HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-11-5, Page 1SIXTEENTH YEAR.
Bead Oiilee--TORQNTO; Executive Office—MONTREAL
Special Attention to FarmersBusiness
(►*e visit to direct the attention of Farfators to the
exceptional advantages offered by our Savings Balk
No delay in depositing or withdrawing funds,,
Branches in Huron County at --
Exeter, Crediton, Dashwood, Zurich Ren-
sai11 and Clinton,
F. E. Naru, Manager Exeter Branch
Eden ti'sborne
The reopening services of the Eden
appointrnent of Centralist, will be held
on Sunday, Nov. 15. Rev, Samuel
Salton, of London, will preach at 2,30
and 7 p,rn. On Monday, 16th inst., a
grand fowl supper will be liven. The
entertainment which will be given
needs no r'ecommeudation. This will
be one of the best they ever gave, The
admission peke is small, being 25 cis„
hot they desire a large crowd, and
and or snow they are going to have
it. Full particulars next week.
miss Flossie. Morgan is visiting in
Petrolia,—We are pleased to hes that
Mr. Lester, who is 111 at the hospital in
Manitoba, is improving and will soon
be out ,again.—Mrs. George Kerr and
daughter, Inez, were the ;nests of Mr.
and ;alt's. Thos, Gilbert a few days last
weela,—Air. Rol;t, Morgan, of Alichi-
gan Was united in huarriage to Hiss
'lav IVil,on, of Parkhill. Rev. Deihl
pt�rtorinIug the eeretuony on '1.'hnrs-
dn ' Mv', Thos Morgan has improved
the .appearance of his house by having
it veneered.— Mrs. Wm. Corbett is vis-
ing her parents, Mr. itnd Mrs. Mead.—
Mr. and end Mrs, A, B. G Rhea, of Pa1'k-
1 ten, were the guests of At:r, and Mrs,
nes. Gilbert on Sunday . --Mie and
Sir's. Barefoot. of Parkhill, were visite
ire at Mr. John Cravens on Monday.
—•M1•. Thos. Gilbert stili continues very
Organist and Choir Master of the Trivitt Memorial
Church. Teacher—Piano, Organ, voice, harmony.
Modern methods. Thoroughness.
Private funds to loan at lowest rate of interest.
Apply toERNEST ELLIOT, Exeter
1 We have a large arnount of private funds to lean
on farm and viila};e properties at low rates of inter.
Itarristors, Solicitors,Main st., Exeter Ont
Four calves, all rete bettteen. 8 and 4 months old,
About the filth of October they strayed from Lot 13,
Con. 5. Stephen. Finder will bo suitablyrewarded
by giving information as to their whereaouts to
Crediton East P. Q.
Sale Remoter.
lDrl'Partics getting their sate bills printed at The
ADVOCATE offlee will receive a FREE notice under
this heading until date of sale.
November eith, 1003 — Stock, implements and
Household furniture, the property of Edward How.ard, at his residence on William street, Exeter, at
1.30 o'clock, p.m. John Gill, Auct.
Yorkshire Hogs for Sale.
The undersigned has for sale a choice lot of
thoroughbred Boars -and Sows in farrow; also a num"
ber of Grade pigs. These hogs are bred from the
best imported stock, coming from the pens of Steam.
Platt & Son, Millgrove, and other noted breeders.
Any person desirous of procuring a good pig—either
sex—for breeding purposes should examine this
stock. Prices reasonable.
COW. Mawsv, Lot 20, Con. 3, Osborne,
Hurondale, P.O.
The undersigned is offering for sale that splendid
hundred -acre farm in the township of Stephen, being
East half of Lot 21 and South half of Lot22, situated
13%t milesSouth of Dashwood. There is on the prem.
ises a new brick house, 22x82, with good frame kitch-
en and woodshed; bank -barn, 40x54, driving house
and other convenient buildings; good orchard and
two never -failing welis, about ten acres bush—mix-
ed timber, among which is' a large quantity of black
ash. The farm is well fenced and underdrained.
°Will be sold cheap and on reasonable terms. For
particulars apply to
Wendel Brunner, Dashwood, On'
The undersigned is offering for.salenor to rent his
desirable farm of 58 acres in the township of Stephen
being Lot 9,Con.1,London road,about 8 miles south of
Exeter & 1 north of Centralia. There'is on the prem-
ises a good brick house, bank stable, barn, cow house
and other out -buildings; 2 good wells, orchard and
about 6 acres of bush. There are about 8 . acres of
fall wheat sown and all the fallplowing,' done. Be-
ing all well drained the land is in a good state of cul-
tivation. Will be sold reasonable and on easy terms.
Apply on the premises or by letter to the ,undersign-
Miss 3'nlia Spicer and Miss Zela Ari`
drews,of Elimville,who `have been on a
four months' visit with friends in Den-,
ver, Col., returned home Friday lest,
reporting a very pleasant sojourn.
A number of people from.outof'town
:visited at the home of Mrs. David
Johns this week, and attended the
wedding, of herdatighter, Isla Margery,
on Weduesday. Among the number
were: Mr, and Mrs. John Goodison,
Mr. E. ,T. Goodison, and Mr. and ,Mrs.
J. T. Fuller, of Sarnia; Miss :Della
Crocker, of Cannington; Mr. and Mrs.
James 'Whinrster,'of Aurora; Mr, John
Crooks, ni Clinton; and; Miss Man er
g y
Whinister, of St. Marys.
colleen Proceedirag5.
Councilmet at call of Reeve, at Town
Hall, Oct. 28. All present. Minutes
of previous meeting react and confirm-
ed. Messrs. Mill and McCallum having
refused to act as fence viewers, it was
moved by J. Creech, seconded by J.
Gillespie that Messrs. Jno. Gill _and
Wesley J. Bissett be appointed in their
,teaad.—Carried. " Gillespie—Creech—
that a lawful division fence be not. less
Is prepared to attend to the wants of
of the public along the lin a of
than 4 feet in height and that a by-law
be prepared confirming the appoint-
ment of fence viewers and to deter-
mining the height of division fences.—
Carried. Mr. E. Treble interviewed
the Council asking permission to en-
large his lumber shed. Cobbledick—
Hawkins—that the request be granted.
Carried. Gillespie-Hawkins—that the
following accounts be passed and or-
ders drawn on Treasurer for same:—
D. A. Alward, part salary, $93.75.--
93.75.-Carried. Cobbledick-Hawkins—that
the fund known as the permanent
cemetery fund be placed in the Sover-
eign Bank on deposit. Moved in amend.
ment by J. Gillespie, seconded by J.
Creech, that it he placed in the Mol-
sons Bank. The Reeve; declared the
amendment carried. Cobbledick—that
the Local Improvement Debentures be
made payable at the Sovereign Bank.
No seconder. Gillespie—Hawkins--
illespie-Hawkins—that they be made payable at the Mol -
sons Bank.—. -Carried. Council adjourn-
ed to meet on Tuesday, Nov. 3, at eight
Council met pursuant to adjourn-
ment et Town Hall, Nov. 3. Absent
Councillors Hawkins and Cobbledick.'
Minutes of previous meeting read and
confirmed. Creech---Gillespie--that
By -Law No. 10, 1903, to appoint fence
viewers and to determine the height
of division fences, as read a first time
be now read a second and third time.
and finally passed. --Carried. _'` Gilles-
pie —Oreech--that
illes-pie-Creech—that the . following' ac-
counts be passed and orders drawn on
Treasurer for same: --T. Welsh labor,
$13.50; W. Davis, do., $12; T. Jones,
$9.25; T. Webster, do.,$2.63; Rd avis,
do. , 2.50; W. J. Bissett,
$ , tt, part slalai'y,
$85; Geo. Horton, constable's fees, Hal-
lowe'en $1.50; Chris, Luker, do., $L50;
Jno. Gill, do., $L50; W. J. Bissett,
charity to Mrs. Sutton, $7; Do., to Mrs.
Delve, $9 ; G. N. W. Telegraph Co.,
52c.; Tno. Ford, label, from om Oct. 3rd to
Nov.' 3rd, $30; Nelson Stanlake, labor
at cemetery, $15.—Carried. Creech--
reech-Gillespie—that the caretaker be au-
thorized to collect from all dealers in
MOD amen ts erecting same inthe ceme-
tery and damaging the grounds, a sum
sufficient to put the grounds' inrol
repair.—Carried. Council adjourned
to Toeeday, Nov, 17, at 8 o'clock . p.m.
G. H. BISSRIT,Clerk.
1asit ood
Mr. and Airs, C. Beaver returned
Sunday from their' llutrtayrnuon; trip to
Muskoka, On Monday evening' the
boys turned out and gave theta a elute!.
vela which was well rendemd and well
r• ceived.--Xiss McCaughan, teacher
at Khiva't, spent Sunday with friends
in the village,— :St the close of the
'angelical .`iunday school on Sunday
a4, committee was aappoiuted to arrange
a progratn for the Xmas, entertain.
went, The committee is Misses Lizzie
Finkbeiner, 1d Goetz. Jane Hall, Mrs,
B. P. Paulin, Rev. J. C. Morlock, Mes-
a. Kellertnan and G. Oestreieher. The.
arranging of the program is in good
hands and will be properly* arranged. ---
The brickwork of Mr. Mclsaac's new
furniture store is :about completed.
Rev. S. Knectel, of Berlin, conducted
a meeting here on Tuesday evening in
the interest of the Bible Society.—Sey-
eral from here attended the entertaiin-
rnent in the school house of the 114th
concession on Friday evening last and
were highly pleased with the proceed-
ings, which certainly was a credit to
the teacher and management.--Satur-
day night being Hallowe'en the usual
tricks were indulged in.
Grant. Benid,
Mr. and Mrs. Truant, who have been
visiting here, left Friday for their
home in Forest.—Mr. Ridley, of Mica.
Fan, visited relatives .around here on
riday. --M, Brenner, of Parkhlll,spent
Sunday under the parental roof. ---Mr,
Ben McKenzie, who has just returned
from she Old Country called on friends
here Monday.—Mr. Wm. Balkwill, of
Exeter,spent Sunday herewith friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Brenner spent Saturday
at Parkhill.—The Messrs. Mollard at-
tended the funeral of Thermain, son of
Mui and Mrs. C. H. Wilson, at Green-
way on Saturday.—Miss Un:r4Gravelle,
of Thedford, spent Sunday under the
parental roof.—Mr. Lewis, of Goderich
spent Friday here.—Messrs. H. E. and
W. 0. Huston, of Exeter, and W. R.
Miller and Chas. Cowan, of London,
spent Thursday and Friday here shoot-
ing. The largest piece of game they
suceeeded in capturing was a twenty-
five pound wild cat, shot by Mr. Mil-
ler, --On Wednesday morning, Oct. 28,
Mr. AlbertSharrow was united in the
holy bonds of matrimony to Miss Lucy
Farrell, daughter of Mr. P. Farrell, of
the B. Line. The ceremony' was per-
formed by the Rev. S. A. Corriere at
the manse. Mr. Sharrow is one of our
prosperous farmers and wejoin with.
his many friends in wishing him along
and happy life. -Mrs. McDougal and
daughter, Aggie, left Monday for their
home in Toronto.
Hollowe'en passed off quietly. -Sev-
eral gates were removed but otherwise
our boys behaved themselves.—Mrs.
John Keys is visiting her daughter in
London. -Master Davy Wein, appren-
tice with Mr, James Clark is in Ailsa.
Craig assisting Mr. Alf. Clark in har-
ness making.—Mrs. Eli Sweet is visit-
ing her parents in Ohesley this week.
—Mr. Jno. Finkbeiner has built.a new
picket fence in front of bis residence
which made a great improvement' to
satire.—The flax -mill started the win-
ter's threshing on Tuesday.—Council
meeting was held in Town Hall Mon-
din.—Nntnerous complaints have been
made by our . citizens the past week
that they have bad fruit, vegetables
and groceries stolen from - their dwel-
lings. So far the thief hasn't :been
caught, but we all.hope when he does,
he will be punished to the full extent
of the law.—Mr. and Mrs. E. Bender,
of Zurieb, .spent Sunday here, as the.
guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. Brown,.—H..
Eilber, M.P.P.,'lelt for Parry Sound
District on Thursday on his annual
deer khat.—Mr. Christian Beaver and
bride returned home from their honey-
moon trip on Saturday evening. Our
Band serenaded them on their return.
We welcome Mrs. Beaver to our midst
and wish herself and worthy husband
a long and happy married life.—Rev.
Knowles preached an excellent serrnon
to the members of the L.O.L. 213 of
Biddelph District, in the Methodist
church on Sunday evening: --Work
has again been started at the cement
curb and when the "same is finished, it
will give a fine appearance to the street.
—Mies Emma Kreinieft for Sarnia' on
Wednesday, after visiting her mother
here the•:past month.—Mr. and Mts.
Win. Sambrook spent Sunday with
relaatiyes in ,Woodham.
FARatsSolan,--Mr;Lenis Walleerbas „Wes are Worn.
disposed of his hundred -acre farm in
this township, being lot 2, concession;
10, to Mr. Joseph Wren, Base Line,
for the sum of $4,500, -Mr. John Row-
cliffe hos also disposed of his fiftyetere
faros, being the South half of Lot 11,
on the 4th concession to Ur. Joseph
Shipley, of. Blensbard. The price paid
was $4,500.
Pr yeasx vresx.—The people of St.
Andrew's church took possession of
the moose a few evenings ago and in
the course of the evening were called
to order by Mr. D. McKenzie, the eld-
er, wilt read an address to the pastor.
Rev. -McNeil, —il, expressive of the conga e-
gatiori'a appreciation of his litber:a
among theft). The °address was ac-
c-companitcl by a beautiful easy chair
for his etudy, lieu, McNeil replied
briefly and heartily thanked his paiw
ishioner- for their kindly feeling to-
wards hire. The ladies provided ri
suropttlous lunch anter. very enjoyaable',
everting was spent.
:lir..end Airs, Arai nr Mitchell sand
Air. aanil firs, Ivan Dew attended the
fowl supper in Tuel ersniith given by
Mr. Jtaahnh. Mitchell ou Saturday et eU-
ing. -Nes. F. Down continues very ill
bat we hope for her speedy recovery,
,air. and Mrs. Chas, Cann, of Bethany,
attendedd the anniversary on Sunday,—
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kerslake visited.
\lr, atud Airs, Robert Do Wit on Sunday.
—The farmers in this vicinity wile
have threshed their clover are all
tiles. it having yielded two laushcels
on the average per aere. The fallwheat niw►tnd hero is looking gond and
the grass, on account of the cent
rains, rre
s better than it has been for
several bears. ---Mi. Thos. Harris has
improved his dairy, be having added a
well -hied Polled Augus to his already
high classed lieervl. Anyone wishing
their winter supply of butter should
leave their order early.
OR. J. W. ORM%
Office bourse to 11) am.,1 to Sand 7 toe p.m.
Telephone communication with Luean and Momat
The Orangemen of this district at-
tended divine service in the Crediton
Methodist church ou Sunday evening
least. Rev. 1nowles, pastor, occupied
the pulpit pre:aching a very intoreettug
and instructive sermon.—Hallowe'en
was ft very quiet one in our burgh and
very iistl+i mischief was crone. The
practice of removing gates is disap-
pearing. ---A very gnietbut pretty wed-
ding was solemnized at the Methodist
parsonage here on Tuesday last, when
Miss Lillie•Statcharn, daughter of Mr.
Henry St:itollanx, of Exeter, Loudon
Read, became the happy bride of Mr.
Wm. Beaman, a prosperous fanner of
Stephen. The ceremony was perform-
ed by the Rev. B. L. Hutton. We ex-
tend to the happy couple the best wish-
es for their future happiness,
FELL F110/ii A Taus.—Mr. Richard
Hicks met with a very unpleasant ac-
cident wliich might easily have
resulted more seriously on Wednesday
evening last, Mr. Hicks, in company
with Mr. W1n. Essery, was engaged
in picking apples at the top of an
eighteen foot ladder. when by some
means Mr. Essery's ladder slipped and
falling against that on which Mr.
Hicks stood both were precipitated to
the ground with great force. Mr.
Hicks was rendered unconscious for
several hours and received a bad shak-
ing up but luckily no bones were brok-
en, while Mr. Essery escaped unhurt.
Stephen Council
The Council of the Township of Stepp -
hen, convened in the Town Hall, Ored
iton, on Monday, Nov.. 2, at 1 p.m. All
members present. Minutes of prev-
ious meeting read and adopted. An-
derson—Webb—that the clerk be in-
structed to write Mr. F. W. Farncombe,
C. E., for an explanation regarding
surveys made between Lots 13 and 14,
Sauhle concession, Stephen.—Carried.
Resolved that the Reeve attend to the
Drainage Cornplaint on the Wi Lot 26
S.B. Concession, Stephen, and that
Mr. Webb interview Mr. Armstrong
as to outlet of Drain between Lots 13.
and 14, Sauble Concession, Stephen.
The following orders were granted:—
Municipal World, blanks re return of
Jurors, 55c.; Express Co., express of
AssessmentRoll,. $5c.; G. Orange, gra-
vel contract, S.B.,°$18; D. Schaefer,do.,
block 4, N. B., $25.50; S. Morrison, do.,
block 8, C. R., $25; H. Willer:, select-
ing jurors, $4: J. Guinan, do., $4; H.
Eilber, do., $4; J. Fox, Stephen's por-
tion of Engineer's fees, re Neil -Nevin
drain, $26.70; T. Whittaker, charity re
Mrs. Smale, $6.50; J. Either, covering
culvert, etc., at N. Beaver's, $2; John
Barry, contracts, Blocks 4 and 5 S. B.,
$154.30; J. -Madden, coin. work, .$10.00
S. B., J. Tennant, do., Fairfield, S.R.,
$6.25; T. Barry, watching gap at pit,
$L25; Wm.. Rollins, : gravel account,
$64.94; Do., do., S. B., $25.92; G. Hea-
mala, do.,, Grand Bend, $72.32; W. C.
Huston, do., $108.96; L. Dieterick, do.,
end work on S.R., $34,20; J. Lawson,
grading 1sts.r., $39.50; J. Doyle, do.,
Con. 12, $6; G. K. Kienzie, and other,
do., $47.75; Archy Webb, cleaning out
G. B. pit, $8; Richard Hill, putting in.
tile across L. R., $3; M. Finkbeiner and
others, putting in concrete tile, $9.75;
S. Stanlake, Sr., lumber account, N. B.
$10; S. Stanlake & Son, dor, $28.35; W.
Robinson,' damages to grain by cattle,
$4;'W.Rhode, dog tax refunded, $1;
Dr. McLaughlin, medical services re.
Colosky, $6.50; Dr. E. A. Hoist, do.,.
$6.550; Wilfred Lafond, repairing cud=
vert, con, A. and B., 75c.; A. Hodgins,
account, $3.30; R. Adare, drawing
boxes and gravel, $2. The Council ad-
jouruecl to, meet again on Tuesday
Dec. 15, at 10 o'clock, a,rrr. Board of
Health meeting to be held at 9 a,rn.
H. Eilber, Tp. Oleik.
For a long time gimes were used
only to assist in reading or near work,
but with increased knowledge of
the eye, we are able to adjust
glasses to improv the sight, thereby
curing chronic headaches, neuralgia
and many nervous afflictions
caused by eyestrain.
The thousands who wear properly
adjusted glasses are the lidin
testimonies to the truth Q
Examination fret,:
Graduate Q�
The Most
Tia,a you can buy
One Which is
Most t sett.
is more useful th n
WATS and
We have a complete line.
P 'cense t eeilex'
M. and ;Mrs. 1 •cd Taylor and faaro-
ily left last wees, for 'Mitchell, where
they intend resiling. Mr. John Mat p-
hett end family also left town last
week; for Cromarty, to Iodise their fu-
ture home. We are sorry to lose such ;.
fgond citizens but WW1 theta, evens
happinessend prosperity in their new
homes. --Miss Etta Fletcher has se
u� t<cficl l,•tvisit t fent anl.n
b n. �.Ir. anti n T. Flet;a'hei; as; old
Kinston boy, who has been at Harris-
tou for the past year as heekkreper in
as large furettawe factory, has leen ap-
pointed assistant ,uan:iger of the la,ank
of Hurst and Burl at Thessalia*.
miss Anna McKenzie, who has been
in Listowel for the past month. under
treatment for' her eyes, has returned
home and her sight is considerably he-
proved.—Miss H. 13ee. who resigned as
Weber in S,S, No. 0, at the end of last
eitt orderer to attend the Normal.
year School, bus been re.engaged in the
sante section for 1001 at an increased
snlaary.—W, J. England. of Hutehin-
son, Left a few ci'ays :ago for Maysville,
Penn., where he will remain for sev-
eweral mouths.—Mr. Thos. Diekison has
gone to At•konn. where he intends re-
siding: His residence here has been
purchased by Mr. Jaynes Gughen. of
McGillivray.—Mr. Geo. Shoebotton,
whom we reported been ill in Brant-
ford, is making rapid progress toward.
recovery. He has left the hospital and
is now at the residence of bis son-in-
law, John Halloran, of that city. He
did not have aparalytic stroke as was
at first thought. His many friends
here will be pleased ro see hits home
.again. Mrs. Shoebotton is visiting itt
Brantford, while Mrs. Forrest bas re-
turned home, after paying a short vis-
it to friends in Brantford.
Roht. Baker, who has been working
here for some months, has taken a sit-
uation with his uncle at Hillsgreen.—
Walter Lancaster has recovered from
his recent illness. --Will Gilchrist is
home on a visit after two years absence
in the West, He visited Alaska where
his brother Charles is at present work-
ing. He has been in Seattle for some
time but states that times are getting.
bad there, as attested by 3000 empty
houses and thousands of mechanics be-
ing out of employment.— Geo.McEwen
M. P., has returned to town and will
remain among us till the next session
of parliament,which promises to be a
short one.—Rev. Mr. Johnston, of
Paisley, occupied the pulpit of Carmel
church on Sunday. --•-Will Kemp has
returned from Seaforth owing to ill
health.—C. Linder has gone to Toledo,
Ohio. Will Miller has been appointed
band leader in his stead.—Thos. Moore
of Bullalo, is here visiting his brother,
Wm.—Wm. Chapman, Sr., has return-
ed from his visit to Brantford and vi-
cinity.—Mr. T. J. Berry recently sold
a five -months' old colt to Thos. Hayton
of Exeter, for $100. —Mr. James Brint-
nell, of Exeter. has about finished up.
the woodwork of Mr. Wm. Chapman's
new bank barn in a manner that gives
evidence of good. mechanical ability
and at the same time thoroughness of
work,—Mr. Joseph Deistien, of Detroit
is visiting his sister, Mrs. Jas.. Moore.
He is at present attending to Mr.
Moore's duties at the grain warehouse,
in order to give him a better chance to
recuperate from his illness.—Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. McDougall have returned
from Toronto where they have been
the funeral of their son-in-law, Mr.
Hugh Glen, who died at the above city
on Oct. 24. It appears Mr. Glen, who
was a skilled machinist and veryhigh-
ly respected, retired on Friday night
in his usual health and was found dead
in his bed in the morning. Heart fail-
ure was supposed' to be the cause of.
death. The circumstances are partic-
ularly distressing. About at year ago
Mrs. -Glen died quite suddenly, leaving
behind her a babe about: three weeks
old. Since then disease developed in
the leg' of this little child' making am-
putation necessary. Now the father
has been suddenly reproved, leaving
Ibis poor little Cripple and three other
children to face the struggles of life
alone. The blow is a sad one to Mr.
and Mrs. McDougall and also a severe
trial to Miss Annie Papple, . who was
keeping house for the deceased. The
heart -felt sympathy' of the community
goes out to them in their sad trials.-
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Walper attended
the funeral of their sister-in-law, Mrs.
Peter Walper, wvhopassed away at her
late residence in Hallett on Oct. 27, at
the age of 36 years, 3 months, 25 da vs.
la:... VI g "11041ft'.:- she•
West. P. W. U. `ate w:a t noised to
Gr;auton . eancetw ay. --;fir. Wes . Rob-
inson, of Piailatal• 1plaia, spent as fete
clays here dewing the weak. --Mr. 3. S.
Wren. l,.A,.. esiaaaan:n. ,.:d hie rleaniee sty
rine:'i:al in the -'lit.a•I hero..' . dean.
Vi?..—Mr. Freed ;1 era'is. c f Oil Springs,
vliti l►<is aactrepfh at r Izxa;3t:aia3 wKali 1t'.
�: ,
1 cal a II 470 r ►a as 'a
a s
1 . I3 II tta
here shortly. --Tie. ;::.cat.. rs of l,.tl.i�.
Nor. ilt,'.,liaupa' .� iia e.: Ic'rt]iFou refile tk-°
aledit'.itltan oP rheic• n.'v /waif,'l'1;�ar ,il:ah�,
Nor. 12th, giving :a fowl sapper. mid
resse.land litter era erte•tMittfa met.
enaNnon iIIA". a—Thio Alia aa^ jars,
ta'I has again a'Iaaa:a„eal Lamle, this Hoerr*
Mr» Jas. Melia'>,', ea- 1 i'iafiaiI,Ia •e.,anirig
Lire proprietor. M:. McKee h,au;;Irtr
the built figs heat Mts. R. 11, A'Nei;
and the ecr:atens. of the l.:::-,., whist.;
belonged to Mr. I`+Lri;:irty. V'e regret
very neaten t.' ase IFait
Sines+ his eoauin 1h,nmre ht,r. liras argpra,vt!ray.
himself to be master of his position
and as a townsman be is well spoken
of. Mr. 11e• t'ovomes, highly recom-
mended and we join in wishing Beni
much success. The e'.rangs' took place
Onurt`.tit .--It hemlines nursed duty
this week to chronicle the death of one
1.40011,11'S most highly eateemetl resi-
dents in the person of Mr. Robert Mc-
Leod. in his 55th year. About a week
:ego Mr. McLeod contracted a cold.
which developed into inflammation of
the bungs and latter to pneunienia, and
owing to his system been rundown
(having been raring for beam
t has been dangerously ill,)hegrad-
nl y grew wore until early Tuesday
morning, when he suceumbetl to the
nlahady-. Mr. 1. Leod was well-known
by all, and his sudden and unexpected
demise was learned with deep regret..
He always had a kind word for every-
body and will be missed by all. The
funeral took plaee Thursday to St.
James church for service and inter-
ment. The sympathy of the comn4un
ity is extended to Mrs. McLeod and
bereaved friends, There passed away
at his father's residence on Tuesday,
Oct. 27th, one of our young and re-
spectedcitizens in the person of Mr.
John Robinson, in his 22nd year. De-
ceased had been ailing for about three
months, but for some time slight hopes
were entertainedfor his recovery, and
the last three weeks he has sunk rapid-
ly and passed away to join the silent
majority. Deceased was an exemplary
young man and much thought of by
his associates. Although his death
was not in the least unexpected yet it
leaves to sting, and to -day he is missed
from his home, where he was much
beloved, He leaves to mourn his de-
mise his grief stricken parents, three
sisters and five brothers, who have the
genuine sympathy of the community
in their sad affliction. The funeral on
Thursday was largely attended, there -
mains being laid to rest in St. Jaynes'
SHIRRAY—In Hay, on Oct. 30, to Mr.
and Mrs. David Shirray, a son.
TAYLOR.—In London, on Oct. 30th, -to:
Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Taylor, a son.
EscRETT—In Seattle, Wash., on Oct.
I8, t.o Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eitcrett, t:I
MCARTauR.—In HensalI, on Oet. 21
to Mr. and Mrs, James McArthur,. ai.
. daughter.
ANDREWS—In -Osborne, on Oet, 28th,
to Mr, and Mrs, Sidney Andrews, a
EDWARDS—In Stephen, on Oct. 24, to
Mr. and Mrs. John Edwards, a
llteonie tee.
GooDxsox—JoxiNs.-In Exeter,at the
residence of Mrs. David- Joles, on
Wednesday, November 4th, Mr. W.
T, Goodison, of Sarnia, to Miss Ida
Margery Johns, of Exeter, by the
Rev: Wm. Godwin.;
ISAAo—H0DGt1,78.—On Oct. 21, at St.
James' church, Olandeboye,by the
Rev. Geo. Mcianillin, Mr. Wm. Isaac,
to Miss A. A. L. Hodgins, daughter
of Mr. Thomas Hodgins, all of Bid-
IIEAMAN— STA T011AM.—At .Centralia'.
Parsonage, on Tuesday, Nov. 3rd, by
Rev. B. L` Hutton, Mr. Win. Elea -
man of Stephen, to' Miss Lillie Stat
chasm of Exeter.
Drivis— u Exeter, n.NovGeorge
I ,oNt
Davis, aged 66 years.