HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-10-8, Page 811 Woofs Ofittim Of a lairs C1o!ieS Prottll U• There can be no possi- bl oss - fault t to find its your appearance if the clothes .ret in an expert way, The Style of Temente We make ie ?t nuflcient guarantee of first-class tvor'k, All the new up-to-date FALL SUITES GS crvi'^ i' upco' A aI NGS AND Prt .n. k.RINC S rived, Prices away down TAMAN Merchant Tailor. t sw land over coats values. Stewar 14• tan's new fall ram is bitted. Gres Wanted. -Any quantity of good butter, eggs. dried apples, large on- ions and goose feathers. highest price in cash or trade, at Stewart's.. 11 Ir, J. A. I illougb, wlao has lately occupied the house belonging to Mr.A. Cottle, on the north side of Ann street, moved last week into the house be- longing to Mr. J. Moore on the south Aide of Ann street. Mrs. John Snell will occupy the house vacated by Mr. Killough. heMr. Wm. DaLvidson, who has been en agedi Louden this umner, will movehis family from here to that city on Monday next. Mr. Davidson and family have been worthy and highly respected citizens of Exeter for many Fears and their departure will he much regretted by their many Mende. Rev. Mr. Darwin, a missionary to the Northwest will preach at both ser- viees in jamstreet church on Sunday next. This is the bi-center miniver, wary of the birth of John Wesley. 31r - Darwin is a preacher of ?merit, The Wesley hi -century thank offering will be taken at the close of each service. "No, not the largest stock in the world, bet by all odds the largest stock of new and nifty smart tailor• made coats, in Exeter. Every coat a bargain. Stewart's. 1K, C. T. u Notes. A public meeting will be held in the Janes street church, under the auspic- es of the R.T. of T. and the K .O.T.U, on Monday evening 12th inst., con- #nencing sit eight o'clock sharp. The ministers of the town will address the meeting. Suitable and ohaice muss le will be rendered. Every one will be e gavtt & leasant and. profitable even- ing's entertainaaat,. All are weleonae. Debentures. For Sale. Tenders will be received up to 7 o'oloek, p.ti3, of Qct, iQtb,1903, for the Purchase of Local Improvement De- bentures of the Tillage of Exeter, alttoonting to $2100, bearing 4y, inter- est per annum, repa sable in 10 equal arriiataal instaalfn#ents. Vor farther par- ticulars apply to Thos, B. Carling, or to G. H, Bissett, Reeve. Clerk. Exeter, Oct. 5th,100$. Pose Kilted. The six o'clock train going north on "Deep in the hollows of the grove theautumn leaves lie dead," bus not Thursday evening ran into and killed all of them. The light frosts of late a cow belonging to Mr. Mark Meakin. have bitten oft a great many of the Some years ago the cistern -shaped cat - leaves but still the trees have a goodly tie guards were replaced by the guard mass of faolia ;e upon them. This is the of slats. The latter: does not seem to season in which the leaves assume a success as cows can readily cross over those pretty red and yellow tints so the guard: and unto the tx, T. E. pro- perty adjoining the track. Several cows are in the habit of daiim so daily on Huron street. On the day in cues= 1 h l k f h 1 boat Mr. Meakins' cow bad done so and th f t on the approach of the train the ant. mal attempted to recross to the road but was unable to do so,with the result above mentioned. The beast was val- red at l'tabliaa Warning. The publishers aaf' The Family Herald and Weekly Stasi, of Montreal, warn t th sittings f t tl the poblieregarding an offer made by certain papers in Which another Meat - real paper, with a somewhat similar name to The Family Herald, is offered c3 full f t Th In a clubbing combination. It is re - e y ported to the publisher.e that in some cases the offer bus been accepted under e the impression it was the Ffarnfty Her- ald and Weekly Star that would be re- t ceived. The paper in question has no connection whatever with The Fondly Mt. John Muir and Mr. N. D. Har• Herald and Weekly Star. It is The don and two sons returtaedfrom a nine- FamilyUeraaldnnd 'eekly Star that daays' fishing and ,slnoattin excursion is offering the haandeoane premium pie- s' c►t "ort Frank an Friday last. They tures and large coloured tuaap. #f the re port a first slaponatingawl exeeilent Dominion as premiums. 'lie woad 6 ev6s with bath rod and gun. M. FAMILY" should be used when ad- dressing that paper. This caution should have the effect of putting pea- g y 1 pie on their guard, 'month f tb S 11 fast being council k'rocec4iutie, Col►Heil met pursuant to adjourn ment at Town hall,. Oct. O. :111 pre- tug rt as shorting ground, Trapllir and sent, Minutes of previous meeting -1Sarreliall, of London, have purchased ; read and confirmed. Gillespie -Cobble- ) h a aeres. Stratford hien have por'chas• dick --that the following etitled cerrr- T ed 40 acres on whielr they intend build- etery accounts be passed and orders ing a number of cottages, They have drawn on Treasurer for same: .Tno. named the rendezvous Stratford -on- Ford, labor. to Oct. 8, $26.73; Joe Sta- Laiiae. cey, do., 51.50. W. A. Balkwlil, con The want of an:uathenticznnp of our tract for building,; on; hliarvey Bros., own Dominion of Canada was nevem oats, MN -Carried. Hawkins- Creech much felt as during the present session that the following accounts be passed s at Ottawa, when the Grand Trunk Pa- and orders drawn on Treasurer for eine 13111 svns beingdiscussed. Few sante:--O 13. Snell, electric light to homes, business offces or schools have Oct. 3 $ 87. r0; Bell Telephoue Co.,el phone E'a 30c.; Bitch a thing. The publishers of the W. J, Heitman, gasoline, $10.7$, lid. Fancily Herald and. 'Weekly Star, of Davis, drawing engine to Penhule.fire, ► Montreal, always alive to swill emerg- $1;31. Persons, street watering, $'7.73; encie•s. at once saw their opportunity T. Jones, labor, $10.35; T. Wesh, do., acid have had engraved a most ram $17.855; R. Davis,do.,50c.; Wru,Belback plete and up-to-date map of the Prov- Jr., 50e.; Miss Kemp, peasantry, $25; nice as well. It is a new Quick Refer- G. II. Bissett, do., $25; Ford di Wilson, ence Map, and is all that the name im- part payment on grave.'1, 8230 Harvey plies. The neap is only one of three Bros., coal, $1.311 O. Baskerville, Sr., valuable premiums given this year to breaking stone, $5, -Carried. Gilles - all who subscribe to that popular pa- pie -Creech -that Robt. M. Taylor be per. The two others ars pictures en -appointed position of engineer for firs*' titled "Heart -Broken" and "Hard to engine to succeed. Mr. 1. Smit' e" Choose, and are without exaiggerra- signed, recommended b = (:• aef Weeks, tion, the most delightful subjects ever -Carried. Council ,ajcarrir to Meet e,alaactedasnetvspaaperpreniiums. Fain- at call of Reeve; (L gBissere,Clerl:. '-^ribers always Pet bio .« - lly %ieraid • Ba►sia,s „ ...nivoreeat' gofvices. value, but thi; year certainl' looks the -The am+a;ix Tsar sers:icesat the Cave limit as to what can be given. an 1'resbyteriaa,n curch on Sunday last; To celebrate the semi-carte» niversary of the foundine ary an- were a success in every respect. The sons Bank the mane.e of the Mol preacher for the occasion was Prof. sensed their err- gement have pre- Ballantyne, of Toronto. He delivered down to lei .,pioyes from managers two very„foreefelsernions,that ns' wed ll - enior clerks with a substan- morning being along the line of cut- ash bonus on their salaries, Dar- ture, whale in the evening be took for .ug the fifty years of business life this his text: "Love not the world, neither s the things that are in the world." (1 John, 2 : 15). From this test he y preached a sermon of interest and pro- fit, drawing a clear-cut line between the meaning of the worldly and the unworldly and showing the value of unworldly life. While not at all flow- ery the language had many excellent characteristics, such as simplicity, clearness and logical sequence. The sermon was not one of the class that appeal to the feelings and create sen- sations, but it was directed toward the mind and appealed very strongly to the reason. It was just such a sermon as will leaye a lasting impression on the minds and hearts of the thinking hearers. The choir rendered appro- priate music on both occasions. Large and liberal congregations attended each service. Their liberality is shown by the amount of the collections,which reached the sum of $148.25. Exeter school Resort The following is the standing of the pupils in the Public School here for the month of September: - Sr, IV. -Bella Hawkins, Dolly Wer- ry, May . Hawkins. Jr. IV: -Sophia Werry, Ethel Vosper, Ida Rowe, Lil- lian Amos, Blanche Sheere. No. on roll 43, average attendance 36.7. C. Vosper, Teacher. Sr. III. -Loney Heywood, Eilleen Farmer. Jr. III.-Herbie Gardiner, Kathleen Stuart. No. on roll 33, aver- age 25. " H. E. Waldrond, Teacher. Sr. III. -Lois Birney. No. on roll 31, average 26. H. D. Pringle, Teacher. A sum of money' picked up on the Sr. I1.-Netta Johnson,' Olive Wood, Catharine Meakins, Alma Roy, Gladys Ford, Annie Lang. Jr. IL -Ida Welsh, Eva Shaddock, Luella Blesdell, Minnie Jewell, Pearl Johns, Bella MacKay, Louisa Russel, May Jewell, Elmo How- ey, Harry Sweet, Blanche A4kinson, Clarence Heywood, .Willie Hatter. No. on roll 5], average 89. Elsie A. McOallum, Teacher. Sr. Part "II. -Ray Dearing, Stella Southeott, Fred Shaddock, David Hall. Mid. Part IL -Mary Acheson, Willie Heideman. No. roll 42, average 36. { F. E. ' Carling; Teacher. Sr. Part II. -Carl Howard, Hermie Elliott. Mid. Part II. -Lilian Boyle, Claire Wood, 'Wilfrid. Stewart.` Jr. Part 1I, -Chester Russell. No. on roll 43, average attendance 34. S. J. Irwin, Teacher. See J. A. Rillougln new 'ata].' Several farmers report that the fall wheat is befog destroyed by aa, whit grab. _ ;fit,', B. Snell, who injured his too in as fall sonic tattle ago. is able to get around ogein, but no ernteltee. For tender, perspiring or offensive feet try Feat I:a,e. It .a1tiways gives relief. Sole by (', Torg., Exa te_n. Several sebnol rep;,rts and Stephen Council lar,ad eedinys have been crowd- ed ant this week. See them in the next lame". Dir. Chia les Wilson, of town has lea -ed the hotel at "tVoodbane kept by Joseph Stevens, and will move therein in May next, C ,attvellor John Gillespie wears wit pride a sprig of heather on the lapel o his coat. It was given hint by a late arrival from old Scotfn,. For pacing calves and pigs, young invitee:, and chicken, English Stock Food is jn..t the thing. Givt:, it a trial. Sold Iry to Lutz, Exeter. 11c. W. D. Sanders, of .Stephen, i. pursing an extremely sore Band these days, the remit of a thistle entering the hand and causing irritation, A union Thanksgiving service will be beta on Thanksgiving Day, 15th Inst, in than Presbyterian church at 11 *lock a. tn. Collection. in behalf of the poor of the town. The Caven Presbyterian church choir was in attendance at the Anni- vereary tett. meeting in C'rornarty ebureh on -Monday evening ;:and sup- plied mush: for the occasion. Dr. Ovens of London, surgeon. owl- "' ' 'ad specialist, diseases eye, ear, enie , _ . exlll be alit the Com - hoed drill throats - -• 1 -era iN, ilfiereiat1 MW4; x"=tt.t', Yt setas,•.....,, l'Tovember 4tlil Wed. i eilefllber anal, Get yo'w sale bilis printed atthe AD- eroc , rz,, able. We carry one of the largest and best storks of display type in Wsstern Ontario. Our printing al- ways gives satisfaction and prices are rihht. t,e. S*atn'I ]Lowe, who recently prig d -based elrs. Tait's property on Man street, has moved the front part of the 1 r dwelling to the reale et the lot be used as as stable, prepnrator , to erect- ing :a new brick aaditiort in its stead. A. special :meeting g_ of the Woman's Institute twill be held in the Library Room of the Town Hall, Friday, Oct. fith, et 3 o'clock p. in. All the mem- bers are requested to be present. Miss 'White, Mrs. Hastings, President. Sec'y-Treas. Is you blood thin and pale? Do you surfer from nervous or physicial debil- ity, nervous headache, loss of appetite, etc.? You will find Bland's Laxative, blood, nerve and tissue pills a never failing remedy. Sold by C. Lutz, drug- gist, Exeter. Price 50 per bottle. 1C0 pills in each bottle. pleasing to the eye. Although autumn C is a time o€ :death in the vegetable world a stroll though the woods or even along the rae•.. streets o f the vil- lage afford a geed deal of pleasure to e lover a nature. The horse ease of Elliott vs. Hayes, reference to whirls was made in the Arot`.%TB soave time ago anal. which was tried at the Parlbi t Court at the ,Tune sittings, resulting then in -aa dis- agreement of the jury, was again tried e sa ings o. the sameeonr an the Atli nit.. This tiaue the plaintiff, Mr. V. R. Elliott, of Centralia, conte$ one on top and is awarded his claim for mages andf u costs n suit. The e lefendaant, Merles Hayes. of West Wiltiatsns, refused to deliver a horse purchased by Mr. Elliott, after accept• ing as deposit on account of the pur- chase price, dainties that the sale was condit emelt as Mooucy'" Who said every- body 'for 3-1b. ti Mooney? Why every- lk ing about Mooney's Soda Biscuit. am! Yum11 but they're good. 21e. for 3 -Ib. card box and 25e. tin box, at Stewart's. Hnrdcn succeeded in beggingthreeerare tin these parts! sperm►ens of the feath- ed ereatures-= as cont, a ra • plover and as snowy dottrel. The land near the anon a o '. s . au r e is as path abased by capitalists, who intend us - Mrs. A. Q Bobier is at present indis- poMr.. M. Vincent returned front De- troit on Monday morning. Miss. Sutton, of London, is visiting Mrs, Thos. Creech, Huron street, Hilton Evans, when bas been quite is able to be out around again, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Talbot, of Sea- forth, spent Monday night with friends in town. Mrs. John Essery is at present visit- ing her daughter, ears. L Braund, of Brantford, Mrs, D. Johns and Mrs. Crocker spent Monday she guest oft Mrs, D. Sherry, Hensall. Russell Frayne, who as been homed on account of illness, returns to. Lon. don the latter part of the week. Mr. Campbell. of Glasgow, who was the guest of Mr. R. S. Lang, for a few days, left this weekhfor Winnipeg. Mr. M. McPherson, of Salmon City, Idaho, is visiting friendsin and around Exeter, the guest of Mr, J, T; O'Brien, Mr, Chas. Coates, a Pontiac, Mich., arrived here Monday and will spend a ;few days with friends in awl around Exeter. John McConell, who bas been work- ing with ,Tames Gould, cooper, for lanae time,left on Monday for his home in Loudon. Mr: l . E. Darn left Saturday laastfor Montreal on liminess in Sionueetion with the Sovereign Bank. He rettern- ed Tuesday. Mr. Geo. Willis left Monday morn - ng for St. Thomas, where be bas se - cored a sit#cation in the .Michigan Cent Taal Railway store, 11r. Hugh Chesney, at one time an employe in the electric light works here, but now of Winnipeg, is visiting in and around town, Mr. Thomas I-laandford returned yes- terday morning from the Northwest. where he has been with a carload of horses, sbipped by Handfai &Elliott.' hank has established an enviable post - tion among the banks of Canada. The position it holds to -da has been gain- ed, to as large extent, by the honest and faithful services of its employes. The directors have recognized this fact and have taken a fitting method of showing their appreciation of the work being done in the different towns and cities where branches have been established. To each recipient this present, besides being a reward for past faithfulness, will act as an incen- tive to greater endeavour in the inter- ests of the institution. In no way could the management have more suitably celebrated the jubilee in their history. Wanted. A good farm-hand to work on a Cal- ifornia foothill farm. Inquire at this office. Lost. A gold link cuff button, on Main street. Finder will be suitably re- warded by leaving same with T. B. Carling. Belt Lost. A black velvet belt with black buckle and gold stick pin attached. Finder will confer a favor by leaving sone at this office. For 20 Cents. The ADVOCATE will be sent to any address for the balance of the year for 20 cents. Make a present to a friend at a distance with a subscription to the A.nvo paid -in -advance Money round. Fair grounds. Owner can have same by proving ownership and paying for this notice by calling on A. G. Dyer, Exeter.' Call Accepted. The Presbytery of Huron met at Clinton on Sept. 29th, and sustained a call from Caven and Duff's churches, McKillop, to Rev. David Carswell, of Carberry, Man. Mr. Carwell accepted the call and arrangements were made for his induction on Oct. 13th, at 2 p. m,, in Duff's; church, McKillop, when Rev. Mr: Smallof Auburn, will preach. Mr. Larkin will address the peole, and 111r. Shaw will address the minister. The new panam.aa fur felt hat sin - le or double dint. • $L75 and 32.00 at Stewart's. ' Mrs. Gilbert, of Palrnira, SVis., and 3Ic. Lowly, of Elkhorn, Wis., sister and. brother of Mrs. Silas Blandford, and who have visited here lately,. re turned to their homes en Monday. Mrs. Thos. Gregory was taken ill in church on Sunday evening last, and Wise taken to her borne where she has been confined to her bed since and Is not improving very fast. Mr, Thos,Elstan,of Lake St. Charles Louisiana, is renewing acquaintances iia town. Ur. Elston was a former well-known resident of Exeter but has been absent front town for many year, Mrs. Tyler, of Winnipeg, twl►o was taken ill while visiting Dir. and Titre. Renmobr..Gseter North, has sufficient- ly recovered as to be able to return to her home. She left on Natality for Forest, thence to Winnipeg. Dashwood lir. Rudolph Effort left Snturday for Detroit to visit a short thele prior to. resuminghis medical studies,.. -Mr. d. Willert left Saturday for Carlo, Miele, to accept it position in a sugar factory. --Miss Bele Velllert left Saturday Inc Detroit where she has taken a positron. ->rliss utter left Saturday to "Visit friends hi Mt. Cleniettg,-UUer. S. A. Corriere, of Grand Bend, occupied the Evan;;elieaai pa pi:t hem on Sunday ev ening in UK absence of the hestorovito is in iattcndane:ar at the General Con- erre".cp of Ev#thgelical Association in nssetnbly now tat. Berlin. -Miss Sophia Clark is at present at her borne on the Goshen line. Dina --This week it falls our duty to record the death of Mrs. Wendel Brian- ner, who died at her home one and as quarter miles South of. hereon Thurs- day last..Dinch sympathy is expressed for Mr. Brunner ns this it the third wife he has had to mourn the loss of, AND FURNACES 1 Wehavei ck the n sto h bestsupply f stoves si pp y :set:. o d fa►maces, ta gether with all fixings, ever exhibited in Exeter. We carry all the best makes, 'Cements. We keep constantly in stock the National and Star Brands of Portland Cements, concedes, by all competent judges to be the best in the market. The S. W. P. Before you begin to paint your house or anything else be sure to get the best paint possible for the money and :at the same ante give the best satisfaction and longest wear. Hardware We have the largest stock of hardware in town-Eavetr'ough- bag and ba#ilders' supplies espeeially, For Force or lift pumps call on us. Tv HAWKINS & SON SPA MANTLES and runs A Big Stock of tale very Late -at and Swe lest Garments - for Fall and Winter.. Ladies' Monte Carlo Coats Misses' Monte hie s t i tern a ;lade 113 Te1drrry Tweeds andFlaian Colors. Biake Mr. Samuel Dietz has sold the old Deitz homestead faun, in the town ship of Hay, near here, to his neigh- bor, Mr. 0. Schwartsentruber, for the sum of $5,000. The farm contains 125 acres, hub Mr. Deitz retains 25 acres. It is an excellent farm and Mr. Schwart- sentruber is to be congratulated on his purchase, as he has got a cheap place. -The Women's Foreign Mission- ary Society, of the Presbyterian church here held their thank -offering meet- ing on Tuesday afternoon last. Mrs. (Rev.) N. Shaw; president of the Hu- ron Presbyterial Society, was present and delivered every Interesting and in- structive addeess. A collection was taken up, for the benefit of foreign missions. -Threshing is about com- pleted in this neighborhood and apple picking has begun. -Mr. Alex. Doug- las, of Minnesota, is visiting his broth- ers in this vicinity. -The trustees of. our school have re-engaged Mr. G. S. Howard for the ensuing year at a com- fortable increase of salary. This is his sixth year • with us. - Bayfield DEPARTED. -Another of our old resi- dents passed away on Thursday morn- ing, Sept. 24, in the person of Paulina Thom, beloved wife of August Thom. Old age was the immediate cause 01 death, she being in her 84th year. De- ceased has been a resident of tbisplace for many years and was highly re- spected and much beloved. Her sweet disposition and loving nature won her many friends and although she had passed the allotted age, of three score years and ten, yet her death will be keenly felt here. WEDDING. -The very quiet wedding of Miss ,'V.Thomson to Mr. C. Walters was duly celebrated on Sept 24th, by Rev. Mr. McNeil, at the horne of the bride's father, Mr, James Thompson. The happy couple after a short tour in the United States will take up their residence in Defiance, O., where Mr. Walter is employed as inspector of the Bell Telephone Company's plant. Mrs. Walters will he greatly missed .in the church circles here as Fell as among her many young friends. She received many valuable presents from friends in Toronto, Algoma and other ' places. None but the, immediate relatives of the bride were present on the occasion; yet many are the well wishes and con- gratulations conferred upon Mr. and Mrs. Walters. t ht!It'm elft 11a tiaose ct' last s aason glad MUST BE SEAN fully api reeiate their beauty. We direct Si ecial Attention to this Degrabrtnient and invite your t'itrly in- spection. OUR PRICES ARE RICHT, 'SPACEMAN'S. I:feadqual'tera f"or W.1.5 ," DFORD' 1 ICE, DY Ttl.WE 1t, Clothing. fur iiture and Undertaking. WE KNOW that Style and W+►ri;ananship are what sell goods 4 0 FIND IT in our Cheap and Median OAK and ELM SIDE- !) BOARDS and BEDROOM SUITE.. We are busy now but expect a. greater rush, Better order early. W. O. HUSTON Practical Embalmer, Oleera House Block. ARTISTIC ISTI ta_ purtilirrtimm! other r e costs urniture that is not only useful but a pleasure to the 1 ` thekind. It isonly p Eno more than ` Eye necessary to go to the right place to get it. We can show you the prettiest and daintiest designs imaginable. The house beautiful the Tome comfortable is made by the furniture in it. Do you know how easily and cheaply this can Le accomplished ? A walk through our store will show you. Here you will find Parlor Suites, Bedroom Suites Diningroom. Suites Chairs, Couches 'rabies, Springs Matresses In fact everything in the. furniture line. iv large stock was bought before the raise in the price of furniture and we are giviving our customers the ad- vantage of these prices. UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING Rowe & Atkinson GHARLT0 FAIR Well Balanced. It behooves a person to be as well- balanced in purchasing as in all other im- portant matters. It is probably hard to decide sometimes where to purchase and whatto purchase but a well-balanced mind does not take long to decide that for bargains in many lines there is no place equals Charlton's Fair. Here are a few: CHINA TEA SETS. -12 plates, 12 bread and butter plates, 12 cups and saucers, with 13 piece Berry set to match for $5 50. A daisy set and a bargain. DINNER SETS -See our dinner sets . old Willow pattern, the latest and swcllest foods in the market. ;'. CHINA PLATES -All kinds of Fancy china plates from 1Qc. to $1 50. JARDINJ RS -2 for 25c., the price of one. trzrSee our north window for China goods CHARLTON'S FAIR, Exeter QOM CCL 1 SENEWERSZEMSEREWENMEESEM sassemnsaumscamouncvamprzemloommerzeamsas Now is the time to prepare for the cold and inclement weather. Prepare for it by ordering a suit from us -the very best at low prices. AN OVERCOAT will interest yon about now and we can give you the. latest in a "Chesterfield" or Double - breasted Overcoat in a Tweed, a Beaver or a Cheviot. Perfect Fitting Lowest Prices 2.`,9!"• 't ` a ,,,,,,,,,r,, iAin",&*.'iSt, .7% . -4,4z,.. 4 d r,: X, 9' 7 TAILOR ,OPPosite the Exeter post Office i Hnrdcn succeeded in beggingthreeerare tin these parts! sperm►ens of the feath- ed ereatures-= as cont, a ra • plover and as snowy dottrel. The land near the anon a o '. s . au r e is as path abased by capitalists, who intend us - Mrs. A. Q Bobier is at present indis- poMr.. M. Vincent returned front De- troit on Monday morning. Miss. Sutton, of London, is visiting Mrs, Thos. Creech, Huron street, Hilton. Evane, when bas been quite is able to be out around again, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Talbot, of Sea; forth, spent Monday night with friends in town. Mrs. John Essery is at present visit- ing her daughter, ears. L Braund, of Brantford, Mrs, D. Johne and Mrs. Crocker spent Monday she guest oft Mrs, D. Sherry, Hensall. Russell Frayne, who as been homed on account of illness, returns to. Lon. don the latter part of the week. Mr. Campbell. of Glasgow, who was the guest of Mr. R. S. Lang, for a few days, left this weekhfor Winnipeg. Mr. M. McPherson, of Salmon City, Idaho, is visiting friendsin and around Exeter, the guest of Mr, J, T; O'Brien, Mr, Chas. Coates, a Pontiac, Mich., arrived here Monday and will spend a ;few days with friends in awl around Exeter. John McConell, who bas been work- ing with ,Tames Gould, cooper, for lanae time,left on Monday for his home in Loudon. Mr: l . E. Darn left Saturday laastfor Montreal on liminess in Sionueetion with the Sovereign Bank. He rettern- ed Tuesday. Mr. Geo. Willis left Monday morn - ng for St. Thomas, where be bas se - cored a sit#cation in the .Michigan Cent Taal Railway store, 11r. Hugh Chesney, at one time an employe in the electric light works here, but now of Winnipeg, is visiting in and around town, Mr. Thomas I-laandford returned yes- terday morning from the Northwest. where he has been with a carload of horses, sbipped by Handfai &Elliott.' hank has established an enviable post - tion among the banks of Canada. The position it holds to -da has been gain- ed, to as large extent, by the honest and faithful services of its employes. The directors have recognized this fact and have taken a fitting method of showing their appreciation of the work being done in the different towns and cities where branches have been established. To each recipient this present, besides being a reward for past faithfulness, will act as an incen- tive to greater endeavour in the inter- ests of the institution. In no way could the management have more suitably celebrated the jubilee in their history. Wanted. A good farm-hand to work on a Cal- ifornia foothill farm. Inquire at this office. Lost. A gold link cuff button, on Main street. Finder will be suitably re- warded by leaving same with T. B. Carling. Belt Lost. A black velvet belt with black buckle and gold stick pin attached. Finder will confer a favor by leaving sone at this office. For 20 Cents. The ADVOCATE will be sent to any address for the balance of the year for 20 cents. Make a present to a friend at a distance with a subscription to the A.nvo paid -in -advance Money round. Fair grounds. Owner can have same by proving ownership and paying for this notice by calling on A. G. Dyer, Exeter.' Call Accepted. The Presbytery of Huron met at Clinton on Sept. 29th, and sustained a call from Caven and Duff's churches, McKillop, to Rev. David Carswell, of Carberry, Man. Mr. Carwell accepted the call and arrangements were made for his induction on Oct. 13th, at 2 p. m,, in Duff's; church, McKillop, when Rev. Mr: Smallof Auburn, will preach. Mr. Larkin will address the peole, and 111r. Shaw will address the minister. The new panam.aa fur felt hat sin - le or double dint. • $L75 and 32.00 at Stewart's. ' Mrs. Gilbert, of Palrnira, SVis., and 3Ic. Lowly, of Elkhorn, Wis., sister and. brother of Mrs. Silas Blandford, and who have visited here lately,. re turned to their homes en Monday. Mrs. Thos. Gregory was taken ill in church on Sunday evening last, and Wise taken to her borne where she has been confined to her bed since and Is not improving very fast. Mr, Thos,Elstan,of Lake St. Charles Louisiana, is renewing acquaintances iia town. Ur. Elston was a former well-known resident of Exeter but has been absent front town for many year, Mrs. Tyler, of Winnipeg, twl►o was taken ill while visiting Dir. and Titre. Renmobr..Gseter North, has sufficient- ly recovered as to be able to return to her home. She left on Natality for Forest, thence to Winnipeg. Dashwood lir. Rudolph Effort left Snturday for Detroit to visit a short thele prior to. resuminghis medical studies,.. -Mr. d. Willert left Saturday for Carlo, Miele, to accept it position in a sugar factory. --Miss Bele Velllert left Saturday Inc Detroit where she has taken a positron. ->rliss utter left Saturday to "Visit friends hi Mt. Cleniettg,-UUer. S. A. Corriere, of Grand Bend, occupied the Evan;;elieaai pa pi:t hem on Sunday ev ening in UK absence of the hestorovito is in iattcndane:ar at the General Con- erre".cp of Ev#thgelical Association in nssetnbly now tat. Berlin. -Miss Sophia Clark is at present at her borne on the Goshen line. Dina --This week it falls our duty to record the death of Mrs. Wendel Brian- ner, who died at her home one and as quarter miles South of. hereon Thurs- day last..Dinch sympathy is expressed for Mr. Brunner ns this it the third wife he has had to mourn the loss of, AND FURNACES 1 Wehavei ck the n sto h bestsupply f stoves si pp y :set:. o d fa►maces, ta gether with all fixings, ever exhibited in Exeter. We carry all the best makes, 'Cements. We keep constantly in stock the National and Star Brands of Portland Cements, concedes, by all competent judges to be the best in the market. The S. W. P. Before you begin to paint your house or anything else be sure to get the best paint possible for the money and :at the same ante give the best satisfaction and longest wear. Hardware We have the largest stock of hardware in town-Eavetr'ough- bag and ba#ilders' supplies espeeially, For Force or lift pumps call on us. Tv HAWKINS & SON SPA MANTLES and runs A Big Stock of tale very Late -at and Swe lest Garments - for Fall and Winter.. Ladies' Monte Carlo Coats Misses' Monte hie s t i tern a ;lade 113 Te1drrry Tweeds andFlaian Colors. Biake Mr. Samuel Dietz has sold the old Deitz homestead faun, in the town ship of Hay, near here, to his neigh- bor, Mr. 0. Schwartsentruber, for the sum of $5,000. The farm contains 125 acres, hub Mr. Deitz retains 25 acres. It is an excellent farm and Mr. Schwart- sentruber is to be congratulated on his purchase, as he has got a cheap place. -The Women's Foreign Mission- ary Society, of the Presbyterian church here held their thank -offering meet- ing on Tuesday afternoon last. Mrs. (Rev.) N. Shaw; president of the Hu- ron Presbyterial Society, was present and delivered every Interesting and in- structive addeess. A collection was taken up, for the benefit of foreign missions. -Threshing is about com- pleted in this neighborhood and apple picking has begun. -Mr. Alex. Doug- las, of Minnesota, is visiting his broth- ers in this vicinity. -The trustees of. our school have re-engaged Mr. G. S. Howard for the ensuing year at a com- fortable increase of salary. This is his sixth year • with us. - Bayfield DEPARTED. -Another of our old resi- dents passed away on Thursday morn- ing, Sept. 24, in the person of Paulina Thom, beloved wife of August Thom. Old age was the immediate cause 01 death, she being in her 84th year. De- ceased has been a resident of tbisplace for many years and was highly re- spected and much beloved. Her sweet disposition and loving nature won her many friends and although she had passed the allotted age, of three score years and ten, yet her death will be keenly felt here. WEDDING. -The very quiet wedding of Miss ,'V.Thomson to Mr. C. Walters was duly celebrated on Sept 24th, by Rev. Mr. McNeil, at the horne of the bride's father, Mr, James Thompson. The happy couple after a short tour in the United States will take up their residence in Defiance, O., where Mr. Walter is employed as inspector of the Bell Telephone Company's plant. Mrs. Walters will he greatly missed .in the church circles here as Fell as among her many young friends. She received many valuable presents from friends in Toronto, Algoma and other ' places. None but the, immediate relatives of the bride were present on the occasion; yet many are the well wishes and con- gratulations conferred upon Mr. and Mrs. Walters. t ht!It'm elft 11a tiaose ct' last s aason glad MUST BE SEAN fully api reeiate their beauty. We direct Si ecial Attention to this Degrabrtnient and invite your t'itrly in- spection. OUR PRICES ARE RICHT, 'SPACEMAN'S. I:feadqual'tera f"or W.1.5 ," DFORD' 1 ICE, DY Ttl.WE 1t, Clothing. fur iiture and Undertaking. WE KNOW that Style and W+►ri;ananship are what sell goods 4 0 FIND IT in our Cheap and Median OAK and ELM SIDE- !) BOARDS and BEDROOM SUITE.. We are busy now but expect a. greater rush, Better order early. W. O. HUSTON Practical Embalmer, Oleera House Block. ARTISTIC ISTI ta_ purtilirrtimm! other r e costs urniture that is not only useful but a pleasure to the 1 ` thekind. It isonly p Eno more than ` Eye necessary to go to the right place to get it. We can show you the prettiest and daintiest designs imaginable. The house beautiful the Tome comfortable is made by the furniture in it. Do you know how easily and cheaply this can Le accomplished ? A walk through our store will show you. Here you will find Parlor Suites, Bedroom Suites Diningroom. Suites Chairs, Couches 'rabies, Springs Matresses In fact everything in the. furniture line. iv large stock was bought before the raise in the price of furniture and we are giviving our customers the ad- vantage of these prices. UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING Rowe & Atkinson GHARLT0 FAIR Well Balanced. It behooves a person to be as well- balanced in purchasing as in all other im- portant matters. It is probably hard to decide sometimes where to purchase and whatto purchase but a well-balanced mind does not take long to decide that for bargains in many lines there is no place equals Charlton's Fair. Here are a few: CHINA TEA SETS. -12 plates, 12 bread and butter plates, 12 cups and saucers, with 13 piece Berry set to match for $5 50. A daisy set and a bargain. DINNER SETS -See our dinner sets . old Willow pattern, the latest and swcllest foods in the market. ;'. CHINA PLATES -All kinds of Fancy china plates from 1Qc. to $1 50. JARDINJ RS -2 for 25c., the price of one. trzrSee our north window for China goods CHARLTON'S FAIR, Exeter