HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-10-22, Page 7tre
" etropTER XII,
Six months Iloilo gone by slowly,
-RallIF• yet not withotit soloce for
the latter paw, of their apt great
eorrow. Tee lase deya of golden
sepeendier SaW Ardel and Judge Tree
vote laey and reannette oll assembl-
ed M Aiders beeutiful country piece
•otetitverlake. in lholdshire.
thiery Trevor Was the lest to are
live at the rendoevoua having spent
U20 ououner M Northern Omiesie,
wn-s- sunimieed to seo Colonel Wicle.
been at breakftiet it mention; sur-
prised. not pleened,
"i thought there wero to be no
etoane,ers. Ven?" to Amid.
'But Wickbam is not a. stranger,
ovoti know. Ho is one of Onte.dves,
in a way. Don't you lihe him. Har-
d'ito you?"
.Oh. yin; in a tand ea a way. I
theink rie fellow ceula tolp
Linn Ile is so bright end plettaeat.
°rho only fault I have to nod with
hire is that he IS SO inderuelly grate-
Pil, lie foeclea 1 eaviet bie life. ociti
kninv. hind is. a rouse, before--"
fl stoped tainenied, with the bloom
slow of PAM awl perplexity on
rar:•,,, that alweys showed whenever
be stumbled on any allualon to the
fOrMOr life tbat lay hidden far lie.
Lind the Week wall of oblivion. ...
It passed in a iitputent an he glance
{1411111 ta where Colonel Wickham
sat beside Lucy.
"They'll make a. bandeonte couple,
won t they, Larry?'" to whispered.
"Ira as good an settle, I believe,
Ho has been spooning on Levy this
ilozenyeara or ;nor% When ho Pato
od straight out for on invitation 1
iciateldn t. tinder the circumstance% m-
itten hint; now veuld I?"
ITorry Trevor made no newer to
-this appeal. If he had aoy opinion
ta tho eobjeet ho kept it to bn-
Ardent attention was turned away
by eoine saucy question of Jean.
vette% and he did liot notice, the
-sudden chill that had fallen on his
fritind'a cheerfulness.
After treektast, he earelea bin* oft
to view tho biome and grounds.
was a, wonderful place -a per -
feet place, One of those spacious.
statoly English mansion -house%
which make the pleasantest hooka
in the world.
Ardol, ii quarter of a century
ieefore, had purchased the place from,
its noble owner, who had alrendy
diseipated a huge fortune in the low-
-tot form of dissipation, and who in
two years squandered the quarter of
a million be got for Silverlake la
the congenial company of horst Jock -
,eye, boors, and ortesans. and abet
himself when the money ran out.
Baring what may be called Ardelhe
ReCO1111 minority, the place, had been
.earefolly looked after for him by
Judge Trevor, and about It year ago
he had eboaen it for his boene.
Tim library and the billlarihroorn
wore as citadels against the attaelis
of bad weather or boredom.
litany a cosy hour he had 'dreamed
away M tbe library on tho copy
-much between tho oriel windows
with Shakespeare. Scott, or Thaek-
eray, or Dickens, wbo had como to
ono after tho other, as rovela-
Bet, if the plain truth be told, Ar-
jeVs favorite room was the great
•gytututo.funt, constructed add arranged
under his own directions, where he
Loved to tempt his friends to speedy
In sonic curious. Un4erfnab1e way
Itan7 Trevor betrayed ever and
again a curious familiarity with
house and grounils, while to &edit/
thoy had the delightful novelty of
young proprietorship.
"I have kept this for the last,
'Harry," Ardel said, as he threw op-
-au the door of the great gymnasium;
it is all of /XIV own devising."
Ardel touit•hed an electric button,
ann swinging trapezes came down
fettin great crossbeams in the coil-
ing, automatically coiling teemselves
back again et a. second touch of the
Ivory knob.
"Ingenious, isn't it?" he asked,
twith a lioy'e delight in the centrive
i ante.
Ilnrre' Trevor profeesed himself de-
lighted with all be sew, hut. declined
istiottioglY an alluring invitation to
ibaso Pet oue turn with the foils or
ithe gloves before leach,
i Fee all wieveutful week life went
Isnioethly by in this beautiful place
lend ita placid surface gave nn sign
Of the troubled passions that were
stirring in its depths, for in all
hear= but one there Ached et times
vogne hopes eotl 'au -satisfied, looging.
That Ardel was fraonly in late
with hright-eyed, frolicsome Ja-
nette was plain to everyone. not eite
voliting tise gay little Levity herself;
though he flattered linage -1f he bi4 his
fetnings with consureleete diplognanY.
It were hard to say 'abet precise-
ly were heenneatto'a feelings to-
wards tier middle-aged edema with
,wiuma she Was On tartan Of easy fa -
ley. or towards her young play -
legate, Harry Teevor, of lama ehe
iwae, io her tecret Paul, elightlY
"I think I lite D. Avid hest with
hity eyes Aut. and Harry host with
my eyee own; the otie is so charm-
ing and the other so handsome," ate
once innocently confessed to Lucy.
Rut M Harry Trevor's heart the
strain -tor conflicting pasaion was
likreest of all, though his strong will
helot them wider. showing no Olga:
Tho 1st of October always an
!eventful date at heilveteak, proved
one of those. rare and lovely autumn
ideas which span,. at its best. eau-
oviot rival.
I For three days before Ardeh who
"bad of iato grown restless and mite
ed. and no longer found it quiet,
whole -hearted contentment in his
sporte, was wild eit tho approachiug
orospeet of the tilteasant-aliootiing,
Riven John Trevor. Winnil Ardel
,Itad. with difficulty. 'monodist to no
Lot the party, felt a foiat retatei ed
olino,fliiinagi :fr. rtasoni:ii rioavu. isizen
3v ;strove to tido the ettatege, eteal-
Ally excitement tbat poiteeined him.
IThe youngest of the party of four
was tho quietest.
As for Ardel. bis eagerneee %now
no bounds, Ile could not wait for
ti the 'pheasant% but blazed away right
and left. at every wild tbing of the
wools that cm= in eight.
adepping out, at lona on it high.
leer tipiand, they eamo to the real
work of the morning. Mond them.
on all sides, wooded elope and 'val-
ley; 'eland, isthmus, and promontory
or dark green, touched with gold
and purple, :3110140 glorioue In the
lawn on.
But there was little thought of
Nature's beauty in the gamekeeper'a
bointes-like question, "Now, gentle-
ett, wbere do you PleaSa to piant
TIM question was eslied in Out
conselous pride of Nu/leder knowledge
for the man knew that none of tho
party bad shot the covers before.
But Harry Trevor, who oloee had
been wholly absorbed in the beauty
of the Well e, answered hastily.
" 'The Butcher's Shop* for me, Len,,
nolo if you don't mind."
Tho garnelieeper turned on ltint a
quick look of surprise. "The But-
cher's Shop" was the mune given by
Ardel, In grim jest, after a big and
bloody battue more than twenty
years ago, to a certain specially hot
corner; nod tho name still stuck But
bow did this aearieless boy. fresh
from Eton. come to know of it?
Ardel himself was bewililered.
The Butcher's Shop,' " be cried;
"what tho deuce do you inean by
'The Butehernt Shop.' ITarry?"
"The young gent is right, sir," the
giunekeerer interposed; " 'e knows
what 'e's about. It's as hot a cor-
ner as there is. Not but I can put
you in it better one," be whispered
aside to Ardel, with an expert's de-
sire to give the best stand to the
best shot.
Presently, the four sportsmen, were
at their stands, each with their
hanunerless breech -loaders ready for
use an4 an ueder-keeper to load and
hand Om as required.
Then the "sport" began, and the
Are You II us?
lame the Li
Scores of the Conrimon Ills of Life Due. to Dizorciers
of the Liver are Curab;e by
If YOU are bilious, blame the liver. !liver. Overeating, excessive 'think -
If your digestion is impaired and ing or irrgular meals are very likely
you suffer teem headache and dizzy to upset tit° action of the liver,
spells, blame the Jiver. If your overload the systeni with bile and
bowels are irregular, constipationbring on biliousness or sick /wetl-
and looseness alternating,. blame tne ache. ICeep the liver in health by
liver. If you have pain ander the using Dr. Chase's leidbey-Live.r Pilis
shoulder blades, feelings of • fullness I and you will avoid many of the come
after nwals, aching limbs, a yellow, mon ills of life, Teere will then be
meekly eotnplexion, blame the -liver. no constipation., no stomach trou-
Torpid, sluggish action of the. liver bles,. no danger of Iddney and min-
is reepoesible for all these symptoms ary derangements.
arel while you have a rignt to The position which Dr. Chase's
blame ties liver, it may be well for nedney-Isiver Pills hold to -day as
you to set about to help the liver the leading family medicine is un -
net of ,diflieulty. doulitedly due to their wonderfully
Though bile, which the healthy prompt action on the liner and their
liver inters heen the blood, is ria- combined effort on the kidneys and
tore's cathartic and is necessary to boWels. There is no medicine ob-
healthful and regular action of the tainable whien is more useful in
bowels, it is Vieison when left in the cases of emergency when tbe diges-
blood end gives rise to ILI,0,11y dis- tive, urinary or excretory usteres
tressing symptoms. The use of Dr. are deranged than thie great. pre -
Chase's Kidney -Liver Pins promptly se.ription of Dr. A. W. Chase. One
cures torpid liver and bilioueness, pill a close. 25 cones a box, at all
id because of their combined ac- dealers or Felmanson, Deice es Oo
m on Jiver, kit/mess and bowels Toronto. To protect you against
el.4ure a thorough cleansing of the imitations the portrait ale! f.-,igna-
syMem. (ure of 1)r. A W. Chase, the famous
releee is probable no one organ re- receipt boon author. are on every
spoosiele foc so many ills as Lilo hoe.
stillnees of the morning woods wee
eleeecrated with discordant olamenr.
Trovor stead weere the wood ran
to a sharp Angle, with hie gun poised
reedy toad Anger o tbe trigger -
guard, ears strained, anil eyes ewe
ing to the right and left.
hhar away, he heard the clamourine
er the woods, still softened by the
disteace. Then ids quick ear. eetight.
close at band, taint rustlo in
long, think tongue of half -watered
term, that stretched frein the WOOd'a
.edgro in hront him, & frightened
bird, mooing silently and swiftly
from the clamour of the woods, had
reached tho at the olielteth
The ready gun was et sporto-
ehoulder, hie keen oye glerteed
between the baloels, the barall re,
nOrt burnt lama the still Air
insteathe and the beautifel, gerge-
ous, live Vreature struCh earth, with
A 'dull thud -a tumbled beep of turn
nest% and rumpled feathers,
"elarle eieek to the right!" beat-
er's voice Pang out, and Trevor sew twenty years ago mearit----h
pbeesant. Odic% WW1 ONIer UFO Bat Tr0V0V weekl not let her Oa,'
metrous woodland, with quick -beg- seemed leiriously elated to
lug wings mid leog tail pendent. he" hih rival this shown of. 'It,
Then, all ot once. the bolt night lete the (Ad Arnel trio. that tent
own Self, all c n-tesei and gentles
*Fergive Ilay,." be
and forget Ithat I have
said. indeed I hardly know mystif
what I have said. The thought of
losing you, the thought of yieldien
'YOU UP to anotior, drives me mad.'
You e.ee tell you his folly as lla
oPehe thihin". But he was ever
so kind ebout Ardel afterwards.
;you know he saved ray life." be
said, 'saved me from the most ter
ritile of ant deaths. I would be it
brute beat if I were not grateful. hi
inoeied there were no hope for me,
Areel tho alle roan living to wheat
I could wish sucreash Ile epolie so
gently and so sadly that I could got
help pitying him for this folly -OW
has spoiled his life."
-"What did yol sae to biol. abeet
that ret hiai naming'?" young
Trevor aened with eoger irrelevieecy.
"I tell yon hardly geow---that
the only tote% of love had over
atiolve was for Dr. Arne); nearhY
of the, Suit,
NO matteh ' 4 it outs t
e ou 07:10
. la,rge fiWOQ ill Slier4na•
1 Free tau e good food arot pun
water lose touch of their woodertie
value as promoting the fines'
growth of ehattis when seal chicio
aro crowded in a small or badly ven-
'tilated coop. at night.
IlOn't trotit(t your ehielts nor boat
them up eights; either in summer
er autumn.
PplairY llOnSeS slioule be wide
open affitire at this season end not
totti/ snow fliee elieuld doors. or
windows he cloeed,
; Do try it 1 lids scheme of plente
:of oight pore. and eight. Air, Tne
:1elustesee are yoo have emne eases
'ot eolds ocee,y felt Among your
,Ohielis if uot worse,
Tben beoln et once under the
above system gad don't be teegingie
the first ilosty Watt to close op the
4 teem tight houee unit it frosty
i morning arid ememeered chiche stand
it flue show at stertieg with roup.
l Lihowise pzi rainy days don't pen
the eine/is. Instead of worrenun
'them ler confronting tnero allow
'them their Usual freedere but feed
them extra weli so that 'integer MAY
not tempt or chive thema to over
It is hardio- profitable to tegie
feeding ileld coi•n till the eel's are
well gloaado and then the etelli: And
all should be fed, and not. eo meth
given hut that the hogs will COg'.
eunte a14 Sugar cora on well 120
fed in the meeting ear etago, the
stalk also beitog, fed. Plentings nt
internals eat% be Imola to give the
boos ornhie trio froin tho
start, till the field •corii is in proper
Care should be exercised. in start-
ing hogs on now cora .In mast
erlSalit at this time the hogs haao
'eat bad an almodaace of once for' -
age, and p"essibite little if any graln.
MO what they have hod Ilan teen
fed in a, Ory mat% There ient
food that can bo giveu hogs that. is
gam frightened phoisonta gut- loved?" to brono b% impatiently. "If ° uIll° ar'ti 119-°r° kve141
tered and gew right foul left, 1114P,
;Startlinan, eros,siog and reherossing
iiutims:mo, ode. thickly A$ A Might of
in heaRdered and bewildering con-
Banqf hengt baogl The gnus
mit ineeasently, as quit* as ineeper
could load or eportelean lire. till oll
the ground was cumbered with
slaughtered birda guttering or dead,
Tholl canto a brief lull, in tho
mult, whilo too beaters CrOSF-ell ou
it broad, ehnilew tie
Wet, that went gurglipg tbrough the
wood. .
ITeretolovo Trevor had bi"411 drunh
with the keen exeitement of tho
aportsumn. Thin last exploit sober -
:cid him entilderily. All at once, ho
ireolized what it ell meant.
"What brutes we firer Ilarry Toes
or murinered to hinifielf; "what it
brnte am! Tbe bettets 'we oil
swoop are gentle in compati000 with
"I've done tny ovirdering for the
ide.y.11 TreVor eaid, and he headed
tbe the gun.
I Non aro not going to lino,* Ott
jliko %hot, eir," to remonstrated.
I"and you done so well. Ono Aa153
tnhAulthet put you out of heart -it
'loos ebot too, mod YQ1 Valn him
his shore of it, trhAt'fa more. 11011
loner Rot Agahl, eweer. Whoa
we were bomoi to 14414-44 the best hag
of tho party, if you kept on as you
began, except the master. maybe,
!,wlio never nelittea a Mutt, good o
But Trevor was proof agalvist
monetrance or entiouragemetit. Th
hover loolied atter tam dineonsolate-
ty as ho tramped oil rapidly through
the woods. Even sovereign that
i,caum to him with the gun couiti not
console hint for the sudden !steal:-
listed then greeo cern. When they r, ititat ban teen wrItten Om far
it4h7Chnh7hhP°hrhitTe http—rty ;ht. a lama, „Agorae hhto the first feeds, thin. emPty'.ePPlies code" to chick with i;leath of
lheofen,i—h i appeare to Om feederhoonge. You ean not. her -den or
tired yards L hard Mem* icaolred bY that it. is 4E4044 inapc.eeible to alohcreasa latertilitess in flock that as
a cry of SM-prif..-eitt diemay. peeec, their appsititee, Whet be clitens were reteett it% vontinetteent.
Taming hhorfilh round theY haw tbieke await bez reeetinatite k1 "Iths it feet that chielis on free
Dr- 4cikt "°11 (n°1°00 Wlerchhalah- Zola co little elfeet on their appeti-iraege ran etop all Runnier mid all
their gene 12 tteir borAii-nbreati irtOtu ties that no thinks they cam. reaelitly fel in trees with benefit wbfls
n4e w°41°51 Qu either hoed cud toeet etathil More Withont ovierreediog, and eldehe from the SAttan parents with
spolia for a moment together, end easy to overfeed, and
in lb(' ePn*re 01 Zh'il Path. The two herein is the hatiger. It le ;to the tame feed hut viatica Finitely
:eau uet PAPTA4 lip Wider it eyeteln
then Arilel'a cheerer leaigh was heard,flowing them d to rooet lu trees
oar -
see, lucky feeepe, hichhni
g the cold anneran rains.
tett Out, 'a miss is 4, good Aft 0 Thin Lind of overfeeding. too Ifestee then), tuttlie them comfort-
ften results in the loss of the aoit /Ate. Don't over tio the latter owl
olehat hen bappeeed?" IlitiTy nrid. The 'ouch dreaded cholera to they too may tou through without
eeheel as, to 404 homy hurried
'heck togetior. uotiteO that
Wick:hem kotel filteametiveh, and
Arilet excited,
"Hallo) where diet yoli two ijrao
from?" Ardd emu:omit, "Oht uo-
thing itaPhehedi netgetbing was near
Iteppenineg that's alt. Don't look
f•OWIl in Me mouth about it, pi
hhietitio to ItitcAbenta-"Awidentn
happen in littl toeht teglanttli
ay. WAA the way of it., wore in high condition and in, goo44 Tito Seven Stars inn, at Mancliee-
- thiehtiega woe a bit viten grA. r\fblr hOgS thin and in goner- :ter. rohietlia ;wafts of having tken
heat hho nt him Pheahalitto ally low rendition an ear and manweaned tor hioai
tititi too it vziager it we walled each twito it day wilt inalie a good 4 wiee cask han lost beeit built In
le witbira ale tntrin'i,,, earb unn eefe start. and Inc a time thee' cooltornia, to Leal 07 hoe, alums
should alto conewate the ettalk„ which its iron how weigh 40,000 hounds.
Oita' will readily do vilth 4 relish Too root 61.4.w:her on hhe filwatte5
if the ear hienhle° is not tote great- .was the Marjory, in 1814. The
511:13,110Ded ettell tl.qk gee nAtaxt 1; cordo
herde that arh overfed, whether or
net them is any ground' for thie eark-1
etuSion there aro often MATO, SeriOun' UBIONTS THINGS.
toe a about the time 'toga aro 000
etartell on new corp. The' time svgq- 2P '»i Pratit
teke to bring 4 of hop
p to hull fteet AQW CPra deperide Itte cimsa iiverlea at Me Brit -
'Pr.'‘' touch an their coWitiolt wIleaiish royal footmen cout, VitiO apiece.
exited, If thin in Ile* it will re-; ne Or5ti eivestriazi datem erectod
1,144-v. mon, tim and rATO than ifloi Loudon wan oh Charles1,.twl two well foil before and leatteheo eaeh
rid e of the wood, be would
on the jala4rool,---dar or tee-
the:ire- 1 woutql. 1 too* hint
uP, co, thud I vo won the 'rhe /413411 " uf Palra and ta1s Richmond followed her it year later.
het, 1%h -dittoed* lie mrit Opt inter- thrown out filtinild be gratinally ita Dowell troohs Iri win, hahh ihtho
clisittn.gyoutlicno*i2of. it rtilvpasToittoirt ael•Ildc11014,7d.4 104:1148a.6 140-41fblinigmtpirrffilitiltred°IttriVilea.ar"Iiit‘I-rtuagePu.1
hooting enough. Harry. I pitted Valence. When thoh neglegt .Torie^ nearlY tarty %Stances languager
up only it eauplo of bird% aed %Vieth malits9 ll,CCOM'n dry and hard 8; /MVO LIMA first reduced to writ's%
limn never pea it olio!, until it few tlale th ceire thodieg them, atm well by tba Britieli and roreign lilble eo
on -tents ago. Then he got it ebittill'e °111$ Itto cor main ,elet)%
pleasant I didn't teti, I wan ammo 08 nusRLD. witterspout ephts with enormoo*
in a iteaetly tine!. cover, but the r"g8 d° lamb better "e° Wed. velocity at the sea level
ahotefill.o. clever than was vote- * king htorted on hew Ma hiln been estimated at six miles a
foetoboe. etilePieg twiv hove the riot of it good pate minute.
"511; kolet leol4t4‘tierI t'ocaleur trirtenT' conquerinf Matieburia. Tbo Chi-
itolleYfil"4el'Illi'hilt'dcar;n1:113"stirAhLbjlilfillilhilil 4 1111T11.1371tuntlyetistitsgoldriePhrtre'world bat
If thew is minctotit Mtn II been Wand in Sumatra, Its body it
lee have volunteer rye. cloveronine incites in circumference and itt
1 besides tbero will be nitaii itn- fi re, 2 savant et inches
enamel me. Sti I Liana tett, arid , " , g Russia has (nay taleen her ovum(
down of' the sport. istuelt no,- top on the tUfl Ol la,V gun
Trevor was otaetka, an though hIs k to kt bin% Zoom where 1 watt. Ile
warm thoughts had found an embodie wistooli elle eon for it lard. by Jove,
meat, when, brealting throned) the 'and let drive titraight, at it enee_e"
voters edge out on one of tee lotiee Ile hew -up Ulm cap -.41, 1011111aut
liaet walks that troivereed the desonnun•o'Nbanter tartan. There WWI a
nthshei he en"' 81"1"bP taco to lac° jagget to , on ono lade Wiono the oonenneti clean rye yot ou thel Norway's coast line -1,700 miles le
th Ean'y Ray, not tWenty paces, charge entered; the other wes turn igrounfl. Shith conlbination there 0, straight line -becomes *2,000 toilet
away, walking quietly towarde him. 1 to Woes by the seatterine el t e ,
At Wok of bira sho started, bti "Lneuy my h.nut was nut ut hoto..!-Avo-114:0. irloummitivleetsigise.andotirlomentallisIg. ifitlemfollfolowredas rarouontolvetrto if5joord.ostio lett
;avoid leindlirese.
time wits Um eltlereeisterin in its4irieriet(iteilith.to tidal death Ity a liairh;
. io „
1"Itdsialies (bene years to paint tie
Ihorth *Bridge, Sewn -mil, and as soon
111 it 111°111(41t she Put her oaduess off, for thet eisitor," laughed Arian, ie;
and lips and eiath amiled ll nr(Vtin0 if it oleo quite an evereotiaoi ewer -
"Yon startled rue, Harry. h thought micelle:1i, on the feminize-, henoll an the work is done it is immediate,
you wens with the shooting party." hate oad terroastekeen, and tows solt to bove it large hulk of latrd I,y began none% As many as thirty,
alnl Cann? aWaV." Word atiiii‘a, three pertS ot the %mites
farm-- firt) men are usually at work.
, 4
"1 etc:hefted 01 the ;daughter, lam 12 011 hylehatay. went tea to bine
"Medi call it ehaneohe lea load 10 one of salt. ill'ittlY every
VELT NO NE.Fill OF 1'1%
n proeflatiny. when ardol enepo the vr who grows hogs eau get the
11.4V41 tilt'. Mal eye Reid that 'imse hove, ee mooed, mnscow. elm
WI404 Ilaga are starting on new
corn tore should bo When to hove
salt ahem they eau get it at all
time% It is notch better with the
. don't wondor. 1 timer could
understand 211111. Call telling armee-
ment! Surety there le inveigh of
death in the world -Arent* and trou-
o0t trouble, Lucy? It is not liee
,tury with it laughing triumph ia hitt needed motply of mines if he will try. An aeronaut at a tounty fair had
woo., ..proot ono li ehohee; it If ho elinnot, he el.") eilnr eorntcohth ut do rather an unluchy ascension. llii
',*i the irovidence of Clod."
Mai Harry Tiveror. Wall dale 1,1, en- , •t . en sieve e. this ih k ,t •
, , , h t for. Theee help t° heeP 111' the tilIn tne wind had carried bini a raile of
ell with ingressive face. in his beart • „ e , e .., ..e e., st tWo farther awas, t inn he anticipat.
ou to talk ro or look so," for her .. • 1 i 1 a ..y 1 the ""°11. 4"“ 's 'Insult"' 4"1""e rd, and tho car. In descending, had
lips quivering. **Tell me wlutt nl'sP11"4 0 1‘11.. "I' 8' 4'.' I wan more is Inade out of feeding the
. - become entangled in tile top of s
eyes wore mioty with tears and her tire lee oi e f c a -
the trouble is. Pedlars I can help hogs.
bin% out. Ile raruck the groond witb
(To be continued.) tree in a village street and spates]
'which the hogs have n. g** it rellhit ;odium% had gone higr enough, but
*rho slender woman faced (bit burlyi THE DAIRY. sotne violence.
A crowd quickly
leaAte,tHmttorrytry.".., bumbles deadly revolver without i% pa'1,141roef aaiantlientz-lutiarizel etffutioraat oansthae . - - gathend °hod(
. "You would not understand in the
tand back and give him ab!"
was tomer as %%ha as, (eolith, tremr oof terror, for, as is n'ell I Whfile-,-in l'aiad the grade of their
I known, the Weakeet are often the dairy cows. This tan be done lry exclaimed three or four at once.
selecthm tukti weeding out. (Inc In°°rl. aeronaut wits not seriousle
bra"ilv'efitl'ine where the monis ey hid." 011(NA by better feeds and often bn
he hissed, most truclently, "or 1•11 bettor shelter. Teem is need for hurt. Be raised hiraself feebly to r
sit,,Ainigorstitlieret.absed, in a tone ei
improvement in all these awl WO be -
deep disgust. "Don't you think 1'1W
hove it is steadily being made.
ate enough in the last ten min-
'nwo things almost universally had
the el,,,x,a mo iv you will. bath:lacking or - at least inadequately utes?"
I will never retreat she hiding -place ' nmplied in dairy barns are tight
of my husband's* hard-earned hoard! laud Pure air' ' above are easily °b-
e/Blain, do your worst!" although abeolutely- es -
"I will!" snarled the ssoundrel, I silirlell and
the best health of the
baffled kr the moment., but not llere and the esontenie production of
beaten. "Tell me instantly, or I'll ie'i'aetttlle-ci. mixlifi' a tnile% alis'esIraortetill; argre
in his voice, which made her forget
his ago for a moment. Besides Ate
was frightened a little and longing
for sympathy and counsel. fire!"
."Indeed you cannot help ' nue Moo "Nevorr* she answered, determin-
ry," she said hesitatingly. "There hhhh
is no one 1 can talk to of this. I and with a rearked accent on
could not bear to worry your father
With my troubles. Jeannette is only
a baby, and you—"
"You know at least I am it friend,
Lucy. Oive ine a chance. I'.11 help
you if 1 ran." .
The compelling earnestness in his drop this big, woolly eaterpiilar
voice conquered.
"It is Colonel Wickham," She MI- °"n "ur "al
hog -
trod out, almost before she knew. In thr" miamt" nlare he had ened by the angry Slush that came
fright_ teed the money nod was running
'''''" tlu•ough tbe midnight dateinees in it
"No, no," she added hastily,
to the face of her coinpanion. .. you nortleeosterly direction.
intuit not think ill of him, Itarry: in-
deed you must not. Ile is pressing MS ADVICE.
me to be is wife -that is all. X 'N'oung friOnd of mine is
should not speak of this at an, but mgard to it Atari, and noW he re -
1 must finish new that h have hohaa. fuses to marey her. What would
He asked me fifteen years .ago, and I you advise her to doe"
told him then, as 1 tell him now, it Oid .-ftw'er.---"Is the
could never be. But he would take tilY?"
no denial; he will take no denial.
Pains me to hurt him, and 1 can see
it does hurt him to be messed. 3.1e
has never slackened in his suit, mak-
ing his deeermination plain even
when, he refrained from speaking. Ile
grows nore and more pressing as
the Years go by. Yesterday he el -
most ,frightened ine,"
``Frightened you, Ludy?'
"He urged me so hard that 3 drop-
ped some word about Dr. Arden I
hardly hnow/what, but he •took it up
a,n4 has insufficient light, more who
nows can easily be providCd. There
should be from three-fourths to 0110
and it half square feet of glass for
every linear .00t of outsitle wall in
the dairy barn.
ilairy of cows may have tbe
highest ped gree and the most per-
fect milk development -yea We will
go farther find give tbern tire best
stables and pastures with plenty of
fixed nod water of the mose, appro.-
man weal- priate einel for milk production -yet
ell of 'these conclitioes .will fail to
Young Lads --"No; 12e. hasn't a male the. bnsiness profitable if the
shilling."ows do not •
(111 Lawyer---'"I'ben I'd advise chave the peeper person
to win t e Mtn a ilice le t t of
her to lutn'dle and milk- them
The chiefcause of cronni -frothing
thanisn tho churn in tbe. and winter
. .
.4. end lee but ter not gartai eri lig is
A. DLIND MARVEL. holding the creatn at, a low temper-
, atuye ,while, ripening, 'developing a
A '91111,1'4a 010 figura hes Passed bacterial germ causing a better Owe -
yr. Patrick eleCesehy, it pioneer et 113.07( 550 '0011(1iCeey) the ereate
away la VI°Inria the 1)0901) of or and ta.ste. IT1 suggesting a. re -
the eartert on difitriet Iii that State. !cold and sweet even down to freez-
Though blind from the age of
ling: but lzseu it swce't until there is
he became a fearless rider, rind his so'fficiont croara for churning. The
at once, all wrong• Ile blazed out imrseanansbiP was a marvel 10 an I 'day bt,foI•e. you ChUr0 beat the cream
with sudden anger3 had neves seen who saw it. • lie was a skilful farm- *up to '70 deg'rees being careful not
him so before, 'So .you love Ardel!'
he linseed out. 'I thought, as neleb;
the old fool who has come to his
se„cond cluldhood, and who dotes Into
a 3)10011 calf' 00 that Ji 1.t I e black -eye:
e atle t 1.r; . iti lay
he? Let hint look to 'himself lo
will 1,1. 110 Ulan living 11 id hp.-•
tween you and n,;17 lo ye, "I'hen lo
saw how 1' ri t w n
0110 11101.)1N11 c=)oh (WV:11 to bio
7t(1.1) but0-
ON. II.Vt. CHASE'S it,
CATARRH CURE ... &Vet lhods
i hours, Stir the cream
! that the cream commence to
iermilk for starter snflicient, so
S°11c:ItICIE \:1-"r 1:1c)at vias l(i)ul eglii.‘..e
P201 by 18; iu1nn-, Z)t32e • C5!arrh,od
clroPpirzs, in the
1-Isy 1)10
'-'sb ninnies no„ esrsen sin
Poi:uurzN "Nomr•-:,s,
01101 0v51 -1100e
and .eltes:•-siose,
Seine 0I12 Zion'\
yoll go to Itork etmobles
ensgearn-1- knotv., but Luloppos6.
itt aohilit,y.