Exeter Advocate, 1903-10-1, Page 7,o-
It Is Very Important That the Young
Man Get $ the Right Start
• , + I.,
hamont of Canada, la the year Ong the same way are those whiell Seek
.1"4,;.Arittaltia-Nylke: 0111,11.gorreot,IttrlaYrnttrn us when -el are at Wed,: • Christ helP Yon to start In that gospel rac('Ilin0St .0( the runners ere they ate gen- a day, thereafter. before. retiring to David, shall hate) the throne of Mt
d i w. For lo that elorious I ..., . . ,
, o xe, un exgone nr un 8 with hot water several tunes David. the root and offspaing o.
. vepertatieot of Agriculture, Ottawa.) called to eeeter and Anorew when bere at)t 1 0 in, n nlatieeren La be, in sporting pltraseo- rest, rubbing theni thoroughly with efather„ David, and reign over tht
---- they were laborbig at their nets. Our race, i No ne man eon ot
A desPatell front OhicagO sa'.''s. hest oPportunities are not thoso af- the only triumphs, tempora an 1
•'' e.- ' e. *-'4,t "`'nvti illogl4 "nt, and well,- Ten or teVelve olh'e oil. Cold -water bathing is lhouse or Jacob foree•er in a 11-ingdOna
ssA aseeonds una.y suffice to take a runner never resorted to, except by blower-, that rhau neeer end (Matt.
Rev. Wank De Witt Talmage prefiehe tel which we are running Aroundo sPirfluate,wilieh w,i11 8nti°43' YOlt 4'1 from pistol to tape, hot this fact fenced runners. for, though calculate Rev. Nxil., 16; Luke fi., 22, 38). IIe
:ea from the following text: IL t3annle neglecting the Pressing duties at "kir will endure. " 1Will not hinder hint from undertak- ed to maintain the general pleesical ishall reign and prosper and executt
,e1 xinii., 22, "NTherefere Wilt then hand. They aro the horny hands of
run, ray son?" toil which if necessary are just as ------4- ting a six weelcs' course of training , condition, it exercises a bardeninoi judgment a-eal justice la the eerth.
willing to firmly grip the lia.ndle of ItEXAIIKABLE ENECTITION, liar the event. Six weeks' prepal'a- effect on the muse/es which is neon Ile ehall reign in riglaeoueness, mei
The cross is the most honored of
all' earthly and heavenly signs in
more ways than one. Therefore, as
we began this sermon with the
scene of the foolish race of Aiximaae„
I would close it with the glorioaS
ilxice of Paul, wine always served une
cess. 0a the other hand, should ill° rillE suNDAy so11001
time taken bo downright bad he is
dropped altogether, and regretfully
the trainer owns himself beaten.
Some men, splendid runners toll, IleTTEBNATION.AL T.ESSON,,
take badly to the restraints and
handships of training, and Special
der that cross Whether he WaS. A $ix wows caws, a Training course haa to be devised to ineet
preachiog or tent malting. '‘This their case: One noted and success -
one thing I do, forgetting those 414 14C"C°11P7i:ng
ful runner, tor example, would in- letaxertra 4,
things whieh are behind and reach- Few Seeends.
evitably break (Iowa did he aubjoct
ing forth unto those tbings which; Little „loan tho average speonno biniFeif to the ordinary PrePacation, The story of Davicl„ 'the king-, car
are before. press toward the mark. i at the athletic meetiog suSPeeti how Inetead, he content% himself with ries our thought' onward to tht
for the prize of the bigh calling of /
-"prolenged and trying is the prepare,- very careful dieting, bathing Ids thim when Jesus Christ, the $011
God in Christ Jesus," May God t -
OCT. 4,
Text of the lesson, II, Sam;
Ooldea Text, Fs,
When Prince Absalom, brilliant
. , a a de. ite on on Tit -lats. ;the work of righteousness shall bt
mentally and handsome physicallY, a Plow as to wield a Pen or un- Nerve Displayed by a CriMinal:SeCOMIs is quite a couunon thing. , ;peace. and the eireet of righteousnest
but depraved morally, the anscrupu- sheath a. glittering sword. God's
vIto arigecl. Nimeelf. ,'i The sureeesful trainer IS art attiO",' quietness and assurance forever (Jer.
411,14 leader of all the insurrections of messengers of temporal and spiritual
Ilavid's leingtiem, dieti, at once hiS StteCess sometimes appear attired 1 11 Some tisue ago a Russian criminal l';cra..t of tile first water; he has to be. T33 °T-4/3' " 13E7F.rt.:6;1114' ,t,Xxill, 3,,, 0; Ise- xxxill, /tel -'7). Tit
followers 'weal:, scattered, and the no- the rouo,li garsoents of a jahorer in,
, had during the ittst two ;,,e.e.s.s Inure -the runners thevesehes. rhe moat- . "`'` 4"C'44 .V '"gr'''' t"'''''''' X W.V ""4'
WW1 executed in St. Petersburg. Ile` and none understand it better than -c.,,..sa--e- , It_......4_. ,T,..............1 ' PreSldent of the 'Visited ,States wik
tioneo upheaval which threatened to stead of being covered with toe , dered twelve persons, the last one' lest *rift, Wit • I • -
41entolish Isis fother's throne WAS white robes of a coronation W '
Conftrming "col Story. not steel to be called on then ,PQI
• hest being a priest. The law did'
ma ie oll the chime-. , liagne trileanal appealed to, fro
.st Wed. enCe betweea a race wort and lost. A thre° hundred Ycar4 4 -go tistme shall be a righteous nation
Anrabaut sat, at the door- of his uot show ilos
e muster luny mercy, 'note or • • „. ,
:No sooner waa this tragedy el08
ver tent and welcomed the three dust but speedily condemned him; , a second. for instance. will great astrononter eaelner, a devout, earth .4 • it it. h
it as . d as. a see s a be set -
than General JOrds. the commander stained, travelers he thought they death. ,, appear to taost pk.oput the merest as w 0 Ica. mil io u.• bou4 It tied at deruealens. tibia. ix. '..;1„; Jer
hgash of none. It. may he; but do . ntatitentatically to deounistreste theei. 17. 18). ' '
-of tbe royal forces. 'wished to send were common men. When the guests
done boom and since his time. s,c, tiothed in, homrsptin. We bad bet- r death warrant wits read and the ki°4311g frathea 5" 4441:4111". 41IC aa Lile
tbe newa to tho anxious mpg, ego left they revealed themselves as fall- 10810tleetlillirSlirdwena-sentitinalini:eh4ed.t;itilli • tilh%e--vtolinstt:rn- ng bitaatP et "Ilb-‘‘e:Intalintx tIsSbbnasf=-: ' .1tieluetlittule19.711t1100fAsttPh01017t1t1:4gfintlie: 4Staisi171.. din:.1 r''''' .1.t,ii; .Ia:';'iten;bri4t'e:ia-r6o/eene:ign,;i;'''''olti.t„tv-"'assI)anarCr''ei°lauta*s''*n''aoI1:'''':t.'t't'o,h,rtd.'''-
waotetl to do as other generals have gelle ambassador% God soinetiim.s the last, for clemency. Wheal
young men, (*twist by Inane. and itt Ity that comes. We must. wtoeonser hot s•lx. hours to ilVe
'General Jab turned to one of is ter grasp as 0, fdem1 ettoh 01)1401 tun he pt inforwd hint itiletaLtavbea 14:,:dti (Nv314:17,''',a1,b, iist rismelsiti,d,rtil.:411,,,ad, Ittnattadstt'wiltloe tv4v1,t,714. tec„altre-1:224ot-4,716 Ir,tt,Zu thteig 'i,t1.isitntegintattfirllifligde:filn.lutiwahli9atjtnd ;11%1111r
tones, of authoritY seta: "tio tell the it with full wOconse. no matter bow SIV0E0 to revenge himself in the Most, '13k.I'ds° vietory? Therefore. if the ,,nomletif visible ill Palestine. a MAX"' of on isrip.i. estahlisiied in. ti., 1 ',."
hing, what thou host seen, And htlinbli it, may knock at our doors. •terrible manner. After being left {trahlier ('"" 110PrQv't` the 51)4ater MI" ‘2111"nn "Milir3:110"." ‘.10,..14.1I.::0 ..4:1:1'gal°111411,(41 40"fill 1011;118V'al OS NV:ilt1:::::(1:
Wove tit the cell the thest thine. be der his care by the extent of only a ',R-tt!ll'n• .
intly serve your entooe-or arigitt duo. the oil. In a moment the flames 'himself; but stall. improvement means the earth, 44 re directly in line 04a1 i .4*.3," 1 1
q • f` g ng grrt ' „44.)r Oa
did was to Inane; inn 'mop. and, proelillth of a arsenal in a hawked yarde. ,e''''nat 154 on time mSoe ... R. .saut, NAL, la. II, 8
lbst a step farther ; 'Volt must net eating some matchee, he eet tire to race, he witi b.,_, highly owed moth Poor t5;, As Et -,en from that part of : it} -1 4- It ;as hts“tent'ist40•01";fan:
XfardlY WAS thIS coMniand given Ing the hours you work for bon broke through the window, and theist (3 .13 of etern and arduous tenor, i0r a t11410 NV014311 be F•1411 11.9 0414”"nio °t' Itl'U',a7c1r.:10ablsIt eNerYthling
.and tbe meesenger on hie way when I nithin the four walls of the store, i entire 1}14ilding Wafi for a time three.: liefos'e proceeding to lay love a day litar. ""nbining 4 140 twittjah(V 01"satnantni;ltr Tif4I 'S 1 "'I n .1 'nwn nrn'01.'
a. Staltralt young Soldier annreaChed but you must, also 0011 .4.4 ta.teneel with destruetion, Portunatelf jti the liro of a rowel' trainisr4 for bests. Nepb•r thought, thhi genii -Inc- ,;„ ion - p. "In• 'N'''“r^.
the general. ITO WO8 a physical igood servkc the other fourteen hours tho Ore was diecovered lo time and . an Moistness'; haudicap it elsoulti thin ("11)1°1"ed "to ul)In'itranc° or th° i tile Its.ta71,' r4"111•;.„,5'e.
atedote, Ilis chest was broad aud . when you are away from hie wateh- :got under control before much (Situ).- last be explained that. in a great ‘ungslutilY bright' stifling.° Mut. whiett' -1-
muscles oi his etnewn limbs were that 3-,ou, will speed your hesure in, time a. terible struggle ensued be -r, roux: site;ttima, as employer thou on t %Ilse Men Saw as they came from the ` °melt troulde. as there °Ilene's IS,
noVering of his skin. Ills name was elent in his servitv* That men Ills - nil° hnd fortidod himscii with en "sign. 00.- as It were. rennin e, t al- .ill '5411°441'5 tv°4131,144,57c4710:X=II,'sni1,Vritiine,%,(1- ttral,isttvisind,allrottrorttriLv'wisoarldrn:
Ahltuaaa. Ile WWI the son of Zadok. your employee does not hire you for ;Aran bar. Whets front his bedstead. •ent to ote rough. he probat4 has 1a334.44 1113.°0111agY
ini wittwitutylle 11:rtecti;li vedo.f vlitseesnysiniuelltxl.c7. ;„!till:.11e..PanveSa.na:11.14,Inewl avis'asrejtszlidegl;dtitte0 ark ineft
ue tyos a, youpn, fellow pf intense eight or text or twleve bourn- eer- int, first Plan to eitter the cell was on his list tho names of
energy. lie Ara saluted. tho cam. ViCe, 1Ta Illreli yen for every tweit- knocked senstOess; toad It was only .
niandec in niiiitiow fashion. and 1 ty-four /sours out of mow twenty -:after being almost suffocated with i t''‘EYERAL LIKELY 'MEX. :Stem? foulul evidenee that LierOti the., i*Y. ''''(‘ "/"5"4"5"° 4111'4 Wh°541 handS
tben said. "Let sue, 1 przev thee. run fuln% 11e "l.'s 11" S4/3% "Se11 133V .4 S311"11 that 1114' Prisoner was *IRBY and wisest some morning ht. select0'1°'41, stthd in the (lositvis to havo st halt t'413ett° (41' a wly "Pt. ily4wn
niter cunta... General Joith looked your time from 8 st, no until 6 3).ONOITOWOrell, INeNt inOrahig the eN- one to 14,144 tor a forthrnatinn, Nth. heett. !Wog at the thine oe the Na. 1.. two Istill; cowe (I, Satin, Vi•. 7-
tatereazoeitsing giat:1,a.inesix.,Inrffisneil.,....2_110. 1 It1;i1;',, f.'11,t11,1t 1102 8A124,...;SLItitslatTintil°14111,11',; man. ascended the scaffold with Mall ow m 0 4 4 .f,, the for srvoral weeks to chbortistallet: tirrac.011711141 inaetil 17gt..°44111°.. ,.,e,fitt,:inlawtraBt:'Sat YlicliIrTattg,,,alltt lirlAluttr.
""ti"" 1"" Phive' Th° v°11dentn°14 ,cilealt a eiatilpiete elntlig.. eomg over =Ill ilt,F. diva 128 tbe fifty year beforo !,4i. and. It found ,a V"sting Placa
n . ol'i1;•• t (loch noon. 1 nill then give you It.ratodo, made a thorough totatnina- le
Cusin bowed honself unto dotal, and
•deon, too eye dear and quick. Tholialg eye. lie has a right to expect :age had been done. but In the mean- !maw eases the trainer ta„ more rm., anssteed tie. shepherd% and which the t and emaseeteently there waa
ierittex WO fail to be obedient to the
moons to perfect aetion under the a way that will render you more eili-!tween the keepers and the criminol. employee. toy d t t
er rea y to Pet an
ourteen hours of everv twestiv-fottr•tson of the 9 at
. 1 ai Pavid, tieing now es-
-seeing than bast nts tindinr. to hear? in which to oat and ;hem reoreate,:Vil that the rope wos too short,
, ,o o. and mutat- avow.. 4 contrary ,i0 0,:nlvtation. neidnins. lyiresttetinuatisttetal exto,;„Igtebt,otasalca ei4=0410:04: tabus" ittutt,,, untertninea to, iwo,..,
• . •
IVitY, CIASIII will tell the king all be and improve your mind anti body for,, .. i cannot get my bead in the !be is' far front being 111.1q1" Illggard- -the 10011d ....tte since the birth oi the ark brought to Jerusalem, and
wonts to know. All that you van the duties of the following day,'" u100p," he said, "and though II, will 'IY With food, 4 Wnwiti 11114°41g^ ' ,lesus, Ian at lOafit 4,14C. 13.41471 10. alal'S4) Pitetn.43 n t4411Pritmle f‘Er itt there'
do is to get out of breath. and rim Mon*-' time ago 1 was talking With cause me Some inconvenienee 10 Walit'embillel"g Inuttim'ehnPs or hum And probabio the youpth, 1 tves•ee 1 7b and 18 (1?( to bring it
and rust and. run. and yet accomplish
nothing.* But the young man would ed farmer
a IDA. .leit et ant yet a c ear m m -
1 ,a 3 d 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 wia sninhe a eigasettte while von eggs, ie allowed tint; nest follows a .. .1.1 i . ii• i, ti i ti ,to it5 r„stitt, mare in th,„ now eit ,
ilium this sowed. ne are has Ing it et tended to." .
good. plain dialler of toilled or roast , 4 s sscotery 0 se error n to -
listen to no reason. lie ag, 1 b
, . traditional chronology. though it Now Ihnid ILiew that none algid to.
1 n eg. d i ..you are riot. I do not him ' /le lighted a cigarette, and, turn-ibteak metr.done. p!etist path/Mg. and Iromirmed Kepubtes yrdidatious Imo_ 011114 tpe ark of the Lord but the
god tho commander to let hint run. my farm handl.; from chores to R *44.34' 4.0 the executioner. made it, Ines lack to welt, soup or vegetables 11 reettiy (11,1 not masa his ss gestions Lodies, whom tho Lord had diosea
Them General Joab, impatient to get lanVeVg P. are 'malty conepiciume by
rid of the persistent suppliant. sharp -
chores, but I Ills'e them for twente...r,:speech, pointing out the deteetable
efoxupte•etotuirlesni qt
nioaftittwr:v.sx•-aftoire.ightesidtieser4jobfl-sissiz latsitidssisnas ialacsor:0111..•tseinistl-1
hours' sound sleep, so that they ere rights no one dared to interrupt
,; about the star of Bethlehem to be to carte" lit and. to minister unto Mut,
their alteenee frosn the dinner -table. 1
ly replied. "Run." And Aldmanz Three hostiN later comes tea, tvlsit-ls • f h c occurred people adopted the Philistine me-
W11011V 414:1:1111e41, nut, the sonjune-,11.• Citron. xv".., 2/. yet he and the
„ , on o t o tno p a es
ran. Ills reef% was foolish, because ono harilly he described ati "plain. ,ilbout Hint iime won otimitti.d. hut thod and Net it 011 neW cart mul
it was without an object, unless he 51.034*
wanted to outstrip flusbi, the auth- thet a (0)0 k* at eggs* ulumNt it woe not considered proved that tar Astilrita7fiaIith it from the house
variably poached and undeseloneol y, • , TI t
orized meesenger, as the bearer of
'evil tidings. In such a race there
could be no prive worth the winning.
no goal but disappointment, no
recognition of the tromendous ex-
penditure of energy. He ran as
thousands of young men do, who.
tenting their proper post of duty,
come in eages• hasto to our largo
cities, neither knowing nor eating fin'
What purpose they are entering the
race of life.
in a fit condition for my work. Some', Mat'
time ago x had 0. youne; mon work., The executioner, Who reolly Was a
ing for mo who leas a tine Aglow.. en PI asallo Mall, became vIssiny or fish, go along with It.
But he .woulti go to town every- effected by the wort:0141)g words of At be 'to us s 1 is fa r400 and no .,. .
ON EXACTLY' THAT NIGHT. ' , 1 eal' A.' .". !'. - 1.- -A. r-- x--1'
'afire's, loathe
g a' - i 3. 1 ai ing t te I 1 d t itt
ries. tiMbrels. ete, a
night. A fter the chores were done thu u,turderer,I, end, torniul to tile Fin -11- '' 19 .1.)11-7 - . .
'11 S 1 r pa eon ^ d xy fact, the tendency MIS tO regard all Eln'ali'll to go well tin they
be would get with the boys and cr(rwo ussenstued before the scaffold. ---"Iv.i..-411. l'' 2 1•0 0 - t l'e .1 - the story tat 1
t to star as a wonder
drink, and gamble until ..1 or !Is declared that his conscience tild not .the ell.illtal trainer than tbe easily- , , , , , • ,retteh„d IN, titresi,s, , . ..
• s tail', ,laVeitleCa ny the univerao hit-. i - • ""f• U4'01 OA AS?.
, - '
Life. in the first place, can he apt-
ly compnred to a pioneer's journey
racroes the American continent where
no white man's foot ever trod be-
fore. Although millions and 1411 -
o'clock in the Morning. The result allow lent to proceed or to take a. t''',(\ t . g I
actually nodding and Sleeping
• pot.itiou and de_ trag.ellser,,the.re is ,itittie that is sug, ndettastsisisst (d. eetotnetstisdeuoousst petessto...1 1,0_7 in ,,,it. and thai smote, tam 4nd be died
,w,4,ri,.'. , there by the ork of God. David was
ayer there reeigned his
the plow !Muffle. I had to discharge ' lutrte,d midst tile shouta Of the as- ge'''ve 4)4 n'arva`ialt la the tlaY's1 lint nuw littl.°n 44% v0n 4eus"• "1 tt 1dirsaleased rand air id nn I 44 n I I t
him. Since then he has deteriorat- "mblage. menu card. Nor have nil the Items!!
pamphlet published at Berlin, points 4. ' - a -- t- '-u.(-• 0°.
1(:•is 111.41 11!li t i.:.,s,acnvTleritilliiii7wIlltal 11.1 til:1113.1;1111!(1,1:11C11,of,;Z':St 1.1("/11::"rtZ„T1101Zen11.1411.1331131413 1:111to111101(4xt:141,Lup to -o. tj1:41 ;that "'lir ,1.1:trItaar Inlimilt;t1i;)11 P4- ilistaticnitrtelliltretsizIki:; ItliZt: IllatOlisselvt1;17;hey:-.
Nit onions and rice Inn it vlow. Wan habil of asSomating retnarkablet • O. UM) . 104-•
was that I have Neen that vonng man fl4 1044 MOWS HAN and he then and , h „, ...mit took bold of the ark to steady'
young 111a11 eats and drinks, how WIRT(' Cuald, they in ft hurry get ttn-4gether farm a "Piel'-n""°- 111"I'Y' 1 n uri (efsert e 1 14* i'll0111. tha tlittixe. where it remained.
lie stems, how 14114011 exeeciso he 001'1' executioner ? The qutostion, 3 trainers have faith In. The reason ,,I,,,, l',...„,(,), , „le irSe t °," A0 11) the 112,4, 1,1- for three months, bringing mueb
sociates and what are his pleasureS
takes, With what compaidoe$ be ase was. however, solved by the con- of this abrupt change from beer is een ler,' ,". 4 , s to ...,, , . .: ...,•! ..,- ,•Idissing to the 1nan and 30 an that,
donned man. 1010 declared that hetimt gtrtul'irillm perteineal to him. After this David
men, it is alleged, WhO have trol+irt; la ,1N.g'Ypt. 4
and recreations and T 11 111 1'00(1 that "mid execute himself as soon as lie ii1"41 "(lining l'Ins 3"11"Y WePit8 gr"w 1 le ° ( 43.1)tlan star gazer g.ves a hatl it lortmeild in due order, aceyl-
success more easily t lion you eon i an interesting eonversation with the I Pressed wills the near anfironch of e ' • '
yonng man's character and fotus.e got. 'through smehing'. ne started ,apprehensive, nervous. and own de_ number of details that corre.spond fo;.,
loeelv ntth those cet clown in the . 14) ,r1 hi4t1
lions of /meson. beings have lived, uttcrPret lt 14.;
therl. is not one of all those multi- does from 8 as 01. 40 6 p, Inn Nolen he had left, and recommended that lers believe that a jUdielons use of
observing what be sanest (Immo the five misstates or so .the eventful day, and various train" ?...g...ta.::),(1., ilit,teliiittatv:ezt:sele.dollt.it:;:flus.:.11tlikeidt ilinItt?eitlit tS's4,11,14111110itiv.h:a tt:ril:raotle:ne4iV,hie;lwri
he Is at work in the store. , 110 Mad f,(111111, 1 0181.01 $ haat book, 4 stimulants exercises a, marked effect '''''
Judos who bas bail just the same
.datmers to face as have you and L 1 which contains striking. retniu'lls I in steadying the nerves and affording
. . .AD \7ICE To you.xo mr4Tx. :about the relation of capital punish- that confidenee which is no neressnrY
Each, man as an indtvidunl must be- young men, 140n. wee von gobtr to anent to the teachings of Christian- 1 on the cinder t rack. Nothing i
tome free thinking' and free acting'. eeend vopt. evenings (luring ,the. gem». ity. He then threw a Ms5. to a„more fatal to suCce.SS than for
Ile must decide his oWn course. No ."1"
int; winter ? 15'hat books are you prkty girl among the spectators, ti.orapetitae to too the line feeling
other east place himself in exactly his • n_oing to read ? what iiiglit 5011001 stueic his head in the loop, and kick- i
position. . and course of lectures are you going ed away the trap beneath his feet. i APP111":31EX'SIV14 01' DEFEA-T
Young men, you a.re going to meet to attend? llow are you going to ...._...,_ f and this feeling every good trainer
temptationS and dangers which only improve ;your mind ? Are you goiog A CUTE PREACTIE11. !recognizes to be a dangerous enemy
Sottr (We con see and onlY Yotir ear to dissipate and fritter away your Ilefore the collection was taken up whieh "tits tar Ids best efforts to
ean hien.. It is absolutely esAeritiai evenings during the mining winter 1
that you have a moral code by Are you going to study hard, so- 1 taitlett negro ware or worship reeentie, subdue. Of course, there are many
minister, a. colored m„,„. „ne excellent sprinters who will not touch
which you can be able to discern that you ran become Something bet- „nlmeed th, . . , *"" "' intoxicating liquors for an thing
at Ile legtetttd to state a. .
-quickly right from wrong. You ter than a Inge 'in d 'I' .9 W'll -
shoal(' luree a spiritual compass
which will teach you 410‘17 ;to steel-
-clear of the concealed reefs and the
jagged rock of sin as the mariner
protects himself against the destruc-
tions of the sea by chart and mag-
netic needle. You should have an in-
- elicator which lifts the danger sig -
most vommeetators have declared to !aehtwah' 370r frwtt ahuNe th° InerrY
be a poetical expreesion, turns out 8"t, trtnn Ill'iween the two client -
the 'Isisas. the I.ord 1.ail staid that
to be the technical term lased by ile
eert -tin brother had retired to rest . o al, 02113r ae tsgs Ls . “, ot
hard during the day, but; also to
you promise .nte not only to work ' .
study the right kind of books for the night before W11 bout loeldng the itsiiaining has been toothed one There cattee it was the time of the Romani a I thr." '11Y lin it aS When Ile in-
eoneerning -the tabernacle and
that all his chickens had of course, another Side to the Saturnalia or tee fest ival of some ' strutted Noah concerning- the ark,
door of his roal-bouse, to tind in the
your mental grist by night ? Will .1140rning picture. The pupil is ordered to popular pagan god, but. because the ili°srs
bed at 9 p.m., or 9.30 at latest; not early Christians knew exactly when; David 004)0* 11 the temple. 'Ha
you endeavor during ;your play hours vanished.
only so but he must again retire to the Founder of their faith appeared' .1 „
; must be the doer of it all. The
' '
to breaden. yourself montane and `'l don't want to be personal," he • . '
081 icLitcliSirlinq a g
pzgyinian astrommu.r to a,...,erii,,, would eonostline W1111 ITOSIII (Ex.
tC°11-itlinvieltieir elite jittc4111:.,`0',11's al'oli:xprxtl,s..e'nee of God sled for communion
2,2). David's love for the
ponding to Dec. 20. a 11. C., of our i tomes as 1--$. xx4ii.. 1: ixxxiv.„ 1, ..
calendar, at a date cOrreS- 1. with Min is Seen in 611011 soul otter-
.. 10. and ht, knew that fellowship
4 .
Baron von Aefele draws from this' with (3=4.‘4,41t tIllety41.3aautliednoupoonneteltslitilsismceet.rf
confirusa t ion of Kepler's conniuta-'lliinfLtilt. walk we are engaged in is
tion$ and 'Matthew's narrative the ith b::::::,sf0:001.3:, : itileiSit.(1:4:141:11:4.451, Immo
conclusion that the Christmas festi-1
val was fixed on Der. 25, not be -1 t-11`.`
physicaltv instead of sacrificing your non:tinned+ "init, ltab my suspicions
Smoking is practically forbidden
life as thousands have done and win as to Wito stele dem chiekens. • .
nal of sinful explosions, as the en_ continue to do at the glittering tts„. m right, in dose suspicious, dat
eite smoking, which, in the eloquent
gineer, by watching the water in his tar of idetteure ? 11 01 't put anv money in de box
1 • ' - - - vernacular of t he track, '''PlaYs 01(1
glass tube„ knows when the boilers Itut there is still 0110 more great which will now' be passed round." lrarry with the 1111111.." Neither will
by his side are doing their pmper essential for true success. It is the Thine WaS 0.. grand collection. not
the embr3ro champion be allowed.to
quality to which we give ,the name a single member of the congyegation • . P
work. You should ha,ve tbis moral le i * the o o a n, an exceptional aspect of the heavens. "carry on the Lord's woilt is the
' `
of magnetism. The retvards of suc- feigning sleep.
.compass ' because the first great es-
sential. for every true success is that CeSs come to men who not only do ''-Now, bredern." announced the with a cycle spin. for pedalling bas It shows that the. writ.er of llett- i same in prieri
also are 4.4111 111(44 choirs.
-100 as David's new
an,young man shall be honest, that their 04411 werk wen, but lin:Tire minister, "I don't want all yeah tlie efiect of bringing muscilfis into thew s Gospel did not fabeicate this I earn so
hired stingers who know not: God and
others to do their best. Diunng our dinners spoilt by wondering tvhere 111aY which' only hamper the action incident of the Nativity, though it
he' can and will distinguish right . . . of tho.se roost depencled -upon in was one than, the humau d in all 1 all that is mere outward show in the
unssionatz, soca-
aS a child ainong Men. 1 UPS to -day seem to be fon of new
The main interest of the 111144'ter to ;eart_.,
s hating adopted the world's
Christians is that -this old Egyptian ways so as to please the worla.....itke
takon with KPPI.er's lhavid carryieg the nrk of God after
thrit the birth of the Voila"; thing in the line of fairs, festivals.
'confirms the Gospel narrative.
;the mealier of the Philimines. Every -
der of their faith was attended by II ,eteereeant, , - ,
of N e . ( gnizec this in -
from wrong and do the rig t, no fltience in college sports. :11'e elected chickens op at night Dat brother
, , g•
inatter what tho temporary cost linter, the captains of our beseball nines don . axis , 111 1 liteic . c wa, a ,_
't ' t al f •', Is. It q At seven in the moraing be must
he. It should be to you spiritually. oe. 00 0 . . . .,
t f bed end. t he 1 nevrt able rttb
not only becaase they cauld play 1 se f 1 purposes of finance."
what in a temporal sense the cons- dawn opens the day's NTOrk, followed
nara / 0 1
ball well, but because thin- had the
(lat. brother lives who don't lock 0 t. aees has tended to associate with I house of God, who says that all who
tfie births of great leaders, as the :worship Him must worship in spirit
Buddhist birth stories show. And.and in truth.
by thus confirming the careful ver- 1 From beginning to end or the Dible
acity of the Clospel narrative in that I Ile has taughtus that His work i$
particular it strengthens belief in its , accomplished by His S'eneit and I -Tis,
truth in all others.
servant (Ise.. xlii, 1), the Messiah of
word in the name of Ille faithful
IsraeltheI,ord aod of A.braham
Probably the enarkahle .
Cbrist our Saviour, for of Him and
balloon ascent ever 'made took. place through 'Him are all thing's, and by
at Roubaix- recently. The an thor of Ili in and to Him an thins consist ,
this singular exploit WEIS EL OLiptatEL Mom, xi, o(3; nol. 1, 17). The cause
ilt:1'a nenl,gerifPr°Prie°1.wl0
7cirteilet d:V, 17fI,.:hisee1:'
444144± 0]) Iaaeageboatait/c11el to enncio)<411:;,117,,-1,o1,,,
a, balloonwith two lions in the,ix;l2,l11it,1:of,;.::d40,,:
cage with himmid two aeroeauts110 steadyinthewandalnodmale
MM. Wellet and Iachateau, on the 110 5)131131184.'.
1110 LL101'1: of Gocl necale
pasa ts to the explorer, plunging, in- right, kind of influence over -their
to the darkness of a South American mere They could personally• set
junglethem. the right kind of examples and
TT this fact be true -and et is tree would ellow no drinking or caroas-
-where can a better moral code be Mg. Wheli on the diamond their
noundthan that written between the mere presence, as we boys used to
movers of the Holy Bible?Where is say, "'would steady the teamA GLORIOUS RACE.
there a book which can better in -
'spire cme to tell the trutli and be
honest in his fin anCia 'dealings?
IVItere is there ono that will better
. 'up such a character as will
11114.14.0 the banker 'trust the amen s
the owner of a levee brewery of this
no t 0 and ein pi 0:yel.s feel that 11( 4.
country wrote to a promineat Sun
hand is honest and not that of a clay school teacher askhig blin to
thief? Satan' once said .101111 recommend onci of his youeg men. for
Kaox, "cannot peevail egainsteci man a -responsible position ie. hie e4.1,114 -
whose left hand bea./.s a to 11- lishinent. T -Te wanted. him because
he kl.IONV 'that tis '1± y0114143 'man would
not ellen]: and carouse and that be
would have a good influence over his
'to all lionoral)le liliesof business? men. 00, illy young frieeels. I have
Alexander Pope's rnost fannies poe- often. heard yeaug 111011 1C.1y, doe'.
t1C11 11110 iS, "At honest man's the nOt pay to be a Christiaii." Ervin
noblest NVOrk: of God." 1:Tow can a
Ulan be made truly honest sooner
than „, through the constant, absorp-
tion of the Scriptures?
The enemies of Chriat have agaia
ancl tignin peeeed that frem a more
selfish standpoint it alwe„ys pays
to be a Christian, re.0111Q 6430
-lurainate his sight when he searches
the Scriptures . inthe hours of the
*night." is not this true in reneience
every, standpoint it -pays. 1:t pays
.00 account or your own lialmioOSS.
It 4415•S in dollars tend,. cents on a.c-
count of yoer 'faithfulnese and work,
and it pays 011 account, of your in-
fluence over others. 1,ot us one a.tal
G011 1101-01. CailS a 111101 to tvliat he all to -day enter into our firs.t great
-cannot get. Potter, 1 think 44art11ers115.1). :Lei', US Sign ourselves
it was, once inade this very wise say- with :foetal Christ. Let the Sa.vican-
-`0-or best tlfouglite 'are those lie the head, the great 'lead, of tilat
1141' h seen lie and not thoee firm and Jesus Clonal; lie the direc-
we eeelt,' God's opportunities ja ta' of oar 11* 05,
by easy dinnh-bell exercise. Ire then
dresses and is ready for breakfast,
but he does not get it quite yet. Tie
has 'first to undertake that finest of
all exercises, a wall -doing a mile in
company with his trainer at a brisk
rale, Another walk falls due a
couple of 'hours after breakfast,
while sandwicbed between. the two
is an easy ran On the cinder -track.
Nearing 4 pan. he ,is requi1 ed. to run
again; but not 'until aboat seven in
the evenng iis the hardest. item in
the programme reached, for be is
then seat on a brisk country walic
Welch will be four, five, or even six ten of the C;a1,0. The ascent took.
Place, at 5 pan., end the on rose
miles, as the trainer deems
-T. wish --011 would shoot that tic4g
04. Yoires. Ile annoys tile whole
114)143111 orb 0 . '
ef will if .yeall shoot your clatighe
ter or letten y011r Pi111101"
Isaac and Jacob, the Lord .7 0:111S
it is worthy or note, however, that
notuntilthe last few clays of the
preparation have been entered upon
is the pedestrian celled upon to show
a couple, of slippery heels. Ile is
then tried from the pistol against.
the Watch, and his chances of vie -
1 ory a.re judged by time takea.
'These are intensely trying inoments
alike for trainer and runner. If the
time is satisfactory, well and good;
if only moderately so, the traMer
te.kes ide chance of that most drexici-
ed of misfortimes, lireak-clowii, and
rushes his mari 011 1111.11 /11S 111.5.1)111 1.-
1,10)1 for all he is wortla making lib-
eral uSe of pacernalxere in the pro -
splendidly, in presence of a great
crowd, taking- a eder.se towardthe
Belgian frontier, slesceeding witbout
accident at Etainthourg rut 6.80. '
after nearly. thirty years of con-
stant; 00ort and the expenclituve of
nearly 8500.006, scientists have suc-
ceeded in accurately measuring the
ear t They h111-0 'Canted that ite
diameter through. the Equator is 7.-
926 miles; its height from. l'ole
Pole 7.300 -miles. The eiirth, there-
fore , s flee ten cal at the. Poles; and
while this foot has long been assert-
ed, the actual measurement has re-
moved the question from the domain
of doubt.
no 'help nor advico from the people
of this world. If we worikl. please
Clod and be of some ase to Him in
1s 41.13011143 tlis tningclom We nikisi, bt'
willing to ,have Aork will'
in us and obedient to His commands,
for ikew i se we 1110Y find 0111' WO rk s,
however good in the Fight of men,
have been only wood, hay end stub-
ble, in the sight of God coed must la,
burned up (1 Cor, iii, 1 1-1 5).
We are to believe the Scriptures
aed use iliou, and tlio Lord win eve
to "ell the results. Let us say with.
Jena Tngelow :
I will trust in lline
That He can hold ITie own,
eine wi:1, above the work Tene
To I/0 ahiefest good,