HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-10-15, Page 6esoixtesee•e00 MISS JOCELYN'S THANKSGIVING �9�$�G� burn ono by one, an2 everybodo was enelenentniohohn•OhOor• •oeeeeeeee'eeor,•eene r,t. knife, ()pen it contemplatively, loirrying home. tt.• ' and then carefully creep -for ie Billy gave 4 sharp sele of despair, e. wouldn't hurt a worm --over the A FAMILY and seated himself on the platform e. earthy ben to one of the roee trees - again, hugging his useless papere. He legeed his iired head against the • BILLS CA DEli • tlinsee "visitor's' specials." ••• Teeet he would tlainn Ve ten GATHERING 1 411,0114,1411400011011010 wooden Indian. ancl elasped une thin le . !aerie( he would eet a crimson bloom ;40 little Arm exound tbat worthy's legs. Y. froni the baislip 109k at it- .YeS1, scone' 4111/0141M4SeeeilleS00403001100elle y I -re felt a great affection tor this t ;ti.exes .rebtent M.filte't fiorr13. (lel 17;4 fiZI 4,ariiii.iiia sass will ..5,0ii come i?ver It 1144 bee Mart4sglv-ng -4tY' ,"" to Bed Ileours noreellonsive attatolthY pose uot otherwise ."01), WOIlld li40w, Itettrrkt h„nitting needles eor .e% tewaininuthe,s; hhhhh, As he begged himself closer Did N-ou ever in t 1311 e I mile- I My retuyn .te zvoll. *-ie wo,hitd, 1)1;4- 41-erhvclol?s,e'?Qlariniga'triVesejaejgee:rtnroxt"tit 0. D$( lfl py eines to her. She had, to be Thentlengtning dahls were °ever aal'''' he felt that thiA was bia ouly friend his garden_ sure, cooked cranberry inveee. n„, 1 -this ;and sometbieg else witiebi lay It pareteee tor leTiiirn-elle'e7.6AusletulPolYileuestrg: 'te'.';?hf. /e().;,;‘,fetilre‘talteseebde.41-e:ellgehpii beietrull'eseedwiti'eeef ttehet egreleitthesaati 1 4oael"Yss e, n"„e warm and Purring in his Pos.t- It , soul during the Months of suunner Due what a chaege to -night. ThereFt,ea•et, 1,nfehe ""rooendl":,'°-", had even liad a Piece o lasuPeet) V-. Wa$ a Wee kitten which, he bed irieln° without gng bine a privileged peep ee esnen. the gate/01.111e is standiogi doslall*nwell. "4"e an" llev ltuselasn But all thio argued nothing. except eteh mo la tee envy. th,atellses hlace•Y° h.ad a c°1vonelT21,, to his face now. Med rubbed Ms! a fairyland it was i Tie snuggled it ' At his fleral raireland. And what hitist by tbe wire poreh where tliii(olitii\;dbiat:i4k :nal: red 1°14' b°13•`a' " ':leyegeraniunis weed to ereep. . river about half a 4+ .5"re4- 'It -4.'1. 114`t" ara- -a--- 'cheek. against it3 Sat itIrt and Vali ' Ouly the back garslen of a littleostentis there etin alee eenes to ee"nale foetal -the &shoe' litatee. 1 said to be "'Me folks•” Ile* was "at 11,t,t it tetederly bad; in his poeeket- ito;u1Se--,4 beck garden with a, smartly beoidng far oway. Ire lets his pipe;4A1 °I.)cv that I woold avvvIlt tbe ino Mine Joeeleoe sighed well:,111Y= aeutl Oeree, savoge. "Bee Fiend"' he e'en** et* oas io g ceased the steady click, clam Of nor ed him toter a hero en ',Dare Devil 40•0**"0 e • * * * • * * * * • * • *l* ene die. It lived in mihn gahdeh. The,h nee ? A littlft maiden of note yeaxe • • • " ••• • ••• 0.4 itteiaN R 1. r it would soon fade owav awd? t° her h°°" to Thaldtagivi° tboultful, though site rims 4 religionS Suddenly the proprietor of tee, imht gravel, path running along hona go out. Re nods els heed oespood,heitatione for had spent a, night Ic°7"aan and hQuvstkY tried t° 11dt Istore eppeered in the doorway, aed. tne centre, which separated the reen estate Ail is hold and stoh It is a with Mre ard Mrs. Swift ausi found vraa gniet witi" h'er litth"' shop' 'fearing to be sent off, Billy l'aised etretehes of earth out or whit% bleak November night. A few straedtinea. to be a. deliglitful WO cou)le. witile miteitle there was buStlet 4uil i himself and unwed cee lee paused spraeg nPninsinn• S'he rose front !w1roekh in front of ss jocetyo's window , sweetest messengers. A tiny nit or tee clouds moo tend to tnene tee lieenly olinn, to an that Was going roma ee the ere.. In.11' ch4it' And . we'll' int° the ha" I- and pressed bis face against the lano where you would not. tribe li le to ttle poteli of land look on theOera to the W.Orld• TO azem auld hod their being Goti's Inains from a ni000 etriagglirg, with:otlil youeg- oat eheerful in Opibctilotnano: to au tonettle on -, pane. Ilfe was enchanted by the glit- worry about --but Din did; a. 13attch ',1a3leax+ desolate and fersa, 13,,,..3„i the e.eusnel 4isiteetic., „A, Dpirl.v, the As sne paused beside the etove, she oteemg disheeh. tlnee. What lovely • of gromed which you would ianee have all gone ! „parents of 10 married eono and ealentier harging over the little. table • , if he may hod some. looney! Ile • didn't. • a elm- bit of seivelet. not a eiget of o,"!, the hosee-consing of all theee child- . „, , tuld rt‘lhzed vilth a 1612a" that ' forgot the eold. and began to ehoese There ret.re no magnifieettt eyed:4- kinie-itese-notniog. nothing, spore thee neat to keep Treanksgining.witat _the nnutakegleing da, this year was ker ', tho things he woald huh. owns ft,ont tne hro.hins, no mince_ easeeetthering leales, Tbere aree old 1011)4' Was a Tkannsgseing mei- birtnday. See watteed ellowly bathe. miss eoehhen moved te tee mallow eratia guA, stator seam:teed ree. tlte sitielis up wbfeli the searlet-russ- dent Worrell treaeorieg in the store- Slie. was h$ yeers old, asei aa s looleed teen over her pest eeele .year seemed line the last -lowly seisere ihhaeth an was as desolate. Her, iik,sto s4.1teti. Igo slowly sine,* tilis chi. , ent„nouses, woo ceesters of grepee i',,e desolation. I think. he forgets" a lot to he flotetiel for, 11111:' 10.15,11460 gleneed up for a minate en the gooey ,,thpa•ond hams anti hoahh and handy! !nlseapped fingers at --but lhot a blossom is to be even 11.41i--JghterS4 01111 it Mewed tO Ikat int° 4ter sh°P res. -114 aod to tool,- out atid saw tee pale 4.0re„ P trees plants et-illiels the ectianeis- crept.-iiaeh aril dismal loideirtmlihoelete of One's mind all of one's Ilfe. dowse and garied around lien • h the bright eyes, leveling in. She seem (acting under his Iteadegerdore the stalks on widela eke -lilies grow.1,1t W19 such te- tie sled ese door, drewing her Ifittie ,, er s orders) woidd politit out to 1.ie the butlites where tie, satees bittontett Thetoseettolti offeetions aril at einvi..., b 4c.t; worsted ei,e,e1 c3oeer Wigbliat t Visi.t01-44 Ultill a suggestive entite et ' ollie- a Illealill age. And liill Morale,' gettlitutie to Ate, (liver of ell good. her *hi** ehoulnem 1 sottektetioi* teat he !tad growl* to.d, lih,r0 dreamilv !oohing' lellon 11*e' "Yee " &aid (lren'nrit sou ft • able and Wearoe-eoil loot -deg into the t ..po you want to taw uuloojegen= ; reared tnens latest -Oh, Ito elaborece enene. It Is a desert to Illne-a Ilirjlc0 ' liIIY arrived at her bonne "we 'Moe had edways been Inv Fame. N41.4 J.Are you cold?" droeptilin front the roar) fitted el,,, that after tbe winter froStS baCO!atatt I. It rant given' to nlany thing sweet ante tender, wilich wottiti 1 He Ilehdded, oitis tie. latest Isionrox-eitiente, built passed epringetilne will eoise round" eel-et/es tt-* lien aro nee, ebeir ea UlEati her heari now grow. Warat toigh, then. arid. wt, leaven oh and =ode to ()oder by a West -,end again. alai the Wells will oree neoroleeeeleen good ;nett an. wit -nu -len an ; garden was exactly -Billet; gartnee 1.43-Iliat in a few eliort nionths bo Awai an 'itive aie hammier prevellin' 'Mirk of, .e.i'14114:1 ever to have cet-i, tiee stow. 14111. Notbiug or the med. Boos pellet on his winnow -Mil 10 V, -t -the itini"ntengled la" thin' in houtee o' their tenni it. She W4S uurprist.4 at herself. hot ITN encumber fraoue-and wtiv,t de- eon again be busy with his troweli among `nut ail. Teere ain't notitlit' As her dark erP*".111 Ny1'11°' laY his wistful face ttmehed hei . and ijeite;s eeade.rs thee were.. allele atla. S11d01 Mai pa Ug Weeiel-Onsiiider to nee than eetranged liOnOto world of .501r0w 11114 bitt?"11995, deformity. so like iter mesh tiPIevaled I 14iL17 f410,11 and eeinnd ij ,A-1411 ;4 11-ift. 40 the Joval enedsman on Sattiree bottle. It'd break ray heart if any eeeeione. inind t as tense iivine C41gb 0t 5a/alt Pa*` to her strallelAY* 11),:r few epriug macaw I -was just seaele dee- night& BBL le hard, hit to -1,1 et• nee boos ate thole didul epee% t ' V- - • and Mood 'warming his ohm littie eret or an old eeheehestt hie tool. eight. ,leeelt other, or if there wee any rete over again ber sad and nnsatiSed hands. while She wgItt On knitting- bowee-witb its Marvellous colter -Wet' et7 cOnteS Pont the kitelten•nith"Z1 wipewo elliOnldn't all *et. "down She bad been b°ro with He looted around with delight at of oh1coudensed eaneetien, emenon. glow (Nemo to eupper,r, en peace nu* loye to eat our thaense a beautiful strolglat body. Size tbe jara of candy on the shelves, the ing the various colored PPIIItS latt Bill does not heed. lie takes1',giviog dinner together. In I'm theaeglit of tios role with a pang of slate eeocils. PaPer. taYs and other tel for a thoueand and ono detail -alive" yet. one more walk olong tee gravel temeem that they colt scattered so t'elt."PhY. fit Wbe4nt gUild Of faseinatinte things. and theu he• wen 'pm*p)ees.--evets .14150 eoustrueted oet path, 'end then his upon ileor Lett thee een venue soars ene bad .ben dropped by tier I 11 • • mother. ni emote wen* trilortrg her ../et sine, fer von, wee ,-er elegem., /11"a $k" Itrt4 hvat it,lvt„°rteti a stick of ;let ore e4iPigC4 tor =ifee; elco eseed shyly. eh:Offing itis feet en he shore yeare of life Wee other child-, eeee wed 'oohing ---- - ot leer. sent niei five 'short years with ro , eyes; eetee hear you.** P11111 in her side. mot ro hump, on leer ' *, own j t .111 nett only six (toilers a week, ,Inates are there. lie eteletly 0400:. tratdee„ ale Len he sere to be bady with 3*aesionote eon- tale 11 Feed back „ 0 . 14. 101141,. • u 1.4 yit ee orthet /hod. to weigh up evero penny befe,ire.4 "Wlete, what's tbe *patter, Ella cads. *tic um 1,e licte tee lateen o .e. same metered in winch ore his ;garden for owhtle. Ile goes with pa OW see at least once a :Year. neigrnel the products of the twee, the front got., There are the lign1s. my orglist Janiee, is prectdcot t ail holuelir. a worliing-llellee lilttie hostelriv JIV't *war. ault! of 41, big but he don't, fell a oven' hobby. a thought wbeeilt manes he wends hiti Way tOWaTda the door' mete above toe loeterest oe foe neotte, num all the better for ran -sites osel:Peadisire to a room with eanderoVered 4111. icT,Ro-s on tied account, Ire'e *003 developing iteellin's garden 4 floor. Iran a -Owen of Ode weefloo ooet t t • -" haerei She looted 410w84 at ter poor a 'retie into the hougaiss. red ""et. glass o' Eng. Ile eistoped Isis hattedfa iseitind • olld terlregire pe, 410° 100 503,P'4, Pre' tetanal% sitglIt it* pennies were peeede eeles one of 10144 Dalt% tvated 1110t -4p t ete 111 111 How 'golden lour, whit% clover sn elate 114-1, entotted end steattee. Be was sat a photty eblid huhl 4., oce 4n eee mon-ease; there he wen ale" hirte 1/aal aia'eara 11;14 Wen 'entes to Isis feet.. am) itegatt to sing., , e c°71-t°rsi wro caPller• "..1)*‘*°:4-et" to a fan"'• efoleadld bons. &net think we hove ehe grew up bitter, silent and moor- htee, vote rather eid and elfish; hut wateiling the teeds 5b0WinS "YeS* tiatlere dead,'" rniCvs.nell be bere to anew wells IA% lint Ocf, with Tootle - t arty -eight gt'areetildrep, an' they'll first Owls of -------- telt 1 Ile ti 1 I ' ' be bad beautiful bair and may ,it=1,". no- bright stmt =1) ao der ailee 01,-0S, As he sang, Ite seemed at- glIvAultug in all their green fresbnes,e front ,"trood-niglitt"--Iiiti Watt'S seem to tot* 'hilt rean:,- inure, ate we'd 114e4N0 710. there is room in oor hearts for wane days. Then leer et -totter, to 'Mt/fit angelic. Thri. Ilene. worldly strigied bis eiiin and lini,cd back. going in &oar weenie ;graia.diltdcga an eat at a tome 14 eerth Ife swat an hour WIIII:derstand-atid dear old Dill otirollslroone 1103150 Sf11111'14411V. The *ben, off to work at N. Wort: ! lie* to does not want to vee gartien ti,cv letee, 11 ttwubrital 11811:"0rtlilaCvdt)t.11:1711N11'alll'Ill 'tried"' gavoiledr pl°r°e,enk ioTarhaistmittaelelle enTill2t°,0 the'Y Pt On all rights fled leads Straight 1Mo the !Menem for ,iiicinschovs an' what a glad limo 54izet s '14;61"c41311141 sfin tit*.thriU Ilv* flung bac% is blight baAr' aad* was ids garde)) ail the time. j1 again to-night.-Lordou Tit -Bite. "There's my son Trento* elm* Arleta ug whirl) 61)ftt through 11111'Ntlivu '117Ong his Oyes upon Ow s1ie4 of resd Work 1 11 was watebing the littl.. 11110 1e'1li7vd It After that 0!‘"" had 'end y "way up the sladf. santIO green sheefs 'route up. Bill woeteel.i WAGGLE TOES AND SNORE. lin at the gate with Ants i" Site been enabled to eet up this little i,333io a nun. cherub. theegli his song, but he was always wondering. 11 rim to the front 'door raid called out shop, Then nbe bad been 4)111v2)1. woe not evactly one that a (*heron' *eiteerliv "ITere von are ! Put Your but old cool careworn. Still. her wonid have ehoeen, i At eight, when he returned lo 'Highly Recommended Remedy for * ' • e. . • 1 breakfase, he would lust "bolt- hie 'homes It* the barn, Lenny, an Mary beart,012? _ rra.erfel love end Inollt.v The melody. Sweet and clear and i slice of baeon mid gulp down Lis el' Insomnia. 1 tura pt a., me. *eon an intexaelte whteh yon an' the eLii,411V11 00.610 right In toed. tonne evenly through lite part-* ell» trIghi.t.'n„va 1°1% Sill' mumlbled how eel lips and drew Miss Joeelyn's heart gerdeee of cage lie 'wanted to be in ji•W "•°Nt °I tii°' alet11233 0*.vit'" for woo- out o' the void. Irow gled I out to at dinner...wilt, bin lizt, ter ice; snoop have failed because they ',see you I My 1 how the children do wistemy she used to Fin On t110 MOPS to him. It was an of her little shop at night and wateh old street song !steak was allowed to get coke eeepelhave nearly AllWIlyS tried to retort ':grow i I'd hurdle, know little Lucy., ethat he sang. Ind he made it beauti-ing company with the vehliane and ;LC "loeal treanuent." In other il Come on' kiss your old graleina, all. filo ffirN with 111 'r hevers. Whet MI. When the last note died away potatoeiie--420 was in the' - w"rtk IT" ha" ItuUle a- hguaurt""af '''cith 1"14' "ler° emtws *kr" alt. Revell. At '' ' * Pat and lenghter she 'heard! site n•vor had ano lover: elle Bat he looted .at ben half eagerly, half 1 night, oh his return at SIN. there helP,ath,h; attethWt t° stop P.111dilllg hY ,1 hiesell,t11",,t, TA.,1211,,,Sel,%1 ',,,eril 11,01,1 a _never quest iouingly. She l'OSe and. climb- `, woo -so; long as the light tasted- 'tnin"ing „a(Put , s,ntne,t1",g PI"-, ° - w'''''''''' -11° '''''' ''". " r.- --- I"! 0r*It 'a girl frhuld• 01)* for ling the ladder. lifted the jar down 1 enal eking each little heel tied blossom 41)vt,lves.,s wtliva, lulglIt Ills° °v 02"-et- oettething to love. to clasp subs* i tut ion." i t that 11eW baby o' theirs. :Willie at to her . with tr=mbilve lingere and poured ;until the sun went down. "nen. he '..rl'ulltuttam by lett :Ids folks an' Emma un' her vtildren poor, starved 'heart, to caress and 'tho contents into his hauds. Be I returned to tile }Athol. Ile would lod thinking. spentaneous or forced, ;an" Sarah lell" her famile; will a11 be vie NA! Even the eats and dogs 4,300eed el * 3 ,,,. . • , o 1 so. down. ,quietly and thine. .; 3 • .1drows more or less blood to 1110 here oll the 3°°°11 trIllu• 110 ha 4' i, wit 1 , at %Imo . es se and int pie teemed to shrink' from bele begun 10 suck a olick Toil an et...4,ture in his mine wind Ids garden brain. Prevents deell inhalations "inu „ n g ..„ 1 a ,,,,,At. tiwin A 31441 a teleorafe Navin' el). N'our pa She beet her poor bead, streated -, e " " would look like in a few mouths' ' bars the gale of the kingdom of -*;-- 0- -- ----- ----- I-- 1 • - NV1th gray, down upon bee counter. :: ' '' et i t 1 lilt tI e big , "nlint'S your name?" said Miss lime* i dreams. Ally devIce, on. the other 4' ag"' an' lee` n ' aS a Ulla let the Owe of anguish that i jetoone ' But Sunday was Bill's great were wrung from her lonelv heart olliov mate .. topped be with kis The birds would wake him up, *new day. liand, which will intik** one take deep, tell fro ;dung willl las tonne there is teltowly mime down her sallow -mouth' olio ' (' ',teemed to 'know IIIII's great delight„ variable forerunner of Oyer) 10044 be - , .., t „,,„ o„.„, „.,, of 'en If bore aten't hh•l- long breaths spontaneously 11130 in --S" "1"Y - - $''' ' ' .14, 14f4. 1 WY. indeed, had she to • I lie en' her big boys -I How you ainl. onitere's your there" so theY would eolltrreitote 1,00114,40 hi8; 00110.Yed 1.111011 111; 0 genuine remedy for ''31'•'''' "" """'"" -41" lat Yini -I 11 i he thankful for? Then the little bell 1 ..e.•* rn° .*** bedroom window and °twin" him. tnEtamnia. Inoue deer breath/Be * none too llig .all* 11a, Hever 1" 40 . 111 Y, got monis be answered i ,,i jingled. A fat roev-eneel- . ., 1 e seri bay tnehhhhhiN., - worg up a 81 10,k anti i le tiniest sparrow seemed to know whieb is forced le better than city *sn t,0„ etoua ido.iit alone: ale trio, o too big to Ides N our **Id grenema. entered end detnandNI a Stick of ItOl's great love. 1 1 finoking at it fondly, witty one ev''-'-telt llill come purely mental attempt to will sliep. ni,'„e -im-1,2,- n -n,, ir -, s -11 • - lemon candy. Miss Jocelyn took •ebet, l_.. down, in his workadue elothes. n • e 3 3 te b '''*: - -- -- - LI- * I * tie einegot. Ids watering -can, and made his a ss * - = b. ' 1 '.4 I lles i et 1 ovi i ov r O.* lere s gen- The birds Chirruped I 1 • . 13'11 ut if t e 4 PO) WPM mu' eau p oleo down the gless jar and satisfied bis 1 eweetees .- father?" ' • - oat° wt. 1 duced involuntarily one is eure of a • • ' ' 1 . II ' After 1-e left she drew her wooden: illiss Jocelyn oervously. all-lulportatit 10Ur of inepection ' a' • port to Nodland. 11111. The baby ant t wen oe all , **Ain't got none," said he. eaunt- Whether Bill or tbe . * e birds knew it After setreral nights of experiment l they "WOS so scared time they rotetittgelrair, with its 'Worn straw 1 - biting I 1 3, off a big piece* of the does not matter, but 't " • to this end the Oresent writer de- . wouldn't get here, but the haby *'*'at and lace tidy. nearer the stove sible that tlit? dickies sang for Dill ' poled to a» v the rime ) et ado led ' i • 1 I I, P 11 P. tang to be Oa/AM for, Lydia is must be better, so that is; another sweet stick in his hand. .. i IS eery pos- • It all. manipulations "at the. point farthest get the tUrkeyS ready for the oven she had tried in a blind way to adorn ber little borne, The lace "Nope -only but this." Ile pointed Me seldom used t O • o spec' -T think from. the seat of difficulty," Wilkie in leen exit/agile Andrew an• his folks Ito the candy. be used to commune with his floral the case of insomnia, would be the any ininnit." tidy was °lie of her efforts. It was I A red spot came on each of Miss Pets. He would go about his wort: leen Lying on the right side, with Alai so they came gathering home, almost pathetic to see, scattered here Jocelyn's cheeks. SI bb d I • in silence -it was ail sacred. to Bill the knees together. and considerably •the ebildren nah the children's child - and continued her knitting. you had any Thanksgiving and tlte dear fellow wtts intim° t f n o by the masseurs, who begin their loge already. She is mit helping t • With her passionate love for Leatity dinner to-day:en and there in the plain rooms, "' hands together axed begnn to talk. The merry little marigolds which de"d• ilie victim of insomnia should denees of, a. groping toward luxury, In his astonishment he forgot to eat brightness and color, such as was the, candy -forgot everything but lust as much thought as the resplen- begin to pedal both his feet slowly displayed in artificial flowers hung what she was saying. dent ivy -geraniums„ witich were just* up and down, with the movement en- tirely in the -ankles. The pedalling on the gas fixture and colored prints To live in that bewitching shop, beginning to twine themselves round should keep time with the natural on the wall. * * * with the little bell over the door, the wire arch at tbe top of the grae-- rhythm of respiration and be con - On the corner by the old cigar which tinkled when any one came in; el path. True, Dill seemed to give tintle.d Until it is followed- by deep store the newsboys were gathered. It with *be window full of sueh inter- a speeial-indeed, an extra -special-- and spontaneous breathieg. was their regular place of meeting, eating things, and the crowded tbought to his two rose trees, very Several people who have tried this where they settled their aisputes and shelves! Never to have to go tired, ordinary rose trees, but rich with remedy report that involuntarily discussed business and the events of hungry and cold through the streets such a sweet perfume. Not for him- deep breathing invariably begins be - very earnestly and bus about what the day. Now they were talking singing, or selling newspapers for o they Were all in their glory, were self, though. No; bis roses„ when fore they have pedalled 11p and down living! He could not believe it. appeared to be a most important known as "my visitors' specials." a dozen times. In obstinate eases of "Oh, yer "'tient)! me!" he said in- For when the time of the roses insomnia the patient nmer need to question. This question, in the per- creduottsly. but when she Assured Iiiin came round, aud any "special vieih keep up the penalling two or three son of a pinched little hunchback, again, with tears in hee eyes, that tor" called in on a Sunday after- minutes, or even more, with inter - was sitting wearily on tbe platform she meant every word, his face woek- noon, he would find Dill in his Sun- Missions, if necessary. The 'treat: - which supported a fierce Indian ed pitifully, and with shining eyes day best, sitting in the summer- inent ratty also be e-aried by moving brandishing aloft a romahawk. He the feet alternately, instead of siln- he said fervently, "You het, I'll hOUSe-all home-made- at elle bot - was huddled up together, clutching sty." tom of the garden, smoking his pipe, kiltaneously, though the latter meth - his newspa.pers and looking Vora boy to boy with a hunted expression, as After a minute he put his hand in viewing, with a joy which pounds, 43t1 bas Pr°ved the til°re aPeelltlY at"' his pocket, half drew the cat out and shillings, and pence could not pur- fieacions in the cases known to the if he had small hope and did not hesitated -then he pulled it. quite out, chase, the result of his labors. The writer. The explanation of the re - much care. and, putting it in her lap, said dif- naseartiums, of such glorious golden suit obtained is probably simple. The matter stood thus: The news- lidently: color, modestly trailing along the The blood is pumped from. the head, boys had formed a -union, and no "Here's a cat Ter yer." It was all ground as though afraid to dare to and with the removal of brain ten - one outside was allowed to sell pa- he had to offer in return. glance tip at the grand. atid gorgeous sion a general relaxation follows pers in that part of the city, so That night .111iss Jocelyn stole into tiger -lilies, towering their crimson- with a sequent • deep respiration and they were trying to keep the poor streaked heads on high; the blue- the next room, and, carefully shad- its resulting sleep. little hunchback from disposing bells, fox -gloves, and sweet-williams, - -4- ing the candle, looked down upon his stock. the mignonette, lobelias, and lilies of the little figure lying on the mat- 'ANIMALS '',A q SAILORS "No, it ain't no use talkin'. Qin tress. His eyes were closed. '' His 'the valley? the brilliant, green box us Yer Papers," said Mike FlYnn, ad- mass of tangleil golden' hair lay on wbich lined the edges of the gravel vancing threateningly. path, and even the scarlet -runners "Yalta leave me alonei"-fiercely- was strn the pillow, and one dirty little hand which hoped to hide a very clutching a pepperment ugly wall -for ]bill's house was an "I ain't doin' no harm-" Then the stick_ • hunchback's spirit died out, and his see lifted a curl with aW0, end one -there this good fellow, this • hp quipered pitifully% op.(' six dollars a week wage-earner who then letele-sbamefacedly kissed, it: never let a Saturcla,y night go ley "He can't sell them papers, any Here was something at last to' love without buying a few seeds, would ways, Mike. Them's inornin' pa- and to keel) and to caress and " to sit in-ipeace. ' • pus," said an o ther fene jeeringly. , be thankful for. TTer heart almost You had to walk along, the gravel Well, let's leave him alone then, buret with happiness, and leepe for path NYjt 11 Mtn; you had to listen to But letame Jest tell yen young man, once a -glorious Thanksgiving 'clay, what you had heard a hundred times yer needn't be buyin' any niore pe- she turned and t-vea eae,e to hod. eeteno yd'il ,oulcln't hurt the good pei'S in this part of the town," and, tied though ehe'elid not know it her fellow's feelings. Turn op your nose after a few more words which fell heart was filled with a prayer that t of Bill's productions ahni you heedlessly On t -he boy'S ears, the -ale angels heard and kept, and he were enemies for 'ever. Seen - crowd left. pathize with him in his labor • of He stood up a ehoinent after they # love, encourage him with a pat on had gone and caned bravely, "leer- Blossom : "Why- are you going lo the back and a cOngratulatory smile air], journal! AD aboat the 3111.1r- 211,L113"Iy that old relic ?" Flossie : oe on the wonderful success 02 his der!" in a voice which quavered piti- leve the ge(yead he wales eie.. mos_ pinks and cloves, and you were in- finity. No one heeepe the small, mis- sont : "Ye1. but isn't, there any \yarded. flow ? lee would "lot 'eheeel. figure. sCii ver in g in its thin plea ea peer wa v you can' get hold 01 speak, but would quietly pii t hie laefene The ilglits were begineing to it ro hand in his trousers .pocket, bring 0111' habits make us. -, . rit e were coming up so nicely received A Franc% scientist has made some interesting obseevations • as to the love of different wild animals for tem sea. The Polar bear, he says, is the only one that takes to the sea and is quite jolly when aboard ship. All others violently resent, a trip on water, and vociferously give vent to their feelings until S01l,11 C kness brings silence. rille 81.1 !Tors most or 11, Tho mere feehe oC a "eldp makes 11i* u neomfort able, 1311(1 NV11011 an bOal'd Ile WilNeS fl11 1Y, hi!'4 water ° conti 01111111, and be rubs his .,..to,nuteh with 1,•2s terrible paws. Terence in the rhythm of Chinese, po- lTorses are 'very bad sailors, and of- e try. it nay,. howe.,.er, caus11 e on - t en perish on a sea voyage01100 f osier! for tutu re. 'anthropologists who at.e'heroic in their attempts not to .conceri1`them$e1Ve8 with Chinese foot - give way to sickness. Elephants do prints on. the sands of time, not like the sea, but the are alien- able 10 modical treatment. She (scOrnfully) : "I believe be On - her for her money." Tee We 'Al est 11 1(0 ouh habits, and then (ei eci',1e illy ) : he, 1a* rw-1lj y Cai'llOCI it 1." ' inn, greeting enc)* other with kindly affection, and the father and mother with the tenderest love. TO me it was a never to be forgotten Thanks- ghieg day, alma I often think of it in contrast to the lack and love and harmony that there is in some homes even on, Thaukegiving nay. STOP - FOOT BINDING. Chinese Women Will Improve Their Understanding. .A.ccordinh, to the North China Her- ald, there is a movement along tbe Hoang-hlo to. improve the standing of °eines° women. -Tien Tsu the Society of the Ntural Feet, has been established, its sole purpose be- ing the extermination of pedal slav- ery throughout tbe Celestial king- dom. Its membership, as yet total- ly inadequate " to expenite progress, is composed of native and foreign women. Its first step towardre- form is the publication of its pro- paganda and a petition to foreigners to aid in freeing Cliinese women from mortifying customs. When you come right down to the, bottom of the Matter it is time the , women of China were given a chance to catch up with their we.steen sis- ters. There is no reaSon on earth to believe they are not naturally gifted with as broad an understand- ing. The project, therefore, should not be footless. In there is any- thing in the olci saying, "Ile who rullS may read," their new footing ou4t,to atfeet their education. 111 is not enticipated that 1110 in- rovation will mean any marked clif- 3-3411,1 MR, EDISON EAS REVOLITT/ON IZED GOIeD oemelloce Tho American, Wizard r-144 Invent Deer Blowing* Xaelaine. For molly yeara the inventors the world -but more speeietily the in veutors of Americo mid Austreline= have be trying to solve the gene then of .extracting gold from the ma tris which, holds it without the alt of water. All sorts of schemes haw been put before the public, but non, or them have so far proved of vete great Vallle: says tbe London Newa Water is the one great factor whiele, in all hands, dominates gold mining, In 0, Cotattlw like England watei does not carry the signifinance Ohl it does in lauds where gold-bearint rock IS mest abundant. It is haei for an Englislanan to realize the -cee, importance of a good Water $111)1)11 to the gold mines in arid, droughe teletext countries., Yet, strangely' enough, it is In war erless countries that gold -bee -tine oen is chiefly found. Massy Wel love wested a lifetime trying fc evolve a echeine which would "cht away with the uecessity of eroployieg water 09 23 chief faelor to gold info* ant* no inert had solved the clue* Hon right up to the time when, tilt American 'wizard. T. A. Edison, tile eleetrician, toot; the question it bond. VALUE TO AVSTRALIA. now and why he Pam to Apply le 1138 if this 'question would to11. in the tellieg, bot Vie fact remeine that. owing to the represen= 11i011S of Neale Intluential Auetrallast *Oman, the great Allagileatt Wag adeced to experiment in this Io**. Jt rt was pointed out to Mr. 016011 that in the interior of Mee la there were huge deposits of w-gratle ore which could not be ed profitably because of *Irt bee Molt suppleof water, and he pplied lies extraordinary talents to the eolving of the difficulty. "no oult of 14sexperimeuts ha% been the creation of a really rnareellous dry blowing inacbilie whick will treat low-orelio ores it* largo bulk so cheap ly that battiest of ore which hate nitherto remained unworked will noel be mined at a profit. M an institute* of what this mearre to our Aueloalian colonies we may mention that in the State of New Mouth Wales an area, of country cove (*ring oilas, GO square utiles hos re- ently been pegged out anti applied for by an English ennineale. tile Pro" meters of which have seemed the co- operation of 1141r. Edison. The pro- moters claim that they have n hugo mountain of decomposed granite within their boundaries, and this mountain Is attached to a ehain of bins verrying similar ore bodies to thot witieh Is .said to eNiet in the principal mountain. They do not claim thot this stuff will run into ounces per ton. Tbey simply say Mat these east ore bodies carry from four to seven pennyweights of gold per ton, ond they now intend te mine tliis. AT SLITOITT EXPENSE. Edison iu going to erect a plant upon it which will 4131S0 the gold at a cost of ono pennyweigla of gold per ton. Ile has ligned a contritet, and has *end out his nuteldnery and his own expert to Australia. and the result of his first. Oeushings will be awaited with annlety. We are in a Position to state Out in various Ports of Australia .shnilar bodies 01 low-grade ore exist, and if the erican Wizard can do all that he claims to be able to *do, gold mining on a thoroughly legitimate basis will go ahead in Australia, for lowegrade 000 hi absolutely waterless regions is plentiftil in that country. The actual plans or the plant sent out to Netv South Wales by :Mr. Edi- son are so far a secret; all that We have been enabled to learn so far is that the inventor hoe declined to sell Um machine right out. He demands a royalty of one pennyweight peOton on every ton of ore he treats. Ife further asks that his own expert shall accompany Iris machine, mid that none but his own men shall use his appliances. Ile simply laughs al the absence of water, and hints that electricity ean do away with all ne- cessity for the precious liquid. HO machine consists of a number of screens, composed of wires of varioio sieve; oll of theee screens aro operat. ed upon by fans, which keep the ot•e in motion, but tbe actual crushing force is so far Mr. Edison's secret. TIM idea of any inan being able to crush and treat a ton of ore, and ab- solutely extract the gold it contains, at a cost of one pennyweight of gold per ton sounds like a fable; but Mr. 11cli5cin is so far in earnest in the matter that his men and plant are now on the way to Australia. FIRE FIGHTER'S NEIN MASK. Reservoir of Compressed Air, Mica • Visor and Bell. A member of the Paris fire brigade has invented a new mask, which is said to be a great improvement over all previous ones. .lt can be fixed ' to an ortlinaryhelinet and around Lae nec11 by straps. The visor is 64 111400, protected by wire, hi front of the month two pipes open, one' fur-, nishing feesh air and the other car- rying off what has been breathed. A reservoir worn on the back as 8 knapsack contains two apart.ments, one holding two steel jars filled with compressed' air', the other bag, which is ,called the bnig and- which is, con- nected by copper tubing with steel jars and special Mechanism, admit! compressed nir only at nominal Pres sure to tlie lung, whence it is 0011 - *'eyed to the mouth. Tile mask leaves the ears uncover ed. An electric bell gives warnint when the 'supply Of air is i•unnint out., Tee apparatus weighs onl; twelve kilograms, and will be pin ieto immediate use in t'ie T.". S 111:(