HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-10-22, Page 1.4-.-74,-7.7 - ye e a:71w 74711111DIRLYI.
s e eine. rein inenerennentee
Neal olaC'e-eroixo's•ro, Executive OM.re--MONTREAL
• apecial 4110110011 ta FarmeraBusulem,
torlireet the attention of rarteors ih'e
ktED-410.0.4.4114c1T4VealWered bY our Savings. Bane
No delay in 4lepesitirsg or tiithdrau-hig rands.
Braneht4 Moran County
Exeter, Crediton. Dashwoodi :Zurich
eell and Clinton. "
Karts, Me-rager Exezer BraErh
"47 e •
Ifensall , • .•
' Oran -tali -
I - ;
amp AT LaN,aox.--many.bere were: . Geo. Tmitt and aeeistant.' Walter:
- pained, to heat of the sad death of Mee.- Lancaster. who have been on A thee
•Oilson, beloved wife of Mr. names Gil- peenth.s7 outing to the Bend and Thed-
sea, hotel keeper, who passee.away at
'Victoria hospItal, London, on Meen.day, .
Oct, 19111, at the ;sge of Sfi years.. - Den,,.
. ceased had not le..en enjoying , geed
• health for some ',yeas,: ' atel it - was
deemed advisable -to letvi her removed
We will Give 10 per cent, dinount oil a
cePt greteeriesr'Untli Oct. 31, 4,3,
This is the way we de hustne.is for 00tObell
Rete', Oa. l'e. '03
No- 2 met -eine tee a
0 yards Dress Goods 013e, S4,39
2 yards Perealine ei 13e. .39
0 yards Iannenette (e. Mc. .73
1 yard Featlierbone .10
I pair rims Shields .I3
3 verde Brush Binding c 3c. 43
2:tiaras Yak Trimming,
1 dozen latttons 30
2 only Twisee .03
I only Silk. .05
1 yard Canvas .13
10 per cent. off .GS
Received apnea
)4 457e Cie, No. 2
20 handles a new Wall Pairers from Colin McArthur +Fe Coe Montreal.
On all one Wall Papers and Borderings we will give 10 per cent. elf. Oat
wedeln papers are the latest, up-to-date pipers in the town and weguanantee
the price to be lower than any ether in the trade.
fora, have returned to town for the
winter—Rev. Mr. Reith, of Leaming-
too, oceopied the pulpit in. Carmel
church eie Sunday. He will occupy
the pulpit agaio on Stuade,y next. -Mr.
Miller,of Staffai who has been visiting
to the hospital, but despite the best his sons John, here. left Wednesday to
medical shin and eind miming berspir. spend a week in Wingham.-Council-
it took Its Right. Gilson was a tor Ames Moore, who lia$ been belie -
woman touch beloved. and her sweet posed for eame time. i$ convalescing.
disposition and loving patine won her Ile spent a few (bye in Goderich dor-
. many frientls. t bo will indeed ha eor- Pug the weene-Geo Trott has movecl
ry to hear a hev demise. Tbefuneral, liar> the bense vaeateal by J. P., Wells
whieh pe e from Smith's under- ---Coiteciaor T. !Judson i3 DOW in full
taking- rooms, London, wes privete, charge of the eat mill -Miss E. Bell,
the remains being bitten to Mount of the Ineetlini Rozham $6141111La fitin dans
Pleasant Cemetery for interment on in Clintea, &urine the weeki-eirs.
Weems:nay afternoon. Tee sympathy Alex, Mean spell:tine holidays with
& Cauloll, Prop's,
.o most perlem Alarm Clock mot offdred4
of ebe whale ettimminity is eetentled friends he Miettig-ine-Mrsi Keifer vise Alen() FULL ASSURTnIENT Cife
1to beretivenient. iteil her ia Mtn. Jotua
week„. -Miss Hi 414 Bd lb. 11,1 d
rk 4
Reek ba`:, afOr' '1 ay o s 4it erg WOO mar& 13 11181'10 clocks
tir{fDf-;41)11 1.1n:tiNtS "At 1WIP L'agter
rowal cdaughter. Pearl. spent the
the 2klagistrateescomtat Cifelerie
last week Jas. ti.uo„ holidays et I'orotito.----Mte. j. B. Short,
on Monday of
1 • 1 - • dimghtee of A, Johnston, of Willow
ed by Ilte,Routhier, eintateal, with as- r'
said*. with intent to do bedily harm, “1" w" "" "1144 "' tYP" rev"'
einneeiren te,.14,01ft ChZttaill12. Bay. is via, ill womisenek 110 PI
1:0;44,5004 e‘irmeetion Wm. ikleVlop, Wilia has been on a two':iinjift-&l at Cfraduate Opti-ian
months' ten 3II the comities a Ei$ex
i with work three. The enee neenpled 4
inie trine in !NV COVIRCiti elialtAher, Ai' I%
rtiltlahof. K.V.,, acting roe the preees
euton Inn, Dieleinsou for defeudant
the time a the efttIpt until .,,,a Kw. relgrtig4, _ _
tieuie-An caret tisement appears
ed some weelis age in a ontrea paper
aekin- for applieetions for limelleh said
erninlit and elver natter of the TrIvitt Memorial
Church. Terlier-Riano, Organ, Ikke, Us
Modern methods. 'Iliefonglintss.
Prli•ate funds to loan at lowest rate of interest
APply to ERNEST ELLIOT, Exeter
— -
"Mohave unlimited private funds for in-
vestmenttiron farm or yMage property, o,
lowest sato' of torast.
Bitrristers*otrut Exeter.
One door north of Post Office.
We have a large amount of private fends to loan
on farm and village properties at low rates of inter.
.Barristers, Solielters,Malu at., Exeter Out
A farm containing00 acres of good land, lot 0,
con, 4, in the Township of Stephen, situated 2 miles
west of Centralia. There are on the place 12 sults
of fall wheat.° barns, one is a brink barn with good
stabling, good ;fences and drains, 2 good wells, a
good brickhouse and frame wood house, and a good
orchard. For further particulara apply to
Pilaw IAN; Centralia I'. O.
Sale Register.
Dr -Parties getting their sale hills yrinted at the
AnVodian °Mee will receive a FEM. notice under
this heading until date of sale.
Skruntisx, Oct. Slat-ranristeek, the property of
William renhale, Lot20, ton. 2, Stephen. Sale at
two o'eloCk. 11. Brown, mitt
TEURSDAY, OCT, 22 -Farm stock the property of
Joseph Lawson, Lot 7. Con. 11, Stephen. Sale at
one o'clock. James Stanley, auet.
TUESDAY, OCT. 27. -Farm Stook and Implements,
the pro erty of David Maek, Lot 3, Con. 3, Hay
prepared to attend to the wants of
C the public along the line of
JAMS, Etc.
Medi -ton obt. 044 an eninaded
Mr. Wto. Englatul has ret noted from Minionton, 51r. A. V. Hod.
gine hire ;dee gone to lientenaten. ogre.
and Conine- Atterney Singer twitched the Ninth wen, seinen he hes been
U e CZisi.4 fall' the [VOW fli. Frani the eels wortnue Ute NA sommer. Bin has , scotch boys and peen teepee ;Ines mc ix au„, a Is 1.4,,:ma,,,011114, from twv re..
at ammeil two' 1-/r. Itwdbler chengel considerable in appearance, ranged from 14 to 10 years. The npplie cent ilhuna-Mise. Lizzie Is:eerie ee
heil charge ,of certain work at St. Joe but noltemeeee aim 15 FM Octee like cation was to be ;weenie:mien by a Lando% !.-pent a eew 4ety,i with her
see)]. In t,nv 3/t"le5,4!" - .0' Mie„Cnnefineinnii home.-- Mr. Pettey Humble, brakeman recommendathm from a ciergenuani mother here din ieg the vice-eine/tee
ttiatte4,:tirme.igt clierani5ifttteini.,..iterzonzLin•Ariattirase 44144shienelt.41,;:tiail tileireottereepoeonwtioan foerd sariodmIt:17Ifforitlentimnsitienctorteried,twloinledisetliiliriveitivtot 142.ytitheii detie,ge iiitiCe%.1vil4tlelit..,,fetiAtiy,s:sati
for One OrAY'r.1 WOrii. ;or same workmen, 4cottivil4varea„..mr, oatfeeps Brown, iseitig mated on Mit the *pest *igloo attended the finavent on e eietein ite
Vall'ila Wedneedae. --Miss %Mr Car -
which lied been presented to the does •
Let' le vielting frheele in Perlibill.---Tiate
Cat -
tame. The &agar OWPW that MeLean
new steel beidge ever the te:mble Is
stout; him twice withastick.knoeking
completed ane tts,,. rvitioat flefir etivee
into down with the wend Mow, that feet 5i --The Rev, Jaws
they had a eeuflic and clinched and
el.. Ford occupied the pulpit. in the
that defendant bit one of his fingers,
Methodist elanniaa teem on ieRniiiiin at
and that he still eutfeecd tram thebwe.
Inn pea. A hinge munlier was ptreent
Dr. Rueleman eald that he thought,
and listened to all; ilitivestiatr and
struetive disteratea%--.The ladies of
Lime Methodist elmreli hew .1144114
visiting her perents. Mr. stud Mrs. hood who were doped in Ow same won inn e mod Aehle„.4*-441, and II vest
Manz, at 'ravish:wk.-Mr. B. Brown and it should he a lesson to all that Home Dinner on Tuesday evening,
has bad the step leading to the post when "home children"' are wanted to Oct. 27,
'office lowered and the approach cc- make application to responsible agen-
mented. making it much easier and (dee.
(Intruded fer last ureic.)
Larrinnovset,rilAenutgtiolstenitturlith:tsbiliatilditahge. agAaitineeTAneleaGn00071.--0Trth,eitsulwetebkowdeeiatti,h,e
The Methodist elmtelt here will hold
Der towe•bip tax coliector, has finnan autbornies Weenie susprsions an
ed eeltCeg the tax neticee on the -tax nearly 200 letters were intereepten. ht-
pvers, me' the Township. Pay your eindingeeverel coutitining money. The
taxes mei 1,,ent pleasant -Dr. Silk. of I matter was placen in the heads of the
neondoe, live -aim, Rev. and Min. R. police who dieuovered the whole thing
Knowlen-Mise Mita Wind )15 to be rt frandelint the ennerit nnfortuns
learning the tailoting at Mr. H. ately got windof what was going on
Holt= Chtistian Faluieere- and made good his esteine. Two Hite
turned fioni Winnipeg, Mane Friday bert. farmers were led into the trap,
evening, after a pleasant visit With and are out of packet the railway fazes.
ientle. --Mre. Daniel Oestreicher is There new be others in this neighbor-
the !mond was the reenit.' but would..
not positively swear it was. There
were other witnesses for the prtiseene
who Saw it part of the fracas, but
DOW saw biting. The defendant swore
that he did not bite the prosecutor.
He admitted he struck the doetor once
with a stiekaud was not sore that he
did not strike bitil second time. One
witness for the defence swore that the
doctor said tbennjury to his finger WAS
cauetel btr z111 Instroment, and he also
admitted that Mennen struck Dr. RM..
tither OnCe. At the conelusion of the
evidence the P.M. sent time' charge to
a higher court for settlement en m-
ing accepted. The meal* complained
of Mem red on Sept. 24th in the Village
of St. Joseph.
Thursday last WAS observed as a hol-
iday here. In the morning the Rev.
Mt Sonia% of the Michigan Confer-
enee, occupied the Evangelical pulpit
here, preaching in (lie lenge
nage.-On the evening of Thanksgiv-
ing a number of Young folks gathered
at the home of Mr. Bastard and enjoy-
ed a few hours in mirth and play. -Mr.
Henry Tiedeman intends leaving town
for a few weeks, having secured situ-
ation in Ltleill1.-Our public school
teachers intend holding an entertain-
ment some time before Obi:Nimes.-
Miss Maud Eidt, who has been employ-
ed at Detroit for some time past, re-
turned home Saturday night. -Mr. J.
ed at harvesting beans on his farm at linntie ATTEND OEVECIL.-Crediton
Merner has a munner of boys engag-
Lodge No. 1313, will attend St Joseph. Joseph. vine worship in the Crediton Metho-
(rem another Sawn), dist church at Sunday evening service
on November lst, when the Rev. Mr.
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. McInnes have
moved back to town from St. Thom-
as. Their many friends here welcome
Township. Saleat 1 o'clock. E. Brown, Anat.
them back. -7. D. McColl has return-
%YET:nee:an OCT. 28. -Farm lend, stock and imple-
ments, the property of thelate John Schroeder, the ed from his visit to South River. We
elder on lot 17, concession 16. Stephen. meat one understand he intends to remove with
o'clock. Ed. Bossenberry, auct. •
The undersigned is offering for sale that splendid
hundred -acre farm in the township of Stephen, being
East half of Lot 21 and South half of Lot 22, situated
1 miles South of Dashwood. The is on the prem-
ises anew brick house 22x32, with good frame kitch-
en and woodshed; bank -barn, 40354, driving house
. and. other convenient buildings; good orchard and
- two never -failing wells, about ten acres bust-mis•-
ed timber, amongwhich is a large quantity of blaok
ash. The farm is well fenced and underdrained.
Will be sold cheap and on reasonable terms. For
particulars apply to
Wendel Brunner, Dashwood,
Of John Scbroeder, the elder, late of
the Township of Stephen, in the
County of Huron, yeoman, dei
Pan -smut to Chapter 120, of the Revised Statutes
of Ontarie, 1807, notice is hereby given that all
creditors and others having claims against the estate
of the above named deceased, who died on or about
ther.2.nd day Of September, A. D. 1003, are, on or
before the 15th day of November, A. D. 1008, to send
bypost, prepaid, to the undersigned solicitors
tot -
David Schroeder and Fleury Schroeder, the Executors
of thelast will and. testament of the said deceased,
their obristilin names and surnames, addresses and
deseriptions, the full partioulars of their claims, the
statement of their accounts and the nature of the se-
curities, if any, held by them, and that after the last
day aforesaid the said executors will proceed to dis-
tribute the assets of the deceased-smong the parties
entitled thereto, having regard'only to the claims of
which they shall then have notice, anal that the said
executors will not be liable for the said assets, or any
part thereof, to any person or parsons of whose claim
notice shall nothave been received im them fd the
time oi such distribution. ,
.1)W:eon Carling '
Solicitors for Executors, Exeter.
'Dated at Exeter this 0th thy of October, 10t13.
his family to that place in the near fix-
ture. -The marriage of Miss Lucilla
Welsh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.
Welsh, of this place, to Mr. William
Marks, of 1V1cGillivray, took place at
the home Of the bride on Wednesday.
Mrs. Norval Vanwyck and family,have
moved to Orilla, where Mr. Vanwyck
has been employed for some time. We
wish. the estimable fan:Lily every suc-
cess in their new nome.-Prior to leav-
ing Lobo, where he was teaching
school in S.S. No. 5, Mr. Hugh Gillies
was presented wieh a beautiful watch
chain, which was given to him by
the scholars. The gift was accompan-
ied by a well worded, address, expres-
sive of the most cordite' feelings for
the -recipient by the pupils. Mr. Gillis
Was completely surprised but made a
suitable reply, thanking the donors
and expressing, a liVely sense of grati-
tude to his many Lobo friends and his
regret at leaving. ;
EDDINS, -A pretty event was cel-
ebrated at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
A. E. Campbell, when their daughter,
Miss Man3ie A.,Willeison, became the
happy bride of Mr. R. el. Smith, of
Griswold, Man. At 7 o'clock the bride
`entered the parlor gowned in a tery
bewitching costume and came to where
thegroomstood. A few second later
the • officiating minister, Rev. John
Benv, came forward and spoke the
words which made the happy couple
one. After the ceremony was per-
formed and congratulations over the
bridal party adjourned with their
fi lends to the dining room, where the
beautifully arranged table -was all pre-
pared to serve the wedding feast. The
presents were placed in the sitting
room and were much admired, testify-
ing as they did to the esteem and good
wishes entertained for the bride and
groom.' We join with the friends of
Mr. and Mrs. Smith wishing them
continued. happiness and may their
life be an uninterrupted honeymoon.
drienti Shed nour of his hotel cement- of another of Hibbert's old settlers ill
tlf,1 an can now claim having the the wenn ue eonne Shentions. whose, their usual annivertavy services on
Nov. Stoththflou'lltot‘I'llg.sbul.Polaaywlelleebete.,
were in the village Toesday.---II. Ian
finest shed in tbe ennani-Mogroi ei answered to the roll call on Suntlae,
H. Sandere and F. E. Kern, of Exeter. Oct. 8. Mr. Simmons had not been ifini.iititemtnokisilgvihviiontig isteurvaite,eci"
twileVrieteitileid yontirunie
her, M.P.P„is colleeting the Insurance tstleelliiTmrselacteteiltruesteloTtdeths4gheewl:'015- :"
ers len; .rance Co.. this week, thee It. his suirefingt! with en urennoetieng Sinew, assisted bet Reiv,nfriMeLennelai
assess nents levied lin the Hay Farin- km in his geth year. Dement Imre Presbyterian eliereli by Rey, mr,,
Mr, Alex. MelSevin, who has been
0,Y fortitude which hulleated his sincere ietiituoe.kti:al
out the douuty.--Thankegiying Vilitatshteitien transferred to Al -
Clinton Bank for some
passed off quietly. Most of the boys trust in better things beyond, and the
vinston and promoted to the position
went ehooting and returned home very summons of the last ineSeenger was to
of teller. Prior to his departure for
tired after their day's tramp, lint the hitn a meet welcome one. efr. Sim -
that place a load of his Cliuton friends
17.13 *Or ity of them seemed several fine mons was A staunch and ti lie Mari in
drove to his home here and presented
every sense of the term; he was one of
Natures noblemen. His high sense of him with a beautiful Golf set. --Mr. J.
inteerit and moral rectitude won bim
rabieiten-Mr. Gottlieb Motioek s sale
on Thursday and Ur, Conrad Innlin's
on Friday were well attended. The
good prices Mr. B. S. Philip% of um. the contrdence and respect Of his fele F. MoKay has gone to perm* bisstude
lows, while Ins many' noble qualities ma at the Meilleni Callen°. Detroit,
His many friends here wish bun Sues
implements and live stock brought
sall ;toted as auctioneer at both sales. of head and 'heart made hint a pleasant
Rev. W. A. Schutte B.A., of Geneecei com man and se true, warm Ces`l
III., one of the delegates at tbe Genet.- His getttlx is a severe bereavement to REMEMEIZRED.-Mr. R. P. Bell, wile
• 4 %
al Conference in Berlin, occueied the his family and friends and a distinct ; has been in connection with St. An -
pulpit in. the Evangelical church, on loss to the entire community. The drewis church for twenty-five years
StietlitY morning and eeeelege 'Mach* funeral took place Tuesday to Mcinag- 1 and has taken an active part in ehurch
the Testing place of I work filling the offices of elder, super -
English in the evening tel large midi- so many of the early settlers of this 1 eiltaennadetiritettosfuerhe:Sorabiptiniuteh, hscaistotehlistel‘i.ieeehk.
enees. The Rev, gentlemen is a fore- country.
severed this connection by removing
ible speaker and his sermons were
to Seaforth. Mr. Bell has rented his
well received. Mrs.
TaxGianrta, uadr Forest, is
visiting Igemidarnym and taken a position in the
in Seaforth. On Tuesday ev-
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Toe novelle. ening of last week a farewell supper
-Mr. L. Gratton moved in the house was tendered him in the basement of
he purchased from Mr. Oliver. -Mr. i the church, where his personal friends
Robt. Hamilton, who has been on the I had gathered to spend a soeial hour
sick list, is recovering. --Mr. J. Speck- i with him before his departure. In the
wan, of Exeter. spent Wednesda,y I course of the evening Mr. Bell was pre -
here. -Mr. John Neil, of Centralia, isented with ft beautiful writing desk
spent Friday here. -H. Either, M.P., land Mrs. Bell with te table, silver cream
spent Friday here in connection with , pitcher and sugar bowl. Mr. Bell
the fire insurance. -There were quite I made a feeling reply and thanked the
a number here on Thanksgiving Day -friends for their kind remembrance of
from Exeter, Ailsa Craig and Hensel', himself and his estimable wife. The
who spent the day hunting. -Messrs. remainder of the evening was pleas -
W A Belkwill and H. Gill, of Exeter, sapnetrlysesdpweiiitthinmusosicciali
, singing
do isnhoerrt-
Mr. and Mrs. James Bissett and
daughter, Lovie, and Mr. and Mrs.
David dentin. of London, settee the
Thanksgiving holidays at the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. T. Krueger. --Mrs. WEDDING BELLS. -A. very pleasant
Lindenfield and daughter, who have and pretty wedding took place on
been on an extended visit to the for- Wednesday of lase week, at the resi-
neer's dauehter, Mrs. Chas. Cann, of deuce of Mr. and Mrs. M. Finkbeinen
Exeter, returned to town Saturday.- Crediton. The occasion was that of
The friends here of Mr. Henry Stephens the marriage of their daughter, Miss
will be pleased to learn of his recent ,Matilda. D., to Mr. John A. liumb e,
promotion in Marine matters, he hay- of Sarnia, an employe of the G. T. ' •
nday here.
ing been recently appointed second of- Railway. The day was one of those spent Su
WEDIANG.-Th e manse, Grand Bend,
fieer on the Grand Haven Steam Ship, beautiful sunsbiny days which only was the scene of a pretty event on
the largest and fastest car ferry on the October can bring and which seems to
Wednesday. Oct. 14, when Mr. Paul
Great Lakes. She is 315 feet long and bespeak a pleasant future. At three Gabel and Miss Mary Jane Kennings, '
has 45 feet beam, the main deck ac- o'clock p.m., the appointed time had
youngest daughter of Mr. James Ken-
come:iodating four railroad tracks 300 arrived and about sixty of the con- nings, were united in the holy bonds
feet long.. Mr. Stephens is to be con- tracting parties most intimate friends of matrimony. The interesting cere-
gratulated upon his appointment to se and relatives had assembled to witness molly was performed by the Rev. Mr.
lucrative a. position. -Mr. Peter Mc- the event of the day, and while the Carriere, pastor of the church. The
Hall's 'dwelling from J. Goetz and is MrHerbert K. .Either, of Orediton, bride was attired in a very neat and
becoming travelling 'costume. She is
Isaac has iniught the lot east of Mr. wedding march was being played by
not busily engaged excavating a cellar the blushing bride was escorted to the not only estimable but is a very indus-
for his new furniture store and pest drawing rocm by her father on whose triouseittle person and . we feel confi-
office. The building is to be a brick arm she leaned, and placed beneath a dent that her home will be her delight
structure and is to be finished this fall, beautiful eyergreen arch, where the and will make Mr.- Gabel an ideal wife.
ranged stated of mind for some time • The groom is one of our promising
-Miss Kloskey, who has been in a de- groom was also in waiting. Attired .
was Wednesday removed to the Lon-
don asylum. -The Sovereign Bank of
Canada has jest declared a second
quarterly dividend upon the paid-up
capital stock of the bann to sharehold-
ers of record on Oct. 31- The profits
tif the bank are far in excess of the
dividend requirements, and the bank
is doing well The branch at Dash-
nvoocl Iiie d.one fait beyond all expecta-
tions and in the near future better fa--
Knowles will occupy the pulpit All
members of the artier are cordially in-
vited to attend.
Mrs. R. McDool is steadily improv-
ing from her recent illneste-A pretty
wedding took place here on Wednes-
day, the contracting parties being Mr.
Wm. Mustard and Miss Ellie" eTippett.
We which them every happiness, -
Rev. G. F. Newton, a former rector of
Trinity church, is in town this week
in the interests of the Bible Society.
in a dainty wedding rone of white silk a,ncl prosperous young farmers and his
and trimmed with ribbon, the bride
• • many friends wish himself and bride
a life of happiness and prosperity.
Intended tang week.
looked charming. Her xi este
was her,sister, Miss Rose, who was al-
so attired in white silk with the usual
orange blossom bouquet, and she con-
ducted her part admirably. The groom
was assieted by his brother, Mr. Percy
Humble, of Sarnia- The ceremony
was performed. by the Rev. Mr. Damm,
of Crediton. This part of the proceed-
ings being over, congratulations to the
• RA:VE=4801SE NUPTIA,L4.--A. very
quiet but pretty wedding took place
last Wednesday at the residence of
Mr. Fred Ische, Sebringville,being the
marriage of his third. daughter, Miss
Mary, to "Mr. Joseph Ravell, of this
place. Rev. Wm. Weinback tied the
deities will be afforded to its custo- young people were then in order, after Deena' kbot and the simple ceremony
iners.-On Sunday the. congregation of which the company, headed by the was soon ever. The bride wore a
the Evangelical church was afforded bridal party, repaired to the dining white organdie dress trimmed with
another treat in having Mr. Oertli, a room where a dainty dinner was seen- silk lace and insertion and carried a
delegate from the Dakota conference ed, of which all heartily partook. The beaetiful bouquet of roses. The brides -
to the Berlin conference of the Evan- eveningwas spent in varied emu maid was her sister, N'ettie, and she
ments, interspersed by many choice wore a steel -gray dress trimmed with
cream silk and medallions. The groom
was stipported by John Ische, brother
of the bride, After the ceremony the
bridal petty Wended their way to the
gelical Association, preach to them.-
Mr. Win. Geiger, Principal of Dash -
d. school, spent S
selections from the Crediton 'lass
bend. Mr. and Mrs. 1 -Jumble re-
wooend SinPablicnday with his parents at Heny
- ceivecl many costly and useful presents
Glaclstonian Reading Circle, as a, token of respect from their many
of Dashwood, met t the bome of Mr. fitiends.. On the follovving morning clining room where a, grand wed ing
told Men E. P. Paulin on Mondayev- the newly married couple left on a dinner,vvasserved. The bride received
t Palls. many beaatifel presents showing the
on Oct. 15, Miss E. M. Robertson to
Mr. J. WT.Medley, Mathematical wee -
ter of Lucan High school.
ehing. All present had a very enjoy- honeymoon trip oNiagara
able time, the topic of the evening be- Showers of rice was at further evidence high esteem in which she is held by
lug "Lord Palmerston." -Lest Friday of the good wishes and God speed from her friends. The groom is one of our
Mrs. Schatz, wife of William Schatz, their many friends. On their return popular and highly respected young
passed away. The funeral took place they will snake their future home in men and we extend to himself and es -
on Tuesday, when the remains were Sarnia. The affair: was notably marked timable bride all the happiness this
laid to rest in the Lutherian cemetery. by the christening of Cliffoxd 'Harold, world affords. They have settled down
Many friends join it extending to Mr„ only child of Mr. and Mrs. John •Mal- to the sterner realities ofinfe in Mr.
Schatz their heartfelt sympathy. lot Jr of Exeter. Raven's emefortable home here. 10 months and 6 days,
SOINER-BuTTLER-AL the residence of
the bride's mother, on Oct. 14, by
the Rev. J. A. Ayearst, B.A., Chas..
W. Joiner, of Washington, Penn,
to Miss Hatriett L.Buttler, of Liman..
MoLenne-WEEKES-At the residence -
of the bride's earents, on Oct. 1503,
by the Rev. j. B. J'ennings, Mr. P.
D, McI,ttren, of Winnipeg, to Miss
Anna Gertrude, youngest daughter -
of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Weekes,Varna.
Grand Bend, on Oct 14, by the Rev.
S. A. Carriere, Mr: Paul Gabel, to
Miss Mary Jenie,•yomegest daughter
of Mr. James Itertnings;-41 of Geand
Bend. 'nein
SMITH-WILE:won -At the residetece
of the bride's pliTents, on Oct. le,hj
the Rev. Sohn Barry, Mr. Robeet
Smith, of Griswold, Mane to Miss
Menne Wilkison, dangliter of Mr.
and Mrs. Arch. Campbell, of Park
hi. ,
MienEn---Pilneuenne -At the residence
ot the bride's pareets, on Oct 15th,
by the Rev. H. M. Manning, assist-
ed by Rev. Thoines Manning, of St.
Marys, Mr. Robert H. Milner, of
Brantford, to Miss Olive Manning,
claughter of Rev. H. M. Manning, of
SMITIT.---In Sodom, (Hay tee) on Oct.
15, John Henry SMi tit, aged 17 years.
neeineete • • • s • - ene