HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-10-15, Page 1SIXTEENTH YvaR.
Ofeet-TOROSTO, ENeentive 0.T.T-.11.0NrAFAre
Special Attelitiou to Farraers-E,',usiness
te enact the attention of Foreleg -a to the
eseepilenal %advantages offered by onir ,Sayiugs nags%
?se dose te deg -Mee Cr /' Rd%
irantlii:s Hewn Conct,F
Exeter, Crediton, Dash -wool, Zeneeli Heat -
*all and Clinton.
give w per
cePt grmeries Until Oct. 31,.
This the way we de bu§,In
iXxis ex-
t.13. '03
No. 2 Citceraci hy No, 3
0 yards Dress Goods (re 15e.
2 yarde Perealine 15e.
G. Finds Linnenette 12be.
1 yard Featherhone
pie Dress Shields
o yards Braiele Binding C.- rte.
2 yards Y nife ;hie.
1 dozen buttons
2 only Twiets
1 only Silk
1 yard Canvas
10 per Out.
Received pneut
& G., No.
20 bundlea of new "Wall Papers from Colin McArthur 4: Co.„ Montreid.
On all our 'Mill Papers and Horderinge we will give 10 per cent. off. On
goeds In papers are the lateat. Op-W.413W paper's m the town and we guarente
the price to he lower than &my other in the trade.
One door north of Post
Mee. illiyray .Uousa,11
council triet piarsnant to adjourn, Robert Jarrott, who meta taken eutl-
went in Town Hall, on Ocfober. oth, denly 1i a fewdays ego, is, we aree
1003. Present.. M. Reeve; D. •pletteed to etate, recoveringo-Mr. Ede .
'Dorman., A. notIgine., J. ;McGregorSheffer reeeyerlog 11011110.e.ffecte",
and W. Mewson, •Couneillote. Mine' of leis recent atteidenteeMr. and Mit%
ages of prevloes ineethig read, approe,
ed •of and signed. Meeregor-llodgins
• that aeconnte,
e (aid.rAfeween--eflorinall-that this •
oincil 'Adjourn to meet in .Town hall
II on.-thefitet elosulay in November,
oe O'eleete
Win, Freser, Clerk,
suorgrw DR:ay.-A verer stideleu
and unexpected death necurred nem
bere on Monday. Oet.d. On tllat 4.00r
illIt ?air. James .514014 was aeeisling
t a thiesraing qiii tae farm of hts toroth,
r„ Ale, Alexander ;Mitchell. Ht. SQVIll,
al to ne in ids iteitel hailth. Aleint
inedeetteetc. lie ecaiiplaazed cif feeling
inns ell and isrot to the. holies. end died
Inside of half an hoer. Ile had been
L. ko4t;.-..1
f.a. Mena four years, but. was ;divers
;dee to he around ;end iittend to hied-
nees, life sudden death hos Iasi ;
gloom over the eotire neigliborliooe,
Ale. Mitehell WAfi 62 yes Or Agee ne
wav NMI 011 the farm where he died.
P.n. FeVt*1 el years, however. lie
%tee i eeganeel iit terming in Wide:4
awl eleeit twelve eeete ego lie sold
hie feria Wow art( bits since resided
here svith his brother. Aleeeeder
chell. He was never married. Ile was
a MEM of a very emitet and, ietielog
Gordon Alanus are rejoicieg over the
releel of a yomeee $on and heir at their
boiie,--Feed McDooeld has purchaeed
a. oew driven -Rev. Mr. Nicol, or rem-
bertoo, occupied the pulpit in the ear-
toel•church,on Seodey.-Mise Colwill
hasretnened to her home Wbitby,
af tee a teeesant visit bere with friend&
Awe:In-Mr. Thomas 0l1n-
13th coueeesien, W:45 SUM-
O 145 rewardoz Tneeday of
- rift.? an illeen.s of short
t41t) flalestot ten
seffering from a eiimplieen
bill Ibis, With
1 0 illiitt^taitit-$ Of old age. he tieing SD
yeere of 0140, 60,44 14040 &WO IS t0b
width hitherto bed oilwaYs
Woo Line
Cake Baskets, O&te Jiates,
Bred Tray ka Dishe,„
- class qua
, Very dsome an(
it.A% kers' Knives; Forks and Spoons
eeu roggeil anti of the herdiest nattirel
until the vital LIALITY and PRICE Camila Im b?„,aten.
lid he gresitielly sank
id was eiutpiteil end the heert of a,
tee, eipright end eterliog men was
Med. It is over forts Y6Ill'S sinee
JI 11U (nue* end settled in
the midst of the foie$ which, over -
reed the length and breadth of this
flOW beautiful and well developed
Volvo idp. Ile was a men of unnsivel,
streligth and eery and contributed
tore thee the average ehare to mak-
I le what it is tettie. Ile WAS a 113.
Of Egglin41. In religion he was a
4113r1"r" /Rd' w's "1444 anit 44"41-4'4113' lethothetand In piddles a (T0115etVit.
ivepeeted by all whit knew him. The l;tve, a lulu of mating disposition.
In the Heyfield
eatietery snit MA the tin. putt* to piddle poeition.
31 woe, Loraeln, otendni. The sytn., iok a deep intereet 191 mettere
;44 of oil win L ,xteoned to the pertaivatig to his countre:s welfere1
anetwee who beef, been ne 4nddeu1y and heal a tree eeteent of his duty us a
eitizin. Abe, farmer IA' ltaal few eqiude.
and severely beveixed. taing volnahle estate by his ekill
nergy ae egrifelilturallet.
vived by one datigh ter. Mrs.Step-
potter. ;-omi oneEon,Geo.Johneam.
requaine W(IE0 laid to rest in the
e Initlist cemetery, 113th. conceeeion,
Mr. Will Pinder has gone to Sea
rth toepend the winter niontlis,
iploye it Levy's livery fitable.-M
limas Mewl' left fin Toronto on Sat
rday to attend the Veterinary Col-
lege for a few nionthe.-31r. Geo. Wet -
son has retained from his trip to the
Vest. --Mr. Henry Metherell has rent-
ed his farm to Mr. Rohn Norris.
PtonEnit (IONE.- One by (met home-
ly settlers of this country are being
'ailed away and in a. Wen` /OW years
hose who cleared this now prosperous
onntry will be known only by Gm
mernorv of their deede. This week
WO are called upon to revord the death
f :the John Swaih of the 13th C011et.-6-
on, at the gooa age of "iS years De-
emed had not Wen enjoying tbe hest
or health for some time, but little did
his friends imaielne that he would so
soon be taken from them. Mr. Swan
came to this country malty yeara ago
and settled in these parts. He knew
what ioneer life was, and from alms!)
farni he succeeded in making
the most comfoetable homesteads in
°no PE minion on the night of Thanksgiving
Day --Rev. Alfred Gelger,of the Lterry
Sound District, was 1101110 on a visit to
his parents last week. ---Mr. Wellington
Fee lins returned front his visit in Man-
itoba and part a North Dakota. He
looks hale and hearty and repots hav-
ing a good time. --,141r. Louis Prang has
returned home from Manitoba and the
Northwest. -Mr. Peter Bauch has dis-
posed of his house and part of his laud
in the northwest of the village, to Mr.
Abraham Geiger, of the Goshen Line.
Ali...Bauch will, build an the part which
he still owns. -Miss Gertie Alagel en-
tertained a number of her girl friends
at a birthday party on Wednesday ev-
ening. Gertie was ten years of age
and her pleasing manners ittid loving
disposition woke her a charming lit-
tlehostess, and her companions are
Stephen Council loud in their praises regarding herhos-
The Council of the Township of Step- pitality.-Mr. Gottleih Merner.Srehas
hen, convened in the Town Halt, Ored- arrived home from his trip to Wiscon-
iton, on Monday, Oct. 5, at 1 p.m. All sin, where he spent &pleasant time vis -
members present. Minutes of prey- iting Molds. Ile enjoyed the change
boas meeting read and adopted. An- of scenery as well as the change of
derson--Wiierth-that the clerk noti- faces, but likes the old home better
fy John Barry that his contract on than the West. -At the recent meet -
Blocks 4 and 5, Con. S.B., has elapsed ing of the School Trustees of this sec -
and that the Council will re -let the thin Mr. Robt. Stelck and Miss Hart
same to sorne other person and bold were re-engaged for another year,
him responsible for any extra cost in vvhile Miss Nicholson, of Blake, re -
re -letting the contracts and that the places Miss Klapp after Ohristmas hol-
Reeve is hereby authorized to sub -let idays, the latter not being an appli-
the work and take action against Mr. cant for the position. -The Misses Ber-
Broay for any extra eost on the said tha and Louisa Wurna left last week
contract-Cerried. Yearly -Anderson for Detroit. -Mrs. Michael Zeller has
that the Reeve cause to be served form given up housekeeping and is now -re-
"C" (under the Ditches and Water- aiding with her daughter, Mrs. Ed -
courses Act) on all parties interested ward Appel. -Mr. Moses Littleviller,
on the 3rd side road. between lots 15 of Crosshill, spent a few clays with his
and 16, cons. 17, 13 and 19. -Carried. brother-in-law, Mr. J. G. Oesch, on the
Wuerth-Yearly-that By -Laws Nos. Bronson Line, during the week. -Mr.
5 and 6 of 1903 beingread the third John Knorr has purchased the barber -
time be passed. --Carried. The follow- ing businessfrom Mr, W. Bender. and
ing orders were granted:--Munieipal is now sole proprietor of the establish -
World, blank reports re Board of rnent.-Mrs. John Harniek and son,
Healtla, $2.10; J.Sweitzer, commission- Roland, have returned to their home
er on Block s, 3 S.R., $12.50; Express in Loomis, Mich., after a month's visit
Company, express on Collector's re- with friends in and around Zurich.--
ceipts, 40c.; Good Roads Machine Co., Mr. GottleiblVferner has improved the
edge for grader and express, $0.75; P. appearance of his block by having
Sullivan, rep. culvert., Con. 12, $1.25; it painted, -Father Kurtz, who has had
Frank Triebner, gravel, $100.80; Do., charge of Sb. Boniface church and par -
do., leT.13„ $1.30; Do„ gravel contracts, ish, for the last six months, left Wed -
blocks 1 and 2, E.S.R., $41.63; M. Bloom- nesday for Ohio andIncliapa, where he
field, putting in concrete OttlVert, $6; will again take up mission work, which
P. Sullivan, gravel, $8.80; F. W. Fern- seems to be more congenial to his taste.
cornbe, awards Con.14 and S.B., $39.35; The Reverend Father was well liked
R. Adare, balance on drain, $2; Sid, by the Congregation and the church
David, Work on E.B., $1; N. Baker, made some progress under his able fin -
culvert on E.B., $6.10; H. Wilson, rep. andel administration, but the work
culvert On S. B., 50; R. Rill, do., con. was too monotonous for his active mind
2, 75c.; C. Stone, do., con. 21, $5; T. and consequently unsuited to his clis-
SWeet, Commissioner on E.B., $3.10; position. He made ma,ny friends dur-
W. Renhale, do. on n.s.13,.'$i.so; J. ing his stay in town, and carries with
G. Wein, do., ete., $9; R. Ilandford, bim the good wishes of all who knew
gravel coo tract and E.B. aevard, $75.50; him. His successor here will be Rev.
W. Anderson, brick bats, 75e.; Angus Father Eberhard, of Cincinnati, who
Campbell. tile, 75c,; C. NasWanger, do., has arrived and conducted the services
60c.; G.Wallter, rep. London Road, $2; on Sunday, -The following totals are
J. Keys, culvert C.R., $2; S. Preszcia taken from the Hay Township's Col -
tor, do„ $1.50; Mr. Baird, rep. road. lector's Roll for the year 1903: -Total
$2,50: T. Keys, 4 wings on bridge, $2; taxes on roll, $27,757.54; township rate,
J. Jenn ing, ditch on N. B., $16.08; E. $5,132.58; County rate, $2,382, 80; Drai n -
Gill, rep. bridge, $5.50; J. Woods, gra- age taxes, $2,504.90; School taxes, $5, -
vel L.R, $10.90; Chester Prouty, gra- 728,51; Zurich Police Village, $624.24;
tituty. $25; F. Haist, rep. bridge, $5; Da shwood Police Village, $178,a‘6; Sta-
J. Pickering, gravel, 72c.. S. Morrison, tute labor returned, $46.50. The hal-
covering culvert, $3. Tlie Council ad- anced is composed of charges incurred
journ ed. to meet again on Monday, under proceedings of the Ditches and
Nov, and, at 1 o'clock, p,m. Wettereourses' Act, ancl entered on the
H. Either, Tp. Clerk. Roll.
elvow,:alta Choir limier Of the Trivitt Memorial
Church, TraelverAliano, Organ, Veins IlerraOry,
Iiodern IaZ1,Tharenglintie.
MONEY TO noala
Priente !mutate leen et lomat rate et
Arial' to
AiroN.Ey TO
We Lave unlimited private funtlit% for
Vestment upon farm or pillage prOpertys at
lovreat rates Of interest
Barristerreetc., EVA() .
Vo here a large amount of private funds to loan
ort farm and village properttea at low rates of inter.
arristers, Selleitors,Main st., Exeter Out
109 acres ht the vicinity of Exeter. Good frame
house and two hung on the premises, als0 o gond or-
chard and 4good supply of %veteran the year round.
Immediate possession given for fall work. For fur-
ther partictlars apply to Box 135, MY P. 0.
A farm contahting 90 acres of good land, lot 6,
con, 4, in the Township of Stephen, situated miles
west or Centralia. There are on the place 12 acres
of fall wheat, 2 barns, one la a bank 'barn with good
stabling, good fences and drains, good wells, a
good briekhouse and frame wood house, and a good
orchard. For further particulars apply to
Plum LANE, Centralia F. 0,
Bale Register-
Virrorties getting their sale bills printed at the
.‘lmvecirru office will receive a FREE notice under
thia headinguntildate of stale.
Tifttastaav, 0cr 22-Farin stock the property of
Joseph Lawson, Lot 7. Con. 11, Stephen. Sale at
one o'clock. James Stanley, anat.
WEDSESDAY, OCT. 28. -Farm land, stock and imple-
ments, the roperty of thelate John Schroeder, the
elder, on lot 17, concession 18, Stephen. Sale at one
o'clock. Ed. Bosseaberry, auct.
TuzseAv„. Oar. 20.-Farrn Stock and Implements,
the property of David Mack, Lot 3, Con. 3, Bay
Township. Sale at 1 o'clock. IL Brown, Amt.
VCrOAV, Oct. 10th -Farm stock, etc., the proper-
ty of William Davidson and John Hunter, Lot 9, eon.
9, Usborne. Sale at one o'clock. Id. Brown, auct.
ramar, Ocrr. 16 -Farm Stock, Implements and 30
acres of land, the property of Conrad Kuhn, at his
tile yard, Crediton. Sale atilt m. II. S. Philips,
The undersigned's offering for side that splendid
hundred -acre farm in the township of Stephen, being
East half of Lot 21 and South half of Lot 22, situated
milesSouth of Dashwood, Thes is on the prein-
ises a new brick house, 22x82, with good frame kitch-
en and woodshed, bank -barn, 40x54, driving house
and other convenient buildings; good orchard and
two never -failing wells, about ten acres bush -mix-
ed thnber among which is it large quantity of black
ash. The farm is well fenced and underdrained.
Will be sold cheap and on reasonable terms, For
particulars apply to '
.Wendel Brenner, Dashwood, On'
Of John Schroeder, the elder, late of
the Township of Stephen, in the
Connty of Huron, yeoman, de-
Pursuant to Chapter 129, of the Revised StittuteS
of Ontario, 180i, notice is hereby given that all
ereditors and others having claim against the estate
of the above nained deceased, who died on or about
the22nd day of September, A, D. 1903, are, on or
before the.16th day of Noyeniber, A. D. 1003, to send
by post; prepaid, to the undersigned solicitors for
David Schroeder and Henry Schroeder, the Executors
of the last will and testament of the saki deceased,
their christion names and surnames, addresses and
descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, the
statement of their accounts and the nature of the se.
curities, if any, held by them, and that after the last
day aforesaid the said executors will proceed to dis•
tribute the" assets of the deceased among the parties
entitled thereto, having regard only to the Marais of
which they shall then have notice, and that the said
executors will not bo liable for the said assets, or any
part thereof, to May person or persons of whose claim
notice shall not heve been received by., ,them at the
thne of such distribution.
Dickson & Carling,
Solicitors nir Exteuters, Exeter.
Dated at Exeter this Gbh day of October, 1003.
Is prepared to attend to the wants of
of theemblie along the line of
JAMS, Etc.
Moses Mawson, of McGillivray, has
moved to town and is occupying the
house: he recently purchased on 1rnily
street. -Miss Stiltz, who has been for
some months in Mr. England's grocery
end reStatleant, has returned to her
home in Mt. Bridges. She is succeed-
ed by Miss Jennie Scott, of Moray. -
The vacancy on the High Scbool teach-
ing staff caused by Miss Libby's resig-
nation has beat temporarily filled by
the engagement of NV Simpson, 43.A..,
of Whitechurch. Mr. Simpson is an
Honor Graduate of Toronto iIniversity
and a Specialist in Moderns and Eng-
lish. -Mr. and Mrs. John Griffeth, who
have been living in Stay -nee, have re-
turned to town and will reside here in
future. -.Hugh Gilles, who' bas been
teaching school in Lobe, has resigned
and gone to Toronto, where he will
take a Medical course at the Universi-
ty. Hugh's many 'friends wish him
every success. -Chris. McKeuna, who
has been engaged in the butchering
business for some months with his
brother, John McKenna, is opening
up in this line for himself ita the place
just south of J. Hall's harness shop. -
The practice of boys, large and small,
riding on trains here has become so
prevalent that the G.T.R. authorities
have determined to stop it. One day
last week- nine boys were up before
the Police Magistrate for trespassing
on the G.T.R. property and were each
fined one dollar and costs. --Parkhill
has been free from burglars for some
time and the news that Plialen's liquor
store had been entered a few nights
ago, was quite a surprise to our citi-
zens. The thieves had gained entrance
through the door leading to this depart-
ment, the glass in the upper half of it
being kicked into splinters. Abont 25
bottles of the best liquors in sight went
away with visitors who evidently knew
how to make a selection. It is thought
that the perpetrators were local peo-
ple or some one living close to town
who knew the ley of the land. -The
Exeter District Epworth League will
bold its annual meeting here on Oct.
20.-54r. S. B. Heed, who was serious-
ly last week, is, we are pleased to state.
Mete Dennis spent, a few dave in Ex -
der during the week. -The Township
Collector is now on his rounde.-Alr.
Geo. &hoeing has rented his Lunt on
the Goehou Line,to Mr.Sylvanus
mer.-eltbse Phoebe Rickbeil has gone
to Myth to visit relatives and friends.
Mee Clara Buchanan left lest week for
Toronto to resume her studies at the
Universitat. --111r. Geo. Appel arrived
in town hest Week /Old biSli taken is folt-
uation with Mr. J. Merrier in hisstore.
-Mr. Chas. Walper has sold his house
alid lot to Mr. John Hildebrand, and
purchased the Zeller homestead, near-
ly opposite the Evaugelical manse. --A
bull and supper is annoonced to take
phice zo the Assembly mum of the Die
the comity, besides making a compet-
my himself and family. Ile was in-
dustrious, shrewd end careful, end
possessed in a wonderful degree the
qualities whichalmost invariably bring
success in life. Personally be was a
very quiet mil and lived much, within
himself, hut was 'widely versed on
ninny subjects. Ile was also thorough-
ly upright and honorable in all his
dealings and despised anything in the
shape of sham end hypocrisy. In short
he was in every respect a worthy and
useful citizen and a kind and obliging
neighbor. The funeral took place on
Monday, when a large number follow-
ed his remains to the Cromarty cem-
AcelipMar, -A. serioes runaway aeve
dent °everted in S. on Fair
night wiludeby two vonine people, Mie
Addle Mille of. this 1,)iteee. and Mr.Ftreal
Stephen% of Veltorae,neeriln lost Geer
bee& As le wee they areeeverely Weer -
ed, Toe swing temple bed When in
the cencert the evening. wed were, on
tlivir Way home when their hotel. WA,
fright at eunie empty berrele by the,
eide of the ineuli ;and shied DAUS 'the
kltiliteta. The leiggy ins .11 with a V41-
egraph pale and against, thle Ale. Step -
bens WAS thrown out, with nreat font'.'
Ids btalp being. !Wily .can. Mies Miffs
had beeleit thigh tinetured mad was
badly bruleed. Strange to tay ehe Wee
found eitting In the buggy and had not
been thrown to the ground'. She WAS,
probably thrown against thetelegraph
Pole too and fell hick into .the riee As
It. was veiy dark autl as the accident
happened in a moment, the unfortun-
ates .are not clear As to how they sus.
tained their injuries. The home be -
mune detached from the rig when the
obstacle was street; and WU .fottnd
next morning several miles away. A
of persons were passingnt the •
time of the accident and the ininred
°nee were hestily renewed to tbe• home'
of Mrs. Logan Meer by where medical,.
attendance was secureh and theie in-.
juries attended to. ear. Stephens was
able to stand the journey home- next
day but Miss Mills will have to remain.
at Mrs. Logan's for some time.
.Mr. David Davideon, of lot 4, eon. 0,
has sold the old Davidson homestend
at Carlingford, to his brother John
Davidson. of lot 5, eon. 5. The price
MS in the neighborhood of $7,000.
Mr. Davidson bas decided to buila and
settle in Carlinpfortl. Me. John David-
son will now sell the farm be present
occupies which is a valuable one and
move to the old homestead.
Ho= SADDENED. --W111. Yule, who
resides on the town line between Ful-
lerton and Blanshara townships, at-
tended Kirkton Fair an Oct 2, anti was
accompanied by his family. On their
return home in the evening the child-
ren were all token violently ill. Dr.
Ferguson, of Kirkton, was sent forand
pronounced the symptoms that of some
active poison and one of 'the children,
Marion, aged 2 years and 6 months
succumbed to its effects on Saturday
evening and was buried Monday after-
noon. .Although the three other child-
ren hada close call, the medical attend-
ant has succeeded in pulling them
through and they are now out of dan-
ger. It was at first thought that the
children had been poisoned by partak-
ing of some highly colored candy which
they purchased at the fair, but it has
transpired that they partook of chick-
en pie, which had been covered for
some thne before eating. It is stated
by medical men that to cover it pie of
this kind before eating is to render it
poisonous, This, then may be the cause
of -the illness and death.
Miss Thom, of Sarnia is the guest of
Mrs. G. A. Stanley. -114. Geo. O'Neil,
of Toronto, spent &few days here dur-
ing the week. --Mrs. I. Brown, of Chat-
ham, visited relatives in town 'apt
week. -Mr, Jas. Wilson has been ap-
peinted watchman at the G.T.R. cros-
sing. -Mrs. Edy has returned front her
month's visit with friends at Sarnia. -
Mr. Geo. Hodgins has accepted a posi-
tion with F. F. Downiug as butcher. -
Miss Anne Willis is visiting her cousin
bn London. -Mrs. Stewart and daugh-
ter, of Farquhar. were in town for a
few days last week. -Mr. Gordon Hus-
band has gone to London, where he
intends learning the cake baking busi-
ness. -Dr. J. W. Orme has returned
from a pleasure trip through -the Ca-
nadian Northwest and the Southern
States. -Mr. Fred Smyth, of St. Cath-
arines, is the guest of his mother and
sister, as well as renewing old acquaint-
ances in town. -Dr. E. L. Hodgins left
lest week for Balthnore, where he will
take a post graduate course at
John Hopkins' University. His niany
friends here wish him a continuance of
success and trust that his known abil-
ity may place him at tlae top. -Mr. H.
Murdock has gone to Woodstock. -
Mr. Arthur Hawkshaw has returned
from Stratford, owing to ill health. -
The new cement barn of the Qneen's
hotel is fast nearing completion. -We
learn that Mr. Thos. A. Webb has ac-
cepted a situation as traveller for the
lieW biscuit factory- at Stratfoi d. -
Workmen Are bnsily engaged remod-
elling the Standard bank. Office which
will be when completed a most mod-
ern and up-to-date one,
'liVetillealy lr.n-
ng,- Mrs. tiattleittimet'allatto griessl over
sileut aged 47 :weave
and 7 ittoeiths. Tie+ ibeemeeti.
tacatieri name wa,, deeeie 3.1ePlivewas
a 411,4120e:0T a the bite Hugh :ile'llbees,
tirey township. After hertiteriaige
with her cam Icerett alma
twenty yetan cane theY S5.2 ttrat 401D the,
ettn 004ri•SqinD MeHillitp, where
they a:et:Oda-mad et) reside until :iterat
six ;Rare awe when they tatoveall into
teeefortile Alre. Mier:ilium bad le,en
Imp be::al¢h fltr fifteen or einteen years,
and of late yeaie leer trouble developN1
gtIfitItallitI, anal it beeanto neeesea en
for her hi have seveied of her fingers
amputated, as well as high feet. The
last ppm:WM Wags raw -sued alenat
VIVO Wlit't.1 one of leer feet
was removed. Atter the eperation
eite evemed to improe'e for it time, but
for Mend, two weekshe has Wen in it
time or hoe preea rattle candition until
death ended her sitfierings ou Wednes-
day morning. The deceaeed leaves
lauelttral, hut no vial MO. ZIP bin*
60,1,St twinpathy (Wall will he extended
Air.Mettallum. 'the funeral took
place Friday to the Brussels cemetery.
DIED IN 1,`OiltIND.I.--Tiln Sad ueita
was received here on Saturday last
from Toronto, of the death of Miss
Alia. Copp. (laughter of Abe William
Copp, of this plane.. Deeeased had, not
been enjoying the beet of health for
the past year, 'She being it victim to
nerveus prostration. Eveeything pos-
sible that loving hands and -medical
skill eonld do wns doee for her but she
seemed to gradually pine away. She
was finally advised by her physieian
to g,o 1.0 Toronto for treatmeut pod
about two months ego left for the hos-
pital at the above place and for a time
she ltppeated to be improving. 41,. few
days previous to her death she took a
change for the worse and gradually
i.tnk until death relieved her of her
sufferings on the above day. Airs.
Copp left on Saturday when the word
WAS received that ber daughter was
sinking and was just in time to see her
breath ber last Miss Copp was a tai-
lores.e by trade and ber jovial disposi-
tion and sweet nature won her many
friends, who are indeed sorry to hear
of her demise. The remains were
brought hereon Monday and taken to
the home of her parents, from which
place the funeral will take place to -day
(Thursday.) We extend to the bereav-
ed parents and family the heartfelt
sympathy ot the. community.
Noneer -In Exeter, on Oct. 9, to Ur.
and Mrs. John Nora.y, a daughter.
Norms -In Hibbert, on Oct. 5, to Mr.
and Mrs. john Norris, a son.
FARNCOMBE-On Oct. 5, at 127 Mill
street, London, to Mr. and Mrs. F.
W. Farncombe, 0.E., it danghter.
WEBB-On OctAnd, to Mr. and Mrs..
Humphrey Webb, Stephen, a son.
Conensec-In Stephen, on Oct. 7, to
Mr. and Mrs. Sohn Cornish, it sou.
Eannes-In USbosne, Con. 2, on Oct.
13, to Mand Mrs. Thos. Harris, a son.
HARNESS -In Exeter, on Oct. 13th, to
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Harness, a daugh-
Wermairea-In Stephen, Con. 1. on
Oct. 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Whita-
ker, a dang-hter.
ence of the bride's parents. COD. 7,
Stephen, on Oct. 14th, 1903, by the
Rev. Damin, of Crediton, Mr. John -
Humble, to Miss Matilda, the fifth. ;
daughter of Mr. Mathew Fitikleeiner,
alienen.-In Stanley, near Varna, on
Oct. 4, James Mitchell, aged 62 years.
Jonnesow.-In McGillivray, con. 6, on.
Oct. 6, Thomas Johnson, ;iged 80e
COPP. -In Toronto, on Oct. 10, Miss -
Alice Copp, daughter of Mr. Win.
Copp, Seaforth.
Mensiment -At Toronto Junction, on
Oct 10, Mrsalershall, a former res-
ident of Sexsini Lb, aged 75 years.
MOCALLUM.—In Seaforth, on Oct. 7,
Jessie McPheebeloved wife of Mr.
Duncan McPhee, aged 47 years, 7
months, 28 days.
ABBOTT. --At Victoria Hospitel, Lon-
don, on Oct lltli, Mabel Gertrude,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Abbott, of London, formerly of Ex-
eter, aged 5 years, 3 months,13 days,