HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-10-29, Page 5THE exeter brocate plaLSIXed crel7 Thursday Merging at the Ofgae. PKET_Pla. AOYPQATA Wittig QQMPANY TED= OF SIMCIMPHON. Onee Oellar pet aureate p4d la advance. at.ao it nek, eaf4.14. 74,0-Vgn#4,5‘171W attanol.ae.. Mane. ' paper dlarcatianned ntat5 all arrearagca mei= Adventism:este 5slitheat opeeletaidirecticas pakilshea ante. foxiild. and charged ereerdiaarZe. Liberal unmeant male ter trarasdeut advertimneeta iniaerted ter leng pentads. Raver, desarlatlea et I fkitiniNd terc.ed cat le the eaesa,atale,,i..and at moderate rates. Cheeenca. metleY cram &for 44vez. .4140g.. v-Intweig:or.; .oz., la o r..;,x4AV • MyabX? 9. • Sunders & eteeeb,. eeoreeproes IC. iten:4 gr.:Ill-ate of Tex,:ato DENTIST, rree,N cateractol zaatent we pad% sr a-• ea/ne Era Feasaals Mick. &Ten eata Exeter. lq,„ ALT' AN N TIST yrallasiodlieneatara'a,-ca:dty and iloyal 0, Manila F„..n.r.w-t., at laaaalea,, Alfa P•ai-t tont iLl'at".'agef.alnaz,l Fralhritz Ileateeere hilitaalcam,,idelliandVetx-744e In.70tes p.744 to 4tft. sexual ElKi4r4r pmdtar, 4 refie^,lig..biretie. an, Ivallalpte5sextratzl= tee24- 4:4=zecuctivr:OulbetCatlh-.7,Vm...5114e*Nulcr-: ft e ect. Taltc cold easily? Throat tendcr? Lungs wcak?: Any relatives have- Conautuption? :Theo dt cough ;Ilona a great her -Try:. . Pottote41- deal to you. Follow your doctor's advice and take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, It betalae strengthens* prevents. .vor Tear; I fuiVe depeadea ayeree fe'4e7r47 re -14,)441t Xcog COW bt Olal.V4IX0A. X XR-SMIX grtallabet...anew walla gaP.t-o. 414% P•MU Itootwooz W4Ao. tilatz„ ▪ ATAta errigs'-ats. Loitoii. Wett 's mere.. neer_ asset afedtcal .......... T. P. Ialf,ArlitiL13. 10-.31Tigil OP Tfig• Came rh0.'.c.lans and epropcas inatatIo„. hpdr.laa. eargega rest AtMathr..w. zr. Ugh - 'awl, 04. Wiats9h, OXIe feel geAdeare, $290 AIN', Laz,1123 Ott- iSieclal giectieu ckcOZ.-a lt,,V to 4 lomat Witstreovetaisetio. same tea stler:re Ccafets,-.-.'em Salitzrat.r/32.1 Vaa, $.11:7•ZtF tf.1 Qua ralcacI leanten. oderes. retet111X11.,,IPUlgr. 111. emetcs.41114-. It. inasoi Mietlatieera An7f:=Ir fortits ezra. Vcs terte aei retteeere ttete neve 6'03 ar.a.alla rd &DOA Ig-nzs InrMliktIN beta ananw, Wrzheal. The Molsons Bank 111 The Best Blown Pillager and Liver Regadator on earth GUARANTEE IT TO CURE Memento-tn. amine peseresse. tine newel% trons„lipans.a,.Sirk and aarwana likalatte, Nveralala andAeara lt-rniata, Feenalo Vaaa- pnalo 1Paglas, Nerv-43i Adelaans. Calor:la awl alitar OR WILL REFUND Tun MONEY we e7.w. xarai;.-„," mann:eat at Nanage's Herb, Oeetele reel ant eettentee et tame or retzerai the: raeaca ELECTRICURE efteeeeraireezieete reeee erimee c Ieveoe rkl.n14.-1 eeie ieleereeee 10174A, lar.14";1"71.4,4 t7.irs:73,ts tatIns rata. ar,c-,z,44!.at pa:Ter tn Omit Naga.;4117, 4^Ji CA -ET l2,-amor4r saw Ilbraat, iGirlatrabARanataalit'llia, CrEanit4ila, rtmue lainatalii. Araflavai.a. It eeeetaieeee.geige eureka elelteZe. reel la:nits:Se nereets erso test . entasreCRIFT.nar,zittlipraDreitgael. :,1V,A1709 • Tqa. .'llarmezloind ?Ay THE SAITBER wREcKED. Oeptain, Mot* and 011e of the Crew Leete Sat* Ste, Marie. hlich., Oct- The steamer W. F. Saither was wreck- ri d off White Fish Point; thirty miles rom here, yesterday, and Caeitain W. E. Morris and oiler Frau* Robineet0 v.'ez drowned. The rest of the creW 1 I nineteeu men were taken off the! Saber by the crew of the steamer ; )4'ale. The Yele's crew worked four houre rescuing the crew of the Seen I be,r, Robinson was pinched between g e yawl boet and the Yale. And Pireat beiore he couhl reach him, Cara Morris was en the deck of tiae 7 FlitellTrfailt:13e1r1.:47et, te$ttl.tas cr„..lepadbobieln or • et and he yeas bleven into the lake. at team oa Lantse Svaa....rior is report- ete fli.e eeers: years. The, ship carried a !eel ef irou ore fer La reThe Saubte vis own - eel by R. W.. Beefier ga: CleTV%rldx Was ?, ;Sit ifeet • v.,,,•9ran abnet *70,00-0,- STAeRT TiaLne W. / ste. rogth Tragazig.z. vim St Seek Ste. Marcie, Miele, Oct. el. J. S. Fachenthel, who is in charge of tiee Censolideted Leke Superier worka 1 in the dasenCe hia 4ether. ' 44 *het the save Wile. eilarq etnall • Venneer ant groand veoel pulp miii on the Canadian eidn ehite pulp mill Wen The plants to will be Started this week. and the he eteettel at once wiii employ sae men and provide work for Prie aI latleiher .0 be wilt into the woode to bring eet tie MateriaL J,iS eXpeeted that vart Of the Algoma Iron Works lea started aiao. to provide for repairs the plants operated, MPANIES INCORPORATED, mei Important Induetefee Men. Vetted in Tbe Ontario Gazette. oronto, Oet. 77. -Autong thoac witardrs oincorpora- Mice been granted aenn- tau:teed in this week's Ontario Gae ,re Joint MeNey e Seult Ste. ie and ©there, aS the Williams Me Comeante with a eapitel OrAttillia; J. N. Lake. R. S. lIudsil na 1. P. Murray, jtliepit Montgomery f Toronto, John Miller. Walkerton; W. J. L. IleKaata Orangeville, ae Sprouted Food toeutitany, with a cat+ tat of atoo,000; H. R. Robinson. C. 114 Thompeon, James Daugherty, Toronto:, G. E. Silveeter, Sitabitte, and W. Vanst dttsen of Toronto Junction, as the Au- talantie Ventliaiiiig aClosets Limited. MIINSEY 'SCHOOL BURNED. 111Mty Destructive Fires -Paper MlUs at Stratheona Destroyed. London, Out, Oct. 27. -The eld log echoelhottee at hiunsey, Where the twentieth amnia! exhibition of the Mini- sey Tecumseh Agriculturel Aseodation was haang held 94 Theredey, was hure ed to the ground, Loss $990., Meaforn. Oct, g7,--sFire yesterday at 4 O'cliacit tOtaily deStroayed two buildings on Trowbridge street,. own- ed by W. W. Stephen, and occupied by W. C. W. rns s geural store. and Ian Murray AS beat and shoe repeir shop, Insurance ou $.1,009 in Western Assuranee Co.; insuratieeon Mr. Burns' etock, $1.400 in Gore and $1,000 in AnglosAmerlean. Origin of are Holland Landing, Oct e7. -Wm. Tete, who lives one rail° and a quarter south of here. lest his house, barn ant season's crop by flee at 11.30 a.m. Yes- terday. Three horses also perietted in tine fire, one teem belonging to John Stephenson of dine place, and one hoese owned by Mr. Tete. The e is supposed to have originated from the threehing engine. Mr. Tate's 10513 W71111 be 44214. $1,20% partiaay insured. The whieb are awned by Mr. An- drew Dickson. are insured for aboet lase% Kingston, Oet Yesterdsted fire tees diecevered m the paper Leib.. at Stetatheone owned by W. J. Fins avid in spite of the heroic ttle village people. the whole works Were destroyed. lien of the 410ek wa- saved, Inn there was little or no snrenee, Mr. Finlay having only last Week cancelled aepoo inanranee on it. The building was insured for M00% Wiliell will only partly .over the loee. Mally ere threwn out of work by the fie;. The nionatty pay roll of ehe mill was Woo. The mill will not be re - India Wnapeg, Oct, tte. - There was a )1.•?.(00 fire at Calgary lest night. The retail store of T. lielfield was bedly damaged, but the blaze was checked after very hard work of the firelnell. Tile ineurance was *Tecate t A. Cummings. a Portage la Prairie fanner. lost les granary. end deo bu. allele of seed wheet, by fire yesterday. n mit O.!. e. Mr. Hen- ry J. .s residence near Water - down was destroyed by are early yes. terday morrnme The greater portion of ate contents were burnt. The female, had a riavrenv eeeepe atom injury. The origin of the fire WS nut been learned, Stratford, Oct, en, - Fire ale- stroyed the dwelling boute of Samuel 'Alcove of Wartburg on Sundey. The family were at elturele and on returnatg found the house ite flames. A bueltet brigade tried with poor success to put out the flames. There was a smell tn. surance, but as the house was burned to eaa around ate toe: will be about alexne OA:lard PaaNann.rati,, 3) Wed Its".abinZ. Anthorized....--83.00iatala el up Ceapital...•.• Kt • • • • 320;150.4211 erve Funtl.• • •• .....-... 2,740,178 JAS. umaurr, onsmu.:srANMaillt. ----ENETER BRANCH o 7,10 o 3 to en z4liarl.mcs 10 a.ea to I p.r.t. ikgeneral I emtel ng hitsille5S transacted 4 Maj t glad librintr4OL l'617M fait% Sattinp litarallie tram n mai Ratan% tratUv. ta, lotertat allarica bialaaa mutat ram, Daniel tzt'slaaann. N. la, Itrarana, K713iittaa, llama Bicycles We are still to the Merle trade tout thie year ehow time tine speci- mem. The CE (SU FRAMis the ideal wheel to ride. PrIeen mod- erate. New Pianos! Several- New Pianos just put in stock : newest styles ann the best nutkee. It will pay you to see them. Yon will be surprised at the LOW PRICES at 'winch we sell them. Organs of the Latest makes always in stock Sewing Machines &c. We are leaders in Sewing mt:. chines -the best machines that the trade o yroduces are n our floor for your inspection ; also repairs Need- les etc., for all kinds of sewing ma- chines, idways ou hand. Call and see us if in need of any of the above. S. MARTIN JtJg TM Noll The Exeter Grist Mill. . • The Exeter Grit Mill has been re modelled and is in f swing again, BETTER THAN • EVER . • prepared to attend to the needs of a their mny customers with a good supply of the noted Star Flour ON Hand We have plate choppers for fine Chop and aavolleefor.relling oats for horses. Seeing is Believing. Give Us a Siriali Harvey Bros. suecossors to .f. Cobbledick & Soo a little ten-year•old daughter of Geo- rge Brooks of Niigara, Falls was burn- ed to deiith, her clothing cattching fire from a stove, Allied= Drug Co, WOW ngton, t tt...UMIL.064 V11181740N, tit:4 tal ,.^6-z•;4, Euler _ The Immo I 3 ts end dIve. Fitzpet- rieuoef arhettfera.Yot is, count y.watk the grew 441 a pirtty %Wailing On 11131diti. pMiste, tl:tee bni their daughter Alan , %oly ilea Was maNa in num Mgt. to Mr, L. J.ittik.4 Mili,totio. of LI& pl tee. 4rn'1-ncerm eony wa, pet fornwd by the tone ea 'ea -Domani, of Itheattle. The bride. wha W4Eee iti a ry (Linty gown totre ' white te i, With lave and pearl t titimange and „nit tied a bompart, of bridal rows ei.ttt Ned with Malden hah It:tumid witilas,vuteled the dra log room, vs Well was artistieally 41e- Vorated With althorn* leenee, daillie121 Ingq Ill'el,1118 nd Virginia creeper, lean - g on the nrill of leer father. Tile bridesmaid Wati Moe Eva Fitzpateick. sister of the briar., who wore a meaty cost nme or twee 1:4•y conenne, with liter applique and caviled a bougnet of erimson roses, smilaa x nd feMr rn. . 1.AleCatehenna, of Listowel, assieted the gloom. The wedding march was played by Mrs. E. Armstrong, of To. Junto. ennein or the bride. _Aster eon- glattldations the gnests. VI* handred. rep tired to the dining room. which was beautifully deenra ted with evergreen, streamers, dahlias and autumn leaves. where an elaborate din- ner was served. ttetsts being proposed and letspnvided to. The attendan15, ten young ladies, wore muslin dresses, with bouquets of pink roses and seta veuir aprons. The entertainment of the evening consisted of speeches a nd games, while music was furnished hy the Cruthers Orchestra of Toronto. The gifte to the bride were handsome and costle. The bride's going away rostome u. as of navy lane cloth with a velvet tog tie to match. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs.. NS reside in Nlitehell. The many friendi bere join in yaishing Mr. Johnstone and bride every happiness. Eight cents a pound is what a young woman paid for twelve pounds of fleshs She was thin and weak and paid one dollar for a bottle of '.3cott's Emulsion, and by tak- ing- regular closes had gained twelve pounds in weight before tile bottle was finished: Eight cents a pound is cheap for such valuable ma- terial. Some pay more, some less, some get nothing for their money. You get your money's worth when you buy Scott's Emulsion. We will send you a little free. SCOTT & BOWNE, CHEMISTS, Toronto, soa. and Oe.00 all..druggists. Ontario. SLAUGHTER OF TURKS. Arabs Killed or WerendedtOne The sand Men. Constantinople. Oat. aes7eIt is now erinounced thet the military conunamt- ant, Ahmet PaS113, and the Governor The Province of .Azir, on the Red Sea coast of Arabia, were killed as he result of a revolt of two Arab tribe against the imposition of a new *attic tax, and that about a thotteatel Turkish troops were killed or wound - .d. The Turkish force was routed. About fifteen battalions of troop e Mese been despatched dither. General Hedy Pasha has been appointed commands er-in-eltief and Governor of Azir. A STEAMER nURNED. The Advance, Bound From Montreal. to Fort William, Destroyed. Sault Ste, Mande, Mich.. Oct. 27. --Tho steamer Advance, bound from Montreal o iaort WUUam.aitit a cargo of general merchandise, awns towed hero from .-o, Canadian Soo Sunday a. masa th! dames. %Ile lire was anally put out by the revenue cutter Morrell and a number of American tugs, but not -before the steamer had been scuttled. The vessel ls a. total loss. She Is Mid to be insured. Her cargo is partially covered by insur- ance. Col. Otter on the Manoeuvres. Ottawa, Oct. 27. - Colonel Otter, C. B., arrived in Ottawa from New York, having come directly to tue capital upon landing in order to report to the General Officer Commanding. Col. Otter said ;--"I was very much pleased with the manoeuvres in Britain. I thought they were more workmanlike theft the three previous manoeuvres which I attended. The conditions, too, more nearly resembled those of active service. The cavalry . reconnaissance w'ere excellent, and the work of the ar iillery was good. The marching of tlia infantry was capital, and their bearing throughout fine. They maintained their cheerfulness during some trying experi- ences, due to unpleasant weather. Op. portunity was given Us of observing the troops of both army corps, and we learnedsome practical lessons. We Were treated most courteously. The Canadian officers met Lord Robert% the Duke of Connaught, General Ian Hamilton and other military cel- ebrities. I had a very pleasant chat with Lord Roberts. and gave him te cordial invitation to ViSit 'Canada. lie said that he would be very glad to do so, but could not see • how, he could manage it for the presentee, To -day's Bye -elections. The baeselections 10 IVIUskoka and Sault Ste. Marieareto be held to day The Sault Ste. Marie constituency was rendered vacant by the unseating of Andrew Miscalimbell, the Conservative member, for illegal practices. His ma- jority was tnn. In MviskOka. the LibO cral member, the late Drtridgland, had a majority of 86., His death ren- dered a bye -election necessary. I Veterans Want Decent Burial. • Toronto, Oat, 27. --At the Meet- ing of .the Army and Navy Veter- ans la.st night a reselutiott was 'miss- ed apprAntink 'a committee to wait on th Qntario over -nm n . the Province May in future undertake the burial of all army and navy veterans, so that there may be no chance of the rerhains of any old soldier- or 'sailor ce• ing handed OVer to the School of ..,n- atomy •• WORK ,OF ONE SMALL BOY. ephen Prince Charged With a Do. zen Robberies in Toronto. Toronto, Oet. at. - The mys. tery of 'a dozen robberies wilicih for two weeks puzzled the pollee department has been cleared up by De- tective Mackie, who yesterday arreat- ed Stephen Prince, a thirteen -year- old boy, living at le Spadina avenue. Prince at first dented the thefts, but afterwards admitted his guilt in every case mentioned be the detective. Prince has been going about selling needles, laces and other small articles, and when nobody answered the door bell, it would seem that lie had made it bis business to find out who and what was inside. On two occasions he was detected in dining -rooms, and when spoken to said he was Ong through to the kitchen to see 21 he could make a sale of his wares. Prince touched nothing but purses and money, and in each robbery he was fairly suc- cessful. FOR CHAMBERLAIN. Free Trade Association Declares For Him and His Policy. London, Oct. 27. -The annual con- gress of the National Free Labor As- sociation, with an enrolled membership of four hundred thousand, yesterday adopted by 24 votes to 18 a resolution hailing with delight Mr. Charnberlain's fiscal policy, and pledging the congress to further the policy of preferential tariffs. Mr. Chamberlain, writing to Mr. Forrester, a municipal candidate in Birmingham, says he greatly regrets giving up the great work of the Co- lonial Office, but he believes it was best for the sake of the cause he has at heart The letter concludes: -"Be- lieve me, it is the cause of the work- ingmen, and unless we are content to fall back upon the condition of a sec- ond Holland, and be a distributing and not a manufacturing nation, we must wake up and meet the new conditions confronting us." TELEGRAPH' BREVITIES. The Northwest Legislative Assembly eetijst Regina on Thursday. It has been decided -J ,exhibit a colony of liVe beavers in the Canadian section or the „St. Louis Exposition.' The annual meeting .Of stockholders of the Consolidated - Lake Superior Company Wad' held at New Haven; Oonn. • ,The Canadian Club's banquet to Mr. A. Aylesaierth, X.C., will be held at the, 'King Edward 'Hotel on Monday evening 'next. . The French bark Savoyard was wreck- ed near „Brest, and thinty-one ot hei crew, the captaints wife and four ca.-ei women were lost. ' .The authorities of Rialey College, St. Catharines, are arranging for temporary quarters, and expect to resume work in- side of two weeks. . , At Portland, Ore., the first indictment was returned in a series of charges in- volving, it is alleged, gigantic frauds oy United :States Government land , agents. ,.'7udge Hughes of Elgin County, Juag4 WlIllarn Emot , of Middlesex, Judg4 01Bi1en of Prescott and Russell, judv Deacon. of Renfrew, and Judge Woods Kent, County WAll be retired. under the new act, . 1 POLICEMAN MURDERED. CONSTABLE BARRON OF HAM- ILTON SHOT BY BURGLARS, Two. lYfen Waited for Him Instead, of FesoaPingendIe Went in Answer re. Mille CaR for Help, Was UntuertedeeCenencil Offer a ReWard tg. $404,, IlanliltOrk. Oct, :V. -Police COnStable James Barron was shot by a eupposed burglar about Lee Monday morning, and died at the City, Hoseital at Ls yeeterday. Two men were 4 posed to be in the act of enoning Mr. J. Bidwell Mills' residence un Catherine street north, and Mrs. Mills, seeing them neer an electric light e the corner of Catimi ine and Gore street% shamed from a window i'vr the waded. The men, instead of eau-t- en:1;d eal;e:.Y- sPit e cakrr to: tillreea side of Cite Solieitor Macidrd etean's cal], an. in a snort tune was pa the spot, Mre. Mille. whose on mid daughter were in the house with her, Mr. Mills being away from the city, watched the conetable ea he approaert- ed the two men, and *she heard ere: the pair say; "Held up your hende, or you"re a deed maul" The speaker fired three shot, M repid euccessioe, Mr. Barron returned to the etreht frein Mr. Maeldeleart's nerd just ;titer the shooting, and went along Cather- ine greet to Gore street. On Gore etreet the eemelable blew his whietle, and Mr. Hugh Spence. Liberty Street, went to his assistance. The am - butane* was Call4 and the wounded man was removed to the hospital. lettere Drs. White, Dillabaugh. Olmeted and the hospital staff did what they could for bine The bullet was located in the muscles el the constable's bad-, it having struck one of the lower ribs entering the body just belowthe and its course then was down- er and through the bowel*. Inflam- mation set M ehottly utter the wOund had been inflicted. end after an opera- tion lasting ebout two hours the doe - tors intimated that the wound neigat prove fatal. As to tbe motive for the crime, Mrs. storx that the shooters lied in- tended an Injury to he; husband, or some other member of her family, be- cause of newspaper articles front his pen, 13 not regarded eriously by the authorities. 'limy think the two in- dividuals are burglars, and they tetrad evidences of an attempt having been made to enter lk.fr. MacIdelcan's resi- dence. Mrs. Mills said the two men acted as though they were going to try to break into he tame when she gave the alarm that resulted so seriously for poor Barron. What is regarded by some as a more probable motive than either of these was revenge ou the con- stable. just why any person. should seek his life has not yet come to the surface, but the circumstances, of tbe shooting would indicate that it was the officer the marauders were after, not burglars' "swag." One outcome of the shootiag is that the police on eight duty bencetorth will be armed. About twenty years ago the firearms were taken front them because of one of the men on the force having made an injudicious use of his revolver, but at a special meeting of the Board of Police Commissioners this afternoon it was agreed that the arms sitould be re- stored to the night men. Chief Smith informed the commissioners that the wounded constable had not even a lan- tern with him. If he had had one the Chief thought it would have been an advantage, as the officer would then have been in the dark, while the pair waiting for him would 'have had the light on their faces. The men quit carrying the lanterns some time ago because the lanterns leaked, and the men's uniforms were being soiled by the oil therefrom. It was suggested by the Mayor that a reward be offered for pthaertecjaspture and conviction of the guilty At the City Council meeting Ald. Domville and Biggar moved that a reward of teoo be offered for infor- mation that would lead to the arrest and conviction of the men who made the murderous assault on Policeman Barron early this morning. Ald. Bir- rdl criticized the management of the police force, and objected to police- men being sent around to hotels to act as spies. Ald. Findlay expressed the belief that the local force was badly managed, and thought it time. the Police Commissioners made aome important changes in the management. Mayor Morden said he had never heard any instructions given to the po- lice to watch hotels. Ald. Allen sug- gested that the reward be made er,coo. The Seco reward was decided on. No arrests have been made in connection with the shooting of the policeman. Those of the policemen on duty to -night who had revolvers Or could borrow them were allowed to go armed. They will likely all be pro- vided with firearms hi a few days. DEFENCES OF THE DOMINION. Lord Dundonald Addresses Ottawa Canadian !Club. • • Ottawa, Oct. 27 -Lod Dundonald de- livered the inaugural address at the first luncheon of the recently formed Canadian Club yeaterday. The chair was taken, by the President. Lieut.-Colenel A.. P. Sherivoad. The general officer spoke upon the militia of Canada. He expressed his preference for a citizen army, With sPe- cialistS far purposes of instructionrather than a iarge standing army. He elabor- ated the plan outlined in Parliament re- cently by Sir Frederick Borden for the creation of a force of 100 0(0 as a first Hire of defence, and the utilization of reserves to form a second defmielve line. Without money, however, it was impossible tn ren- der a militia force efficient, The moral underlying his theme was that ,to pre- serve neace.you must be prepat•ed for war. The General's remarks -were received with a good deal of enthusiasm. - Nelson 1)umond Released. Windsor, Oct. '26.--Ne1son Dumancl, who pleaded guilty to stealing. two diamond rings from Miss Maria Richards a short time ago,was released Saturday ,on sti8- pencled sentence after making restitution for the loss and paying the costs; on con- dition that lie appear 'again If called upon:' EXETER tiLi„ CHANGED EAolt WEDNESDAY Wheat.. - Barley . . Oats Fees . . Potatoes, per Hayper riour, per ewt., Butter.- „ ........ Hides, per MO Live hogs, per cwt.—. Dressed Shorts per Mt. - Broil per ewt....-...- 1111 Stuffed Up bat's the condition of mane sufferer" frore catarrh, especially in the moraine Greatdifdeelty is experienced in eleate in the bead and throat, No wonder eataerh eauees he4wbe mpaire the taste, emelt aed, heartaga pollutes the breath, deranaes the denee aele and affects the apeet!re. To mere eaterrh, treetment muse 'be. cometitetional-alterative aad ei WAS lit or four neaatTas with catarrh in the head and throat- Had 3 bad cough elad releed tepee. 1 bad heroine att. Mragett when heebeca feeught e bat* et Sareaemilla eve Feceladed to try it. I adelee all eo teke it, It eureil and built Me LIFO Mg% Mgt Aft* 01,111,, West 'Anemia N. .1100C1'S %Fars *aril a Cures eetarrh-eIt oothes and etre cue the MUCOUSmeuihrano and brillib U p the wbole ayetem. GOO 11811 Of Caitaila HEAP OFFICE, ZIONTftEat, /1111•,, Pettl the Reat 0,000,000 3,700,000 A gaaerall Daniklue leiterest at meat latex-4de cisio-In, Sidgs r.eee seeensteeto testate COMIntrrital of'Crelaava,'„IatdoiSi ChE1g4 .1791.111 And o1her1ae2gar4.1p1r,11.3 Tralielbsq Letter& et Cadabnt trattliera allparta at dna multil, Tilfia MITE, Onar.rea. Manare, C.P.REBTAN, 42? ,t ts15Pum-sates CREDITON, ONT. W. S. OHISHOLM, Ma eager. Cook's Cotton Root Comp/sad. !maws, atavolite, Ts the only cafe. relktbil regulator on wham woman eau depend "in the aurae and thine of need." Prepared In two delves et strength. No. 1 and L1 3. No. 1.-Ner orteentry ewe ta by far tha bat dense' medicine Imown. No. 2 -Por special ealle9 -10 degree!! stron_ger-three dollars per box. Ladles-oslc your druggist for Coatis! Cotton Root Compound. Take no other as all Tails, mixtures and imitations ars dangerous. No. 1 and No. 2 are cold and recommended by ail druggists in the Do. xrdnion of Canada. Mailed to any addreall on receipt otprice and four II -cent postage !Stamm Wile 4/5101g Company, 1Vindsori Oats No. I aud No, are sold in Eatt,, 3 1. lira. Lutz watt Drewiting. Druggists. 1,000 TOMS FOR PRES,ANO FOR -WHICH HIGHEST MARKET PRICES WILL BE PAID. Andrew Icks, CENTRALIA Portland Cement We bave just received a quan- tity of the best grade of Port- land Cement. Can be bed at hoth Exeter and Centralia Warehouses. Grain Wanted Wheat, Oats and Batley, for which full market prices will be paid at the storehouses in Exeter. Centralia and Clandehoye. Jos. Cobbledick. CREpITON zR /us RoLL tIoD*DO*Wn0Deenn,dtC-0dQdetniet*C-0 We are giving: excellent satisfaction since Re- modelling our mil'. GRISTING and CHOPPING - DONE PROMPTLY. SW.EITZER