Exeter Advocate, 1903-10-1, Page 6, at a time into the bluing water. pro- satisroetory in other ways.
shhis Tor-croY eoemeeeell'io cry. so lie 444,1 the aetomehed Gerinfine down *I ire the effect that 'Hildebrand was a. bigetner paw for another step forward: e °?always darn the heels of a peir of
' the heel ot the stocking kora
mfortable for a long triunp.and
it hireevf; teazing a bit 0:,3 here tied ',:elep5. oed tuteeed irate the cab that Cr fool than he thought himself„ ulnae raked his root for anothet Zillgit4F:111:iii:)*(111';:,7i,,,eistieliiiF,,i'hcrQ before
they tt:‘4 ever
steer. te. got mo or tercet EvrARcit,, was WratitIg for them. rel,hy had :i "Niee thing tor 0, worn" Me nu to , step backward. The strain was 111'.
,6t4 -;.ill rove.:.4vieea entani wiOee ieet. I. lied the Uctrattus so be drove window on the front lewn I'
through d 011eittgeroolo teuee: we held ceir breath. Puss -put talerneew-otnerasTestet!,iiibille:isgenit,;(1.r eaztiteher:::::-% '27`freee.1411ii.lew17ea°411 a: silk :tnaeallell4gsisl:
Hie her paw dome tilde put his foot watt Odds and enda of crochet silk 1 like
tee. ZI,et ti oel,y the eiettle elayeeete- his 1197Str44044011S. and hp thought be ^ come Ileitig
• oext euggestion. that he shatild fire, oewneetn the milk I Tilts was not .hin th
o clothes are transferred at beet for darning taaterial, both ter
t1-4' %%IT ;A -4-g" t4 MakTTRYS'. crouch, straight to the stallon.
wear end the appearance of the darn-
ing 4i V i0:;•01 Cif iteeliereetese chepee -Teem:der tied ileintring !" yelled att the cot through theLAV11B1Gtr. the eig,,ett agreed aa.
hut it answt(hP`e oticge. to the first riusingew.ater. LI
.11:lrlo,, 'Adw;A Itt:I' RAS7,-01774704 rebby tnrew her hap hysterics. -411011 IIO
7to us ttli to 0 T .". tO the second, and when they are .
ed the purpoee. Immediately
tif:code4 ott. -Jen ed article; the silk linislied cotton*
Nov... rv;74.1.. ifliol.,ft me cats. sv, oic,,4 fat ttv &ear, .e,kelint Old you hod it freeli Wen; tet g g 4 eresit came. POWS tountd tO k . butt ,, their i 1 i . . nle litY Ilt"mt choice+ w110° thalltug
oug i y r need they are put a Stew
ent• streteleato. teoe the ee 1.1i evae 1: re, fo;-; ? 1 va,-,aq. tarvto.itvia,. !PAO the gerden. he Nitwit the StelPb' ;the ate WAIN thick with hatleeowele.,
4 Or 4,114, cotton loses its color mul =ens un-
V34 th" het-Orem/ letiet et vietee Qe. Vil-314% /1714C1-
'21,,,,,,,.... • • • • • • • * • • • • 4,,.• • •
M,It, lk , VW,. ••••01tettilV,V0.***4N410•.ney..•
* ' ' *
***' Ullel S it '' :11
V , ,
took the receiver oft first,. turned the rood -she'll fly PA you like she did me
handle, and shouted,. "The misses -s-sbeell bite."
says ,you ve to come house use eteonsease my wire bite -fly et
crit'e Inad end sloe can't get oft the me ? Nousense
table. Po ye ear me ? Aye! Aye; A4.1.
•Aet the reiSSUSx I meant the get.'hatet„ deer bonnet eta,. te proyeet
Do you. roe?"
"The cat ! What the—.-" -f the cat escaping through the house;
el .. . cse ourtheve was no e,newer. She •ee'es, yes, the cat's mad I the eat's • .
or the At -
le sigf
, shook the receiver fie1
ercely. ")°. 'Ye mad !" ,we all shouted in chencto give tile nal
erus. ,„„e. - -
'ear me. bee' r' Then see rel).aWdl 1:11cle Seized dene by tbe shoulder. """-""
i, 1
4 . .. . . ..... ......_. . and colamericed to Oreille what ',Ws the at that's. teed, uot Ag-' Weil' w° °II gnt nn chairs, truele
,trying two or three before he feetnel.
erteteartattertiateotateetetetteet,,eateestets .„. aunty dice eae, a course, e shetsie oh he
ve thr?" Agaio .. "'rile missile! ' ..,ore no ! eyhet Ipso that didn't creelt when he put
'/iave 'said, `Are ee
milk; the Idtenen (190r to be everted.
wide by Harry, whe woeld ctJl
••Puss ! Puss !" rin aa
ma»ner as possible, arid retire
through into the hall, closing the
eveniug, that Uncle broughttaking tlie receiver off she beeelea a coysed hoe pot that idea in her head?* his foot, on a. We etoett lip there
Tuft to °lir 1191z4.° we c°Uld uevev.: Yehelnent etencend°. "Axe h'e there? t ell'ildebrand." shouted Aunty, - feeling very foolish for aloe0t eye
imagined the mischief ehe was going, Are ea there?" Them in reply to i "wi!), You come and hill this yet ?"; 'minutes, then Utwle said we had bete
to cause. You see. it was tills way. a ilistaot voice- 1 Butnow that the nerveus strein was" ter ail get down While be Put im bis
The MurPllYs• whO lived. Ile:" tin". ! "le the master in?" she asked. over 'Uncle sat down on a hall chair top boots ffi exPleining that be would
, ...rue =aster?. reeehteh oh clerk and ieuglied till be nearly cheked ' be nearest the cat atiel they would
heel CL rather valuable \visite Rat, ,
ThLe'r Illaite a grealt iU5S CI thiS cat' 4tylio atiswered the tAepitore ewe° ' himself. while we all stood atel star- , be some Protection. ln a few eon -
and toot: eroliess eroeble with U. One, ,4 ,on wtt,nt oftee.r.
0 'F, , eel at hira in astonishment. uot Illt• utes we were all back in our places.
an oedtaweeeseentstg nrewatvaper rare. ••1 was Hildebrand Jew.. to 'derstanding Piet where the ioke rucle however. getting on the sofa,
- "ceme in.
everting Uncle arrived he lie cerrying - .
- this time. We waited and welted.
eel, Ineczaig it on the table he leek-tefl in s bow the "A.S 11'.*atd° i "Tine situation. hist. egmes. may', ehifting front one foot to the other,
ed round with a beeeveleoe end tee tmeeus---P. strike you as liennorous." said Inr, Tiede glaring dercety eteeeeeee any-
'nre...marked, "7.!in?re, my deurs,4 "Good heavens, afr,s, Jones ! al Banks icily. "Personally 1 fall to one. moved. Harry St004 at the
. ,
Flee brought fl1e inlay:nate." ';:entastrolte or-----"nyte... r
-ing Ailey about. it," and he°, door. eallin "Puss"! eenes o., tut he
ie,lulle.,...illatelY ly. e 411 '1-m"..„'''Ued, round "Leek herk.,,. young man. this is stalt.en back to IIIS brougham, neaely got clergymau's sore throat,
`". 45'eaZ eNC'teille111, `^ It._c'e,,,,""e"4 Jane; will you tell .1r. Johnes--e" i Uncle. not better aware that the. "Couto and steed here. yen eoung
the paecei up and eetu. sees he eegah, "Yes, yes --one etiOnient, please -i, doctor intended to clterge bine a' fooh't eald 'Uncle at last. ""The voice
to izain-rep the eaper, -.Nee' deers. alone inoment," and he dastee into guinea for the visit, continue4 to, would scare aoythieg. III elitice iier
t'Aule it is tize detrangest lielife P-th
r , e private (hake wherr
e ade was . lautill
gh the tears rolled clown els, n)aeme go went, to the doer and
when I:re drepped suddenly end- tweet. eegaged weal two German cheelts. ri looked out. "Wbv, the cat's not
About the
therefore cepeeially evelcoete, but
though the tools of to -day ere
verior to those of our grandeattber'e
ntedera iziveution bee done cora'
tively little to lighten the iebore ot
the laundry. In spite of the cost of
teething machines and the representa-
tions of tlieir agents, a perforated
tirubbinel thatboci
r-: gsetoilau
l 4110 1,1101s
R.."10 0011110421d.
One of the inost ielpertant parte
o washing is t1e aseorting, a the
elothes, There are many stains
which, like those of preeldrationdis-
appear magicelly wieh little cold
wieter and soap, wee others. like
and coffee, which must be treat-
ed with boiling water, but are per -
Parcel v°21ed o'A3 the tattle ea to tiret' "Sir.'" said the clerk, excitedly. Aggie out of the roont intact-ol lief we clambered dowit. -Llet back, Manentiy set ley loitewerin water. If People. especially if they bappen to
liragan epittieg and scratch' "..1;;43ae wants ,i.a.m.."" A
imeart uninjured," aid he, r.,get beck ! 1 Reef her. puss l'IAS!'" t le the prectice of the family to be stout.
:the so fiereeie tthoe tlee elhildrett The German. genefeneen snake, Tula Hes remarks were Interrupted by a Inte eat came towards the door: thaesoak all the clothes in cold water bee When Vie belt with the pin attach -
run eelified Aunty ate1 enetia. tee deforandi ezeiked Ongri14- "L''artet loud crash in the diea-room, tole: ele retreated backwards. The eat fore the wishing has began. a great Mente, which now -a -days all well
eeevent. erseeterei aed mired Ler yon $.i.v 1007,.sy ee• lowed by another. then aoother, stopped, ea din lencle. "'Puss .r!irteny stains will be permanently set; ,greolned shirt WOASt. WearerS SOwcid-
Foam/ erms oe•oeod L'aefe'a reeF;.. , laa,ssE ted tee eller/itf&1 trr.ote, recognising that Ole bus- Fuse ! ntilk ! Come oa puss. miler [bet if the vet -ions kinds of stains ere er ilelisPenetible, is buckled around,
fker tuthkg htht tie:that znmes ehern„.eet. amts. araNee hes sata peFs Wpas going to cost biro some The citt stood on the etep thought- cerefully sorted out and properly , the waist. the blouee may be ed -
treated home of rubbing will he pasted, and ROFtt SONt wkero iN
seved. wanted withotit tiny fear that, it Will
A housekeeper whose clothes al, gradually -widen until it renches the
ways look as white es the driven undellearnt
snow says thet it is beet to soak
end of the second twenty:Our hour*
drain, lake out thd seeds and Ati
with the following mixtere: Chop
Line enough red cabbage to make four
quarte, stie, ai three quarters cuhpof
salt and cover with boiling *Mein
let sterol over night, drain, add to
cepa of white sugar, a rounding tab-
lespoon, each of whole cloves, all,
spice and ground einuemon. FIU
the peppers, sew tbem together, ley
in a stone jar end pour cold vinegae
over. Keep the pickle under elite...ea
by a pieta laid on. and. it wili7bit
ready to. eet in Klima four weeka. If
any steifiling is left put it in a, jar,
trover with hot vinegar anti serve as
A piece of narrow tape lanai
enough to go around the waist an
tie will no much toward keeping the
shirt waist in place, The tapir
should be etitelted across the back
and sides. endeI toward the front'.
The front of the waist should he left
unconfined by gathers. and when the
tape striegs are tied together. the
fronts may he outdo to blouse eeetly
ead evenly without that baggy look
eorateencee sweet/nes his fingers. 'The gentlemen on Important businese. "leet mast devise some means to get. here at all !" WIth, a sigh of re- under the arms. SO. annoying to mettle
tte heeerel hteeeutte hitete hee dot-err--een got ennetrohe money if not straighteeed out at: fully re,garding Vucle's boots. Ulu
nethooked ,
mice. sent Tommy eipsteirs No the voice took a. sadder. gentler turn,
• den tize floor.and teresteing,"
eshed whet wee matter velth
us Thldebrand i4rr4 the telephonereveleer h lteed for burglare. and "Cream, piteey, cream; inlet,pussy,
ath "hs tale a ev-ere at those The Gennen gelation:en eolitedy ritee after fratiring 011t the vaIlie ef thkantice---you. linieW, mice. cream. Con.
° *Ve'tweet:able articlee which Aunty might'. found it. Tum tusseoebother the Mtfih,al whim.). ones. like Ailari-inys"."-,' "take their ietive.
to teaches! eems te user teee 111 -t the metier. J me" rieseithe suggeeted that she einght., rat I wok pussy; ereameeereelet mo, coarse clothes in cold wetete but the BEFORE STOCKINOS WEAR.
1'4'er Ofh bet the l eeret sterreit onia. 'Lb, ! Come home at fence. Tee' eseepe by eeireeing on the cliandelier;eee-beefeteak. Pussy What Nonni table lineue anti flue clothee need not
ilmitele. so he Wired oite tits zeisse.e gene get off OA II711,1,4 41AI to laze platio, and from the piano tcel does the animal want .1" 'be no treated The same houselteep. • Peeting a hit of velv‘et or clientele
the heal of the shoe nuilits it ItIOCO-
eleldlee ont et peele'e. the cat's reaping all votaidee 'the front garden through the Tee cue took t vied. VII 71 4 It
t 4 * SAYS, t ftt OS Mtn Fta Silo Alga
Jellgt4 ttl'l Jar° I° tear -Yee. Yes. rml4e orA., 4t room window. .cle took one beckwarOe. The eat,moved the stela -5 front her clothes
Val er off. het Jere heti eisereethr reran:eat. remit for Pr. l'Us." AulnY refured PolutU1au4 to sod and winked at Uncle: be all' ehe mite them In cold water in
tired. Ire thet tole Teteetee, Picking UP. his bat lte steered Imet , this suggestloe. ede dittg duets tu peered agitated. Vises raised boiler ng out so quickly Ore should
4laehler outside the diving -room antinteetmeare etc. In whit% sh
A A 'tided they have not been felted for
lieP l'he. t„.2.0ttr--r ‘i ht -,r ..:,,,i, r,i 'taut the tlesiesra
"eta; teen; II 1.oas, 4 e‘,.. Ziaz 1,11'ele,1.) .,Na,„a„ naa ,4'saa, iameate small?... Itile finer, auti thett-Well, then Ina , struggled ilereelv, but Uncle
neeteente tote ne.ill 40b1b,F. ..elevolver reedy to lite. Plislied oFt'd lira shock of surpriee OVer
men " 'utounted to the ttlp. 'oath holdlug 'Le became hopelessly involved. the _
r'41-4414' put Out to drY.
Int FOteral woke. if they have they
are wrung out with the writ* er and „ 4 1C°', VE34 11°17SU PLAIIT.
- A'
4i -F, u v1,,, tee. e ts r. enler hr''' '"--'411,1 . '''' 'It r -I Via " 11'. til out and bet down wader the fattened up the 'bundle with string
-9. 4,,,:7 44‘4" 444* ve v,rios4a4 a „as uP Alt white clothes “"117 PletAV mid decorative planter
" II ieigertel ta yione tTi-S, ' '
CZ' 4.1..1a.i.ir,:. r,,,,,,- ii,4•1.0,-. z
;;•"4,nr.' ree sew yew,
siltrgl f ! Vo -11:r.V, 1aae
got t.4 4..fa, 1.-‘,1iii ti:-
'-'11:'; 14-913` littleteeherlad1
' !' 5'73" '''' ' -4 44! ."/"„i'."-'' -14,4 teeeel R iar tbia, f1.014(iS who art li cd en the et ep at that
wahatt ;wed clothes
Aunts, on.04., about a nan . foney..1 but Ow should not be meal for vol- eonSintltiY In°16t* 'Inle " fry"' hut
Lee ;eat...eel Jana ease. .4411, cceneet 1.ca ., m,rki4,i4., tits rare In ow /ones moment. 1',4ele, teething at the ing size hvard a sante. tent or ganneis " Huta not too wet and neVer allowed to
yree nye,. lt it on nn toe the , e•_hot . 0,4 to ilirKorja, %lobs k.Cder to ..,tteady himself. leaned over Nov if it nos ow duet, sulkinf„ otObleaches the one and the rosin is in- bee°1" drY•
..eo, i K
*o.11,1.0. 1 1..0 44i !' /. at h.ttii '.13'`4b, 45 ^ % /4 . 11 .04 QR441.4', / tieing to eet the cat witiiin raw.' taut 1) el'e , . )7 i jurlous to the Other 160. le rtioll r .
eierseheeper—'" tete: . a eon tear 1445 .. . . Pt A Eg e te, . e my :tea e ale • • li
Ihii free' avellieg eeei 'went:" 1"Firp r yeEed the grocery lad, end, listened: there was tmdauht dl a white soap for this purpose, All II
i e y
attacecd beton teem shan
een der should be dried outdoors in tho may bo obt4171wd by Planting the /a./Yold eee eier
eit treee et." '''Wheoe*.n the Innnte gone r" shouted ' the oven for the purpose. and reunte;arollgest sunlight. Both the freer- lop from a. PloeoPPlei m a mixture of
tvallatenoree etereeteet. Wiener go-Vrb. -hner rowed ne hest, he, ing to the ditch threw the whole lot eing cold an UN' be" of the emu. loam. teat mold and cow manure,
to trdrg4404:1g tliienVt*04.4151 Vatizotat falling off the 3eewor.10. towels nod au. He narrowly, .; ;OW'S sun bleach them. Brown soaps equal parts. It is equally us pretty
here filiteillerte reseed town ell inortieL: "Luke I like teener e'er, gurv'nor," ,4enuped getting In etmeett owing to' -usually contain rosin and soda. Cant ;a Pia" when well grown ON anY
lairicavere411 the lad with the groceriee. his Alp/sing tns tile wet (say. are good fOr Washing white clothes, iltandanus, It requires to be kept
'.1114 4-4-21"1111411 b454i t'0114.'v ''tnagreti ht,,,c1; Ile arat .; (1=1104 awey with the excitement of stroome topping sound vowing from olortit clothes annul to tided tin; NOVEL PEDOGRAPIL
4'14 ‘1111:7.-45 61° 7444 RIIR!'64VP P7/1 on a policemaie,the marmot, lie let fly with tt iftr of , AS postale in
rotatavilMa. She shook elildebrand tile shade.. Registers Distance Walked
Direction Taken.
It ti'v t4il-la'"'ll7-g lt" • .., q ,, tee see, %het the crowd wee ,' marmalade. Almost shieultancously into :end-welter:dams.
trometiodv trying to get in-shneh 1.--'110111se in 1 driee i o e
hy are eo now, the
Up i 1 :1 LA oft :toil In the t c at y g a
are bleached in the suu, and after -I
platemate witteemed tree the teet Oa Itir. IkniliS Airnt7 up in hie brouge. en I ISO WatSlellat. arid t110 tadder,1 .,... . _ ,. _ ., , , _are ,
Th,„ nee th.„ that- nom., etonesd at tee frond gate euettlehlelo as the marmalade ceught 'him the cellar window."
„the w 1 ,statelied and hung in the house i
, .
-overbalancing, fell against the bares' ail right. grumbled Incle,
tateile; and as her eureer aele 5 *11 /Old antra:A Tflr. 401ICS. Feld teeter and on to the floor. Tie% tiera - .
1 roefehr 711'"' gl 4
uhout ot.. minutes tlek eat "'.
. toot Sank there was a loud report from the re.
wepheres Starched clothes are dried in ihe
ane1414t velver. alai a lottdc.r eXpletive from rd..r tO ;me I
11 either tlirotiiilt the tti di lit r" them stiff rtnlif
he it: hi- B fri
barn atfl menet the latfinto %At; halal" .a bedroom door's ito dry. Colored dresees which are
ft trimmed • or combined with white
iota gia ott. Titerv, was satthw ht. „noon,. aa they augeted tneeth-- grocer's hay forgot to deliver the. "Brute I Would yon leave my poor ete. le be rimed in cow water in!
11100e0at babieS to tight for their ""t'lli"
bur trouble an the thee sire ween cr. "Your tiervont telephoned that rest of the things. salt has been Oissolved .in
es. see wee rertems. the,e,en wagged tee eo mil at once. '1 We all agreed that Tuff should bei lives alone ?" wbJeht
.drowiled, but no one seemed oVer- "No I certainly not ! I will I Omit the proportion of a tablespoon -I
lloreeet. meet vicious vet you ever '‘ ri; - said he and get the poker " Shiveringnwritslet:fiti °I' water.
owe. If you jot! down a sewer of &aeon come in. Mrseoutxious to do it. "Uncle
could not And it in his heitet to ;1 the tem as he era:dully eepialned.
31ent: she woeld istap your hand eta Jones had sunetrolie, Or some-
,:tesiee the poor little thing and. drownl went to the door. Candle Int one
fore site tale ed the milk. g thine; et that nature."
u. hht tah.gerootn window was it. Finally, everybody except Jana hand and the poker in the other rooltie-S.-One cup molasses, ono!
cup brown sugar, one-half cup lardl
or butter, one teaspoonful ringer,
one dessert spoonful soda. Roll thin,
bake quichly.
Salad Dreesing.--hilx ohe teaspoon-
ful flour or corneterth with ene of
dry mustard; one pineh salt, one
dash pepper and one egg. IOU with
ono -half cup vinegar, then add one-
half cup boiling water and set on
stove to boil until rather thick. Rhep
in a cool plaee.
Fruit Cat:a-Three eggs, one cup
brown sugar, two-thirds cup butter
t 0 4I PS 13 On sere geed r
lernei usth The moriqw,i. tem: open. and Aunty, still on the table. , agreed that Jane should eecure the
their eat, west, ehee meals ow could eve them coming ep the path. cat, tie a prick or a stone or sone:t-
out:le pa cnr mallets tee& an thine, Anticipating tweedy release, ehe gave thing heavy around Its uecie and
tit4 40 theirs. but the emraur.. vent to on reehenntion ef peetivere, throw it in dttell which was near
our back gate. When the details
einterity 12;etweeat the MO "VI(' 24"11141"111.
vete, attereteted the twee caning .."ArVe come at hod, Mice, were fiuully tattled slight hitch oc-
ours "Wen lee to e great &at of brand, she bhonted throogh the marred. owing to the fact that neither
friel bee und when Mr. Murphy {*P01L „",111„ti,°"." "I seem to have been Jane nor the cat could be found.
fI taele wanted to let the matter
knoehed hie own vet off the twice
with a brie!. thinhing it was ours 1, Yen• mY. dear* You m" allrest till after tea, but Aunty
111141174mm* het even the two families ' "gilt nInvi • soul "Lucie, sonthIngly,, Wouldn't.
ceased Altogether. 4 and the doctor and he gazed at Iter "No ! no ! the cat is mad. Think.l The attic stairs faced th
•*You -you wallet, strike them,
dear?" Aouty iinploredas he open -
oil the door.
"Yo -no, I won't !" Uncle chatter-
ed tbeough his teeth, and n, dull thud
came !roan somewhere overhead.
"Someone is coming down the at-
tic stairs." whispered Aunty.
"Ye -ye -yes !" and the candle anti
poker began to 'tremble in his hands.
e room
o VeiatI0M;If through the 'window. Hildebrand. if she should spring out door, and the dull thud came on
Aunty threatened deity tdo away
with INVindeed. hItt tina.t It would "Ob. m
do come la and LIU the hor- on one of the children from behind a steP stole slowly, painfully,
: ardseemed to thave leolted Ube knuckling under to 4". `"4°e• ""
•N o aud as Aunty said cupbo." e trembling listeners.
the Ate,rphyn. Tini.s, core -r troll"; thing she screamed and jumped: So we searched the whole house Uncle's gaze was glued to the attic 1ereallied. one cup of sour mine one
'have eistied within three eves all.'
do;rs of Lor,:round on the table because the rat, :through, Aunty armed with a poker doorway. Another thud and the CUP molasses. one teaspoonful soda,
arrival. tnele said the rat *which Hildebrand and tbe doctor leading the way. followed at a re- circle of light would be reached. A two teaspoonsful cinnamon
tea -
right if melted properly, but, 01 could not see, had moved a little to- spectful distance by 'Uncle with a strange. unearthly moan came from sPoonful cloves, one nutmeg, three
course. you ceteilret expect women wards the door. The doctor shook, broom, ae•rt
and the rest of us with walk- the dark stairy, and thenth
on e cuPs hour, one pound currants, eone
to underetaed anintele. However hi"f'all gill:1141Y' and Hildebrand big sticks, umbrellas, etc. edge of the bottom step appeared a pound raisins, one-quarter pound cit-
att ineident occurred ahant three eitutibled up tbe steps like oue in a. Though we didn:t Ond Tuff the
strange, dark object. like nothing ron. Bake in a. pan loaf.
week:. later whcau
ich sed him to trallre. search had its exciting moments, they remembered seeing before. CucumberChowehow.-Peel ripe
chats his " ti, "Hwid odshe get like this ?" he notably -when Aunty found the place V1lea the thing had passedAnuty or seed cucumbers and measure three
sank on the floor in a kind of swoon
and, clasping her arms around Hilde-
brand's calves, began to sob hysteri-
• cally. One by one the children came
down the attic stairs and stood
there, a terror-stricken little group,
shuddering, as moan after moan
tame up Irene the dark hall. Grad-
ually the horrid noise ceased, and
we regained sufficient courage to
move, all the family creeping, into
Aunty's room. Then Uncle bolted
the door as quietly as possible, and
so we remained., shivering through
the remainder of that miserable
night. .
When daylight came Uncle dressed
and, still carrying the poker, went
down into the hall. The rest of us andput in an agate 07' porcelain
clung -Co the banisters ready to 'lined kettle with an ,011nel, of whole
scream or fly should occasion arise.
The thing was plain to be seen now
under the hat -stand. Miele strained
One afternoon, Tuff flew at babe tusked, and Eari'y, Tommy, Jane,, where the boys put the banner -
and scratched him very mucb,
ail and the rest of us started to explain- chiefs they occasionally wipe their
the whole business, Aunty -trying to' dirty boots with, and when Uncle
because baby swung ber round by
the tail. What's the 1(50 of having
in_ake herself heard above the noise., got under the attic bed, and, after a
n cat that won't stand a thing lik2%ow, when an hysterical, middle--; few moments' struggling, announced
aged _lady explains a matter of this with deep emotion that it was ine-
Amity said, as she took baby away. ir
that where there are children r. kind ons. the top of a dining -room 'possible for him to get out again.
seemed with a broom, she returned table to a gentleman standing in the Now if Tuff bad kept out of sight
prepared to take summary vengeanee
hall, surrounded. by some half-doxen , for a few days the affair might have
children all talktng together, and all passed off without further trouble,
it of the thing, seized the other end
hut Tuff, entering fully biter the spit -
giving totally dissimilar versions of, but while we 11-07-0 at tea 'Uncle hap-
andthe shook it so fiercely that Aunty sanet occurrence, assisted 'by thn paned to look through tbe window
in alarm dropped the handl. mid imagination of an excited and very and saw ber calmly enjoying the
nide for the door. Tuff headed her much over -heated servant, it is not
to be wondered at if he should alto -
off, however, so, screaming for Jane,
he wide a rapid rutroat fe•ther fail to grasp the situation.
.sunset as viewed from the top of the
coal -shed. Tem was immediately
saspended and the following plan
of the diting-tahle. "Jane Jane
Not being able to -make head or agreed upon :-
! !
come and turn the •cat out; it's gone tail of the chatter going on, 'Uncle A saucer of milk to be placed in
inad stepped towards the dining -room the midche h of the kitchen floor;
Sane, not catching the latter part door with the evident intention of everybody to stand on chairs or
of tee sentence, ran in boldly enough -
going in. Jane dashed in front of something, armed with towels or an -
but when Tele, with arched back, him' tanacassars ready to throw over the
spat at her, she ran into the hallr Dont, don't open it, sir; she's cat when she began lapping the
slamming the door after her. Where-
upon Tuff, by way of signalizing her
-victory, began careering round the
table, knocking over one or two lit -
tie knick-knacks to e. A.uuty,
fearing the rat woeld spring on her
from behind, turned roved ancl round
on the table as Tuff wont round and
round on the carpet, but a rather
stout. middle-aged lady cannot keep
up this sort of thing indefinitely, 'so
after a few turns Aunty (71710qt" sat
clown on tbe table and had bysterics,
while Tuff, rather 'enspitioue of this
1tCW °Ye, sat on en ornamental
spittoon and glared at her.
NoW, some two months previously
Tluele had had -a. telephone installed
in the bedroom, and entity used Ude
d ail y itt all and every domestie
crisis. As soon, therefore, as she
recovered some eneasure of self-
control she said, in a stage whisper,
lest the cat should hear : "Jane,
ring up the naaster. Tell him the
nate gone mad and he must come
'home at once, iremediately."
• Jane had never used, the telephone
before, bee she had seen Aunty' Use
it, so she thought she could manage
i 11 right. Running upstairs ho
quarts; chop three pints of onion and
two green peppers. Add one cup of
tender nasturthan seeds. two ounces
of white mustard seed. one table-
spoon of black pepper and a few bits
of horseradish or one round, Syrup
until it is thick, teen pour over the
tomatoes, which have been placed le
small jars. Seal and set is a dark
place, as tomatoes do not keep well
in any forin if exposed to the light.
Tomato and Onion Pickle. -Peel
and slice half a peck of mewls and
slice a peek of green tomatoes. rack
in layers, sprinkle salt between them,
using about a cup in all. Let the
mixture stand over night, then drain
mustard seed, one ounce each of
ground allspice and cloves and four
red peppers cut into shreds. Heat
nervously forward, and bis voice some Vinegar to fhe• boilingpoint
came up With ahollow whisper. and pour enough to cover the
"Can't -makeout,-- what it -is. pickle. 'After it COMOS to the boil.
Looks I No f It ing point pueinto jars with a few
Great jimmy ! a doll's -house ! pieces of horseradish on top of each.
Yon% idlovtlsts.i."(1 tote right_abott tile, Do not omit the hareeradish.
cheitsthouee, X mean. It was Wine
'Tlie's new doll's-hoitse. with 97tiff's
hiad-quarters protruding front the
front door and the rest of her jam -
pied 110 the stairway.
f`AggicY' said Ilhele, with an h.11- break take out ' With a skit -inner,
easy look in his aye.% "Tuff lain in draining Well. Put in a second
therc to hide last night when evedy of , apples or as nlany as the
wore searaing for hot', liquid will cover and cook like the
all together and let
A11:1;12.nd-and, the 'cat .we droWeed .?"
"Yoe drowned," corrected ,aainty.
Was -was propably=-•''
"Yee, dear 7
"Yes, dear."
Uncle had to pay :iV,Ctirphy £2 12s
Apple Better.-Bpil unfermented ap-
ple juice -until onetthird hes evapor7
ated. .Pare, core aed eine: gpod ap-
ples lied pet as many into the juice
as it 'will .Cover, Cope: slowly and
when. the 'apples are so tender as to
"Yesterday afternoon,'' corrected orst, Tara_
stand over night. DetUril to the
kettle mid cook until a smooth mass,
stirring often, until the color is
brown and there inc no lumps. Add
spices to the taste and put in small
St Mind Green Peppers, -Slice large
v-alne of one white cat, to stop gre„en peppers half way across the
the case coining into court, and he sterd end and pouc hoiliag hot brine
IN THE SUBURBS. Vowed that never again, though he over them and let :stand twenty-four
Visitor -The grass on your lawn is awfully long. should liVC to be a thousand, would hours. Drain and again peer scald -
His HOst---Yeit, I know; and Pei going to rut it as soon as the neigh- fie bring home a pet pussy AS a ing hot brine over, using one-eup• Or
bore nalsh with my /awn mower 'Oit Ile playmate.'' --London Tit -Bits. salt to ,one peck of peppers. At the
The pedogreph is a newly devised
instrument which not only melte° a
record of the distance travelled by a
peeestrlan, but of the direction talc -
ell, so that at the end of a tour a
tUap can be sitOall giving the dis-
tance coverall and direction taken in
black and white. It is the invention
of a man 'mined. Ferguson, who gave
a description of the =thine before
the Engineers' Society of Shanghai.
The pedograph is contained
box that the person 'mining bears
before him suspended from the shoul-
der by a strap. Tine box contains
small board an width is fixed a sheet
ot paper which Is to receive the trac-
ing, parallel to the boaed and at a.
little distance from It *leg a plate
of unpolished glass. The active por-
tion of the instrument -called the
recorder -is composed of a small me-
tallic frame bearing a wheel with
pointed teeth which rests on the pa-
per and traces by punching boles.
The recorder is supported on the pa-
per and on the glass,by small wheels.
The board being maintained vertical-
ly under the action of its own
weight, the descent being regulated
by the shake given each time by tho.
steps of the bearer.
Here are the essential portions of
the recorder. A smell mcaing body
-arranged as an equilibrated pendu-
Inm-a long spring acting on a very
small lever, which. at each oscillation
makes advance to the extent of a
tooth, and a. ratchet 'wheel, the axle
of which carries an endless screw
geared to the printing wheel. If the.
ratchet wheel has fifty teeth, flfty
oscillations will make one round or
its axis and the printing wheel has
made a mark for fifty escillasions or
steps. Ii' the interval of the teeth of
the printing wheel is -1.-20 of an inch
corresponding to efty steps, 1,000.
steps will correspond to 1 inch or
one-half mile, 2000,steps to 2 inch-
es or one mile, etc.
The board is always verticitl and
fs fixed in the ahiddle of a horizon- "
tal axle connected' with the -box or
envelop, and consequently the board
may turn around this axis: At the
upper part of the box -which a spire
it level -always keeps evenly held -ie
a piece caerying a magnetized needle.
forming a conmass. A button, which
is tented by the hana malice the
piece in question alweys cqincicle,
with the needle, if a -Lucn in the
rection causes the walker to deviate
from the original direction. A little -
transmitter composed of two palleys
of the same diameter and an endless
cord connects the piece carrying the.
1150(110 to the axis oE the boarei, so
that if the bearer changes his dime-.
tion to right or left the board in-.
olines from one side to the other of -
its original. , direction. while always.
remaining the same as the glass in a
vortical plane. It will be found that
the recorder thus not only traces the,
distance, but ;--ilso the *chrection in
which the hearer is going.
Wiley : `To you think there is a
natn that could conscientionsly, say
to his wife, 'You a're the only Newn-
an X eve'. loved' ?" nubby "Only
ono that 1 can think of.'' 1,7ifey
' • Who ? You d e are et ?" 11tlb1>7
``01), no; Adam."