HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-10-22, Page 8# .. ! Men's, Yontbs' and Boys' new $2.25 for Ladies' Gine gingQuality
veli, ontra nobby overcoats, A big range. At walking shoes. Easy fitters, Great
Stewart's, wearers, at Stewart's,
i For tender, perspiring or offensive
Mottos feet try Foot Erse. It always gives
relief. Sold by 0, Lutz, Exeter.
prottOvens, of Loudon, surgeon, ocn
1 .l11. list and specialist, diseases eye, ear,
nose and throat, will be at the Com-
Dr.ranerciai Hotel, Exeter, Wednesday,
November 4th; Wed, December 2nd,
Is you blood thin and pale? Do you
suffer from nervous or physicial debit-
i ty. nervous headache, loss of appetite,
etc.? You will find Blanad's La.xaatrve,
blood, nerve and tissue pills a never
feeling remedy, Sold by 0, Lutz, drug -
'here can be ,no assi-
faultble ith
vier appearance z the
clothes are. measured
t . an ear ert way,
wee_ T X ._- ""
The Style of g irmente we mike is a
dent guairaantee of first-class work.
Ali the ;blew up-to-date
- A ,N J'1 PA.N TIN GS.
fariti ea . ?de es swig down,
'I'0,wwt Tailor,.
Sale Bills.
A, swell lot of ladies' elotli rauelfot
lined capes. $4.40 to $35 at Stew-
Get your sale bills printed, at the AD seer Apprentices s Watetee.
vocaTl office. We e arry one of the g.p wanted M e learn
malting, apply to. Mise Tom..
largest and best stocks of display type
in Western Ontario, Our printing al-
ways gives satisfaction and prices are
To be. Enlarged,
Workmen are engaged in taking out
the earth for the foazndation of a new
addition to be erected to the rear of
Dr, Browning's vacant building north
of the drug store. Heaving leaaeed the
ppremises to be cased asua store the doe -
gist, Exeter, eelee ;/0 per bottle. 11)01 for will have another story pat on the
pills in each bottle.
A meeting of the officers and direc-
tors of the Stephen and Usborne Agri I
eulteraal Society was held at the Oen.
teed Hotel a week ago. A report
of the prize moneys was received and
building, thus retaking it mach mote
commodious, a a.ttraetive incl suitable
for which it Wilk be occupied.
Auot1iev Hundred,
We understand that Reeve Carling
has ,just received aa, cheque for $100
nrdere were issued in payment or l front the daughters of te hlate alr,
the va4 coals eceoaantS et% ee}l mel:ionn W4 cal, (!ase,. theaaanorinnt to be placed in
with the recent fall showthe Permanent Cemetery Fund, lately
established , Thomas Hatter, Exeter Nprtln,; by the Council et Exeter,
lr'sthe interest a?cer aiiu g to be applied each
handed ansa sugar beet grown an her ; year to keeping the tinnily burial lot,
ggardenwiele>h tipped. the scales ant over : ee p y p
seven and a half poralnds, 'ilii$ is re- trimmed, and ILA ;oaf order. This ac-
n large species of the sugar
soz►sicle>rntOn t' and calt of uneehe adal nle is
Beet which rarely grow to such large strongly lunge others to male likewise
to know
wh, :alas, grate>m Would lice larovisiun ftor the perpetuatl care of
to kung ache can Basket t• this, their beriaal plots, either by alel►ositinea
Tlta� aalnni� eaf B:a�t:et !call! that tivas to say $100, in this perpetual ftnanci, of by
.. , , reborn! ,.. .
,naac 1'eea► played, on the making the necees.nzy provision in their
t,rcaumds on I^ dial 1. last between the wills. Any person wishing nnfortin:a-
-- Sh alttroeks" and "" Maples°' was post- Beta regarding this ptaenunnent cenne-
101wai tar :alotnalay, resuting ;n favor' tory fund scan r ec1+ive same 1.I apply -
of the Shamrocks by a score of ?-.z. Ing to Reeve cinung.
The game roved very interesting
a-assthronghout maicontesting teams put,.
ting forth every effort to *sin.
Mr. Thos, Otndware, Qf town met
as rather = 1 -
r<tinful a self nt orines.
a' mewling last, He bad delivered
circa. potatoes at the ree•tory and was
bout toreturn home when the horse
was driving turned rather sIou ly
ore be had control of the lines, Mr..
(�c �k
• I))LJfa.• .
„�.s 4
Ticar lul i' t la,t cal dinner sets we
nave sc>r••¢o alad the best values tori.
t Stewert's.
Life is Ea of Mils and if it wasn't
the 1.Yevye'aa would, become vagrants.
aali tlw goon son eau now and
wait !oa'tii z'a•nalaanx .'w to do yeaatrmeaan-
1't-li aa, a line thins; it waaald be if mil-
lionaires had daughters enough to 1;0'
aaaaAialli a!i,
lh1e sa *, Uaav king & Son have puts
elr a al :a- ap iendad driver from Mr.
The aaver.age woman can always de-
to t n Ottery except when it is lavished
upon hersilf.
One thing we like abont the good old
past ie ttvlt nobody sings
them rang inose,
You are a good fellow in the estimaa-
tion of come people as long as yam bend
the knee to teen.
lla.'.t Wood has taken possess-
ion oaf the hones she recently purchased
front :1'ii'. I. Snaith.
The !!lest proportioned man living,
is t1t lawny whose lungs is out of pro-
portion with his brains.
The man who has, sense enough to
take advice usually smart enough to
think it up for himself.
A horse belonging to the Sutherland
limes Co. diem on Saturday -night last
from internal troi►blo.
"iadit►ore lost his ledaanee and was
a out of the rig, sustaining se4_
bruises on the head besides free -
airing some rills and being otherwise
"barkers up.
The Court a P.Qvtt;aiou of the Voters'
List for the village of l.xeter was held
in the Town Hall.
on Iradigl
Judge Doylp.sidio; Mr. L. H.
Dickson Was
present in behalf of the
Das sery ativa.'s while Mr, F. W. Mad-
man was looking after the interests of
the Reformers. There were seventy-
four appeals, in all,asfoliows; Conserv-
;Alves added twenty-nine, struck off
twenty-one. Reformers added eight;
strand; off sixteen, thus making a gain
of twenty -sic for the Conservatives on
the whole.
W, C. T. Y' ?rotes,
While Dr. Lorenz, the famous' Vien-
nese surgeote who hoe performed oper-
ations of so wonderful a mature, es to
astonish the vurld, ws; this
be told a friend that he never allowed
himself to indulge, even to the slight-
est, extent, in alcoholic beverages, be-
c,ause he lead. found it detrimental to
the steadiness of his nerves. Be said.
he believed a man who had human life
at stake was in duty bound. to avoid
everything thatmade !rim less than
his best. lket•e is food for thonght. It
is reasonable to suppose that Da;
Lorenz would never have succeeded in
his service to humanity as be has, had
he not been iaen absoluteto master of
hirmself, Such self-mastery is the price
dress -
Msss B,. Hall .spent Sunday in Sea'
Mr. John Rendle has recovered from.
his recent illness,
Miss Iarwin spent Thanksgiving with
friends in Goderich.
Miss Dorrington spent Thanksgiv-
ing with friends in Alviston.
Mrs. Hervey, who bas been visiting
in Ailsa Craig, has returned..
Mrs, R. B. Samuel speet the holiday
With friends in London,
Mrs. W. G. Illesett spent Theultsgiv-
ing with friends in London,
Mr. E. J. Spackman was in Toronto
on business a few days this week,
Miss Livingstone, rriilliuea; spent
Thm sday last at her home in Blyth.
Mr. and Mrs, ZL'lan, Grigg spent a
few days in London during the week.
Mrs, Hey, of Wallaceburg, is visit-
ing at Mr. James Stewart's, Hain
M". F. 1. 'Nam, manager Sovereign
.Pito!;, returned from a business trip to
Montreal Tuesday.
;firs, (Rev. Dr.) Hannon has ret Ilene(
front n visit with her daughter, Mrs
Mallet, of Chatham.
Mrs, Joint T. Westeatt and Miss
Clara Ondinore spent ak couple of days
in Sealorth last week,
The James street Methodist church
choir reeoguized in a very happy man-
ner the other evening the worth of one
of their number. Miss Nellie Davidson.
who moved with her parents to Lon-
don last week, by presenting her with
;o beantiftnl clock. Miss Davidson has
been a mach valued member of the
choir for a number of years, and
being possessed of a strong and power-
ful voice her place will not be easily
filled, This is thesecond valued mem-
ber that has been removed from the
choir within the past few weeks, Miss
Hooper having also gone to London
and whose excellent services were c
e alsa
recognized by way of a presentation in
the shape of a jewel ease.
Large quantities o£ sugar beets are
SaAng shipped
,Q.Dber to the Drsden;ugr Re-
Everybody wnntsMooney Biscuits.
They are the best. Stewart sells'
Mr.I'rRobt, :a ells moved his house-
hold effects to Detroit last week, where
the family evil!
For young calves and pigs, young
turkeys and chicken, English Stock
Food is just the thing. Give it a trial.
Sold by C. Lutz, Exeter.
Miss Mildred Godwin, contributed
several selections at the sacred concert
in V ietoria street Methodist church,
Goderich, 00 Thanksgiving night:
Mr. Wm. Harding has moved from
the residence he recently sold to Mr.
Phil R,)wcliffe to the residence recent-
ly vacated by Mr. Nelson Reddy, An-
drew Street.
Invitations are out for the marriage
of Miss Ida Margery Johns, daughter
of Mrs. D. Johns, of Exeter, and Mr.
Wm. T. Goodison, of Sarnia, to take
place on November 4th.
Get your winter supply of mangels,
of suer*ss ererywvliere In chis age.
Only the clear brain and the stead,
hand can hope to achieve those results
that mate a great and good name.
Died at Devil's Lake.
The following taken Grand Fork'
(Dakota) Herald of Oct. Q th, has refer'
ence to the death of a former resident
of Eeteter.—Mrs. John Henley, aged .13
years. died at the family home at
Devil's Lake Monday morning very
suddenly. The deceased was a sister
of Register of Deeds Hancock, of this
city; John Hancock, taf Mc1:inock, and
William, Frank and Sidney
Thanksgiving Day was generally but
quietly observed in town on Thursday
. t
last. There was nothing p y
to mark the:event of thanksgiving
observance any more than the usual
number of sports with gun in hand,
the closing of business places, the in-
flux of visitors and the usual Thanks-
giving services in the churches, A
union service was held in the Presby-
terian church, at which addresses were
delivered by resident ministers and a
collection taken up in aid of the poor
of the town. There was also service
held in the Trivitt Memorial church,
the Rev. A. Farney, of Aylmer, occu-
pying the pulpit.
turnips, carrots, beets, parsnips, red
and white cribbage, (Kohl Rabbi) cauli-
flowers and alt kinds of vegetables.
Louis Day,
Market gardener, Exeter.
Owing to the heavy crop of an ex-
cellent sarn.ple of apples hundreds- of
barrels are being packed 'and shipped
daily from this section, consequently
our coopers are kept on the jump—far
from being -able to supply thedemand.
• Stewart pays the highest price in
either cash or trade for butter, eggs,
dried apples, large onions and all
farm produce.
We have in stock the best supply of stoves and furnaces, to-
gether with alt Mixings, ever exhibited in Exeter, We carry all
the best makes,
Oei . entSe
We keep constantly in stock the National and Star Brands
ofbest Pax'tlatnd,Genaents, conceded by all competent judges to be the
in the inaarket,
The S. W. P.
Refere you begin to paint your house or anything else be sure
to get the best paint possible for the money and at the same tim -
give the best 'satisfaction and longest wear.
We have the largest stock of hardware in town--Eavetrough-
ing and builders' supplies especially, For Force or lift pumps call
on lase
AiYi KANA'9 48✓ SON.
Mrs. Fhurnplrrey, who has visited
here for some tune, has returned to
her home in Parkhill.
Mrs. Oonuor and child, Exeter forth
has left home to spend. a month with
friends on the "other side."
Dr. Rollins, who has been on a visit
to relatives in Detroit and Flint, Mich.,
returned home on Monday.
Miss Millie Martin, who is attending
the Model school at Goderich, spent
the Thanksgiving holidays here.
Mr. and, Mrs, D. Mill and daughter,
a s rein holt-
scant: Tlz rtl, ,
Miss Annie
,,A a g
days with friends in London,
Messrs. E. W. Horne. E. J. Christie
and. Dr, Kinsman attended the ball at
Clinton on Thursday night last.
Mr. O. McPherson, who has been in
Brantford over a year, has returned
hone and is attending the High school
Miss Jean Ha wkshaw, after a pleas-
ant visit with friends in London, St.
Marys and Seaforth, rettuaued home
Mr.and Mrs.Ed. Greenwaay:,w Ino Were
n adincecl., the nests of Dr. and Mrs. Itoltrns,
of Emeraltla. She had been ailing for g
sande time of stomach trouble, bat returned. Monday to their .bonne in
during the past week her= condition Crystal City, Man.
was considered as much improved.
A husband and riven children survive.
Mr. noel Mrs. Henry Hancock left for
Devils Lake last night to attend the
funeraI,wiuch will be held on Wednes-
day. Mrs. Henley was a woman of
a most lovable eharacter, the only
daughter in a largo family-. In their
bereavement the family will have the.
sympathy of hosts of friends in this
county, tas well as in the Devils Lake
School Board Minato,
Meeting of the Board held in the
Town Hall, Monday. Oct, 19, with all
members present. The following is
the order of busiuess duly submitted
and approved. Per chairman minutes
of previous meeting. Per IL Huston
and G. Eacrett, that the following itc-
connts be approved:—J. A. Stewart,
brooms, 75c.; I. Smith, locks, $1.05.
Per W. J. Carling and G. Eacrett, that
the increase of salary from $400 to $450,
applied for by Miss A. E. Dorrington,
be granted. Said increase to take ef-
fect from Jan. 1, 1004. Amendment
lost that the increase be $25. Support-
ers S. Martin and J. Fvans. Per S.
Martin and W. J. Carling, that H. E.
Huston be held as the Board's repre-
sentative to the Provincial Education-
al Association Convention for 1904.
Subject, however, to the approval of
the Board for that year. Per W. J.
Carling adjournment.
The following taken from the Free
Press on Thursday, has reference to
the marriage of a young lady well
known to many here, she being a sister
of Mrs Geo. Anderson of this place,
and has been here several times on a
visit, "A quiet but pretty wedding
took place last evening at the home of
Mr Robert Elsie, York street, this
city. when his daughter, Ada, and Mr.
Burley Doyle were united in marriage
by Rev. H. D Moyer, of Belmont.
Guests were present from Petrolea,
Woodstock, Delaware, Exeter, Sarnia
and Thamesford. Upon there return
from a trip to Detroit and other West-
ern points Mr. and Mrs. Doyle will take
up their residence in this city.
C01.-i= 1
Now is'the•tinse to 'prepare
for the cold and inclement
weather. Prepare for it by
ordering a snit fr•om us—the
very best at low prices..
will interest yon about now
and we can -give -you the
1ttestin a "Chesterfield" or
,Double - breasted Overcoat
in a Tweed, a Beaver or a
Perfect Fitting
Lowest Prices
ej 0 N
Opposite the "r""�y (� t f. r
Post office
J. Grigg, Sec'y.
Thankszivink Visitors.
The following spent Thanksgiving
holidays here:—Miss Charlotte Drink -
water, of London, the guest of Miss
Nettie. Walters; Mr. and Mrs. J. R.
Inksater, of Paris, and Dr. and Mrs.
Holloway, of Winghaw, guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Welsh; Miss Amey
Johns, Woodstock; Mr. WallaceHicks,
Brantford; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Westa-
way, of Toronto, Charles and Percy
Westaway, Brantford, guests of Mr.
and Mrs. A. Ford; Mervyn Huston,
Parkhill; Harry Huston, Clinton; Geo.
Knox and Geo. Vosper, Toronto; Mrs.
Chas. Eacrett, Sarnia; Frank Ross,
Chatham; the Misses Griffin, London,
guests of Mrs. Ed. Christie; Geo. Den-
nis, Hamilton; Mrs. A. E. Bennett and
daughter, Gretta, and Miss VeraHawk
show, London; Mrs. and Miss Holmes,
Blyth, the guests of Mrs: (Dr.) Rollins;
Miss Effie Gidley, Blyth, the guest of
her grandparents; Mr. and .Mrs. Josh
Inwood, London; the guests pf,Mr. and
Mrs, S. Sanders; Miss Minnie Pump-
hrey, of Parkhill a guest at Mr. Charl-
Mr. Pringle Morley, who has been.
the guest of his brother, John Morley,
is now visiting friends in this vicinity,
prior to returning to his home in
Cleveland, Ohio.
Uncle wear1urwantat ��r
eared a number of excellent values which we know will
appreciatedby our many customers,
Women's Underwear.
Ribbed wool,very fine quality, warranted
long sleeve, buttou down front, nntua'ul colo
Ladies' Vests.
Fine Ribbed Wool, high neck mid long slee're, Welted with heavy
wool trimmings, Special ,,.-,.... ., ..... ........ ... .
Medium weight, nicely trimmed and button* front, full sizes, Special,.. ,50
Very Wee quality, tine weave, union, lace trimming, suitiable for
fall wear, extra value at ,.... .. ...•....,•..,.....• ..............•..25
Full Range of Drawers to match
Special attention given to Children's Underwear
1 { �' w :lush finish ^, See them.
*nil lall„e of the l:iP ]? l�
Men's Underwear
Plain Scotch wool, small medium and outside sizes. I3ig stock to aiele
See our Pure Wool Blankets,
Mr. and Mrs. John Womsley, who
have recently returned from a visit to
their son near Halifax, N. S., are here
spending n few days with Mr. and Mrs
Sam'l Buckingham.
Mrs. Chas. Linclenfield and daughter
Miss Annie, returned to Dashwood,
Saturday after spending the past two
months with the former's daughter,
Mrs. Charles Cann.
Miss E. J. Cunningham, after speud-
ing n few days in London, returned
home Monday, accompanied by Miss
Barclay, of that city, who will visit
here for a few days.
Mrs. Samuel Faanson, who ' has been
in London for the past three years
undergoing treatment,has fully recov-
ered from her trouble and was able to
return home last week.
Mr. Samuel Downie, a former resi-
dent of Exeter and late of Iowa, has
recently moved to Carstairs, Alta.,
about forty miles from Calgary, where
he is engaged in a land agency.
We lave
of tea slarrznk, high Week,
A successful concert took place in
Gidley's Opera House, on the evening
of Thanksgiving Day, under the aus-
pices of the Ladies' Aid of the Main
street Methodist church. Rev. God-
win, the pastor, occupied the chair.
The program consisted of solos, instru-
mentals, choruses, etc., by local talent
and a solo by Miss Amey Johns, of
Woodstock, all of which were well re-
ceived. A pa rticularly interesting fea.
tore was the stage coach chorus of
about thirty voices, the owners of
which wore costumes that were in
vogue many years ago. Some of these
costumes were over one hundred years
old and still were beautiful though not
in accord with the modern idea of
dressmaking. That a goodly number
were in attendance is shown by the
proceeds which amounted to $87.
A. good farm-hand to work on a Cal-
ifornia foothill farm. Inquire ,at this
Felt. gale.
13 head of steers, 2 and 3 years old,
good feeders for winter. Apply to
John Spackman, Exeter:
or Joseph Brenner,' Grand Bend.
eleitey Found.
A sum of money, picked up in Man-
sion 1 -louse shed. Owner can have
same by proving ownership and pay-
ing for this notice by calling on James
For 15 Cents.
The ADVOCATE will be sent to any
address for the balance of the year for
15 cents. Make a present to a friend
at a distance with a paid -in -advance
subscription to the Arnie. .TE.
Sailor Boy Tea, Japan. • B1ack or
mixed; for 25c. Cant beat it. Ste-
ton; Miss Cora McPherson.
The Sovereinu Bank of Canada.
At a meeting of the directors of the
'Sovereign Bank of Canada held 00
Oct. 14th, at the executive "offices in
Montreal, with Mr. H. S. Holt, Presi-
dent, presiding, a dividend was de -
dared for
e-clared'for the quarter ending October
31; at the rate of le per cent., being . at
the rate of 5% per annum. This is the
second quarterly cli ridend paid by this
bank, and it is uriuerstood that the pro-
fits are largely` in excess of the divi-
dend requirements. The assets are
over $7,000,000, a really remarkable
growth, and this is largely due to the
determination on the pot t of the man-
agement to not only do a good,
sound business, but to be obliging,.
civil and accommodating toits cos
tomers, two facts which have gone a
very long way towards building up the
present excellent banking business
which the
now transact. The facili-
of the Sovereign Bank for doing
business both in and out of Canada are
of the best, their correspondents in
foreign countries being: housesof the
highest possible standing and :repute.death had taken place.
Readquartcrs for W. E, SANDFORD'S READY-TO-WEAR Clothing.
rce af + atica cadeaac-A-4,4%.•,ata..>nar
Furniture and. Undertaking.
that Style and Workmanship are what sell goods
in our Cheap and Medium OAE and ELM SIDE-
now but expect a greater rush. Better order early.
Practical Embalmer, Opera House Black.
-Sad Shooting Accident. rtTRIsTITURE
The memory of the Thanksgiving
holiday will be saddened for the resi-
dents of Sodom and the surrounding
community by the shooting accident
that carried bereavement into the
home of Mr. John Smith. On that
day their son, John H., in company
with Mr. Silas Stanlake, Jr., and a
number of others were shooting in Mr.
Henry Isaac's woods. The latter had
shot a rabbit and young Smith, hear-
ing the: report of the gun and the re-
marks of the other young men that
the,rabbit had been shot, `immediately
proceeded to the spot of the shooting.
On discharging the gun, as is the usual
custom, Mr. Stanlake proceeded to re-
move the empty shell from the gun.
Thinking it was necessary to have
both locks of the gun cocked in order
to assist in the process of removing
the shell he raised the hammers and
was about to set off the action when
the hammer on the charged barrel
went down, the lock being 'defective,
and the gun; was discharged. Young
Smith, by this time was just peering
through a thicket of underbrush im-
mediately in front of. Mr. Stanlake and
received the full contents in the abdo-
men. He threw up bis arms aand ex-
claimed "I'm shot," and falling to the.
ground expired almost instantly. The
affair is indeed a sad one and it will
be hard for the parents to realize fof
many a day to come that the young
man whom they knew so well and who
was so full of life has disappeared for,
ever from their midst. Death is said
under any circumstances but when
the sad message comes this way the.
shock is always the more severe, its
grimness all the more terrible and the
grief all the more intensified. Mr.
Stant:Ike feels his position very keenly,
while the deepest sympathy will be
felt for the bereaved ;family.
urnitu e that is not only useful but a pleasure to the •
J Eye costs no more than the other kind. It is only
1Z� Y
necessary to go to the right place to get it. We can show you the
prettiest and daintiest designs imaginable. The house beautiful the homed.,
comfortable is made by -the furniture in it. Do you know how easily and
cheaply this can he accomplished ? A walk through our store will show
you. Here you will find
Parlor Suites,
Bedroom Suites
Diningroom Suites Chairs, Couches
Tables, Springs Matresses
In fact everything in the furniture line.
ur large stock was bought before the raise in the price of
T g. g r the ad-
vantageurnzture and � e are lvlvin our customers b
of these rices.
St. Catharines, Oait.,Oct. 16. -Albert
Markle, superintendent of the Lincoln.
Electric Light Company. while doing
repairs on St.Paul ".street this morn-
ing, came in :contact with live wires,
and was almost instantly killed. The
body was taken to De.Hooper's office,
but medical aid was unnecessary, as
Well Balanced..
It behooves a person to be es well-
baktnced in purchasing as in all other im-
portant matters. Itis, probably hard to
decade sometimes where to purchase and
what to. purchase but a well-balanced
mind doesnot take long to decide that for
bargains in many lines there is no place••
equals Charlton's Fair. Here are a few:
CHINA TEA SETS. -12 plates, 12 bread
and butter plates; 12 cups and saucers,
with 1,3 piece Berry set to match for
$5::50. 'A daisy set and a bargain.
.s DINNER SETS—See our dinner sets, old.
Willow pattern, the latest and swellest
goods in the market.
CHINA PLATES—All kinds of Fancy
to 1 50.
•i m10
china plates from �
JARDINEItS-2 for 25c., the price of one.
soSee our north window for China goods :.