HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-10-22, Page 2ALT eve Ti es But who felt she was socially eued moo Trick by Which. Owners of San !else? Who to -day is most merei- Beventy even i,ssky laid upon the disseetmg table' ForgiveNot Only n m tient.also with those who are h THEY USE Thy TELEQ. !MIA! ost superstitious being under the 1/ sue. Ire stands in fear and trem- bling of the white man's medicine, reckoning, is coming, or perhaps has Isit'lTITOD DETECTLWa IgA., and, taking, advantage of this trait, the guards of the compound have sneeeeded in making the negroes be- INTERNATIONAL LESSON, in their crititisuis of others. Re- winber that for them a day of come. Who among your brothers QND TNEFTS. and sisters to -day is having the hardest times? Is it not the sister tally a, little higher than any one African Nines Peighten Thieves. ME SUNDAY 8011001 lieve that by means of this telescope h they are enabled to see all that pasOCT, 25. s - es or lies beneath their dusky skins.. Therefore, the minute a lot of negr Te,tt of the Lessen, Fs, xxxiil, roes have served out their time and • of criticism and having his Whole life We read and hear a great deal of are brought into the detention house Golden ',E'text Ps xxxii 1. ut to picas? Is it not the man the trouble experieesed by the offte etripped naked as the day they were tore- 'eel f t Pito the cogs o who himself once :meat vigorously dais of the De livers Concolidated horn, One of the guards, armed with rt seems enite fifth_ anoeher wined." • • wielded the censorioue scalpel? Do Diamond Mining youlpenle. at Kim- the telescope. starts at the head of " "not worry that Otero smilers who belly. South Africa. in preventiag the 'Lae alai apple/tee one end of the. . nes" ves because Eleatereel accerAnr, Act ot the Pap* ',inousain the gear ad ,Nirm littnereit acid Varee', lL Ur*. 10;$9;$:, Tsr-onto, vt the iSepertineet e. etericeltere. Ottewa.) A a aepatoii. ineea lehleago seys: ll'agek ist Wo6 Te2mage erten. the flotheevaa; text: Phitireei- . 0. eatt. 0,"; ^ot, Naito ail' ray.' ot V.* n1,..o an ex- it 1"to r 'iso toy. t o F-411 ;Oat t 4;'qUi F4P11:' °*.r.,:j upon -;,7t) biato:ei ao • i'„ivorteinceof eiror 6:11Jcil dit",-2,1 i'anterot:s zoi - °T17 ere , .:4-:-r..:4-:-r.. +77." "7 far ris tare! m e Ice rea r 11aNettooi,,-.'7:FT ritAcTieF. PORBEARANCIll. • • i. Are so hareli in their eriticiSins their negro (Kettle) I:etiolate front irstrument to the. ;munch of the of aaft Li havingconsider" a 'cted should be thicker tinn :Against the sins of others will uot .stealing diamonds," yet, fa nil negro at the head of the line, peers ed his sorrow 4lee4ase of sin' 1111".• 'ter. Mood should be a Potent Ate-- have their juet rewaeds, Verily, that has appeared on the suweet, long and earnestly throu.01. the,neither the one: Poi' the other will tor in the making or untatehing Of 04, verily. I say unto you), their cow have never read a, description of other, frequently shifting tile head dO us anY good unless tho eh:Peri- / ata in no sense a fatatiet. lialeonialticon will come from, (.10d, it their, most effective method of ede-- of the instrument about as thought Cure is truly our own, This is one- = not one of those inditierent. tier- is better for us not to try to snatch meeting diamond thefts. You eate I. bent on exploring every nook and of the Psalms entitled "Aluevhil," .rto:...--,,-ea2,--t-are men who try to exceseol the divine thunderbolts out of God's have been making voyages to Cape cranny of the K. -allies interior. Neldlei which according to the mama sig- tietie sloth and laziness by advocatehard. Re patient even in your crit- Town, ea and on for the past tau, this is in progress soother guard tiilles "giving instruction." but me.: , hug the deettine, olthat is to he will ',:leisileS logelost ItbaFe 1111,a8t ermee. ty years.I, remember the famous starele bho; ye watching intently tcording to another interaratatieet - Let. and what is not to be sem not -"I-et. your moderation be known mt. rush to Kimberly, in the saveuties, 'Play of the negro's features. It isi"to act wisely," and unless We have -re!" 1 am not foolish enough to ;o1,01 ail nom" u -ben Cape Town was the objective an ordeal somewhat similar to what ifor °Melees individually confessed 'think ialt "a men can he born to .'i Boot there is stiii anoill'er class of point of thoueands of youragEnglisb„, the pollee of our large cities term our ',ins and obtained forgiveness of .tn„ eternatiy destmoyeo, no mutter 'aggrewlve critics against which 1 men and Americans, and still later ithe 'third degree,' The negro Is so the same we have neigher acted *lee. bow he may try to prevent it or war" plead with You to apply the the rise to prominence of Cecil thoroughly convinced that the white .1,,y• nor obeyed our instructieqs, Some „bat be n:,.a„..' T4, ,,.v say,:. put I am teachings of try text. They are 'diodes and the De Deers company.inean is able to see every part, of his7oiat bast deemed floquity {or,. of tter.37;'141„;?;',.'ittr4 37„-ler,p/..„ „duo art, ii,lecise who have no sympathy with When this concern gained control of intericee. diamonds and all, that alcsS, ourighteousness, transgression, as perveree. sr4r,t tb4i Xtra int your work. I do not mean the Kimberly mine, the inmt. serious :oftentimes he breaks down and collo; a going beyond; sin, a coining ehort, oVtiott ttze of litioredi,--) Ivha are ra0k1011.`41,t fahifegoz. evils with whieh it bad to contend .fesses then and ther.,.„ while in ether, tw, , 4 . hen hareer for soro veopte to ,b..e,i,t„ ,t11,„aei...e,:•i‘w,,ith‘oa,,,Iao,rsi_ie.si,12,,-, truthfully .1e,re, the, thieving Naftir laborers and, Cases, where guilty gztia•arrdt taii 210 sktea hi ler wlizior.sond&b.trdh,i,tglgaitian gates of '''N";-;15:1.:nejoblretrtz'eaz; the other manifol-, hy Cbri9t for all who truly receive a art 'l a iii becnmb of ";w7.4.1":;_rtre, tarat 17:ly fer you to overcome gdarnortils from the itegro mine work-e-ates the telescope. is able to Paige mm inxxxt,.„ 7, the name N'•i,6126- „hoe' saeh erNeism is not by going out mom- It took Itearly six years In who are guilty and who are not by;ot. the yho,,ct irehathe th . _ sal'-zotat'on tlPftt byes e - . t • t • 4 of anmeity, transgreseiun and sin nod t$7,1--t.o.• to destroy yea= reigh- check thii NOIA-- ti 'takir, note of the rdt • / " and, t 1 M o good,Anit sioupb, e rens o t .e 1 o liteee tatiopany erro. stilt an expression on thp pn, C.-.:3„ the Spirit. through. • - w-intt Son!! accosted tot-irg patient; by t-invir Eaybeg are locked ipso emapawal. whero freS of thOSe onalergoing examieee•-- *""'"1" •V'a V7.,'R f•zOr• avsv:''.. TF:0- VOCZ.k;ter,tat and doilig your own work in,irety he. This compound is roofed Ithere is nothing Pio 'the whole" of is„teninlent ,t141444 l'111 11119 bles6e;,!neSS" 11 !Saul hid a. right to expeetoyoar wen way atel proving beyond over 'with netting, so that even it 801,1th •41.Plen, veldell the Iltl-goo$ r`g"`raUSII(V:4)" i'4)41ftS " te- fee, au? tie Lid weald grow up to be a al peradventure tll"at c:04 has hapFs. One of the men uefe to st,ttal a din. dread anti neer quite so ntiot as ow, as the free gift of (lad, apart front ;•,.4 n•gt7c1.1 un-tn. If 17.i% was the eon of a 'ed you and will continue to blessJ mond, he could not throw outstde Denert.l.itterIs .ilytteyFa..t'orfolarstiotfianitirsec.rill,t_tuitsv most clenaetis: bad oeiree eee. ttirg had a right to .1.te'ri in what you are doing in his the compound toclateure for a cootlo' l4iiow whose idea or- t e:41r,1: Or such ft57--Triet.T. Ittood tiet"roie to Pitt it up, os was form_ invention it Was: whether woe too:tier money nor gout! worke Call put'- . tay3„., 1014' fd, “Wir3.0,5:e:Jrz,aip-b3r. avoir .;.,fr your Nore,st though they remain for ...year or two ;rears, on. You may talk itliont whipp-riire1111 OP"tes ololling words of tea t•oo oet ;l eq zroniog ttioro?"" 111 1"a-*,';tieutorrergi rekoltbors, Fat by going Or whatisver their term of tmoreeeing and torture. but I venture to say•1'44 ii aim C"all'eticni w1111 1h° a ...ea • -.-„ote `S:1,t'V! It and *$ • 11oto1's 1.11- tPi, M Vo not ,,x.„ it itriniwtra m1.04, 4rOcretrO 411 ;Mar bapatforteo AISTO IfiC3 141401140 or the enesee., plee do not grow Neon pipnin 00'etTIS: TroW much does tIod bear eOmPunnel. and kireniating about, ard. tace mal lograFted. lee the enerleI with frollit You? 'When he wile le through Kimberly oral the enrrounde ;7;;;;... 1*,i-A reto%',,,°3, VP70trf,11 Welt es in the Ite..o'loable and 'IRO wise and rta"r leeks uPon You 11 country. SS well as a sYstt'llt teeeeer tban wate,-.7" CI course it 15.1 1 et nie auggest one other over. ly UK* CO.S4/.. Mdition ;‘) itaiS other Inneter Stroire of superior tenni iehasa ths forgiveness of sins. it can cf should 'what ourl,leneateeleg cor,siderotirea 'catch ouges;. conipany has an efficient deteee of Rhodes or the alialde deNic0 of only he obtained by a great sacrifice, some bo sS guard; but it eertainler which Qed Himself has provided. and (Iota the work. There is, or, rather, it must obtained in this present there was, about tlow. y.ears ago, a life, Consider well Lout. 10-2,1, fellow who kept a hotel in Care and the teaching of the epistles ev- vs'itico kingaloons, eliee aimaye pro.,4r4 Fin•P ;)4)/it laoro cleorly with all; do:elating and- rigidly eotaudniug the 7,3,7cotr fatilts than you ean Ft.* ViAlr•!Ltb03..e1-6 at. the end of their -term of tsrp1 etr * T419 It 111* stmi-Pa-*sIVtg that be- servke, r„ ?ere • Vel. 41.4 la% le • e i 18. ii• linconfessed 1/r. rigeOW TO COIVE',,i.N. Jac t ----------.----- - With Volt attoci fovea you still "'le of lalvfl tho irlti514 &lath the teleseoPe or‘lvals Ire hod 0.1,0nd tortnentsi`htli, g„in ttek/kowiedget3 Town, who formerly had been a eetterbeee on tees topic; toso doh a, 71; X.. al,tard in the company's employ, and ',foodift 24; 'pool.. r ai 6 th-es not you rip? Yet he compar.y /14VP secured the Ints-f,61zie of IlegrevS 11le Ib'tenti°14 14°44Se dor"' 1 " , T.,414,14 ovrri itth Ighliorii Pat1c'i'lt. fa tle Pepe:eat, yoh OW4. F41 *0 Atriecok z4tOi", sla'hirg the „illsic11115`e Inrge ne1•4111 l'nek 61tell Ple".:attit coitfesFed reciives forgisetioNt 01-O ifttc,,-$*,4 f wrivarapro, bear it the of a (lime -44,01(1 in the rough 1ront Conge"'t 11111VOn and they ivere .atty4tetion ,,eoutt,11y, throttlth tto o our ey etre- pee' • o," tt'""1' 46'1;e' ,,feee s to I wir 'o,oron or.* olne Olber thlitt the ComPanee, oth'Inf r-'-ntite..T-O„wml• tur"i''!, Pt /4"F Ji*SIM Christ. Tint there itteret. "4 414 177r:: tUUtttlitt sapezeroae ipertfee who hely :direct from /elem. „eau' seen endieroits eepreeelatee of lhe r4e, g,nge. ea) th caul talunt c:1-• 44*e. eeeeee, ray faterea„ tote alade teeele.' elgtrv. For buyitdg 41anittutt..3 front fear and terror on the ferks 4. lamest before tle41. Then the a ft/.' L.17:41 tion - n. q " ma o a gather i r. -3)2".-;:e. to ene, eeee -oho eve.. Dot nelte aior'-).4t op .3 or 1.1.v.. 7.-$-outo " 4:' a 114'04'1 • " 31'47x4r4 ll"n71 64'1'°.it7)Z"GlIt'• vort ae Cialetiese faineer i,eihrupstaF the traneeetion„ thie,negroes thowli ha thew, plattograp cow. conft,...vsios is the lance C414..',Irrp.! 41 it t1.15 tent Ms: Drop your' V44:411PanY a vertilicate nee 1144/1 beillqt.S 4114 1121"1/4 1 4°Sc scdneFo„ the tree happitiees. will 1*.• a a, :; 7,3113 lt-e,e. e or tear eloOleo ;toed ga) ta ittlVir17, •on:tate/I tliow le% cafe tahe Vairo alua4orateetti "eeetrelaisig for the Unlit ivith a, 1 4 44‘444 n ',tering w4nutail z•':.767.4 ININVtiltii4141, 144 tZ," pltAtr, t-rreelee yoni larva tiled. biotlaliere, or how he obtatliefa las taia- us • ro to g.,,,!-Tva 31e.Vtivg. Drop' the buyer Intla able "t0 progitwe, undergoing what the guard need to vl I 'h ti or. Hi., O. 1 I; Nos. moo 1,2), 011.M.FIAFTIIMARPOIM ire can hear Ord raying to ie.t ;LI: 1 .701411 it, 12: AetS NoNETER SCALE.. :IS. 39. Th0-0 are smatters de- '14-' 4'4 "41 '1" " • rho root bOaet 1411M ti*Iti 1:i^5-• It.0 queet ton loila ae AO 0 telescoPe." oe...-esee amete tiarego roll puce, hot eevilee, rued Iowa- rather of how many felenale moods. To buy from a kopje wrl- 'ii ea 'elle to Iseteii Oteeese• theiee. havo been iohle 10 Win thrOligh lover, from one who 19 Unable lo THE TEl „ CV°:°'1 Fra,475 IPZ?itionolt :Am The I'Vetcs ll'e fllwee skoniai a ;geR.Tvil 71119 lest hos in lt ------------ v ;tit tail 4 2/.andinir our uto,1 t-arnest considera- - vry;o9 ore 01 orl Itiabc.„ it IS flower gardetp,illsees company. Ie to lay oice'e stelf a Senseless Mitty. rtills us to spccitti meditation. e I* o otfeet llc"t tgo, ole„t ,3,%/t Ill4e IbraT,rar,-.' :bat yietNez TINI.N11 nt'oBi4 .104111:11"11' larlItgog0 cf Pardons Ilet 111'41.11a' "4114" Iva -41 Jn/1111441'111 trent 11°Nv it :14411Pc'ned t° b° 116'4'144 ti"' '")(1 e've°7 in tile' Ps411/" et ,„1„,,,„. gn it-, air, thio, playtling of divan, eft. was c$ 1,-/!./. x/b/Aug fellow. 'Vaiii-cl IRMA fragrant higr'Erfin:S grow 'ROI" In detection and arrest. The 'tiny ehatild the towing 'titbit be: Lum.g. cans thee olle of th,„ wit , . , e- 'e.iv i.,eia:t.7 tele;11.4 n 611031( IN .1141;''71'44.5" At ti'114,,T,11`,1 114,11.:',1e Vafitt 1:1::;71.:1T-: 1,1$1112gi rtIzel' bIlloVilelgirtte:rIgeZ fi I'il'il:!: i j: C%Iiit(1711, ift , 4 '.(`',..'.1;'•;_41:57 NT0114.1t.t.,c7, rciaill'itil I 282dare•trecei I:ti tag' 111';.41thirletleaillIa341 '1, ier'il.11,11:+4.•,911(:talirilPits itst rhitelfieleva3 ittittit Italtli; 1 "..-9 0:4:0 edialiCe. ttl^',10 N404 It°3.' `Nttl:4 rtf.to tlq°4. Ittitett* triit VC° Waft ;tit Witiln voe-agere off the iiangeronei et:to:Ted to the hotter. 41$ 0 luigtler. troy la ,k,nr mt.,e. he of I Nor i.ti e. t Pi a I e tlionee et this char.o-cter. 51mionitot, It 35%,, Itiaj3locirui,lutuhuat,it.,erie :meat uiy;:lsitv141t:dudeing,..,04. woao to bint wilo truly bouoves, / fflz 1:`,.•,J, ts,"'TI ,ir„. wroof.. t r.vil tit44 ..cIrt et .c• g000l t'ficai.,tian fothee."troero and 'to f:111610 Illent Plto 1110 iteetettpon wIlivt•Es 14;vptliiiiii, space between these points into 3:10 -N..Pel.,a,t,t 63.4'elh...".'st L11's Lmil,'Y's°13' i n , t.1.4..q, ViLlif ro ewe more ,treel 10.. e ..°•ear iige". Yolc. ftna.i.'60 I La emit for' fle5“10411011' a I, Wine: fee. Ob. abwit tote ii OW Vlander,Iine tnrYInalleak, bat fete undteetand how this and n deli%erer• °Ild indeed it IS 1/111Y' .,.,, te,ettf4,„ lout ,,./.0..1,43kt; 1,,,t1,,,,ttinte you said. oteat :110.4 go r° Aoll'<lry to e.raeilee Paul's moderation? reduced it to elicit an ittitellt that It !wee evittins the matter ; , do need it, It is only us we grow" r.„ net, 't utat•eratjan ;a. lie LW.% 1c1t1.31". bat V.0,141 46114k, lb.erl,or of safety and not the march " , del -tries in/Arad of the ;shatider 00 ' rich ufi u kV the mm c-rn itai II ma tt.., tz,„, mitmt„ ; pt. v.thp„ itogo 4wiLt,p, 435.,ta, auty.t„ light or on Ineeeler, neut., to tjogItt rar all that, ti e coniiiebY mu', degrees wed in the retitittri)de f,yti. Amity need forgivene; s and a refuge d%,t gtate,,itrion 4,E 0.,e,ettaive. Vile% la', dial it the ti rny brother and atIeter. will you not tumult! the mine, ttr at :my rate has member „tow to hp thp,ttou A uriter the godly .110 hrow hew mu& they Is' ,tnt re„ltrat 4.f Ithi, $4,0r0 ‘Vet..ti. 1104 .Ftw not let vow' l'Irllearaviro• hl no longer l•el'ions. still the •phe thermometer was rra---------------,.Ware and itt tile. knowledge of atoe• othere, IVA 0.1°4411 MT,' or Sterhele; woe) that eicaphtyce of ,attl gentlene,-s and eltrictian forgive•utalion reumine Uri t.trOTOT RS it ever ed by Kir leutte Newton, Ire start- Clod that we Sfe tita eXCeetliari i0",134 01,;,,!.r hat' %MIN and 1,0174"..k. 'ZO"rti 1040 WEIN arreSN'd ee Lees lie outran unto all men? 41Var`7,. and. fur float rt aw te, its eiee eft tx,„le with the heat, of the fulntse of sin. and then do we become 4 i ,* • . o-, rov.ice. I ,j° " 11" .7-2441' tore 1110 111"n• to MA 1 tilittleatitIQS Vela' ton for taa44011' CITIES MAE= VCCITATZCS. any mot, :Wyk or &tire that may „ Tho lowefit figure on the moo and our strong deliverer, and it n4 ii-taii.„1.4rtaii.4 or pont, i„ , • icmr a„epa. Wal `[ Peter t44103 mice for sleek:nog sa..; bizi9gtling was tie overlie, point end the Mob- our priSilege abide in Him and • •a tal Condition. law a pretty elope wool on eyerY' lug vadat of this :Cele. as soeutioned, David to Abithate "'Abide thou with ilance. the ccunn'au...4°. detcetive force human body and used as Lis instIm. onlY thankful for I. John 1. 7. 9. lie. ,-.1tiq 3 Ii' tt tp. e IT 1 ...I "V RP, a mm ije sted the lodger. IN constantly on the alert to 'cletect went at glitsa '1uNi filled with linseed anti Ho only. our city of refuge 4"el raven oil !it'll," To-tt* • to ta caught l• Prig to :am. TI.o fleet • t of Atente Activity on E'en- remain ont of the compontal. They est point. boiling Water, •.3 313.. titart With and hoar flint say, likt Katt hitis aeon what eall :„.041 :4431 s,4311,1,3,1; $3,youti yi • Ifir+. 4 Ldhl,i1 and LOW ;WWI. vottpetoth The, ti.in; owe .1..01.1 tottnotorture of innaties ,1%Ot nom, c oo its 1011 (roan time' '143.ii:h he tailed by the round num- 'efe• life evelteth thy 1ifte hitt with ow AgAl teenz..._h otiwrizeit mot 4111 0,.0, 41,0z. mid yet, ond no Hunt can iv rtoet,d to 1day se sets foot it. the limn till his; bee ea, es tee demi...tined system thou elrilt he '11 , " oral ; hat. te hawk and forgive and*ent ,t,. d„. 11leet how :volt Al‘elid 8tude 414°1 1.14" ojr1 spr14. ttf thato nee. 4,f tbeeee oefoe, • "ne . , , • . 10 tootle will; then in to/ninon ILA,. lie city- Cozortis't fi the inf. mono Oi tins mutter, ataatte °wild 11c, "I d• 1 P‘ itied the space between the frt tying Mod and hiding in Cod 11$ 'Oen, 41 ut" 414114 "I" wilerenitin tina' .VOn proved tit Mai that he pre- lie talon alone is rehponelble for ill newcomer RhoherlY. unlY WaS the twat of the Insman body. Akar not for he thut awoken 4' Till:" '"1111';'11' 3.; 2Ant I'VO11141 LOt 1044. l'et'Z'e'r of 111.4'11•,1 ret•id...14.10a of itte. irelterhkitZlit.td11- .111eY discever 111'; mall- point mid the teatpo•iithre of the S, 10 : Ps, j(); exix 114. we should lite, but how we -ieee ilaae deeitthe N'On 1°1;14 Liu; TT immue S,th-1/ adiare,g 4,0111 • "er ar seilunittu en‘Lcel.' them ta • • la • ‘" ""cid the 'sitar" 1111("vi'iell 11lc aleetel be wahine tie let Where' low'. Ifor 1^14 „Matito v.141hrtss 311t34i:, lar toJ,,n, aurP"t that h" waah% if he bed the the boiling point of water would be devil wenlit lead us we lutist he no,e1,..- 1.4.‘ t•eient. ii le lire,'" iti.he. Peen tat-cot:en of hie father ond mother. -,14 lint'ilft1,4 mit' l'i •ts ion i -. chance, hu:,. st°10" `11"1"c""19. cu. about :10, at, the temperature must enough to b• bait lit and gunkel and with 'Ito Irrialting islieasyncras;c4 tool ,,illen„ tay brother. ef you Me that .;a.t Ilendll 1-°11; cll c .1 l li that lie is thcre for that very per-, he as any t Uhe tea IN' IWO arlf.411:wri.ms thett .11.°4• ;IDA it yort tbir,,b, La lat34 eSelt ;Vet 3."-9- The one . rttyneg oneuira poem thtsy read out a rihrewil lieffir. homen boely. tete.e times that of the have our Feel"; 1.1,1•1' toWar.il tbe Lord I,....ot,l hi ziagr„t, r tory s.tio with the nat!,h.g of c gotel io. NV"iin V:" e""4"" .:10 ront•Vt. Us' Pa"' if he ran overcome that one faolt, flni 1111v which 110%*rees that town bred tipot rado ttt.,in te.,..oraeo",..„ , :ley m. r, why ii.1“t t,,,i,e hint wee m,..044 e leery folio hecoltie tea -ale after ,three, of es the suspected party, offering to Niee,ton inetymm,nt, "jut. tern). of labor lam eepintil. apinerach- ,eleltiest-n reh"tavii;.-1,:.tinit.seitjatuai..3t.tt.heagiulti.suttilidt3emstttihl-t-het; tfhPilittN:102:::tn.ritt,,I.I.,;.:,,?1,).h.Nevit,„Itniall.:71rtielt,,t7si.lioitritirti . . eel, ee him. t +Aimee in the situation is the. natl.ir• ,whoi, in the glare of ,e. litttivo, w13.0.1,, ally if th-.1! are nonteeeszifiali; iii ref- 'atot giee• Iihn :smother l'Ialice 'I "No. ftun*:-.`etr'^e9clus,°„( le," 21.e.• ett,eb, i that lie will fulfill to us the promise !.01 hint 'I Ins rloc.: ile;ree int° no pares seme not flee t•nougli. dielded er..n.“. to that lioneety mei itobl. Jeer- "to," y011 allMVor. ••I have giver, So so :21:1111e4W" is tut, a'Atromstent flguee. mid so mmiet of erre.. 8 end comieirt us with the arteeistit's of a rnan. Ile 'reticent ,:hisa Orto dint`terit eltenete1e Three of 11.14/." 1vh", live 11.1 91,e grealetoreS,' 8.onate, a. ilit'cl,ntrged 1,a,be,re„r to l'''''' the measure betwven the freezing and 111-surollee of ,Io111- xhiii, 17. 'Me . espectedly because wrong types of times are teooteale," are they So lantrly anu So t arieu are the cans reetion aria nas etr allea the come nit:rived individuality, if inuno"n:-teul in , elzimg:4, my hwithor ? Ilemember the the right way, will often mean oeeeat ,lad's paretitR. Remember that lie is success for us nod for those whom li an luipub,he Ithlow seri not bad at is arm privilegee to in:Imam 1Iteart. Remember that -Christ foe - :gave Peter again and again until at BE LENIENT WITH THE WEAK. i .last Peter roes. above his weakneeses The startling charaeteriste•s, good 1 and gave his Mu AMY and ftvelY or WO, which ean let fennel in the batik to Christ. Will von do as eel, ;notch for that young man in your ten talent men on a big scale also be found in the one talent men ;employ as Chrlet did for his inmul- on a small scale. In the ordinary 711" awl denying disciple? I walks of life everywhere are people EVIL OF HASTY JITIMIENT, cursed or marred with various im- Be patient, in the next place, with perfections. They are good people in ;those sinners who have no sympathy one sense, but had in another We with their fellow men's sins. It is define them ete "peculiar"people. We !Very easy for us to passaludginont call them "peculiar" because through ;upon others. It is very hard how - each runs a mental or physical weak- ,e'ver, for us to be wiling to let emnstances spell indifferent nutti- ness, as a mineral vein rues through !others criticise their neighbors when 'Lion, overcrowding, and unmoral no, the rocks of a mighty mountain. We tiotelt" themselves are flagrantly guilty roundings, the conditions of modern say: "I like So-and-so, but be has of the same Sins. Yet everywhere life bring depression and despair, find that those pharisaical people The natural result is that they at- one fearfully irritating character's_ we tic. Tie will muss up a room every who themselves are most open to tem t to drown their sorrows in the time he enters it." Or you say: oe, 'criticism are the most critical of flowing bowl. Alcohol is the cause like Mrs, So-and-so, but every time ,others. of one-fifth of the insanity in melee Sit any 'clay you will in a crOwde'd she rails she makes some nettlesome t 'and of more than a half of that in remark that stings like a brier bush. 1 city street car and Slid an illustra- the wee' er sex. When she comes to visit me I am . ;tion of -what I mean. When the What is, then, the best remedy for I poor old colored washerwoman always glad to welcome her When . tries the baneful and unnatural tension of :to enter with her bundles and. she leaves I am always gladder to drops the nervous system incurred as the see her go. She is never with me i 4 sonic i paelcages who laug,hae-the edit - ice. ea gentleman er, tae refined laceie .ineeitable price of the advantages of ten minutes without making Inc un- !the man whose cerebral development living in towns? Now is the mind happy, She says something dis- • e. 1 ' • of man to be adjusted to his pro- oric mites t le dome of his skull covers .lanimg points -id reris instead of n ;flu-P,•111a1 realng an verse 8 is very mon their self-control and upon their pony to catch more rascals plan any, reeNttenteleing powers, that their men- other member of Its detective force. clo"1.114 Foia.)thlitTizIth.:Itlo:ttyltrra.441,1frisrcroi,v4t,,,fred he, uvilutd, "I WI'] eouresel thee:: mine cold te'e hall be upon thee," assuring- us lid machinery is apt to become more He accosts. the stranger, upon whom , . nodes, its patts rem ire nicer con- the suepenons. of the r°11-1-PsIT *have ' toifilicel7irdlift4tatifiod; tal,LissitittlizIng"zjix.otitilirttl, 7-1.1111a c'cli:Yt r(:1.*.ge:;14.tl'irit:i'tce'webuttio olfiolvattnell'Iril struetion and adjustment, and the fastened, telling 1 1 clef 1 hats --all; ----.; -IT llei counted 2-1 points up to body' 41444 of the may, according to Ise-; whole inachine is more apt to get just completed a year s service in the . out of gear and to surfer derienge- mine, and that he got through :the heat. De• this measurement he amid railroad ;titislr.c.,201.d. ile:31x,(tuitc:;:llsiatwlitadygiuii.;114;ciaitegazIt., Wined 8 By the freezing. ',ohm meat than in the more primitive end compound .with a fine, large dole 58 for the boiling point. Ills scale i-itie ehould miter, end then, watehino- less emotional life of even half it. in 'ha Thm he 11, -; l century ago. It is not overwork that is the determining cause of the. dieturbance of mertal eguilibriem, hotly her as she acid, along the platform• peeted stranger, ned if the latter in,4,)w, et and etteing her about to enter the 'bites," the traneaction is allowed "`:"" _ll, and boiling w-ntu-ma-,15:l. to run on until the sit -never com will he noticed that tide scale is wrong car, he runt after her and put tare, worry, and anxiety. To the to the meeting place with' money to eliii.12,141,141rell-- e that of 'Newton's, 054 her in the right ceir. Ile counseled rich insanity is brought by indul- ' buy the diamond, when, lestead of '-'''''''''lle bora doubled a lower and having the num- Alter aovecti teheitirh,ctrbliftneleyeofuetvoeilisehe9r:, gence in sensuous luxuries. To the the Kaffir, several of the company's It wits wit•h tide scale which s t h h i . • . ich Pah- notice that. the reference, is to such poor, who are' at the mercy of every detectives turn up, who give the r.elittn,ltwor• ked fel; a' long time, but laismtati,ed-eue(niaLliti,ireletirlsetreomialinag-h-osat.seiebsboaill, cir_ stranger to understand that he linos, economic crisis, whose financial finally finding the temperature divi- been trapped at his own game. is then given a certain time in which! ' slams still too large, .he divided the late:0er% mwit.dietanectieghteheaennitthoon llivalei"oe on the limier...I numbers just given by four, etanding that if be returns, to leave the.. Colony, he ;ill; thermometer ecale row In use re-; drive them. To be as willing and sults. i obedient as a good horse would be be ivphroons etel'em et e lin•egro laborer has com- pleted 12 to represent the body heat Chriseians, The chanee choice of 'Newton of the' (mit e nn adTvhaence;f... life of rthe somelast his term of service In the determined the present thermometer' clause, "Else they will not cora° near compound, and is really to leave, he Ts baas scale, even as the yard, feet and unto thee," suggests how difficult it is stripped stark lulled; I 1 inehea meaSures origheedy came front is for the Lord to get some people locked in a pair, of large fingerless of the human near creme) to Him to guide them. mittens, all'd ile is Placed 'ire a "loin bblat°17:44.,111.%71°ais till:1111811MA of the rail - under we are intimately acquaint road catringe was determined the' track, which, in turn, was deter - by ad with those who guide us they about .1 • a well developed brain, or are the my children or my husband. Yes, T laughers and the scoffers found feel and know that Mrs. So-and-so among those whose intellect in all is a good woman and that ehe loves probability is not even as great as me, but she has the tantali'zing fox"' that of the old black woman, who alty• of always unintentionally saying never had a day's schooling in all something Amen." her life? Who is hardest upon the Ali, yes. All of es have had such bitter experiences as those front the irritating peculiarities of our friends. So Paul comes to us to -day in the words of my text. Ne says: "My brother, you must be lenient and gentle in your dealings with the follies and failings of others. You must be yielding, as the wave of an incoming tide is yielding, it first breaks itself into pieces and then crawls up and fits itself into all the nooks and crannies of the eeashore. You must he yielding in the nonee- sentials, so that you ean cause vote - life to be succcirefully fitted into the ,t,ectillarities Others, its one fac- . gressively complicated environment? These are questions which the medi- cal fraternity has yet to solve. JAPANESE NAIRDRESSING. In Japan the women arrange their so ingenious that young girl or boy who has gone tray? The old Christian man and as- hair in mannee mt person can tell .at :once whether maiden woman who front their very earliest any woman whom he sees is a days have prayerfully followed who dean -es to got married, a widotv Christ ? Oh, no ! The persons who who is inconsolable, or one who is will be most apt to pass the hardest willing to be consoled if the proper critietsM against the fallen are the sinter presents bane -elf. Young girls men and woman who dare not have arrange the hair in front- in the fou - the :search light of investigation' of a fan or butterfly a.p.a adore it :turned upon their own lives: So With silver- or calmed ornaments, Some of its can Well make the asser Widows: who are looking for second Von : "We 'despise sin; h3lt We *fie- husbands fasten the hair at the hack spine .werse the sinner who is i'- of the head by means of tortoise - rising sin when he himself is guilty of the same or ,e'Ven worse silts." AVOID .1:IA11Sn C11,ITICISNS, But,- steady,' ley :brother, 13o pa-: shell pins, and widows who are re- solved to remaio fot ever faithful to their .departed spouses .cut the bao, abort and wear no ornament in it, sought to srauggle stolen 'diamonds hair, in eats in the flesh, ateo under guard. Formerly, the negroes outside the compound in their boots, mined mined by the width between the ets. crane_ 2, As to the last tWO' cannot do it with a look. Yet aee tcvabrall."..heelS necessary to bear a load - of late le;getetrhemtitey oltiauTenteaglIc.oei: wi.,stoo ' the wicked do not ell corne" to them canted corefortiddy be drawn varses at. thil4 l}salhOo the r4bri.owS Of was detained two Weeks, holds METHOD OF DETECTION., the hY a Mille: record of esevieg swallowed the : greatest member of diamonds 'that over saw The interior of one' man. From the outset, it has always been the policy-of:the giterd-s to try and ascertain as quickly Lis possible, spect---namely, r 5,001 dayea-comes who of 'the negroes have been guilty that of Mr, Gladstone, with 'a total Of theft and who levee not in order periodof service of 4,498:ea4yeso,ns7oridd net to detain the honeet ones any Palmerston following with a total longer than .possible. After many 0 r 3,4„g4, day8, and Lor4 trieks arid cxPerimeOlt: had Inc -u standing fourth with 2,52.8 daya tried ned failed, they lill -upon a .Load ' Melbeeree's total period of use. ever seem, by -,•hlidl. 1:J0171.S they Joe, eemeeelite schelne which hes been in constant eince amounted to2,23,04:39;:?.psdrirsi:z6Lboezildt in 99 Out of every 100 cases are peers 1,870 Lord, Det.h3„,, 1,882, Lord AberdeerCs' 774, and Lord Rosehery's 480, . in this life, for it is often with them as recorded in Ps, ; but' LONG PREMIERSI1TPS. when their sorrows do begin beyoad Lord Salisbury was at the head of this life they will be forever (Luke the State for a longer period than "."1. 241-25; Rev* NiV' 10, 11). What- ever may come to the righteous that I any other raan of our time. Next to looks lace aad for the ,present is Toed Salisbury's reeord in this re- sorrowlul, it cannot be a real evil' in the light of eternity, but rather/ comes under the head of Rom. vile! 28; (I. Cor. iv, 15-18. The believers,' has every reason to say Ps. axed, 0,1 and to be glad and rejoice and, shout for joy. If we have unbound - ad confidence in God, as we altouldi have, we will appropriate the worde of Nab. iii, 17, 1e3; Isa. lxi, 10,' remembering always Rona yeti 32 ' 38, 3-9. Since God is loere, and love is kind, we will learn 'to accept ill seeming ill as part of God's loving kindness and say, "This is His best for me ta,day, prepared by the same eye that din -mi Lou' me ro';a Golgotha." able to determent; on the erst of the seven days of detention who : have swallowed diamonds 'and wbo liace not. Whis cleVice is .nothing more nor less thaei a large, oldefaabioned braes telegeope. The South African men, but timer are not resporesibit negro,"heatheu that liei is, s the all the. OecaSionally women make foals of or