HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-10-8, Page 34N4'k.,
. 4**
At seventeen years of age Marry
Trevor left Eton. having bad a din.'
een sward aod white hands, nerv-
eusly interlaced.
Tholigh he WAS a, good forty yards.
ateay, Idarry TreVor felt like en
eavesdropper, so plain from, their
ces'L was the purport of their talk.
1.8o he dipped bis oars agoin with a
'spiaSit and ran his boat's pointed
2p1ow deep into the yielding mo ser of
tbe au
Quick -eyed Jeannette eow hire first,
There teas her anststency. criect to the others,
a viali to the 'mule to gYeet ond wen;Jen Imelda • eemod to heen 411)
e .
he said at last, abruptly. 'it eeme him, and 4rde d Jeaunette ,..47:107:ti:1001,:tusrileteh
annot bet halt forgew !law old
were boisterous in their toy. a. leek, "Old Jeannette likes bini. in a. way.
c. Iwoulnn't iair.
wounin't bonest, cheek, of anger passe xl over Wickbamas face,
Untie, good Un t schoiel. A lets ed himself ae Abruptly, “I era very just the shadow of a eloutl, and was ho is• But now that you aro
gone, a. mohonta—n"
ter trent the bead-enaster had gone sorry to disaPpoint you, mother" and lgreeted tile o -comer
before him to John Trevor. (lie had almost said "Eva"), oboe frannly, Oiily I.ucir lemer been 4 Wky. what bave 1 to do with.
"Mte dear doluo**--it an they bad feel strongly aboutthis. and I trust Utilethough tbe light of welcooto 1'15421'; lothiott. ot course... she said
'been classfellows Eteeteneyour may be let nave mei own way, Whe WA& shining leindly bt her eyes,
son is A navel. In Any experieuce knows? bereafter I nut s 'Pea was nado sad the leselleon quit -41v. I'dtlf Aroused half 'confused
have linonn notbing litie bim. lee tiiing to please you both hetter tben heastes ImPaOW"- elzed. and Jeaaette iae1.,/,),seen,14arz,eldleirt. "Y„..°11 have
eosts , the
is that rarest -of rare birds -e, notilest wilmina; heYs" Prises at tile ijoie with the' tlellght 'af „,.
.1 z,p
on,),Teior 4inutneev;
genius,. I -le will tlo anytieteg yptt verity' -some real, bonest work iti,eugus in its own 100;e -believe, and
JbUt show 014 slams eyerywhera the world, Just for a little saltine I ib!' Pleasallt meal hequite orgetting ow youngightened the 'withou• t
reVtithe aminatos. sitoti We to rest meuoy „.,,,.,,clietrna of the pleasant company awl.T'.:011 area I never feel line *bis with
°DIY boy -or man.
"n exinor that Almost e/ulWont ai j
yoa let pier sylvan scene. -Jeannette, and ehe looks older than
futate sf* '
ter -I ever now who learued for There the diticussion endedas all Jeannette at last leaned up witlx tdr ageauti you look aounger. I
fraratuies sake. and not for profit or -discussions with Barry Trevor ended, a little erY of dismaY oh she caught „„m/Ight easiiY ho Your mothrtn Yon
a, glimpse of the red stenset througli now.
lie Itas studierl wbat pleasehaving his own
I Tower knew him to take life seri-
ously for an hour until Jeanoette
euMe kAtek froilt seheel Fettexce six
mortals ago. But that would neyer
do, of eouree."
**What would never do?" bo as.14:4,
you know aa well ae do. Ile
forttasevee years and she is• lust
sixteen. It's (Mite. to ensurd."
There was a. curiotta eatnestnesa
cd, not witat paid; 414 wanderva far ..7.44e your ckwn course,. law bo.y,,, oho toog odt.s it quart,,tepinit si+4," "I Snow notleing of the liintl."
afield front the beaten track or ootolJohn Inrevor said hearlinn -r - '
..„ %it On •;.2.14:1;:elned..f.a. "1,1 ddeui hod wit idiedd ne 'Siert:is interpoesd. with. quite wartecese
I e ein, ,.. • sere Vat. `e
aeltool eurrletiluee. yet even in tidi .life,e, you nnow best witat's goon for ' ' ode- Lica' iwr ts• t" 'It' ` " L'' "111("S'
p Iiis e.51,-i.,s gal bars. and tliere was
tallCed all competitors, ale wilt do Joliet a taste of tbe freslx air euel le ..118'; 414 1:4Our to row. end a armar.'utenuent-At fielf-conseious, embarrassed
ecgool corricslant he could itave dise Yeea?'
great th'ilig4 at the ITIlIvorsity" (fOr $4/4s1d1113 IS Wood for one. lint vac -re 4cr 4'31 trair ta dress: we'll be in laii.lose beiore enter spoke agoin.
10 betlx sten Oxford wa„9 the, tifaixer. are the othrrs?" I have bull expert- l' fi ." *Ii41 alMN".rea, Y 4 '
Scaaenebie and Profitable 4.
• Wats for the Betsy Talent
* et the 5011.
e4(4i0(.4 *•51(4.110.301
We breed pure bred stock to en
bailee their. pointe of value order
tO Seellre Animal tbat, whea Mae-.
eil herds or gooks. will locrease thoir
fvfaaet- wOrth. $111e0 the results- at
the block mast and are the teat
of Ail breeding, live stock raieers are
increasing the teudency to introduce
pure bred 1/100d in their stock.It
is universally nelieve,
with out question, tbat the, 9017
age1107 that will tnerease the market
value of an animal in good -blood,
eoupled with proper feeding. Int eon -
Mewing tbe purpose of pure bred
live stook there ift teuneney among
60010 farmers and stock Risers tO
OSS101:10 that tne better grades of
the solid and 011diersling column 9(
water. On the °U.:mote/Ad, the ptiwe
er wiadmill is geared up ste as tie
run the vertical shaft at a bigli rota
of speed for wholly
A windmill 1(31' ni),Wer Parpa$OS
generelty set on top of the barn- VII
11144t must be Steady set and, the
shaft well braced to keep it in per
feet afigoment Anil Make as
friction as possible, At the lower
end is attached a pulley or a serial
of cog wheels to trabeneit the poWe
er to tbe maehinery. Sometimee the
feed glinder is geared Or attaclich
directly to the lewer end of the
shaft. Every effort should be Made
t avoid the use of a line sbaft, un-
necessary geming or a very leng
free by such means a. large Pere
range of tbe power is absorbed,.
licularly where ehafting oper.
ated t bigh s)eed.
A test of 4 power windmill by Pref.
F. S. King sbowed tbet a 12 -root
wheel would griod (rein 19.24
pounds of ori per boor, with a wilid
velocity of 71 wk.*. to 1348 pound*
virtth a wind velocity of 34.6 miles.
447e:try:a ttdtoerddedaro it,:it4ssofteet iduirzortIthaott; wsize w41 grird IM ad aleziwbleuese41,.eil ct_obAratt.
tho cent:Non nontleeeript animal. Tile lp-er ho.uz?, or it will rOn tuza
inTorees(slOol"asied ;31:r1r.4liclItuiffr:c4riefd it:r1TriZa.eu.Z l'FbaalTd ;les clorlitWOOT., Ott; Q4 IlltrdadecrareenttteGr
hoots tile pure bred =Drava fast enough to two. men ,busy
This *lc of ii" h,..dr, '11 riniPaii Imu stilulsostoo .nerigadtint
marry... oto qmid. oanelag IIV0 stuck hurts the better typ-3 of ilgrrf „it 1 nereCV34117 IQ 11413 a °Anis
ilite. ;t1hfoteie4vittlaltti titlet, 1575bcaltladeracttifTs ij eNri,,, itulTior, at t,c,..,,:te,76A,,,___IN ,,',1,::9,„,:ri: 1:b,:„,:lg„,:1,%,:,',P;',,,:,,iicntselt1;t154.1!0.;ps:arz,Viti- rfrLittiatvb: liar firaoluist ti and i cort01111f!S11-,,,g,11c4111,3(1$15ea07 5.1ilreubr.41,110100: Srilli's'alw^ " other '.5laW rillThIllg.
Moraine. a eliort vomiter -shaft ift
the slightest tincture of emulation. 1•4141e7'4. for ti. -. . • - e • • . - . .
as yen linow, is often the po-
11W word for SION. Wilt IS a good4
work -a -day, serviceable 'Plane (or
certain elowes of two stowoom.lplaced a few feet from the malt
4;:i.A.awititheolorst:4viiter.him..mue.,*.sy:;to,ayftndg.; ttn.3..t.otif; with tu.,,?„ flurry Trevor "Art 1...-°a'sli rlaedflt„.Tsaaillit °11lieelluougli," Zeisesirnos's:•tileMlifelitilitenasteeZiied°6110°,b141;4.!:tviy!,11,..x::the Tese"lor pl'ille,nc$ Ofiudifiere"
. tt, i ,i1„. “, y. . eibiepered to Intro, as thee, follosecete said at liost. "hut I'm not sorry ter sires and autos, twis lam of the .,.., .,-.......,,,
Nice), All tbe Name, lf;4312e5s 3704 van party bane all gone up the eiver .143=v-,?thil',P1 the r•L'ar or tho‘ Par1Y- 1,1t.,!!;-'1'er',
tirol teome spur to prieh. she sige of ,since early morning. Theo mean to 'el'eierting lle. Miea Res?" %Skit -ham* - "It'll 110 you go to Oxford?" she matter is very well presented in a
, '4'31i. 1 ' /
tdS1 intent,' be wilt drap (Natty oat O11111p 011t for the day. ea was Laud, ; . I xt o it Item the other boat. laelted
paragraph by a recent writer. who i IiI..WSSING Or STINSITINV4
of the rave that, he elm wig so ea , ttbolight of it, Site gueee .d t" t i ;.-Tal'e rare' aid boy tioc,a rot drONVIIi "Sever.% 41111 110 told ber of the tsaYs:-
.. _ -,...i. na or * • . .
tea took filo wag Feat in ,!tilise ., ea and t he decision or the 1 pu:kblireluvrioatcgi:wailt1::: :fol.::: ft1c:ottitu: A,L, 7r:outs Result of the Studies
did my best, to rot" hind bud odd hove you all to ourselves, If you ilhect`°"t; 4311'4 r"we'l strI'I'd'' aea'411"r1".Inihcc'
li.dir 11101 tO try is to triumph, the tiret few hours eve tumid ilie to ''''''ItI''' * e-- roe
A , oil*, 3.014 oda x was i often become ever enthusiastic over 1- - -0`i -4,
an hour s talk lie left nie half pep. care,to follow. you will (*atoll tient ,eteti: faring bitn, with the align light. laser?"
you wilt
white-. IToPing for all our sake
eucceed whero 1 failed,s.inlid*"
"Ever, Tr dear Inv sr4-4 •
* 4 . "Will you sat come?"
the near point of Liege -mew le. 4441-01gs of 11110' rudder between 13,-r "oh. 1 illink you were quite right. agrienitural fairs or fat stops. Allow. 4 41In4 4.V.'4311 of the University e
i "Is it to Ile a race?"' siee sold. ' next. Yott are rot 0110 tO 'waste Vorso avittsetefsPNIarittart;oherrogeenouldb;a1); tiTeltleavteeiunn "tiflothrteigleaYro144i tt,11:0 Iltlitre:
- eletileoge ovee leg ikoms lite in allencss."
illut still. I want to know what TheY season that the difiererare int '
Availed tliot it was not 'worth I'' en , Seigel a. Lautemite bas been etuilying tire pot
"Sincerely yOtire.
"Matthew Moorelteaddl
Itollowlog this letter the day genet
its posting. nano; Trevor got down
land looked its Itest ill 11q leash ene on to the cheiro and floor. ;raved 101Aghinvily., -Two to 011, ioq '1411, 144`.1 ?Al "not the Army or the ill'etI 'Cl -'1/1) C45144titioq13. A Perttb 'rere4•.eo in Ito kl'ilit.ifY 44 population
(tear. 11104 Welcomed gdm aqui 4424dv, not the On3F 14,VA-in lvatt laava tdied 1 "r11 elaillne 71430414,.. 11,---'" ArA10,1 ito%'0 no Wt-tte reir tlhe F-rieLee of (''Ir env uaatogai Kw. winners. esen and lids-4nm 45a11-9 bi'llikT Eatua
S/10 s110011: IleP bead emilingiy. "It"e g
busY da.V, and I've idlexi the 't43tilleler 444: 'Other VP4t. INA 101-4 1 bootie koow what neitt.
gilt a roc, nit 5pad %alies,ta ley profession. But first
into I'revor painte4I good4itunier. Pr* Ardei. oletoSet eirtier for IAIV:31eall'itr, te4 is soolallting eolnethang tne roPid change in form 4ll11 a :11.44ot wlak1 011tY :Anent' remora
noire important tbataesse tonueticy to COriy aitity So rot !lien tiltlog the left Wade
ions Sitting days when tie,. semolina 17.,ers tliat overflowed trout his (kelt '! 'dor zo;t4 Trevor ;34.1' "Id140114 rr,1141>n Ma?' one internee tae Pil"t\ 116% 0;440d VAleliMat l'hore aro two veasonti fter titi5 dire
to Lavella on the tuornitig of a gior- to a, lingo Pile of boot-% entel
unit Eva4 moiling toe, met Slut at t11.10 t4)1.54"'"4"!7" autil •Y"r /11141111(*r 19 '441' "Ir t414 "1'44 14 Vi°443r2 Arg"." "N°' 14°It att" " the NavY' 1 InlatiQ ntb St4111i; 4144t *4 tte Prn''13"11Y rgil 1114°A I 4;" '6'414 112" 1"9 14111Y
9 If w t -stagier. 'rite EtatiSties 5how that
vnole morniag pleaeautly awe:4o" speahing elowl.v. "I bave (loop, hot*, Qt 1.40 river betweint
thee points l'Als a population of
"WM von, kr?"
farmer with swit13 feeding win soon of Clan two natelis of the Planne Out
cry of green atid gold. John oneeor "Tbat judgment has to he Mird tiraliaiel°. witen • I
ine,,p,n,m.t., 14,st Ir. a.„,e,,,41 at ,Inasibtt„,4. and of Ito departments. though lillov"have C4. long aPtiggre,i, af conditi111.9 for the liatineling of liatre
1011111 of MM. Ali three breolifaated ithis utortong.
a tie: eiern mad' .“,ri 0;411 if it 'te 3,31T 411111011inn 10 Paw., not la r°:•"4" Mc". lt 414 ilraProted " a4"It 11V:"'"1; Vraf. I'Mg"144
togetiot4e. t*.9 hint, irto enema. I are i eat4lette 1 1 En mv :ww,e,710n1 loan. the litroier„ farmer who wild improve hie se-etent „'Oestaitteed that a 1141^ro
Beleste% lbws. three. niho eo hort of feeding' and care to handie gioe.ittlitence 3,4 eni by the 41116'01'0M 40.
loved i "In or Four way the 1114.114,1', 1 will "
" 1 •
dart other, liteavatit talitz notc4,41 from twit. a "Iirgfli canco and fitran odiel„ "Tare away.criod TA •, 4 o ; 44:s-- ceFrhilly intro tweed aniineln an no 5green of estuenine bY tr0
011i tA01A irt:e AoLosen--1, nt-11
Morning tO taxon. W11111414 theatenlY nd 1150 liver after llont. (food- w‘int "i" 444 fil°1* 1°1'84 "1134 41°1 M414' 111 ("ci "ern- Itran lie In l• 1 1 I '1 ant —
1 et et le 1 t 1"f d. tb , tie . olow t ge r e vetoer- I o.
iilligibegai.dee, arid tell them we are emu. a ma,. a sui.1 tetisticst he must unow ow motion no (mond that aliong a port ot
toph-s OP it went With thine end "Yd 1.1" I"III°;"irfaN" t e, tre en x am
ethileS Orld 1.1101V. billt bolding tie Rot when to get to Ole toothotlast. nit too., an, ode ooe tdc Of ICItVitItIn inn& 10 MAIM.* suertiloo the river toullis what present_ esact-
• , -
main current
ls on the hod ot at intsteadShiny r inallogarier eaeit eaxiol., ite boa41 [;° • — and then be willing lantow yeti- 'Ire saute topographic corrlitions
*In* Ardel spoke past that to
• • • ,-. ent ear.,?.. 0511 ;Attention upon the old. 'the pigadoRion the vidw
e hib eie
echool and Ilpro pectn tor flit.: fo,„!eil Or pleasure -t. ',mil „ ,*
with pair el light fetal -A tufa a, lin* two 00Vi iiippett together with. ,me, t T remember it so web. van
espeeed tae lias fron;
oot the time his fri„mds cow (.4 - t tt mit a t4P1111 and titvorui ITc.95143t.. lila:t.r-itd"ostSelt I iltseSletra3rditeteralgi" 143 convince four to :WO f1011'S aS tunny tribal.
ne0 P
e le 11. llon0t teeat a le stern. _ .0 •
plave in the judge's mind. It waq
inevitable that his thoughts should
Mid words at last.
"You will find Osford more to
your taSte than Eton. norm., be Hound the last low; reach
said. lot the stream the boat swept In au
"I thish not," the other answered, qeYen curve into widening water,
deed, with teour dereetesion4 oaten4 the river lay at large with
(boa intemt to try_ x enjoyed my crooded island Wilted ill ...nwt to speak to him. mean.
TOP joy of hie ran riot in young- 1••* •
cyrov0e3 yowl, awl Immo yimousi **Bow well Ardel rower' Trevor
'deltoid. too Vogue for word or tald to LW* " "in it'ist hunt 4"°17
1110110t, heart to rolst14,!;‘) MOMS "Fe0 itoW the or
lien& to bis etrahe tout the but
oOld Dr• Ardel n marvel tO
wed' ahe said softly. "He 14 young.
• toolay then when. I first met hillt•
°I augullg to ('tS on le the Well :canted *Fend)" tiott tls *IP other Itant; 14.141°I 18 141
month. final*, btlYish fare or hvr ho fa Furth, hut 11K. s*444 fl4* ure tet 10 g 1 he ehatiow of the Mountains Milt
ConliriOnliarryi , „man .7,0s boy., ceirrclunttnuertoutletvce. sItt‘e_ilit.ett:11tvihtemaltillitnagwproiste!itZrlfaigoli.f IlIttlittial oult.thoir" tdIrIfocectdcne7ftsiououi
oti I 1 ' •
Avitclied and bewildered me again: sible it would prove a boom to 0%0,011 the '131110
1 Was 2I7't g°1°Fr to °silt Y011 ir Yalt Mire bind breeding interests of the the bank willeVisb4indlItNitit\IYblixtima:
rentembeted 'Mutt Dr. Ardel said
wten you Were a tinNe-P'n-1""1" hatv,' ere not permitten to &KUM firt11"1 This inilwn" 'if the llriselw" orab.
country if every prospective breeder:ell to the studs rays.
I never can remember for five minutes class odimots until jun um gpco what txcllee Of burdight ale0 ManifeSts ite
ults. As it Is, eVery communilityt. 11:11ntfloTioPfsl'e'colitincl'itlilit."71411i51:4esPriaPnuil
at a time how young you really is necessary to bring out their
11418 eases where some 'whose capabilia letion of the two riter banks. On
ptiteits.00.brareains:txoncleki.entils/siusiallourileiligointo ;the right $ide of the rater in the sun
of the poptdation More at their
the subject- is little, and ids cfwe. aro tuuro Proailerous and Pre -
tions soon lose their acuteness, 10111 SOlt a degree of eleilization more ad-
litl.ronaeix.et bionlithel;tniiss elxhlemicixennivnetionnsit: Nimrod than thoao of the ofallosite
natural sequente of a venture in
school -days, but have had enough
its midst. At the Island's edge ai_oler intri , • aro."
Of them." Idelicato spiral of blue grey smolaq Oars 4.0. wah
"But a university le not, a seh001, broke, from the tr,,,,„top,., to merge in ;Imam.- girl then and you were a'
renweiba it. Lucy," 11
my boy."
"A bigber clasS seboolgthat's all.
ilon't need it."
"Oh, Itarryl" the fother cried out,
in consternation; "you are eurely
JeNting. I have had a letter front
y -our bendanaster prophessing for
you a brilliant uniiversity career. It
would make you too va.itt to road
It for 1,*au."
"Irardly that, I 111111h," young
Trevor said, smiling. It is curious
on what levels of easy', adectionate
familiarity the sort and father were.
"I 'trust vanity is not my WeakneSS.
Moorehead -I beg Ms pardon, Dr.
Moorenead-is very kind to say kind
things of me. Me was good to ino
at school, and gave me a pretty free
baton for which 1 an deeply grate-
ful. But I want more freedom still
with the rest of my lire."
"Mooreltead is certain that the
highest. honors in the University are
open to you. You have only to ac-
cept success."
"But 'I don't want -University hon-
"But for my sake, Harry -for your
mother's sake -don't rob us of the
joy and pride we will feel in your
Eva, wbo was sitting close by,
said nothing, but there was wistful
entreaty in her eyes, and Harry Tre-
vor paused before he answered.
the deeper blue of the sky. Ire
Itis Stroke and shipped his oars, let-
ting 11;0 boat gihile. It end over
the tdaesy stew. smooth art a bitel
01* stretehed wings, with no sound
but the low MUSIC Of rippliug water
at the wow.
with a deft touch of his oars he
elierked the boat under the overhang -
is sent Skeet to tba diseased
parts br the lanarortd Blower.
Heals tha alerts, clears the air
passatos, stgP3 droloPings th•
throat and pernatosatiy torus
Gives *Wiley Peva. Blower
free. All dealers, or Ds A. W. Chasa
If !ditto* Co., Toronto a.od Bufiala
ing branehes. and hung suspended on
the clear Water, lvliPre. the opening
rees gave the picture clearly
to 44s eyes.
Ardel-the great Dr. Ai:del-was
ilown on his knees before a small
wood Ore, which flickered faintly
with a smoke -like flame in the ar-
dent sunshine that broke upon it
through the rents in the high green
roof. Close to his side Jeannette
stood waiting, with a burnisbed
brass tea -kettle in her hand,
At that moment Colonel Wicicliam
was speaking earnestly and Lucy was
listening patiently, with 0Q$ on the
Bleeding Ile
an rysi teas
Two Severe Cases Which Illustrate the Extraordin,
ary Soothing, Healing' Virtues of
Scores of people 'do not think of
'trying Dr. Chase's Ointment for
bleeding piles because they have us-
ed so many other treatments in vain
and do not believe their ailtnent
curable. It is by curing when others
fail that Dr. Obase's Oin.tment hits
tvon each a record, foi. itself, it
will not fail to promptly relieve and
completely cure any form ef
po naa.tter how severe or of how
long seondinge
Mir. James Urialt rye, Marie Jot -
eine Cloysborougli Co., :N.S., writes :
"I was bad with bleeding piles for
about low' years and could get no
help. Dr. Chase's Ointment cured
100 , a very short time, awl I can-
not praise it too' highly for this
cure. „ Mrs. Thomas Smith was
Aroublod with erysipelas in the feet
and logs and was all swollen, up. I
gave ber some 44 the ointment,
which took out the swelling end
!mated ell the sores. She had tried
nary ilea tin ent s before., t 310110
seemed to do )*Cr any good. am
telling my friends about the wouder-
ful cores wbich Dr, Chase's Oint-
ment- read° for Mrs. Smith and my-
self, and would say that it is only a
pleasure for me to recommend so
excellent a preparation."
Wherever there is irritation, in-
flammation, ulceration or itching of
the skin Dr. Chase's Ointment , will
bring quick relief and will ultimately
heal and cure. On this account it
is usetul in scores of ways in eveey
horn° for the cure of eczema, salt
rheum, tetter, scald bean, chaneig,
itching peculiar to women, pin
worms, piles and all sorts of akin
diseases and eruptions.
Dr. ChaSe's Ointment, 60 cents a
box, at all dealers, or Eclmanson,
Bates & Company, Toronto. To
protect you against imitatione the
portrait. trod signature of Dr. A. W.
Chase, tho fanlous receipt book au-
thor, are on evo]y box of his reme-
both snood, yno need not enahd brae out abruptly, alumet fiercely'
superior, sir. I often had you ort' mastered by tbe passion that was
my knee in those days and rend fairy- burring In 'Thinh44 nle
ta1e to you, ways as a man.in thought, in feeling,
"You bare often beard, of •courge,!121 reSOIte-a num that loves you,
boW Dr. Ardel saved my dre at the and will love you to the hour of his
' bis own, Well, It eras a
after that I had my first and "My poor liarryl" sbe said Softly,
histtalk with igmegoith the mat; at last, "my poor, ,foolish boy!
itr. Ardel, imetta Every word- is cannot laugh at this; you eeem so
still fresh in my mind." She blush- borribly in .earnest. But you will
Singh at it yourself a kw months--
ed softly at the tender relnelnbralle0.
"I always think of binx an he 5421; 3211140, e a few weeks htmee, and then
then. The real Dr. Ardel is dead, Ili join you."
Tarry; as dead as if his body were "But, Lucy--" be began.
certain diedam the inferior
11*' calls thetee who are most fax.
mai with temlieht the solar aristo-
, crucy and Nay; that they contemplate
It is unfortunate, but none the with
less true. that the average person is popolothoi Nett° uwell in the shadow
inclined to name the animal as the limes the rhea,
direct result of the failure, rather The thedoe of the village of Reek,
than the inexperience of the man. It omen. which occupies both hanks 44
true that better stock require bet-ithe Rhone, are notatly ided
in the grave. The Illan we knni
ow so Not no.
o. she nterrupted, a r Fare and thought, und it is no two distinct costes whose origin, m
well and love so wen is pr. MAIOtouch of sternness in her gentle detriment to them that they do. The the knit analysis, may he attributed
only in outward shape. You are voice; "I must hear no more of this improved animal shows its utility in to the ditterence of sunshine to which
as like the real num. as he
tone', now or ever. The time will the bigher prices its Mashed products tee two groues are exposed.
Irony Trevor smiled -a queer, come, and come soon, when you will command upon the open marliet i
• --o---
amused little smite. t me or ialusra, to o
"You need not laugh. You are Saul*"
far more like the real Doetor Ardel "Ayer!" he retorted; **my love is
than he is," she added defiantly. more than ray life to me. Is there
no hope, Luev? can
"Yet he is the man 'himself, not yen,
The Man Wlib saved my life and ga.te 1 Sile Smiled in spite of herself. that the packer wants a higher
me happiness; the man in witose soul "Wait; yes, Barry. wait till I'm an grade of live stock and is willing to
is bidden- obscured, it may be, but, old woman. Not suck a long wait, pay a jireinium in a superior price to
not lost -the .genius of which I got either. Surely your sense of humor the producer who will, put such ani -
one brief glance on that memorable should have saved you from this fol- mals upon the inarket.
Iv " Occasionally failures are ceasing to
mar the possibilities that the pro-
ducer of market live stock has be-
fore him in realizing more for lOs
beef, pork and mutton, Men must
learn to look more to the methods of
the men than to indiscriminately ceptible to them.
condemn everything in the line of The grip baeillus is the smallest
pure bred live stock, simply because microbe yet discovered which affecti
one injudicious manager makes a man. It is but 0.4 of a micros
when compared with the poorer
grade of live stock. This statement
has been so thoroughly demonstrat-
d in this great market that argu-
ment iS unnecessary. It is sufficient
evening. I would forfeit my rife free-
ly. Marry, to give him back his real
The sentence began lightly and end-
ed very earnestly.
"Ile is so young," she said, after
a pause. `In thought and spirit he
is far younger than you are, Melee
who Etre not half his age."
"I can well believe it," he answer-
ed slowly.. "I sometimes feel as old
as if 3 bail Ifegun life at the dawn
of the creation -older than the etern-
al hills: older than this ancient riv-
er, which rolled down to the sea a
tbousand years ago as it does to -day,
with naked, painted savages oa its
banks, who lives their lives out,
whose bodies aro now dust, or air,
or water, and whose souls are--"
"Don't. Ifarry, don't. You know
how it hurts me to hear you talk
like that. Clever boys, I have often
betted, like to play at being unbe-
lievers. They get sense as they grow
Again that queer smile stirred the
cnrners of his mouth. but died out
dem-tiredly under her searching eyes.
"Dr. Ardel was not quite orthodox,
I have hoard," he said quietly.
"I don't know. In my one talk
with him there TC41S 110 hint of un-
belief. To me he seemed all wisdom
and gentleness. I was full of grati-
tude, and admiration, and fear of
hire/' she went on "Imir, above all.
Ifiva--yotir mother. 1 mean --spoke of
him as a kind of god. 1 dared hard-
ly look or speak at first. But be
was so gentle that I forgot illy feria
Never in my life shall 1 have an hour
like that again, Often he looks as
he did then. Age has hardly touch-
ed litm at all, and for a moment or
two I cheat myself inio the belief he
is the same; but the moment be
sneaks the delusion is gone. 1,Ti8
thoughts are the thoualits of a boy.
me one thing, at least," he
insisted, "that there is no other
A faint blush flickered on ber
-cheek, but her pure eyes met his
glance steadily. "That is a question
you have no right to ask, but 1 will
answer it. The past ie past. There
is no other. Let that be the. end."
(To be continued.)
Irregularities of the teeth may be
aceasioned by the unequal wearing of
some of the teeth of by some of the
incisors being brdken, which may
happes what cattle aro pastured on
sandy or gravelly soil. The molar
teeth may also sbow irregular wear
from similar causes. Their edges
may become sharp or it may happen
that a molar tooth is accidentally
fractured. It may also occur that a
supernumerary tooth has developed
in art unusual position, and that it
interferes with the natural and regu-
lar mastication of the food. The
mouth may be examined by grasping
theanixnal's tongue with one hand
and partially withdrawing it froM
the mouth so aS to expose the teeth
to inspection, When it is desired to
examine the back teeth with the
hand so as to obtain a more precise
idea of their condition the speculum,
which is used lor horses, should be
introduced into the mouth so as to
separate the jaws and keep theln
apart while the examination is being
made. SOarp edges of the teeth must
be removed by the tooth rasp. Any
tooth which interferes with mastica-
tion or which is fractured or loose
shou ld be extracted JII potfOrifllllg
secli an operation it is best to throw
or cast the ox or cow anti have its
head held securely so as to enable
theoperator to do what is necessary.
So inmortant is the pasteurizing of
»il11 deemed by Russia that the im-
perial minister of agriculture has an-
nounced an international conmetie
tive show of apparatus for that por.
pose in it. Petersburg next spring.
The eounnou contagious diseases,
the causes of which are still un-
known, are scarlet fever, measles,
chickenpo:c, yellow fever, and bydro.
phobia, One difficulty in experiment.
al research for the organisms whict
cause scarlet fever, yellow fever, and
measles is that animals are not sue
It is doubtful if many farmers rea-
lize the full possibilities of using
windmills for running farm 'machin-
ery. In some sections a windmill
may be seen on ever,y farnx, while in
other parts in ,the country a person
may ride for miles and not meet with
3111e. The windmill will economically
run all kinds of stationary farm
Machinery, such as feed -grinders,
fodder cutters, buzz saws, fanning
mills, grind -stones, churns, to say
nothing of pumping water, Which is
the most common use to wbich 11
has been put.
The only objection whicle can be
raised against the use of a windmill
is that The wind sometimes does oot
blow when power is wanted_ That
is not a serious objection, because
as the power costs nothing, one cell
afford to utilize the wind when he
has it. Usually the wind blows
more or less during every 21 Ocrers,
and it is an tme,ommon occurrence
when there is not enough wind 11ttr-
ing a period of three consecutive
days to give power enough to pump
water or run a feed mill. A wind-
mill to be used for pumping purposes
only is a simple machine. It has
merely to be geared so as to give
the pump a slow, easy, safe motion,
and thus avoid wasting its power
and destroying the_ mill and 'pump
by joining the pump, plunger against
broad end two to three times at
long. The limit to visibility to flit
most powerful microscope is 0.2 of a
micron, which is tbe size of the ini.
crobe of the peripneumonic of cattle
Two-tenths of a micron is one 125, -
000th of an inch.
An analysis of the cases of con.
sumption. in Marburg, Germany,
showed - that four-fifths of those af-
fected belong to the poorest fifth ni,
tbe popolation. 15 was further found
that 31 per cent of all of the cases
occurred in 2.6 per cent. of the en-
tire 1,503 dwellings in the city, while
50.2 per cent. of all the easel
aniong the poor occurred in 33,6 per
cont. of the bouses occupied by them
A. hot cup of coffee is tradoubtedie
a powerful stimulant, °1)a1in-11g both
mental ars' physical fatigue to be
borne. But coffee disagrees witli
many persons, disturbing their steno
achs by interference with digestion,
For this class the London :Lancet
suggests the use of coffee jelly, which
iS equally pleasant. It asseaees
thirst' and neutralizes excessive acid-
ity of the stomach.
Life without toil would be without
tri utaph.
remarked the en ma stic
tourist, "this is about the tbillost
district I ever saw." alSeve thinli
so ?" returned the n live 14J9tjC,
'Ye'd bettor wait for:a couple of
weeks an' then see how this place'll
be stirred up." Tudectl
going to 'happen ?" '1"