulson, White and Lieut. Harriman, are leaving at 1 a.m. to go on duty at the works. Frank E. Leblond, timekeeper ,,for the Ontario Power Com- pany, was roughly knocked down with a club. Ieeuis Schmidt, the assistant superintendent on the Ow tam Power Construction, was mix- ed up in a lively melee. Several other men were stoned and clubbed from their posts. During the rioting at the Ontario Power Works there were smaller riots in active progress at Dawson Sz Riley's wheel pit, where the men in the pit were pelted with sticks and stones, and many were the mirac- ulous escapes from death by the sbJw- er of rocks that went down on the men in the pit. At Batry & r - die's and Battle's cribwork contracts and M. F. Davis' works on the To- ronto & Niagara Power Company, similar attacks were made. Up at the head of the Ontario Power Worl-s the carpenters were driven front .teir jobs by the for- eigners and then the mob gathering strength at every stop, aclvanced down through the park, calling the men from work as they passed each group of laborers still holding onto their jobs. MAULED ,BY A LEOPARD. Major Leckie May Lose his Life in • Somaliland. Ottawa, Nov. •3.-A well-known Canadian officer, Majoe Leckie, has been seriously, if not fatally, injured be a leopard in Somaliland. This news is embodied in the following cablegram received yesterday from Lord Strath - cone :- "Lord Lansdowne sends me the fol- lowing telegram from Col. Swaype '1 regret to inform you that Major R. G. E. Leckie dangerously mauled by a leopard? In conveying news to rela- tives please say how deeply I sym- pathize, and that I will immediately cable any further despatches received by War Office." Major Leckie comes from Tarbrook, N.S. He served in Stratlicona.'s Itorse, and afterwards • in the 2nd Canadian Mounted Rifles. It is not known at the Militia Department whea he joined Col Swayne's forces in Somaliland. Joke May Destroy His Sight. xiaminen. Nov. 2- TOhn Fox, a laborer, employed at the c ,nty quarry near Ry - mai Station got the loan of a pipe from a young man it whom he was work- ing this morning, and when Fox began to smoke the pipe exploded, ;eriously in- juring both eyeesandbtrn ig his fate. The pipe both been rrimed with gunpoW- der. and Fox is likely to lose the sight of one 'eye, y§r.tleartg;;teetilicea):1 joke. lie is now uncle!. who will, try to save one not both eyes, as a re of the eyes. It is announced. from Washington that the Canadian charts which the Alaska tribunal accepted as the standard can be used for the survey work Incident up- on marking the boundary. , New Chaplain at' Penitentiary. Kingston, Nov. 2.---(Special.)-Rev. A. ev.• Cooke, incumbent of St. Luke's and Christ Chttr.ches, this clty, has been ap- pointed chaplain in Kingston Pend ten- tio,,y, succeeding Rev., C. E. CarlWrIgilt. -Tun 1 008 Book of hula RFAD OFFICR, AIONTD:BAL opt at Paid up Rear . •owe. o 2.7ou.oco Age:weal 'V.ioknA 3l1srt;711111.1g:Zqtaveineer C:37Tr-r r.:17% C.3 e...vi,epnrAkam, r4nrata.-'71 titr tii" a (117,ma, j3caz 0.17,t Tnul.144 1143llitnr,,74 tss b. P111fttd n111$. TI409 FVnlIIi, Gr5r,;Mt, 2di4rra, arerer taae.Pite dlli1156'. r;N•A RED1TONI ONT. W. 8. C111811Q01. Manager. lkos-pItodlue. The Octet lqisb Piis- ini old. well mita *heti out ralieble pn'5 arttum. nal been preseribed end mod over 41Teara. 41.11druit* alltain the Domini' of Canada eel tftoruntrod Beim and After, tbt niedicine o Ste Sind tlietcni&ssnd trlrew indrereal satisfaction. it promptly end PersnaucatlY cures altforme of ..Vterane Dreot. son Nodisfons, Spernurforagra. Anccfeney, awl all etrec te of ahusoorezeerava; thoezcealve twat lexwee, (moaner Stirsulante,Ztentat and Brain Wert% all orchid' leterzatt.r. , 'Arose, sir viacare. Netted faeenoIr on To. Woof prieo. bend for free parepidet. aadroni •Tho 'Wood Company, 'Windsor, Oat,* ovoids, V. 1. t, nee to arle DIN naewn• hag anti Lune Drugeis - - ar ,000 TONS FOR PRESSING FOR WHICH HIGHEST AIARKET PRICES WILL BE PAID. Andrew Hicks, CENTRALIA Portland Cement We have Suet received a quan- tity of the beat grad° of x.91.t.- land Cement. • Can be had at both Exeter and. Centralia Warehouses. Grain 'Wanted Wbeet„ Oats and Barley, for whiCh fon:market prices will be paid at the storebonses in Exiiter, Centralia and Clandeboye. •Jos. Cobbledick. OREDITON ROLLER MILLS. -- We are giving excellent satisfaction since Re- , modelhng our naill. GRISTING and CHOPPING DONE PROMPTLY. SlAtEITZER 4