HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-10-15, Page 7TIM IIAQIsTaAw� LAUGIIPI).
absolute neces-
It isquite aisbard, as ever tQ get The best tea:drowlas 4!*trlr,,.t in 4�0;rlan
sity for the Preservam
R19 I I FEE allead of put. This was proved the suppIles
"PURE F-OOD 'tiDn'"of Our well-being. other day during 4 trial jA va T,�ng-
Ush court -room, an Irish witness be- M 0
ill ed as to bla Unowledgo of
a o J0 La
6-Z�calilllliLlll ArWair.,
"Did you iee the sliot fired?" the e R *1 b b
ID I ; alitrate aslied,, when. 11'athAd beell C
sworn e 'amma., oqlk
There are very fow ckam, "INO', sorik. I only heard it,A, was.
!ng 9perations In -wrhtch Surilig ht the evasive ArmVer.
"That evidence is not satisfae�-
c*Qap campt be used to advant-� tory," replied tbe magistrate. sterxi-, The utmqst Care to *%Ron In curing
go. It Ma�Re.$ the everr proccoo ft Siviverv,1604 br expert*sk
b9mo brlg�lj ly. "Stand down!"
and clean.. Tile "Witness proceeded to leave the Tuereault 10 ft itea that to 4.011ce4te ta,
TIM 1B box. and directly his rLr0JAi% aU4 4011OTLOIRO in ftwte.
A" and as dellss back -was turn-
-risively. hemag-
ed, be laughed dc T,
00Y104 Green, Ask for Pwa ui3oL
dous to drknk AS $Ali Istrate. Indignant at the contempt
309. 4% Oq. S" P lb- PY0QrW1T_ Maltese, who li@A been,-50�qd In tbp of court. cdW him biuck and as1ted TOP= XrIFTY
�ct of committing some crime that him. ]low h),, dared to laugh in court.
11ch Y aeserve4 punishment. "Pid you see me I your hon-
, Xh.,
�bjwwd.,� templed to. justif,# the or?" queried the offen or
TurUlsh AuthioritleS. "N'0, Sir; but I beard you," Was
AN' s3lo No' WHER ARIT WHY Oil ct
10,�Tbe provAlent idepe that larlalong VP To 7 "a tp 7j:otect 7o ur loved ones to the best 09
UIOR vices is ;$Ilk Stratford maintained that they Ole trate answer. Your, ability.
a0ag are compA
.01t9gethqr wrong " said a pilysiciap- _. WIAIA X, SROR-I'T !$=VICZ NOT 'Ur liq4 violated the c4pittl3ations; by 11TUat evidence, Is 'not satisfac-
'le in Ills eyo� ri VIA R 0"' GROSE"' "'END
who UAIR 444 r M TIP Pat, quietly. but with
, do , gl. peciAl study of T _W NARI;. apprebe-941lig a Britikili. subject withr
iiipso=ula. I'll Alwx OA dio cop- out going througb 04 requirtill for- a tw1a TH"' CA"A" N ORD' S
krAq, that the, habitual drunlKafil is Foreig4 00000TO ,A xh@d With, ft- xua , , w1oleb, it may 'be oTaserved. And this tinte everyboidy laughed- Will fwliish you vith an iu,,suraneoof from VOQ to $-14000 at ga
not.. - Wt even
Aed to itte lvse tqr4at What tile Late Wait usually 0,44,4104 tbil crImInal to 01 00 magistr- low a cost as Is consistent, with satoty,
Qf_ i4;&cco�. Ve I -Day use 010 weed Vaod Dorm. s ow ap e. Tuo Order of Chosep, 3trivnft is tilorquablyreliable.
0, lesggr 5tlxwnhaut when got The, disputo vraNelkl Warm and the "owes This 11 The CANa4Ja-,X Order of ollosvix Frle=ds is purely Qalp�4diau.
tile inftuell expri.,--silon on tite countenailoe Of the,
otrongly _go of a - At the last British araw 111411001- TJ -,O CA Uu4 Graer of %,oseA Friettift is registexed.
00 to drink, gets 4 Yres AevorAl. Ja1=010, officers accout- i autbas�ador annouric'-d an pkpprogCb.� Wo o0or Gue Hundred Pollors R9W
t1par. Tuo c4padi;ln Oider of. clioseA vriends is 'gTowius rapidly.
rill, itmtruction. as agreed g L
1,V" 4a .a P �r. f7li r Ing sta7m. Sndden�;F, strili5ng the r44 10,y BaN�4 V4Urrlw voro T140 Coma4ir-;A QT40T. of Chosen Vrgo4d.s; bus 470 04mAvila.
�Xem be Cares p4uled fo 1A
In t., p treaty, alad 0, slitall
n fOr to eir4 lit b m tallDe witI4 Ills 05% Ito CNIcIgiawd. F. J_ CAWNNY'A 4,10 � T04,10. Q. Th
0 Cap gu og
�,341 9f Ch
bacga� for tb � agen rrioudg has 95.OW r;iembers.
lost its torco ar4, ivs ing V, n aruqy of AtU4vItea In 00 94ady Pluia "'Anti sup thil mr-eQ62F, bavo lgn®rwA,
. _4
'qucp, po.4lig I t 4towa PlN wo
his Rerres. in p:K� age, Qfp;ilIt;4r#t Europe, attend to exal"ta w4h .41 L, Tte Canadian Qrdvr of ohosou VxIonds has *40,00Q surplus.
cwass to 44,TV J. VbqR*Y f9r thQ, 1,45t V5 $-.0aup. ana
rulera of the world t';1k, t� g if 4M PIN V U440ro to All Join now. Uqgti jgQ�Mbqrs sliaw tbis ad. to your friendo. . It you are
tell tbo I I dl, � *01, wtige
Irem Me releaso of thro what It V5 AD]a ftand#117 rot R, M(.m
0 ree in Nvbivh the South. African cx- i ber, full Inrorialition will be farrIshed. by writing to
110" the athim hand, It IR n rat1wr .9, :"rJ_1WQW4 your authorittes venturo to Carry out, 'i'T 011%&%jons
perlelicvp have tgagatfol lareat W. V. 11MONTAQUA Grand Iteearder. Ramllton,,ar
curlwas Pact in the eme of tile do? X, W1101031ii, ProgglAtf. Grand Qr��aoizprs WmiltQn.
1U. 7 ,, W. F. CAMPUR-14L.
iRr.tic driliker, who also Vrioli*s. the Will- "IyUs." replied Ahmed, with Im- -1 A ING, KINAAN
catting Q0 of his fmpply of tobacco When the Ist aud 2ad 140f4ons perturbable calw. "they would prob.
w ld,-igppetito for alco'holk snurg out upon t1w Aldershot roads
Vill lavreas ably put you and your Ravaf;s In the :11RIM Cgtarrhl CUT* ta U.Xen 140r -
to bqveroges,,� and *bfle at firrat the stepping brlsk4l In tto heens, cold prison to join hlin-and they would lt#ffly, 10ting lair'Pltly upon 0# 41009t When YOU boy A WASHBOARD
w,411 4iot g0ect btai nvarl�r Po air of �vxly mor-ologs, the men ap- poreW 64TIACC3 of fte layoUn.,
advantage. Only lie doing their 'duty'lls niQls vqat five. W190 1705;;� F"
111111or 'r� " SPECIAL
Milo as wlie 41
_4 Ile ig smoklog,
end it will do him up. Cali , sequent, anglag 19NIAPYt Thg qt4lwart
'Nigip -_Og
ly. it is safe to as.,Mule that 010 Man Quarda, under , . I , upriii, Arthur voegn't
ya used, liquor and tobacco Paaet ularched by the wooded lanes , but I don't care,*' ba '0 AX 011DIN Y ER,
ulto Alwa of w said. ug lie tael%led mbugp, =outhful. X.T AIL r )X..
lit moderfitlqu wilt, it be glvCS V nfold, and tile r.,pleudld pby4s1-",. GLOBE.,
,tobacco, tal-W 111OrQ strOuRlY, t4 qYQ Of the battalions 9"k-0 no is It's my turn to t4ae eare of tile "I Ila,* cdo"ek." sold the young aw-Amlyt!
a&qmp- 46t national degorpracy lit that 'Q'r* baby to-alsbt, ii.aybow.- "to ask, for your daughter's
liquor. In fact. tbiS Is, NO qu man.
bgs been deluouNtrMcd an ter at least. uAnd." INSIST ON GETTING ONE OF THE ABOVE WELL-KNOWN BRAINOS
occaslons. But where "little, BroddeVA" are The pralid banker gare'd over his
loohed for is ft the ordluMMY G01600D NEWS FOR glafm�s , at tlq� fellow and demalrded'- The 000 Th^ic Coto bo *fwd.
battillons. Yet, it is reinarliable 410 Vau any vw.awi of use CODY% FAILS a TVIIS-
that ".nd
VIrAn AND =AVOW, His Ou Ron USS F.DIDY*s thATOW98.
5"iT 0'
3 I!E'
1AV1,40p, while c.ontAr"'Aaa obviantily "Alee! I osa poor. But hwir W.4,
NO-Ang Isoldlerv, can'4�arcd M0.5t, Story.
Thousands at Uves Made Wsim- arably ulth the Quiwdu In M=111=�J
able, by ^ Trouble Easily and ieaAia. =-rN.1OX Sr�,O=Zlf CURF.D UK "Illen I spalif'w to CIA444150 alwnt
Overcome. it 1.9 true thot .1 JoRkreont.1go of Ito BODWIS ==ir TnI.S. cowina tq( ri Zmat 40 told 1110 U, 8f.'rTLERS LOW RATUS. BECAU.14B. or IT.
undeveloped niaterial 19 left In bar- II was uEple-".'flnilt Iter motlwr war, the VJZ tlze Chic-.1go and North Wtstera -Whylt do they call this a free coun,
"la1lvAndj of people tbroughent, md,,ss but tbe gav4lt Ycaza he Wua Cripplod by To= of tho bausr,�, find tbat I lutil kv., every day from 8-ept. 15th to Wy?" ii
019 country orte For naed the unwasto nuarclast,
wiffer continually front dovra llw r noth, rieltlers one Way gnswered the re.spec.t_
I 11'r looUld traincil and III. Zboum and Sciatica- 111"tte" 1414 to ber. But I -'�`Aid '4N!Q- -N4vCmher VOU a a 4 be Y 0
mervow, ne.-.,%-tAWJr . blood Is poor and U:UtIa3rJ111;4 atfen& aj= Your (414.ter Inay Permit yatw vio-),Verond clu5s tickets at YQVY low able citimu, Afk, r t It rt t
" '*' , often ni. sn-llvxccaiwr� (wilut. Dodws Ridney MUS Nado Iller to ttsint tshp in 060 snail of tL41 rat(IS frola Chicago to points in ieave It if you don't like St."
e T1 are ivQa ' The men Qx;_� clotbed lit mrVimabla a New -Xan- boase�, to bulear 11(�r, 1�111, I b_,tve litah, A�Iontana. Nevada. Idaho. Or&
+V diul. �
trou.. h , aches a . ;j drab worldus drezzn, With 1plauch bate The gmat demand for a plexput, We
Nefos, are , austed wit tile Bught- Morristown. X. Y., Oet. 5.- rc�"n "Q"Flh (#f Urn to know that 90n, Washington, California, aLgo to
��and only oro Real Eavom of tto old , when a. nuAttor of Importanve cowes Victoria, vancoaver, New Avestfuln- and rc7jab2c, antlJolo for all alfectlons of
ext exertion. 0 often 101 as ti 11 d UromlpF. mow of w
ar4er of dwss, Ibis being A140 1111rd', Up bf,
s 4
L�jrpl�g Will mUSt QlWayq ar,,, Mer. Itafas-land Qnd other points to the, Orok , and lungs 1�3 fully met with In
'though U16 were a burden. There is, the this place, but formertv of Trenton, 1, C_ tile Kootc'Oay DIfitVICt. CorrcsPoud, BlvUle"s Anti-Con-,rquptivo 4&g. rup. Ir. is
�'Cliafins leather leggiiig. All 0 Fort itseli. Ilin strength at chara n
Qrly' QUO qbr$ioIUtQJJ'F certain way tO '�officera carried carbin - Out., retates an that will ill points In apurelivegetable colupour . and acts
es, the idea he ter way la,, brought Out by little 'ugly low r*"tes from I
and that VanafIck. Full, particu are froul, near- prompt; r wid magleWIT
alth a -rill rength 4 * Ing ibiat In itctIve cervice they xvill prove of great interest to I& Old # � In suliduiust all
the liso of Dr. Williams �i ds ill 6nadsa. 0100, s0ill-- - ent ticket agent, or 11, ir Ileallptt, cougloi, cobb, broachit s,inflammatiou of
be uWalstinsuldiable from tile men. Well I "My boy." Interrupted tho old St., Tal tbe 111119,1" QWk 't IS fo palatable that A
Ilk I pink rals, for rme reopip. Ttiese 3 Ills great Coat. -1 buxa. been a grkkat*sufferer from gentloln"n. pattivr, bini. on thi- f1loAll- vlenpral Agents Z' East xlu�
plils, make now, rich, red blood, � Each man carrie child will nor refuse it, and It is put at a
6trengthen tbla Bei'vQ5, AUd b1`1119 '10 �S till, and 50 rounds of blanhl IMeninaWim, and $dativa for year.%" der. "I have 18nown all alonn. that rontili Out. price tha4 NvIll not exoludii the poor from
health, strength ;Anti IlapPillers to a=;ulittion. 1"Our poundq weight '11r. Droalley tilater�. "The citizens you wer;* not one at tUme Oral is
these , NA10 uf;e t1low". Mr. D. W. charge of Clothing Is Carried for Of Tientoll will rompallipl. what a percons who �%re Wapable,, 110147 The foot rover lmown when to wol-.
blin, together with tile tonto. lit each cripple I was. I could nelther wor), of under- we either opportunity or good-
Valpy, Cr�istal (Ity, "Maultoba, of which a dozen mon sImp vvjolceiul or ile down, the pain was so grQat standing what In going oil In. thf-ell It is best, to remember that life is
pr%vcs tba truth at 114s. 110 saws - at the Abandonment of the bivouac. 441teading of cures by Doild's Xia-, Avorld around thput. Tilho her. aud4ortuile. not written In load -pencil, and er".
-I havo u.sod Dr. NVIIIIamW Plulc The ist Cavale NO&II, noy Inl1s. finally led mo to try thela way you alwayn b(% happy." big tray not be done until after the
Pills with 'worder!"I results. Were r $ Brisade, For Ovvr Sixty Y-t1kT& account- has been rendered.
preceded the InVintry, tient about and front the sveond box I began to hao boon used W
u9ing theig I was weak and nervaus. 1,200 Sabres of the 13th, 14th and (Col relief. I continneV to use them. AN ALLURINOr AIMIT'NEWT. dilldien wbUo tttthlug�
i4otbosa for tht&
d a
2n,y blood was poor; I was pale and Jstll 1,1NIssars Into -the Hold. Tile till I had Wen twelve boxes, when WIfe-WIM" did Y011 Mull afl� tu 05 is is
siikeied train. palwq lit the region of er? wladoolll�, it,
transport for tlils brigade amounted so long, with that Turkish pedill
,the heart. 'Now after tile use of 'I was ronlpletely cured. 4 Minaid's LIRIMIRt Care: fflsffwerf�
to loa waggons, &o that about 100 "Podds 1(fdavy 11111a have ninde, a 11usband-I wag trying to convert *nuchou& (ho w4fA. SO *uA* Alk
eight boxes of the pflls My nerves -
aNd t ... a at baggage follow tills Cam neNV I of nle.., him.
are stroug; my Illodd 19 pllrc A till aifit bdudre(l di,
Wand Into the u fttnoQuvre area. qe,-teps NVU&-Tfuhl Great missionary -,oil Cam -"Cau't I friterest you
riclq X have a good color will illy Rheumatism lye all start on life's journty Ill Illo latest
heart action Is regular. I think This is -no linprovenienton tliebad are caused by uric neld In tile blood. would 1,01 N"lllt did "" tf4l blav? �dition Of 111ousebold
old days of standing canips, w1len Irusband-T told hJul a Christian wrapped In the trarelllnWrug of self- r, canalny?, * llea(l of Irousa-Xo#�
'01dre is no IuOleino eall equal Dr. lilt Ill% I ury of inxic.3% flirolturii was al- it tile Kidneys aro sound they will osteem, but it is soon torn asido by sin,
11julc 11111s for these tron- i , talia all the inklo, acid ant �f the was not obliged to liave more than xuy wife, has, just bought six
le owed. It munt seriously militate slians of criticism. Parislan gowns anti X must begin to
tkgonst Illobilily. blood. Dodil's, Kidney rIlls make One lvlic- economize.,,
'this IS the Vel4liet Of all peop"' villar sound Kidneys,
Xhindreds of undisciplined 0.1 TITE T1NXX0NVA11T.,VL
who given tile pills' a fair trial. drivers tire employed by both 4arinles, 11 -at friend of Roath Wind U0 ElPhthlflb.
a,1ld,l.1loSO wilo Are sic -It can obtain and tile niore one loolts lilt* tile Y'lulig Lawyet-l"Y"our honors I Ilialm-Wink-ors Is a grc
new bealtil, and,utrength througli the yours, isift lie?
use of this inedielue. Do not waste transport question the moro evident claim tile release of illy client, oil tile a
does It scein that the degree at ground of Insanity. Ire is A Stupid Jinks (a, inan or tho world) -C n*t ITAD XUPT 111S PIWAIISH. We are gettipf Pool# lot3ef tkaw. When lie
moliey and flirtlier cubmiger �,our mobilltv - to be attained at t1leiie fool, an idiot, and to not responsiblo *�,ayr. I havent had to borrow mcin- Slic-You promised to stoP sWoh- otber truss wil old th-m Lber Cam* to ft
Ilealth, by talIng any substitute. See Hot rearly Ile so for an.v net be mav ]lave conuilit- � since I knew Will. "What we met %a bolt.'* Thebat if the thaspalL*1
'tilat the full 31alue *t Dr. Aviluralls, manoe��res will Ing when wewero married. Theirs an rl.nt "somatic P1
Pale'lleople Is'pAnted. perfect as has beef% bargained for. tvl." The Judge�'Tte dopsn't ap- They Wake Ill - %r, 0- 0 1 so Von, At`12
.it 11L-Ivell, they won't allow you to tka edge@ 0 the Wound toothet
Isink Filis tot near stupid to ino." The Prit;ouvr c Torpid Eueritiea. ' ZU40test. yout #at W 11; 0 van't go,&
x. T11AN'SPORT GAVE TROUBLB'. 'ellinery erviscil anT14. smoke In church. V:L17.1.1 while lou wearilat'!rl.curab 0
an the wmpper aroundL every be 1pting)-"Just looll" at the not Properly in BELT AND as At Tio. a .1,2119r.
(intern r, Tal Tau
If you cannot got the pills train Trouble with tile Civilian trans, torull itself, verv-svoll s lows thillt I its Ell 1.10433!!,Q
,I_q vpj W
lawyer I've hired, your honor. working. Itisilieminewith the (1111ges USO Lver*s Ilry Soap (a powder)
your iler llivy Avill be sent bv part comilunwed very, earlY. `nwo 11n(l live or.-hus. Vuregulated from thne to S and flaunols,�--
jWI at 50 collis it box or six boxes Of waggons acconipallying the Ist to wa�.Ul woolen
on An End to Bilious time tile ;ire likoh; to bteome torpid alld SMITH & OAMiltaill
for $2.50 by writing to The Dr. Division hall not got verY far of left YOW11 like it- wialt4not ratonts,
ner,m, which Is caund by excessive bile lit throw t ie whclu* qyrt kill wit g , r Coosda lilts, BIC114'r.
Medicine Co., Brock%ille, the road before kicking and jibirig the stoinaell. bas a inarlpted efreet upon, 'PAV3116106's Vlegctabl,! P.114 were made to pod reason PATENTS
Oat. among the- horses revealed the fact the nerves,and. often ulaulfest is ltwll! by meet, such cft�64, They restom to the full Mlen a man has not a. g
tbat the improvised harness was severe headachek Till, one good
; is the m&it dl,;. flagging incul ios, and bring imme for doing a thing, be bits "k is 0.4
breaking all along 00 line, the l0ath- tres,41lig headuche *lie van linve. There reason for letting it alone.
A XOTABLI.) V71ILANTI-MOPY. er being too light for heavy aiNly are headaches from cold, from fever, and Xrmvs vnoar 1,10ME.- 77 KIRG STREET EA&T
from other causes, but the mo,,t excruel- -TORONTO,
M. ClurnobtLrd, bead of tile Unitas- work. Lad down atingof all is the bilious headache. Par- Mrst Tourist (from'South Amerl- Are sour carns.banler to remove than 8 AMU'S Fur Manufacturers.
ins till Lowve in Paris, has handed Officers; rode madly up i melee's Vegetable Pills %vill cure it -cure ea) 1 just got a lettix from home. tho%e thitz odien litwe had? _- ...,
the column exhorting the drivers to it lm,, adthesanie khru? Have theY not Wo eve b6tt T&lUe iU tllt 64- send for ciitmior.
war his Superb property at Versailles timinediatelv. Ttwill ("qaPPear They have had iwo wars and a revo- not b;
do somotldng� and the latter, 'with ns soon as the Pills operate. Tliere is been cored by using Holloway's CorD
for ' the benefit of all his emp'loyes mucli. blinding and blinking itt the nothing surer in the treatineu b of bilious 111"011 Since we left. Cure.? 'Try;i bottle- RAW FUM AND GEN SING
who can $]low at least tweift-five universe in gencral and the army in deadache. Second 117avrist-Auybody hurt? Hicbcs�vricm Send for price lists.
years, service, anti do not receive particular, patched up -the broken Somehow, the nian who offers bar-
moro tban'.$800 a year. The im- a If you are enjoying life's sunshine, gai s manages to acquire wealth Us -
men . be n divided into 105 ends with pieces of rope, and at -by crying for the .1mad's Wool Colas 00(of 10 offs, 11 ftultry, ALL
so park has P snairs pace the long line struggled do not spoil it ter than those who are always look- KINDS al
lots, so as to insure to each merit- to Frembam. moon. Ing for tbem. RAL FRUITS
orious servant a holding of about There was also some trouble with WRY TXJ111Y Sn. TTLE1. Bu7L7Ler,,
600 square yards. The land is giv- the mechanical transport. The The man who cannot be beaten is Wifo,-Who call doubt the power of And Farm Pro
en free, and the employes can erect whole %vork: bears the impress of ser- be who holds his head up when be woman's love! Think of the thous- Ecr 83, duce enerally,
houses to their likin,-. So pleased jous 'whittling dovni. from the grand seems to be beaten. aiids of wild youtlis who have set- Ing 9
are they with the gift that a build- scale contemplated at the beginning, tled down into staid and respectablo I AV" curc*d of terrible luinbago Honey, consign it to ut
s been formed; and it and this is no doubt due to want citizens as soon cis they married. an we will go
ing 010ty b" t October a of money.
�s . eeted that by nex 'he baid's 1.101med C6188 CPU% etc, by 31INARD'S In' IMB XT- ]ROWN. you good prices
llttl�ol'uy will be well started. a Ono 4A the nowest features'af t A TYife Saved.-�vlr. James Bryson RM WAL 13* Apple%
small castle occupies. a place on the operations is,the eniployment.of hos- only knoclts once at tile Canieron, states; "I was confined ton I was. Cured of a bad case of ear,
iverted in- Pital trains such as were used in success bed with Inflammation ot tile lungs, �xn. ache by XINARD,S -LINMENT.. THE
estale,. and ti -ds will be col door, but adversity will. pound all vas given lip by the physiciatis. neigh- MRS. S. ICAUIXACIC
-uth Africa. They make daily I _ A ission-00"
to small flats for the accommoilatioll go side day. bor 11(brised. me to try br. Thomas, i clec- o lungs * by Dawson Comm
Of. aged bachelors. trkpS topielt lip the slok of each tric 011, stating tliatFhis wife had used it I was Cured of sensitiv LIMITED
and convey them to the base hospi !6� -ani,, -1 for athroat froublewith the best Tesults. 39-INARDIS LINIMFNT. 11-15 1 1 1 1
There is :ao greater treas,ure oil
earth than a healt-by, htippy,' Inerry
baby, Anything therefore tilat Will
taig. Valid
Thetrains arc fitted with ill
couches, surgery, etc., and carry a
inedical staff and :Rurses. Dally pro-
vision trains, were also to be run
from Aldershot and 'Westbury.
BQ,chside liad 20,000 men, and the
NY niscause eve, . es.,
restlessness during sleep. MotherGraves,
'"Torm 11bterminator is pleasant. sure and
effectual. Ifyour druggist bits none in
stock, get him to procure it foe you.
Acting oil his advice, I roouredthe medi-;
cine, and less tban a ha f bottle cured met
I certainly believe It saved niv life. la
was with reluctance tbat I consen ted to e
tri -al, as .1 was redace�l to such a stat
that I doubted th e power of any remedy
to do nie any good."
. . ............
WRAT Tr -M BOG wnn,GnDD.
absolute neces-
It isquite aisbard, as ever tQ get The best tea:drowlas 4!*trlr,,.t in 4�0;rlan
sity for the Preservam
R19 I I FEE allead of put. This was proved the suppIles
"PURE F-OOD 'tiDn'"of Our well-being. other day during 4 trial jA va T,�ng-
Ush court -room, an Irish witness be- M 0
ill ed as to bla Unowledgo of
a o J0 La
6-Z�calilllliLlll ArWair.,
"Did you iee the sliot fired?" the e R *1 b b
ID I ; alitrate aslied,, when. 11'athAd beell C
sworn e 'amma., oqlk
There are very fow ckam, "INO', sorik. I only heard it,A, was.
!ng 9perations In -wrhtch Surilig ht the evasive ArmVer.
"That evidence is not satisfae�-
c*Qap campt be used to advant-� tory," replied tbe magistrate. sterxi-, The utmqst Care to *%Ron In curing
go. It Ma�Re.$ the everr proccoo ft Siviverv,1604 br expert*sk
b9mo brlg�lj ly. "Stand down!"
and clean.. Tile "Witness proceeded to leave the Tuereault 10 ft itea that to 4.011ce4te ta,
TIM 1B box. and directly his rLr0JAi% aU4 4011OTLOIRO in ftwte.
A" and as dellss back -was turn-
-risively. hemag-
ed, be laughed dc T,
00Y104 Green, Ask for Pwa ui3oL
dous to drknk AS $Ali Istrate. Indignant at the contempt
309. 4% Oq. S" P lb- PY0QrW1T_ Maltese, who li@A been,-50�qd In tbp of court. cdW him biuck and as1ted TOP= XrIFTY
�ct of committing some crime that him. ]low h),, dared to laugh in court.
11ch Y aeserve4 punishment. "Pid you see me I your hon-
, Xh.,
�bjwwd.,� templed to. justif,# the or?" queried the offen or
TurUlsh AuthioritleS. "N'0, Sir; but I beard you," Was
AN' s3lo No' WHER ARIT WHY Oil ct
10,�Tbe provAlent idepe that larlalong VP To 7 "a tp 7j:otect 7o ur loved ones to the best 09
UIOR vices is ;$Ilk Stratford maintained that they Ole trate answer. Your, ability.
a0ag are compA
.01t9gethqr wrong " said a pilysiciap- _. WIAIA X, SROR-I'T !$=VICZ NOT 'Ur liq4 violated the c4pittl3ations; by 11TUat evidence, Is 'not satisfac-
'le in Ills eyo� ri VIA R 0"' GROSE"' "'END
who UAIR 444 r M TIP Pat, quietly. but with
, do , gl. peciAl study of T _W NARI;. apprebe-941lig a Britikili. subject withr
iiipso=ula. I'll Alwx OA dio cop- out going througb 04 requirtill for- a tw1a TH"' CA"A" N ORD' S
krAq, that the, habitual drunlKafil is Foreig4 00000TO ,A xh@d With, ft- xua , , w1oleb, it may 'be oTaserved. And this tinte everyboidy laughed- Will fwliish you vith an iu,,suraneoof from VOQ to $-14000 at ga
not.. - Wt even
Aed to itte lvse tqr4at What tile Late Wait usually 0,44,4104 tbil crImInal to 01 00 magistr- low a cost as Is consistent, with satoty,
Qf_ i4;&cco�. Ve I -Day use 010 weed Vaod Dorm. s ow ap e. Tuo Order of Chosep, 3trivnft is tilorquablyreliable.
0, lesggr 5tlxwnhaut when got The, disputo vraNelkl Warm and the "owes This 11 The CANa4Ja-,X Order of ollosvix Frle=ds is purely Qalp�4diau.
tile inftuell expri.,--silon on tite countenailoe Of the,
otrongly _go of a - At the last British araw 111411001- TJ -,O CA Uu4 Graer of %,oseA Friettift is registexed.
00 to drink, gets 4 Yres AevorAl. Ja1=010, officers accout- i autbas�ador annouric'-d an pkpprogCb.� Wo o0or Gue Hundred Pollors R9W
t1par. Tuo c4padi;ln Oider of. clioseA vriends is 'gTowius rapidly.
rill, itmtruction. as agreed g L
1,V" 4a .a P �r. f7li r Ing sta7m. Sndden�;F, strili5ng the r44 10,y BaN�4 V4Urrlw voro T140 Coma4ir-;A QT40T. of Chosen Vrgo4d.s; bus 470 04mAvila.
�Xem be Cares p4uled fo 1A
In t., p treaty, alad 0, slitall
n fOr to eir4 lit b m tallDe witI4 Ills 05% Ito CNIcIgiawd. F. J_ CAWNNY'A 4,10 � T04,10. Q. Th
0 Cap gu og
�,341 9f Ch
bacga� for tb � agen rrioudg has 95.OW r;iembers.
lost its torco ar4, ivs ing V, n aruqy of AtU4vItea In 00 94ady Pluia "'Anti sup thil mr-eQ62F, bavo lgn®rwA,
. _4
'qucp, po.4lig I t 4towa PlN wo
his Rerres. in p:K� age, Qfp;ilIt;4r#t Europe, attend to exal"ta w4h .41 L, Tte Canadian Qrdvr of ohosou VxIonds has *40,00Q surplus.
cwass to 44,TV J. VbqR*Y f9r thQ, 1,45t V5 $-.0aup. ana
rulera of the world t';1k, t� g if 4M PIN V U440ro to All Join now. Uqgti jgQ�Mbqrs sliaw tbis ad. to your friendo. . It you are
tell tbo I I dl, � *01, wtige
Irem Me releaso of thro what It V5 AD]a ftand#117 rot R, M(.m
0 ree in Nvbivh the South. African cx- i ber, full Inrorialition will be farrIshed. by writing to
110" the athim hand, It IR n rat1wr .9, :"rJ_1WQW4 your authorittes venturo to Carry out, 'i'T 011%&%jons
perlelicvp have tgagatfol lareat W. V. 11MONTAQUA Grand Iteearder. Ramllton,,ar
curlwas Pact in the eme of tile do? X, W1101031ii, ProgglAtf. Grand Qr��aoizprs WmiltQn.
1U. 7 ,, W. F. CAMPUR-14L.
iRr.tic driliker, who also Vrioli*s. the Will- "IyUs." replied Ahmed, with Im- -1 A ING, KINAAN
catting Q0 of his fmpply of tobacco When the Ist aud 2ad 140f4ons perturbable calw. "they would prob.
w ld,-igppetito for alco'holk snurg out upon t1w Aldershot roads
Vill lavreas ably put you and your Ravaf;s In the :11RIM Cgtarrhl CUT* ta U.Xen 140r -
to bqveroges,,� and *bfle at firrat the stepping brlsk4l In tto heens, cold prison to join hlin-and they would lt#ffly, 10ting lair'Pltly upon 0# 41009t When YOU boy A WASHBOARD
w,411 4iot g0ect btai nvarl�r Po air of �vxly mor-ologs, the men ap- poreW 64TIACC3 of fte layoUn.,
advantage. Only lie doing their 'duty'lls niQls vqat five. W190 1705;;� F"
111111or 'r� " SPECIAL
Milo as wlie 41
_4 Ile ig smoklog,
end it will do him up. Cali , sequent, anglag 19NIAPYt Thg qt4lwart
'Nigip -_Og
ly. it is safe to as.,Mule that 010 Man Quarda, under , . I , upriii, Arthur voegn't
ya used, liquor and tobacco Paaet ularched by the wooded lanes , but I don't care,*' ba '0 AX 011DIN Y ER,
ulto Alwa of w said. ug lie tael%led mbugp, =outhful. X.T AIL r )X..
lit moderfitlqu wilt, it be glvCS V nfold, and tile r.,pleudld pby4s1-",. GLOBE.,
,tobacco, tal-W 111OrQ strOuRlY, t4 qYQ Of the battalions 9"k-0 no is It's my turn to t4ae eare of tile "I Ila,* cdo"ek." sold the young aw-Amlyt!
a&qmp- 46t national degorpracy lit that 'Q'r* baby to-alsbt, ii.aybow.- "to ask, for your daughter's
liquor. In fact. tbiS Is, NO qu man.
bgs been deluouNtrMcd an ter at least. uAnd." INSIST ON GETTING ONE OF THE ABOVE WELL-KNOWN BRAINOS
occaslons. But where "little, BroddeVA" are The pralid banker gare'd over his
loohed for is ft the ordluMMY G01600D NEWS FOR glafm�s , at tlq� fellow and demalrded'- The 000 Th^ic Coto bo *fwd.
battillons. Yet, it is reinarliable 410 Vau any vw.awi of use CODY% FAILS a TVIIS-
that ".nd
VIrAn AND =AVOW, His Ou Ron USS F.DIDY*s thATOW98.
5"iT 0'
3 I!E'
1AV1,40p, while c.ontAr"'Aaa obviantily "Alee! I osa poor. But hwir W.4,
NO-Ang Isoldlerv, can'4�arcd M0.5t, Story.
Thousands at Uves Made Wsim- arably ulth the Quiwdu In M=111=�J
able, by ^ Trouble Easily and ieaAia. =-rN.1OX Sr�,O=Zlf CURF.D UK "Illen I spalif'w to CIA444150 alwnt
Overcome. it 1.9 true thot .1 JoRkreont.1go of Ito BODWIS ==ir TnI.S. cowina tq( ri Zmat 40 told 1110 U, 8f.'rTLERS LOW RATUS. BECAU.14B. or IT.
undeveloped niaterial 19 left In bar- II was uEple-".'flnilt Iter motlwr war, the VJZ tlze Chic-.1go and North Wtstera -Whylt do they call this a free coun,
"la1lvAndj of people tbroughent, md,,ss but tbe gav4lt Ycaza he Wua Cripplod by To= of tho bausr,�, find tbat I lutil kv., every day from 8-ept. 15th to Wy?" ii
019 country orte For naed the unwasto nuarclast,
wiffer continually front dovra llw r noth, rieltlers one Way gnswered the re.spec.t_
I 11'r looUld traincil and III. Zboum and Sciatica- 111"tte" 1414 to ber. But I -'�`Aid '4N!Q- -N4vCmher VOU a a 4 be Y 0
mervow, ne.-.,%-tAWJr . blood Is poor and U:UtIa3rJ111;4 atfen& aj= Your (414.ter Inay Permit yatw vio-),Verond clu5s tickets at YQVY low able citimu, Afk, r t It rt t
" '*' , often ni. sn-llvxccaiwr� (wilut. Dodws Ridney MUS Nado Iller to ttsint tshp in 060 snail of tL41 rat(IS frola Chicago to points in ieave It if you don't like St."
e T1 are ivQa ' The men Qx;_� clotbed lit mrVimabla a New -Xan- boase�, to bulear 11(�r, 1�111, I b_,tve litah, A�Iontana. Nevada. Idaho. Or&
+V diul. �
trou.. h , aches a . ;j drab worldus drezzn, With 1plauch bate The gmat demand for a plexput, We
Nefos, are , austed wit tile Bught- Morristown. X. Y., Oet. 5.- rc�"n "Q"Flh (#f Urn to know that 90n, Washington, California, aLgo to
��and only oro Real Eavom of tto old , when a. nuAttor of Importanve cowes Victoria, vancoaver, New Avestfuln- and rc7jab2c, antlJolo for all alfectlons of
ext exertion. 0 often 101 as ti 11 d UromlpF. mow of w
ar4er of dwss, Ibis being A140 1111rd', Up bf,
s 4
L�jrpl�g Will mUSt QlWayq ar,,, Mer. Itafas-land Qnd other points to the, Orok , and lungs 1�3 fully met with In
'though U16 were a burden. There is, the this place, but formertv of Trenton, 1, C_ tile Kootc'Oay DIfitVICt. CorrcsPoud, BlvUle"s Anti-Con-,rquptivo 4&g. rup. Ir. is
�'Cliafins leather leggiiig. All 0 Fort itseli. Ilin strength at chara n
Qrly' QUO qbr$ioIUtQJJ'F certain way tO '�officera carried carbin - Out., retates an that will ill points In apurelivegetable colupour . and acts
es, the idea he ter way la,, brought Out by little 'ugly low r*"tes from I
and that VanafIck. Full, particu are froul, near- prompt; r wid magleWIT
alth a -rill rength 4 * Ing ibiat In itctIve cervice they xvill prove of great interest to I& Old # � In suliduiust all
the liso of Dr. Williams �i ds ill 6nadsa. 0100, s0ill-- - ent ticket agent, or 11, ir Ileallptt, cougloi, cobb, broachit s,inflammatiou of
be uWalstinsuldiable from tile men. Well I "My boy." Interrupted tho old St., Tal tbe 111119,1" QWk 't IS fo palatable that A
Ilk I pink rals, for rme reopip. Ttiese 3 Ills great Coat. -1 buxa. been a grkkat*sufferer from gentloln"n. pattivr, bini. on thi- f1loAll- vlenpral Agents Z' East xlu�
plils, make now, rich, red blood, � Each man carrie child will nor refuse it, and It is put at a
6trengthen tbla Bei'vQ5, AUd b1`1119 '10 �S till, and 50 rounds of blanhl IMeninaWim, and $dativa for year.%" der. "I have 18nown all alonn. that rontili Out. price tha4 NvIll not exoludii the poor from
health, strength ;Anti IlapPillers to a=;ulittion. 1"Our poundq weight '11r. Droalley tilater�. "The citizens you wer;* not one at tUme Oral is
these , NA10 uf;e t1low". Mr. D. W. charge of Clothing Is Carried for Of Tientoll will rompallipl. what a percons who �%re Wapable,, 110147 The foot rover lmown when to wol-.
blin, together with tile tonto. lit each cripple I was. I could nelther wor), of under- we either opportunity or good-
Valpy, Cr�istal (Ity, "Maultoba, of which a dozen mon sImp vvjolceiul or ile down, the pain was so grQat standing what In going oil In. thf-ell It is best, to remember that life is
pr%vcs tba truth at 114s. 110 saws - at the Abandonment of the bivouac. 441teading of cures by Doild's Xia-, Avorld around thput. Tilho her. aud4ortuile. not written In load -pencil, and er".
-I havo u.sod Dr. NVIIIIamW Plulc The ist Cavale NO&II, noy Inl1s. finally led mo to try thela way you alwayn b(% happy." big tray not be done until after the
Pills with 'worder!"I results. Were r $ Brisade, For Ovvr Sixty Y-t1kT& account- has been rendered.
preceded the InVintry, tient about and front the sveond box I began to hao boon used W
u9ing theig I was weak and nervaus. 1,200 Sabres of the 13th, 14th and (Col relief. I continneV to use them. AN ALLURINOr AIMIT'NEWT. dilldien wbUo tttthlug�
i4otbosa for tht&
d a
2n,y blood was poor; I was pale and Jstll 1,1NIssars Into -the Hold. Tile till I had Wen twelve boxes, when WIfe-WIM" did Y011 Mull afl� tu 05 is is
siikeied train. palwq lit the region of er? wladoolll�, it,
transport for tlils brigade amounted so long, with that Turkish pedill
,the heart. 'Now after tile use of 'I was ronlpletely cured. 4 Minaid's LIRIMIRt Care: fflsffwerf�
to loa waggons, &o that about 100 "Podds 1(fdavy 11111a have ninde, a 11usband-I wag trying to convert *nuchou& (ho w4fA. SO *uA* Alk
eight boxes of the pflls My nerves -
aNd t ... a at baggage follow tills Cam neNV I of nle.., him.
are stroug; my Illodd 19 pllrc A till aifit bdudre(l di,
Wand Into the u fttnoQuvre area. qe,-teps NVU&-Tfuhl Great missionary -,oil Cam -"Cau't I friterest you
riclq X have a good color will illy Rheumatism lye all start on life's journty Ill Illo latest
heart action Is regular. I think This is -no linprovenienton tliebad are caused by uric neld In tile blood. would 1,01 N"lllt did "" tf4l blav? �dition Of 111ousebold
old days of standing canips, w1len Irusband-T told hJul a Christian wrapped In the trarelllnWrug of self- r, canalny?, * llea(l of Irousa-Xo#�
'01dre is no IuOleino eall equal Dr. lilt Ill% I ury of inxic.3% flirolturii was al- it tile Kidneys aro sound they will osteem, but it is soon torn asido by sin,
11julc 11111s for these tron- i , talia all the inklo, acid ant �f the was not obliged to liave more than xuy wife, has, just bought six
le owed. It munt seriously militate slians of criticism. Parislan gowns anti X must begin to
tkgonst Illobilily. blood. Dodil's, Kidney rIlls make One lvlic- economize.,,
'this IS the Vel4liet Of all peop"' villar sound Kidneys,
Xhindreds of undisciplined 0.1 TITE T1NXX0NVA11T.,VL
who given tile pills' a fair trial. drivers tire employed by both 4arinles, 11 -at friend of Roath Wind U0 ElPhthlflb.
a,1ld,l.1loSO wilo Are sic -It can obtain and tile niore one loolts lilt* tile Y'lulig Lawyet-l"Y"our honors I Ilialm-Wink-ors Is a grc
new bealtil, and,utrength througli the yours, isift lie?
use of this inedielue. Do not waste transport question the moro evident claim tile release of illy client, oil tile a
does It scein that the degree at ground of Insanity. Ire is A Stupid Jinks (a, inan or tho world) -C n*t ITAD XUPT 111S PIWAIISH. We are gettipf Pool# lot3ef tkaw. When lie
moliey and flirtlier cubmiger �,our mobilltv - to be attained at t1leiie fool, an idiot, and to not responsiblo *�,ayr. I havent had to borrow mcin- Slic-You promised to stoP sWoh- otber truss wil old th-m Lber Cam* to ft
Ilealth, by talIng any substitute. See Hot rearly Ile so for an.v net be mav ]lave conuilit- � since I knew Will. "What we met %a bolt.'* Thebat if the thaspalL*1
'tilat the full 31alue *t Dr. Aviluralls, manoe��res will Ing when wewero married. Theirs an rl.nt "somatic P1
Pale'lleople Is'pAnted. perfect as has beef% bargained for. tvl." The Judge�'Tte dopsn't ap- They Wake Ill - %r, 0- 0 1 so Von, At`12
.it 11L-Ivell, they won't allow you to tka edge@ 0 the Wound toothet
Isink Filis tot near stupid to ino." The Prit;ouvr c Torpid Eueritiea. ' ZU40test. yout #at W 11; 0 van't go,&
x. T11AN'SPORT GAVE TROUBLB'. 'ellinery erviscil anT14. smoke In church. V:L17.1.1 while lou wearilat'!rl.curab 0
an the wmpper aroundL every be 1pting)-"Just looll" at the not Properly in BELT AND as At Tio. a .1,2119r.
(intern r, Tal Tau
If you cannot got the pills train Trouble with tile Civilian trans, torull itself, verv-svoll s lows thillt I its Ell 1.10433!!,Q
,I_q vpj W
lawyer I've hired, your honor. working. Itisilieminewith the (1111ges USO Lver*s Ilry Soap (a powder)
your iler llivy Avill be sent bv part comilunwed very, earlY. `nwo 11n(l live or.-hus. Vuregulated from thne to S and flaunols,�--
jWI at 50 collis it box or six boxes Of waggons acconipallying the Ist to wa�.Ul woolen
on An End to Bilious time tile ;ire likoh; to bteome torpid alld SMITH & OAMiltaill
for $2.50 by writing to The Dr. Division hall not got verY far of left YOW11 like it- wialt4not ratonts,
ner,m, which Is caund by excessive bile lit throw t ie whclu* qyrt kill wit g , r Coosda lilts, BIC114'r.
Medicine Co., Brock%ille, the road before kicking and jibirig the stoinaell. bas a inarlpted efreet upon, 'PAV3116106's Vlegctabl,! P.114 were made to pod reason PATENTS
Oat. among the- horses revealed the fact the nerves,and. often ulaulfest is ltwll! by meet, such cft�64, They restom to the full Mlen a man has not a. g
tbat the improvised harness was severe headachek Till, one good
; is the m&it dl,;. flagging incul ios, and bring imme for doing a thing, be bits "k is 0.4
breaking all along 00 line, the l0ath- tres,41lig headuche *lie van linve. There reason for letting it alone.
A XOTABLI.) V71ILANTI-MOPY. er being too light for heavy aiNly are headaches from cold, from fever, and Xrmvs vnoar 1,10ME.- 77 KIRG STREET EA&T
from other causes, but the mo,,t excruel- -TORONTO,
M. ClurnobtLrd, bead of tile Unitas- work. Lad down atingof all is the bilious headache. Par- Mrst Tourist (from'South Amerl- Are sour carns.banler to remove than 8 AMU'S Fur Manufacturers.
ins till Lowve in Paris, has handed Officers; rode madly up i melee's Vegetable Pills %vill cure it -cure ea) 1 just got a lettix from home. tho%e thitz odien litwe had? _- ...,
the column exhorting the drivers to it lm,, adthesanie khru? Have theY not Wo eve b6tt T&lUe iU tllt 64- send for ciitmior.
war his Superb property at Versailles timinediatelv. Ttwill ("qaPPear They have had iwo wars and a revo- not b;
do somotldng� and the latter, 'with ns soon as the Pills operate. Tliere is been cored by using Holloway's CorD
for ' the benefit of all his emp'loyes mucli. blinding and blinking itt the nothing surer in the treatineu b of bilious 111"011 Since we left. Cure.? 'Try;i bottle- RAW FUM AND GEN SING
who can $]low at least tweift-five universe in gencral and the army in deadache. Second 117avrist-Auybody hurt? Hicbcs�vricm Send for price lists.
years, service, anti do not receive particular, patched up -the broken Somehow, the nian who offers bar-
moro tban'.$800 a year. The im- a If you are enjoying life's sunshine, gai s manages to acquire wealth Us -
men . be n divided into 105 ends with pieces of rope, and at -by crying for the .1mad's Wool Colas 00(of 10 offs, 11 ftultry, ALL
so park has P snairs pace the long line struggled do not spoil it ter than those who are always look- KINDS al
lots, so as to insure to each merit- to Frembam. moon. Ing for tbem. RAL FRUITS
orious servant a holding of about There was also some trouble with WRY TXJ111Y Sn. TTLE1. Bu7L7Ler,,
600 square yards. The land is giv- the mechanical transport. The The man who cannot be beaten is Wifo,-Who call doubt the power of And Farm Pro
en free, and the employes can erect whole %vork: bears the impress of ser- be who holds his head up when be woman's love! Think of the thous- Ecr 83, duce enerally,
houses to their likin,-. So pleased jous 'whittling dovni. from the grand seems to be beaten. aiids of wild youtlis who have set- Ing 9
are they with the gift that a build- scale contemplated at the beginning, tled down into staid and respectablo I AV" curc*d of terrible luinbago Honey, consign it to ut
s been formed; and it and this is no doubt due to want citizens as soon cis they married. an we will go
ing 010ty b" t October a of money.
�s . eeted that by nex 'he baid's 1.101med C6188 CPU% etc, by 31INARD'S In' IMB XT- ]ROWN. you good prices
llttl�ol'uy will be well started. a Ono 4A the nowest features'af t A TYife Saved.-�vlr. James Bryson RM WAL 13* Apple%
small castle occupies. a place on the operations is,the eniployment.of hos- only knoclts once at tile Canieron, states; "I was confined ton I was. Cured of a bad case of ear,
iverted in- Pital trains such as were used in success bed with Inflammation ot tile lungs, �xn. ache by XINARD,S -LINMENT.. THE
estale,. and ti -ds will be col door, but adversity will. pound all vas given lip by the physiciatis. neigh- MRS. S. ICAUIXACIC
-uth Africa. They make daily I _ A ission-00"
to small flats for the accommoilatioll go side day. bor 11(brised. me to try br. Thomas, i clec- o lungs * by Dawson Comm
Of. aged bachelors. trkpS topielt lip the slok of each tric 011, stating tliatFhis wife had used it I was Cured of sensitiv LIMITED
and convey them to the base hospi !6� -ani,, -1 for athroat froublewith the best Tesults. 39-INARDIS LINIMFNT. 11-15 1 1 1 1
There is :ao greater treas,ure oil
earth than a healt-by, htippy,' Inerry
baby, Anything therefore tilat Will
taig. Valid
Thetrains arc fitted with ill
couches, surgery, etc., and carry a
inedical staff and :Rurses. Dally pro-
vision trains, were also to be run
from Aldershot and 'Westbury.
BQ,chside liad 20,000 men, and the
NY niscause eve, . es.,
restlessness during sleep. MotherGraves,
'"Torm 11bterminator is pleasant. sure and
effectual. Ifyour druggist bits none in
stock, get him to procure it foe you.
Acting oil his advice, I roouredthe medi-;
cine, and less tban a ha f bottle cured met
I certainly believe It saved niv life. la
was with reluctance tbat I consen ted to e
tri -al, as .1 was redace�l to such a stat
that I doubted th e power of any remedy
to do nie any good."
WRAT Tr -M BOG wnn,GnDD.
keep the little one in this condition
opposij3g axinjes were commanded by
A gentleman �avinj an estate in
ROW A130tT x-mrLmy?
11 heard that you sold your hog."
is -a" priceless Voon to iuotbers,�Xrs-
Sir D'Velyn Wood an,d Gen eral
the : Mghlands of Scotland, a� he
Maud -You can't make me believe
"Yis, bedad, I !did."
W-rn. Bull, Maple CkOck, N.W.T,.
bovL� she accorlplighed this end; she
*p4 r e nch. .
wag going abroad for some time, ad-
vertised the shooting to let, and told
an opalls an unlucky stone , I was
'.'Bo -vi much did it weigb?"
sa,N-s --I ain, happy to say that
his game -keeper, I Donald,. who -k�as
wearing one when I first inet Henry?
Iren6--1t certainly brought.good
it didn't weigli as�
much as I thought it would." (After
Bv�by's Own Tablets have done MY:
boypy girl a, world of . godd. She
t gis
to show the ground, to give ilC�' a
dood character to anyone.who called
lucl�-to you. WHat was Henry
a moment's reflection); "I thought it
w as, badly trol-A)led -,vith 011stipa-
A British Ambassador We
to See
ecAdsli but
Match in the Turk.
dre�v himself UP.
�5 c,(,1As a LCv-.,z or" sent by, inail by
ed upon -tile Imprisonment by the
1, Oil "131 vel Y , 0. tl A
since using tlm Tablets she is all
Sir Stratford Canning� one tilne
, .1m gals - -0 0-8 -- ,
inquiring of Donald as -to how it
rigilt, I give her the, Tablets L 013-ce,
British' ambassador to Turkey, was
-.veLs stocked with game, first asked
or, twice a week aild sb6 is 110W S1.1,011
I a man of great distinction but of a
if it had any Uder. Donald!,s. reply
it merry, happy little t111119 thMt
peculiarly hp;u�ghty Spil'it and flerce
thore can be i10 (1,0111A BE ' Lby s own,
t6inper which no Man, I ellen when he
Thoosands of them,".
Tablets I are jList the I thin.- for little
w&s thrice ar-mod" with a just quar-
"Any grouse?"
Reve is a lesson for otbar niothers
rel, cared to PrOvoke. Few natives
ventured to stand up to Sir' Strat-
I�Thoosaixds of theni,, too..!%
"Any part-vidges?"
who wcmt a� sale ar, ccrtc�hi" rnedi-
fordi but occasionally lie met his
"Thojosands of them, too.'k
chle for �he ailanents �rain which
t1l I i We I ones SfUl fer froni thne to
plateli-once in Abined 'Vefyk Effen-
"Any wQodcock?"
eir �
tirne. ' �111iese, Tablets dre sold u1i'der
di. Tho episode is recorded, in the
of Sir A Renry Lay-
I'ThoosaiAs of them, too."
The Englishman,, thinking Donald
a to co�italii no opiate or
'L 0
tjjq,,� �11.e good fol.
born babe
Ahmed was 'dining at the embassy,
was drawilig a 1011� -bOw, asked
11,01*0 were any gorillas. Donald
cilild 'I'l frolii - Low
-re tlip
'to the well grown child. Sold at
- nver8 tio
une eveniiig when �,o W turu-
dre�v himself UP.
�5 c,(,1As a LCv-.,z or" sent by, inail by
ed upon -tile Imprisonment by the
-,W,,,I,, they aro no' so p`lentifu';
i '
'di,.,teu to the Dr. Williamw
I. I Pollee at Galata of some
Tur cis i
they 1� t. come occasioually, iabo dnd
41� 11 ..., � I- T11 --l".01.'' n,'+ I
� t1ril'.ish subiect. vascally Ionian or
-in, like vourself.o�