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HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-10-22, Page 3� �� . � - � - �'. � - -- 11111 1=�� .. � .11 - I I T17,- �,x . I
Z,i;* 1117 7
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� ".,' V �
V� . , I COUNTESS TOZSTOY. iftf I I I -- --- ,a=0=NWr, I ol,.;,ll..,,,�.i.,i,ll 11 � . . .
, I 14X,%'D Or� WOMEN DOCTORS, . I -- I . �
, " , "' , -, I .
I — i �� ,
!11 I I le 10THERLY ADVICE. , he Ts. of Great Assistance to. 3 The number of la;ii,s in tile medical What' womelin 'is not a opicu"? The 4 I I
- - a, 11
i � , . I I S Distinguish , � , -�Eilr profession in this country 14 small. ost. satifsfying, 4 I I
i 11ROX ONE WHOSE DAUGHTER , ed aVrib4nd ZWNUGHT It is to Itussia we have to go to see- , M , .11.1 el 16 t4sting Aervo I
i- Tho fam, of count Toistoy is so . I -0 w0luan doctor in Any numbers, 0 000thing teet in all Hh1Ce4:ftr14 is,
1. . WAS RESTORED 'TO . , t1l I 11 �
I - I I great and his Dgdro so striking that I V% * L �
I . . . 0 11EALT9. the Counte.5s is generally Overtook" 4-14PVC90 Although there are a fair number in
tile 00444 States. Among the wild Aft
I I . I — . ,
I .. I . oil by a. curions public. And yet, to P.XW$X 4'AW14cAttered populAtiop, of Russia
. -
I Had Suffered :From 3XeAdAdhes, believe All we are told About hot, she " O" XX 'L there is art inexhausti , ble field for Fffix
1�i i B I u, .,,,.. KE -S I b b 0 410 g I
I 1.
1�I I Dizziness Land Z%inting Spells- must be ,k, remarkable womall. She L
,� ,. i;ared at one Time -tll Ibit paid b.y women 0.0 doctors and teacbers, an(i I
, L, .At, Con�� is a clever writer. a, gTeat linguist, S5#000 RawardWIll
I - 'L ,, ' ' 'L . I I L,e ,r IR a It !a tbe knowledga.Qj this fact whipt �
,ve .�,thorltl
, .
y leader, Who- i0initod, Toronto, to mly person :Who has disarmed the oppositIQ lsr�]M L L I
. .. . , la to their !�
I scow home, or at YAs- Can, prove that this' s9ilp. gontAlrul going tbrough itill-versi jes', , 14 :J$<J7
. , , , t .
. L All the freshness Of YOVUL the naya ,be, fau lte, near itny fOrm of adulteration, whatsoever$ Russi,3 had 997 women do � I
� ,, Pplyp,na, t .111y,,estz , . , L 0
su. . '0� A113111111L
( . MPtion Would F ollow. and 4. brilliant societ
- ther 14 ber UO
, ctoro, and � .
-3 Of girl- Tula, she is described as "a charm- ar contains any injurtous, chQMlcal4' thV1 AtUnber constantly Incre I
' rosy checks and briglA OYel y1on Te CIL- ,
� I
I I ,hood, the charms of budding "wouxuaw Ing ,,%,Oman of tbp world, epea4�iug Ask for, the Octagon Vor, %is this prow"sion R asea� 'a, Women who 4'ellout in the boot of OV097-
��. L liood� Are due to pure, rich blood perfectly, L-uglish, preuch, or Ger-, t,4 w4de a disting usslan women bove;� thing Will not pe,30aft vmv athor t*4 an i
� anti bealtby nerves, When the face n1au as the visitors - guished name. They' I I . �
��' - is palo and the e L . prefers, And eagor = I 1: 11 17 , "', : I -11'... 1.l bgve cuorm ,�' their tabl4m..- .
-F. I -t .. , tilis practices in the grea ; I
YeS JAcL lustre, to difieuss tile larstest books of Paris, I town',, omil Are largoly ele t I 'Ack I
t wheA, 'tlimro ard Itead,aches And back- Londo , �Slcw Y I P ,ployed by Z. - XW4 Ceylon green, Uk for W 144
I n , ork, or J�erlixx; - A fIT n !tie$. ' . ,
� r re4th 444 ro,17- gran -de, dame of the old school, !,ERRT ", D tile municipal ronTy C TS-1&H01U7J1D Im P114ry is
�, OLD 0116A I I - AN - - � . 1. - � I 1. 1. --
I patioxi of the beart, 010 blood Is ser- d '$5 4 simply, but with extpilsite � . -JWGRl�.;=" PRIMP . . L L
L .1 . '.. TOOL.?" -11, ... P1 I
�� io"bly, out of condition, and decline , retee and we-, — ow"s This! 711 .
445 %ring a few jewels "
'I , anti consumption ipay well be feared. IV - KrMs 'IRV XAU4 A100VT a=q V. I I I L I '' --l-!--- i�l I ... 01'' -
I Wit efier ()np I poilArp ] -
hich aro heirlooms and -of much "Jundred ll�eVgkra - ----- ------ I .
" L ----- -
,� I . . I In ornergencles of thi,s kind there is valqe." 331ML AND III.% XW ORLS. Ill ., NOMM"!
. ,or Any caw of eAtarrh i, , ,
b4t r AO -- � - -- -
.,,, u,mittkt 0
, I ,ill
( gilo nle;Ar,bie so certain in tts� beneficl- lr�ie Countess, who Is twe;1ty-nine � *Orgd by UQUA 4,4i4rrh 0113m 11 I
� - i f"'" �
, L L, Ift. thg uridensigued, hAvp Imp -A Jr- . . a " I
� I Zvery , pill makes gro -' Reign* Supreme in th 9 , , slid 0 " 0 , L' . 2-011
L ,, new, rich, blood, bcon 0 4. Cheney for the just i vearm, 1
4 1 � .1 , ,ixt, assistance to him I' Q Q m- 1 . ,4 " �, - I , -11, -11 I
� strougUietics the nerves and puts the many waya. "Me As nsis - LL, 131 - -
. b-. I - ted, blWeve 'Lim perrecoy bonora le in 01 � , ''.
. ., �17;- -
I . bu5iner�s trarisqctign. ' Ap nancially - I 1�
, 5
. ,d ti, ��
0 ul lesults As Dr. 'Williauts, Pink,Pills. years yo 2 Or 'y A Co, Tole0. Q- . . W� -A 'S
. L unger than, her busband, has oce F. 4. 01"FRNb Q (0wANw
,nees In the Land That I
stifierer on the, roAd to healtb� Proof says tbA Gentlewoman. "In, protect- . ,n ciaJ World. le to carry o � I � 1-4
, . at amy oblipxwps ;U0,44 1 � L I
of this is found in the cAsQ of Miss Ing ter husband's bealth, his pro- CQunte�ss 606 140V arm. I . .., �:,.%
,, ;;,!,q .
�1 de lit IV4rr was, At vors, - ; I � I
Wrtbn Afilloy, Port Dalhousie. Ont. perty. And bLa finalleial, Interests. awd h , ; - * & aut AX. lyho!"sle OrP99140, i
, iviag 0. b1N'1A!J1)l.NV-, XUNNAN *j ... -S "
� .01
� 6 due to her th,%t Count TOIstoY a motor At, an '1,0111111IN W Q es4 a Druggists, Woleolol I
I The stAory of tills young lady's res- it I M,, fteil 40s. ,and costs fordi -. AM I. I le", 4- 11 - 1`086i PAILS4 WASHBOARD , id
, , e L. 1. � .
. xcessive. ap,md . f � - -.1.4 . .
-4 toratloV to health is told by her !S alive tti-day and Able to glyff his through Crawley. The police alkg O' . I I : OLOTRESPIRS I
. Juall's Catftrrh Cure is 1:01M. WIMP- I I I
I . * mothor as follows: "A few years genlux to tile service of tile world. led tb4t her ladyslap drove at tilie nsll,r, *�ckirig 4treqtly vppn tho IkICKA r I I , .. I
,, . L , � N
Ce MI boor. it'd L 144ce'la
L ago my d4ugi.-tOr Bertha began to Countess TOl9tO7 tau been III ideal rate ckf twonty,ibr , leS alt . N Wrliicea a, th ! � ";a. .�*, k Iler - -# ..
dod!-M ila health, Among the early mother to ber thirteen Oilldren, III0 Tb ., ixii Wit, .0 CAM F 00 ftbOr Of 'MA54 -1kF,
etford Doaril of ('11,
� . 4 arillAng T05tilpikoials ee-af. fir". rrk,-o W-11 .
, bait*), tsold by All. (lrk;gglokva� 11,
� fWfuptonla %vorc, JO,RS Of appetiteM loss ftht of whom Are still living. fte have received it lett..%r from Mrs.,: uitulii Fskmily r-tilit OVA , "Ito W.1% IL 1� . . . Tile n#wo ITAne. N,owww'sitt" isk
I' 01 strcagth and an aversion to exer. taught her children mu -4a anil 10339- Unit, Ift IvIdCh she wFif,pis her po-1-1- brandi:d an this relf4blo vocideawaro
ill tion. Tbefie wixe followed by sovilre lish her.self, and has for years had tion wi rate collector 4athe gToltud, IjMzins (aitigrily) . "Sit*, J*m 114t
Ileadach". fuld votnotlutes fainting completo chargo of the Publishing that she cannot conscient � I 011olut0y th.0 best wooder6ware 11
. , 1pugly qqi- ,
, r", big I
� . 0. 'too, as you think I am 1*1 LL
Ate. her #�olor left her And she was and sale of ter hu.$bund's boolts. UAd Ject the rate for ofteatlQual purpose,51141f, I ( ..
I , iL V�q calvitly) . 'lot), I don't lmow I money can buy. your 0algr sells I
greatI3, mduced In flesh, In fact her it not been for ,her the Count would unider tliq new Act, now utuch do, YOU wgigh 7" , L I
condition was such that I feared ,she have carried hie doetrincs to tile 40.6 tba Mancliest-or ,and J.Iveypoel L — them.
, r ...
IVO extrom . - I L
Would go into, consumption. - a limit and the famiLy well . a , ng Into ASM - - ZRWMMMM _ I
, . Id expres
, .a wag, ru 41, Crewe A%- .. � .1 -1 I I I -M="
tried a nunatter of .41,6410inug but they now be penniless. No one is more 0011 A truck ladgil'with mercliAmilso U114's WN 00 6010 M 0141t
did not holp her,� then % doctor wits rflAdy to give the Countess tribute "d a vrat,tk of live duplig, rolled Oil T—
I called ln� but there Was, Ito Improve- than bor husband, and whI144 their 00 Plu-iform on to. the uleWs. Ir-ta A - lWycr f1ti k ITS Tir To TOV to 7Xotect your loved ones tQ, the be§t of
� Wovnt, 44d things lookerd %,cry hope. Was diffOr r4ditally. 01<3;y Are 70t Led into tile ottstrugtioji .Irl nevor t1d k & yoUgg WAn!fi your Ability.
1"� a. At tbis stago acting oil the extremely happy togothor." " '"'I"o 111011 'Ice and carried It near- heart is In the right place unless she
, . I'll"ll
advice of a lady friond (who, b, . ly a, I'lumn2roto yards before it o-ume liosse'Says It,
Avay, was studying inadicine And is A UODEST R.E.QuV-ST. to Q� atop. ThQ duck -a fell between
OW metals axd the tralt� passed " was. and never will be a .
I now practising In Chicago) I started The wit ,of the Irish is proiverbial, L Over unIV%eermSa)r"'vP'e-`ul4Ava, In Que remedy, for AV -111 fornis.4 you with an insurance of from $500 to $2.000 at As
giving bell Dr. Williquis' pin them, but they escapipil nuppiurod. , Alt W$ to which stesh Is heir --the low a cost as is consistent with sArety.
. k pills. and instances tire not, Nvankting to Ali ulutsua , iN, ikur,at I ivel; being s.4r4
, charge of cruelty wao. n4fure Of ,lie' 44 �4u OX441�r a
h h 11 their wit* . , div . f Chose= Friends is tugroughly reU41010.
preferred At WiStoil recently by that were the germs of other xind dif- , - ,
I was u decid(4) improvement in her about them In time of d4ugcr. An SoCiet, , the fCr,.Lntl,V sested dLJ.'qeik,$QJs rQQ" L %ho Who 0=aAign Order of QUQ5w; IFr;=da ft pwvly C.tirm-i;hau.
T for t3le prevention 0 L �d in
condition. And by tbo time.sho hAd Irlab switchman exuplo,yed in tho . I Crucl- pystem of the Fationt-wil4t would rt- The CAUadJ= Order at Chosen Xlriends- ia tegiaf,�red.
tL,V to 40IM0,1 against Thou= Ful- 110YO QDQ Pl- a '"Ira would il
, , igr'v"" Thq C=44J,*= Ordor of Chosen Frier-dS i% U
taken illoo boxvs sho waa again en- tiviglit yards of a Western efty was mer, farlikkker, QAlgrry gill. Iton, tho ut!ier. Ave lmve. however. it Quin- -Owiug XaPJdJY-
Joylag perfeot bealth. no 110 J%jtlil. WbeikLob?
During ber mulucky, enough tetriabla ,a e, sound Who CV,VAdl4n, Order Of Chlige*A Fritnft has 47'0 C6,amdlv.
Out dav to get his rl or sovA 41 dqu dcloadunt totbered I ultod4atom, te,d swo. a remeily C04 r manY Tbo Canadj= Order at MORA r4tud$ bAS 25,000 TA*1AbtX3, I
illness ' Lim weight was re 'r _ ant, F , 11
. ,duced to It.ft toot fustened In that death-U-4it a, three woutils old k4,ttm by 4.X rope 4rvvi4u,N Is, "'y it'l grAdmikil and The co,uadittu Order of 0hos-= r4eudrp b4a 440,000 ourplus.
I ninety-fivet panuds end while taking known As a "frog." A vigorous ef- in, a ,aeld to frIXhtf,n rook,e Iran,, tbal ud�co" UFO. the frftil,,�*t 6yr-lems *TO
the pills it Itivreased to one bundre,d fort t fell Into conval co anti attronKth. by olu now. LOW 01010bers abow .t We ad. to your Wends. It poll Are
L . a free hinuzc4r failed, A, freight, turnips. It )WA V. bucket to 5,.qeJL) tile influence = Quinine exerts On not 4L member WIl Information will be furvftbed by writing to
and ti%n Pounds. My advice to other. train was bacIting down upon him, In, flcrQalant detkied tile crucity. Natum'fl own restoratives. It mlieves '114
the droopoug *p1rits of tha&e rgh W. F VONTAQUU, Grand P*ecorder. avifton. or
- 1110111"M who 1141VO W044 Or Ailing not more than forty foTt away. awl called 4 witlic-'Aq Who 'Sold the wbom a, chronic state of morbid del.�, W. F. CAMPRELI-6 Gra;,(J Organ5imr. 11amiltan.
girls Is to lone no linae in giving Quick as thought he whipped his practice was a fairily, common ong, p*mdency aud lack of littvre.-it. in life 5i . , , . " � ! "' ' _ _ !!"!= � =� � � - L - � ' .
tlm,m Dr. Willtunks' Pint. pills.- kuifA, Out Of his pottet. OPM4 it. In tile distilet. He was ordered to A d5 -,ease. and. by tranquilizing the ,
nerves. dimpo"s to vound and refreshinir '17be children of, tbe roan who made 11r.s. Ruttvrclip . 1*1 wIsIll I Thad a
Nearly all the Ills of life are due cut tile folds of his ahoi�gtijng with pay 41, including costs. klift,gs-Juumartu vigor ta the action ofin sperialty of sowing wild oats be. luillion." Xr. Rattemup: 1117bilar
to bad blood, and they ore cured by one sweep of tile bludit, jerlied Uls Invo (Laucasbire) UsUict Colwell the blood, which being stimulated, 11 for,, his On deratIon" wonnn, h4wen't .Y.1014 ally
Pr.. Willialus' Finli 14111f; simply be- toot out of tile shoe, leaving the on Monday vonalklertil Mr, C . I gourrea throuffhoul, 1,110 veins. 0greliatu- niarriage will harvest biwim.'s aeuwmn 2 Nllm,t do .Vou 11
oxnegle a -- - . abundant crop of advice. ,
L lag tile healthy "Intel functious of L
cause Illeso pills walco new, rich la,ttor in tho frog, and jumped to oller of X5,000 for tLe erectlon of a 4%:1h4#J liy6teLak, 01creby ritattin Q-QtJVAY Ol want to stop at it, pultry =Valon for
blood thur, bringing strenrth to ev- one side. Ile eseaped death by a flIft, library. Althotigh. tile council tkcret,15ary result, vtTengticlung the W1101 you can VIOD for a humired
cry part of tile body. That Is the margin of less than a second. 1184 ftuale Application for the glit, a friluie, Anil giving life to tile alge"ittva millions just, as e&414. and Xvilh just
ortmas, which 9 , aturally dentand In- Waid's Uniffied Com Colds, tic
whole ercret, Awl is the reason wliv Tile freight supc-rintendeut, beat -Ing IT-901110OU was ROwpassed by eight cmawd sithawkic6-re,sult. Improved ap- as much prosTect of gettilig It? No
J, 1110FO Pills have ourad After otlwr of his nan-ow escalle. called him into votes to four that the, offer be not 1111tito, Northrop & L,yrklau of Toren- wonder we are 4400r." 4
f medicines have failed. accopted. Mr. Itiobard Ruewles #,"- have given to tile Public their `a' ...
All mcNe,0110 his offlee the next day. Vvrior 14uinfaq Wine ;it the usuill rmto. Ilespr-11XVIly did you break off your - --- — - ----- -- I i
-1 I
1 4
dealers sell these pills, but there tire "Larry," to said, ".van allowed 113W the Council should feel asbauted anti, galuilled by 00 opinion of sclea- engagerneut With Jack?" 9011-", ;
some who Oiler aubstitutes: rwe that wonderful presence of mind Ili an for having made wo application and tist% ibis Nviya ai4proaches nearest Ile ashod him to. guess My ago�-and be �
tbrowil tile InuIllfteent Oiler fection of any lit thik market. Ali drug: Rest for Mother 4
tile full narne 1111r. Millaw.91 Pink emergenry yesterday. I should 116 th", giuts fell It. did."
rJ119 foil Palo People" Is printeil on to (to rnmethJupr (at- you to allow my bacl; into Mr. Carnegie's face. Mr.
, Pleasure for the Children I
the wrapper around every box. It appreciation of it. JVhkVt sh.111 it Dowburst, described as mean the tu.- They Advert AT T=, CUBUISTIS, EAMNSU, I
, ItlTri, Ise Theinselves.-Intined I
In doubt send direat to tIlfL*L Dr, Nvii- be tion of the largo ratepayers in robb- _"'itler L%Vt,l.v offered to the pubtle
,?,# The Now Century Washer
114=q Wodkinp (Io.. Urockville. Out., 40 Ing the working classes of library *X1;;r.;4elce8V4L',0TabJe P111.4 bee'"110 Pop A aurabor of unkind gibes are burl- l.
Xvivil sor," responded LP-.'Tyv benefits. The clittirman protested War becawRe ofthe gooil report they suado ed at the chelulst aneut tho extorl, s I
-oil 1110 Pills will be sent 1). se " I I
. ,,wr, ',tile alloe Is as Against Xr. Dewhurst"s remarks And .wr themmelvq,% That repumdon has tion Ill wa ts . tit'. :1
a v mail at ratolihilk: bi$ It , L "to price of some of s r . clitiaten aii
ellOwn. all L I . 9,wrartut
50 cents A. box or six boxes for good as Ivor- but thO a"lrinX'0 no sald the rmoptayers of X,nce bw can- lit lbeY 110W r.tut, MU0119 tile 4Niany people will have heard the I ot raudlirit.4
$2.'so., good at All .now. Ye wight give me,-tribuicil It. thousand pounds to tLe Ilk -at wedielnei ftir ti�a lit attailkS Of dy_ who went In- I 1. effeetivs I
— 0 ; nn onlbor for a now pair uv alloo- �Vjgall ,rpechulcal Coll livp4a. and hilliousness. couiplainrs of tht, at I sad ut
,,4,Kd. The, Couz- iiVeesud kldae�'S'L i'lleumItti jul. f, -ver And to a chemist's shop anti as4ed for a .7 1 1 b*1 11 ## "I 4 �
nAIX A' sti-r1w, sor," ell's library arrilngentents with ,Wlg. tgue-andthe filuumeralite complications bottle of a. certain pileparation. tile I . . 1. tilt" it
W) ANIMALS. ti.. "I'll
"The el7ects of a rainy day upon 4 all will continue. . to which theseallulet is -.,IV* r6io. price of which was fifty cents. Oil L I , � tlkcw.111.;�tl�, I
� Vall ;'Ictr I
43,71iluttis of 0, zoo," says a keoper, Prince,.;,; Victoria, Nvbo was bom In rego,iving the drug lie threw down , lugs auli" 4
"are As Interesting to wate.h. as tiny- WAS INDUPIABLE, 1868, shares tile ftte of wany sweet- Cupid's shaft may WAIM Q man Act two cents And rtl&lledr from the pJQCe' I , "F. ativolz gthn �
. 111ttilred and retiring women, And Is 10011811, but It's the marble shaft 41A,h, well," tile cheintst is report- .1 11 � 1, ra.��.21`fo rc� 14
thing I know Ili connection with a M) ID , 3nI;.iW"*u*A 1�
tollcotion. of beasts. Now, that hig BUT IS GUlb less known and parbaps less appre- that put's him out of business. cd to have said, "I bavo made a tUe uorkr- �
ciated, tbA*aL she deserves. As a — tent out fir hliu anylvoyl" �
wolf over there just revels In a rainy — child she was specially clever with, alt"Illy ne"A' I
day, alid skills aboat as gay as you But another niember of the trade VIVO i
Please. All tbo wolves are the suite, .TOSnBB: SOONM. AT WORX ]ter noodle. doing ,*plain work" lit displayed a frankness on -the subject t"Or�`Ix =ht I
UnIn choers thein lip. 13tit tile Ilona AGAIN AF TER SEVEN quite a capable faslAon. She is now ates ftes a toblisl
all excellent embroiderer. Illor boalth Sira,—Thls is to Cortify that Of profitS that was. no doubt, what- it N otir luprtl", re d"Ier doe,.4 act
are different, They Irot aud hinlo TE AR$ ILLNZ SS. lylilue to abse,nt-mindedness. ralTy thein urite, us for bootet.
seeirs somewhat, delicate, aWd she 1. *,have bee" troubled with a IRMO 'Wliat,ll said it waggish customer
kind growl and snarl unless 1,ou give — neither Hiles nor shoots, but all the bite' for flfte,m years. ' The Doswell Hads. Co. Vd. ,
allowanco of ineat or Discharged :From the Rospital as sarne, may be courited as one Of theL I have Used three bot XIAMILTOX, 011i.
them An extra .tlei of your to him one daY—"What do You
a big pan of warin tuilk. Then they incurable, .'ge 'Used Dodd's Kid. inost athletic, ladies in the Engll.r& VII.NARD'S LINWEINT and am chargo for two cents worth of chlor-, NOW- .— . j-, - .
will nleilp, but a rainy day seenis to royal family. She is fond of tennis completely cured. ate of pota-sh?" �
get oil the nerves of a lion or %toy :Pills With Splendid Results. a really good golf player, Amid an ex- it gj%es me great pleasure to re Thrown off Ills guard by the Inn- C31 -4018M 1
a ny - M13M, - - �
of the cat family. Snakes are kept Cattle's Cove, New Bay, 1411d, Oct. collent cyclist. R�-�ding, both prose commend it &rld you are at liberty cent manner of the Inquirer, the &.-�9 .
in just it certain temperature all the 12�—(Special)l;—After being for sev- and poetry, occupies much. of her to usit ttils in any way to further the chpirlist, promptly responded. "Twehro We are paying ver
Iffhigh prices for �
time, and you would think that tile � � cents." rl qlry� Root. Shp 01 onc#, Prices 1.
en years a hopeless invaikf, unable to �Paro time. Like lier mother Q\nvon uso of your valuable uledi6ne. VrI �Zlccline. SS -50 ,�
damp air would never reach them. work and racked by aches Lind pains, Alexandra, she is it ],coal photo -graph- TWO Rivors. ROBERT ROSS. =. M: W-.,%.�Sw==43� am C>92.
Perbaps it doesn't. but I lituve Always jo. -s liar kodak wherever n gifts .t, cost. 'tor -to. �
"ph Boone of this place is batm er.and carri( Miflad's' Umlaut Coles Elph1hiii? Pur lWainufacturom Sendfortatalcir I
noticed that all the reptiles Are ac- at his old work as a 11shermali. It she goes, —
tive and cheerful, If a ix%ptile can be sounds like a miracle, but it is not ... Viscount Melville. Canon. Alderson. 1-39 :
said to be cheerful, when it rains. it wAs i�jdney Disease was tile Inut- mW other Antiquarians made a. "You shall never leave this house Visitor-11what lovely furniturell, &f .
111my."Yes; I think tile man We rLi a i U .
The deer family, tile bears, the varl- ter with him. Dodd's Kidney pills nw5t Interesting discovery 4n the ' i I I i oard To-% b 1i in
I Cathedral Library at Peterborough. All ,ought it from is sorry now lie sold
ouo sorts of wild goats, and the like, cured him. until you pay what you owe xne."
dovi't seem to mind the rain a 'bit, When examining the XSS, and re- shouted the Irate landlord. " it; be's Always calling." The Host sit the Lowest Price !
"It is something worth relating coxds right," said the boarder; "just put r
Ilh,ds, however, are the most ills- what Doild's kidney Pills have done thq-� found nanongst the col- — Write for Term*
consolate, dreary things in the ivorld for me," says MY, Boone "slid I lection. b;quea.thed by 'Bishop White that in writing And I'll sign it." There Are c& -eq of otiu-minntion so far .
an a rainy day. They don't sing. am glad to � tell it. I had 'doctored Ken-nott a sinall volume of the four- advanceil that Bickle's And-Conitumptive Rr--ID BRGS., Wf'a 0,0.1y
,!, hardty chirpt, but just settle down to teelith century containing copies of SE TTLE, RS LOW RATES. $yrpp will nor cure, but none �-o bad that
be *�s miserable as possible." with several ,doctors and after sovea Ancient charters yelating to Peter- Via Lthe Chicago and North Aestern irwill not give relief. For coughs, cold,; 7*s Kiric 6t. W.
. , . inotiths in the hospital was sent. borough. On looking through the Ity., every day from Sept. 15th to and allafitiatiown oftbe threat; hinas and ---- 1.0
4 — home as incurable. November Sotb, settlers one way elkest. it cliecific which has never beer, D ultry, ALL KINDS 11
book a deed was found. slightly fas- known tb fall. It proniore,; a free .in([ no I
SHAM SAF ES. - . -Richard Quirk, who bad been cur- toned to one of the pag%q,, whicia I second class tickets at very low PaRy expectoration, thereby removing the L.% -L-.1L
. For giving confidence to visitors ed by Dodil's Kidney Pills, advised Ago to points in phleint), and give-st the diseased parts a ID 'E'EVIn flog FRUITS
L, was discovered to be an Original rates from Chic. U
there Is nothing so u&oful in an office me to try them and I did. I took charter of Edward the Confessor to Utab, Montana, Vevada, Idaho, Or&- chwica to beal. - And Farm Pro
, as a very solid-lookIng safe, And the 2I boxes,before I was ablo to go to. tlye Abbot of Burgh, dated 1060, and 90n, Washington, California, also to .
working cak7penter in South -East work. But I can hardly believe It Attested by Vieforia, Vancouver, New Wastruln- Ncwly�made Bride: "Mamma y. Dross
. Ring R-dward, Queen SO, Sri
s . I is myself is in it at all 'after all Edgitha, �iio Ardibisbops of 'Cauter- ster, Rosstland And otbor points In she does not think we will ever oil coqstgn it to l ix
. I
11, -
London who noted till fact has rea- years of sufforing." - . bury and Yor -1 . Correspond- quarrel as she and papa 'do," Groom: oneys -
. � those . _, I -arold Tosti (Har- the Kootenay District 11
son to bless his own acumen, ior lie brtltl"� - dearest," NoWly-maAe , n ', we wil 1 ,�e
Dorld's Nidney Pills never fall to old's .;, Godric and others ingly low rates from all points in " .Never.. ,, you good prices
. does well by the sale of sham safes. lire all forms of Kidney Disease The ,barter conveys the Manor Oi CanadA. Full particulars from near- ,Bride : No; she says you. will be
, There is a real demand for thew ai e Apples)
from Bachacht, to l3right's Disease. nNskerton to the Abbot Loohicus, est ticket agent or 13. 2U. Bennett. 1.11lith easier to manage than papa, I .
.1 . I prices running froni $7.50 to $12.50,JThousands of cumd will tell you sio,aiid is in very good 'couldition. General. Agent, 2 East King St., To- was. -i . THE .
,.,., nearly all the customers being begin- . .— . I . . — . ronto. Ont. I
I.. � . . 4 I I == I 1-1 --=--==--I---- �:.: . I 11
1: � !I I ners in busines. I . I .. Dawson NMIMi"SiOn CO., . I
. �.. ''I . I NOT PROUD 01i' ITIS LOOKS., Jack : "Did your watch stop when I SUBMIT TO IT? . . .00 I MITF11
- : 0 I I -+--- � I A young, inan who was * very ugly you dropped it on the, floor ?" BI I : .= 945 a, (D -rz n TT In I-) - �
+..''11.1'.., . STRANGE MOURNING I I � . . I �
." � ,, . I
went to a. phoiographer's stu�dio,
"Of course it did. End you thirm.
,rhe tillping habit is vicious. and
I I In Sitka, wl,,en an Indian wife has
and, dfter some blinshing, asked the
it would go through ?" I
demoralkzing. It ds casy to unider-
lionul. It disinfOcts anJ cleans ` Z�
I � I
. I lost her husband by death, she goes
I Artist if lie )iad anicingst hi4 samples
stand why tJ3O inall, who travels Ill
- V
1. . into mourning by painting the uppei.
a 11,�ture of any nla.n w1lo resernbled
, , For Over 5bitY VeRrs
a Pullnian car' should pay the por-
," I - I . I .
. I .
� . . part of her face a deep bla .
: . � I I I . 'SIC �
'.. -
him but was better loo'k-ing. I .
MRs Wrimow's 800MYNG Syrur baA been used bJ
inothers for their children while teethlvM
ter for brushing Us clothes and
I 11 I � ..� 1. . -- 10
I �
. do yo -u. mean ?" asked the
millf;ns of
Itsoothe. th. 01,114, aofttus shi annis. ahays pain. akirat
blacking his shoes And caxr.ying.
. . � . . ,I) 33ABYIS LIFE.
I- . - - SAVE
J)�? t?gapher. .
irind jolio. itirtiWes the stompth and kowels, iind Is the
baggage—these are services for which
I ... I --
. . �
!", *Ile replied, "I arn. ,I
WC1 hist en-
bmtrainedy for Plarrhcea.
Sold by timpolsts thranchout tho lworld. Be sure %nd
he does nLot pay whon.he buy9. his
. 1
I L I I I , Mrs. -T. BrIsson, GoldRock, Ont.,
ga p— ried, and the young
, ,.I to Ile rZar
ick ior,, xi�. WiNnow'm 500TH1 NG STAM" 2344
tlOket—but t is hard to understand
.. - . I I
, L
write�:—Baby's Own Tablets, saved
pt&.- sayq t1lat she does not Tnira'l niy
I I I 1. , ,
w1hy a.'man.should tip a waiter in a
I I .
� .
� I my little boy's life,when there sdoin- ,.
being pl,dTi beca:use I arn so iilee but
"Cllaudl.�, is the young n3an I
- n�
restaurant or a Imight of the razor
I Ir"An
I. ed no hope, and he is now a bright,
tIlfiT, S'110 WiLlltS ,L 1)e1ttCr-1OOl,dr3,W.
d1lStTiO11S to whom you are engag-;
in a barber shop. , Whan a nuin pays
. L KZK.
, I . I . rosy bealthy child. lie s L Lifiered
tUTO to sbow )ier fiiends. .
cc] ?" , "IbilusA-ious ? Why papa, be
$-I for a dillner why he should Pay
. I .
I I . L L 11 more than, tongue can tell from ob-
I . L L
I 'I'liere is not a incire dangerolic; cla,srl
intended to propose to me a . month
ago, but was t oo'busy 10' L .
10,e.ents or 25 cents to the waiter ?
Should not' courteous Attention be
Tha oW. Inyartabla virtut ti �
r, I t L ettion L and me
I , I stina e constip. did'.1le
. I
L gav I e him no relief until I gave lilm
t , -ecr, tjiL
fl!�Orderg t1lall tJ1w,,etw)d(,-h aff
I .
, � I .I— I 1
. I I
expected as a matter of course, ar�d
' ' :
ev J W
% .
,. I � ,. L,$ -
l .
I .
.: .r � 13ab3l Own � Tab lots. , I would not
,q I
J)i-(-Ii,tli�ng ger
� all g
,,,, orgnins. XufliFy 1his d
with Dr� Th,olrlas, Baleeirie 011—a,� P'111-
minard's WOW Cafes , 618161fl�gf,
nt foi- polite service I -
isu't payme ill
cluided in the, dollar ?, Wily should
%T J62A
I bo witliout tile Tablets in the hoiis e,
. 1 L
nionic ofacknowledged. efflffency. It, enr s
the man Who pays 15 cents for . a
&jsa atoobs .
�;., I I alld I think they should be kopt in
.. 1. I . . youlIg
every home'where there arer
lamen"s and sorene,is when applied ex-
!ernally. as well its swelie(I neck and criel,
I .
A man s,oldon� marries a girl on
sfiave or 25 cents for a;halr-cut glvw
10^cents to the barber ? He worics
irrActit thikiria mnjor.
I , , ,I
,:.. I I or delicate cbildr�h-" I
Ili the flack, and, as an inw,',wd �qpeclflc,
os�-,es*,- njo<.,� sabstan ti� I clailng to pub-
n 3
aecoqpt of her family, but, lie Sonle-
by:the week al:�d ii -he cannot render'
. �
. !* ,
� .�
'' All the minor ills of childhood,
,!- I ,
L . .
J_Leo �
I I C col I fide " , .
I - L
times remains -a bachelor orL ac.
decent service in retAu -7i for his
1. 5pradn's �
.J. I I I .� rlurl-.i. as indige'st.ion, colic, stomach
. �
I I .
I I ,—
p .
g9unt. thereof. I
ages without blaclunailing the pa-
T. 1 1 �
,:, . . I troubles, diarrhoea, woltril,9, ("Onst;
L �
' L
"ITow did yollT son pass bis ex-
. . , ,
. — 11 &
� I
-oil. -hop, lie ought to 'be
ti L q of the
4n 0
:�;, pation, sj,�,aple f6vers, and colds are
.Lyllill.rLtion for a. post ap !,eac.her ?"
C�mall Pill, bab .i., cjw(xhil. --They t -ha
disrall. -ge'd. t1ld peopje ouglit to
� � '" L .,
1 prompUy':eliaved and speedily, cured
,,I -Te didin't Pass at all. Maybe yo,
j6d'geofthepolversof it pill by ft -s ,,,iz
shrut down on the tipping busin s ,
. I L 's
, I 11.1,ruiaeo ;
I , : L .
� through, the use of these T, -
wOn't I)Mieve it, but the anked the
would consider Parmelee's Vegetabl,
alid those Who run restaurajits And
. .
' 11
L , I
I . I . I . They, are gil,wanteed to contain no
,. I
poor bov nbout tbings tha happen-
Pills to bb lacking. It is,a little �vonde,
ops ought, to b
baxber sh e. niiide to
I .
- 1. ,
. Pr(ce, 2 4 dbe*
PC. -km
;� I . .
I . opiate and Inay be, given with abso-
I L I �
ed lang before bc,Was b 0 I'll. "
� I .
linjollf, pillq I J\,J�at It IRCJ�S 'ill * I
I t _ _ . size
'.Vile ,emedie '�
I � that Ltbdy bhould" pay
understand �
- I I
I I I . lute safety to the youngest
I ' ' I
)t,encjr. , I
Illakes lip ill P( I
I i i it carries are pii . t up ill these sinall
"I' Ile"
oil, emplo ees.
the full wages of Ill , loyees..
' I .. I I I . I
. I L I 11
I delicil.te elilld. Sold )),� all medidne
. L I
-lead) Disinfect�
i Lc�rer's Y -Z (Wise. I I .
because they are so powerful tliftt
I .
I I Z !" 'L '
L .
I I L, I . .
� . .
�1 dealt),rs or sent post. paid -at 25,cellts
, der is a boon to an
ant Soap Pow I �y
I �niiili doses are required. 'Phe fu I I
qt the w -
it sometimes hapPens i, a I
. I
. �
. .
.. ..
T N 71 . . � I I
I ,.,
450, , I
I I a bax by writing The Dr� ��illlallls
lionul. It disinfOcts anJ cleans ` Z�
I � I
thie extracts d i it
strength Of is secure in till
a -n ho Is ,: dis,appointed ill Jove,
M W .
I � . � � .
trf �
. I
I �. .142-03
, � A
� I
1 ,
�.� I .
I . 1� Medicine GO, Brockville, ont.
I �,� .. � I � I 11 I
I .: I I
I � �
,� 1.
� t he sanic thile.' I . I .
,� I
I I 11
forin aud (10 work'thorou-Illy. ,
� � I .
� I L
I � I I
. I I - I
isn't disappointed ill marriage. I I I .
I 11 I I
. : I I I . . .
I I I I .
I I I .
I . � I I
I � . I I I
� . , I ,
I I I 11 I I
I 11
I I . "
I 11
I � I I I .
� � ''I I
� '' I ", I
I i I � I I I I
. I I I
- - I I � I
� I I I I
. 11 � I I
, .
I . - . 1, I I I ',
I � I
I �
� - I . I
11 I I 51
� 11 I � I I
I . I I I
I 1
. I I I I � �,
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