HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-10-15, Page 5Doctors first prescribed
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral over
60 years ago. They use it
today more than ever. They
rely upon it for colds, coughs,
bronchitis, consumption.
They will tell you how it
heals inflamed lungs.
"I heel e very bad 0%401'0; threseeant.
"Been I teed Ayer'* Chem- Feet,ora avsore
IttugSrpSre soon heeled eed MYCOugh4roppe4 1
Bus. Peelle WPM, Outbeie Centre, is,
150.,00..$10. AYEn c.o., 1
.4.1=z6gesserasts. for pv,„&xs,11.441;,.1.7!
Oid COUghS 1
excter Atittricatt,
'published every Thursday Morning at the Mee,
TER= OF ellBSCRIPTe011.,
One leeller per mmum if paid in edvenoe, $1.00
not ao pala
Xxl.rworr-ard-vag, .eo.tom oaa SaoPielt.cee
Nu paper discontinued meal all =emetics arepaid,
Adverilseteeete without speenied direetioes will be
Published enni forbid and charged accordiegly,
Liberal criseouut ritede for transeient advertisements
inserted for long periods. Beery description of JOB
PRINTING turnedoua in the fiaeStStyle 430 at
moderaterates. Cheques, nemey orders:steel for
advertising, aubseriptione, et.., to be made payable
Sander's & Oreeela,
ofesstoetal. Cards.
einsetex. 1,1).s.. a me, a, eres-
ZIAlseletale D.D.S„ lioaor gre.deate of
Toreeto irelyeriste.
Teeth extrartel without any pain, or any had eilivts
Offleein Partseras Rioce, west side alaia street,
ener (raduate at Toronto University and Royal
College. et Dental Sum. eons et Ontario. also Post
Graduate of tibleage Schaal of Preethetic Dentistery
(with honorable mentioe.)
Allutniewn, Gold and Videanite Pletes =de u t
neatestmemeerposeible. A perfeetly bereaves a;
aesthetic used for peinites eztreetimx of teeth.
Ottice one door south Oteatii113 UK% store, Exeter,
T. D. MeriAVOTILIN, ilBilliKft OF T
'College et Physiciang and Sureons Ontario.
P yealan, Stew/a ena Aefenicheire °Slake, Bash -
wood, Ofit
One AYer's Pill at bedtime inmyes
_natural. actfOr, e:ext mornmg.
nawn.—mrs. iiendersoo,
w or the late Mr.Robert Ilenderson,
and one of the pioneers of Blanshard
Township, died at the family home-
stead. Mitehell Road Blanehard, on
Tburealey, Oen 1st, 11w1'year,
Mrs. Henderson was a native of
Newry, County Dowti, Irelend, and
along with her hnsband Fettled in
Blenchard over half a century twei on
the farm on ash he died, and which
is now the propel ty of her son, Mr,
Robert Henderson. Mrs. Henderson
was a Madly, open 11earte4 lady and
enjoyed the frieudship an4 esteem of
'11r. John D. Wilson. Wilco and Residence, 2Se
• queens Mc.. Landau Oat, Special attention
paid to diseases of women, Office hours„ liMid to 4
I, Ora Netariee Cemeenneers, OZAOPtltileilROL
SzlifIWOS tor Melons Dank. de. Money to loan at
oWtSt rateset Interest. Ottlecs, ibin nave Enter,
1, It, Cants% 11A., L Dtoitsvo
PflOWN, Wint1311$01, LIMO Alattlaritel
let the C'eueties ot Perth and Middlesex.
(wain townsluip ot Volprrie. Sales promptly
dal to and terms reasonable. Sales arraned
Post Osilee Wombats's.
The Molsons Bank
(Chertered be Parliament, lelia)
Mod Montreal.
Paid up Capitol.. • .• 1 • to • • • $2.500,11X10
Reserve Fund.
SAS. ELLIOTT, GDNER.A.T.M.1.N.1.01.111.
Owe* hours: -JO aan. to it p.m; Setnnlays 10 tun
tO p.m.
A. general banking business transacted
Money nth:oleo! to Goad Farmers at lowest rates.
Savings Bank Deposits from $1 and upwards receiv-
ed. interest allowed at luglimt current rates.
k.ee,341%0, D, IfenneN,
• Solicitors, Munger.
Bicycles I
We are still in the Bicycle trade
and this year show some fine Sped -
the Ideal vvbeel to rine. Prices mod-
New Pianos!
Several New Pianos just put in
stock; newest styles and the best
makes. It will ply you to see them.
You will be surprised at the LOW
PRICES at which we sell them.
Organs of the Latest
makes always in. stock
Sewing Machines &c.
We are leaders in Sewing Ma-
chines -the best machines that the
trade.produces are on onr floor for
your inspection ,• also repairs Need-
les, eta, for all kinds of sewing ma-
• • chines, always On hand.
many people. Her busband died about
:na3 years ago, To Mr. and Mrs. Render -
son .was horn a family of sever:it sons
and (laughtere. WS. Henderson was
4 member of the first Presbyterian
The following is the report of S. S.
No, U. Ushorne, for the month of Sep-
tenther. NallIVS are in order of merit:
Jon es. Maggie V0ward, mom
Sawyer. Sr. 117.-0os:tie Francis, May
Delleridge, Olive Lierryhill. Jr. IV. -
Willie Elfox-ti, A buena Hey wood,Otbel-
la Heywood. Sr. /IL -Nettie Camp-
bell, Laltra Glidilta* May Cooper. Jr.
Ill. -Ella Hoy wwd, Nene. Heywood,
A.linit Johns, Sr. IL -Lille. Heywood,
Lulu Godbolt, Clarence emery, Jr.
Washburn, Ella Veal, Hubert
Jones. Sr. Part IL-Jno, (livery, Lit -
lis Godholt, Tont Sawyer.
D. McDougall T
A. E. Martin 1 e"e
The following aro the names of the
pupils of S.S, No. 3, Stephen, who have
taken the highest standing in the
month of Sept.: -V.-- L. Sans, Edna
aleNaugbton, Anis, Haggle, C. [Lipton.
Sr. IV. -Elea Windscit, aleNaugh-
ton, R. McCoy, Melinda. CAIN& Jr.
IV. -Joe Veto SheindOwn, N.
Essery. Sr. III.- Willie Sims, leherlie
Grafton„ R. iienlitig. Jr. TIT. -,,Ino.
Dempsey, Lilliao Robinson, 0.,Wilson,
Sr. IL -M. Ileplairst, Mervin Elston,
A. Robinson. Higher Jr. IL -Hazel
Melte, Iva iilssery, Eddie Sims, F. Mor-
t liner, Lower Jr, IL -Geo, Harding,
Jno. lingarth, Ross Wallace. Sr. Part
IL -Hart y WindS0r, Fred Fairhall.
J. A.11.1eNeughton
N. Runians, Tenebers.
The following is a correct report of
the standing of the popils in S. S. No.
3, Stepben, for the mouth of Septem-
ber. Thu names axe arranged in order
of meritt-Sr. IV. -Mitchell Willie,
Lizzie Sanders. Herbie Beaver, Eddie
Willis, Edith Persons. Jr. IV. -Thos.
SanderS, Sem Hicks. Sr. III.-Tbes.
['collate, rry Trielmer. Rid ph W
Hilda PresZcator, Cecelia Poi d,
Annie Hicks. Fred Beaver, Harry Par-
sons. Jr. Ill -Garnet Craig, Levine
Cookson. Eat le Persons, May Sa nders.
Sr. IL -Gladys Dearing, Sherman
Willis Eddie Trietnier, Geo. flicks,
Edith ' Whittaker. Jr. IL -Preston
Dearing, Hurl Simpton. Sam Stanla.ke.
Geo. Whittaker, Fred Preszcator. Sr.
Part IL -Gordon Sanders, .Ada Willis,
Florence Triebner, Ahner Willis, Ches-
ter Persone, Boa Box. Jr. Part IL --
Olive Preszca tor, Fern Box. Sr. Part
I. -Garfield Staelake. Jr. Part
Wilfrid Shu ton. Goi-don Penhale. Ed-
gar 1Vtierth, Joe Craig, May Whit-
taker. Perfect lesson race, Sr. Part.
IL -Gordon Sanders. No• on roll 45,
Call ann see us if in need of average attendance 39.
What Ile Meant by Reference to British Liberals Criticize Mr , Charn-
United States. THE FISbOerAlLainRIGHT.
BRITAIN MAY BB, INVCPLITI) London, Oct. 13. - Mr, Ritchie, late London, Oct. x3. -Mr. Cliamberlait
IN CASI3 OF WAR. Chancellor of the Exchequer, has writ- is now resting at his residence in Bie
ten a letter in explanation of his receet
speech. He says i "Mrs Chamberlain. fgloirn till: tn li 1:r 4 o rl tsn ingot itt , e I 4 gl la 1 r dw RIt o 33StIrz I;
AU Reports Inenicate that a 'Crisis IS proposed the retention of the shilling the interval to etahOrate b4 t'llvn."
at I -Land -Reinforcements Fe1 grain tax in order that it might be re-
mitted in favor of Canada, It and prepare a reply to the ebieetie
Russian FleetsWas not,
raised by his epponents, Meanwhitt
... 1:cttchd: vheattientiui°: cnofnethaeguteas=C athesaitreId Ob tie Oscal campaign is beiug vigorous-
Leneoe, Oct /3„ -It was announced but to the introduction of a fendareent- ly pureued in the country, Speechet
at the . Foreign (Mace relativi gl c.shrtete of or fiscal policy, involved will be delivered deily by political teens
LQ the situatida in the far past that YAS ''g erient'l rieatzu nte i
May ad t at wflen snoce e
rs, part cularly of the Liberal party
the powers having. treaty rights with poSSible difficulties between thevUnited Mr` Chamberlain's "ierene
China will require such rights to pe States and Canada, I was proceedino- cOndition of Lae tin-plate indestr) 11 .
maintained uuimpaired, whatever ar- to eay that the United .States tni,g1-17 been. straregly criticized, the eepertt
Xang*nleilt Russia makes with Chint. trance. to her harbors of Canadian
peinting out that, thOugh the trade
punish Canada by refusing free en
If these rights are reepeeted the Bra, wheat for shipment to Great Britain, %Pa' Vie Uni"d St3tes has dmcas44I
tish officials coneieer it improbable that ilk (4):;eirtiamdaiartikz,heatblt t
either Japan or arzy other ye wer ten)
interruption that I was unable to corn -
do anYthing Rill,* man threaten Peact plete my sentence. Doubtless k would
iu the far east, in. spite oi the reas- beve been better to have used the word
stiring statements of the Foreign Cteice "Penalize than 'Punish,but 1 thinle,
Pad tlaron ilayalti, the frequent item had my Fentence been comPleteel, It
tion that hostilities between Russia an.. would not have been open to the ob-
Japaa are imminent, the mysterioas jeatiOnS which have been made to that
mareMentS Of the Russian, and japan- portion of my speech."
ese tleete, and the excited stane 0,f Pub . . es. se.
lic ollintan in JaPan arc hegPlfigla 11 PASTOR'S STRONG' LANGUAGE
ause diequiet in Great Eritaill. 014 '
tbe mast sanguine peter:en believe thet celled e c - ai Drunken
HI the event of hostilities they could - - - "greV- Cin a
Toronto, Oct. 130 -At Osgoode Hall
yesterday Judge Macinehon ave judg-
1 merit in the following motien ;
Celdwell v. Buehanan.--Jedgetlent flta
eibtlity ef war by expressiee the ;VI aY)14113 ha3i ignillagtrififra trutitere:rfarn.
ope that in the event of a Crisis Ia. parts of the eta paragraph ee the ereeee
• part will have the active syMpathy 31 Lneein, 71X:1,1197s it:nan fft!,1101,11, fAf libelasGreat Britain, Baron Hayashi admit; plaintiff Is a Miller ana manutetitTer. re -
ted the diplomatic situation had; siding at the villaee of lea la and waa
Changed Since October a He„ how, tor Maxy Years a member Of the congre-
gation of St. Andrew's Prelsbyterian
ever, had heard nothing from his GOY- ChUrcb, in that village. ef which the ap-
rnment on the subject. • rendant is minister in cherge. In the Year
Daeusspsai taenh e ..,airrli• nlp Cahae4fo o areptro4tat4)hoar ti
rrewtbC lir autberized grtain ritilniberlifilrigi
gallon. among whom was the Allain -
with see troape left Pert Arthut t Mgfece Lout servivea iri the TOwn Bell. in
October 4 for Corea, Sixty Japan. the" village et 'Lanark.and allele mein-
ese caviltans left Poet Arthur Octobet nue4awnrocengrn tguilitant.. 3 00o 54.4. en ratengi eo4e di tattailaa
for Nagasaki. The RuSSian forces were as renows:-"Rtit here thee ere itt
Newchwang are reported to have the hall, the followers of W C Cam.
• been increased. sten, who bee backed Up drunkenness all
his_ , nail whose is that it is
General Kodama, the Japanese hm
oe lifen no naritor a mtheoryan to re) An the spree az-
Minister, hpom
as been aptsettlaffe.biefiehee int,:i,allly, Their congregation in the hait
stant to the military
lost drunken rabble ever cellar*.
Premier will assume General Ka- ' gated t947rdleire 1 Lelleyeeror ouch A 12,14.!:
1 %.,
tO suit
da11Ia'S portfolio. The Premier ant. nrin'nem-he." e°sHie3ree"ac4elve?iletieVaereme.eene "th4„"t
the Ministers for War, Navy and For- don'tlget arunk, and ni-sn "4 "'" -e'se-a--re-
and 13aron Komura, the Japanese For. munite.1Yee.1)Tn=4.hilretreose° eln, tate/mere;
eign Affairs had a simultaneous an. 47 ve,tarytyfareHngamtrilat4c)aeladet:ebtrithhtawfseatedd.
dience of the Emperor to -day. Baron
Vow Rosen. the Russiun Minister., itilliatecrleartjailuenee. rind told it party
him. bUt lie shOuld lave vegetated
ign Minister, have not yet hadthat influence before be turned I I
a con-
ference. taeka On meat "Is it aIficient irgalekii
Berlin, Oct, t3. -The relations be.; tor a minister to abautIonsg,„ pc, , 0 duty
Japan and Russia -have eeeeenti when a man whom we know as3a eteOffer
ot Mora word, together with a tow drunk.
a crisis according to the official views. rguritaizters. rises up nrst against tho
here. The exact nature of the diplo-
matte exchanges between the two (,)tres, ottineviinieslemlneAtelhna:11:m°87agrtelengaerilit7c:::plt:tia.,
tensity appears to be unknown at the
erninents have brought out the present )4(111050,7teil 001;41:111'relitio teneteandrarnktli:leteladna
legations of the two countries .4 f pormen e. w th •t% 0 0thoe
at the German legations at St. Peters -
here 01 irgeinttisetra.r.Ndw-tharehesiod traevloWbeerrattivdine ninlia6
burg and 1.'oltio. althoogli it 'is undetro-l17.74,thiuptTir,ii.raeellaetTple'&71gtes4ellelvart,thee aebvulreet
StOOd that Great Britain is privy gamin, and set pet at
Japan's inovernents. i length the eircumstnneett Under Willett the
Berlin, Oct. 13.---A despateh from atatemente wore written. In stating tholto
Shanghai ti) the Frankfurter Zeitung Vsreeallvsltrilee' th' rull'uwi"g w°"1" Iverq
& 922tz s!Tzk 2at...1.y. NT
states that news ims reached thaepre., 3 i..,,i,
from Chefoo to the: effect that J lezt;:claUeVe4.1r Co‘s441a1C'r"iii;ig.asiii;iiriPt-a di:iiiiis:
anese have occupien 3,1asanpho, and the maintieriswetrigc"'ilexictiatt;(ils1""ag
that an official declaration of war churcj. to the manliest injury of the ;vet -
expected. •is; fillets oifaiielifflon In the loralitY, and ef.
is attached here to the fact that The
St. PetersburzOet_ t3.--Signifieance tilo said kconZ;Tel'galliCiii tbY niPt1
this evil, with the resultethacoititi; 1.111.1
tiessifin ot
Official alessenger and •The Journal gldrainghl.4Inlif an °Itendel",
was dealt with
de St. Petersburg print 'The Berlin . atecnb:lassliU
Laical Anzeiger's despatch relating to viarge ot druneennees. The plaintiff
ritte 8giliggilitioftrclit It:
the movement of the Russian fleet and snilltAstelo tg'sg=ete°,f et,1,1,eaesnaille line ,1114
the possible coincident landing of energe at what It entiCeli•ed to lie -its
Russian and Japanese troops la dif- urg
a a AnTiltrtsattitiottigniTileggstillt'Onl;
ferent parts of Corea. Several news- attacking the membem of the session.
papers publish reviews of Japan's nilli- The Plaintiff wire therou on summoned
before the sessio nn thePeia
I f Ilitv
tad •ry annavn
al strength. tile circulated among elmmreingebe% and
adherents of the Church a circular con-
taining libellous and derogatory matter
RETRENCHMENT IN B. C. against the said session, and after trial
' - upon such charge was suspended from the
Ministry Reducing the Civil Service -church. Presbytery
Expected Saving. raetr?TntriTeitailgisv Tgal
ot the 'rite plaintiff
Of suspension pronounced
the of
bsyt tthheesseensstence.
Victoria, B. a, Oct. Ie. -Since and Pending said appeal, at theinsuit'cne
returning to the capital after 4;1 the said Presbytery and for the sake
peaceand in order to avoid nsfartar as
the election the Cabinet Min- paocssittv,e stuheehseandal dings he to tchurcitattach-
isters have gone into the ques-; was entered into by the' said sission to
tion Of civil service reform, a matter'
i I
getgleurthe proceean agreement
hplaintiff to -membership of
which they were pledged to take up if i ily withLaw° frigt tgermeabniegliipt° ;7117 4.arti
granted an extension of office ay
t,,h_e.. i cce"tegr;fga-wtrthrldranaela towaltPhPlinY tlflorreeamcoenrtthills;
country. Several reductions of the mor , a le ,
' 1 n . Field, that under the practice
ng staff have already been decided upon Prior to the judicature act it was unne-
whh:ree itcanbe done without Levelling! F.:sear§ that esfecialty plead Privilege. But
rii I ncy of the service. About ten! aInne. ac prh liege must be specially
r twelve civil servants will be dropped, I - a e ' and
hese being in the rnain temporary assist -I roust .also be stated showing why and
facts and circumstances
e24feagion Is privileged; rule 298;
nts. The list includes two men in the 1 PtgarT
and registry office at Victoria, ono in the eaFearaa'a eller- &*e 5t63.1 Th: pre tofmtlsiet
be kept wethtn tie limns which weeici
free Great Britain from her obliga-
tion te support her Japanese ally.
Baron Hayashi, eke Japanese ropy...
native to. Britain, is not so optimis-
Indivectly he 4(111110 tilt
treasury at Victoria, one vacancy 110 the ' be regarded aa ee se ralerus °13
sane department which will not be Med, I and irrelevant, and as fleniiiInLg 'to°ffeemnbsaivr!
wo In land and works at Victoria, and rass the trlal of the action. They are also
wo or three others on the outside eon- open to the objection that they attempted
nected with the same. department. Van- to eat up what virtually amounts to a
couver will lose one from the land regis- justifieatjon, without actually justifying
try office, the caretaker from the court the alleged libellous statements. Appeal
houso, and a. stenographer. The change dismissed with costs to plaintiff in any
takes effect in six weeks, end will effect event. Defendant to have Myr days en
a saving of twenty thousand dollars year- which to amend as he may be advised,
ly. It is not the policy/. of the Govem- and to take short notice of trial for the
ment th reduce salaries, but it is ender -
•'• next Assizes at Perth. S. H. Moss for
defendant Grayson Smith for plaintiff.
stood this will be done In. the ease of
Seymour Hastings O'Dell Secretary to
the Minister of Finence.
Fred J. Sanders, Teacher.
any of the above.
Ifat NOI1C0
The Eieter Grist Mill.
The Exeter Grist Mill has been re-
modelled and is in full swing again,
prepared to attend to the -needs.' of
their many customerswith a' good
supply of the noted
Star Flour oN Hand
We have plate choppers for fine chop
and a roller for rolling oats for horses,
Sseing is Zolieving
0117'010's a Trial.
Harvey Bros.
Successors to J. • Cobbledielt & Son
Alt.trAiiret _Keefer (Sister Illagd'a len)
Ivas arrested•at Stra,throy on charpe
of kidnng M
lar -y 13o‘ven's se \-r n
months old son at Fort, Erie.
Soft and crooked bones mean
bad feeding. Call the disease
rickets if ydu want to. The
growing child must cat the
.oht food for 0-owthi. Bones
must have bone ',food, blood
must have blood food and so
on through the list.
Scott's Emulsion is the -right
treatment for soft bones in
children. Littlecloses everyday
the stiffness and shape
that healthy bones should have.
Bow legs become straighter,
loose joints grow stronger and
firmness collies to the soft
The First Secret Session Was With
He May Buy Soo Works for English
Ottawa, Oct 13 -Hon R Daridur-
and has confirmed the report that
London,' Oct 13. -The last stage of he had been given an option on the
the Alaska boundary _a.rbitration began industrial properties at the Soo. He
yesterday at the Foreign Office, is now hopeful that Speyer & Co. will
when the commissioners met in sectet delay for sixty or thirty days the sale
session to consider their verdict Um- of the $5,05o 000 securities,
ted States Senator Lodge and Prof. meantime that financial help will be
and in the
Sir Louis Jette, one of the Canadian forthcoming frOm English capitalists
Commissioners, were early on hand, to coritinue the operation of the, in -
and VVar Secretary Rout and Senator; dustries which are now idle.
Turner followed them into the Cabinet The injunction granted yesterday to
room) where the clelibera.tions are be- prevent Speyer & Co. taking over the
hag hetdo Then there was a• long de- works, pending_ arg,ument at Osg,00de
lay, with some forebodings, as Com-
missioner Ayiesworth, of c anada, had Hall, will probably result in securing
not appeared: With any one of the y Senator,.„.
the dela Dandurand hopes
munssioners absent no verdict could
rendered. Finally Chief Justice Al- 1
rstone asked one of the secretaries Moorland on Fire.
o sit in the outer room to telephone
Commissioner Aylesvvorth's hotel Budapest, Oct. Q.—Nine thousand
d find on4 the „vise oaf. his nen_aii), acres of moorland in the' neig• hbor-
• co
Wrong food., caused the le!
troulple.' Right food.will ctire it. I
• In thousands of cases Scott's to
'Zinulsion has ,proven to be. the palel
right 'food. for soft bones in th
arance. he tens on w s relieved ; hood of Etsed is on fire. The peat
e receipt of the news that the Cana- is burnino- to some depth, and in-
n Commissioner hall just returnd ens,
I from the country and was starting fo • heat has loosened' the ground.
Send for free sample, the Foreign Oflicu M. AyleSworth
.. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists., saarsrisTaeidi caataajail'a'Ta.aac'111:1" and • the ,se lViaivileaggeoll?afps13ec°1 ear vtidi''''vf.o rS epveerrsaol nsh' °Iauas‘c,e8
Toronto, (jritarl° 'f'he coninlissiOnel; adiotirnecf at r3:r0 tbpec.'tli.j,171i:lote,de'xtiTi,l)..°11°isPhs tillieavefirebeell ."senL
t. 'aud $r.00.;' all drugg,i§ts.
with:out having ,reached, a decision.
causing a general subsidence of the
Wneat, • . , „ 73 74
... . 5$ 40
Oats. „ ••a? 28
Peas . ... 00
Potatoes, per bag, „ „.. 1 CO 1 00
Hay, per ton- „ 7 00 8 00
Flour, per etvt.., teller,- a 10
Eggs-, -...... 10
Hides, per 100 lbs - 5 50
Live ih9140, per evitt..... 5 2.5
Dressed 8 00
SlaOrtS per cwt.. 50 95
Bran per ewt 75 20
464/Z Ancient Foe
To health anti /4appiaesa iSarafala-4,
as ugly as ever since time imr,-.erial,
toe e Is awparrrcailitgjwe4;:aitniithrietallizi4t, jigIutr::41,4,sees.
Li* tae is tiouriehleg. e„,„es
membrane, eyeetc..,S te7.-aakee
Sir John jenicins, formerly leiberal. ees onces ------------------ li-teVer OE
Carmarthen and Chairman of thtier recoe aue deve/Qp$ 1 -to
Swansea Daetat Exchange. Socatong be• - e " —
1-721-4416k rae;nbeP hAtli4nlient reautaneo to Ilisease and tite eapeeny
sae the Swansea Harbor resi
said tbat the alarmist reports to
to the condition of the tin trade were
unwarranted. The first niue znont-a•
i the present year compiwed wiii
two years ago showed an Ancrease
18,000 tons. No tin-plate hats hat
been imported since early in znot, pro
ving that lVziles 'WAS able to votripett
satiefentorily with the weld, and ea:
able to supply bars at a rate whict
ave no encouragement to A -Merle%
Sir Beery Fowler, Liberal, addreee-
ed an enthusiastic meeting 1
Glasgow. He declared the Ceilliltr
was stronger financially than evet
before. He ridiculed Mr. Charm
berlain's contentien .of declining trade
and said that the colonies needed us
bribe to keep within the empire. When
one door was shut on a British indue
try Another was opened. The center
try was well able to held its own it
the present commercial struggle.
Austen Chamberlain, the new Chan
cellar of the Exehemeer. replying to z
vote of congratulatton at Acock'
Green, Worcestenthire. his Perna
mentary constituency, said that
he regretted that the new issues.
had lost the Government some vagina,
supporters, and declared himself ir
en r
e warmony with Mrnatioeet
programme as outlined at Sheffield
There was a great danger, he said, ir
complacently assuming that Greet Brit
ein's fiscal policy needed no revision
He declared that it was against all the
canons of sound finance that the in
come tax, the nation's first reserve it
time of war, should stand at clever
pence in time of peace. 1111r. Chant.
berlain anotmeed that the Government
would not dissolve until the lessoni
of the South African War Commissior
report had been applied and the Wan
Office reorganized.
The foregoing interesting announce-
ment confirms the general inenessior
that it is the Government's intend();
to meet Parliatnent and proceed witt
busuiess, leaving the fiscal problem ec
fer as any attempt at legislation is eon.
Lord Stanley, the new Postmaster.
General, in a speech at Bolton, declar-
ed himself in favor of Mr. Batiste '
Sheffield programme, but opposecl tc
Mr, Chamberlain's food -taxing pro -
Fred. Foster of East Oxford Pleads
Woodstock, Oct. x3. -At tile Police
Cotirt Frederick Foster, a milk -
drawer aud farmer of East Oxford, was
charged with stealing milk from George
Stephenson a.nd Frederick Watt, two of
the cheese factory patrons on Foster's
route. Poster was .watched as he dreve
up and took the cans, and seen to take
milk out of those that he lifted on Ills
waggon, and put it into his own cans.
Be entered a plea of guilty, and sentence
was reserved.
George Hinden Recaptured at Port-
age Ia Prairie.
Winnipeg, Oct 12. -George Hindern, a
convict who escaped from Stony Moun-
tain Pertitentiary last week, was caught
by the Portage la, Prairie police yester-
day without much trouble. }Diadem, who
is a young
man of 26 years, was serving
live yearsin the penitentiary for horse
theft, and had put hi ohly nine months Of
his term.
Tbe French Parliament reassembles on
the 2eth Inst.
Postoffice Inspector Charles 3. IVIeDon-
ald died at Halifax.
Brakeman Glever of Palmerston was
crashed to death between cars at Ches-
It is believed that the visit of the Ital-
ian King to Pails will result in a treaty
for the arbitration of international ques-
Miss M. Ferguson, aged 24 years, of
Shelburne, was struck and killed by a
train at Georgetown.
The body of the unknown man found
dead in 'Anoaster township last week has
not yet been identified.
Hon. R. W. Scott was seized with faint-
neas while speaking in the Senate, a.ntl
was unable to finish his speech.
Michael Armaly, a well-known mer-
chant of Quebec, is missing, and credit-
ors are in possession of his store.
William S. Russell, an old employee of
James Coristine & Co., Montreal, seot
himself with a revolver and is dead.
The trial of Ed. Clark, a colored circus
employee, charged with murdering a
companion, opens at Picton on the leth
A strike is reported arnong the serN•ant
girls of the 0.A.0. at Guelph, and it is
said Chinese have taken the plaCe Of the
Motorman Choate lost both legs in a col.
lision of electric cars between, Hammon
and Ettrlington. Several other porsonS
ieCliVed loss seHons injurieS. .
injunctions have been gTanted restrain-
ing the central Trusts Company Prom p7o.
ceetling in the Algonia District Cotut, to
secure possession of the Soo properties.
"Two er my cbildren ban sereeela eorei
wafentept growipg (teepee and teat thee;
Mem going to Mato; for Mee menthe,
aa a mealtinve Ma ey.rol nag
1 began giving them WW1 faereleeentee
This medicine canted the 5:gin to ;nal. nue
the etilleiren bave shown no signs cit cera.
J. W. Meanest, Wounetene O.
Hood's Sarscperiaa
Widi rid you of it, radically arid pez.
all it heti rid thousawl.i.
1118101181118 DWI
Copltai Paid Up 6,004:000
Rest • Za0z4000
. &gement guMtrZtrx-Zr453
Intor.il. at mein ftretputicatt,zitair4,,,alZ:4
aiSins UV* AWcntItS Mat Iklt>71 rei4rts.
Cat„.travirdattAtteratitereitit ji-3tvd. otailaTies
Mao, Japan WWI other Vretrne...:114,11412. •
. Travelling letters at Cttatii se irevellere ie
all parts et the 'world,
TILOS FT5II. arsrate, '2eneetire
.11EllillaN,SnloY Masa.= a: raw 1itm
Cook's Cotton Root compouott.
Ladles* reavorlte•
Is tbe onto rate. reltabld
regthater on Widen 'woman
Call 'depend
"In the hour
and time Of nee:Iry
Prepared In two domes of
Strength. No. 1 and No. 2.
No. 1,-Fer ordinary eastal
Is by far the bent dellat
Medicine known,
2 -For speelal casea-10 degrceS
stroeger---three dollars per box.
Lodies-ask your druggist tor Coon's
Cation Root compound. Take us other
as all pills, mixtures ana nattatiens are
dangerous. No. 1 and No. It are cold and
recommended bv all druggists In the Do.
minion of Canat)a. Mailed to any addreeS
on receipt otprlee and four tl-cent postage
SWAMPS.. tato Cook Comonnw„
'Windsor, On.
No.1 and aia. earn 3.old in Better be lore leen end
Brownie, leugebee.
ay \Vallted.
1,000 TONS
Andrew Hicks,
Portland Cement
We have -just received 0 quan-
tity of the best grade Of Port-
land Cement.
Can be had at both Exeter atid
Centralia Warehouses.
Wheat, Oats and Barley, for
which full market piicesI will be
piled at the storehouses in Exeter,
Centralia and Clandeboye.
Jos. Cobbledick,,
We are giving excellent
satisfaction since lie -
modelling our mill.