HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-10-8, Page 4ota ter+ tts and Canadian polities cleaner'? We
fteter ienswer--Becauee pereons aud papere
SandCreeole, eps like the Exposttor audits editer have
ers ca. Pr.
Tniat8DAY, ()CT. 8, '03
Balfour aud Chaueberlaiu are now
elle regarding lataliation and prefer-
enee. Mr. Itelfour has hesitated in re-
gard to the preferenee bemuse he fear,
ed the result of the "dealt low cry
that woutil at once be raised. That
cry will have vet force Ilow as Mr.
Chemberlain intends proposing no new
taxes on food.
His idea is to benefit the produce or
the colonies by ze-adjusting the tax as
it already exists. Iostead �an in-
crease of taxes this policy will reduce
food taxes from 413.000,000 ster-
ling to 410,00a000. The import duties
oz foreign manufactories wIll he used
to reduce the henvy tax on tobacco.
The policy as here outlined is in a
cordance with time ideas of lialfoor and
hae indicated in lets recent speeches
that lee would net reftme to adopt such
policy. It will steadily e see o that
the premier and the former eoloniel-
seeeetery nee on the senile footing. The
doiog away with the peseibility of a
"deer Joel" ery hese Balfoorto the
preferential idea.
In the meentime Mr. Chantherlain
coutinues the work he has set him.
self to accomplish, and is eaelt day ad.
du g converts to hie policy. Ile hes
recently written te ortnifeeto foreilay
euniniciating the priocipal features
hie tieeal peiley, In it he refutes the
entritire thee he intended compromis-
ing with the premier in tile matter of
poliey. Ile WReleS rough -shod into the
Were Tieedereetts is ShoWn ill the
'Mg quotation
"I have alreedy eaid." he- writ
"that the Little Eriglender free tratiee
ere nothiog fiat the Monies; hut /al
Id to the Imperlaliet free traders
wheel they deetare that the Intetvets
attil onion of the Empire are as deer to
them as to late, BM: If title' 1044 SIN What
answer are titer going to return When
our colonies Ail.: thet we shall tteat
them in elenimerciAll tuetters a little
better than the foreigner and when
they promise receipt teed advantaged In
"Every uthev natiothand all (mown
self,goveruing coloniee. letre refused
to accept the gospel of Cobden, and
yet, although they oughtt accordiug
to its dognras, to be in the last etage of
depression and tleeline, they have
grown dosing the lost tweolV Yeats lo
weelth, population iend trade, and in
everything that goes W znitke up the
greatnees of a =Won.
not manlines,s, enough to kick offend,
ing administratione out. Too much
to little independence.
be that th t
Remem re greit a generous
heart a the publIc will foliose leeders
that will lead to fairness and purity.
Governmeot don't suit. try another -
that don't suit, try another, --and keep
en kat we get an henest one that RC-
eOrds With our best instincts and Wu,
Goveenmente are what electorates
make them. Let tile elect -orate be
mottlY, equare, independent. resentful
o wromr. condemoing wrongs by
voter., rtot ?O ions" and we
wfll heve eventually a legislature and
goverrnuen t ji Ceasar's wife, "above
A grant. f$20,000 for the co ut mence-
[Ilene of worko
on an utside brealewat.
er at Goilerieh was a part of the sup-
lentary estimatee brought down in
tlie Dominton House on Oet. 1st.
C. N. Smith, the provincial Rvern-
anent eandiclete in Swett Ste Mane, be-
taleing the advice or the int -
mortal Artemns Ward. cm:Rained in
the wordeize oppoetunati. A
MASS meeting was called at 0 Brien's!
hotraeult Ste. Alarita on Saturday leet
but Clergue. who wao exPeqtS4 to
speak, sent, his regrete. Not wtiltug to
let a chanee cIip 0. N. Smith took the
oentsion to ghee a political emech of
eorne length.
* *
The Provincial election took Owe iz
British Columbia on Sam -slay, The
province has fin. years bade rather die -
tutted political life owing to the fitet
that it was impossible foreither Mere
• Is or Conservatives to ohtaip a work.
ing matority. Dansannir held office as
mite on the majority of one for ttev.
1 years. The result oSetorday's
iou Inevee the political mato
evenly divided, Wbich is certain.
v ry unsetisteetory. Two sociallete
a leber candidate were elected.
grr 4LidGJ4NcE.
Mr. M. Y. Aii•Lean bste a long editor-
ial in Net ;were Expositor re tPerty
Alereent two weeks before, be.
coming ronvineed nett he ENEW of t
things dome by the present Cattalo
government that were "wrong, dis-
reptletile,fitieettnil inexcitseide, iteleed
the electors a south utwou to resent
Some person or persons assembled
have evident ly been calling te.MeLean
Now he Wee to •exeunt, himself and
say e that a paper that will fail to call
attention to party frailties and con-
demn them is not fit to be read. Then
here comes the inconeistency.
;says that personal or editorial condein-
nation does not indicate 'intended de-
parture from party allegiance.' We
simply ask the questions: What is the
nse of editorial or personal condemna-
tion if the beeses atTot onto know that
it does not mean anything?' If they
know that the persone and editors con-
demning them will at firstopportunity
plead their cause before the public and
then vote for their candidates? What
is the use of the condemnation? 'When
the governiument cau rely on the sup-
port of that paper or person in an
. eleetorial struggle why should the gov-
ernment care what they say or do in
the meantime?
A government, is only afraid of one
thing -votes. When they can rely (as
the Expositor says) on the support of
the persons and papers in election
times, or the party allegiance of the
parties condeinnittg, what does the
government care about the condemna-
We quite agree with the Expositor
that there le very much too much dis-
position shown by parties to condone
(not condemn) things done by the lead.
ers of the parties. M. Y. McLean or
any other person of ordinary sound
common sense knows that all the vir-
tues are not confined to one party nor
all the vices to the other. To reason
thus is fanaticisni, not sense. We can
assure the Expositor that, history and
experience, prove that the only thing
to do with parties,wheu they don't suit
tis, is to kick them out, and keep on
doing that. Some day thet process
will purify politics. Some day leaders
will realize 'that success in politics
means purity. Then we may have
better politics. ,
Bo the Ex posi tor'e idea of condemn -
leg, a party and voting for the party
will never putify politics ofpoliticians.
Resent all nepotism, impurity.
breaches of faith, party coercion and
intiroidittion by voting against all con-
cerned. Remember votes only count
--not ephemeral condemnation.
13efore erincinding let as ask another
question. Why are not our Ontario
hence of the flekleness of pap -
pinion is shown in the menner
rgue's reception at the $ea on
A whey. Only a few tine before the
riotere enreed his name end pertiall
deetroyed one a the buildings lie h:itl
Wilt. On Seturday they gathered by
hundreds at the depot aud cheered,
their latetieet when he steppetl off the
totin,The nenel had reached them that
he had none to see that they reeClired
their back pay. Frotn "traitor" to
"hero." How long will be retnain the
The Normal ftehool class has filled up
vell, after ;M. There are now eeventy-
three et ndente in attendance. The pro.
•isionel regulation which ;Mowed au-
to enter who had a junior low-
ing htonding, nu rely. has Widen effect
zn bringing probahty twenty -live addl.
timed tensile to the Normal. This reg.
Illation does not regune students to
have linseed through the :Model salmi'
and to have teught 4elem. It, is prac-
tically too late now for more to enter.
The Classed toe all formed, and are
well under way with their studies.
Another of those revolting and heart.
endoge child murders have taken
place in Ontario -Jessie Keith, near
Listowel, Glory Whalen, near Coiling -
wood, and now Irene Cole, in Brant-
ford--IIot them being perpetrated in
daylight with a fienclishneee, almost
beyond the imagination of man to con-
ceive and Amon children of a very ten-
der age. The murderer of Jessie Itt"eith
was caught, tried and hung. The mur-
derers of Glory Whalen have net been
caught. Joseph I -Comedy, an Irish-
man, some six weeks out, front Belfast,
is accused of the murder or little eight-
year old Irene Cole. Exemined before
magisteate he pleaded not guilty.
The evidence is strong against him.
If found guilty he will be hung -an al-
most painless death, tis true, but we
do not want in lynch law in Oenada,
nor buntings at the stake, nor riddling
with bullets. Men who engatee in sucb
do so only when their animai. passions
have lethroned their reasoning pow-
ers. The doer is hurt more than tbe
done upon in mob law. Then there is
always the risk of killing an innocent
man. Let the law take its course and
keep up the high standard of liberty
and justice that Canada has always en-
joyed. An accused man has his rights
and they should be repected. When
found minty let him die but in such a
way that no man need reproach him-
self for his death.
Sudden changes of weather are es-
eecially trying, and probably to pone
more so than to the scrofulous and
consumptive. The progress of scrofula
during a normal October is comnionly
great. We never think of scrofula. -
its bunches, cutaneous eruptions, and
wasting of the bodily substance -with-
out thinking of the great good many
sufferers from it have derived from
Hood's .Sarsaparilla, whose radical and
permanent cures of this one -disease
are enongh to make it the most famous
medicine in the world. There is prob-
ably not a city or town where Hood's
Sarsaparilla has not proved its merit
in more homes than one, in arresting
completely eradicating scrofula,
which is ahnost as serious and as tnuch
to be feared as its near relative -con -
511 flI ption.
Poultry Wanted.
Will pay Ocper lbfor live chicks,
ele-c. per lbfor live fowl, deliverer] at
J. Oobbledick's second store house, Ex -
el er, on Tuesday, the 13th inst., cn•
Winchelsea on the 18th and 16th.
Poultry must he plump and well fast-
ed; also will pay 10c. per lb. for dress-
ed turkeys, weighing 8 lbs. and up;
dressed duck 7cper lb., delivered at
FIxeter and Winchelsea onTuesday,
If.itle Will pay e cent extra for the
above in trade.
JberEs & CLARK.
AvriD,ToN FA/R Pridham, A. Shire; white cabbage, 1
Ilia J. Sanders, Thos. Roadhouse; red cab -
The Blansleard Agricultural Society
held their fell exhibition in the village
of Rirkton on Thursday and Friday ot
last week. The weather was n64 the
mast favorable but the attendance
was fully up to Met of any former
year and the officers and directorate
have every reason to feel ehetea over
the general result.. The preceeds front
allsourees were in the neighborbood
of WO and was fully up to lase and
previeue years, The races, notwith-
standing a heavy tae, was an toter-
eeting feature of the day. As usual the
show a stock was large, particulael
the horses, which comprised some o
the best animals in Western Outwit)
Following is the pri-ze 'let and evil
ners, riga--
atQ eses.-o. 410bel,, Win. lien;
3 minete-race.-lae, Beatty, lat and tad, Rat Mo
Raneera" Trot. --Sane JAI% $e1ys. G
bage, T. Roaclhonse, H.E.Sweitzer; to-
matoee, Adam Shier, Mb, Shier; eel-
ery, W. IL Paisey. J. Urquhart; long
citront Wm. Yale, H. E. Sweitzer;
round citron,R Paynter, Miss M. Ale -
Callum; pnaldus 8 rolam,
Hazelwood; Watermellons. W. Wise-
man; mueltenellons. AL AleCallutrit par-
snips, W. H. Pitisey, Jas. •Sanders;
sgaash, 3, Sanders; sugar beets,
Davis, Sam. Smitb,
Orange Pippen, S. South, Ma Rad-
cliffe; Northern Spies, W. Ilennah,
Sanders; Blenheim Pinoins, St Smith,
Ala Redeliffe; Fallow Water, Air. Rad -
Olga I. Sanders; Tatman Sweets, 3.
f Sanders, Wm, Ranson; Baldwina 3.
Sanders, R. Pape; Snows. A. Donpe,
Molt.zdeliffe; Rhode Island Greenioge,
F. P. Sweitzer, 5. Smith; King a
Tompkins. F L Sweitzer, W. Hanson;
Alexanders, W. Hanson, 3. Sanders;
20 -oz Pippens, W. Hanson, R. Davis;
Ribston Pippins. L Watson, 3. Step,
est bens; Golden Russets. j. Sanders, 3
Stephens; Colverts. J, Stephens; J:
Shier; Ditches of Weed:tars, Miss R,
Donoe; Cayuga Red Streak, J.Sanders,
e J. Watson; collection apples, F. P.
e, Sweitzer; crabapples, N. Brethour,
Brethonn plume, J. Shier, AL Watt.
- our; fall pears. 3. Sanders /and 2; win-
ter pears, 3, Shier, A. Shier; peaches,
s. Mrs.I Barr, Alias AL tiVhite; white
; grapes, M. White, W.Hagelwoodthlue
t grapes, M. Mute, W. Ilitzleweod,
Factory butter, Wtn. 'Wieennut.
HEAraz DRAmenTe-Span, Clarenc
Robinson, Jas. Norris; brood mar
Wm.Fewsett. J.H. illeCullongh, Wu
Kirk; 3-year.old, Ed. Dixon, 0 Robin
son; 2 -year -oh], Thos. Hero, J. H. Mc
Collough, R. Outlay; 1-yearold, AVe
el, J. L Aleclullough, Robt, Bee
Ile.ywaoowdse.tlit.,1r, Radcliffe, W, Hey wood
AQIIIMI,trintate-Span, Art, Daigle,
J. Robinson; brood mare". Woe Ilan
eon. Jas. Aleore, Rich, 'Wiles; 3 -year.
old, Hugh Noreis. J.Norris; geyear-old,
Wm. Delineage, Jas, Steen'.; C. W.
RObinSetin leyear-old, W. IL Fneeniere,
David Golding, Rohn Berry; foal, W.
Rondle, W. Mee. Mr, Radcliffe,
GiirINRA,T4 PiTIWOlgt.-Spen, W. J.
Pm, Arch. Robinson, johnston;
brood noire. Ches. Miller, Wns. Hight;
2 -year-old, R. .1, Mitchell, 'Wm. Hyde
2 end 3; 2.year-old, Geo. Kemp, Jute.
Hooper, Wm. Dinnen: 1-year.old, R.
j. Mitcbifl. jai/. Delbridge. R. Berry;
foal, C. Miller, R. Berry, W.
ROADSTER. -Stailai, D Creighton. W -
Hanson; 3-yr-o1d. W.Dinnen. IL Dins,
J)1141'I', 2 -yr -old, j.Delkaidge, T. 1.u;
redd, T.Elliott. Jaa,Watson; feel* J.
Yateon. Jute Selvee; *tingle roadster*
V. Hawkshews J310. Wile011,
CARRIAOR.-e-Brond Mare. W. Kirk,
Jas. Watson; 11-yearsold, .1i19.. Wore,
JIL lirteelwond; Seyear-old. A., Rolthe
sou. C. Miller; leyeateold, Jno. Step.
ens; foal, A. Donee; carriage home
Cemphell Dow, J. F. Rueeell,
Butaa-Aged Durham. Dar. Roger;
2eyear-old Durban), Jae. Moon., George
&Idler et Son; 3 -year-old Durham,
Samuel Tufts.
We J. Moore, G. Bentley & Son; 2.
amid better. G. Bentley & Son; bull
lf, Thoth Hamm, duo. Pridhaun
ifer coif, Cr. Bentley & Son. I and 2
JIIRSRY,--Mileb cow, Robt,Fleteher;
heifer calf, A. Doupe,
AVIISHIRES.--Mtich cow, Richard,
Pity nt er.
Aetoua.-AllIch cow. Ames
Hazelwood; 2 -year-old heifer, J. Hazel-
wood; heifer calf, J. Hazetwooll 1 ;old 2.
GrItADR.-Mileb vow, J. Afoore.'Mr.
Radcliffe; 2 -year-old heifer, D. Bezel -
wood, C. A. Copeland; 1- yeateold belt-
er, Alb. Shier, Wm. Hannan; heifer
calf, 1.. Doupe; steer calf, R. Berry. A.
Roltinson; 1-yeatsold steer, Mr. Rad -
if! land 2; tilt Steer, J. Hazelwood.
LitteEsTEn. -Reiff. G. Penbale.
1 and 2; 1-year.olci ram J. Hazelwood,
et.7%,..tt:slliutkly4tent:nnity)viz.asIntoelkli IN271.gletNovyes,INsiktintloy2:
LINCOLNS.-Batte Penhale; 1 -year
old ram, Ge Pen bale; re in,lattile G. Pen -
bale 1 and 2; ewes, G. Penliale; shear -
hug ewes, G. Penhale; ewe lambs, G.
GRADE. -Ewes, Wm. Hannah; ewe
lambs, W. Hannah; fet sbeep, G. Pen -
'trout:slime -Aged boar, Richard
Bitch; breeding sow, R. Birch 1 and 2;
boar pig 1903, R. Birch 1 and 2; sow
pig 1903; R. Birch 1 and 2.
Mumma -ea -Aged boar, David l)oug-
liis Son; breeding sow, D. Douglas &
Soo 1 and 2; hoar tinder one year, D.
Douglas & Son 1 and 2; sow, under one
ye' le D. Douglas & Son 1 and 2.
BERRSHIREs.-Aged boar,Jun. Dun-
bar; breeding sow, J. Dunbar 1 and 2;
boar under one year, J. Dunbar; sow
under one year, J. Dunbar 1 and 2.
Langshans, David Douglas & Son 1
and 2; Wyandottes, D. Doughis & Son;
Minorcas, D. Douglas & Son 1 and 2;
Cochins, D. Douglas & Son, S. Smith;
Plymouth Rocks, White, D. Douglas &
Son, Wm. Brown; Barred Plymouth
Rocks, D. Donglas 1 and 2; White
Crested Black Polands, G. Bentley &
Son land 2; Light Brahmins, G. Bent-
ley &Sou; Game, D. Douglas & Sou 1
and 2; Turkeys, H. E. Sweitzer. A.
Shier; Geese, D. Deuglas & Son, H. E.
Sweitzer; Ducks, A. Shier, H. E.
Single top boggy, D. McLarty & Son;
iron beam plow, O'Brien Bros. 1 and 2;
iron harrows, O'Brien Bros; gang plow
O'Brien Bros.; turnip cutter, O'Brien
Bros. 1 and 2; scorner, O'Brien Bros.;
wooden. pump, O'Beieu Bros. 1 and 2;
force pump, O'Brien Bros.;implement%
O'Brien Broe.
White fall wheat, Mich. Brethour,
Jno Hodge; red fall wheat, D. Roger,
M. Brethour; 6 -rowed barley, M. Breth-
our; large oats, N. Brethour.; common
oats, M. Brethour, G. Bentley & Som.
small peas .1. Hodge; timothy 'seed, M.
Brethour; !White beans, D. Roger, Mr.
Redcliefe; corn; A. Shice., R. l3irch.
Rural New 'Yorker potatoes, Win.
Hazelwood, Win. Wiseman, Pearl of
.Stiv0V, W. Wiseman,' W. Hazelwood;
Beauty of Hebron, W'rn. Saddler;
White Elephant, John Pridhato, R.
Davis; Rose, W. Saddler; Empire State,
W. Saddler, Ancl. Rae; any vat•iety,
W. Saddler, W. Brown; col. potatoes,
W. Wiseman; Sweedish turnips,
Doupe, Rich Hoskins; field careots, R.
Birch; D. Roger; garden carrots, W.
Hazelwood, Walter 1-Inzelwood; long
red tviirzel tno agolde, Mr. Radclifre, R.
Payrttere' globe weezel mengolds, R.
payeefere Wi. Se'edlee; onions, W. EL -17.-
e] wnod, W. Wisernen; bleod beets long,
1-Iodge, J;.,ts. Sand ete; turnip beets,
"Maple sugar, M. Brethour, Mies X
Dunne; maple syrup, K. Dittme'Jas
Leadoton; hone. mode bread, W.Yole
Miss ALJantieson; blankets, M.Oreigh
ton. M. Jamieson; intim blankets, M.
Creighton. M. Jarilie5011; honey in na-
tion. G. Bentley & Son; extract honey,
a. Bentley & Son, C. Dow; canned
peaches, AL Jamieson, Jennie Rowe.
on; plums, D. Xentp, 3. Robinson;
pears. AL Brethour; cherries, Minnie
Creighton; gooseberries, Aug; Breth-
our, AL Brethour; strawberttes, AL
Creighton, A. Brethour; raspherrles,
Brethour. M. Urethane; tomatoes,
A. Shier, J. Leadstone; Jelly* J, Lead.
sten, Mary AleCallitro. col. pickles, j.
Robinson, D. Kemp; col, photogattehe,
J. Senior; Pencil drawing, Jacob Tay -
Ion Creyon portrait, 3. Taylor, Rich.
Beer; =Lyon landscape. J. Taylor;
wriage 'lames% J. Taylor; minting
on glass, AL W. White; crystal paint.
ing, W. Hannah; buns, Tule; col.
oil painting. R. Beer.
Counterpanes eroehet, A. Shier. 3.
Robinson; countermove kuitted, 3.
Robinson, D, Kemp. patchwork quilt,
Al. Mealtime Miss E. Ferguson; quilt.
ed quilt, W. Ilydo. 31. Jamieson; ei azy
petchwork, Rohn Fletelter, 1. Doupe;
hand made gloves, N. Creighton; hand
made atockings, AL Jamieson, N.
Creighton; hand made sochs, AL Jam -
loon. N.Creighton; ladies' undereloth.
ing M. Brook, AL White; Applique
work, M. Brethoor, N. Creighton;
Arrsene work. AL White M.Brethour;
Roman erilbrOidery, White,
Cretgliton; Venetian embroidery, N.
Creighton Alaramieson; slippers em.
broidered,' Mary AleCalltum slippers
knitted, N. Creighttm, 3- Robinson;
sofa pillow. M. Brethour, M. White;
coverlet, R. Fletcher, M. Creighton;
child's dress, Ar. Brooks; Berlin wool
work. N. Creighton, E. Ferguson; rag
met, A. Brethour, M. Brethour; home
made carpet, I. Robinson, AL Breth-
our; tea cosy, AI. Brethour, Alalrooks;
head work, ,SI. White, N. Creighton;
drawn work, M. Brooks, SLaiceellinn;
tahle setur, M. Brentano AL Jamieson;
pillow silents, M. Jamieson, N. Creigh-
ton; knitted lace, W. Hyde E. Fergit-
sou; Gentletnatee ease, N.' Creighton,
Al. Ihethour; woolen shawl, 111. White,
N. Creighteto Afghans in wood, W.
ilannub, AL 'Crtegbton; Afghtins in
cotton, J. Robinson, M. Alt:Callum;
Novelties, M. McCallum, M. Brook;
dinner mats, M. Brook. M. Brethour;
.entre piece, M. White, M. jamieS0n;
y cloth, M. McCallum, M. Creigh-
ton; doylies, N. Creighton, M. Jaime -
son; netting, M. _Mc -Callum, J. Robin-
son; btittOnholes, E. Ferguson; M.
Jamieson; Dresden work, M. McGill-
Inna, N. Creighton; painting, J. Robin-
son, M. White; machine sewing, M.
White; hand sewing, M. McCallum;
btu talered work; W. \Wiseman; darned
specimens, M. White, M. Creighton;
crochet work, in cotton, M. McCallum,
W. Hyde; crochet, work, in wool, AL
Jamieson, W. Hyde; Jewel case mid
pincushion combined, M. Brook, M.
White; toilet mats, M. .M'cOtilluin, J.
Leadstone; paper flowers; W. Wise-
man, Af. McCallum.
Col. houseplants, J. Robinson; Ge-
raniums, S. Doupe; A. Shier, Fuchsias,
J. Robinson, R. Fleteher; Cacti, T.
Robinson, S. Donpe; rare plants. R
Hoskin, J. Robinson.
Special prizes. -The Sovereign Bank
of Canada, Exeter, for draught colts,
J. McCullough, Thos. Bern. The Wo-
men's Institute of Kirkton, for home-
made bread, Mrs. H. Barr, Wm. Wise-
man. '
Horses. -Geo. Spearin, Thos. Bissett.
Cattle. --T. Russell.
Sheep. -H. A. Sweitzer.
Pigs. -P. Brooks, Wm. Pridham.
'Foul try. -Robt. Fulton.
Grain and Seeds.-Tas.Ballantyne.
-Horticultural, Dkviry Products, and
Ma nufacturies.-13. E. Huston.,
Lad ies' Work. -Mrs... J. Routley,
Miss Kate Douple.. • .
The infant:eon cif Mr. arid Mrs. Wm;
Walker passed aivey on Sunday even-
ingand the hearts Of the ' parents axe
sore bectiaise of their loss. -Roy
who met with an accident a few days
ago at the'News-Reeord. office, by get-
ting h right leg eaught in. ane of -the
presses, is getting along as well as can
be expected -,.-Master Ike Rattenbury
had a I) atTO W escape fromlosing one
of his eyes the'ather day. He was un-
tying a cow in the stall when she threw
up her head and onebfber horns struck
in the corner of the eye.-ThapropertY
ae the corner of Ontario and Victoria
streets, long lenown as the Combe Cor-
neli, bus changed bands; the Perchaser
being Mr. J. p.. Tiedale. The transfer
Will not alter the plana for bending
tlie new block Which .Ber. ' Tisdale will
Push to completion as rapidly as peseit
- A remedy which acts through the
fonctions of nutrition, by the building
up of new and healthy tissues is not
to be expected to manifest its action
in a few days. •
When the dieease is of remit ori-
gin, this early and, immediate action
will often be net with, Otherwise,
when it has already lasted some time,
the action of the remedy must be
chronic like the disease itself,
This is why the length of the Use
of ST. JAMES WAFERS Will vary with
every individual ease; hut it is a fact
which no WIC will now deny that in
the treatment of general debility $T.
jel.NES WAFERS produce remarkable,
and in some cases, immediate effeets.
ST. JAstrea WAXERS help stomach,
digest food and send the =Aliment
through the 'blood, and this is the
honest way to get health and strength,
the kind that lasts, develops and
breeds the ene.rgy which accomplishes
Inseam)* of Omit° cb,
"ante* Wafers are lamest Wren
quite 0. apeeille, 1 totYte great
faltli in themes
Mee ndwardAtlgOtasout
Corte. Irelinet.
$1,101KOT graftrPire rfat a XeClIt
mai:10(1re numerous doctors ro-
ommoording Mein 0 Moir tedirocis
sreMe rormula Alton roqueol.
Waters. they are mailed upon re-
ceipt 0 prtee at the Canadian
breech: et. James hetiare Co.,11311
At, Windup 3e, Mottletal.
7»rnvzdfor aompetegt )(64
Canada's manufaeturing and commercial enterprisee aro (level.
opng so rapidly that the question a properly trained business
help is becoming a serious one.
The demand for such help in every large city and town is
greater than the supply, and every student from the Forest City
Business and Shorthand College is quickly provided with a
remunerative eituation,
Why not take advantage of the good times and take a cpuree
this leading College
The time neceseary for a complete course in either Business
or Shorthand is only six months or for both cuurses, one year;
the cost is small and the results are permanent.
Book)et, containing complete iliformation, rime for a postal.
J. W. WESTERVELT, PRIN. Y. M. 0. A. Buserano, LONDON.
For eVer thirty years we have treated and cured all forms of Blood
diseases, both hereditary and acquired. Our New Method Treatment is
original with ourselves, and never fails to eradicate the poison from the
system. Beware ot mercury and other mineral poisons, which so mane`
doctors prescribe for this terrible disease. as they will ruin the system.
Other treatments drive the poison into the system, whereas our treat-
ment destroys the 'virus or poison M the blood and removes it from the
system entirely, so the symptoms ean never return. If you have any of
the following symptoms consult us before it is too late; Blotches,
eruptions or pimples; falling out of the hair, itchiness of the eleln,
stiffness or emirs n tbe Joints, soreness in the muscles, sore throat,
ulcers or bad taste in the mouth, sore tongue, sourness of the steMach,
enlarged glands, running sores, ete.
Our New Method Treatment will purify the blood, heal Up the sores.
remove ail pains; the hair will grow in again, all organs win be restored
to their normal condition. and the patient prepared to renew the duties
and pleasures of life. We guarantee marriage possible with absolute
safety. 171
We treat and cure Varicocale, Nervous Debility, Stricture, Gleot,
Blood Poison,liriztee7 Drains and, Dowses. xidney and Bladder Diceases.
RE.DER.tutavnlay/y:ulIt hope? Are you:a;AapinggIggeyeb n
:nave you any eveakness? Our New Method Treatment
will cure you, Consultation. Pree. No matter who has treated you,
write for an honest opinion Free of Charge. Charges reasonable.
Books Pree.-"The Golden Monitor" (illustrated) on Diseases of men.
"Diseases of Women,"Taricocele, Stricture and Gleet." All sent BABE
sealed. •
bite_ Mr. Wee (Ink wout ti Gt)(1 Pricb
They:4day and took the eat h Of ()Clive
of ueg;stt rue --M r..lob ti I lit tely. hone
thirty Veers' has fatened on the Base
Line'has bonght the Left property on
Alhert street aed will there toke up his
abode. His son, Themes. will reinnin
on the farne-The in vit., does are out
for the wedding, of elks Olive Ikt ;Inning,
daughter of Bev. II. 31. leening, to
Mr. Albert N. MihiOr. Thr ..velit v. ill
take place in Weeley elettell on 1 o h
inst.-Dr. MacCallnui, iif 1,,eneeseere,
.who has. been Very in He boepite I
•here, is rapidly rectiverin e.--- A s the
tailoresees of Mr. Role.
shop were deurering the 1,iisat mem
hour the other day, one of 111e yeling
ladies had the miefoetune to toles hue
footing end fell to lite hot tom, stistaie-
ing a serious freer:tire of Ole uoso. S'lle
was stunned by the fill]. toirl it Was an
hone or More before 51)0 eo441,1 tnkon
to her home. Doeides the ittjery re-
ceived She WaS severely shekel] np ;Ind
Mr. Wm. P4411401. hod the misfoetune
the other cley to have the index finger
of his loft band almost twisted off at
the se cond joint by getting it canebt
in the cog wheel of his cutting box.
This will be a serious drawback to • Mr.
Pahner St this time of the year with
his two big threshing outfits to attend
to other evening some evil dis-
posed pei son ent 31r Ted Chutre's bug-
gy top full of boles. -Mrs. Treat and
deeghter, Irene, have returned to their
home in North Dakota, after a pleas-
ant visit with friends here.
NO1111698 FigiRPATY
The Best Blood Purifier and:Liver
:Regnlator cm earth
Reenittatiee, Kidney Disordei ,.s liver Complaint;
Constipation; Sick and NervouS fleadaehe, Neuralgia
irsettopea, rover )lid Ague, Scrofrda, Female Com-
plaints, krysipelns, Nervous Affections, Catarrh and
414y1*hilitic risetises
. ,
We give six months' treatment of Nature's Herb
Remedy for ea and eitartuttee to oure or refund .the
The great remedy for pain internal or external.
Every pain ire,tantiy relieved by one thorough appli-
cation. Rleetrieura surpasses all other remedies in
..he wonderful po..verlt possesses over Itheionatisins
and Neuralgia; also over Hoarseness, Sore Throat,
Stiff Neelc,'Cntarrii, Coughs, Colas, Bronchitis, Pneu-
monia, A,thina, 1Mflicult breathing., Influenza, It
kills the germs of disease, thus curing .Malaria, 01
kinds of 1,0'M' and Diphtheria. Ji braces and forti-
fies thesysicm, curing nervous and physical debility;
gires strenoth tone and vigor to tee system. Try it.
Mat:tinctured hy
American Drug f '0„
\\-nshine,ton, I), C.
C, G. „Tr,. • 04.E, J, CSIA ELTON,
.,ent, Parkhill, J.oc,al E>,eter