HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-10-29, Page 8l0 Mos i" ,t , t . e can uc no possi- ault to nd with youra ea 7 ;zcctftie dots are measured i __pert way. tie of garments we wake is a nt guarantee of first-class work e77 up-to-date u -to -date L S • TTLN GS YERCO; TIXGS PANTINOS Prices' away don. 1TAM etch t, Tailor, a elzi TiI° e EYE SP Stewart pays the highest price in $2.25 for Ladies' One Ring Quality etcher cash or trade for hatter; a ns, ' wanking shoes. Easy fitters, Great dried apples, large ,onions and=all weairersat stettart' ;. fi.Pairm produce. es-- Monday s.., Mondaiy morning brought with it a liberal feret:iste of what is in store for its before long, old mother earth dou- ning a levy mantle of the beautiful and looking quite wintry, Invitations have been issued by the Bachelors and Benedicte of Exeter to an assembly in. tJidley'sOpera flouse,on Aionda eveningg, November ow, fes, Tony aes Loudon Ilarpere have been engaged for the oecasion. Fred Sanitb, an employe of B.awden McDowell, bad the misfortune to have one of the big stallionss!tepon his foot on Tuesday, Somo of the bones are supposed to be broken and he suf= is s c€ti♦srdetatcle Vain in the member. Mr. John Bell, son of ?lir. Robs, Sell, Con, 5. I.rsborne, met with a painful accident to one of his knees en Wea1- nesday of Last week, It seems he was rising a drawing knife when it slipped anti canoe in contact with hist ueecut- ting a severegaasb, which required sev.., eral stitches to chose. On another page will bre found a - ort of the forty-eighth annum getaer- fiut; of the Molsans Bank in onrre:ii on Monday of last week', tar ether with a full Seaside! statement the Nitre's condition,. The report is r eaacoearaging to the sharraelnialders rid to the geue4al paalolae, Mr, mid Mrs J. A. Stew net left Mon- ey evening fore Ilreeltin to :attend the reeding on Wednesday' ofthe fern errs sustea, 'tile., Emily Stewart, to Mr, Frank.ratsley, of New Fork:,. Miss irs►aart is well known to many here, ung visited Exeter on different nem. or sand her friend- will wish her many* happy returns of the occasion. Ma: Sidney Davis of Stephen, as con- fined to bis home, suffering from the effects of a sore le;;. epee ter nnsasements:. Mr. Mack, Vincent, the •Coneeddia e, has returned from a sojourn in Detroit and other American cities and is now prepared to accept engagements in the concert line. For terms and partien tars apply to Baca 110, Exeter. Ogee nest On the station grounds, Oet. It'll, while loaadiue lambs, ai. green covered book, containing $2.410 in money, sixty cents in stamps, a number of notesete. Finder will be liberally rewarded by returning to H. tS'illert, Dashwood,or leave same at this omee. h, C- T. v notes,. At the regular meeting wvhiclt will be held at the home of Airs, 1v. hr Bis- sett on Wednesday, Nov. 4. coanurene= ing sat 3 o'clock, a report will be given of the annual convention whieh is now PERSONAL. Mr W Goodison, of Sarnia, was in town Sunday. John: 1. Tom, I,P,S., was in town during the week. Mr. Ezra Lampert, of Crediton spent Sunday in town, Miss Nellie Quante spent Sunday with, friends in Crediton, James Sanders of London, visited in town on Sunday and Monday. Mrs, I. R. Whittam, of Paris, is vis- iting her sister, Mrs, 7 ;, Blasdell. Miss Hells bus returned home from a visit with friends in Goderieb. Mr, dno Essery is visiting' his dais la- ter, Mrs, Luther .Braund,at Brantford. 1)r. A. re Tennant attended the fun- eral of his sister in London -last week. Miss Loretta Gregory, of Toledo Hos, pied, le in attendance on her mother here. Mr. Tiros. Johnston. of Brneefield, sentStrriday with friends in Exeter in session at St, Thomas. All the mem- `forth. Iters are requested to be present. airs. Huston, se„ bus returned fro* *aitery itaspaarries• Princeton, where she has been visiting Ott Monday morning Mr, James her sol,, Creech. Jr., handed us three et' four ale Robert Sanders, who has been sprigs to leen from at raspberry hash, ; in Manitoba and Dakota, returned on which were berries in all stages o ... rnoure 71'aaesilay;. development from the mope/red bud to the fairly ripened fruit. One spa•, Mr. Wm. Campbell, Exeter North, held thirteen rtpe Verde,. These aro left Monday for a shunting expedition the latest we twee heard of and were at Muskoka, picked during a saraety storm, Mr. E. J. Spackman attended the h Convention Mee art [7t.tkaarit,n, eal this week Mrs. Mary Malcolm wife of John at St. irhaela=ac, Malcolm, of the 1st coneession of Dell- hiss Maud Jeckell, who bus been ware. tiled Wednesday, Ora 21st, after nursing in. Brantford, returned to her a short illness front appendicitis, Mrs, home here Friday. Malcolm wee a &lighter of John Dina- I miss Laura Davis. Exeter North. left 0IA 1 T Extols ere often recipients of otltl earl, of F eter,and was 40 years of aage ° Monday fur Nos. where she has ae- SpATiineaa.a, The follow ing is nate whieh , She leaves three sons and twu dough- , eepteda position. our attention has'beeu tir,awn to anal tea's, The faner<al took play.° Pao' which was recently fasted ni* in a host day afteruonn to ;McArthurs cewe" SUITH w. *w 9T '471£1... 1AL MUM u clay a 4nnaly- - al I SATURDAY, NV. (..A...loy reel avail. Factor sif a<f ini3 ,- lire =le sa•r 'ire ass ilnts is a rare o3 wra prGtaCy tai Lease Vint' eA_ peeper , p y tea free e4' r ii au a : 74aa grey >, sa-4331;. het .'a *vientili9= c a 3t:aittty, &f3fdirrsar➢t C 4=3,a ture4u.ata ,y fitted. al. AIIL WOOL' CA7,:4 c91113to. fall flue of s rtificiall Eyes added to our 5}toCl'ft. NirnFiErgimmr DOINGS. Aitzti: itSrat9iralcat k. The iovliest het of dinner sets w have teen and the befit values too, at Stewavt e. James Russell is re iooringhistdatask- s ni:tle shop with heavy plank. A meeting of those interested in th hockey game will be called shortie A branch holding several ripe berries r ne n by l3arsso try shown us:wit. John Saturday last. y tr - Dix For Influenza. and La Grippe Cold Cure tablets. They give relief every time. Sold by O. Lutz, Exeter. this not always a sure sign that :la man is pious by .his, pants being worn: Out at the lances. H. might be a crap shooter. For Pains and aches, sore throat, ertcmps, catarrh, colic in infants, colds Winan's Linament should be kept in every' house. Sold by C. Lutz, Exeter. Mrs. John Snell had her household effects moved to Mr. Ambrose Cottle's house on the north side of Ann street fast week. Mrs. Snell willresidein this house for Borne time, • erybody wantsMooneyBiscuits. They are the hest. Stewart sells them. i Dr. Ovens, of London, surgeon. ocu- list and specialist, diseases eye, ear, a. nose and throat, will be at the Com- e naercial Hotel, Exeter, Wednesday, Frovember 4th; Wed. December' 2nd. Use English Stock Food for young pigs, calves mile!). cows, fatting cattle gaud chickens. It is the best, cheapest and safest stock food on the market. Sold by C. Lutz, Exeter. A special meeting of friends interest ed. in the Bible Society will be be held this (Thursday) evening in the Presby- terian church at eight o'clock. Ad- dresses will be given by the Rev. J. H. Orme, of London, and Rev. G. H. Bon- field, of Shanghai, and the resident ministers. All are cordially invited to attend. office. From the et wogrepby it will be sen that it is Urn product of a Dutchman and is remertable for its phonetic filas'lli4igc 4'RONA A VAT. and Vite Von .flet nd rte . C':i if Writ its to ler- hind lege roe'plack he was a she Calf. Any potty dot Cringe pot Calf bums eye . s,.,•-,,. pys nn_ fire Toiler, Deana Tree Milt' natio de @aritlge.°" The pear; Nasus renaltradl on Friday ira¢ fav ciao, Exeter liigla Se book Depart - nod eL epart-nentei itosriey and Stientitie irnciet:r wvMas well rappreeleted by all. The pane glaaa4a st,nsieterloAf'r+eedingy, reeitataca¢n- to tern ,-London hree lkese. Reece err Mrs. Wilcox, It becomes An thisduty reewt tri- , card the deathn£' vies. Mary Hocken. relict of the late John Wilcox, which tool; place at the residence of her son- in-law, Mr. Thomas Webster. Exeter North, on Saturday. Oct. 21th Mts, Wilcox was an told nicely, heinl; .aye ars' Mies Bewley, who has visited Miss E. of u e.➢last she had enjoyed g iod health J. C-'unnimgham for t>a week., returned until Wednesday day lest, when she was to 11er Wink, in London Monday more - taken ill with a ses'r*4•e attack of in- tug. tlaturna:atiou of.the bowels, with the re-; ;ala: am ;'wLn . Jithnn Flaavd and ehild, Miss Mary R. Westaaway spent a few days this week with her sister, Mrs. Chapman, at Hensall. Mrs. James Willis,, Stephen,who bus anextendedvisitt o I►e on i rt in h been ;1,orthwest. returned last week. Mrs. Gregory still reminds very weak hut we aro pleased to say that elle ap- pears to be gradually improving. sant as ahmvt{ stated. She, with one nesse, edgers E.Mertlgnw, rrittt`'s son and one dn41404ter. COMP to QIN rite. sous and eborasefi, Wes town sumo fourteen yeere ago from " C°oorn'w 'fll, Euula uil. at which plaice her AliMelee Godwin delighted the audience with two welt rendered xecitutonte, We respeek great bileet,55 for Mies Godwin. • Rev. Mr, Godwin gave a few remarks which were very encouraging to the Soe iety". Men's, Youths' arnd Boys,' yes cabby overcoats. Ioig r.ronge. Stewert's. M. E. S. How arui, as i nueh respeeted ail We long resident of Exeter, will move In the course of a few weeks with bis family to London, where they will make their future home. Mr. Howard has secured aposition with the Loudon Street Railway and has heady commenced his duties. This nother family to be added to the Age number that have taken Ile their ole in London. Many here will join us in wishing Mr. and, Mrs. Howard and family alt possible success and happiness in their new :borne and we commend them to the people of the Forest City as citizens worthy of the name. 1 1 Sailor Boy Tea, Japan. Black or mixed, for 25c. Can't beat it. Ste- wart's. SCR CC= 1 ! ..,x ie, ,y,:. y, .C .. .r-....- -• 4.7, .. ,7..x:3 Now is the time to prepare for the cold and inclement weather. Prepare for it by ordering a writ from us -the eery best at low prices. AN Q.W T ooAl will interest you about now' and we can give you the latest in a "Chesterfield" or Doable- breasted Overcoat in a Tweed, a Beaver or a Cheviot. Perfect Fitting Lowest Prices IeffiefiEninliMetrainnienetallEMINSESI W. JOHNS TAILOR Opposite the E .x e t e r oat office ' A very pleasant gathering assembled , at the house of Mrs. John White on Friday evening last, the occasion be - ng a unique presentation to Miss Idea Johns in the way of a "Kitchen Show- er", previous to the event of her mar- riage to Mr. W. T. Goodison of Sarnia. After a sumptuous tea was served all gathered around the honored guest and "showered" her with many useful articles for .kitchen use. Miss Johns thanked the donors for their kind ac- tion in a few well-chosen remarks, and after spending a few hours in social chat and mirth all departed for their respective homes wishing Miss Johns many happy returns. Apprentices Wanted. Apprentices wanted to learn dress- making. Apply to Miss Tom. Dorso Blanket Pound. On Station road, on or about Oct, 15, a horse blanket. Owner can have same by calling on Robt. Richardson, Andrew street, and paying for this notice. For 15 Cents. The .&Dvoc4tuu will be sent to any address for the balance of the year for 15 cents. Make a present to a friend at a distance with apaid-in-advance subscription to the AnvootTE. Sale Bilis. Get your sale bills printed at the An- voaATn office. We carry one of the largest and best stocks of display type in Western Ontario. Our printing al- ways gives satisfaction and prices are right. coming Scottish Concert Co'y, of Aberdeen, Scotland, in Gidley's Opera House, Wed. Nov. llth; 1903. Tickets 35c., 25c. and 15c. Plan of hall at Dr. Lutz's Drug Store. Plans opens on Nov. 7th. T. P. Smith CO If you bare defective eyesight don't fail to consult with T. P. Smith, the Noted Eye Specialist, of Elora, who will be at the Commercial House, Exe- ter, on Nov. 20, 21. See "ad" in anoth- er column. A Snap for $1. The ADVOCATE will be sent to any address from now until the end of 1904 for $1, payable in advance. ' Now is. the time to subscribe for this up -to. date weekly and get the balance of 1903 thrown in. Scotchmen, Attention. Do you wish to spend a night in Scotland without crossing the ocean? Attend the Scottish concert at Gidley's Opera House, Exeter, Wednesday, Nov. llth. Tickets 35e., 25c.' and 15c. Plan at Dr. Lutz's drug store. hit -bald hied previously died. She leaves to mount her departure two sorts and tw.. daughters., 't Iu funeral toxo place from Mr. Webster's pal - deuce on Morality afternoon to the Ex- eter cemetery. Vic Proposed Harrow Factory. Mr. E. G. Blaine, of the Blaine Har- row Manufacturing Co. of `,i'oronto, visited. Exeter last week with a, view to the establishment of his factory here. Apublic meeting wvas CAW for Thursday night last at which as large number of rate ;tyers were pres- ent. ,After hawing Mr. Blaine's prop- osition, ►vliich wars that $19,000 worth of stock should In. subscribed by the, citizens of Exeter to Keine the Wm - try, as committee WAS appointed to iu, vestigate the proposition and report, On investigation the committee can - eluded that if sufYlcient stork could be subscribed to secures as controlling in- terest n It ere tloxes forest for localsatiatrerliold would be satisfactory and so reported. The difficulty now a l}ears to be in selling sufficient stock in Exeter. Ail effort well be made however to induce the company to locate Isere, and possi- bly our council may offer exemption andeven a small loan. Should the succeed in securing this valueblia in- dustry it should be agrowin and pre- fitaxble one as the he row is beyond all question the best we have ever seen. Greatest Tat= hi Maps. 'While the whole country has been calling for a new up to date map , of Canada and all the Provinces showing projected. Transcontinental Railways together with Alaskan boundary and the lines claimed by both countries, it has been left to the publishers of that great national newspaper, the Family erald and Weekly Star of Montreal, to give the world what it has been looking for. These maps, it will sur- prise the country to hear, are printed on fine paper beautifully engraved, every boundary actually traced, being at once the finest map of Canada yet produced. It is timely and of inestim- able value. Weunderstand no copies will be sold unber $2.50 each but each yearly subscriber of the Family Herald and Weekly Star will receive the great map together with the autumn prem- ium pictures. New subscribers and renewals will get the maps as soon as they are out of the engravers hands, but every one will be served exactly in the order in which they subscribe or renew. The Government of Canada will have the use of a set of these Family Herald maps. Council Proceedings. Council met at call of Reeve, at Town Hall, Oct. 21. All present. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirm- ed. A communication from Mr. Rich. Blatchford was read re overcharge on sidewalk, and filed. Cobbledick-Gil- lespie-that the offer of C. H. Sanders for the $2100.00, local improvement de- bentures of $2050.00, less $30.05 cash. paid by Mr. Blatchford, be accepted. - Carried. Hawkins--Gillespie--that Mr. Murry's account for grates be paid. Cobbledick--Creech--in amendment that the account be not paid. The Reeve declared the motion carried. Cobbledick-Gillespie-that the follow- ing accounts be passed and orders drawn on Treasurer for same: -Hugh Spackman, nails, etc., $7.25; T. Welsh, labor,$17.25; T. Jones, do., $18.50; W. Davis, do., $16.50; S. Handford, do., $1.80; Rd. Davis, do., $3; G. Atkinson, $1.80; H. Parsons, street watering, 52; Alex. Dyer, selecting jurors, $1; G. H. Bissett, do., $4. -Carried. Creech-. Cobbledick-that the following per- sons be appointed Fence viewers for .the year 1903: -Messrs. S. Sanders, D. Mill and Thos. H. McCallum. -Car- ried, Mr. Blaine, of the Blaine Har- row Co., of Toronto, interviewed the Council with the object of locating here and after hearing his explanation it was moved by T. Hawkins, seconded by J. Gillespie that the clerk call a pub- lic meeting for to -morrow evening. - Carried. Creech -Gillespie -that .the Council adjourn to tweet at call of Reeve. -Carried. G. H. BiSSETT,Clerk. A swell lot of ladies' cloth and fur lined capes. $4.40 to $35 at Stew- art's. The Gauthier Concert Company. The Rev.,J, W: Shilton,-of Drayton, says: "Seldom if ever, have 1 enjoyed such a' treat as 1 diel last night listening to the Gauthier Co'y, They will be in Gidley's Opera House, Exeter, on Friday, Nov. 6. of Sintintth sprier SatLua'clary and Sun d,:ay in town. the gaests of Mrs. Floyd and Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Welsh. Mss. J. R. Inksater and daughter wbo baweleen visiting mare for some time, returned Monday to their hoonn' in Paris. Miss Fannie Bowey, who recently returned from England, and bass since visited her sister-in-law, Mrs. Alfred Bowie, left Wednesday for her home in Chicago. Edb Mr. Henry Eilber, manager of the Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co., was at the Commercial House Saturday collecting premiums for the company. ,`firs. Chas. Bernie received wotd on Monday last that tier moth er, Mrs. Ston- house, who resides in Belgrave is lying dangerously ill. Mrs, Bernie left for that place ou Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wamsley, who have been visitin lir. and Mrs. S. Back Ingham, returned home to Loudon Saturday. while Mrs. Buckingham fol, lowed on Monday to pay them a visit The many friends of Mr. Geo. Davis, an old and highly respected resident of town, will learn with regret that be suffered n severe stroke of paralysis on 1Vednesday last and his condition at present is anything but favorable to- wards recovery. All one side of his person is completely paralysed. Croinax'ty Mr. John Stacey, late of Seafortb, has removed his family here. and in tends becoming a permanent resident of out enterprising village,. Mr. Stac- ey bus purchased the old hotelroperty here. and intends fitting up the hotel building for a private residence and. other buildings on the property for implement ware -room. He will have a nicely situated and comfortable resi- dence, and one of the best farming dis- tricts in Canada, in which to do busi- ness. He is an industrious, pushing man and will be a valuable addition to our business population. -Mr Richard Hoggaartb bas purchased a lot in our village on which he intends building next year, with a view of retiring from farming. FURNACES We have in stock the best supply of stoves and furnaces, to- gether with all fixings, ever exhibited in Exeter. We carry all the hest *hakes, >e .eats. We .keepconeneutte in stock the National and Star Brands of Portland Cements, conceded by all competent judges to be the best in the market, eS..W.P. Before you begin to paint your house or anything else be sur to get the best paint possible for the money and at the same tiara give the best satisfaction and longest wear. ardware We hare the largest stock of hardware in. town-Eavetrough ing and builders' supplies especially. For Forme or lift pumps cal on ns. T. .. AWK SON. Parkhill SPACKIVIA.Lli'til • FurGoats Fur Caperines ETt VEY IN RRESSGGQ0S To really know cltimt am Dress -Goods you must see and handle them. lllnek Dress Goads, Blair, Dress Silks, Tweed Suitings and elegant Dress Trivamings, Latest Style iu Jackets for . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . l , .. . ...... . ... . . . .. Ladles, Misses and Children s from theSta le Department p NEW FLANNELETTES TTI i•S in conning of pinks, blue andgrey stripe. NEW W'eAPI'EREI ES-- A goodassortment of : splendid quality wrapper rapper et te than], stripe l spot patterns and, good colorings -Exceptional Values. HOSIERY FOR WIN riat-Acomplete stock of Heavy Hosiery, pure wool, wide and narrow vibe, Heavy Cashmere etc. GLOVES and ASI7.'S-Men's Astrachan Gauntlets, Cloves, Men's and Boy's heavy leather mitts. Values always Fur Ruffs at. IMPZIONKINNIMPOIN Men's and Boy's Rid Fur Caps E. J. S AOKIVIAN'S.. eadcluaarters foo' W. E. SANDFOI4D'S READY-TO-WEAR. Clothing. John McAdam, Jr., and family have gone to London to reside. -John Jef- ferson has been nursing a very sore hand the past few days. It appears he Was puttiug up stovepipes when the sharp end of :idealiser penetrated , the palm of his hand. Nothing was thought of the wound for about a week when the hand commenced to swell rapidly and medical aid was sought and the trouble was pronounced blood poison- ing:, Prompt measures saved more. serious consequences. -Mr. N. A. Mc- Kinnon, who was seized with as stroke of apoplexy a few days ago, is we are pleased to state, recovering. -J. D. Mc- Coll left Wednesday for South River, 112nskoka. Thefollowing accompanied him and intend working in the lumber woods: -Messrs. Jas. McDonald, Neil McArthur, Walter Forest, Henry. Ca vanangh, Wilton Currie,Harry Swain, Jas. Brown, Sylvan; John Gilchrist.- Mr. Geo. Shoebottoni, while visiting his daughter, at Brantford, during the Thanksgiving holidays, and when boarding a train on his return home was seized with an attack of apoplexy.; He w es immediately removed to his daughter's home and subsequently taken to the hospital. He is recover- ing as rapidly as c.anbe expected. iver Piils That's what you need; some- thing to cure your biliousness, and regulate your bowels. You need Ayer's Pills. Vegetable; gently laxative. s Asrao.. Lowell, Mnen. Want your moustache or beard. a beautiful brown or rich black? Use FIFTY IRS• _ _ _ - _ _ -R. 5.: linit 5 CO., I.ASISUA N. H. Vic ALa atcr4y 494.al'Scit.c c,n ,-a•? ,a aeicatc..,u...,.SK and41 Undertaking. Furniture 4 9 9 ic, Practical Embalmer, Opera House Block. nerneeseseirearesereresinsisseveeeear war -alae WE KNOW that Style and Workmanship are what sell goods YOU FIND IT in aur Cheat p and Medium OAR and ELM SIDE- BOAIiD«i and BEDROOM SUUITES. llTe are busy now but expect a greater rush. Better order early. W. 0. HUSTON ARTISTIC FVItN°I'I''uRE urniture that isnot only useful but a pleasure to the Eye costs no more than the other kind. It is only necessary to go to the right place to get it. "We can show you the prettiest and daintiest designs imaginable. The house beautiful the home comfortahle is made by the furniture in it. Do you know how easily- and cheaply this can Le accomplished ? A walk through our store will show. you. Here you will find Parlor Suites, Bedroom=Suites Diningroom Suites Chairs, Couches Tables, Springs Matresses In fact everything in the furniture line. ur large stock was bought before the raise in the price of furniture and we are giviving our customers the ad- vantage of these prices. UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING Rowe & Atkinson CHARLTON'S FAIR Well Balanced. It behooves a person to be as well- balanced in purchasing as in all other im- portant matters. It is probably hard to'. decide soxnetimes where to purchase and what to purchase but a well-balanced mind does not take long to decide that for bargains in many lines there is no place equals Charlton's Fair. Here are a few: CHINA TEA SETS. -12 plates, 12 bread and butter plates, 12 cups and saucers,,. with 13 piece Berry set to match for $5 50.:A daisy set and a bargain. DINNER SETS -See our dinner sets, old Willow pattern, the latest and swellest goods in the market.- CHINA PLATES -All •kinds of Fancy china plates from 10c. to $1 50. JARDINERS-2 for 25c., the price • of one. ,it -See our north window for China goods CHARLTON'S FAIR5'Exeter