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HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-10-22, Page 4•
- • -1 1. • •-• •
Boulders a Ceeeola, Proees.
4) "63
Tu The o against the Grand
Pae.fledeal cue. w being
pre.ented in the Senate. In the
Commons 100,00ai electors protesttel
;against the deal and alone:nide more
at/owe:Eng their voicee in opposition
ta Seeder Cox -e little game. Never
en,.. Lee ans- greet queetion caused
edvez et- feeling t hie country.
I bia; oeceisioeed a small. i•ebellion
attn ellecati, Mal the only
411J',W, t(41 their ileireied fin. delay
leeneoeo tee raw rtllWay, h:as bee
tie, niao eiteeneor et tack cm tire honor
i!'a'a pet:clot:legs, her Sir NVilfrid
L ene The Vrean, r not Andy deelare
„ men %ewe,. 1::111:uu. appeared
Alaska Boundary Ducnied. wa
1 re pleased to report that. Mr.
Londou, Oet, 10. ---The draft decision
of tile Alaskan Boatel:try Commission
was signed to-niglat. A. B. Ayleswortio
H. S., and S Leads jette, the two
0:me1ia1I eonuniseiorters, refused to
The decision grants all the America
contentiens with the exception of t
oue relating to the PortlendCana
The signatories were Lord Chief jus-
tiee Alverstone Senator Lodeea Sena-
tor Tomer and Secretary Root, the
Americana commissioners, They con,
stitotecl a in )'1V pmcl enstwed final,
Mr. Ayleswortli and Sr Louis Jetta
earrie4 titeir oetspoleen disapprovel of
'the deeision to the point, of refusing to
teen evh
en that section of the deeisio
gielog the Portland Canal to Celled
;led they eniphasizeed their ;aided.
hy oat of the cabinet room i
tie,. foreign &dice before the sigozatur
a the others had be:; evil to th
hist an doenaienttid.
Tee only es- reiartfoinpr„ to be don
!don- at kids seesion thet masority of
, Marys a tew eveninge Ago, his horse
shied at something ou the ,side of • the
road, •rliteenelden beech Of the horse
broke .one of the shaft halts,. This.
tern eansed the . horse .to run away,
throwing .Air. Johnston OIII., win) ells-
fractre ofthe left men. He
W0.4 tken to Pr. .$teraley's.' offer...and
had the fraettine reditced. Althoogh
sotering match plainbe is gettang, on as
tt" well :as can be eNpected. He has the
aa sytepetby of his many frieude . hereee.
e Mrs...1.01m Ogilvie. and daughter, of this
township, were eerrously bort one .ey-
es ming is week while ;hieing. to St.
e "Sarre, Thee were in the heck seat of
demeerat, wagon when tbe boree,
e which Nrflizi eleven hy eer. toe%
fright et ri„ Unica near the #41.cmg cros,
`The ;melected 43;4 anal the
seet on wilich the ladiee %vete sitting
beeaina lonee. They werethromi back-
wards end fell 4.111 their tleilds 011 the
road, • Rath ensteined .seVere sealf)
woonele, hut we alea pleoised to report
that they oire OA A fair Wiay to complete
Herbert Orago •is recoreriug ..nicely
from his attack of fovea -etre. George
Hookwey, was pleasantly sea:prised a
few eveigaigs age, ivhen:a, nunther .of
ber former pnpas or, the 'Zion eleureli
met at, her home and presented her
'401 a group' .taleture of therne.elves.
Which Wee handSoinelY framed, elater
the presentetiou. 4 g,Cinilti ON'faIlillfg wee
Vent ley et11.-4e Mr, A. 'Johnston,. of
'the 8th, conceseion. W44 driving' :to St •
en Z.:e Vero: 01,7:4 Etieeetitee at the time tee, teabewo e„eoreeteetea ago the map
el ereier wee ett '1,n1 tO 1" forg1TSui WII1:(:b Mitanuly rieterttnuee the mune
etteeeet. a oirwe etekelien in f 4Alf the` tponarlary in neconlaittCe with
- - a 44, faseve Aloe- if
in in the hue
1 HO qawation Noel
/111:ni et ",:' Eigr41111114 ti1-",i14i1L. Ile wee fore- 1 Tile emegee.a,4 copy ee the eecoseee
4,, tietig,-.1 tilar•,zyllt` to itivestigete ellen will he eigned on Toweilay. There
the eeiniitienvo, of titee Am -eaters% seot lis no 1101:!‘ eepteesed thet titeeattnaliero
CoMmissioners Will reconsider their
After a brief seeret e,esSion this morn -
ling the Alashan Boaindin7 Commies.
loners drove to Buckingham Podium.
Where they were recetved by ging
Edwardwhe had previously been
informed of the terms of the agree -
nit reached by the kt Mune!.
'I he ging** reeeption of the commis -
stoners woo a very simple again, Hie
Majesty congratoloited them on the
vonclusion of their labors, and was
specially cordial to the Canadians.
The AlaSha deeision will not be pub.
liely given out before toettorrow.
,:thlt pZ`,4 Octal. :it 111:0
nee e rir 23'ken kitafisaitta eetion to melee
geed hie promise. Why the delay?
if a ie. p >zizots ate f aegeries.Mh.Wil,
fed Laurier owe,- it to his own dignit
a earefial e: y. The eott
,-iiee.oaiee party is Pilling tO Assist it
the liwt nerav41.
a Ak ,n1W.ugt, MI the 1131 t• t41110
NAM tat:Tea al:ail 41 wholeeele
1171,1T NEXI?
"aw Epworth League
bic,r4,1 st4, ugehrcon. Convention,
tIOR la el a Part of t' l. The Dritieh
ee, the that states. Theltintivial etwartantion of the Up-
- boueencl --41't are :nib's of yea% worth leeigne of Reciter District WAS
•t:10:19,-tr ttitli. lehee tee even eeew held et Parkhill on Tuesday, Oct, Nth.
T1.7,44i ;Ma the Stat. of melte., 11 All the sessions wee well attended and
, Toe. 4usiriate. /in e,,m_ci were very interesting and instructive
lhaotighout. The President, Rev. J P
heneiettiug of Lord Aelibiurton leelanee, leeeleee. • • 4.
n(ti a a IMIVIti'`,NB' gavet iteger par.1 The Morning a'ssi013 oPellied Mat
•tom ooesh aloe* too Lemuel declaimed t11(tiVitt*3. after which Rev.
eleKiblion, of Ulu Craig, read a
very able pipet on :' Christian Stew -
•P al 'I $en Je in lattintlary di. el eeeep." aeleeeleg out the oaths 014
rite %,,,ori Aga:134 WI lay the old• the Christi:an Amid naval all be owns
Emperor of Utarmany, 149 arnitrainie belkiaging to tiodi and that the best
LInd Alvevst• 1E45 41c,e1" nee+ Om can be Mtge ad' money is to
oveta at for spreadmg the goefiel of
Cleat tett Statee Pat Wed la adl the „ Christ. An allittlitted discussion fol.
natil most of tioe water that they lowed in evhich the benefits of system.
eleimea its a pm t Al,t-tio. Ile was ,'"ieghlut-Tb ti"` neeil regarcUng
04.01 eon.aertite mongiii to) hdlnenee and intellect as trusts to be
IN" V 'ed for the glosy of God, were point -
a. frIS, towlie1S of weter known ea Mt,
.14s* ttit• Portland enartl. The following 'WPM elected as a busi-
Wit ot nen* There is the Hodson rrs Tirik.111"wiL,3* Re* ‘linlateAs*
-DAY 41'314‘5ttona witiA e'*11"nt:I8g ....);4arst, A.„ Rev. .1.);*. Iiii-o;;Oti, utd
toeoe 14
tW14 t1,1 the growth of the; Mee Re N. Cranston.
aeo,e4„. eneeehhe in that east ebeee of Reports were given from most of the
A leagues of the disti which showed
%eaten thalted Stetes papers are, al -
the wank to be in 41 piosperons eon&
re,ely eliumeneing to gently stir the tion, and especially showing; an in-
'utt tin° :11) and 'Mean' opinion in the ereaasing interest in inissions.
In the afternoon after the opening
exerelees. the report of the District
Tie y 'Lim that Canada had done secretary was read. 01 Se nior Leagues
aitoloingtti jnetafy alina ta th 8". were reported with it total member -
CAMAY of the Bev and that 'United ship nf 1,13e, trod 4 Junior Leagues
with 220 members.
The amount raised for missions dur-
ing the year was S523, and the total
sum raised for all puiposes $1,16180.
The business committee reported the
following as officers for the corning
year: Pres.. nee. R. W. Knowles,Gre -
Ron; 1st Vice -Pres., Miss W., Rigsby,
Parkhill; 2nd, Rev. J. A. Ayearst, Ln -
can; 3rd, Mr. John Trevethick, Brins-
ley; 40, Miss E. Brown, Manville; Rh
Miss P. Tufts, Boston; Sec., Miss May
Delmar 1.yafeeetion asecond. Wee- Gill, Exeter; Treas., Miss A. Wren,'
ther and track conditions were of the Hensall. Miss E. :31. Cranston then
best Crescens went the lira quarter
,Sta szaenrids, the hale in Menthe three
eputrtos was in hil0. Just before he
reached the wire Creseeus broke, and
it is believed lost three-tett:alters ot
second. No wind shield was 1.1Seau
Cresceus was placed by Mike the
St:WS Winild resist her Claim.
In order to get the hay mu, Cousins
steed only eninnit t, aridtra Lion.
enesent's I.50e
Creseens breke the world'strotting.
record for it mile on..00t. 0, going • the
elistanee in 1.5N, beating the previous
record held Iry leau Dillon ;and Midair
read an excellent paper on 411 Forward
Movement for rdissions," giving an ac-
count of the origin and growth of the
movement, and pointed out the gteat
need of such work. 40 missionaries
are now being supported by the move-
ment. $31,726.88 was -raised last year.
The paper was followed by &discussion
on the subject.
The next paper was given by Rev.
W. Godwin on "The Relation of the
Hon. P. G. Haultain. the Territorial League to the 13i -centenary Move-
Prearaier, made an important speech meet." The relation, he showed,
in Calgary on Oct. 8. Ata meeting should he one of loyal and enthusiastic
of local Conservatives. He declared co-operation. There should be strong
strongly in favoreof aprotective tariff belief in the Methodist doctrines, and
for the whole Dominion, The people a fervent desire for a revival of God's
of the West, he said, should be (Jana- work. The Leaguers needed to recog-
diens first, Westerners second and nize their responsibility in thismatter,
economists third. Mr. HanItain also Rev. J. E. rord,of Forest, next gave
strongly advocated the immediate a most comp ehent.ive and iristrutt:tive
g t lag a rtovinctial autonomy to paper on "B.ble Study." He said that
the Ter, itories, asserting that it was the bible was the text book of " the
the most e.rying need of the home He principles of the science of godly live
took direct issue with the attitude ing," and the true results of its study
assumed on this question by Mr.Frank were truth in the heart and goodness
011iver, M. P. for Alderta, and challen- ia the life. Many good points were
ged him to test the opinion of the peo- brought out in the discnssion which
.ple tipcin the issue.. followed.
Rev. A. C. Crews, general secretary'
of the Epworth League of Canada,
then conducted an interesting "Round
Tattle Conference" on the work of the
praveierneeting, missionary and look-
out committees. Ala ny points helpful
to lengne workers were brought out in
th's discussion.
A vote of thanks was passed to the
people of Parkhill for their kindness
and hospitality.
The evening session opened with a
short song service and devotional ex-
The retiring President Oen intro-
duced the President elect in a short
witty speech, and the President took
clot ege.
Rev. G. N. Hazen,' B. A., of Sarnia,
'then gave a most interesting and' in-
spiring address on the " Pioneer days
of Canadian Methodism," dealing
espeelally with Methodism in Ontorio.
After this Rev. A. 0. Crews spoke
on les:lolls from the International Con-
vention of Detroit. The tnotto of the.
01111 n Lion vas " Forward" nd the
steei leer emphasized the need of going
forevdt'd in temperance, missionary
ned vNngelitAie ivork.
Tile choir of t he, Parkhill church
rceeested some excellent musicett this
WeSteat Cs sister, eiiss Copp, tvaS be- se•-•-lt)13,
B. II ALTroLL, c)
ing tried the same tif Lel hoort.
'ELECTBD IWAYOR.-Ttieaday night,
-Oct 13, Mr. M. Y. McLean was elected
Mayor of Seaforth by acclamation, to
• fin the vacaucy caused by the death of
the late., Mayor BroadfoOt. This is the
third time Mr. Mc:Lean bis been elect-
ed to this position.
no -An accident which might easily
• have been attended with fa tal results
beippeued here on Thersday morning
last, Whereby Arnold, the twin son of
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Westcott narrowly
escaped with hislife. It appears the
little fellow was standing on the side of
the road in company with his brother
and another boy holding a horstewhen
suddenly a dog sprang ttt the animel,
which swerved cenickly around and
kicked eaOtgely at the little follow
hoh feet, striking hiITi te terrible
blow on the side ef the head, crushing
the skl di and rendering him almost
lifeless. He wa,simrnedettely removed
to his home the wound was
dressed end t'dthotigh not yet out of
danger the little fellow is doing -t ven
to be expected, The blow to the
pereats is indeed dietreseing, as Mn
Iluliel t
OtiTTPAIM-Oilo by one the old set,
tiers of nor township are passing over
the river which knows no WWII', and
on MORtitly a pioneer. the person of
etlirp WChtneott, jonrneyed thither.
lie Lind lived tO a good old age, tint of
yeatna and wae one to, fiettiein HIM.
1144 when it was yet 4 wildernees, and
hewed out his home on the term whine
he died. Pive years ago he Feld the
homestead to hie sonon-lew1J.B.Little,
and for three years after ',witted with
his obildren. anally taken np his lot
on the old farm with bisdoughter.
W45 born in Devonshire Eirm end
stty years ago came to this eanntry.
Chao Dist Chlognaconsy. where
e was married. His wirta died aboat,
7 years ago. lait thmta amain fowl
daughters ;and three stone to mourn
tite lois (at their other loving par-
ent. lie was a Methodist in religion
and a etanneb
011 ber foteulties to within a few min.
Mesta' her death, Hannah Ninweea be-
loved ware cif Riehard WAS CAN -
cal home to her Maker, at the age ar4S
ears, oat Ovt. O. 1;4•19.' many
years she had been a victim of asthma
and some ken yeara ago with her hue.
bend and family rented their farm ;trod
moved to Manitolee maim they lived
LI 1$074 The dinette of the weNt ff,11111.
ed to do her en numb good thot ebe
was returning completely cured. ILe
teas only a short time however before
$he was as letal as ever, ond contimed
to grow worse till the day of her deailt•
After dinner on Friday ehe passed off
;aria sleep, but awakened later on to
find her mother e. ying, Asking Nvhat
it was Omit, and passively reunited
was not going tO die. hot Out end
was not far Mt She realized tires:IMO
late on, and laid the family good.,bye
fifteen attitudes before bee death. Re-
sides her husband slie leaVeS t Wo little
sons to mourn the loss of .i i! wife
mad kind mother,
Mr. R. Zeiler is plating in a famine t
in the Bauer house, which, recently
came into his possesion, as well as t
making alterathins 'that will make It
u etoelate in every respect --Mr.
11. Hoffman lots recovered from bis se -
Vert. attack of Jaib's comforters. -Roe
Mr. Ortlee Presiding Rider in one of 8
the dietrretS in. Dakota, omitted the t
pulpit in the Evangelical church here
on Sunday. His discourses Were moll
appreciated try the large diongregations. A
-Air. Sam Rannie has purchased some t
twenty nine cords of tan bark from
Deichert and Iless.--ithe David 4
Bender left a -few days ago in company
with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bender. for t
Illinois to take a Situation, and remain 0
there. Thals, one by'one, we ;are losing
our young men. David is a steady, a,
hardworking young fellow, and his n
many friends with him soccess in his p
new home and a prosperous eareer
through life. Alr. Henry ZimMerman
of this village, who underwent an D
operation, at the bonds of Dr. Gunn, of
Clinton, and the local physicians, is T
progressing favorably, the wounds J
being about all healed. Besides the d
tronble resulting from rupture, which e
calked his collapse at the time doc-
tor. t
also removed the appendix, which c
VIS found to be in a more or less, de- as
ceased state. The patient has since a
been under the care of D. Buchanen, S
who informs' os that not only is the L
danger point passed, but that we may it
expect to see him around again before c
many days pass. b
ACCIDENT. -Master Orland Johnson, A
youngest son of Mr. R. R. Johnenn, ti
met with a n"accident a few days ago d
which, althongh slight, might easily e
have resulted in his losing a limb, ort
receiving a more serious injury than wwas the case. In trying to climb ti
into a moving waggon, he got his leg w
in the spokes pf the wheel and was a
being carried up by itsirevolution, when p
his cries attracted the attention of the b
driver, Mr. Schuetler, who took in the o
situation at a glance and stopped the k
tealn instantly, but mot half a second w
too soon, as the limb had already be
come pretty tightly jammed, and a
some effort was required to extricate a
him from his perilous position. At li
first it was thotight the limb was brok-
en but it proved only a severe bruise,
to the grea t grati fica Con and t hank --
frit n ess .of his parents, as well .11S b1:1:413-
0 alld Shiteesu •
Geo, 11. Ilatiley, Of 0040i
township. has MOSed to- •Our tewo.
Miss Riihebeth Wasbiug lead the lo
fortune 'to eeverely scald -hee baud;
few- days ;ago, Whileworking wi
some hot wlaten-hire., S. Davis to.oh
tamale _from . Lite backeparohef
reeidenve,. ce tieing eonsiderable, pain
her •Ineeka.. Mie. Wan. .Cantehen ;deo
wee. withan aCeRetat Teeent17. "
WAS locking the door of the p.acki
henee, .W•110•": some littlefellow whole
bold of the lines started to poll -on ti
hot -see. This beeked t rig oand k
up, squeeeing Ma. Catateloe hetwe
building anal eig.-One of Dr. Thom
son's little sons, olio had the eaisin
tante to break, his collar 'bone oboe. -
month ago, awl had abota got we
Utak tanaalier tumble clown the • stai
iujurioree agaio and in cooseireee
earriee bis 41'411 41 Oleg owe ;Ohre.
Sinee the death of the late Belo Fe
gbkliZnwa "IL Foul 1141;41.1tOlaest,Sayi siCutta,4012;::A.
teiadent. Rev. J. Greene has t•eceive
K•ta etall tenet tliein and has oleo -been at
i tided by the chairman of the eircu
thid. haul been appointed. • He e
Itered upon.his tIntiee op Snalda7.
1 everything, iippeows
• be will neave his family there in e sho
I• • • • • -
time. This. was Me. Greensesedd tame..
land they' tatIMV 1111t foagotterehites
t.wonitil regret vevy !Aare bi
move trout Our town. tts.•he has been a
good flaxen coed wis taken ot deep in, •
eSt in- anything nett pertained to
welfarialti More. Viintatfe
Idea and ealtdiestdoetorei heft, for the
aililen.Stiate taietiend the rentellatiee
i;istearthly days with nieee. The
chictorgradnated from McGill 1S;i3
anal settled lwre shortly. afteia Tieing,
very eccentric and 'reserved enecess
did not follow him, although sehl to
be a clever doctor in his yonnger days.
The .dpetor ;mete o inother front .Brtt.,
fhb tit San Froineisco and as
the is well •Ittp Vearta7:4160, he will cast
• his with die. relatiVe. epolten of
;Move in Southern California. -After
eerving :tretn*As seeretairY of the
Ontario Ci RT. Union. Mr. A. 1,". VOOPer
elated to he relieved a the position
at the recent C.E. Meeting at Stretford
pno:littZe:etiring President, De. V. H.
Lynn. ef Ottittva. %WAS elected to the
theWesley Afetliedist
Tbanksejving Doty, Miss.
Olivia Manning, daughter of Rev. 11.31.
Alonning, pastor of the chianti. was
inerried tai Mr. Itaahett II, Milner,
of Beamptote After giving hied:nigh-
ter away the Wide% fonalier conducted
the ceremony, ;assisted by his brother
Lev. ihianote Manning of let. Alarre.
Only the immediate relatives Ind
feint& were invited,. but the church
was crowded with Clinton frienils, it
being the 'first event of the kind to
take plant in the new Omni,. Mr.
.0eargia Atkinson ni4ondon...fornierlY
-gatilst of Wesley Chauvin Toronto,
inesoled at the .omotn, Aliss Prances
.ahtiming was maid of honor and Miss
Kato brideeitnalat. The groona
ititisted by his brother, Wilmot D.
Milner of Breniptain. 51r. and Aim
Milner have taken op their residence
in Brampton.
c ---h Hints for Weak Stomachs
at slowly, masticating the food thoroughly, even more, if
ia possible, than is required in health. The more time the food
er spends in the mouth. the less it will Spend in the AtOnlath•
10 AVORI driaing at meals in general,
dyspeptic stomachs manage dry food
ng 1
enal ,
.P -
in- ,,,,,
-r'7i''ei'7—r' .f,..4..,
-...-,. .....„,„.„,
......„„:- :0
,,,,,,0 of the body. Be careful to avoid
, food. The best temperature is that
bettor thau that containing much
fluid, Eat neither very hot nor cold
excess in eating. Bat no more than
A "----- ,.. ,..,,_..,____,...„... • , .„ the wants of the system requite,
$onietitnes less than is really needed
d ------- -
the .....z.,5. PtaSt be taken when digestion is very
eta weak. Strength depends not on what
__ is eaten, but on WItat is digested.
I •-• t Never take violent eeterciee of any
la- sort, either mental OT physical, either
0.- 1
•tiliil i
rt t,
..e. 1
0 1
AU !
Miss May MeAsh Spent a few days
in Belgrave during the week, the gnest
of her brother, De.. NeAsh.--Thieves
have been operating in amine of the
ginelens in town lately.- Leonard Kaye
who had the misfottome to scrota+ his
tag a few days ago, has been suffering
weak pain, owing to blood poison have
ng set in. We bope he will non be
of tioderieb, is
be vest of her eon. John, bee. ---Mr.
Frank Heys hits returned from New
Ontario. -Miss Jenuie Itathwell has
gone to Toronto where she bed ;weld-
ed & position in n store.-Mte. Mire
baw and Airs. John Ward still eon -
lune to impivve.-Mr. and Mrs. Johns
ittended the wedding of their cousin,
ss e Tibbett.ol Baylleld, to Wm.
of the seine place. on Wed-
lesday. -A few days Imo Mr. William
Purdy had the misfortune to fain out
if an apple tree while picking ;apples
es Chris. Ward's orehard,falling ;about
feet, breaking some ribs iand
themes° bruising himself.
Pitzere WEDDING. -A very pretty
vedding took Woo Thursday at high
non at the residence of the bride's
arents, eMillbank," of Miss Annie
intrude, youngest daughter of Mr.
nd Mrs. Charles Weekes,to Mr. Percy Al
ouglas MeLaren, eldest, son of a J.
VI. McLaren, Victor street, London.
he ceremony was performed by Rev.
. Jennings, of Bayfield, the wed -
in g march being very acceptably play -
d by Miss Doan, of Zurich, a friend of
he bride. The pretty bride looked
harming, being attired in a gown of
'bite batiste, with chiffon trimmings,
nd carried a bohquet of white roses.
be was ably assisted by Miss Phemia
ogan, who was becomingly dressed
pale blue voile, and carried pink
ante dons. The groom was supported
y his brother, Me. Gilbert McLaren.
fter the ceremony and congratula-
ons, the company sat down to a
:linty Wedding breekfost. The nutil-
rous and bandsome presents attested
o the popularity of the young couple,
'ho left on the evening train for De-
enroute to Winnipeg, where they
ill reside, and where the groom has
good position as manager of the
'untiring supply'branch of the Fair-
anks Company. Mrs. McLaren is one
f nOr most popular ypung ladies, is a
ind and genial favorite with all and
e feel sate in saying that h she look-
th well to the ways of her household
nd eateth not the bread of idleness,"
nd that where're she may be her
ome will be filled with sunshine from.
the fact that her sunny disposition
eannot help but penetrate the dark
ide of life and chase all g,loom, away.
The groom is a well-known London
boy, born and brought up in that city,
where he was in business for himself
for severala
years. He was proininent
in athletic circles, being a member of
the celebreted Knox base ball club in
their palmy days. When we say we
wish the bride and her worthy hus-
band a long and useful
oulife and contin-
uous prosperity, we Are only echoing
the vent; sentiments of the host of
friends. Among the guests front Lon-
don were the following viz: ----Dr. and
Mrs. Weekes, Mr..and Mrs. J. W. Mc-
Laren, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Coombs, Mr.
And Mr... Arthur Ash, Miss McLaren,
Mr. Alf. Fraser and o hers..
• •••-• • ••, -
taby's cold may be cured in a night by using
Appetite poor?%1 Bowels
constipated? Tongue coated?
Head ache?' It's your liver!
Ayer's Pills'are liver pills, all
vegetable. .i:V:a1;.. 11,7thr,1%.
Want your moustache or beard
a beautiitil brown or rich black? Use
&wry crts, 11. P. mit & coSA2ITUA, 141!
TIM,SG; relti
just before or'just after a meal.
Never eat more than three thnes a
day, and make the at Meal very
light. For any e..5,:.F.-4tio,s, two
ineals are better than =QM Never
at a morsel of any sort between
meals. Never eat wizen very tired,
whether exhausted front mental or
physical labor. Never eat when the
nund is worried or the temper Tel ed,
if you can possibly avoid it. Eat only
food that is easy 0 digestion, avoid-
ing complicated and indigestible
dishes, and taking but one to three
CPUIRS at II meal.
After meals take two S. jAZIES
bolo,* at. ,imaga Vetere
tItei it ate the utast complete eogebirA.
half trounIglar 11;1=1'41=X
glassful w'th."
b.tPr. Robed Nteint7te, 0,
Edintbun'a geotieree.
Mc in ni $1.00; water.
Six botttestar he y
help gtornach, diget food and nend
tlie nutriment through the Woo&
aud this is foe illelleet way to 'Yet
health and strength, the kind tRat
lasts, develops and breeds the nerg
which accomplishes much. a
Jirst.i irgfEra -aro, C.4444 Vera
, . tagike morrocvs. titvr A ,
ort4laar tiottIo Pprir •Mievls
'MO Arafura UPI repo/
len tt.TV
nt the Corirtfr.ta
race Veva ee,„ theS •
Suceess in after life e d lareely upen the traireha
received vilosara voting.
No itey cr girl roheed enter lousiness leo n these dayssfkeen
repetitien witheet, peper reoperate -en.
' The arehad uleadd be trained to eieuip and understand C2/1111.•
meria1.roattersquickly..and cvery yeung man raid. liti7u7=41
rcceivo a, thcrangle prautical trateing totem, enterong any Lustrous;
Tho Foreat �1y Dusinete ond Shorthand Carp traine over
two hundred end 'fifty youeg men end worroen every year, end &toll
the business aivorld bdemandire mere.
Etoklet explaining courses, essts. cte„,, trt fee a eaetal,
OA 1, •
4....Lu 040 4i
7E131 iSrat L ?URI!
Wo unattaarhOu.leterse lieeesteeeeett 'rhe: ieltharorsitr. yortk her., ta: at treat:ad tor
eterreetie. te enterer, cteethetede.' oak yea,qee, care p;17,tv
r„dato of cu ,?,tez it. .0.irt-tettre' tii itri.rinal ith ne”,:alveg,7,1 Cwt. r.?cult
OZ 30.37n4netapi!!innn in.t:zrteSirenintdiuunann. Thartrictura, titema tee ear.11 is
paitleatiy abeitelizI nyoved f,rarrer. Aqr etten ae.
cattlatales ate-lean:ft, luilarted et healed tile, ri1a Illtiltur and
bertha; sertaatkarn e.e.tee; tina."Eiduey, ant Itladdsit berth -re :atom erttr art:tat, the
settettlertraes troale 41¢1011111V rola tha rat:ezt lestr:to tlt444.11:la ture
worth Wrier,. Li am inattol =der a
:POSITS:MT- Ca. co P.44176
°tiI1 rim- viir nrztTrtor) 'rrar.:JeTnirevr, tin eteel ere, toed malt* a Mari
of you. threerits teeiresee tee brain b:compe activ,t, 'Le 'Maul pur.I•es ,r.1 tar* all
piraeleS,blotthes and racers Ilea:. tt.,?; Om nerves teco.....-ie strong' r..4 ttOuqu, :40 etlUlt
nersouncess, bushfalnera and t,ettpontlency 4 leap:leer; tito eyes bea.nlva 11,1g1d, lips
lace full and,clear.ceerey returns to tio buds., a:td ii.a rtoral, 2Itysi.-al and r. -real
1,/stetris are lavir,oratcd; all drains eaave-no ntore.t hut wegte front V.,' ru.:TNtettlu
The varickus eirrt41:19 become naterai and rt:rth. Yon ftel yourgelf a man anti Ite.,w
n tarri age cannot be a failure. We in v i te all tla--. enlisted If. ernr,Ilit lac fAmfdr.,1114 wit
and in.* (f share°. Don't let oraelis and faldrq rub run of ,,.a r itliti-eArn.1.4
dollars. WZ WILD CURB WE IT O 101 PAY.
We treat and enre NERVOUS DZIIILIS Y, S7.7.17AL Wrta.;t7N!,,Vizi, :MITS.
SIGNS. sYPIIILIS. GLEST, STRIcTiMa:. VAItIcf.C7,1`.F., 17.1.1).Nriz7 attd
III,LtDDILIt DIsEASEs, and all tliheases peculiar LJITiC11:24ti. worlea.
VONSULT.41720A1 EVE& BC Cift.:4 �nrril. (111atheateS).
If nuable to can, write f.71' IRCSatikt tan atur-Zei7 for Eitormo Tmpti.
• r E6 .• MA ''.' rM.f, g4 VC7.77:hr zin
N g-i_A guotIL
148 Shelby St., DETROIT, 1111014
28 Years in Detroit.- 280.000 Cured. Dank Security.
K K&K K & K K%ex :Ai
OBITUARY. -Rarely, if ever, has the
death of 'a child so deeply touched the
hearts of the whole community, as in
the case of the bereavement which has
fallen upon Mr. and Mrs. John Living-
stone, of this place, in the death of
their daughter, Charlotte. The little
girl had attended school on Friday
'week when she was suddenly taken, ill
vvith appendicitis. A few days later
an operation VMS performed, which
was thought to be successful, but the
shock to the system was too severe,
ancl although she rallied somewhat or,
Wednesday, she gradually sank and on
Thersday the little sufferer was called
away. Although but in her eleventh
yen e she was a wonderfully popular
and beloved child, known to old. and
young of all classes, and no one failed
to greet her with a smile or kind word.
Cleeer and intelligent beyond her
yeers, she was the idol of the house -
held, and their deep grief is all the
in. e painful because of her death.
She leaves her sorrowing parents, a
ehter and a brother. The funeral took
piece on Saturday to the Staffa ceine-
to ry and was attended and vvitnessed
Iv timely Whose helots went out in
sterete sympathy for the sorrowing
tioughs, colds, hoasseness, and other throat
, •
.,vaoceOresolene, which eas been extensivelY ailments are quickly relieved by Val)n-Crese.
10 uso for twenI3'-folus Years• All diunZists. tene tablets ten se:Asper box, All druggists.
Messrs. Mervin G'rahane and John
McEwen have gone to Toronto, the
former to study medicine and the lat-
ter to attend Knox College, to study
for the Presbyterian ministry. -Both
are clever young men and will, no
doubt, do well in their chosen profes-
siona-Dr. Stewart,iof Montreal, for-
merly'of this piece, s, we are sorry to
learn, dangerously ill with blood phis -
(ming. At present he is improving
and as soon as he is able will leave for
a warmer climate. -Wm. Baird has
taken a position id the technical school
Toronto. -Duncan McTavish met with
an nnfortunate accident .a few days
ago. He was taking a load of oats to
the mill, and while attempting to
straighten a bag without getting off
the load, he fell and one of the wheels
passed over his arm and his head was
badly cut. Die Rogers dressed the
wounds and he is now doing nicely. -
The remains of the late Mrs. Duncan
Cameron, who died at Rath well, Man.,
were brought here for interment, the
fnneral taking place on Friday to Ross'
cemetery. Deceased w as at one time
a resident of this place and was highly
respected and esteetnech-Dr. James
Baird. formerly of our burgh, was
united in marriage on Thanksgiving
Day to 'Wise McLean, of near Montreal.
The doctor's reany friends here unite
in wishing' himself ttnd bride every
he ppiness.