HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-11-5, Page 401,,xer vacate,
Sanders Ox seat. Prope.
The skorceeding paragraph from the
pen of the editor of the 'Mail awl Em-
pire we coosider a good article rela.-
tive to all 101portant claes a our popu-
lation, for whom, we conekter, too lit -
as been done by the people getter,
any. Nee doubt :k part of the fault lies
with 41 eertein elese of the teaciters
who ere willieg to kteeept stoat and ie.-
reudietent sitlaries for work the value
for weitch eannot he estimated bur the
tereeter peat of the blaine may be
leirl et the eleore a the rine
o. hoel re rot eo, -elk) Neon to ankle
L. netin thicee iu etteetsieg 0, teacher
is re get one foe ae i.t tie looney as poee'
*i i eephe (.1 V1 I. k tee t raining
..heerect 'nee hope t ite ieeas
• L-nai ta e better condi,
thee ef the teeteliers.
The yeeee roe) hien. werkk 13t) yorang
men ia the N421122.:. atTifrotttro,
tVanr.rz: anti Lenkikin. To-kley there are
four: e.m. Teeek, rentpie fakos tell :be
reke key. the 212.1e2Mng 4.f witiell t he Ogee -
ketone speefeing. ;hereof 04;42 111.1Ce
doikkel the teeehhig pewee:en-en bee:hese
01 tee Wretapeti ply it offers them. In
scone vials of Outerio 111i -dr salaries are
little better than a farm hazel's. The
%et of the niatter le that the wale
school teenier is not epprerieted.
j.eee,peien to tin am roost important
work that remaine 111 t he wood to oe
elowe r•knal to do it on tbe salary of et
esperieneed tiontesthe To him is en,
trusted the telteettion of the boys and
perbette the ;this ,kf the district. jee
ks to give thene whet then, own fathere
mad tek liaises Oral t',':,,i.teelvee neekbh, to
ghee Ile is to do more Oven educate
h tu. Ile is to rntrahl t la eir eh./ enters
istalie oleo aed wenien ; them.
'Weil might one esetaine "olkow tuck
"'the earl. 4'Z 1;44773 y4.0111: .41',dr,11-14 tlehPIN
3r44 I will tell yee whet the fn.
e- oink, gekkeretion will ine" A. neon ma;
F.exeleeel lay hie eel:doe tv3(40.1% ILi
pareirte ineernalee this when thOy Offer
eLit elite to $11111 yeer to evning Men
ovay. •.to tench.
ti...tiod of lov,
4trit4•3 resulted in pr.:tete:wily shin -
tine: vet the supply 44f teele teaciens.
Ytketeg inen are not reeve:leg pedagogy
PinteS4011. They know the hard
worle, the tremendous reeponethilities
tire t they Deist motet let" They leek
lend at the salary-- eral they Ireentrie
eletekee Women fate h little 'eater,
but no totte believes that wiitinett are cis
Able to tkekelk hiiys ae. teen are, What.
theta. le to become :if the levet Surely,
if Oleo+ is one way in white) a man dues
not oeiet tat eave money. it le on his
-nn-., ea it) .
'rhe proldent 411'0) thee thensts it-
self the eorkeiderat 441 alp pecopito
of Ontario has !teen me in teost -hum-
ton.; ue nerime. and in the rnited
Stet th. Failleg to get the eiklaries
wbiell they Omani receive. teat -ems
liave. in, matey lands, made stircessfail
effort, ea receive penelkitis. In every
lieutmean textuary except. Spain the
vest anik t meters h fli ully
ostikleished, In Germany it is a 1) n nd-
red year; old. rsuallee the teacher
etaye ti' the fund a vete ens tkroportion
erf hie or her earnings. On retirement -
this a monnt. with interest, and an ad-
ditional eons from t Ink Govan /Intent Is
returned to the teacher in a lump sum
or elm, the retiring teacher is granted
an itnimity. The ailment tif pension
navies tit with the length of serviee,
and (2) with the ealney eareed by the
te(tcher. In elewfnuedland and in Qne-
her there are pensekri fonds fee terteh-
ers. but in this province uothing of the
sort existe. in April. 1901. the 1.4kt:a io
Educational ARSociation passed a MO -
tion favoring the adoption of such a
systemand since that dine a consist-
-ent effort has been made to force the
-Ittat-ter upon the consideration of the
heovernineut. In the event of the pre-
vailing low ealaries ceutinning it is
certain that the standard of teachers'
:efficiency will decrease, unless some
steps are taken to make the profeseion
more ottractive. Ae a suggested means
of acconiplishing this result, the pen-
-ion scheme merits serious attention.
The Dominion Government steamer
Petrel (Captain Dunn) has seized 90
American gill nets, with 1,500 pounds
-of fieb, a short distance east of Pelee
Islandomd brought them to Port Stan-
ley on Saturday morning.
Sir Robert Giffen,the statisiciateeste
.mates the capital of Great Britain and
her colonies as follows:—
United Kingdom $75,000,000,000
Cana de 6,750,000,1100
Australasia 5,500,000,010
India 15,000,000,000
South Africa.... ..... 3,000,000,000
Reminder -of Empire6,000,000,001
The total is $110,000,000,000, or twen-
ty trillions of dollars more than is ac-
-corded to the United States, the coun-
try which in appreciable wealth comes
next to the British Empire. France
and German y, S ir Robert Giffen think,
have only from a third to a h elf of Brit-
ain's wealth. There cannot be any
mental weakness in the composition of
the people who have attained and
ma nage from a quarter to a third of
the world's economic power.
On Friday, Oct 16, the Senate of To-
eronto University conferred the degree
--of Doctor of Philosophy on the Rev.
W. E. Taylor, M.A., son of the Rev.
J. Taylor, of St. Marys. This corn-
, pletes and rou tads out Mr. Taylor's 12 22-
idversity cokirse, in which he has heel;
remarkably successful'. It has been hi:,
,ad fortune to win all Lis degi et--
week/xi the shortest tinte possible lee
their tettei n ni en t, ob fa ining first el
-honors each time ;.incl standing first
where there has been competition. 1+
is now the yonngest holder of the Pb 1)
degree in Canada, and the first clergy
man to win it in ft Canadian Universi
ty. Only eight other parsons ha ve eve;
attained it in Canada. Mr. Taylor Inn
also roeently been a ppointecl Professol
in the Chair of Apologetics in till
After a remarkable campaign, in
wheal there WO'S united agaiest bin
nearly an of the etewspapers and peace*
tleally every minister of religion, in
the city. Geo. B. elcOlellate was elected
elayor of New York by over 70,000,
* *
IIMARLT $300.000,000.
The world'eproduction a gold for the
calender year 1002oes estimated by the
director of the mint was $205,888,000.
Of this Catekda produced. $20,741,29Xi,
told the United States $80,000,000. The
silver pooduction VMS $215,801.$00;
Canada $;70114,4300; Ileited States $71.-
757,000, The figures compered with
1901 show an increase of $1,571,914
melees of gol1 and m decreitee of $8,-
012,934 ounces a silver.
01W4way .
kir. Jns. L McPherson Accompanied
jr.. Leeett, of Parkhil), to Masher -
kit on ie deer hent—Ifies BeI1 NC^
PIMS011 has returned from Bufteloha
Mies Millie Foster.- and Mrs. Ed. Mason
are visiting relatives in Fetrolea.--W.
J. Wilson & Co, are looking after the
interest, s of their custerkeem having
•purchoseel a new Wilson eh son corn,
peeing machine. This make of scale
received, the highest award at the Co-
lombian Behibition at 011100 aud the
gold Metiel at the Paris
We. are verey sorry to.. lose the Davey
Bros. from, /our commenity, We wish
them every eoccess in then' new home.
conducted by the Rev. A. Thibakeleate
in the Boston Methodist church. 'tees
at tended. ort Sundae: teeming
mtkne UYQTtZ last.—It is our sad duty to record the
•ke, hypnotiet appeeeed at Lamontee
S, D. a few dikes ago und Announced:
that he wanted a snbject to; hpynotize
and bury for tweety.four bourse tete
Rasnmeeen agreed to eet fer ed35.
was hypreitizezi ar1linried. Need 4:ay
e was taken from the grave to the.
schoolhouse. wbere ite wee revive4.
The hypsioust made retreated ettortsto
restore Raximusera to coneeionsitesse
Itet .44,11 tailed. Then the lee; urer
the gil'affortii in Zt. swpon. Ile was
trOCaple'd OINIor fat -4 by the angeet
enroll and would hove been killed had.
it nat been for the presenee •of a coon •
ended who renewed bate to a
farmhouse near by and loekee him in.
When 'he repined ,consciousreess and
realized the sttaathnt Ite 'ffed. 11t et
hen Raemussent CannOt live.
elle follow' tg cnallenge has been is
sued thenogh the toedinui .fthe Uong
Kong Daily Presst—," Notice for a In-
• tweet Miteleal Illueic
Pith Pipe (Aosta 13, Clernet. 11.
ttul B. Althorn. Iffunime Base, Bete
T rev, Takmer Jet mboteSkx Horn, gide
DOM). Dig DI um and Mahan Flute
Homo -Ilan. tool I can repair every
kind old aid broken Bejaes, and now
my practice only hag pipe, 1 give nu,
lice if any man European or liaVIVe$
in Hong Kong and Kowloon who
these all Dejede heplay opon and
net rument tif:slow watt me these all
:eh lett firet1 woldkl sound bag pipe
omiee if he will win me 1 will love
it dalliers and it 1 win tio I will take
Mare from him. The Following
4s for play every march would play
role: Mime Ronk. oret 1 WHOM $00 a
flout eluele Beak awl he would
;AMC tone after he would see a
e awl I would Found be would song
lareb and 1 would write in Thiele
ranee eltweb ;after I wenld song a tune
he would 'melte the same tune I want
Music player not by heart period of
notice pivotal kel fluty one month from
etnimet 151t L. St-pother 15, MeV'
V4dl; not know if Lachluna n Singh,
tttt-challengethes timed his rivet.
Arevententee 81.1:3011 nee NOette
James Dewson of Nome. bas.
tys the New York Outlook, patented
n auteniobile wittele he t
will take the plate of reiudeer and
dogs le Aliteko. and solve the queetion
ol winter ttetneportation in that, snow-
bound tenentry, eheeknaling to the ht.
ventor, he has devieed a revolving
propeller of "flexible whalebone.
made compact with malleable shoes,
eikee-hat &teed on the button). The
shafting is flexible, so that It Will
give to an uneven surf:tete" Creepers
will he used to start the sleigh, and
they will lie lifted op as soon as the
sleigh is in motion. The engine is a
eretheoll bunker, compact autl
awl provided with double-eh:don and
transmiesion goer. The -sleigh metiers
ae 0. very broae, And the sleigh is cov-
end with an aluminum and paper
house. The entire weight of his
twelve horst-power automobile sleigh
ie only 310 poundseituti it ean he read-
ily taken apart awl carried in sectious
over places that are lesurmountable to
vehicles, bat It will be capable of climb,
ing any ordinary grade, and 'running
in soft snow. Mr. Dawson estimates
the cost of operation at one cent an
hour for eaCh horsepower. The speed
depends upon the trail, but is estimat-
ed by the Inventor at from one to
sixty miles an hour. He thinks be
will have no difficulty in making 250
miles a day between Skagway and
* *
The storm diagram for this month
shows that a regular Vulcan storm
period is central on the lst. By the
first storm conditions will be organized
in the west, ancthe cloud areas and
love barometer will adyance eastward-
ly across the country, causing higher
tear pereture, raio and possibly thunder
storms in many sections on the lst,
2nd and 3rd. Rain and high tempera-
ture will give way to rising barometee,
with possibly gnsts of snow, westerly
winds and much colder on the westeen
edge of the storm centres. Abont the
oth,6th and 7th look finnotiee:,ble rise
in temperature falling harome.ter and
return of general etorin _conditions.
Rain turning to snow in the north,
will visit most sections of the country,
in their eastward march about the 5th
to 8th. A marked change to high ba.
rometer and colder will follow the
storms, spreading to the east and south
abont the 7th to 91h inclasive, The
Vulcan storm period, extending: from
the lOth to the 151h, is central on the
netle and the Mercury period, extend-
ing from the 7th to lgth, is.central on.
tbe lath, hence the combined perturba-
tions- of these Iwo, forces will be felt
during the Vulcan period. About the
12k h to 15th may reasonably be expect-
ed one of the most general and active
;tom centres of the month. A veay
decided dash of early winter vvill bring
up the rear of these storms, giving sev.-
.etal cold days and frosty nights to
most parts before the entrance of the
lex), storm petio4. A reactionary
4tont period is central from the 171313
to the 20th, , having the nes'. 4 Moon or
Amon in'conjunction with Earth and
3111 on the Nth. 'Frost will reach
into the south along with the
barometer following these dis-
curbances. A negular storm period is
11 111 on the 24th, covering with its
influence the 22nd to the 27th. As a
rule the first two or three clays of the
—golar storm periods are fair and
wing"wariner, with falling- baronie-
tPr ancl easte*ly to southerly winds.
then follow cloudiness, storm and pre-
pro&ressively from west to
Upon are whole, the outlook
10 loi IS no SO perturbed as 0e-
ohe.r promised to be, and has actually
lanveu to be.
deeth of one very dear to newly in this
commenity, in the person of little
Thermaie Wilson, son of hin mei Mrs
C. IL hehlson, the sed event mewling
on Friday, after an diness of only two
aleys from inflammation of the bowelo
Tbe funeral took place on Friday to
the pm-ktrin cemetery. arr. aria mis.
Wileon he ye the syinpetity of the en-
tire community in tbeir sad bereave.
Mr Robt. Fanson bes sold his farm
on the Mill Road, Tockersmith. to Mr,
.Geo. Hawes., who has bad It rented for
three years, for $5,000,—Mte. RobertTarnbell met with a somewhat serious
actident a few days ogee She wee
standing on a platform hg elime
lothes oif reel when the wintt blew
tite reel around, striking her on the
be,ul and •throwlog her down. Sbe heti
ib fractured kind received other juries, hut we are pleaeed to learn she
getting along nwely. Mrs.Ternbull
is quite an aged woman, 1)) ng
tit age, and she will feel her injuries
more than a younger personee-Mr. 11.
Grieve, who has been farming in ,Mc-
Rillop for some time. intends retIOW-
iug to Kincardine where he will ell -
gage in the implement business.—Ir.
Chas. Aetzel and family have gone to
Vancouver, Tim& Daly has
disposed of his grocery bosiness in Hp
mondville to Mr, Wm, Aberhatt and
will open on Wetness in the store on
Main street that he recently purchased
from the Megary estate.—Nlaster J.
Shutt Hays mem the scholitrAlp at the
recent entrance examination, which
el -Melee him to A year's free toilikke„...
Mr. John Steele, a troller maker at the
Se:4%13h engine worka, met with a
painful aceideut one ohttit last week,
;order rather peculiar cirenunstancee.
Some man ettine to the heiler wkerks
and toldthe foreman that Mr. Deli heal
fent bit» to get a man to go into the
countryto fix his boiler. Mr. Steele
vas nssigned to the job, and left with
he fellow, Who fix the meantime, had
towed away too much fire water.
Theo hadel gone tar before tho home
got. beyond control of the driver. and
the ockeipants of the rig were Mown
Itto the diteb, with theresulb Vedette.
Steele had his arm broken in two plac
A peenliarity of the case is that
, Bed lukd not seen the man at all,
and no person else around the works,
who saw him. knew bim, and ;ii x yet
are unahleto find out whohe in
Mr. Win. Baker bas returned from
Manitoba and the West.—Mr. Denny
Lang end son have returned to their
home in Roth, Mich.. after a. pleasant
visit with friends bere.ohlrs. lleyrock,
President of the W.C.T.Ih, has return-
ed from St. Thome. where she Wits
attending the Convention of the Soci-
ety, 'Mande was held at that. niece hist
week—Hereaf ter the moriong service
in the Evangelical church here will
commence at 10 o'clock, instend of
10e15 as formerly; and the Sabbath
school will beheld in the afternoon at
2 p.m.—Messrs. Hess & Deichert have
purebased a team of blacks from Me.
Henry Walper.--Mr. Tom Kelly met
with an accident a few days ego. Ile
was :remelting a pair of large tie shears
in Mr. Grelha tin shop, wheu in some
manner he got one of bis fingers too
far under and bringing his foot down
cot off the top of the digit. As a
consequence he Is now taking a rest.—
Messrs, Wzn. and: Harvey Weber, of
St. Loois, are visiting friends here.
Miss Mellow. Koehler is visiting her
sister, Mrs. D. L. Stinder, at Sebring-
ville.—Mr. Wm. Uttley spent a few
days in Berlin during the week, ;Melia-
ing the funeral of his father.—Mr. F.
Rummers- new house is fast nearing .
DEATH.—The Angel of Death in its
visitations is no respecter of persons
taking youth as well as aged in its
flight, but He has said "Suffer the lit-
tle ones to come unto Me" and His will
was snbreitted to on Tuesday when
the little babe of Mr. and Mrs. Win.
Diebold, of the Babylon Line, was
gathered in the Saviour's arms and
taken home. The circumstances are
extremely sad, owing to the fact that
the little one had been smothered to
death. It, :ippears the little one bad
been laid to rest on the previous even-
ing lind it is supposed it was wrapped
up too closely. On going to the babe
in the morning the mother was horri-
fied to find that life was extinct. The
sympathy of the community is &tend,
ad to them in their bereavement.
The young may gonhe old must. This
week it is our sad duty to chronicle
the death of a promising young lady
in the person of Miss' Qom, only and
dearly beloved daughter of Mr: and
Hemacher, who left Zurich two or
three months ego for Sanilac Centre,
Mich. Miss Hamacher had beemailing
for some time with that most dreaded
of all diseases, consemptipo, and her
friends feared the worst for some time
pest, though still lipping for her re-
coVere. The disease centiened .to
make progress, hOwever, and she -grad-
ually became weaker and weaker tin -
til Monday morning, Oct. 26, when she
finally breathed her last, at the age of.
17 years. Deceese.d was e model young
woman and was always looked oppn
As a exemplary person,- her kindness of
heart and winsOrne, ways captivated
(he'hearts of many. Her presence will
lm:'sadly missed in the household as
well as by her companions with whom
she was great favorite. The bereaved
parent's Ore nearly - prostrated with
grief, 'and- the sympathy of the com-
munity is exteoded to them. The re -
ma ins were in:ought here -for borial on
:Wed nesda v the funeral taking phire
-bairn the raselenee ef her grandfather;
Mr. Ctisnot e 1)0Y, 0/..1 Th rind aY to the,.
Be° eson •line cemetchy.
Mr. O. W. Stewart, a London, was
here the otheeelay .comnieting the sele
of hie .eighty,aere farm on the BxtyROld.
Line, 0646110h toWnsteire to hinJainers
ldoSe, who has tIthen poesession,
'Stewart bas still one Itendreel acres on
the RaYfield Line.—The angel of &Oh .
invaded the home • of hit aid Mee:
Walter.Markniug on Toeeday /tweeting
and took to its look home where grive
Is 'unknown their intent sokke • -.Herbert.
hut eleven, months -bore, It took butt
30, beers illness to aetst the ineviteble
upon: this pro sipgiitUe orte, stett-
ing first with some intesttnal trouble.
and endieg in death ereen a disease oe
the beaftto The funeral wee held priv-
ately frotke the feattily residence oh
Wednesday morning to the Clinton
cemetery. Mt and Mrs, Manning
twee 'the sympathy a a large eirele af
friends in toWn.
• -----**,---
Mr. John. Whitman intends rething
twin the wore •active duties of fano
Inc and enjoy a welnearned rest, and
kettle that end in view he Ime disposed
of his line 'farm to Mr. Wro Tr:10(111e
of Essex. The farm contain Pe acres
and the price paid was $5,200. Mi.
Tt'aquie will take poseeesion he the
spring. hle. Whitman has uot yet de -
ceded where he will make htte home.—
Mrs. Sheffer, of this village, who has
been in Melon for, the past couple of
menthe, melee the doeteee Care. haS
returned home and feels much improv.
ed in health. Tier many friends aro
pleased to see her home again. --Farm-
ers are all busy with the a pplee, *tow-
ing them away for wirster use. Buy -
ti. eeent to he very srarce in this neigh.
borhood this season, and those, who
aro buying are not, paying a. very big
price for thE in.—Mr. Thos. McGregor,
W110 has been with friends in :Menthe,
bre for nearly three yeare, has returned
to one village, lonkieg hide and hearty.
Although well lip 10 Thus, Mr. Mc-
Gregor never Rents to grow Ilis
many old friends are pleased to see
hint home agaire—Anntversary ser -
'lees will be held in the Illethorliet
rh)Ircb here on SunalAy told -Monday
n , On Sunday Rev. 3. S, Allin, of
Lowilan, will peeech both morning aud
OneMonday evening a fowl
sippei willlae served, After whicha
osical and literary program will he,
ntlerctl. Adtlresses will (deo be 414s.
livered by neighboring toinistets. l.
good time eNpectetl.
Fireman Killed at St Marys,
London, Nov, 2, --Resulting front .
collision on the Grand Trunk early
teeturday evening. just west of St
Marys.Fireinan John Atkins,of Wind-
sor, died yesterday morning. Engi-
neer Merriam), TO111244 Mall. was bad-
ly I:leered. A doehle headee had pull-
ed out of this city for Stratford late in
the :downturn. with engines 370 and
707 in the order named. Conductor
McQuade was in charge. Engineer
King and Fireman Atkins, both of
%Mclean., were on the front engine
with Engineer Morrison on No. 707.
While the double header was approach-
ing St. Marys the way -freight, Von-
dueter Frost, had pulled out of that
town and proceeded west to the Rom
Shoe Quarry to seenre a ttoupleof vers.
The flat ears kvete h -ft standing on the 0
nein lino according to the orders,
while the engine went down the guar-
, -y switcb. The double bender had or-
ders to avoid the way freight, hut over
ran them, so the officials (-tate, and
pitched into the waiting ears. The re.
suit WaS It pretty bad smell -up. En-
gine 370 was badly wreeked and a num-
ber of the cars suutehed. Euttiee 707
was not very much damaged. Fireman
Atkins was removed to St, henrys
w h ere he died a few minutes after mid-
night. Engineer King maned with-
out injury. Engineer Morrison had
both legs brOken. He was taken to St.
Marys end later removed to his home
in Sarnia. He will recover. The fire -
4104.0 of the rear engine also escaped.
Physicians from St. Marys attended
the inenred. The wrecking crews from
this city and from Stratford were soon
on the scene and worked all through
the night, hot it was not until 0 o'clock
yesterday morning that the line was
cleared. Au inquest will be held on
the body of the deed firemau. Alkins
leaves a widow.
Whooping Cough, Croup,
Bronchitis, Coughs, Grip,
Asthma, Diphtheria.
cresolene is a been to Asthmatiefi.
Cens01,Esa a long estaidlibed and standard reinerly for the diseases
indicated. It elves because the air rendered strongiy antiseptic is corded
over the diseased surfanes of the bronchial hetes oink every breath. giving
prolonged and censtant trea,traent. Tho,e of a consumptive terheeen or
seirerere from chronic bronchitis, And immediate relief fnun coughs or in.
flamed emilitions of the 'Maur,. Descriptive booldet few.
Creesorheet ANTiSERTIC TAULEIS disSolsed le the mouth., are effective and
safe fee coughs and irritation of the tluent. At. Aberz, ant ionmuisTs.
IVEC)11.NO, NIIXS 4 CO,* 101 ?Ogre StOlontreal, Vanadian Agents
of n,
a he
The best positions with large Commerciel Ilneheee are now
filled with young teen feora eighteen to twenty -fixe years of age.
Thesee young men rettch their positions by keeping ilk clone
teach with the manae;ers.
To get in touch with the heads of Each confreres it is necee-
eer,y to have a thorough hoeineee traittioge
The Forest City Deteinees and Shorthand Colieeo gives a
complete and pratiticel traitting in ethaintraphy, %lateen:la heat-
keopmg, higher accountiog, etc.
gas the best organized and meet capahle etat' of teecliere itt
Write for hoehlet giving full particulars of courses, coats, ete.
L.T Peet Y.MQ.JL131.111=0, LONDON.
our Liver
Is it acting well? Bowels
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