Exeter Advocate, 1903-10-1, Page 3.H.FALTH FQL, DELICIOUS . .
that it in no way ioterfered With rny
waling; and when all these things
were donned iny form assumed a
burly bulkiness that would hove re-
-0iged the heart of a Sergeant -major,
Por the next six days I remained
ay and night in these germerits.
CEYLON NATURAL OREN Tea is all pure tea, and
will displace Japan Teas Just as "SALAVA" Black is
displacing all other black teas. it is sold only in
sealed lead packets. 23C and 40e per lb By all
TI al 1 • el
tbe purpose of studying sod -
Sunlight :Soap will not injure
your. Eblankets Or harden them: - It
\Alt make them softA white and
Jean Atalbert, a well knowa au -
or and eeploren who bas just re-
turned to Paris fronta scientific ex-
Pedition in the Laos country, re-
lates a carious experienee.Hi na-
ve bearers having ascertained
thot the doctor of the
expedition used tincture of iodine to
dreseinuj&s ruiskd their feet tin
urpose. When all the bearers bad
the name of many an inn. the sign
mon, Tie most recent case bearing
'The Eagle and the Child" being cora- oestsedoe g:Ziagtollok!ralsleilrett4 srethr:
Qa vrleg brown boots., repeated an-
rred, in South Africa. A
19mitinF aPillegu's tis/bt
which occu4ine plieatiotts of iodine haring turned
their feet to a yellow color. Tbe
Boon farmer. living on the veldt" Plst natives Were SO tickled by this
beyond Barberton, whose stocle had
.14111 el and educational work there. been tarried let- eagles lay in aril, th"I IheY aetuallY brought
waAa. I ort, usr 7,1=, sent to Great Britain 148,101 more -ore of them descend and eau, ag tbe animals were sutrerieg front Sore Baring the last. six months Ireitiend bast for the aerial robLere, and saw
e feet.
elepbonts to the doctor. sating that
741 fewer horses than were reeteeed haffir servants. e shot the bird,
ittutett oRT's E4eitkutoox. cattle, 108.160 more sheep. and °ally the five-year-old child or one of his
front aU the rest of the world. trident. with the child stM clutched M'agiftrate rO wifugessP "You Bay
13eule Rerseenl, encl Iinsiness Note At Newry a boy named niurphy '" fits grin. /en in a thorn bosh. The von have lteown the prisont.r 411
That W111 Interest Irish -rescued two cootie -tromps wita itmeautta bird. wae dead when per:sett up. but ' Your lila Witriees ; 4nnes, your
Canadian*. ealiatteted while hattIng willA bine,..the babe was lime nurt. The eagle riWOnshiP.'t Magistrate; "Now. in
An Irish Edaeauon billi pram14.., ,bnat anter gettmeg the 011141 to the
of its wings. Other etories.are toidt el stealing this money."
eion. ldrowned.
creditis than this ems
eag-es sta.: covert in Catarrh Cannot Ze Cured
measured nine feet front tijp to tip :Your "l'ir•31"; (14B von tidtl-. he could
4 by Air. wy-Ludiain tar Boa, es„ „bank the little hero. was Ithneelf 11
to a similar end. but 41)„.c.ar less Witness itt 2°1
Tbe royal visit to Ireland has, it i reolde who wear the n"we (4' '
thessglit, Sono pesouuktit good to Murphy may be glad tp thatleonerri. while ono vonceots anenee, eteatteemozoo. *taw
tbe Buielitt poplin trade. toey deseeptio Irani a very, uld arise, tr, aits ant ba las eatetot 04 &fat. Of ‘1444 411$talV4
t 0 .,er be a t 4
Mr. Andrew Carnegie has offered ralall.Y., wane CriVorchee• l'aeY with reek • 't al
U4torah ni 4 Weed or constitutsonut
Dublin $140.000 towards the erou- „were kongn et We7tiora in the "el" 'lin qttarry for the bitinten eagle to
tion of a. free public library. :ancient tinges." aweep flown and mew an end ot it.
has been abSent from Ire- "Good 014 Wrsiillumn" was ilte Sa MI% more fw..itilous method haS
land for two years. but recently a!lutation to the Irish Stvretary as he lieen obeervea. ulien an eagle, sie-
case eppeared in '11,1,to, ,passed throng]) Dublin in Oa train tceung o, eine') on elm edge of 4 pre,
Trim King hs •conferred the bon. of the In'ing. Changed times slurs.
or of knighthood Open e.Itobert !the days of "Bucitellot Poneter" and
Anderson, Male Sheriff of uetgafit, ilootly Balfour."
Two perpolties have been frighten- Mrs. °"Neil has died near Lime
• B. ass.er In pin, flz, ea
must anis) interest rsmedies. flair*
Catarrh Cote iN twArea internally. Mod
acts direot.,,,tv on the bleed and Ileticel0
eurfaves„ tiall'fi Catarrh cure /9 pat 4-
rpier4 meantime. it W4.5 pre•vribed bYA *ood uwuv wornen wooid be Tromp
ang at tiz-.1 tebr. rawielatai in ti.lis rotiro
tey tree :Feel'. alai is A regular prostate. noOre i t1elr ancestore bad softdtor for lot:
cot*, now at it, screaming shrilly. tten. ft IS COIO14001 Of OM tOSt I0OIC3 left th . Formyard ;
Sold with forceful beat lusrleti it into known. combined with tho hest mood
"gers ortula dire:tis• on
• Stalgads any Test
The most severe judgment of the expert tea. taster pronounces
Blue Ribbon Tea absolutely the l;fest. Why?
it is free from tannin and other bitter substances --no coarse
fibrous leaves ennplOyed in its making..
The taste is pure,_ rich and creamy -that nameless quality that
signifies to the expert and lovers of true tea that it is the best
leaves and shoots of the tea plant properly cured.
tile Valley belfetY, where it Waal 4,„td„„rtii,,, the mucous 4tryeltemortitg
VW ur it at US leisero. 1two sogrodiests is what produces sucts
.EltS LOW RATES. a* ineat."
Ing the lish, In pubutt Bay, mut iitte icit aged Uhl years, -Residing near acre is good Allison for beltevirig. g:411:11t re''''.411 in culling Vtateknitl, Via the el Icgolo and North West e ri
testituoniftlo free.
kshing 4mas ruined. for 'the tittle being. •;Templemore. In thO Batue, country. is:after all. the ancient legend as to„. V. J. Clilli..Si.:Y fa.• CU,. 3'rep,.. 10.r.. every day from Sept. 15111 to
TinZ peat bogs of lrelana could an old centenation-a Man4 agtel;tlie manner in widen Insehaltea 1;110 Toltaio. 'CI 2.1Covenaher atoire, settlers one way ,
V , l- 1 • $old to,7 ereggists. pre 74e.
give an ammo. output of to 000 :407. wbu elqus4.1, good neanali and ;tee t poet, ett t hie 414'41th. It IS viva, Tanrir4„ tetia- - e e
. „ strond •claes tickets at very 1010
electric horetapower, for the next I- - cab walk a few Pines n daY, ,sald that att eagle dronped a turtle
are t eet,
g P
Str Dalatel Pixon„ Lord shkyor, builders at Harlisad Woh7s yard OerN ore forralitar with the saglet ,
4‘poa t ssu eiceMint •"A " for gon, Wsotingtou. California, alSO Us r -...en are 4/3140".45 or rams, lint
Plelfaa„ omit me„ Ellword petegereon 1)01aq. who went out on strI4o eagles ear*eteg turtles ar-4 tori4AFes what atz vutt 4.`et I Victoria, Vancon",,-es New W.TA•str^im• some sesept rotossi," ;t. substi•
, 4^ - . 4
knight ond ' 4 Nter. slid other points inn Anne.
from Chico o to oints '
2:7,0 years. The hoilernmhera. Und iron ship- ou his bald head. Algerian travel. A VAI-trAllf.X 1:tab„ Moraanna. vadcs. idallo. Ore -
one ot the gtentle.it ble,i9linga to parents
is &e' (NeS• Worse Inttermitiator.
It effectually expels worsus And give
health its a marvellous Manner to the lit
tie etie.
CZ11 S!
LcitE bread
Lord Mayor of e‘trli, Wye, Veen e ogaiwit 174'41Bleti011 of a farthing an
atcd haranete,
-etu tad to .A t roean too fereen h„,„ r••ecattrtres,. tilrarithlather. Nthite's frequent, advise
14..4.. la I V 4.1 0 t 0, ° ^ • • the' Kootepov Dieelict t one:leo-mat
'Induction. About .1„eati loon wen,
learn, it. a very wealthy neer. fireeli of
Lord Money. 110 most poll -near
i Loral Lientenant that Ireland haS
yin Vilonce fortune lies bengal h tile
•ground, An 1444'9 gtiti.'"1 on lids i'Pall,
. j.,fleldri svill alnutost rertainly king, bigi
;taore and more natney.
pins, Lit:Aches, Bolin and lIgly: 4 carpet intlat5try saws stard64
Ila,sheo Eanily Clear,A l'Irom, :Jew ptats ago in 4 ziliti? tlisttlef
tine Blood. ';itannegal. and efttnilleileing with
(1.itseu wormiest tr‘Drliers it has grow
From tile Advoeate„ F,Irleter, Out. ri It0 VIIIirli an extent that it now firolf.;
Ail direaFeri Of the shin and etennel,einPionifient fer several leandred eculiar Medical C41t En
lileN1011 are (Tarred by bad blood.11,.00,.. Tiw. eatfot9 are bawl -made. other Vlotory for 11
e; ebill.littona and grattaleitildr.M. -
4 Oral render the', aceonalhlet •
And tizm Pieed 10 tell 1.141513Ra4 14117 14te9 from "41 1"niS '124
Comfat.1.u1lpgrtIvIleirs frOral
ecgl ticket oftent Ihluott.
SUB 11A1 TO SIT !beat( in 1 --------'arid ons,. MS lull
Ny father lead au account when be opuerid Agent. 2 1.415t, Ei1D3 .st .4 To. ;
• Lever's Y -Z Mate Head) Disinfeete
pent Seop Powder is a boort to ony
ltionta It disitelecte ond cleans at
1.be we time.
•••••••.,.... , Mande : "1141,14.1i woulid you
in0 was- of s.n.i.lisig that he hmila't, .tratinceai to yo's InSt r° MMs. 'Ide-rieh tie horaleottoe tat el
levet; to .'"Well, ral lit,i,,, to Pe rich
„ 1 Or *01.4100, toe. eoienee ,iied4 oluil it„,ifay that I an:n to pay tor tine trait
4.'169° lall5r1-4'IL """^21) caw 444It aweigh etie eledin that. 1i.1.111B 14414141B 1 wils caught ?"
at the .•.„1,441g,3 nee Bower owl outo, Ont.
UP A CUA.Ilt.' e'91"letbin 147' 1141 bad
:bought the el.:41%411. :4-4?or lbaue ° Ana
BOI1D'S KI1NE2' bad qh^re Fl4n.e wirer aims. MI
Paleners and pintplop, ldatchr.s. and „int,"r 1110 Turithhin and Parlsiaa Art -
hods, ugly readwu and open sore, 'ton. in ittosaiva of Finial wooden Kidney Ilemetly. komiennate_s nonce,• Anni-Consuraptive Syrup. Ill ruNiNtto
itching ecvenut and leirraling crysipe- Fcluares: 1 ..0), 14,12 -. bald tho fitaddlop, tbar has never le,,,en linowe to Ian ri %Ie.
S. Nialachie. Poreberiter rat,.. Que.. t,,,„,,„_„, „ , ; „ , i _ ,, „.., ,..„„,)„.„,, iingcoughQ, cubit?, hvgiehali awl A B4C•
las-all thew blendrhen COMO front Tho earl of Leitrim. who owns Sept, :11,-O•ippeial).-A inedieal ea! e. ,I"'lfr'" " "" "" 4 `" "" " """""" Teeth= a the them:. 111461,501denriZ.
bad blood. A had shin in a sure (Mout 60,000 /Willi of Irish loud. ifri of particular Interest. eepeelally to ' '11.11\ ' "641 thl' light i'I*' will 1)4Y f"
woe coasidenell Lomat man but It arr.,. onlv
101 queer. •A man w•ent to the one 'Nest It
day awl bolght sechtlio, Aud or, iilligS.nottlyall Ittacarricd
1,4a,.*,1,,rimi cooeitt.d 10 104. oceomit. And tintlilleiV grare. in thliceuancy we haw
Greo„t when: it nos 1410 Dahl the. cleric 'atm 4"142ea, eitatittviOntilutv't t*Slt,"‘:'; ilAVIt
sold the satidl. did not loam the '51P.4bal44(51141; e""ut4"v4ilt 114{4%
bat 1413 effeot a eine ito teeng Inesee
it TI44' Other; %IA Lam thele A :‘„Inuutt man was spealatig to a.
Went of bad blond -thin blood, wat- an eidluctlantie inotorlet. While etn, wouten, is eausiIII% Mall talk itere.
Otidiet buy it...
, 4 critical audience. and was sinlentlY
n' bland. blood POltoned with hot oYium it a
lN a pastime he als0 ref- . Wm Jamee Kineella suffered from And
! n ? -' *L a i hissed on account ot some of his
purities. you can't haw a, healthy. °glazes the possilfilitia? the InOtOr 'Kidney DIFeace. which Ft) bib'eted to'rE, bit, gri4.10
n. r14 i,ald tltat forty per -14/01A fwopositions, but, nothing
clear skin till you lualm your blood possesees in sparsely -populated dis- Ilint She could not sleep and she was sous rod foe that taddlo, l daunted, he retorted: "When a cold
inure and rieh with Dr. Williams', Wets. Inthe not-esne- blidfr tslinuners prhwtofVaogeowo touns her
and speedy cure for all shin Menses. car servim which will open up the ;she Is practically a well woman. In -
Nut; VIII% These pills are a sure gal the Vali is organining on auto nights silting in a chair. To•daN
for agonizing eczema, or bothersome country and render it possible for terVieWed regarding her cure she --*---
Nthether Ireland IS the fitneNt coon -
stream of truth is poured on red-
WITFIDE SCORES. hot prejudices, no wonder they Id6s."
little pimples -for a bail comylesion tourists to penetrate into what has r,y in the maid for growing flax, it mi
"X bad a imin in my right hip is, beyond dispute. the finest in the Bird Unimal Cure: .0 gaga
or ugly open ulcers. No claim is
ever made for Dr. Williams° Pink
Pills not bached by the most posi-
tive proof„ and in this connection we
offer the testimonial of 3-irs, :Nicholas
MeAven Mnalloesteented
resident of Exeter, Ont. To a rc..-
porter of the Advocate Mrs. Ve-
Avoy said :--"Some ,years ago I was
taken with n. slight "Wang Under
hitherto been a terra incognita to
Eow They Plan Attaelts ou 'Un-
suspecting Prey.
Some yearn ago Sir Charles Mor-
$ it
ane of my arms.daunt \vitalised in eotiand I gave It little at- strange hattla between tie eagle and
tention ih•st thinking IL would .ft atm which completely dimods any
Pass away, but in this wes "'it theory that the ornithologist nay
taken for as time went on it became, put forward as to eagles llet attack -
worse and soon developed into an Ing large animals. The bird singled
aggravated case of eczema, causing out from a lierd one particular buck
a great deal of pain, irritation and,
„ !which it succeeded in driving from
suffering. fact I was convened
to endure tortures. I consulted a
doctor and took medicine for several
months, but the trouble did not
leave, neither did it get any better.
In fact it took u turn for the worse
the rest. It struck the animal re-
peatedly 11.1112 its powerful wings,
knocked it down, and finally killed
Baron Schroeder witnessed a still
more remarkable spectacle. An
and developed into scrofula. As the eagle attacked a fawn. width was
doctor's medicine did not heifi kyle X
tried several advertised nu:dames, colineesoof faullicerlditti ale tohlolobwigeirdatinaanss.weTreht?
but with no better results. Finalltr by its dam, which sprang upon the
a lady friend strongly urg.ed ,to eagle and struck it repeatedly with
effect was almost magical. In a few 1*5
try Dr. :Williams' Pink Pills. Ulm foreket. yawn,
deer and eagle
rolled headlong down a declivity,
weeks there was a decided change for and the bird was dislodged from its
the better, and as time went on the ,
trouble gradually left and to -day 1 hold and the fawn rescued.
aBut Sir Kenneth Mackenzie knows
am entirely freo from it. T one in
complete recovery -if not my a more thrilling story than either el
these, for, according to report,. an
to Dr. ntilliams' Pink Pills, a fact I
eag,10 was rent in twain during a
wish to put on record that others
battle in his forest of Oairloch. Fix -
allay benefit as I have done:" ing its talons in the quarters of a
There is absolutely no disease dee roe, the bird was dasned against a
to poor blood -and most diseases tree, to a branch of which it en_
aro due to this trouble -that Dr.
Inak Pins will not cure. endeavored to hold to stay the
You can get these pills from any
'druggist, or they will be sent post
paid at 50c a box or six boxes for
$2.50 by • writing the Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., 13rockvi11e, Ont. Re-
member that substitutes cannot pos-
sibly cure.*
The King's • fir,sr, -visit to Ireland
was um.de when he was 8 years ol
age. Ile can trace descent from the
ancient kings of Leinster.
:To mark the occasion of the visit
-ol the King •arid Queen to irelaen
Love Iverigh presented a sum of
X56,006 to the Dublin hospitals..
The death has taken place at, Rich-
mont, Cliche county Tyrone, at the
age of 101 years of Mrs. Harrel,
. mother of Sir Da.Vid Harrel;- .K.0.13.
• Eleven sovereigns and five hall -
sovereigns tendered: to :Ititalin cab-
men in mistake for .silver eoinslast.
year Were given up to the police..
,Dr. Sall/ion,. the famous mathema-
tician who is provost of Trinity
flight of its captive. The bird was
halved 'In an instant.
Many traditions are extant as to
eagles havine carried off aral de-
voured chilcLr.L. In the north of
England the legend: is perpetuated by
When a little one is .sleepless and
cross it is the surest sign in the
world thot it is suffering from some
derangement of the 'stomach and
bowels -the seat of nine -tenths of all
baby ailments. In cases of this
kind Baby's Own Tablets act like
magic. •They sweeten the sour • lit-
tle stomach, relax the distended lit-
tle bowels, cool the parched, fevered
mouth, • and bring natural, health -
giving sleep. An experienced moth-
er, tars. Ed. Godin, Griffith, Ont.,
says : "I have used Baby's OWn
Tablets for many ailments peculiar
to babyhood, such as fevers, intliges-
tint), diarrhoea, eta, and I have
found them the most effective medi-
cine I have ever tried. Ie can only
College, Dublin, has declined toad- 1 add I would not be without them
mit women to clegrees in the univer-
sity there.
At a wedding celehreted at Bandon
county Odrk, the bride's father and
brother were the officiating clergy-
men, 1v1ik the bridegroom was also
a clergyman.
A deputation from the Irish A gra
;unwell Organization Society has ing direct to 'Then Dr. Williams' Mod-
ttartsd in Denmark and Scandina- icine •Co., Drsckville, Ont.
111 the' house, so much do I think of
Other mothers who wish health for
their little ones cannot do better
than follow Mrs. C4odin'a example.
You 'can get the‘ Tablets from all
medicine dealers or they will be sent
by Moil at 25 'cents atbox by writ -
the* hack and was swollen all cloi wn world for blearhing linen. Noultere
that side of tho abdonwd, 1 could else can the snow-white finished lab -
not sleep at night and 1 was obliged 110 lu` turned •Out to rival the Trish
to Sit up Inn a chair for two summers. 1111''av1i• Fraud). IMg111111! "er"lalnY'
no/tending of curet; bynutbru Kid. and America have all entered into
0Y l'iIIS X bought oun-
tobeatholxt..ontivirmhea(ti , se 110 ett:Tsfiesi fitta30.11 1211111 Tite :11:414, 031+1Itriteeti
10 usn them. They dm loo a worm ter, the climate, and the inherited
of good and now 7, eon go to 1*1 experience of the Irish blecelters all
like other people. X have never had "eniltilbute to 1120 r(*)ult*
to sit up In n• since 1 nsi'd 4 "IN ail; a good. place for trout ?"
ennlorare caused to: inquired the angler, who had just
bad Kidneys. Dodd's Kidney Pills tairieril:t11,;,., 1,-.11,110 f'heae:illsbet„.11),
never fail to cure them. patiently for hours; ."they don't oat-
pear.to be disposed to lettae
The Public should Lear in tnial that
Tilountairt Climber's Success Duel! Dr. Thomas' Eelectric Oil bas notblug in
to is Dress, eommon with the impure, deteriorating
class of so-called medielma oils. It Is
ICtowledge of what to 'wear takes eminently pure and really eillenelons-
on a. new importance 'when the lack relieving pain and koneuess. stiffness of
of it means death.
Major nankin, 1 the joints and muscles, and sores or hurts,
'when preparing to climb Mew" A'eeejrhIPiseinlieeatslisetinn,coughs and bronchial comgan excellent specific for
cagua, one of the loftiest mountains! plaints.
of South Atnerica, found that no
mall part of his success in reaching 1 eft r 11 tl • ' oo d 1
44110 yOil believe in luck?'" . me -
times. See that fat woman with
the red bat over there ?" "Yee."
"Twhe enty-two years ago srefused
to /wry me."
A Clear. Healthy 8hire-Bruptions o
the skin and the blotches which Idemish
beauty are the 1,03su1t of impure blood
caused by unhealthy action of the Liver
healthy aet on and restoring the organs
to their normal condition, Parmelee's
Vegetable PUN will at the same time
cleanse tbe blood. and tbe blotethea and
eruptions will disappear WitlIOUZ leaving
any mice.
Husband "Here's it bill for a ball
costume; what does it mean ?" Wife:
"Ala you know that green dress 1
wore at the ball at which I Wa$ in -
and tier. n correcti
. ng this un -
:Minaret Liniment.Ciffes
Child : "Uncle .Jonas, do you
bnieve in signs ?" Uncle Jonas
the smumit WaS due to the feat that ' • ' .., • . "Sometimes, my boy; why do you
common sense m the remars. oi a „...1.., Child : "'Canto mamma
he was suitably dressed.. ITe says deserter, when he said : "I'd rather "-"" '
that he takes the "greatest possible be a toward all my life Um dead
n a.
said big. ears was a. sign of generos-
Pride in being the first to inform the ity; but you didn't gnome nothing
man for fifteen minutes." i
on IV. birthday.'
world what it must wear in order to -----
have the pleasure of going barmlesslY Ilollowar" • 0 • 0 d t • all k" 1
. f• (no (Jure es rote a int $
. ---,
to sleep for twelve hours in the snow of corns aud warts, root and branch.
with the teMperature ten degrees be- .Intio then "44'0,1I41 endure them with sneh ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT
loW zero.”
. a cheap and effectual remedy within
ell hard, soft or calloused lunkre
First of all came a thin wool and and blemishes from horses, blood spavm,
curbs. splints, ring booe, swoency, stifles,
silk east to mitigate the tickling of sprains. sore and swollen throat, coughs, ere.
the brand-new pair of thickest "coin- Save e50 by use of one be We. Virurranted
binations," the comprehensive wool- the most. wonderful Blemish Cure ever
reach P
Day: "I find there is a $500 mort-
gage on the property you sold me.
en garment which followed next, and You never said anything about it."
enveloped all but head and feet. Then Gay : "Certainly 1 did. Didn't I
came two woolen shirt. one on top distinctly tell you it had all modern
of the other. beautiful, thick, sky- improvements ?"'
blue creations: then a pair of very
thick corduroy breeches, tactfully tinarcrs 111111118ill cum Coro rn Cm,
padded. with continuations down to
the ankle: then o sleeved waistcoat
of pure wool; then a thick wool coat "Who is that handsome yoffng man
like a blanket. yellow .And sheop-liko; atanditig over there ?" inquired an
then tho witid,oroof leather jerkin old gentleman of A rich old lady At
given me by Sir -Martin Conway. and 0, party. "That's my son-in-law.
a, vicuna, scarf round my neck to top Ii'es a Very brilliant young man --
made a large fortune by the law."
On inv 'feet1 first of all put ati or- "Indeed 1" said the old gentleman.
dinary pair of merino seeks: above
them a 1.11211t of She-timidwool stock-
ings.: next a pair of what are called
Sleeping": stockings., lanib's Wool
within. and • .go 's hair Without,
about a quarter cif an inch' thick and
hugely wariu: then a still:bigger pair
of Shetland wool stockings: taen a
pair of :enormous boots: and lastly a
pair ofpc#ees; throe yards long,'
Wound round the elephantine' bulk. of
my logs. •
On my head a Wolfskin rap covered:
ray ears •• and neck, and My hands
were 'ericascM. . first in an ordinary
pairof woolen gloves,' and secondly
a largo pair of gloves of the kind
affected by babies, wherein the thumb
grips at the incarcerated fingers.
• in reserVe 1 had iny coat
reaching , knees. yet so neat.
One result of the opening of the
Siberian railway has been the dis-
covery of many previously unknown,
or unutilized, resources of the broad
land that it traverses. Investiga-
tion of the Yenisei and Obi rivers,
for inetance, bas renealett the fact
that they aro navigablo to ocean
steamers for a distance :of molly 1,-
000 miles. Oil has been discovered
in tentral Siberia as Well as in the
province of Iikutsk, mad encourage -
"How's that ?'"'The law made him ment by a. special grant is extended
my daughter's husband." . to prospectors for gold.
aelleanattatlantaifienaterannergee, tUgoagatsstiOW:Mer
Nis the greatest remedy in the world for all bodily
enes aria' mans
kr which ad external remedy may be used.
,25c end 50c.
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'Minas .110111151t Nes 'Calk etc;
ere ; "Wier. Mr. Vesmond.
id you go to the dining -room be-
fore you greeted the litriteFS?"
Peiannaud "We"41. the Inostess wiU
hut the refreshment...7 .seenned to
be getting away."
For Over Sixty Year*
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6V,114!""' (144* 1.14"n1111. da'' tid
Om World. lia J'ar• a4,4
ttiutatf?;,tAriPiotletgivra4S..eethee tent toe*
ut ter"etia. Wit.10.01: tioevuee 8vour.
Sure Rentikitora-nlaudrake and dati
damn ore known to exert powerful far
flume on the Wee mid ladneye, reetor-
ng them to healthful aeon, Indoeitng a
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lug to the organs complete power to per.
form their functions. The..e vainal la in-
credients enter into the composition of
Parnichke's Vegetable Pali, and serve to
render them tau agreettila and saint:try
medieine they are. Titere are 10%Y
effective as they in their action.
"So you've refused my brother
Dick V' "Yes, be Inol the audacity
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ed 'Ring off.'
Dear Sirs. -Your MINARD'S LINT -
MINT is our remedy for sore throat,
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Port. Ilulgrave,
"I hate to bother you, pa," said
the small boy home for the holidays,
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"Well, what?" "How it is that
baby lish don't get drowned before
they've learned to swim."
We are getting them, iota of them. 'When no
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Thaes onr patmt pn•urnatic pad Trues. It lava
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