HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-10-8, Page 6_,,,,••••mpF4 petfrolootme.0414.04$‘0, IvizhgttatnIthe donee. .do. YOU 'ku. olY"'-' 1etr.,C •te.7.....teCitetM4..ett,st.P.AA1.1424M ergP d call'as ia,nd all Of th Thatch bulbs are desirable. T111 KING'S STOGIC FARK[110 vsears a soft or hard felt hat, 1 asetvrafikesiapiseaiiiieS4444664 t wilti be when OAS comes out,. it" ' know Avila thia means. 1'11 tell you,' Itiitit Bolton Bay on top of a-ou. as ' tUrned. 4"I'lle point is whether youi "That ish t• the taiest On, __ . Ile le- i. 14414 4kbout the: .,„.Ficitti$e icm.tions, Autberii.m i„ easy to i and Furcans. Sanseveria Zealanica ceontmotlates itself to almost any which belong Dostoniensis. Piersonii A sia,r,e:,d7.007x.:.____07, wwhoo,:::„e4 tuo ed boots -the latter a gre4 deat hat family of terns-Nephrolepis--to -.1= TS. 713:7,R CZAMITON. 33- gaiterS 'alai a Palls al' 4e417Y. 4°b41(141 - For foliage. nothing is better than : . .. . , heavier than those Worn, by the moo follow.s the plow. I -le is ac- ' A CO.M.PAT. ' . - Cowenhoven- stopped him, .. corduroy uStroar borfeetehhees,W"Itthheerr=aantit ' WITH Ttla CA5111 R Belton Bay waS • on, the eve ce aastneans ten years -if not that then :manage, and Latania 13orbonica, is 4311Sitte5s 'e'3'. 0Q'Qt)Q 'SeteTraTtilicaclud"twole.buty. '°esetiletstans:-11(Litnb: . great era of properity, -There WaS.,SSiVen. I'll see to it. Now let that 1,1 ithe hardiest of the palms. and one o Teor. . ersonages, who always follow , at a, . °Niv olio meta lieweacios who oeseassa, Illter through youT cranium." ' C .NARY IINTS. !of the handsomest. This list is al- Par ling doesn't. pay well in Eng- regulatien dstanee" Tbese 74ea" se" Wised the fact.' 1 "i The (-ashler said. never a word, Mel IreanY ecooPrehertstve enough fa fill an , as a rule, but there is one man sinek, "d sParl' dressed ia the sates But then. he saw tkings that other ;,, %vas gaMe, at least. i SahnOn Salad. gm* Plake le 1..s,everal, windows. but one may sup- who makes. as nearly aa can he eSti- :i4InldliPa stYle' are alwaYs c'Neets Qr - Vrow. a. man who had been inerely'"eOld ,coolied salmon, after haviWpisment it with othe• things nanas as .At. Is only the stea•ar who Pearle (Mai* see. Me %item the!, 1,istas 0( the tiaites. ',seared. he had become one who avas,ireissosed the skin and hones- good. load has taken S50,000 worth of • - • - -, d - - it. •nst as mated,. $::„.00.000 a year out or it, ,ntuch speculation among tho farm 4 dest...rtte Ire was determined tout four cloves,. a few . Whole The handsomest geraniums. nary', in its 'was-, though not so, Ilis ranee was eossenhaven-ea gOedi.- - 4-- "' ' - 1 „ . , ,, :pat tile best taice on .the matter. • aosince Ana some tote of stiti, eiona-tcyclancen blooms I have ever seen two and .4 lAalf years, writes Curtis and ';eash ancl cups as prizes in the last isse:trfaaurtie ytlalartd tdheeereetairreeZgoaroledatl" enPbenbelts as Several 'relA;ters lie Ittl'4'' tus."elde VehierTh alil"aelleileSIZI.14 wiwn til° °tiler i rt°trkoitnhte° b4oicillini)g point. rove while ,ings. in a sunny ball window. and Re would Inal. lt, was ,saferr though, at pre- 't „. . have done 'better iguelY tourof meet s OILS: siPtion. er of vinegar and beat I were grown in the simplest Surround- Drown in the Chicago ItecordrIlerald. it is I0 safeall4r4 1.11S AaaJeStY all 1 .11.k.er Sat thenv looking each other hot over the rish and let stead mail -41ear them tc, •, ,, .f pee- 0 la it, h„, ncressary tor hue to g„,'..e -bushes and hedges aro closely watch -r ses.Arwit, rwiliora ra.y ria,241,4 vms a wale. .,,si,5,,,,It,,,,,itele. ,0,..v.,;.. rimally /he eider ntatt;e00. Serxe, on bed of lettuce ieatnlicorfolit Island pine„ and strong. part of his tittle to reigning over iledfitetsLi!beeNY,07.dligspbotsePdre;eldrEs'ouras!litlaning4 sanalonni coeseeon, but aa trust -a -„,„. „ „ , .,, g ., ra , , a__ 4.that- are crisp and fresh. 13.',aster lilies. One plant AVaS there 1.-tgland, using the. name of It,4‘. ward trorthY As. the day is iong.- 'It had al- ""I'" It` 'all" ',"11414;%* 1H."''' 3-°ill'l 4 New Teleat° I73314(1. 16 7 I ---0-"- .1' Po orbit% ought to Im included in. every VII. for that purpose. As it is. he the 1.41n• -g i4 eareildlY kePt; fraal all" oan eaotte..,:o. 3,.,i,r.,,- zlonz" ora„.....*,,,d7 tia.ow what it -Ineanse -I !....e gfc.!t• Soll.07,red tomatoes of even size by oron-4collection. because it looks so Christ-' is declared to be the most soccessful it hi.t1 .11.1e earitid ree ei th., k,r_ottatag to say .to you. in the tirst.,'ping them into boiling water for a', . sa tat et.etry, 1 ' "•• It is breeder mid preaching elosely any beast on ther ceii.g.., tii,,.sity.. in,,,t were ae...nesil_ loaTozzI kalfo.xwet Loet.!?.!0 loolt ato over. ifew minutes. Cool god take a small ,lovely with thick waxen foliage and world., . , eNhibitar ai stae t M the sliThtetsiltatigni SsuorirctcrtattgionbeotrE47witbkq- Islace from the end of each. Scoot!, ;at, wealth of scarlet berries. , 4.-iniong other f.astia, the 13 or-,..,.„. „„...m.,„,„ laoked ati„ blia la ,,,,,,_ , . A 1.. a.4:40-14.4,... a. . ''- - - . out the sneds and fill with a little 2,...,1•Mf., ITE GETS DIO riticFs. moreasa of the titwileipalitY. . any'thing as Well as an .ordinary mor-',eduess. Of course when royal highnesses do Atm colveraavaeta a ragged man, Tice 1-4,,u t.,-.. siknaly .1 -400 -fir. Iiisf:"taI° salad laade bY e11°Plnrjg the. IIINTS TO 11.017SEKERnuts. . t41 alight have done it. Iwo sub- Tho dialmsal of the lwodnets Of the7 f„itt,.. ead. . ‘Jnatato and mixing it with mayon- • sVainhdiAng•gr, Orvelr.taa:Iteettr'est;),,141kinno4;---n-a---,4.„ ;;IVena-7,' livsl'ulteci the (417'er4 "Ill i noise dressing. P• -t each, tomato otleLpeodusetbletePteL'iesiattirsaLet: toe‘a-°!it'r'n-igin- superhuman: but in tins case 'case ofisatZuttlintahreys;k:17,14.7. l'a Wthbeer lure, was thelortuttate resses.ser oiVI'e„," ,1.4'.,4' , , 1 are wont to regard it As well- farm d 0., a bed of lettuce leaves. 1.1-1-6,11h)e4)froatktlaittairist^ by means feifi.17-C!`e7.1;:"d n°41. -el; ::12'1:14154;i241. 117, _4'.nejlap_lr:era'11:17.e„a_.ro_31:91;17:e"7_41:;, !,11 ."v„.`4's.:.luasiteerr'ilg,,,a,,g,nitea, LI e„r-e!ibeen born to the purple and bad i -them take care to label theta ""tv-• certain tinanc544 tt-.insaalslons, which '"6'3.414?'" an t...-.11stIltute_f,or_l.atpples, in_mmita•ormbeitt; 7aTti 'itliteliefooteets vritaiacthisfpetabk,e fliortin-gtizgrelves.,cattle and sheep are sent to the local I not 'fairs and markets. but those who lito4 1 "Ilv Oeorne vou've got nerve t ,,,r,,ivarn vat_ ciu44-4-',:nt.°71e !tal,1:"'".'..'::_ f7*: , is ' i_':'•_.7.,;,..:^„, * jA„'„ 'grearta op under his family ne.me as lat." It is a common thing to see in la- hatl erzfriod on with co,t4faling tifit•'. ' • - * 0 Taaii..; px,,Rnzit liZze, cowile.y. te saia - finally, when his ant -prise t• , .quire et *n of 8andsingl.ans he the windows of the shopkeepers itt mns;.a,i...11i.Lans....,1.,:,,.,..11. ii.y„. E.7.ac.,,. viit, tilititycaesead let him sanea'k. .... i Oa aot water; set in. a. covered sauce- the diEemnee. liate tior a rta tinge:Asia, r ,4 '' 4111 op tale back pat -t of rite r,:ag... itait atisapliki-a's wtealt the pies aro 17°Idd l'12're bee'l 4 faut"us." alr-11:41.1"• the tOWes ei Ntrfolk and the adjoin- . tiaszarazei,, area ae-... lad nat 11.M?Ell: -..."A1141 tht-.E.'i" jiZU:°)."'S WIWLYIZ-.11"2?1,...'. or' we; 'the' ste.1;.g bura'vr a t; Asa;;Aesi. !‘ g-,,,V.,;°Z,:4ffz41:te',1 :.,Iht.;`‘,4,1sacirtortb:it's tetor ;151 /11";:y:rut 1.:,de'n's414eatnsl'ialnarlari.oa gbalutil.,.., angait. 17.issai.a:a said. ,,dAr.-,,ctors-say. toez..• re try leas, gaga " - -- ' ' - 4r, 41,v, zy 0,4..trz unv;,:sow 3,111 viz you Ilze whole thing in li, , to Imo lhouro. If.„,ss law,oliFiit o t4a.ly An the wooiry It, 11.3 ,-,,-,e,, :14 '.142ciAnso it tataeS Irani lila royal "Ilest Vegetables From Ills AfilpstrAt. saaaa., ay laaa. sa, beeeaet a,l, /aerrrIght, ii the$'fe not Pi lasS- elass.jgas st°v1P- a11.4 efi444 slOwlY ii'f."r Irc't12 114'11-44 144'3 4 g°°d btaaY wes• i i 11 s 3fOrna. be Lan no Particular ativant-Warms." "Best Sandritigholla Mat*, Ilk‘n%. , • r:,7„,, rottia„.. 4-tvit t;$1. tNs„, I n't . SA"ke, at ti a teasPoen of sugar,. a I° ns,'' ill ly!''lliatg' $144"45. a 141t4e- age over his neirfl*ors through beingi' ton," etas. tgo E -i.1.1 .7.4 n'clit 41:•!,:too, m-,,qot lioir .sci,t,'ItesideNtr or tibia Isseeh', and Iliae:,,ze: half teaspoon of lenton Ittic,:., anal si-^oenful to six *marts of water, it tmlietlal fraticstY. Ile was a bora l The sante custom preva.iled among of a:11•,,rs for at'. e:tsnie:;,;., zi4->ar Vgat.'124'3ng -"'/Ild 1'14 c)nP* und 111 tv11 •I'fan,51.;;:44,ble.,,.,3.;:tf,s1 out: olt"aers 'ittikeirl"L'jtte0t '-'ret :telt:ire Q4sot'TtsgSirt(14$1;ssfloilgl f214":. 4":=1.4.`;- 11 vos ''3,'‘-'1 alitsa- a ' afseation'4,111,"Tcs ilife directoirS, fiOte Past Olaso':salt and Pepper to the taste. f•h-nn,,,eeps thou Fait, lt hors h„id at be is Inoro genuinely and per- majesty prohibited it, on heinz eili- Lri'clier, and I venture to sa--Y London Shopkeeper5 ;trail her /ate r,- oNt,n4.ned bit,. coutrot, It,. sat,,w 4lt that i a ;end ...Telt me,' tnrIrzed the yo!,..Anwr ;mild. Pleat again to boiling aTal SeAl 11.1vou havo old cans with ilk:Pei:1W or*a.11y interested in his horses and driven through Bend street one thly ifc“-rn f.ir rkar wai:.„.:13.. i, in t'4 IB Alt'S,, WWII it Will f.3,. re:1:01,0; 110 Pill Call. llSe thesis without ru awsgout ,sheeP thon be is in Polities. Mae was shocked to ere an announce- hnown In Me town asi43;1111, sa,rest,4aa. 1,-1 ,.-0,,,,,v1„,4t 1.4owenloreen smote the table %vita , to sl.me truth 457.ch thsitt,s os n.,,4 d a 14 r4 if you will van sealitti., tro t3001,1 JUNIN OE ruls. ,ment in a frultshop window calling 40...•.•!..,:,.A.. .-.;,,,ont.L.Ialvtl, It. A:.oal.11 nts, „ , . , . tfulnat00 Faiit!.." `LVilen titUe IS 1,34) 17.441,413334114 1.11."' Fea4n. , 4, , .. 6.•te ,4 . . . • Awl te. has the reputation or heingio..rention to what %'* t* described oft I, s to flt.eit! 107404 Illi-Sht 11.11mtirril zV-1 to prey,aro !t. . ' i.,A,IgO,r4:4.'sitor,ent. • .1, 1 ' - ilithe 1,4.4 lodge ot pigs and one of ' 7 I i e4 10ill tl 2,1114e5ty'S: r: '-- -0 t,' I. I slartFvnii 1,304 1.14,°%* F404, Ililit" On 1.4e,'' l'brtellnele; ,ior• 4.ameteon.-,,-eoe-, o•Sr, ••• i Ple.,r4.s cs Vt.r.s.so misris 41 la iiii.e:a, b,' t liza4i, r • ' ultry in all OrChards at Windsor." She ortlered fi:i.,3".":17,1-.Y:i•-ii:g-oFt-rti.16:40,-it;heove4'''. /11'11' -gurihg[-'iluilf* Pound of 4log6rOO1 la t'l,-iel:," t°04 I4,2,} adg,iag t:elvral '4'4,1'0040.0s -1-,:gint7til."-- it.tr- be:- Va-y-7-- Quec-ti vie: ..!he aptice daw44 and tha tca'destnallt ,,,•er sat 14004 elltter vin,,I.ntr to each cap, ton 0:Wroa::,4it 111'41* b.° ii.4•10,i enor-' 10 do n I Fattest boiling, vat pe until 1-',, . • . , a was the greate,st prize, winner In questien Vra3 " 1"Pe 1;n0w3 ". t : - Igo:, eir,,nr 0, p1116,f 44 itC0ThaVefli frOni then 414 *u neat the $.01hs 0!7 mo 'shav which they bat'a kePt Periert4".• ia the ew.ntry, for rattle. bnt in the 4,!Tstenn.c';:,Pt Tt, • t • t -.1-1 i t ',.-',..,. wittl‘st an,'-' liviaset: 118•14°'1:1,-i`:::', "1...,",1.41;,1.4 ::.':!, 'a:-.•1141,gc.sibkl•aer:: C-2:-g"S. .414 -11.,..lratesix1.4,1, F.41,1%;.''rttl mat4ogl.'wehit"..w re:i.v1t. :P4'il.14:''e6lar;'`ii.leeTlaY 101P-07' DI,'"tbl".orgirtanallrirr.t.11:trIttlIpe '41.`1,,t •seatti.ts,„7,11;..nt Irin,,n1 11.14:,•re•411 1317/14 *or annonton TO ...E?Cell'10 SOWS Of 41,a ga .:,,, il: , ,.; ,:, .=:Cri,-;::‘,1,!, 4.E.7f,TS:..:::1 41•,:,;',6! =1:1::;kii :. 714;rtil‘'11:46:lis1;44"41:;7:10.6:3'4:11::::i;:;ii;21e ilgt,41: ' i ;In: ii'l Ifilrl'et:171::!iiiiio*O'141;414711:11;:::4145:°:44Nit:,ii:!Iftai;:i- itt 14:zee stTs jern:Ittt'n .i.iovioton;act,iit utn.,:te: it:a:":411, egtag 1115:*z.., t:In,:n42170arlit,,....a:astiopertazrrzosteaLe iii;rig.;;,."74;:j.1:ifs'il;nitii:sitreerl'a' iy,airifii, (1:111: aP.,,-,..• ;,,,., '' III!. ILE:Y:7: ' wi,,,,as;wit bvt`i's-, -1-1.01,- 4 ' '",-, ' 0,Ort ranter- "**-." ; •.,1 * E ''' fr' Z, c "Tri ilei'eilS, VI:Ir3 1 Fl"3".'14 .104(14,1" 0 "'.ii''''''' 41'41 t f b- -,,l'au"' it Oa lim.r, oats 4-ore.9 She -ea "" lin ' " °' I "lure" "" rh". ' .0 t ar 0'040 0.3 `'''' " " ,'A.'0,1i a ;llag4u,ercl; Vt“ aOW l''' ' •d" 4i ' ' .' - i, , ' * ' g '''. ' °''''' ." ". -. 4 ..* 4 mg. The fat beaf,ts stand. in t nir P 1,..i'''*: rates:fee, s P 1,,,,,,,,..4. 1:(10.7,4'Ve t.gtkl til. t.,..411 up. l'ih."4,4101.,,naTte 4,,-,ers of tgoeoreni, 41..,•:,,,r,-. .,t-ii.'arate, INF zakluing fhe ra-,•.e in 'acmg,--4 ter roiger in tier later ma. ii,,i. tierformed with itatiges and 41As iloti.-7-. iP4 ,- col ant 0147.•;1„,v• ah, "411;;•," le15-1;- ,atort F?1,0-7;_c,iiiisig„ ond hove tho Pa -t Wato„"r and rP1NI.,n,n' tine /nip threrg,:lo. z.eots. &Ant f,It3 knew aural Carei COM- ritieu;lt.,. Lreathingt out, a weera ‘,-.,-4.,T,,,,n1 f.„11. i.s v,iiottla,n• :,..o4i cd" ..,-.LZ, e a .a „a„,ra. 10,4 1„„v,,,r ,„tp. -thi, etn,fi.,,,, 0,,,,,4 5.„.1,.;„ 0 011:0-41 4iw ;..-„,!...1.3.11 12,14.Z1 in 011.41 Ic4.a.¢E.,, t% ll" 4,70-.4,,ti,"44,7 mop ohm," her h,..,,,,t,„. 1:ket,V,v,,,,,r.r4,,f.1,%1. 3.,.t'e,m,,,1I=:!l;,,9l,,•,:?,,T,a::,:u,',',,-a,,',t-)•4!4;... ,,4i. ' ,,1 , .'io, •,i-.%, t „,t...,;;,n.,,,,a,i'l;;;'':i'i'"`,l'; ,.' •:..,.‘.!t'4"'411'",l'r1 0C,4af,'11`o;r' i-4'k,.1,4a2 11'141-'4•""'1".'1.o14'7.14. s0-'1,4;-0„1:,.-a.r:,'1-c114•41:,;. ',1",,,(,,Tsi., „i.r;.,„-,.;';i.ii,11l.!ctt71hao,c,o,vi,n.„r1r71ift„ttsvroVsf.e,;r.1ha'r6.a,b,-r4,rh.aads:otn0wdm1-,a'oanZl.i-=l--a,fi-httatIoNem4, 4a,1.',14'w‘44p1:.:R;/-api1446 n;in11i 1lli41r,;tS,-e:ppSe1i "'g'"tC'r4,.:iSnth.;.eitfdfesol-.,oi4"g rirT,aII. /ex;i,Pt) e1"546 P6 nRe ' Aa:' M:w':it0S,i::n'AgiLt:Etnih-S, e '-'1 1" tlali via 674,e°1II,„1im1w,,md nstattm.rto:,ttnl!:: flte sr1:hf.ilie:t:n•:. 1"4y..,nmrtrorWand4.4y fya0:ctave a :"..i ,,,- ,f4 1 '1 ,; 6:;,:- n ; 1 Ce40.1 ia- 61464W1 tfr own glaorisis3h1 1°ba0416041134g at el11t- A"'1.‘^;;"44n;114"614:1tzr'410ur.nlno444:fh):;i,"1?;:'f'.7: p71::1c:a' eaaaa it1117,zi11621;,74;e:;,npta1;4tfx14o3t;iwta:n 00 :;scf i4o 464 x;--1,7"l:crnes the to 6o114 :T' ' oa will •Nval*444r411eo413414'0•011134'flnraliowA 61n 411 664464' ivfor eqoatti. 1644t8 i lioltol / 1„.dloorhit,14144„.alai ti- isone A'1Ape,et,134"101r 644'4i 164 krin in 14441 1,g'%tut 011 o few 414341VVta a larT 0.qiptt 64 615 toMvoe0.0 44 44.9444 wiforiiiinibrov. 1 1 '44:. , 11,0 Vtolpg111Ilivi dotua11 laottere d ,.sii•'14' I' no llat font put-rotchintthp.lrifigir'4464 tlh:?1InInr41 4°l4 l4 64 1nfohig 184 6134 41 441 1:1S rIlloheiftroSaiDyl k '4 60? H4 in 1.„4.,ro4‘stionunvbctHwr.ttiatit„14. /. a4/411146)44, and it 1,,i i113Fx04.4.1.8 1 t uf,t.,L,a 07...v It r,4„, , oiit.,„ 4.41., fit,,I. it upon two "4'48 6t'4 and 16 45 144441,:': to prinetit I4445te4'4444' t-,, r,,ir,q. 4 4'0140 to iir,,. 49, 4 .4-14, 41;6, FA 410 that tin,y U040 nat. 44 443 yip , Irl'om the Iiitig*s famous shorthorns of „O-:',„7.,7, and dirowtovo of th. 14-,,,,,p,;. onliy. 'Ita, trerat is, tkat ina nhar,,, baking. g0.?6,0t in tip oven and trig,,,l,hto„,,r; "9. wo 144%... rever round atty., pointo he look• -41 foe.• 114,7 ore ca..5t have been elmment of the royal pro., /lc i'gro.SS ill tiliti •Iii•ection. Before they 4'144446',04 132n. 44 rre,..i,le,••„' u,,, 44.(4 44 44414*' to a 4448n4441 shall until criv. Put Pato a double 1,4ii- thing 415 good as gasoline, dust tat ;',I, , 8%4,4°41, 411! valatuan bo -rd and .' Ito -Pard Pi Olv4"•ler:i 1:4,5'1 kiArPo^ ,•,.il' of ant," iWol tito roVtilial i5 that every-, or the ,1114ice and grated rind oi oto ao orslinnry oil ran, flitch an con tiq , '4',Ita "1 "" 14" PnrPlnkf-s`r nt current '1%4" "ialdishi'd iOng tiwY brought pa F.,,„„„tiet,,,en. hut it, t,:it too 1,,-,:,..,vt, in ioii,,phit'at',.n,1 ;..opirlyset; itt the wiaolo' of hoilitm water, one anal oas-q::„^:-ttiT I1/144 and rfPfitt if Cround the ;Mtn* aq't th"t 1/4g1 natd° /14f1 /1'14.3 ° e441--!1"4.47 "Ill bring swit"thiiP7 like 433° ,,,uo,,i,N, 44 614'4.4 Tr,. 414444. vi,q 44i,.t' 44 Zs14',4..`"1,113 0 St446e440'401 sit ensrea large lailsonotte anti 4*e4e456444 t'61,n for laze snwir•gTnot:::loti:0,e. :oil:: tlotaFact1:141*t1 1:44 ::: 1 to.1:117:::::444:::04:1144:: 44 allji:etre:1 0:igii nobtnitlitm:Zdt::::: ;Ian Onlititio.rq rand a b•t to.i Ilitil• %/kr' :"4'tlk. "4 11'1 mai I'll go 'lows of tatgar., 'three lev.•1 table-lahcatiquartern, alelti6ii0ji, tioto 44et*s4,41.o,e"l." e ' „ ;stai-op,q 44 eorA 11 a rit, the 61314.."-.. ,loorDw mbreA,ne,a,.r,,.i.t..". .. t1-464131144.ou1-464131144. seire opo,i,,n thie same rulerkdlaor.tiorn bulls brought, 1301O ot 4410044 ih„lt Lew *LeaTiolr 414:4" 1„400,04445 woxand took untila IR ....- hs %crs. whether thenbe racers. At 1.440lir"draftsIltot l t00%tle11$ 1,#.'IVikl 44" YOH 1s11444aiFeFill the haleni crtra 6' 4:4 004..litntlwka or ortlinar•dramla nimalsti"r°!"1 ilirt;Inr's 148144:2448e INI, vore 1.,„ttee ke„wn it, N..,.., volt ,lov..?"' 1••,.• itaphed s'e,olsiouFir. :coolied. tortard and lort•T the top it '''."'"..........‘...."- 4""''''''."'"-"I' G:ER1:52. and 414 th -141 .,', 7. /,,. ti41,1nrn4jahlY, trr. vg‘tl:Praers liTtrty-t•;:•It'beTtis brItTutgl lit -5%1i mond a, b. st pri7tt s of then e t n , e pudt48--'44 44 ti um„,...1,44.1„ 1 To,o ,("i6I7'..4.4* plared Lin hand toil willis the rhite. f tw .n. ' I, ', ' 1.-. Are he Nont Eifee. in the moan. Ittversigo of $1,100 each at the sale 711 r. Alexander Szthirien like eaftior lovrett"ti hta,o, of htb 0.,4liti4,4 in 41 , t,,• tll 7e64147•th1e'0a01a 4 dc:::Z* j:g r*48413r06616fi43egul114•llteolllVI! trn a. tcioVnetto•gAennscinesod us; bleu- ,thie sI'114t644'114t644rrets tsiitmane d63,44)agrdo oThf ewshtaetwawrads raet. , 'hofas1808anti 0406 5.(400 each 64445i .i041 044 V10,,,ve,41,h44„i gt 101 Anew rfn:e1. 454 13 iSandrittglaant turned out a number of 444444 104' (4h6)I6'40114°1P4,dinals. 470Ill bavaounathing up tg:aitanlimited Steak Wilt Par•1,y Ibittebea,Nciaosimo zae 1111511iWtkrn Isdlletin whch dill not 0(44)4' up to Thei'i"r's farm at tnadringb"la also become famous AS tile birth- .f*A11.73 44 41 very nospectobie illiten UIRli utolligill"--Iglat't Wit, .0111 Iltlt if in ..iitn nil vtri‘al . , it ;a Alr. Soia..:, s w;o4 a %molt malt. th,' :.'1, 1'1'1°118,1° ,U*31". :•‘",t,ut c',:nw u -nave the steals cost liar% and dip titans dh,eine„. "lise former is L14.1,1141,1,111.,.41 ter show purvwen. Thee , place of two J. *'IV winners, Pasha - Bay tol.14_ and t• greitt relit -thins t`'I'illA. tIlt.'," r1h4ne's' 111 *145 1 1441 far iit'it-iin.g7o:'ite'ti- to-n-til-ctote-h.:krtlus'o71;l; raitto'd by paten in the air, and ',were soid to 41 nontit„oltift p it t mon and liitunund Jubilee, together therefore at lit triNII4LCA" feom the • Mr. Vtowetiltoven, 64140 had a vette,. Cowenhov4.11. in 14 140 1VO4'.1%Cd 114 Iwo of theta took first prizesasti:ntar.- wideb bis 1nniestY has w" a lot at 61* I it,' agt Walt ut al show allit tt Manlier of other animals with ,iu thelott and not dried. Lay in a beated source, und may . platter and rob over 11;e top with breathing, whereas the latter re- .o,toat, to Money on the turf -sums not included memory for iacil, notmikli the ivet,;101' E.011140 ilillIlliteR. not ite hail once toll mr. suilh..ns iii,1 .. ii . VA, 11 butter mixed with fitteiy in the estimate of $200,000 as his L.,.teinfaVsliiiinr.411...,..us 11,114,44 14,1111441x,L.:441-ra 31:,,, ii 111,Ttalitd !,,1,11814a8:111: • ,:;,1,s1 1,114:0; (well min. turataie cream Cate...41,1a the 4 A i .;1? 4. '' cuopped parsley and a littl,. salt. quires actual contact with a c•nt-1 .• , • may get into tt wound or. adhering, The kings arequent and Often Uil- tataillatvol °Wert. Thus the germ . • , IIIS 211Aar.SII ,7* IiIM,OSI., suunittust.al income front agricultural lair - it would nave Leen ,aeit for *lie , Zile eabli;vr :TOW. . yom., lir one egg. add noe-hatr cup to the iingerr„ nosy is., trato,ferred 10 ,eNpected Nibits keep the people "who Tho king's appeurente as a breed - church had be been there at the "When •Y" lie itiquired. leach of Sugar and milk end two food and he swallowed.. But gerinn ,are engdoyed on the royal farillS on er at the royal shows when he was titan, for he w.is ii4,14)5,431g, of t.01,,,L1. "Wiliers the molter with Wednes.., naptur;:s of chocolate grated; let it perhaps seltlinfr from 111e air upon tion is bostowtsi on every depart - can get upon food by isolirect means., the alert, No that the greatest mien- Prhwe of Wales was always obscured fee:, tiam is 4.6411444..,,nt with tile in_ tient. tstirring all the time. When it thick- orahle of the lot?g• grt..1.,;----4,440. iii fitir 8.4.90.*:" 31'llt011tied the 133e4- '1 slowlY 10 the boiling Point. 'ne and teStes of a inotlet Iloltio.. "16.-tInesliay night it in, then." re. tie; set aside to cool. Crean; one - are iinill ecuurmai obiatsttelgr.azu.dadndOniel--antia,d are either Imbibed directly or tte mem of whicIt'he leaves to the queen washed jut° ue.ter-supplies, and dairy at Sandringham -the ananug,e- into by his late another, lint since her death he has been without a rival, and it is believed furthermore that food or on dishes. Some germs, ment. With the exceptitm of the y ca4te.r. . tnen..d tho CariliOr aande-d utensils used for milk awl other food -he inquires minutely etery the twelve, first prizes which lie took Mr. Con,,,:fialovat inttl 41 44111.‘ 4. * . at. the latest exhibit of the Royal the‘e 11,bnos. anti had ire: '{ itit.°11' Ti - lintAilar cup of milk, two beaten eggs, become contaminated when rinstil. detan connected with the working of Agricultural Society will be consider- - 4, neNt ' . , & • • • the chocolate nunsture and two cups increased in ninnher next year. • In these ways t:iphoid, =scarlet fever the forma. Ile does not hesitate to las heart. and otlter diseases have Leen Wend i tell the stewards anti his subordin- aidY lt was on the fir3t day of the, ten 0•000.,.,, :MP president reached the bank at ! 01 sifted dom.. one lewd teaspoon of through the milk. tine might, suppose that the judges toe •to 44 ,Topou!ap: 111..., t.4.117.,,,i)forzt.a 0.1.. 1h. Iv s :set at the door. la. tine or.socia and one teaspoon of 'vanilla. It no longer admits- of doubt thatoiet wed by a desire to male money, would be somewhat influenced by the ales that his interest in farming is lte entered the ollie•-. of the cash- soeetueb, 'a nte' Sasinng' start- the tins until cool. Spread with a. action to Ow othee of president, that ow eha'iti.s..,.,, i • . • 'DO`n in b‘vers• DO not take from flies are one of the most effective The Squire of Sandringham has a rank of this distinguished exhibitor, icr mid shut the door h:hind hiur.', .1.,4 4 .• ' . ,„ , ,. ,,, . ,,:erefun filling made from two cups of ageueirs for the distribution of, memory that is a terror to his farm but it can be stated without fear of germs. This has beoi shown by . .. . It was after hours. Air. toweimoven . ne exclanneo . •suarar, ten tablespoons of milk boiled . In) wou contradiction from anyone . who •ol/r. :,tiLliff...u.,:,” lts. Saki 1.incilv, in ' ' ' :breathlessiv-, and Ilea isirolOSt cot- .. . &rect. expernnent and by the thor- Say ,,o..tely „that it would until the thread stage is reached,. ough investigation of the typhoid I 1, „ knows whereof he speaks that plain Sl..,..,1..A.14., he would 41 • i • t11ay: tho'se loose bricks removed 'Sqpire Wettin would have fared just a heart 10' heart tulle of 1.010e- Votrenbovels pulled him to "about how much have we ou deuce is the matter ter; cool. stirring all the time, and from the wall." That afternoon he as well as King Edward 'does. The together. Add three level tablespoons of but- epidemics in our soldiers' tamps in posit now ?" dt•.- ''‘Vitat 1110 the Spanish-American war. Flies other contpetitors are so jealous of flavor with a teaspoon of vanilla.. breed in decoying vevtables, and disappears " sudderaY as he etULle column of figures and amide a hasty sniCeos stopped in the middle of a ..mr. s' • ."' h h• o• wall the boy ?-' be exclanued. mfiens-t e cas ier gaiii- • rnferanented Grare Wine.-Seleet partioularly in horse dung, and and does not turn up again for two ithe.hselii.egINivteersit, ;:ifiniviosfinifiLIA0'01riotpi.isIndiunthaast ripe, perfect grapes fresh fl'OIS. the somewhat, also, in human excrement. months. Meantime the second as- 1 "/' computation on a small piece of -well, ed the clerk. lines; stem, and wash carefully, re- Proper care should therefore be sistant steward has been so busy to where the prize should go the paper. what about him ?" a:1111110es would he, if anything- slight - 1)51)06', "Here " he re li nl, "Ill 1 "Gone -1t out -with every 300ting any * ly in favor of the other side. unsound or imperfect given to the disposal of these sub- with more important matters that he you. It's all on this i i co f t '11 Cent -111 the bank. ' fruit. tio every ., qts. grapes add stances so that they are at least had f tt allabout1 •" orgo en a those tilling _ _ . , :And hold on, there's twenty thou- ..' -e -- 0- •L'a.--er• "The deuce he has 4- exclaimed 3, screened from flies. pt. water; pet into a. porcelain bricks. 13ut one would suppose the RIJILDN ALEXANDRA'S PRIZES. on, i I on:" ' . a Cowenhoven. with "chloride of lime" (chlorinated thing else 10A' tile whole two months. kettle and heat to boiling. Cook If these substances are covered The royal farmer is also coming squire had been thinking oboist air: - make eight hundred and ten thou- . Ire loosed his hold on the boy, slowly for 15 minutes. rind skim out strong with other farm products. and strode down the street to the carefully. Strain off juice, and filter lime), says Prof. IToweird, "the On his return he steers for -them di- rectly and then has the second as- oand in all," Bo has W011 a number of prizes at The president smiled a benignant hotel. In a back room sat half a through a jelly bag mita quite clear. trea.tment will be the cheapest and the horticultural exhibits for the doze directorsf the b nl- II t ' .1 I 'I' Kid 1 oxidic.most efficacious. A closet for the sistant steward called- up. "I slit' fruit and flowers grown at Windsor, .n men, o e a ,.. ea again 0 ail lug. e cup . - "Eight hundred and tun thousand" ,fc.1 'IT , ITe burst in upon them. and has even captured a prize for hot sugar to eneh qt, of juice, and reCeption ol manure should be maide gested that those bricks yonder ,_ in ens gone -cleared out.--41one seal in thoroughly sterilizad cans or tight, to prevent the entrance or might be replaced." he says with • he returned in a soothing voice, aspigeons. Queen Alexandra, who cares slough lie Jilted the sound; "eight us dirt," he sputtered out. bottles. , precious little for horses, but lavish, exit of files." Doubtless, also, if chilling courtesy. "Would you have lrendred and ten thousand. Who'd And then he told them. One nea.n, es her affection on dogs, has won sufficiently dark, it will keep the the goodness to have it done now? have thought it 4" cooler than the rest, spoke op. flies away. By a little care on an -with a slight but ominous accent "Well," sald the cashier," of ‘"fhis is nothing," he said. "Ile's FOR WINTER WINDOWS. isolated •Sarnistead or by co -opera- on the "now." There is no repoi- several prizes for her pets, and, as course on. Thursday we've got to only a day or two ahead of time. mend and nothing farther is said on becomes a Danish princess, her dairy Wbea frosty nights and howling tion in a community the number of make that shipment West; that% was We'll hear from. him all right It winds hint of the near approach of Ines could be greatly reduced. the subject, but the guilty official is faMOUS for its butter. She has . bring it down. But it's oply Mon- probably ore convenient to a time when gardens and woods will , t knows that if the king shoeld dis- a good deal more genuine and per-, , him at the time. Moll bear ., from appear at that moment and not re- sonal interest in her deliciously neat day now." be stripped of blossomy beauty and MONOTONOUS WORK. turn till two years later the 'host. and fragrant dairy building at San - and then with a sudden change of The other man nodded shortly; him. Sniffens is game. All we'Ve got to do is to wait." tender greenery, it is well to plan . dringhain than ever Marie Antoinette for the keeping of a bit of summer A man entered a watchnia.ker's, thing he would look for would , be manner, laa drew up a chair, and "By George I" exclaimed the presi- had in lien make-believe butter-rnak- pointed the cashier to rt second.. dent in a relieved tone of voice.'"'lly and stood hesitatingly about for those .two offending bricks. REMEMBERED JORNITY. ing in the toy dairy at Veraailles, captive all winter long, says Mrs. "Sniffens," he said with a frown, George, you're right ! That's what woods transplanted into good loamy Menry Wright. Ferns from the some time. At last he hedged up to- wards the taunter with the follow- According to all accounts, there which is visited annually by so malty. "'sit down." from bite. All we've got to do is to - it is. Saiffens is game. We'll hear soil will send up their dainty fronds never was such a head for detail and, thousand Americans, Me paused. aud, with a searching gratefully in the windows, and there ing request: "I say, could ono of you le/lows in consequence, the Sandringham The. accounts ,of the royal farms g/ance such as few men otimr than wait." stock is probably the best cared for aro kept as a separe.te itoin, and so go out in the country about Eve inethodical has' the king become since Cowenhoven could assume, he looked And so they waited. And they are' are Many things which will do well when taken up from. tbe garden., For miles and repair a watch?" in England. The ta-ait is disconcert - the cashier through and through waiting yet. "Why cannot the watch be brought ing to, the employes, but it has its he ascended ' the throne that a bal- .' steadily for some time. Then he Somewhere over yonder, on the best results, however, one must have good features, for the king has his once is now struck every half .year. road to Mandalay, where the flying plants which are more speaffitally here?" was the reasonable reply. The profits are paid spoke. . a "Veil, you see, it's this way," said mother's knack of remembering all into the king's "I was down, here last might, "he - fishes play, the cashier spends like winter bloomers, and mix with them private account, and are drawn up - water what he got in Bolton's Bay. such foliage plants as are not. too the farmer. "The watch belongs to about the servants' families. He continued, "and went through your The management of the 13olton Bay exacting of conditions. • a sick meta and he has to have it was heard on one occasion, after a on from time to time as the occasion books. I see you're ten thousand requires by the keeper of his' ma - Bank never located the ca.shier. They For bloom in the windows, my ex.- beside his bed so as to tell when .to month's absence from Saadringham, odd short. I suppose you know never even' tried. They considered perience has tatiglit me to value ox- to inquire of one of the grooms how jesty's 'privy purse. Gratuities fl.T.00 'what -that lamas ?" Ii tone now had become in:differ- the matter, arid concluded that 4 -1 alis boweil, with its immense sham- take his doses." "Then th.e watch must be going all the little boy's cough was. The merits is recognition of their "faith - paid yearly to the heads of depart, eat and cold. The cashier shook was altogether too delicate to deal rock -like leaves, and exquisite pink right," said the jeweller. groom was embarraased and has to with, especially after taking into blossoms. Buttercup .oxalis, while meanie which of the little boys it ful services,'4 and ttlis inspires 1 la io like a leaf. with additional energyr in working "Yes the watch runs, 'cause the . ' - • accoront the paper they -had, signed. not so elegant looking, 13 a more feller makes it run., - Me says he's waS that had had the cough. The "It -it WasD't me," he saidwith king, with considerable amusement the 'farms successfully. The idea. ie a. a vain attempt at boldness. And so it was, after all, vigorous grower and bloomer. IAnuen getting tired of poking the wheel 'groat bell ''You -lie !" said Cowealioven. ---6. tryginum is a treasure, covering its with a pin, and wants one of you refreshed the fond father's memory ever in paying nam accord- -You can't, tall me, I know what I leafy branches with „golden yellow fellows to come and put it straig-ht." 1)47 pointing out that it was little ing to their merits. know. What about 'Mademoiselle "BlYkins has his own way in his blossoms in richest profusion, and Johnny. a -.-- When the , king leaves affairs of. Viciserine ?" house." "Yes. But, his Wife always looking indeed like a bit of prisoned Love sometimes flies out of the • If men were .coniaelled to eat their The caabier 'started' up eatah a tells him what it is going to be be- sunshine. Plume.g ,Caponsis gives katehea window when the cooking State for his faxaes' he becomes a , , words there would bt .an epidemic' of tehits lane. forehand."' PiehtY of boaets of dainty blue Iloiv- schopl graduate enters the dooa, , typical farmer in his genera got -up. indigestion in .this country.„ ' Uotter 1124. bt4t114i13g."