HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-10-15, Page 444. Oiz-Utr Sanders oec Creereeo. Ps. THURSDAY OCT. 143, '03 $6:1•01,10 FOR Gi.),.-IND Aniong the somplententat y timate* broeight dow it in the Death/Atm Heuse last week we notice that of $5000 to bona a breakwater and pier Grand Berid. While wishing the people a Greael Bend aod vicinity ell good thiege we ath at eleett W know in what wooy such an expenditure would hene- it tt4's pltwe or zit- people, ,Oleteeett to hnild a plot- aoid inteekwater. 'Twould he ootO fleo-lottet Lahee trying to hoto out enlepertuunnel store nith a $10 bile Even NV:',?..? :1 pier noel lorealeneot- er etreaoly hen., it woxild need a great- er yearly experelitore than eaiee0 to het'? the peeettge thear otf ottel. As the etit 7.E, now it ntrotote pieneant place on 4. !)iela to row entiocet the taeot is tom month. i wa. atol Ot. S•calietlianit er ettetsure tetLt111.1.4e to row from eat to I, dee or vice tli,t-tza, Se the Cu loos been put tliteoingto the utootth he beeu Kanothed venth solid thrtanghoo eantotnee monat its et Iteeet. Wheth- r 41 eireill Itosteh.water eonold toe built in south a eveys o- t fitting in f he month of the chanuel we clo pot v If ma SilVL thlong would atld tite pleesure a the campers hut would not he or Yforth-et- benefit. We de oot Oda the government ie sperelieg motley to afford pleasure, Uenverer. Ivo the soon ef $100,000 lovene tneatiened we might hope to en beealooater :old pier et sortie c,ense teaernee even' if it were of tee Ilene imt, for Ste Wilfred Le' and la" eolletognes to *bogie a littl. . measly bait of thet kited in fineet of ;he elec• tors of $heath Huron to capture their toe, is an insutt to the intelligence of people, We enta See nOltbing hot a eleceien doidge in the whole Ilanttelf& Not doubt when the e:unpaign same persetteeive pelt/lei:eon will he told off to exht ellabasette photos tot the peeple of the eichtlity, tend to :nolo-eon to soow them lone on expenditures:1:f 0, mighty $50011 of noonitee.wflleenviit them. This preps:el experelitane ettlietty atecard with the reelatein extravagauce tor the tiotivertuntele flow. tag this session. The United, States once load a billion dollar Contogreee. Popnoletiott coneiderel they are not i it with the present C median Parlia len,lle31y Piall'OSEP e. PRA NCH. company, or in zowee other way, Make a stir, do idl that Call be donethen if fail, we have the satiefactien of Itxxowing we did what we could. Ina^ CATtaklivi Nellie Railway Conn NOTES 420 00.11JINTS One leuudred and twenty-4ve miles an hour—the fastet roilway speed in history—was achieved on an electric nook in Gennany last week. * One of the best Indications of a approaebiog general eleetlons is the coups a over $12,000,000 in railway subes toy the Domini= Parliament in the dying days of theseseion, "Wit h such en amoune of swag in sight there will sanely 'be something dozug" out ono the sidelinee beeides the construct- ing of railways. * Some people aeeinclioed tothink that becanee Hon. Alfred Lyttletotea. er tenuis player, has been made tate- fee the Celoniesee slight has etea east on the land beyond the seas. That may Whitely entionuent. P. retnier Lizeifour douttlees diet not choose his seeretary for his cricketing abty,aud it is fair eo essome that has %yentas peeittott by display a merit. e Sir Chas. Tupper news "elm, trerlairo : hit the nail ono the head - etay. gees Canadian ornainion to an vee(twill meet oo defetee The innraeose tettioidet peril: is eager to go fterther than Bel, tonne, Clot colterlein's etiongth is evii- deuced ity the piltifitt iegeouity of the free t demi)) trying to diSeCevee count.. oranteents, England asks no pre - c which will retard 06intediate Thie epoch is the dreato of * The eheteefoot Wel flying machine, he climax a yearti atiatualifitile SteldF the efforts of Pot Tetogley, retary a the Smithsoman Institute, a soeve the probietn of ntechanieal hetet. woe launeheel toeday, and the eXperiMent carefully plameed and de, layed for teacloths proved P•failttre. The immense aireletto sped rapiello along its 70 foot 13'4idc, WAS earned hy ita OWI momentum for 100y4ordstand then felt gradttally into the Potontee Paver, whence it emerged a total Wreck, 31. in a erneede againet immoral lit t toxin Weep twenteeninehaolosellers have Welt nre (-steel. The ehargeogelnet wen I'S Beeettil arittmeateofelto"yellonve- etek" Moue novel setties sehtettlevene. Tintee pressing the pr *as 0311» that many of the etitnee committed In tdt' doling the lest year can toe -.wed to the tootionetce. of this elaes tof tovele open the min& of posing read• :glee panels" of Owen $nuntl. is Pr& There veey tle doubt of the eleiting Mende in this eienoty,--enhe t rattle of 'Misstatement. If the permits• Eutnn, of eeelea Cras a vest at the aveneld 1(mi:offer their childretoternielt borne or "Oa wateou this wei$,„= d, oholesome reading and keep- wee ye tan heme egefelna Mende 1;1 thIm off the street, lefa.4 tAikt vkinily.--The Thanksgiving uer. he result. vices of the Uwe chotreh was held * * on Sunolzty last. The chinedi Wate tily dee-mated and prenented a very 'rrlat8"11W'" 1"I'Y iD Weatih cheerful appearance. hliea Moottip ou-- Premier Ross has at lost succeedeill Ethel Smith, the five-year-old (laugh- cn 8-040Vd, 11 CAlg,DIDATV FOE. 2ti." getting a Candidate for North Rol- ter a ear. elerry Smith, while playing Crew,. be. wale the aSsistaneo of Sir Wilfred Laurier, having prevailed up - n Mr. Thenets Meehie, M. Fe for North Renfrew, to resign his seat in the Dominion 'louse an cl accept •the Liberal nominatioo for the Local fiouse against Abe Dunlop, No donbt. this canny Scoteleman toade slue of a good reword, whether elected or defeated, before consentiog to resign, A Sen- torship would, he in oialen 4 -tette -anon 'The report of the coromiseioneve appointed to investigate the ehargee against the late Sir Hector Maeolonald, Issued at Colombo. Ceylont June' 29, says: The commission unenimously and ontuistaleahly OHO absolutely no reason or clinite whottsoever whieb wootid create feelings such tos w000ld oletertniue seleitle, in prefetence to eonviction of :my crime affectime the amend the stove et one of the oeigh- bone one day last week, was leadlY sealded about the neee. and shoroldere. —Miss Hogg, orte seltoel teacher, has given such good satisfaction that ehe has been re-eugaged for the ceruing year at. an tnereaee of salaree—Olee. school house is completed and school commenced ite it on eloodayeo-Mrs, S. 0. Prouty who has been suffering frou eevere attack of neureltela, is eeeoe- ring, Allsa Cram John 14. Scafe Otee with very. paha, acettleut a fete days age. He .vreet np Oehind. his horee without speaking alba the anitnal beconling frightened,- kiaked, strilong Me. Severe in the Moot, acb. Be heel to. be token home and will he !odd up .for a tinue—Mies Itthel Bortlewicle, who has beeu settee -1,01y to 'moral and itoeproachathie character eth 11 lute oh. May s store here for a, nuell- so brere, fearbeen sto glorimos her of yeas, left last week. for $t.' 1/aralikqed a he; and we thinly 11. Marys, where she has token ieve the eanse Whieh Owe rise to position in their eetablishouent thoot the blew= and rennet auggestitente 1,4; pleeto— Wesley Neti Aittil W.. Budgies crime were protnew Moe vulgar ft elt. I were tioleen Oefore Squire. Sueith a tete inge of spite and jealoney in his rieirg daye ego Proy. Detective Coodeburn, to soleh a high rank of doettoo fan of the of.T.R. staff Om t newton, oO mat off ears at. the.statiou. A. tine was. hen poreed theta ,tef $.:-.)4 each zued the eon - stable's cost of INCI)=.47P- RF.P.81,1X.n. — pathetic accident onthetiloierieth trade tt teat ford Is the Net. Hutt Mr. ..tieLean nt this place,. the widow of oue of the Mane ,gled men, wasohnown eonnection viththefamoneChattelle mordet With It was some of her clothing that Chat. fls luid. stolen, and 11114 18 hie possees, n, and which she .wae called upon to otife. The vanes hide Chattelle wore 115 that of her 'husbands who .tnet, hie In ustries and compleigla entert.,-; &Tall Mike feteatferd the other day. the British army, * 17r001 the returns preperea by the Rdatcazioitet Depertmente It Apterars - „, that 1,30 calla:44w mate an vita malt trectineet en eooneetion with the recent Steenteler ineetrienlatitsta eioneinatpiens and ref this romuirer 075 pessed. thus tonalifying for nolminelon to the eat bee ealversitiee. 'There hos therefore liteet n Increase of 120 young men end woe seekirier, univereity edoeation I thtazio in the past twelve months; tbIs at a time when there W414S never an active demand for cleas. aprentiees anti hogh-grade help in the ot the amonen Ala every Kern - ue .1411,VErnette AT We.n04,-011 Tuenday steel) eubstential rewards to those pa . Wight or rather Wedneeday morning sessed of Met. bend and ready.teetee about 1 dhlock tone the night operator knowledge. Six hundred and seventy. at the beat depot noticed one of the live young people represeut a fairly switteh lentils had- gone „Ohlte „Re kw - large and important proporaon pi tag. metnatety went otat to exam n. eget% Yolong of the province annuallv 111111l, thooghtleesly leaving his keys in the cited opou the =veva in which, they cash drawer. As be wel4, out be are to aehieve 4 illelitittlie of minas noticed two Met* wailktott IIP and happloese, or thereverse,forthent, the WA hot he 13341 no altentk'n to ' $14V1'5 and intim. theten, When he got Wet he &loud Ori.1.1~.1.011.11..M.N110.110.d doe Cash drawer had tem opened aud Sarepta $.1o.•41 in 00 and 25 cent pieces was tonne front it. while the Eden he had 155 Rama Clark left Taesday for enen had ditemptenoth Thieving .804115„ it. On the Theheday evening to he gettiog 0 common prectuto lately il pre us 0 Feely of young folks frano only a few Wee145. lg4l, three &ales of I! Sharon gathered at Ler home hem reel flour. 4'30 ennimineng 110 Illite, having 1 quoin, an et -44974W evening. In the been taken from the Wight ehede. ten ty home, Mier wiettiog Miee Mak qucee.,75 in ber/ww amaa.thay (taxa ttat f atirMaRT._Thefollintvitehe bials re- livinsleys Kielce to t te deaths 0 Mos. ela'r HOMO* nnel Malcolm Mehean, who -4, Vietinri oof the disesteem accident 1 ill Wren the section hamlet at Strat- on Sept. 30, of whIch brief nwn- tion made bet week. The handcars Ming the. twenty sectionnten were avelling at 0111034 lap t-pped, when uddenly trtnn romul a eon Ve 11All more . than one bemired putli ahead, the 1 eupoteto uppeouva. 'rue men on Ono o trout ear Miele; on the bertbales and , 'omped. At that tune the W.VOliti ear' 1 ed melted the eentre tof the bridge hove John etteet, and tot know then 0 of foe e °nth elpeterreel Tutted:1y when eolhetoome automitte $41.—A wontd prartiely have menet thettit atteol wont Lew!' to :13.$ ott.erees. On the , .. . 4 11:111V` i..0,-elienp,e 'healing :4 l'AlanAy vt+14 it want all 44 sat %it the area- ,raml or frillin here are silrlidittg, thl• waVithr, drop livinothonttleifeet. '11w, time of the weather for Septenet eupied the pulpit and lier diSrunenere that the Dowooet temper -Om o tee listened to with wo ateenelme ES WAFERS s,„. Mt:41111T .410.V•74'. gate*. -$tv,Itt ROOMMMIlifit.V0,40049#1511:014 sz^ 11 1Il Gm :5)1 to iiaderieth The oheeet. tos age tew the moonlit Thira te tele! ea , • h - ----------------------.- 4 44141 ha" and t et°1' 48 tg 344 tuts Wallteil e etot the bridge was far e eve c unlearn, is to it tee a Unt. :Num, Ow vat 44f thaletieh with thein mein Ontootio lonmeh eo as to in. eurethe eaey odato ap delivery of the Western groin to the WeStelill portion of the province of Ontario, by a means toot:oily moiler the eontrol of the entire pan'. An. additional object, donht, 'Is to have a Cahn. branch past -hug through Lids part of Western Ontario for the sale of the trate width may he gained in the licit and fertile coun- ties of Perth and Iltuate Serveying has already counneneed from both endsof the proposed route. The in lootion is to euryter two routes. One to pass to the north of Cliuton oral on to the objective point and tbe other to -the (=oath of Clinton. A route either to the north or south of the Goderich- Buffalo" branch %veld be better than to run close to the Goderieh-Buffalo branch. The citizens' of Clinton, Sea - forth and Mitchell are putting forth their hest efforts to induce the com- pany to build the branch through their towns. If the company decided to do so there would be little to gain as far as local traffic is concerned, while the southern route would have an advantage ha that it would com- mand a large share of the traffic aris- ing from the rnOst fertile track ofconn- try in Canada. A branch passing to the north of Clintot and Seaforth would be more direct than either of -the others. but the line wonld not pass e through as good a. conntry. To being - about the desired result it is onr opin- . ion that no better route could be chos- en than one taking in such points as Goderich, Hayfield, Zurich, Dashwood, Exeter, Winchelsea, Kirkton, Strat- ford and Guelph. Snell a, line would pass through a section of country every rod of which is fertile soil, and almost as level as a, prairie. For tbe most pelt -tbe towns And villages through which it would pass here a consider- able popelation and leave not railway connection. Now, since it is a -matter of fact that the company intend building a route, it is up to the people of Exeter and other interested'points to do all they can towards inducing tbe company to build the line as we have here propos- posed. The towns and townships should officially do all they can to fur- ther the matter. Not only to do it but do it quickly and in the proper way. Official letters from the differ- • ent municipalities to the company ma.y induce them to consider the route as herein proposed or a similar one. That once clone other inducements could easily be held out, through• a deprita- tion to wait upon the oflicials of the ThitilhS "iVillg holidays In Lond. ° 44,14 • '4%' "" 11811) 1Ue .4 14 g • ; bonthood.—The Lamy einwelt people , September bet ever bad an ayerane held thew 41nun0t Harvest Nome tempera t ere of hItti. 11 Was the dele4 Tneeday evehing which moved oe grand Stitteuelter on remelt, eXeept in Nei* Own it 20111e41 ten tent lhe daye, and the amount tof rain widell fell was 315 inehes. Loet month it rained on lett - dame,uted.410 belies of rain fen. There wee 41 great many twartehours nt 8811* Silinetbis SeptemIter than lest, or '225 as against 101 last year, the aYerage being 210. There Mee thunder on the to'le Mt. and lightning on the 13th and 1411h. 'The alltura showed itself on the 2 -end ult. * PORING .1.1. The daye of waiting for population re drawing to a close. Canada has been dieenveredsorratherrediscovered, for over half a •century ago the Irish famine aud the clearings in the High- lands drove great swarms of settlers into Upper Canada, and raised it frout the position of a series of Straggling settlenientS into a powerful and pop- ulous Province. The West seems (Rs - tined to have a similar rusb. Figures issued at Ottawa last night show that the immigrant Arrivals en Canada for the nine months of the present calen- dar year ending on October first num- bered 108,014, or am iu excess of the total for the same period of last year. Of this year's immigrants 43,187 came from Beitish Isles, 32,498 front the Con- tinent of Europe, and 82,320 from the United States. In 1002 the immigrant arrivals were :—Braish, 10,079; conti- nental 25,236; the United States.20.617. * TAX PATIIIDS INSULTED. On Wednesday, October 7, in the House of Commons, at Ottavve, Sir Wilfrid Laurier insinuated that. the anti -Grand Trunk Pacific petitions were not genuine; that, indeed, a sus- picion of forgery attached to them. Me. Borden, the opposition leader, thereupon demanded that the whole matter be referred to the Committee of Elections And Privileges, in order to establish the bona fides of this great protest from the taxpayers of Canada. This step has been taken. Already Conservative members of Parliament are in receipt of letterset Otta,wa from constituents who had sigued the Deli. tion, protesting against the deliberate insult dealt out by the Premier to over 100,000 people. These letters will be read in the House of Commons; they will be read in the investigating Com- mittee. It appears that tbe members of the Liberal Government think there are not in Canada taxpayers with enough independence to raise up their voices in protest „against the foolish Grand Trunk Ricitic project ncl con- demnatory of the overnm ent's course. The investigation into the petitions will teach them chifereetly, the let- ters of protest against the Peentietee insinuations by the signers of the pet i - tion will emplutsiv.e that teaching. We understa nd that already from this vi- cinity A large number of lettets have gone forward to Ottawa, addressed to the Conservative member from this constitueocey. The people are right in not t.itnelv submitting to the ,o -ea t itous and 00 witi ant ed insults r -d- ever, such a high personage as Sir Wilfrid Laurier. emcees:R.-4 he infant ehold of :qr. John Gilbert, whieh has been ill. is reeover- ing under the ekilful attention tor Da Hodgson,— Moses Mawson moved hie family too Parkhill last week. Huy Council Connell met on Monday. Oct, 3th. 11 ptesent. Mr. U. Lippbardt was oppointed Inspector for tilt. Schwalm Drain. The following itch:louts event ordered to be paid, vizi—Cyros Cobs- kte, stone rose C.R.,_$1; V. Redmond, 2 colvei•ts, eon. 5 and 0, $5; ties. Stacey, vet:tiring Mieek Creek brdge,SIAJno, . tido, culvert Gosben Line, teth Gellman, repairing bridge., Von. 11, $2; Jas. McDonald, 2 culverts, ems. 0 And 7, $3; .1418 Eisenhoffer, ditch. re Wit- nier award, $5.00; Etuil Hendricks, re- pairing culvertand ditch. L.R., $5; Ed. Willett, culvert, con. 17. Wit Mos. An - loin. relief, $0; John Richoudson, 2 cul- verts and ditch, Hagan amend, $11.03; .Bell, lumber. $30; Hamilton Bridge Co., balance for Sauble bridge, $5'00; Henry Rupp, grading and hauling tile, $21.50; Bender & Foster, part payment Schwalm &alto, $150; Wm. Bender, culvert, Ousheu Line, $7; J. Deichera wood fox Hall, $15; Geo. McKay, mak- ing tile, 808; Do., part paymeot, abut- tnents Sciewalea bridge, $050; Do., ex- cavating and extras S.D., $81. Coon. cil will meet again on Monday, Nov - 2nd, at 2 o'clock p.m. 1 Central la DR. .1. W. ORME, Centralia Office hours 9 to 10 fttfl., 110 .9 and 71o8 pan. Telephone communication with Luc= and 'Mount name!. Dr. Orme, who bits been on an ex- tended holiday trip to Oalifornia and ether distant points, returned Friday last and reports a very pleasant out- ing.—The annual meeting of the Meth- odist church was held on Monday night last. A report of the finances for the year was received and prov- ed most satisfactory. After meeting all expenses for the year there remain- ed in the Treasury $75 on which to commence the new church year. Mr. E. Col will was elected Treaserer of the Trustee Board, Mr. Roht. Wilson, Sec- retary. Tenders a.re solicited for. the care of the church. ANNIVERSA.Er SEnVIOES.—The an- niversary services of the Methodist church here were held on Sunday hist and all concerned have every reason to feel highly elated over the result. The preacher for the day was he Rev. Godwin, of Ex4,O7, who delivered two very able and interesting discours- es to large and appreciative congrega- tionS, while the choir added material- ly to the interesting services. The church was tastily decorated \V au- tumn leaves and flowers. The sum of $225 was asked 1n -which amount NV a Ei exceeded, by $10. The congregation with their popular parson, Rev. Hut- ton, are to be congratulated on the success of t his anniversary. • ye:wiled. Then aU but three leaped off awl rolled down the steep emir:wk.! meat in eafety. Their feet had scarce. ly lett the car Whelk it was struck and Wine or its fragments reaehed the lev- el bekow roomer than they, Two of the three unfortunootes AVVIT, killed Ito shoutin while the other lived for war- ly half an home Mr. Holmes wate caught; boonent h the totin and dragged ; acrote the 'Wedge and deposited in middle of the teaele-11 181(85 (14: flesh, .4 elmelt of red bale tn whieh hung Areas of clothing, conetitoted whet was left of him No resemblance of a face or head Was visible end the body woubl scareely have been recognized as that of a. human being. On the west end of the bridge lay Male:Om el erolut just As be bad died. Mr. Holmes maimed Jes- e144''McLeod, seeond deue,bter of Abe. , Effie McLeod of this place in 1671 and ' the following year settled in Ailsa thetig. where he lived until his death and for over thiety years haa been em- ployed es a section tame on the G.T.11,. for several. years working nu the rail- way in seemlier and during the winter in the flax mill, and latterly workin only in .stnumer thue. He was one o aur most respected citizens, a menxber of the Presbyterian churcb, fearing God and unostentationsly, showing the thorough Christian by his daily life and walk, a model citizen esteemed by all, enemies he had none. loving husband initl bailer, he brought up a large: family, —a credit to himself and wife and commanding the respect and esteem of all, even as the deceased hine self enjoyed the approbation of his fel- low citizens. The deceased leaves to Mourn his untimely end his sorrowing widow. five sons and .fone daughters.— Mr. McLean, who was 03 years of age at the time of his death, was married in Scotland, and with his wife came to Canada in May of 1872 and entered the service of the G.T.R. in that year at Parkhill. being transferred to Ailsacreig in the early part of 1873. wbere he has ever since resided. He was one of the !nest obliging of men and probably the most conscientious Worker we have ever had in our Of a hrigbtagenial, sunny disposition. he was n, universal favorite and will he much Missed and long regretted. The deceased leaves his widow A nd only surviving atm Angus McLean, station- ary 'engineer of Chicago, to mourn the eintienelY loss of husband and father. They, in their bereavement, have the heartfelt sympathy of the whole cont- tnunity. ahe No renaerly covers so large a field a usefulness as ST, JAMS Wartns. They are indicated whenever there is a weak condition, as they tone up the different organs awl briug strength to the tiselees. Palpitation of the heart, poor di- gestion, sleeplessness, weak nerves, an=u1a, and chlorosis, are quickly relieved by T. TaxtgsWAruns ; they also repair the waste caused by hard worit atul fatigue, Sr. JAelOth WAFUle$ beip stomach, digest food and send the nutriment through the blood, and this is the honest wa v to get heolth andstrencrth the kind that bete , develops and breeds the energy ulzich geom.- plishes ont. ;wage earerese forefoot ge,. mast poweetot evetenee ee tea . veatoeieoteasea rower orextta,,, . cal.*0*Inrgcloripat1.9a of iuttl- eterts RII,Alrt*.CccT.ttic Inclearras *tong. X 74.0we tIRed, ilkett ween geed eueCceue when nee vette-Ma otededatguo reu, • - nen. Tilverpool, Rog, a Jame; liWal at; *at gord mealy: to lee nmommts 440 ..,r4 co*Imenctireg tlior; IR 14 fir saocao- Tre mod Mt ov14 *tan repent. Winrc4ca1ersatemt selltegthe wafers, they are malted, epee re- eeipt of ewe at the Curial:U.1A branett at.14sea Wen* Vs., 170 st. catbs443 St, *inure. )1,140141%3141.1.1.194,05.54100,0 ArsTIORAORPORPINOP00.104$40.41..X,404.4.......10.4. • If cleating in 4 t.r learen trathe youreelf to. teavh the t p of your It:vat:tee? A letteitoese tratitioncombined with eour tonewledge ofteeier wee,: gives sou the nezeezety eolvantage over othets to melte thee peteitotte The Forest' .City Btoeintoss wed ShuriaLutel College (hover.. iOClu4les Boalthettpitag, Pit:amino, Higher Areentautingt. and el-ery WO:Ilene prirreipte mod eiettnext mod 18 lousineet-oie ton lieteperett with .01d4ttrue eyetieues ondmetheile. ceenuplett. cotonte in Itotehotee anni. 'Kurth -end can be token in one year ; the coat te mean; the reseits are goilete rentatierative mod pertanatelat. Booklet, containing complete infornoatIon of Courece, costs, dee rent to tiny address for a postal. J. W. WEiVrElt LT, 'NM Brtramvo, LONDON. The hody Of Theo. Salenke, a S Wede, was fond In a Winnipeg haulier yard with a bullet hole in his breast. rOSS ? Poor man! He can't help it. He gets bilious. He needs a good liver pill—Ayer's Pills. They, aet directly on the liver, cure biliousness. Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black Use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE Vint CS'S. IL 0. tjATZ, 0(),, 4148FUA 0. K ' K PECULIAR TO MEN AND WOMEN It is sad to contemplate the unfortunate condition of so raany men of ourday and generation, At 30 thee feel 6'0; at 40 they feel eth aud a 50 when they should bela the very pnme of life, they are almost ready for the grave. The fixe of youth has gone out, the fountain of vitality is exhausted. letenuiture old age! No matter what produted ito whether evil haloits in youth* later excesses, or business worries, the one thin for you to dais to get back the vim, the vigor and vivacity of inanhocx Donn Iose your grip on life. There are yet many happy, golden years for yottif you only get belpt We can and will not only help you, but cure you to stay cured. Curtng diseases and -weaknesses of the nervous and sexual system has been our exclusive business for the past SO years, during which time we have cured enough fallen men to make an army. OUR NW METHOD TRE/t.TIMENT will, restore to you what you have lost. It purifies and enriches the BLOOD, strengthens the NERVES, vitalizes the sexual organsachecks all unnatural drains and losses and fits a man for the active duties of life. GUMS Guaranteed tor No Pay. %retreat and cure Blood Poison. Varicactle, Stricture, Gloat, Errantry DrainsSexual 'Weakness. "Clancy and Bladder diseases. CONSULTATION FREE. If unable to Call, Write tor a Question !Slunk tor nom° Treatment. DRS. NikliEDY&K RG 148 Shelby St, DETROIT, ION, 23 Tears in Detroit. 250.000 Cured. Dank Security. A St'K ' , nen 4, •te. Tackersmitlx. WEDDINGS. —A. pretty wedding took place at the residence of Mr. Thomas Coleman, on Wednesday, Oct. 8, when bis daughter, Miss Myrtle Jane, be- came the bride of Mr. Robert Carnoc- han, of the same concession. The cer- e t none= was performed by- the Rev.Neil Shaw, in the presence of a happy gath- ering of friends. The bride was hand- somely attired and presented a very sI riking picture. The presents were numerous and costly which go to sh.ove that the britigoounted her friends as Man y. A host of friends join in wish- ing Mr, and Mrs. Carnochan all ha ppi- mos and prosperity.—A very pleasant event was witnessed by nearly two bemired friends and neighbors of Mr. Hcalson, of the 7th concession, on Wednesday, being the inarriage of his daughter, Miss Mary Ann, to Mr. Joseph Hogarth, of Hibbert, the cere- mony being performed by the Rev. Mr. Shaw, of Egmondville. The bride was beautifully attired in cream satin and was accompanied by Miss Ida His- lopasbridesmaid, while the groom was t)ssistecl by Mr. John Hudson, brotlaer cO the bride. The wedding march vvas Idayed by Mrs. Robert Strong. After the ceremony the guests sat down to a ccignificent wedding supper to which ail did ample justice. In the evening the young people of the neighborhood .issembled and danced to the music furnished by Mr. Sam Horton, assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Jarrot, of Rodgerville. The presents vvere numerous :Ind cost- ar, showing the esteem in which the voting couple are held by their many Heinle aroutid, here. tiature's H Eileilicall The Best Blood Purifier and Liver Regulator on earth WE GUARANTEE IT TO CURE Rheunmtism, Kidney Disorders Liver Complaint, Constipation, Sick and IsTervous headache, Neuralgia Dyspepsia, Fever and Ague, Scrofula, Female Com- plaints, Erysipelas, 'Nervous Affections, Catarrh and. all Syphilitic Diseases OR WILL REFUND THE MONEY We give six months' treatment of Nature's Herb Remedy for 51 and guarantee to cure 00 refund the money. • - o • ELECTRICURE The great remedy for pain internal or external. Every pain instantly relieved by one thorough appli- cation. Eleetrieura surpasses all other remedies the wonderful power it possesses over Rheumatism and Neuralgia; also over Hoarseness, • Sore Throat, Stiff Neck, Catarrh, Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Pneu- monia, Asthma, Ddlicult breathing, Influenza. It kills the germs of disease, thus curing Malaria, all kinds of Fever and Diphtheria. It braces and foal, lies the system, curing nervoila and physical debilitY; gives strength, tone and vigor to thesystern. Try a. Manufactured by • American Drug Co, Washington, D. ,(./ G. mUNROD, cenerai p oth eter