Exeter Advocate, 1903-10-1, Page 5THE
exttgr buoratv,.
published every Thursday AZornhg. at the 0111e.
Quo Dollar per annum if paid in advance, $1.$0
if not se paid.
eenitreereeesoo, Tato oio
o paPer disc -oat tuned unt all arrcam4e are raid.
Adve44euzeots witheutspeeliled flirvitheis will be
published until .fertild and eharite+1
Liberal dis:vuut mad for trawieet adverti'egtuvetts ;
inserted for. beg periods. f:Aerydesnkt'a aJon.
rItIN1IN0 turtied out in liaatstj-le„ and at
moderate ntes Cheques, mosey fiolers, 4.e., for
advertisirgi sziwripi-.1eas, eer.,, bo 004do
.04 •
dors k Oreeeb, !
Pr ofessionei eaves.
.0„ KEiguAti,,IAD.$.,& PRA. R KENS-
pkn.S,„Ioaorg,F4slaate 113f
le0 Toreatte Voivetistr.
Teeth extraetv-11 without, any rhea or any tad elezt
Fausaniii west side gaim Wee:,
oR• 13, - Veleniteme Lae
Wear eradulle of Tereato ruicereit$ 130,
Cellege et neatal Samens of Outride. Abu ro5
Crie4imiteciteliteag6 Scheel et Pro,stbetio Pesti:gory
(with bonerallo mention.)
Alitunieutu, ttiold and Voreaolte riates made in tbe
etstest.msoser pet:Able- A perfectly boneless an-
atothe,ic used for painless ex mt. on co
4*Ceoa deer 3911111 Of ca1liagN/R1t491C, FACter.
For coughs, colds, :bronchitis,
asthma, weak throats, weak
lungs, consumption, take
Aye r's cherry PeetOrai.
Always keep a bottle. of it in
the house. We have been
saying this for Of:t years, and
so have the doctors,.
two4 Ayerts Cherry Beetomi le my
1.4alny gor years. It 114 the tca1110ticia.e.
the world.1 Timow,for atrtbroct gad tun.
MAlf J. E. Nonesoas, Weltbsotatoos,
114regigAts. Tawell.. tram
natant, lingt
VP SZtill;P:-
Meteee cola may Tee cared tei tOseet WIXOM
Vars,Cregplepe. bas qxtensfv,07 • regiments wee metifying men to per -
Town Under 'eilexiial Law -The Riot
Act Read veld the Mob AdvieedtQ
Disperse,--Windovis Broken and
Other Destroetion Wroeight in the
Cempany's latilding-eOfficial
tie Stating The ie no Money
to Pay the Atm.
Toronto,. Sept. go. Colonel L.
Buchan, C.M.G.„ Cernmanding Officer•
- Military DistrOn No. e„ in whielt
Sault Ste. Mere: ie included, receive4
an urgeut tlespatch at aa early hour
tide morning to eend troops to Saul
Ste. Marie. Two hundreel and flay
tom the R.C.D. and the R.c.B.J.
at the barrades, were tO leave by C
P. immediately a vain ceuld be se
cezeil. The regular OfflgerS at the
fort were left io eottunaorle
At 3 o'clock the offieere of the 20call
illigAV for tweeteefeur eters, All &waists,
Mh Emily Welsh is visiting, be'
le Mrs. A, Johnston. at Nina Man.
NS Kernp woo to tleoforth
where he has taken it situation with
Mr. Brodericio-Rev. Mr. Brown. of
rvt, D. ' RIJN, AIFAII1E11 OF
College of FlovieAans and bewails Oa
Fbysicloo, Surgeon sedAetnisebour, Q
weed, Qin..
itsoa. Oe a and nesideare. 200
des Oat. 0pecial attootioa
'esteri, 0Mrstintesto, WO to 4
A, tors. Notarres, CoSaCe)11Wqrs oeneateeoeers.
deliritors tar Nelms Zatk etc% Mer.e.r- to lean at
owet Tates teepee. Oelmi, Wu sweet. utter,.
L11. CA1414$94 P.A,, navies
1ned Asszlien
C 1 a CIA7/aU A .b ant Ifilittie
toweabir or Fsles prerarttv
i (ergs rearo e. Sala gnawed
al viethelita.
The Molsons Bank
(Chartered by railialitent.1%5)
Mead Mere, Montreal.
Raid up Capital... ,.....,...$2,500,000
JAS. ELLIOTT, Oneamilee. MAN:tent%
owe henree.10 ant. to $ p.m: Naturdat a 10 RAU
A geueletl hariking business transacted
Mosey advanced to goad Fame/sat lotant rases.
timings Dank Deposits trans 01 and upwards neck.
ed. Interest allowed at lagbest cannot rates.
Dicustos CA111.1NO. N. D.1tranoe,
Steelton. etanseen
We are still in the Bicycle trade
and this year show some ilne speci-
the Ideal wheel to ride. Prices mod-
New Pianos!
Several New Pianos just put in
stock; newest styles and the best
makes. It will ptty you to see them:
Yon will be surprised at the LOW
PRICES at which we sell them.
Organs of the Latest
makes always in, stock
Sewing Machines &a.
We are leaders in Sewing Ma -
;chines -the best machines that the
.Strade.prodnees are on our floor for
your inspection •, also repairs Need-
les, etc., for all kinds of sewing ma-
chines, 'always on hand.
Call and seens if in need of
any of the above.
Take Notic
The Exeter Grist Mill.
The Exeter Grist Mill has been re-
modelled and is in full swing again,
prepared to attend to the needs of
their many customers with a good
supply of the noted -
Star Flour ON Hand,
We haveplate choppers for fine chop
and a roller for rolling oats for horses.
Seeing. is Believing
Give Us a Trial.
:4) Harvey Bros.
uccessors to J. Cobblediek & Son
Fall Fairs
Myth Oct. /0-7
Kirkton " 2
Parkhill- " 1-2
Agincourt, north of roronto. pet:Imbed
I two very acceptable sermone in the
Carmel rhurch on Standay.--Tho Her.
vest Thanksgiving will be held In St.
Paul's church on Sunday met. Rev.
Gunn, rector. of Clinton. will
preeeh both morning and evening.-
•Misees Annie Kemp and Hilda Beek
have gone to Mitchell to work for 3..
Was,Inerehtutt tallon,-Alex. eke
Monti, who him been spetultug the
WON, with his team up north has re:,
urned and is vieiting his eister, Mrs.
Wbitte-Iii mire. W. J. B. Me-
Mordie and W. Colwill spent a few
days in Mount Foreet on iniSinea dur-
ing the weete-The anuiverfarT ser-,
vices and tee meeting of the Moot.'
horse Metioidist eltiorit will beheld on
Sunday and Monday, Ottdth and
Rev. Br. Medd will he the preiteher for '
the dLiy.-Manager McArthur, of the
Sovereign Bank hes putvhased a new
driver, ---W. Stoneman has eeeured the
contract for painting and Papering a
church on the Bluevale eirenit.-We
re yleased to learn that Mr. Alex.
McKenzie Intends returning to Ben-
son to resume business.
mR. Studer, of SehrIngville, bere
visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. U. 1
Koehler. -Miss Stella Gilligan. who
bas been keeping house for Father
Aloisins lefe for Pitesbuig recent!
Rev. Went% trite) and son left last
week Air an extended visit with friends
in and at mold Berlin. They drove to "
Berlin on Thursday. -Rev. Krupp oc-
cupied the pnlpit the Evangelical
church on Sunday the absence of
the pastor. There will he tio service
on Sunday. -C. L. Shoemaker was in
town Tuestlay.---The Miesee Ella and
Lizzie Ramie left Friday morning for
Selmelke, of the Luther -
in church, took part in the services at
Logan on Snnday.-Mr. W. Dumatt
is in town on business Tueeday.-
• s Chun BUChill11111 returned from
Toronto on Satuttlny.---Mr. E. Zeller
is movinginto town this week, he hav-
ing disposed of his farm to Mr, IL
ade thie inetrippo,,
Seveitty Ann fient eaell Of the thr
regimente are called to leave at
'o'clock; o„50 more men of OW re
sgeinerveeisit.S are called to parade for re
Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.. Sept. eo.--The
troulile which has existed between the
” officer§ of the Consolidated Lake Sup.
trior Company and the employees
since the closing down of the works a
week ago lag Friday reached a climax
yesterday, and the town ie under mae-
tial law, in coneemience of the riotous
act of some of the men during the day.
On Thureday. owing to the fact that
the supplies in the camps had beetle=
pretty well exhausted. the officers of
the get:Warty were obliged to bring the
men into town. The first batch arrive
ed here on Friday night. and those
were followed by are numbers on $ote
uralay and Sunday. The entire crowd,
numbered about Om, which., with the
men employed at the industries in the
j town until the cessation of operations.
Made up an army of t.eoe. The men
held a meeting early in the morning and
I decided to go in a body to the coins
patty% office and demand their wages,
tor, although the day had been named
, as pax day, there was a general feel.
ing ameng the employees that they
, would be given a further stand-off, and
in this were not disappointed. About
9 o'clock they arrived at the office
building, and found the front door
locked and the company police guard-
ing the entrance. A bulle-
tin was posted, stating_ that the Pre-
sident and directors in New York have
been unable to raise th
money to pay the wages and
salaries now due the men and
officers of the company. Advice receiv-
ed from New York indicate
hnve a plan to raise the money to 'wt
only pay. the note but to start up the
works, that sec t e
The plan hasnlie endorsement and pro-
mise of support of Sir Wilfrid Laurier,
Preier Canada and the Hon. Geo.
W. Ross, Premier of Ontario, and it
is expected to produce the necessary
money within thirt3r days. While we re-
gret very much the inability of ehe
inability of the company to pay
the fact remains that there is no
nioney to pay with. There seems to
he only one thing. left for
the men to do, and that is to .accept
the offer or work elsewhere, laming
their checks with friends, responsible
attorneys, or business men, to collect
and send to them when the company
pays them.
instead of answering the purpose for
which it was intended, that of paci-
fying the men, the contents of the bul-
letin had the opposite effect, and a rush
was made for the main entrance to the
building. A conflict between the men
and the company's police was the re-
sult. In the melee that ensued several
of the men were roughly handled by
the police, who, in turn received se-
vere treatment at the hands of the now
infuriated mob. Two of the policemen
received serious injuries, and, a riot be-
ing imminet, a message was sent for
reinforcements to protect the com-
pany's property.
Magistrate Qpibell arrived shortly,
and, after reading the riot act, re-
quested the men to go peaeefully to
their homes. In the meantime some-
one, presumably for the purpose of
diverting the attention of the men, sent
in a fire alarm from a box near by.
When the firemen arrived the trouble
had reached an acute stage, and the
town and company police were utterly
unable to cope with the men. Some-
one turned a stream of water on the
assemblage from the inside of the build-
ing, driving the crowd back and drench-
ing a great mane. This indiscreet
act was the signal for a general attack
on the building, and in a few minutes
not a pane tie glass was left unbroken
in the magnificent structure. Having
done about all the damage that was
possible, the crowd started down down.
At the corner of Queen and Gore
streets a street car going east was
blocked, and the driver forced to re-
turn to the barns. A car going west
was similarly stopped.
The mob then proceeded to the ferry
dock, and were successful in tying ep
for the day the service between the tw3
Soos. About 2 o'clock in the after-
noon the most serious rioting took
place in the main street. License In-
spector Bassingthwaite had ordered all
the barrooms to be closed at e o'clock, I
but some of the men had consumed a
good deal of liquor prior to that tit=
and constituted themselves leaders of
the mob. Smarting under the indignity
t which theyhad been subjecte
having the hose turned on them in the
early part of the day, and their d
fired with liquor, these husky lumber -
Men organized a band to avenge the
insult. For an hour or more they hov-
ered around the fire hall in the east end
of the town, but found the building well
protected. The town police recognized
in the leaders the men who had been
most active in the morning s demon-
stration, and attempted to arrest two of
their number.
A free, fight ensued, in which the
ln.vier littenatteZnet.na.--Death
has chinned another of our oldest and
most highly respected residents in tbe
person of Michael Zeller, who passed
to the peaceful realms on Fieday Iasi,
at the great age of 18 years. The de-
ceased has beeu in poor health for
some time hence hie demise was not
unexpected. Mr. Zeller was widely
known mid much respected for his
gotta qualities, both of heart and bead.
He was a 1111411 of more thau the aver-
age intelligence and many a pleasant
and profitable hour has been passed
between hie friends and himself in his
office in discussing polities as well as
local public affairs in which be was
much interested. By his friends, as
well as by his widow,two sons and five
daughters, by whom he is survived,
his loss is deeply mourned, although
be had reached the alloted term of life.
His remains were laid to rest in the
Lutherin cemetery on Monday.
Eight cents a pound is
what a young -woman paid for
twelve pounds of flesh.
She was thin and weak and
paid one dollar for a bottle of
Scott's Emulsion, and by tak-
ing regular doses had (rained
twelve pounds in weight before
the bottle was finished.
Eight cents a pound is
cheap for such valuable ma-
terial. Some -pay more, some
les's, some get nothing. for
their money. You get your
money's worth when you buy
Scott's Emulsion.
We will send you a little ,
Toronto, Ontario
50c. and $I.Oo ; all druggists.
1 police got slightly the worst of the sr -
t gement. i number of civilian -and
special police cr.rue to the officersae-
sistance, and a fieree fight in the middle
of the road followed, from wbieh two
of the leaders beat a retreat, going Le -
wards the river,. pursued by the offi-
cers and several hundred citieens. The
fight was renewed after a run of, about
fifty yards, and within the next half
hour two of the men were shot, one
hi the leg mild the other twing
the beck of Ma neck slightry
glazed. In neither ease, howeteee
Potatoes, per hag .. . . .... 1 CO 1 GO
i Hon. L. P. Pelletier Protests Against l'iltYu'i)Pteri°e1:vt , roller - 7 (I) 0i0
the Attempt O. Arouse French- . ... .. 15
... . . .. ........
Ilidee, per 100 Ilm . ... if7f) 5 CO
Caned:mn Sentiment Agairest Eng,
ssee Inc injury dz,.:rwrons. The news land. Live boos ter mot 5 50
that two men had been shot in clay-
lietto a few yards from the main
Idiozoughlare el, the teen», spread ra-
r'ely, anal the reseit was elmost a
enie in this Ntheete peaceable
• ..71, Dr. .1fe.Caieize was surnal0n-
in each cas,:, n.n.4 the injored men
neeeele.O. eo
In the meantime the militia Lae
been cal:el OM. eniChief Ceneteble
oieseeey had sworn in an
Mr. Henri additional
number of 'zee:ea: ;to:icemen. TroiNth
, e atteir.pt beieg raaoc rOnSil
r French-Canadian sentiment agaipst
$ England, 1 am a Freneki-Canadiao,
1. and I am proud of it; ant proud of
the 4Ad country from which my lath.
ers and yoere same; am proud of
lied Again 1,4.7.,!1.:11 +-sin at the works
ed Manager Coyne had telephooed fo
fearing that further and
nere seri!-as e.aliege tO db.'t propeme
was contemplated.. At .3.3e o'clock the
oetei ItatteOien eterlie 1 for the seene
of the troiible. Wheat the vetinnteers
reaehe4 the werks they were receie-
ed mata ;cors anl ho4ns.,, but these
sounds soon faded away, the sight of
the eniforms and bayonets draw a un-
doubtedly in,T.piring some respect In
he hearts of the lumbermen, Mai,
te Qwbcd egaie mounted the
ag4in read Li° rziO4'i =t4.1.adilie°1111-khue. earned
ced wide 4 few words of good ad.
ice to the meo, where he AdViSed
to their bootee likc peaceable eat -
ens. He assured them that their
oney would be forthcoming, perhaps
A few days. Mr. Ouibelre rernerhe
had a decidedly gOud effect upon those
of his hearera wito could understand
the. English !Angtizge, and the 11W
piety of thesemen started for home
tlsle :alagiatrete had concluded his
Thie evening all is quiet in the town.
The men are being cared (or by the
company and town, bat the volunteers
are on nutty duty around the big edi-
Om of the company.
114 fact that Mayor Plummet's store
was broken into 1336 night and 3evcra1
rides ateden bee caused a feeling of
unrest and fear that ether places
might be visited to -night for a like
parpoee, but At a late hour there ap-
ared to be no reason to anticipate
anything in that regard,
Manager Skinner of the International
Hotel, operated by the company, was
informed this evening by a leader al
the rioters that the hotel would be
burned to the ground to -night. Mr.
Skinner communicated this information
to his guests, the roult Wing that
there are a great many more vacant
rooms in the International to -night
than on any night for some date. The
train which was to have brought about
Montreal, Sept.
Theiltier, at one thee Attorney -
of Quebec:, and now Conservative Or
'anizcr for the Province, e
Laprairie yeeierday seveeely cr
ticized the anti -imperial utterences
33oerassa. "Ae a Freoclo
Canadien;* he said, "I proteat against
eoo men to -day was cancelled, but
there is no repetition of to -day's
e troubles to -morrow the men will ine
rive to -morrow night.
New Haven, Conn, Sept. ;ie. -John
G. Carreith of Philadelphia, President
3 of the Industrial Trust, Title & Sav-
ings Company was: here appointed
e leer" t onto I ated eke
Superior Company by judge Platt in
the United States District Loure His
bend was placed at Sto,000. Judge
Lynda Harrison of the city, -counsel or
the company, said the company con-
sented to the appointment of the re-
New York, Sept. 25. -Concerning
the appointment of John Carruth, Pre-
sitlent 01 the Industrial Trust, Title at
Savings Company of Philadelphia, as
a receiver for the Consolidated Lake
Superior Company, Charles M. Tweed
ot Speyer & Company said
"The action of the Conneeticut court
will not interfere with the sale of the
securities of the Consolidated Com-
pany October x. The appointment
of a receiver ]?laces the affairs of the
company in the hands of an individual.
No arrangement has been imade for
postponing the sale, and I know wall -
mg of the report that Mr. Clergoe
had raised the $5,,oeci,coo cash needed
to satisfy our claim."
London, Sept. v. -Sir Christopher
Furness says he knows nothing con-
cerning the report cabled from Toronto
that he is finding fresh capital for the
Consolidated Lake Superior Com-
Five and one-half per cent. of the
insurance on the Clergue buildings at
the "'Soo" has been withdrawn by fire
insurance compames which fear loss
through riots.
The great bulk of the companies in-
terested in the insurance on the proper-
ties, however, refuse to accept the
stories of threatened outrages by work-
ingmen,. and not only. are practically all
of the insurance policies still in effect
but a. new schedule of insurance on the
buildings, amounting to $534,000, was
arranged yesterday. Three companies
out of forty-one threw up their share
of the Clergue business and their al-
lotment of the insurance has been tak-
en up by the other corporations. The
largest holder of insurance on the
Clergue properties is the Liverpool &
Lancashire Company, which has stead-
ily held all of the business which it ori-
ginally assumed.
9 9i
Was Trying to Quell a Disturbance
at Attalla, Alabama.
Attalla, Ala., Sept. 28. -While at-
tempting to quell a disturbance in the
rear of a saloon here, Chief of Pollee
Jenkins was shot and killed, and Pa-
trolman W. B. 13lankenship and John
White, an alleged participant in the
fight, were , seriously wounded. I
The Times correspondent at Constanti-
nopie understande that orders have been
given for the summary execution of all
:Bulgarians in Macedonia captured with
or without arms.
The action of Mrs. James Quirk of
Brantford against the London Guarantee
& Accident Company for insurance on her
late husband was settled, the company
withdrawing a statement reflecting on
Barrie ratepayers 'carried a by-law to
loan S20,000 to the carriage company and
grant them a free site, free water and
light for twenty years, A by-law to in-
stall an electric fire alarm in the town
ray French bloedi I love my Freneli.
Ceeedian mother and my liatiemality.
but do vet let French-Canadians hear -
hen to those who would rouse anteng
thenta sentiment of hostility to the
country whielohas every rignt t44
love and affeetton for the way we have
been treated in this. Canada of Onfi
We speak ear own language, we wor
ship at our own altars, in our own
tem les, with the greatest freedom on
rarib beneath the Protc5tinK I 014 of
the Uritish flag, 1.;ertam people And
Men evith eloquent NVICCS, 100, SIMI(
sneeringly to us of 'our England." For
any partli ant readto Wept the
we are poem! of her splendid record,
We are proud et the free Institu-
tions. the pat And eqattable laws which
she has given us. When the un-
worthy Government that to -day rnise
rules our former mother country ex-
pelled the continunitiest when they put
on the street saintly women who had
consecrated _their fives to Gedo where
did these thepereed cominunities take
refuge ? Where did the men who had
consecrated their lives to the edueetion
of youth and the service of God take
refuge when they were not allowed
liberty of eonacience lit the land al
their birth ? They found a refuge and
a haven of protection beneath the
broad folds of the mord old flarwhich
protects our own rights and our lib-
erties. (Loud cheers,) I deny to
the demagogues of yesterday and the
demagogues of toonorroveahether they
come as the emissaries of Sir Wil-
frid Laurier or otherwise, the right
to attempt to arouse raCe against race
and creed against creed in this happy
land, where English, Irish, Scoteh and
French live together for the upbuiid-
ing of our grand new country, under
the freest institutions' the world has
ever ;teen. I tell you, gentlemen, that
the men who do such work must fail.
The more the different races learn
of each other the better will they agree
together. / here and now tell eir.
Henri Bourassa, and others of his fel-
lows who follow in hie footsteps, that
they will raeet their an punishment
in the reprobation or their own
French-Canadian fellow-citieens for
their attempt to light the fierce fires of
race hatred for base political pur-
Dressed liege...-. ..... 8 00
Shorts per curt .. . 135,
Bran perewt....,........ ;re SO
Itching Siczn
1)4 -trees by day end oighte-
That'e the eomplaint of thoeewb
Ars so mifortunitte as to be. afainted
whit Eveema or Snit Rheurn-ond out,
werd applieations do net core*
Wiley can't.
Zoe source of the trouble the.
bleed -make that pare atol this got+
fOg's burning, itchiene akin (14Q.a.7.o will
Waa taken with we Itet0np`, 00 PO
arms wleteb peeved very ditegreenOte. X
emieleOed it was sea rheum and Wag4t
owe eleeO's. Sar041P4r4114. tWO doys
ogee 1 began it X Mt better rioil
wee 110t 19D,c„'' Deem X liVAn enta,. Ravi
never Me *Ay Ala cli§kaio Auw: Male
lee WAllni Wig, Md.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
lido the blood of AU iunzarittea
cures eruption&
term `ea. she ie ' Our England.' and ill
Of0 RN Balk 0
Electors of St. Mary's Ask Him to
Do so.
Montreal, Sept. v. -Two thousand
electors of St. Mary's division of this
city met last night and passed it reso-
lution, asking for the resignation of
their representative in the Commons,
Hon. J. Israel Tarte. Great enthus-
iasm prevailed, and the action WAS
unanimous. Ald. Lariviere presided,
and among the speakers were Sen-
ator Cloran and Mr. D. A. Lafor-
tune. Many prominent electors of the
division were present. The resolution
set forth that on November 7, moo,
Mr. Tarte was elected by St. Mary's
division to represent the Liberal
party; that while Sir Wilfrid Lauriet
was in Europe be started a cam-
paign of ultra -protection, thereby vio
lating the promises given to the elec-
tors; that he had gone over to the
enemy of the Liberal party; that he
had abandoned his electors and placed
himself at the service of the cor-
porations, and had therefore no right
to speak in the mime of the electors
of St. Mary's, and they therefore re-
pudiated his actions and found them-
selves obliged to ask him to return
the mandate they had confided to him.
In opening the meeting, Ald. La-
riviere said that Mr. Tarte was no
longer a representative of Liberal
principles, and should therefore be
asked to give an account of himself.
Mr. Tarte had given much time of late
to the Conservatives, and had not said
one word for those who had electe.d
him. (Cries of shame, and true.) He
had much to explain.
Senator Cloran denounced the mem-
ber freely. He said that Mr. Tarte
was the apostle of a policy contrary
to Liberal views, and was trying to
instill the venom into the whole, rank
from Halifax to Vancouver. Under
the circumstances he thought they
should force hitn to give up his man-
date 'or to keep it without reproach.
The speakers were loudly appladed.
Brace Gordon of Hapanee was shot and
seriously wounded while duck -shooting on
Hay Bay.
Miss Maria Haigh, who jumped from a
moving street car at Hamilton is dead
from her injuries.
The by -Jaw for taking over the Guelph
Radial Railway by the city was carried
by the taxpayers at Guelph.
Lord*Miiner and Premier Balfour will
confer in London to -day regarding thi
offer to the former of the Colonial Secre-
A proposal has been made to estab-
lish a Canadian club in• Ottawa on 'the,
lines of the successful organization
J, Shaver, insurance agent of Hamilton,
was found guilty of embezzlement, 'buj
sentence was suspended, as he had made
Nvas also passed. restitution. -
0otpit41 PP14 UpGs000,000
RO5t .2*71Q.C100
A WleudbInls teeette
Intert4 at vatot timer% curileat
klavitig4lisalt egerauls,
Ociinuereiallikltersatirrat- Witst 0, Q4
,C1411,14 Jai1a11aroteonetateteeereierese.
Trovellts,r bettcu et CIO%lsae4 trztewi10;rs itt
AU partl et the.
TOWS *-1i4111.
J1421012t, $147 el' P2
Cook's Cotton Root compound.
radical Xravortte.
Is the only care, releable
regulator On 'Alen woman
Can iteriend. "In the teem
aye time of need."
Ilepareel la two thoreee a
strepob. No. 1 aria NO. 2,
No. I. -For ordinary tarsi
Is br far the beat dollar
medicine known.
No. 11 -Por special erase -40 de,gctelt
stronger -three dollars per bee.
Leatos-aek Your druggist for 4'oak's
Cotton Root compound. Torte no otter
as elt plus, ratxtures and lialtatieto ar4
dangerous. No. 1 and NO. 2 aro soil an
recommended by all druggists In the Doi
minion of Canada. Maned to :MY UtItIr011i
Oil receipt ounce and four 2 -rent postage
Mine& WWI X4101C Coln1Inny, .
-WIno.lor., Ont.
1,70.1 mil Na. Sore Sivld hi DU -Ur 14:, 1 ie 144 tz surI
IlroWning, Druggist%
11111 Wilt
1,000 TONS
Andrew Hicks,
Portland Cement
We have just received a quan-
tity of the best grade of Port-
land Cement.
Can be had at both Exeter and
Centralia Warehouses.
Grain Wanted
Wheat, Oats and Barley, for
which 1 till market prices will be
paid at the storehouses in Exeter,
Centralia and Clandeboye.
Jos. Cobbledick.
We are giving excellent
satisfaction since Re-
modelling our mill.